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>Spoonfeed me. What's this thread about?
This thread typically consists of Anon gone filly, as he's thrust into a new life as a cute little pony.

>What's to be expected?
Fillies, cuteness, Anon-tier shenanigans, bitchy Twilight, desires to be the little filly, etc..

>Any archive of photos or stories?
Dropbox (Photos):

>I'm a contributor.
Great! For writers, just notify ̶A̶l̶l̶ ̶N̶i̶g̶h̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶F̶g̶t̶ Lone15, so you can have your green added to the Doc. For artists, animators, or any other content makers, you can store your fillies in the Dropbox for future viewing pleasure.
Some especially based faggot also recently compiled nearly every filly image ever created, which you can check out here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AowOdwFzlbRk0FVZsRGRYe2hyKhzo2h3?usp=sharing
Assess how well you fit into the filly hivemind: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/personality-quiz/?group=-LdS-38NvfIG9PHPrYB8

>I don't like this thread because of reasons.
You'll never know how it is unless you try a dose of filly.
Old Mare: >>40894969
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You little green faggot.
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The filly is portable.
Very convenient.
upon being turned into anonfilly i think most people would try to be bitchy to play into it but quickly feel bad and give in
Being the filly:
Expectation: >>40980514
Reality: >>40980512
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YWN duel wield yourself. why live.
Not gonna lie. If I were to be willing to entertain a little faggot, I'd be a little rough. Them being a cute pony who isn't an innocent cute pony helps me not feel bad about being rough
I'd give filly so many noogies, it's unreal.
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>Page 10
The filly is dying.
There's already a thread for turning Anon into a pony. >>40921038
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filly table at babscon
I am pretty one of those immediately follows the other
Is it gay to be carried by a dude?
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Update when
>Not pictured: The tards on the wall
seems I also forgot to photograph those fillers
What's up with that bald filly on the right?
She had to get chemo :(
there's several lobotomy fillies
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Purple's silver hammer
Rest in pp, filly.
Never I'm guessing
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>I put on my robe and my wizard hat.
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Get the fuck off page 10, you fat filler
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me desu
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Animu filler
As soon as I figure out where to take the story.

I'm at a loss of what should happen, and nobody seems to have any serious suggestions.

Should Cozy Glow escape and do a new villain plan? I was thinking that maybe someone who had a loved one die because of her magic-stealing plan comes after her with a bunch of like-minded creatures, and Anon reveals he knew how to free Cozy the entire time, and does it so the two can escape her attackers.
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now post the uncensored version
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filly bauptism from draw thread
Imagine the stench
Take note: The more feminine Anonfilly is always more likely to get picked up.
Anonmare maid is so fucking hot
What kind of monster would let a cute little filly die?
We’re almost on page 10
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i like the way they look in this one
Give Anon an ulterior motive for freeing her
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any green where Twi isn't a cunt and a loving mom to Filly?
dunno, but I would read it.
I also wanted to write about Filly being adopted by a down on her luck Suri Polomare.
the two would do slightly villainous things together and grow closer over time...
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One of my favorite images
https://pastebin.com/vpcH3xAe and Lone15's main story, but only near the end where anonfilly gets teleported into an alternate dimension and gets to live with unicorn Twilight for a little while, this short takes place during that time period: https://pastebin.com/ywWuVBnV
I sort of have one.

Okay, so Anon's origins so far, while vague even to me is something like.

>Anon, as a human, was passingly familiar with MLP.
>He was probably a father who's daughter was into the show.
>Anon was also a con man and manipulator who did a lot of shit things, hence why Green Hornet's special talent is "making people ask questions."
>When Anon dies and ends up in the show his estranged daughter loved, he figured it was some sort of divine comedy, but decided to just roll with it and treat it as a second chance not to be a shit person.
>He didn't know Cozy Glow or the details of the later seasons, so he didn't know Cozy was meant to be a villain.
>From the first couple of seasons he did know the rought details off, the kind of shit that happens in the series finale would never make sense.
>Hence why he thinks that he somehow messed up the story through interacting with Cozy Glow.
>He figures he must have butterfly effected it to take away the happy ending.
>Now feeling responsible for Cozy's predictment, and ruining the world that was one of his daughter's only joys in life, Anon is determined to fix what he broke by helping Cozy and getting things back on track.

