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Hi there, ladies and gentlemen.
I recently started working on an update to a certain totally not /mlp/ related radio station.
Turns out, the new system can run more than a single stream. Figured why not have some fun.

I want (You)
>YES, (You)!
to become a radio DJ for the station! Only if you want, that is.

>What does that entail?
Upload some music to the server, add it to a playlist and have me schedule it to play.
You can also have live broadcasts if you want to have something podcast like or want to do live DJ mixing.
We can schedule those in. Maybe some bogus newscasts might be funny
>I don't want to be a DJ, faggot
Maybe help come up with a better name than /mlpfm/ or a logo or some shit if you want.
Or maybe discuss in here what you want to hear/see out of it.
>How do I contact you?
In this thread. Drop an E-Mail if you want to take part in this
Or send one to pon3cast@pony.horse
just a little curious, squashsoup@protonmail.com
do you accept travelers checks?
do I accept what?
Not sure if I'd have the chops to do...anything related to running a radio station. Especially not a fandom one. Most of my pone music tastes have stagnated as far back as 2014, and a lot of stuff I just don't remember the name of. I don't have any art skills and my voice sucks.
I wish you luck though, I know I would enjoy tuning in at least.
Sounds sexy, I can alternate between that and horse.radio because horse is 70% dogshit these days

Can we do ALL the pony zones? Also can we do tons of songs by well known board musicians like Vultraz and BGM?
sexy sexy swibble ears pierced unfa sex necklace sex cum sex bedroom eyes rapefuel
this actually sounds like a great idea so i'll give you some free advice: don't call yourself radioanon. that's a name others will give you, NEVER something you give yourself. otherwise you look like an offboarder. Don't call yourself that ever again.
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Working as intended, I see.
so I can make one of those DJ mix sets with pony songs, right?
Doesn't have to be pony music. Upload whatever you think people would enjoy and playlist it together.
If you sign up as a DJ, whatever you want to put in is fair game as long as it is at least somewhat decent quality and not entirely dogshit.
Memes should be fine
Pal, I've been using the board for years. I call myself radio anon so people actually know who to reply to. Which is what you use names for in a thread, may I add.
I could have just gone with OP too, if you preferred, or tripped.
Not that it is much of a secret of who I am
Damn right you can
>no argument
Ok, faggot
I hope this takes off, horse radio is... fine but there's so much crap I wish it didn't play.
I am a radio host and sent you an email anon :)
Sent you both an email

Still accepting more people, obviously!
>Damn right you can
I was really hoping something like this would happen again after Woot went nuclear. As long as you guys aren't turbospergs it should be a fun listen.
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*vinyl scratch sound*
>*Thunder followed by Nightmare Moon laughing*
>*piano falls on Twilight*
>*elements of harmony BTFOing Nightmare Moon*
>*It needs to be about 20% Cooler*
>*Rarity crying*
>*Discord by The Living Tombstone starts playing*
If you can get this as a jingle mp3 fot me I'll add it
>Doesn't have to be pony music, whatever you want to put in is fair game
Ok good, my sources aren't limited to just pony music, I can add some good shit too
Nice we can always use more pony music radio stations. I hope you guys play classical music at night. I miss falling asleep to luna radio.
Depends on when night is.
I would be down to schedule classical (pony) music. You got some?
NTA but this amused me
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That is going in immediately, thank you anon
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No Pinkie Pie?
I got a torrent of some luna radio tracks. I haven't checked it in depth, but there's 6,43gb of tracks some dude in some luna radio discord compiled, i now got on my file server.

