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This shit gets me hype for the day


Your fortune: Better not tell you now
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He's proud that his son finished the story
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This is what does it for me

Taco Bell a blunt and Spanish musix blasting. What are u the Bodega I frequent lol
No that don't add up... Real spics go to el pilon and get oxtails on top of rice
This is what gets my le edgy and dark soul going:
Lol close, I'm eeting a breakfast burrito from braums(tm)
me "hype" music
and anything similar
[Saturn - John Coltrane]
desire to scream and hit things

Your fortune: Godly Luck
Catfish what's the difference between a bodega and a convenience store? Is it just something New Yorkers say to remind themselves they're from New York in case they forgot or are they actually distinct things?
It is actually a wine cellar, we here in Murica just bastardized it.
All I know is apparently some of them covertly sell illicit narcotics. I don't remember where I heard that but a brief Google search tells me it's not just an urban legend.
Bodegas are really small and sell loose cigarettes(illegal in NY) they sell a shit load of blunts and wraps. They have good shit like Mrs freshly honeybuns, off brand food. Drinks like Calypso and those barrel shaped juices you gotta punch the top off. Also unlike many convinience stores they make their own food like chop cheese,.subs, burgers etc

Also there will be like 5 niggas out front who say "u good?" Or "I got that loud"
Not gonna lie I had to look up what chopped cheese is. I assumed it was just cheese that people buy and eat walking down the street from a paper wrapping or something. Only tangentially related but I went to a convenience store that had lots of Asian imported items recently and they had soda cans with anime characters on them and all kinds of weird candies which was cool. I don't like to eat or drink processed sugar so I didn't try them but it was a lot of fun to see it all.
We had an Asian market near us as a kid they had like yogurt drinks and gimmicky candy I liked the grape candy balls

Then we had an Asian equivalent of a dollar store called 99 cent city and they sold bootleg yugioh cards and weird Asian toys was a bit of a culture shock really
Damn it you just made me realize I wish I'd thought of getting some exotic little trinket or tchotchke while I was there as a souvenir. The time before last I was in the big city I got a sleeping pig thing which apparently is good luck in China or something. There is one of those stores where I live so I'll have to go there next time I'm in the area and look at the unusual foods like paper thin slices of marbled beef they sell. I really want to get some durian too but I'm pretty sure they only stock it freeze dried since it smells too bad to ship fresh.
You know normally I'm asocial and prefer the dark but seeing the bustling city and sun on my face made me feel better
Unf sweaty black titties glistening and bouncing lawwwd have mercy
please post photograps
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Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
thinking about bumping this thread on end
asuka is my thinspo
me too bby
walk in see this

Your fortune: Outlook good
thinking about doing it

Your fortune: Good Luck
I unironically am took a molly and it's hitting me on. The bus and I'm sweating sooo bad omfg

Sneaksrinkin vodka ronsrst cool but duxhhh
Sneak drink coska on the bus to stay cool**
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Ok I'm FUCKED up



Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
Bro I useed all my lllife energy to cross the street and not sieee
I'm rubbing my feet it feeeels like I'm cumming loll
Hollly duxk this can't be happening ooouuhdjjfjf


Arslr r
Auu I got the drips nkew I'm playing with my ribcage it feels so inviting k..
Stop recommend me this shit wtff wrong with u


Ok now it feels like .y shoulders are melting I should lie down
and I know I'm dead before my time
K schizo. You're not funny OR endearing btw
you're an unfunny redditor nigger who's not endearing and you are a cancerous unfunny boring redditor nigger that doesn't belong on this board? that's quite the case nigger LOL
Who's that tranny who makes the dumb ahegao faces anyone know?
Maybe I'm coping for being a pervert but DAMN this bitch can dance


She's gonna end up in some chaebol harem if she keeps this up lmaooo
I'm at lunch dreadfully bored n reading about Bonham and he aspirated after 1.4 liters of vodka over 24 hours. Scarier still is I got him beat... I've done 1.75 in like 14 hours. But he was skinny so

Damn. What a loss.


Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
looking over
just post the bodegas from your last visit man
she loves cock, that asuker
asuker romping playfully riding a cock
asuker sure loves the sex
asuker it's me talk to me please
asuka please talk to me
asuka you love being alone with boys don't you baby you whore you like cock don't you
asuka you Randy girl you love cocks you ride them all day long
Kill yourself unfunny schizo faggot
kill yourself unfunny cancerous redditor virgin nigger schizo faggot LOL kys kys kys nigger kys redditor nigger pol-tard fag I'm raping your nigger mothers anus and shitting down your nigger sisters throat LOL kys kys kys kys unfunny cancerous redditor nigger faggot kys kys boring loser LOL kys kys kys kys
So yea anyway I'm getting a replacement ID. Only issue? Takes two fuckin week.. two weeks I can't door dash booze!!! Well the stores don't card me but aooougghhh
so what are some of the reasons you consume alcohol if it's not yummy AND it has no effect on you then what's the point
It does have an effect on me you spammy retard. Just need lots of it.
did you just call me spammy
what did you just call me
i love u so much
imagine her farting

Your fortune: Godly Luck
Did the kettle just really? lole

Your fortune: Bad Luck
xd I like u too friend-brother ;) merry Saturday to you
where i come from, we face our enemy; and if our enemy is unarmed – we offer them a SWORD
ohhhh so the kettlel called someone else tar
asuka you love sex so much please swing down my cock
say asuka want me to plough you
I have a lot of times
I will do it again
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God what would her farts smell like

Your fortune: Bad Luck
why do zoomers say hype instead of hyped and bias instead of biased
Tf u asking? Zoomers are unironically the worst generation ever and it's not their fault it's due to societal decay. Never seen such people act above their station, opinionated yet not learned, acting deserving of things yet not earned.

Shits whack.
Gen A is already starting to put them to shame.
but what is she reading?
Gen A is the gen after Zoomers, and they are even less adjusted is what I am saying.
hey catfish
Stfu retarded schizo loser
stfu retarded schizo faggot loser redditor nigger LOL kys kys kys kys nigger
asuker let me touch you please I'm begging you
when is the next seal cgi kids movie thread
i hate face sitting female on male, but i'd love to do face sitting male-on-female
asuka loves cock
siouxsie and the bamshees
tk gets to dump porn because he's a mod that should kill himself
pretty sure it is because he is always in a different truck stop literally every night and thus has a different truck stop IP every time and they can't ban him because of it.
welp, asuker loves having sex
at least two good threads have disappeared overnight
asuka baby you love the cock
mah name jeff
>>11490303wiillie I..
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Shut the FUCK up
you should get drunk before you talk to me
Ok I'll work on it

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
Ok I'm working on getting drunk it'll be awhile the amount it takes me to get drunk is fatal to most xF

Oh mein gott... Ooooii das embarrassing O_O
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Your fortune: Average Luck
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Ok I'm buzzed does rhat count


In fact... I may need to piss!

Your fortune: Bad Luck
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K so done bumping this thread then? You Moooron

