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This is the general thread for the alternative fan sites of the My Little Pony fandom. Discussion, development suggestions, and criticisms are all welcome here.

if no one else does it edition

>Why alternate boorus?
Recent changes to Derpibooru have made the site a less than ideal location for pony fan art. So, several new boorus have arisen to provide alternatives. Many of the altbooru owners post in thread and listen to questions and comments from anons. Note that this is NOT the Derpibooru drama general. Please keep posts about Derpibooru in the thread on mlpg.co.

>Why alternate text sites?
Pastebin.com has deleted, and continues to delete, greentexts on the site. FimFiction does not allow stories in the greentext format, so a new home is needed.

Overview: altboorus.org
>General purpose boorus
twibooru.org by Twifag [!twifag.HOY] and Not Twifag/Floorb [!!H3PJaMJmY66]
ponybooru.org by ZizzyDizzyMC [!DizzyMC4pc]
ponerpics.org by Lotus [!!WYvH32WjaoR]
rainbooru.org by Raindev [!RaInbOWink] (dev MIA)

>Specialized boorus:
booru.foalcon.com by Pathos [!!arjIjTdCTdq] - Underage
lyrabooru.org - Hot glue

>Greentext sites
ponepaste.org managed by Not Twifag/Floorb
IAS (derpy.me/1yd6A) (Text search)

>Video sites

>File sharing
smutty.horse (frozen until further notice)

>Latest Developments:
-Anon releases searchable DNP list (derpy.me/mxM0C) (derpy.me/LSj5y)
-An anon is scraping pastebin links (derpy.me/zFWPk) (download green.zip)
-[Dead] Mediafire rip now available on IPFS (>>36440908)
-IAS Anon needs help seeding IPFS files (>>36700329)
-Reminder to backup Fimfiction (derpy.me/fPTg1)
-yuki.la likely dead, some other /mlp/ archives (>>36764936) (>>36764947) (and of course Desuarchive)
-yuki.la backup (>>>/t/1033260)
-Ponerpics gets a new dark theme (>>40265520)
-Ponemusic archive is dead, latest torrents (>>37005785)
-Poneb.in dump (>>37346011)
-Userscript to load GDrive resource keys (>>37536855)
-FimFic story filter (>>37512031)
-WiP userscript for offline "accounts" on Philomena (>>37705442)
-Twibooru still looking for help(?) (>>38113999)
-New Ponepaste dump >>38375740
-Old ponibooru.org database found (>>38882814) + beta v. of Ponibooru.org Restored (>>38872905)
-Search millions of images by MD5 or SHA1 hashes, as of 2022-08-07 (>>38927537 >>38947506)
-pony.tube (running PeerTube) updated to a newer software version (>>39172527)
-Someone is working on a new booru website, which should be cool (>>39189860)
-Missing pbooru.com images and maybe also web pages were found (>>39190286). Some users were going to share some files, but didn't yet
-Archiving stuff like old pastes
-List of alt boards https://ponepaste.org/8236
-Some scripts for scraping youtube comments
-smutty.horse still frozen until further notice?
-ponytube is on an old version, update in ???

Previous: >>40910778
>Latest Developments is not updated for like a year
Anon, at least put foalfetch in the op.
>Page 10 bump
Not the best start.
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I forgot to disable the paper layer.
The collar really sells the picture, kek.
https://ponepaste.org/dumps/ should be alive again. latest.tar.gz will always give you the most recent dump. Starting tomorrow there should also be xdelta3 dumps from the previous day to the current day every day.
BTW I'm not ignoring the Foalfetch logo designs, I love them, I just keep forgetting to say that. I should implement them as an option soon like discussed previously.
Page 10 bump
New search syntax was added to philomena
derpy.me gives 404 again
and before that it disabled https and forced http
not cool
That's the problem with shorteners. When they break, stuff gets wonky.
the site is a piece of unstable shit and I really need to migrate it to a server that doesn't die half the time
this never happened, I think you mean the certificate expired lol
>this never happened, I think you mean the certificate expired lol
If the certificate expired I would have an option to "continue at my own risk". HTTPS was simply switched off.
Thanks for caring about it nonetheless.
Two questions about the dumps:
Would it be possible to also get hashes for the files? Doesn't need to be cryptographic, just enough to verify the integrity after applying a patch.
Does latest.tar.gz respect the If-Modified-Since header and/or etags with If-None-Match? If not, how would one best setup an automatic mirror?
3 hours 11 minutes
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Looks like the list has been made private.