I was really into getting Luna Radio resurrected, but life and priorities happened.
Pinkie was busy, Hitler.
Update on the station: 3 people have messaged me and are added as DJs.
The station is currently online with a VERY limited selection of music that hopefully expands soon
Branding still sucks, if you guys have anything to make it look better, hit me up

Stream is going to be available under
>https://mlpfm.pony.horse:8020/radio.mp3 (if you want a direct URL to the stream)
Does the music have to be pony themed?
See >>41026561
By the way, if ANY thread wishes to make radio ads or jingles (representing themselves or pony products) to play on the station, send them to me and I'll drop them in
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I know /a/ has their r/a/dio and I think [s4s] has their own radio, any other boards have anything similar?
could i reqoust radio anon remove the song "Mommy's Soothing Lullaby" its not the fucking song i want to hear when masturbating to ponies or ever
Yeah wasn't a fan of that either. I took it out
This really is a mixed bag of tunes. Where hell did you get this pile from.
It's /mlp/'s >No fun allowed charity album from years ago.
Was something /mlp/ telated I had on hand at this moment until people are going to feed in actual music to play
what the fuck are half these songs? is this a prank
>I miss falling asleep to luna radio.
>I was really into getting Luna Radio resurrected, but life and priorities happened.
Guess who's back? Back again.
Just really not sure how I feel about Ponyville fm's takeover. whenever approached about it, being dismissive and very untransparent about it all. At least from my outside view.
Centralization under their umbrella rubs me the wrong way.
Fuck yeah, just in time to go sit outside on a cool spring night and read horse words next to the fire pit.
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this is really cool. but like 90% of pony music is generic edm that has no pony connection except for albulm art. but you lose that with the radio format. i really though always wanted a live radio thing. where multiple shows would happen and music inbetween and what not. we even had a show on everfree radio for a bit, before getting kicked off for being too edgey. it makes me nostalgic. wish radio wasnt dead.
You know that I'm totally down to having live shows be part of this, right?
oh i get that. it would be sick. would remind me of the good ol days of 2012. is this under ponyvilefm? seems theres 17 people listening live on a Wednesday night. so thats not bad.
Why not do a twitch stream? You can have album art and stuff on. There are tons of music twitch channels.
Waste of bandwidth, going to a video streaming platform, and all the deepfried bullshit they include, just for music.
Pointless as it's the music that's the focus, put on a winamp visualizer if you need more stimulation.
Not under the boot of Amazon and can do whatever and present it how ever we feel like.
Public page for the radio does display track and cover art, just fyi
It's my own thing. Nobody telling me what I can and can't do.
i was just joshing about the generic edm thing. twitch is cool, minus the ads. but the whole point is one unified radio channel with everyone.
So... were there no interest in the pile of tracks I offered in >>41028252? I'll just sit keep sitting on them regardless.
Oh there absolutely is.
I was thinking you'd send an email
I was just waiting for a cue. Hope this isn't too cumbersome,
Splendid. Now I just need to figure out how to get that onto the radio server without too much of a hassle
I was considering packing it into a zip for you, but then It would use double the space, and I like keeping the loose files for other nerds that might want to browse.
Then it struck me I could just give you the magnet link. hah.
I absolutely love wget like you wouldn't believe.
Downloading your music right now to get it imported, anon
Good style! Just wasn't sure what could traverse an nginx autoindex.
Little bit of a setback right now, my system just keeps locking up for some inexplicable reason.
Working on getting that resolved
>drive failure on the VPS system
holy shit my sides, can't even download the fucking backups fuck
is it dead already? I click the link but appears to be broken.
What the hell are these chumps you were hosting at?
No fucking clue. Trying to do Disk I/O just locks up the system. Can't even pull the backups like this
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Thanks to AUTISM (I am autistic) I managed to pull the auto backup file. Should make resetting the entire thing much more bareable
woah we had no clue that you might possibly be autistic
i didn't know...
Yeah, the server's disk seems completely and utterly shot. Not even an OS reinstall is working. Already got in contact with my VPS provider avout it, BUT I have the backup file on my 2nd server after messing around with a shit for hours so once I got a stable host again I hope to get the station set up very quickly again.
if https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weZqmNTmLaM isnt on the fucking radio when its back up i will throw a fucking fit
From what I can see, it wasn’t exactly a takeover. The original Luna Radio team just stopped one day and let the site go into disuse. Fans have been asking for Luna Radio to make a return since then. I guess that prompted PVFM to eventually resurrect it by taking the playlist and playing that. It’s not so much a takeover since the original team isn’t even around anyway.
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links don't work.
Read the thread. Server disk died completely and is currently being re-setup
bumping thread to say I've been listening to hyperdrama nonstop and might add a few tracks from it into my dj sets
Restore is going on rn
You should now be able to listen again. I am also in the process of importing the entire lunafm library from >>41030343, so that is going to make up most of the music for now
Ah yes a new radio thread maybe I’ll finally be able to track down the source of this one song that’s been eluding me
just started adding some songs on my part, one of which just started playing as I'm typing this lol
> not limited to pony music