Your fortune: Godly Luck
Tiny pathetic little boy ass
Let the lad be as he is. we'd still have munch if you could be less of an asshole.
you are a father figure AAAAAAA that's so cute ^^
sorry couldn't hear you
Stfu retard
stfu you braindead redditor nigger loser LOL stfu stfu kys kys kys kys kys nigger LOL
hullo squire :P
Munch liked me :P
yeah asuka you love sex don't ya baby you crave cock
oh yeah? is that what you're saying?
yeah well asuker loves being alone with boys
Sniffs this thread
so.. yellow red bull??
well tonight out on the streets
I know it's coming down
so I walk, I walk alone
I ask no quarter friend
yellow red bull
pavement like no other
expand on that now will you
Ok well
Love ya catfish. Thanks for sticking around.
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Good timing cu I got an update
Damn I got a piss stain on my jeans
I didn't piss myself just sometimes when I put it away it keeps going
That guy sounds so fucking based
I'm not lying black women are my soul mates they're so fucking cool
Done with goofy white bitches
Omg I'm gonna pißsssssssssss
You are the problem
mouth is weeping
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kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys! kys faggot! kys u ugly crud! lol ! just kys and stop posting already!
you just posted poorly drawn disgusting cringe, you must be projecting. I bet those things don't even have cute panties and delicious german brapps like Asuka.
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pedo freak and a dumb male ape nigger! obviously! kys kys kys kys kys kys nobody cares about ur nigger fetish u gross freak lol! kys kys kys !
just raped your nigger mother and took a dump on your nigger mom's mug LOL kys kys kys kys redditor nigger virgin LOL kys kys
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lol nigger just raped your nigger mother and took a dump on your nigger mom's mug LOL kys kys kys kys redditor nigger virgin LOL kys kys dumb pathetic faggot lol!
dumb nigger i pissed and shat on your mother's face and she loved it, she loved every bit of my waste cus she's a perverted freak just like you are dumb nigger!
keep gooning to bbc hypno u weirdo! you're disgusting and so FUCKING GREASY and SMELLY that your gross smell pulverizes my olfactory systems and SLOWLY destroys them that's how GROSS and UNWANTED you nigger are! kys kys kys kys kys kys just kys already!
nigger pol-tard redditor fag LOL
lol nigger just raped your nigger mother and took a dump on your nigger mom's mug LOL kys kys kys kys redditor nigger virgin LOL kys kys dumb pathetic faggot lol!
dumb nigger i pissed and shat on your mother's face and she loved it, she loved every bit of my waste cus she's a perverted freak just like you are dumb nigger!
keep gooning to bbc hypno u weirdo! you're disgusting and so FUCKING GREASY and SMELLY that your gross smell pulverizes my olfactory systems and SLOWLY destroys them that's how GROSS and UNWANTED you nigger are! kys kys kys kys kys kys just kys already!
asking again:

why do zoomers say hype instead of hyped and bias instead of biased
i like this art <3
don't ever utter that stupid word. don't say 'zoomer' ever
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nigger pol-tard redditor fag LOL kys kys kys dumb faggot nigger you eat your own feces as breakfast dumb pathetic faggot! you're so disgusting and putrid lol! seriously die! die and kys kys and die die and kys kys and die! nigger lol!
lol nigger just raped your nigger mother and took a dump on your nigger mom's mug LOL kys kys kys kys redditor nigger virgin LOL kys kys dumb pathetic faggot lol!
dumb nigger i pissed and shat on your mother's face and she loved it, she loved every bit of my waste cus she's a perverted freak just like you are dumb nigger!
keep gooning to bbc hypno u weirdo! you're disgusting and so FUCKING GREASY and SMELLY that your gross smell pulverizes my olfactory systems and SLOWLY destroys them that's how GROSS and UNWANTED you nigger are! kys kys kys kys kys kys just kys already!
poltard redditor nigger cancerous ape
nigger pol-tard redditor fag LOL kys kys kys dumb faggot nigger you eat your own feces as breakfast dumb pathetic faggot! you're so disgusting and putrid lol! seriously die! die and kys kys and die die and kys kys and die! nigger lol!
lol nigger just raped your nigger mother and took a dump on your nigger mom's mug LOL kys kys kys kys redditor nigger virgin LOL kys kys dumb pathetic faggot lol!
dumb nigger i pissed and shat on your mother's face and she loved it, she loved every bit of my waste cus she's a perverted freak just like you are dumb nigger!
keep gooning to bbc hypno u weirdo! you're disgusting and so FUCKING GREASY and SMELLY that your gross smell pulverizes my olfactory systems and SLOWLY destroys them that's how GROSS and UNWANTED you nigger are! kys kys kys kys kys kys just kys already!
poltard redditor nigger cancerous ape and a dense faggot bitch! lmao! you are embarrassing yourself with your nigger additions! you're worthless and nobody ever cared about you lmao! die out nigger! kys kys kys
nigger pol-tard redditor fag LOL kys kys kys dumb faggot nigger you eat your own feces as breakfast dumb pathetic faggot! you're so disgusting and putrid lol! seriously die! die and kys kys and die die and kys kys and die! nigger lol!
lol nigger just raped your nigger mother and took a dump on your nigger mom's mug LOL kys kys kys kys redditor nigger virgin LOL kys kys dumb pathetic faggot lol!
dumb nigger i pissed and shat on your mother's face and she loved it, she loved every bit of my waste cus she's a perverted freak just like you are dumb nigger!
keep gooning to bbc hypno u weirdo! you're disgusting and so FUCKING GREASY and SMELLY that your gross smell pulverizes my olfactory systems and SLOWLY destroys them that's how GROSS and UNWANTED you nigger are! kys kys kys kys kys kys just kys already!
I wish more people would stay on topic like this.