>source_count: integer
multisource on twibooru when, Bored?
>find images with the specified number of tags with the given category
Cool and all, but as far as I know, the only place where tags are officially categorized is in mod menu where you change it, which needless to say is not visible to the public. Guess it's going to be one of those undocumented features like source_url
The board has these fast phases now and then.
>Page 8 in 90 minutes
Okay, that's just bullshit.
For a tamed-down version, consider this.
Hashes have been added, in the {current_date}.sha1 file.
As for the other stuff - if nginx does it by default (which I am 90% sure it does,) then yes. Otherwise, probably not.
The archive is made every day at 0100 UTC, so checking every day at 0200 UTC is probably a wise option.
You okay there? I fear the daily idiocy on derpi must have fucked up your mind.
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Likely derpi mod. It's a way to detect channers via server log. Anyone who clicked would be branded with a scroll badge
No, it's just a link to a tag page that had a bunch of vandalism.
>Anyone who clicked would be branded with a scroll badge
>Implying I'd still use Derpi
Kek. Roflmao, even.
Here is a 985 page long tag change history for a single image.
Hey, I remember I was going to float something before all the drama started. Since one of Derpibooru's bans include emulating an artist's style with AI, should the boorus adopt a "style emulation: x" tag for ai images?

Dang. And I thought our vandals were bad.
Up again.
>Dang. And I thought our vandals were bad.
You know that its pretty easy to do this right? It takes only a few minutes.
That's a few minutes more than the average vandal seems to have.
Up the thread.
Small update on PonePaste:
An anonymous user discovered a small security/privacy issue in the site and reported it to me through a mutual friend. Thanks!
This issue was as follows:
On the archive page, if you had JavaScript disabled or view source on the page, and performed a server-side tag search, it was possible to see the title, author, and list of tags for any pastes on the site that matched the search, including private pastes. It would not have been possible to see the contents of private pastes, only the title/author/tags.
This was determined to have been due to a coding error on my part (specifically, I didn't fully understand how Illuminate worked and accidentally built an SQL query that looked along the lines of (psuedocode) `SELECT ... FROM pastes WHERE (paste_is_public AND title CONTAINS 'search query') OR tags CONTAINS 'search query';`, instead of the intended `SELECT ... FROM pastes WHERE paste_is_public AND (title CONTAINS 'search query' OR tags CONTAINS 'search query');`. The actual query is more complex due to using cross-table joins, this is just simplified.)
I fixed this today as soon as the report was provided and I was awake. The interested can find the fix here: https://github.com/Neetpone/ponepaste/compare/c42b22123eb82168a2366605506d7f0d63b8a99b..db316cd7ccf0dd918f9f034f67f48df83b4f070d#diff-889ed9d7c1fd989aeb992abed2d419606d867feda7b7c82d154ebbfcb78a9a64
Thanks for the heads up. Anything we should do as users, security wise?
Shouldn't affect any users at all unless you were storing personal information in the TITLES or TAGS of a private paste, in which case there's a small chance that information could be public... But then again, why would you do that to begin with? Stuff in the actual text of private pastes was never exposed.
I've contacted CNIL about this issue. You should talk to your legal counsel, publish a report and site notice, and send out notification emails to notify users about potential exposure.
Private pastes are a mistake. Unlisted ones too.
It's kinda a big deal if you write "Flurry Heart get RAPED!" fic, with "gore", "scat", "author-insert" tags, and your username is exposed, and your boss/dean knows your nickname...
Oh god I just got a call from the FBI, I'm going to Internet jail, it's been nice knowing you guys
How retarded do you have to be? In that case you kinda deserve it lmao. It's like the kid who got his paypal hacked because he used the same name and password on ponepaste when it got hacked years ago
>with a skirt like that, she was asking for it lol
Classic /mlp/
>fuck around
>find out
Any questions?
I mean, that green filly absolutely was, she was showing everything off... Unf~
>It's like the kid who got his paypal hacked because he used the same name and password on ponepaste when it got hacked years ago
That wasn't "some kid", that was datte, and it exposed the entire horse charity collection
It's probable he used the ponepaste hack as a cover to pocket most of the donations and was lucky nobody followed up.
Separate usernames and passwords for every site is basic internet safety.
Wait wait wait, hold the fuck up. He allegedly got hacked and then most of the money disappeared? Yeah y'all got scammed lmao, PayPal would have reversed that within a week if it was actually unauthorized.
>she should have altered her route back home every night, it's just basic irl safety
blue city cuck shit, we shouldnt be expecting crime to be the default just because crime is the first thing fucks like you want to do