Then what is the fucking point exactly?
I will handle that via scheduling.
I'll make sure that pony music is what is scheduled most of the time and have a couple drops of other music at specific time slots
What kind of studio do you have anon?
A shitty desk and a shitty server on the web
Your radio doesn't have every pony song ever fucking made including that one specific, obscure one from 2013 with 200 views which I want to hear? KILL YOURSELF OP
Why it sometimes stops and doesn't work until reloading the page
I get that both here and on horse radio when using firefox.

Also the mlp plays album thing is so deep fried what the fuck. Either it's a giant meme, it's just bad or it's some horror shit.
I've tried firefox, firefox andorid and chorme but horse radio only stops on mobile.
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Shoulda been quicker
Mare tunes
so do we just upload non-pony music into a specific folder and leave it for you to schedule?
Would appreciate that. Although I am down to work out a schedule together.
Just put them into a different playlist from your main one, you can have as many playlists as you want
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Goddamn, anon that's awesome!
wouldn't it still be added to the queue either way if I add it into a separate playlist?
A separate playlist allows me to schedule it to only play during specific time frames.
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So like this then? I have the non-pony playlist disabled for you to schedule.
exactly, thanks ponkafren!
Glad to have a new radio station to blast out of my car, I've been doing a lot of driving recently, and while horse radio has a lot of bangers, it's got a quite a few that grate on me. And it's got pony zone, which I'm not nearly shameless or autistic enough to keep playing at full volume when I'm going through towns.

fuck that chorus is just engrained in my head
Hahah, that's hilarious anon!

Anyways the radio station is working for all of you guys right? I think the playlist at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88_U32dKr2Y&list=PLu4wnki9NI_8VmJ7Qz_byhKwCquXcy6u9&index=31 will work fine!
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You could add a 302 redirect from mlpfm.pony.horse to the /public/mlpfm path, for convenience. I like that it shows previous tracks, but the sheer soul of shoutcast on radio.horse is difficult to match. Listened a bit to yours, then tracks went dubstep so I stopped, will tune in again tomorrow at work. Thanks for putting another pony thing on da interwebz.
The 302 is a good idea, imma look into that.
Horse.radio runs on icecast. So does /mlpfm/ btw. Hell, if you guys got some assets I can style the /mlpfm/ site to look like whatever I/you want it to.
As for the dubstep, maybe I should try sorting by genre, although that is probably gonna be a pain in the arse
mlpfim.pony.horse now properly directs to the public page
Check it again
it says the domain is parked
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anon made a typo - mlpfm.pony.horse has the good redirect. Also anon, why would you have your registrar use wildcard on nonexistent subdomains to redirect to almost a "lol the owner stopped paying us" webpage?
Because that is what my registrar does. I can't change that unless I register every subdomain.
Why do I use this registrar? Because I have used them for over a decade and I really don't wanna bother moving all my domains (as well as my email systems that I tied to it, etc)
I'll take having it say "domain parked" when someone (me) typos my domain instead of having to mess with email
What an ugly oc bump
Not sure what's on the playlist now but it needs sim gretinas princess of the night stupid remix
Oh yeah, and while you're new buy a nice domain without all the fluff. Horse.radio is nice and easy to remember so go for something like that without the subdomains.
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Lovely. Tunes to repair my car with
I will be blasting this station at full volume in my car while driving to work
How do I find this station?
Is it on AM/FM or shortwave? And how far does it broadcast?