That's Anon's motive, fixing a problem he thinks he made because he can't believe that this is how things were supposed to go.

What other motives should there be?
Now, I'm imagining an Anon who dropped out after S2 that gets stuck in EqG and thinks (s)he has warped reality by arriving and desperately searches for magical artifacts that might be able to turn everyone back into ponies.
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I guess I have to write that one, then.
Smug fuck
I was thinking something along the lines of him coaxing Cozy to do something shifty for him by appealing to her penchant for mischief - something that requires her natural abilities of flight or crowd manipulation as an accomplice and that a normal pony would never agree to do.
but your idea works fine as well.
An Anonfilly getting dropped in EqG and desperately searching for the way to Equestria while being coddled by the law/everyone due to his little girl status would also be fun
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I love this whole series
>ywn cook for mares
Why am I bothering
So far, I'm thinking he keels over after watching ACW pt 2, and isekais into an EqG world. He croaked before EqG came out, so he thinks that his dying wish of going to Equestria ruined the world and turned everyone from colorful ponies into colorful humans. He arrives as a teen girl (because that's what EqG is all about) and, like any right-thinking person, this newly-christened "Anne Oni Moose" wants to live in a world filled with ponies, so (s)he has to find some magic way to restore the world.

Anon will be going around trying to convince people that they should actually be talking ponies and hopefully recruit the EqG-Mane-6. Getting the protagonists on your side means your quest will succeed, no matter what.
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Plunger can into cute simple poners, in relatable situations and he does it very well.
Anonfilly in the marine corps? I dont recall that green
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Plunger wasn't the only one involved.
I've had my art attributed to him before too
maybe I should start signing stuff like a faggot
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All art is plunger.
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Lewd filler
Holy God, holy Mighty, holy Immortal, have mercy on us.
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That's rude to meep.
>no meeping, 500 bit fine
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anon filly begome ordodox
Kyrie Eleison

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What the fuck even is this thread

Like do you people actually unironically want to be turned into a child cartoon pony so you can be fucked or "bred" by people from /mlp/ or you yourself fuck an /mlp/ user that has been turned into a little filly? Do you realize how ridiculous that is
This is by far the most degenerate general on /mlp/ I mean it combines fucking pedophilia, transformation, beastiality and/or xenophilia and whatever other fetshes you might have and Tbh I gagged a lil bit upon discovering this thread
Please consider psychiatric help and reevaluate your life of you unironically browse this general and look at anon filly pictures
here's your (you)
>5 days late
lazy bastard
love your content
Rip filly. She died like a hero in an uneven battle.

>Verification not required.
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Never surrender.
Even when you should.
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Part of a nutritious breakfast
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That delectable filly crunch.
It's so over
Do not crunch the fillies.
That's definitely illegal.
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what if i soak them in milk for a bit first
Milking the filly is legal.
Twilight made sure of that.
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if she stings me, does she...
Get arrested? Yeah, if they can catch her.
waspfilly WILL cut you
beefillies are cute and are bros. waspfillies exist just to be a total dickhead.
fuck, was filler a cute.
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Reminds me of chav Octavia.
>wasp filler acts like a chav too
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F for faggot, it really fits!
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jelly-bean-shaped motherfucker
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improved but jr didn't draw this
>Page 10
am sad pls post cute filli
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I legitimately can not believe that people STILL post this exact copy pasta with the exact same pic. How long has that meme been going for? It can't possibly still be funny to you can it?
Imagine not enjoying thread rituals
>Barges into the thread where few / no one is talking about fucking / getting fucked
>proudly proclaim that we’re all talking about anonfilly getting raped