>then most of the money disappeared
Nope, the stuff carried on as normal. Only his personal funds suffered. Why are you so gullible?
>Nope, the stuff carried on as normal. Only his personal funds suffered.
According to his and only his account. The only guy to suddenly come out saying he got "hacked". He showed a receipt for how much he gave to the horse charity, but nobody knows how much he actually got in donations.
>Why are you so gullible?
Ask yourself that.
Back to /qa/, nigger.
Something very common among scam victims is that they will defend the scammer even when it's obvious they've been had, because they cling onto some small amount of hope that maybe, just maybe, it wasn't a scam.
Diamond hands!
>He showed a receipt for how much he gave to the horse charity
Case closed.
>but nobody knows how much he actually got in donations.
Your whole argument rests on the "hacked" argument. You don't need to announce the hack if your conspiracy theory was true. It simply becomes redundant. You're just butthurt that /mlp/ actually does things, and yet your board doesn't.
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Datte wasn't a scammer, and yes he did donate to the charity as planned, the only losses were personal and IIRC he solved it. That's a bullshit made by antifa and manebooru goons.
The only person affected by the ponepaste security breach just so happened to be the one currently taking donations for a charity. An artist with an account for a writefag site we're meant to believe was stupid enough to use the same email and pass as for their paypal yet smart enough to manage a charity event with an irl beneficiary.
Sure ok, he totally gave all the money to the charity and didn't pocket as much as he could and use the leak as cover.
Everyone paying attention could see there was so much more being pledged than what he showed went through, he was just lucky nobody questioned him and had a ready mad excuse. Like >>41036064 said, no one wants to believe they got scammed.
>Why are you so gullible?
Is baitposting really what this thread has resorted to to keep itself afloat?
>your boss/dean knows your nickname
Fatal mistake. Every time.
WTF happened to Kemono? No new posts whatsoever since April 12th. Not even one.
Why are you asking here of all places?
No, it's just one guy trying to derail shit again. Remember, they love to sabotage the thread.
Speaking of the thread, up.
Ponerpics importer stuck? It doesn't seem to work again.
Not stopped, just slowed down on a block of deleted images.
Ah, I didn't notice.
Fast board is fast.
philomena repo has seen a lot of new commits recently
This is kinda uncomfortable to watch; it feels like they're draining the pissing out of me. Kind of the same feeling I had as a kid when watching one of my parents fill up the car with gasoline. Weird somehow.
What are you talking about?
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>Lyrabooru got spammed with 60 pages of furry porn
Looks like some autist is targeting altboorus again, eh?
So for FoalFetch, it can't search descriptions? Description searching's a good way to find shit given FiMfiction's stupidly-limited tag system (no fetish tags), so that'd be a great thing to have, at least parity with FiMfiction.
Also, what about chapter titles?
Page 10 save.
It seems to have returned again today. Mods aren't active enough it seems
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I have an idea: Enable a mode of browsing removing the tags related to artist or AI generated, but sticking with content and NSFW/anthro ratings only. That would eliminate a lot of bias in regards of quality or techniques avoiding bias regarding infamous artists or technologies, a neutral unbiased mode.
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Christ, that post reads is so autistic, I advise you to quit prompting for a few days.

I have a better idea, instead of importing from other boorus why not importing from the source directly, such as Twitter, Deviantart, FagAffinity, Inkbunny and such sites? Let's say according to tags in the fields, copying descriptions and more.
How hard would that be?
Is this AI wokeness? Motherfucker, go prompt some foalcon up and eat the tears of the haters.
Their ravenous hatred will make them turn it off so they can listen to tags and downvote. Not happening.
That's why you prompt adjacent stuff, put some context to link it together, and entice them to only spoiler. Then you bait them in for rage.
or i just don't give a shit, make what i want, and upload it if i feel it isn't shit
same way i do actual art
Nah man, make the implied foalcon and other stuff so good, the normies start wanting your foalcon. Become their guilty pleasure.
nah i'm good thanks
So is smutty.horse just dead?
Didn't it go into archive only mode a while ago?
That's basically means it's dead
Or kept in stasis.
Or a fossil.

I can't recall why they went read-only, was it getting flooded with CP? Is there any chance of smutty.horse coming back?
>was it getting flooded with
Yep. That was unfortunately one of the main reasons.
Just detect and block encrypted archives. And require JS-based captcha to upload. Done, you've defeated them. No need to overthink it.
Page 10 bump.

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