Sigh...I can't believe you're so excited about my farts...
You're an irredeemable pervert! You idiot Shinji!
M not into farts but if asuka talked to me like that...
you are a redditor poltard nigger
poltard redditor nigger cancerous ape and a dense faggot bitch! lmao! you are embarrassing yourself with your nigger additions! you're worthless and nobody ever cared about you lmao! die out nigger! kys kys kys
nigger pol-tard redditor fag LOL kys kys kys dumb faggot nigger you eat your own feces as breakfast dumb pathetic faggot! you're so disgusting and putrid lol! seriously die! die and kys kys and die die and kys kys and die! nigger lol!
lol nigger just raped your nigger mother and took a dump on your nigger mom's mug LOL kys kys kys kys redditor nigger virgin LOL kys kys dumb pathetic faggot lol!
dumb nigger i pissed and shat on your mother's face and she loved it, she loved every bit of my waste cus she's a perverted freak just like you are dumb nigger!
keep gooning to bbc hypno u weirdo! you're disgusting and so FUCKING GREASY and SMELLY that your gross smell pulverizes my olfactory systems and SLOWLY destroys them that's how GROSS and UNWANTED you nigger are! kys kys kys kys kys kys just kys already!
Omg all of you shut the FUCK UP
please don't swear
Sounds like a normal convenience store.
lost at the bottom of a candy bowl
asuka let me touch you please
Shut the fuck up nigger
raping your nigger mom now
asuka please let me push my cock inside you
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e n o u g h
kill yourself like legit kys kys kys kys holy fuck! you're a burden to the society and you will never be loved, you are a dumb poltard redditor nigger faggot lol
you're such a waste of oxygen! god please just kys kys kys already u dumb spastic abomination! none loved you, your mother upon seeing you after your birth just said "oh i made a tragic mistake" that's how fucking pathetic and retarded your life and YOU are dumb nigger!
kill yourself dumb faggot just kys kys kys kys! poltard faggot!!!!! XDDDDXDXXDDXDXDXDXDXDXXDXDDXD
I just envision some autist soyjak poster cackling like a down syndrome child as he posts this on a board 7 people use

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
what's that now?
what are you saying
True but he has a point tho

Your fortune: Bad Luck
sluggish board
Just raped you nigger mother and took a huge dump in her mouth lole!
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lmfao thats VILE
Just raped you nigger mother and took a huge dump in her mouth lole! I'm raping your nigger sister as we speak and tearing her nigger asshole apart while her anus is bleeding lole!
asuka you love having sex with boys don't you? you moan in a very sweet and tender way
asuka loves sex
she does
asuka let me push my giant cock up your tight pussu
hey man he bound
asuka enjoys having sex with men doesn't she
Ok so anyway
I would like engage in sexual intercourse with Asuka. I would like to ejaculate into her vagina.
asuka loves bareback sex
asukaseoussy pussy is so tight she loves cock
i have nebver seen a red haired german before or a german called langley so i'm thinking that germany wanted to get rid of her but will we find out who her EVA was a clone of? thats importanrt i forgot
the nazis did win they lead a full global insurrection, killed their figurehead and said it was all finished and wrote the history curriculum.
the nazis "not" winning is
part of the NWO and one true religion agendas
it all goes back to jewish bankers (actually its arab royalty, actually it was everybodies royalty)
musljims were much more relevant to us before the wars in the 1900s
how to abuse female menstrual cycle to tell when they're the horniest
yes crude humor those posts are both me and i told you already its when she can see you masturbating while you are looking at her and you get bonus points for not going too fast
“Yeah”? What do you mean “yeah”?
hey. were you looking to ask me a question?
no that's not crude that's someone else. there's no name attached to the post
unironically if people don't take your advice literally and instead realize that women need to feel that you want them, meaning whenever you look them in the eye it has to be a special, affectionate and aroused look, then they will fare pretty well in life because that information is correct. it really is true that you need to confidently demonstrate your desire to do her while you're communicating. don't stay neutral or shy
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Can you imagine?

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
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Your fortune: Bad Luck

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