I see people mentioning weird website stuff, but how is a website related to radio? Do people unironically call something like Spotify “radio”?
Do you need help getting home, grandpa?
>refuses to explain anything
>calls me out of date

nigger, radio stations still exist, and will for decades to come. Why is this called a "radio station" if its just a internet stream?

Regardless, the OP has laughably little info on how to connect/hear the "station" he's providing. And only has his email to contact him.
Are you retarded?
First of all
Second, read the thread, the links were already posted.
>proves my point further by linking to "internet radio" which just says that the medium is a internet stream that runs off of someones server

I think you're the retarded one, but regardless the OP should've made a guide for connecting to his stream, especially when in something like a vehicle, since you'd probably have to use cell data.
>Maybe help come up with a better name than /mlpfm/ or a logo or some shit if you want.
How about "Radio Free Equestria"?
>I think you're the retarded one
No, it's definitely you and that post just proved it further. Are you also confused by the term cotton candy since it doesn't have literal cotton in it?
Beautiful. This better play at the beginning of every broadcast.
>still not even realizing he is wrong.

Internet RADIO and a Internet STREAM are the same things, and calling it internet "radio" is a misnomer because it doesn't actually use designated FCC broadcast channels, and instead is transmitted through Ethernet and 4G/5G.
Go complain about that to the guy who came up with the term in fucking 1993, after which it became an accepted way to refer to these things, even if it's not LITERALLY radio.
Nowadays everyone knows what is meant when someone says internet radio station, except you apparently.
A radio station is basically just a stream of music that is managed by a DJ/station operator. A webradio is the same thing, a radio operator controlling what music is being played but instead of running over AM/FM (and only being broadcast in a certain area) you can listen to it anywhere on the world via the internet.
Most AM/FM stations nowadays broadcast to a web stream as well, since it is 1.) more reliable, 2.) higher quality, 3.) basically has no downsides, 4.) extends their reach
The station was in the middle of setup when I made it. It is now reachable under
>no gorrilaz
>not a single fucking song

do I have to reach out to give you the .m4a files and .mp4 files? Any rules on hosting a "music video" version of a song? Since I personally think 19-2000 sounds better with the music video noises compared to the record single.
That was an early series in the fandom: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC7E8DF3EFA999E46
No one’s stopping anyone from using that name though.
page 10 wtf
we can't die like this bros
I'm a bit intrested in doing a show, like you talked about. idk when, but i think it would be fun, what would that look like? also can the player show viewers? maybe it would be on the host anyway to take song request from the audience?
>41047339 and so on
Imagine bitching this hard about utterly pointless semantics no one else have any issue with or give a flying fuck about. Way to waste peoples bandwidth and contribute absolutely nothing. Don't be this guy, kids.

Anyway, back to poner tunes, as I have breakfast.
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WHy dont we have more stuff like this?
As long as you convert it to mp3 I don't mind
>can the player show viewers
what exactly do you mean? You ARE able to see viewer count if that is what you want to know. And the system already has an integrated way for people to ask for songs. You could also run a show by connecting to an icecast server (with any kind of local webradio software) or by using the web DJ panel
Had a couple people email me about doing live shows. So that'll be cool.
Still hoping for jingles/ads for other threads to drop in as well.
Any maybe a cooler bsckground for the station's page.
glad I finally checked into this thread, seems like a neat project. Might put together a little 15 second station callsign filler thing
like what, I personally don't like the pornographic songs the last time I tuned in
t. prude i guess :'(
I can follow that. Sometimes when I feel like playing the best our lovely fandom has to offer to outsiders, I briefly consider horse radio, until i remember ponyzone plays on it.

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