Thanks for your invaluable input anon. Do you wanna add anything else or would you like to keep wasting everyone’s internet bandwidth?
I’ve realized that I’ve probably just fallen victim to an injoke and now I feel incredibly silly. Should’ve lurked more.
God I wish I got turned into a little green filly so I could get fucked in my tight little filly pussy.
God I wish I got turned into a little green filly so I could get tucked into my comfy little filly bed.
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I wish for Filly to pee in my mouth.
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>I built a hive outside your house. If I see you close by you're getting stabbed.
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>"Anon I love the amount of flowers in your garden, you can take part of my honey as a thanks"
filly on right exploran
Never trust
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beefillies are bros
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It's okay anon, you'll know one more way to not out yourself as a newfag next thread.
I say as I forget to clear my name field for several days. I want to be the filly and get fucked.
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qtqtqt but also evil
I would absolutely let her stab me to death. she is just so fucking cute. would fuck the shit out of her, OCO sorry for giga horny. but she makes dong expand
Hey I'm working on an anonfilly-themed bike, any suggestions on SFW Filly pics and graphics people would like to see on it?
I want to kiss anonfilly on fhe MOUTH
i didnt post that, but thank you
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my name is anonfilly and im here to say being a faggot is a okay
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some low effort filler
How does filler pay her taxes on zero income
I can't believe my fillies aren't paying taxes
What if filly is due a refund?
The princesses themselves swoop down from the heavens and snuggle her personally
brb heading off to do some tax fraud
Anonfilly tried to claim Twilight as a dependent. It's crazy.
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>the mini faggots have to suckle on the big faggot's teats
imagine the malnutrition
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wasp filler is ready to absolutely fuck some shit up
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I'm amazed we still don't have this with Twilight
Imagine stepping out into your backyard, and you see this asshole zig-zagging right next to you.
This is amazing, anon!
glad you like it!
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Who's supplying them with weapons
First of all nice digits czeched! Second
Well obviously it's the Germans as that is a S98 bayonet meant for the Gewehr 98.
>Ywn get in a bolt action rifle fire fight with picklehaube wearing wasp fillers cursing in german.
The billy is at peace
Look how happy billyfilly is.
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Someone booped filly too hard!
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some people don't know their own strength
f for filly
f is for many things
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this is not a filly this is a larva
No, that's an earlier stage. This is a nymph.

But "Anonymphmous" isn't as catchy as "billy" from "bug-filly".
I like that dithering shading
>page 10
Don't think I didn't notice her having bull milk in her cereal
Just noticed, where did she lose her tail?
i knew i forgor something...
Coatfilly gon eat the fuck out that flower
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That is all.
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Filly gonna get arrested for nonconsensual cuddles
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>You slump to the ground after being shoved against the swing’s pole, your shaking eyes meeting her cruel gaze.
>You are Nyx, and your sister had decided to make your life miserable today as usual.
>Anon blows a strand of her messy mane from her eye.
>”Hey nerd. you know what I want.”
>Your hooves tremble as you hug your saddlebag.
>It has your cutie mark’s design caringly embroidered on the front, you’d been given it as a gift before you were sent off to school.
>But that wasn’t Anon she cared about
“Y-you can’t! She made some for each of us! You have your own!”
>Anon chuckles before seemingly doing her best attempt at a pout.
>You instinctively cringe at the twisted expression.
>”Come on Nyxie, can’t you share some of Twilight’s lunch with your most favorite sister in the whole world? I’m positively starving! You wouldn’t want me to starve, would you?”
“B-But you-!”
>Anon grabs your shoulders, jamming her face as close to yours as she can, affixing you with a stare of such intensity that your neck dots itself with sweat.
>”Hey, I said I’m starving here. You don’t want me to starve to death, do you? You don’t want that, huh? I said i’m starving here. You wouldn’t want me to die, right? Hey, Nyxie, you don’t want to have to bury your beloved sister after telling Twilight that my death was entirely your fault, right?”
>She lightly shakes you.
>”I said i’m fucking starving here.”
>You let out a whimper as your vision starts to blur.
>Anon watches you wipe at your eyes with a trembling hoof before her lip twitches.
>Her stare breaks as she bursts into abrupt laughter.
>You despondently observe the other foals in the playground finally noticing your dilemma.
>”Hahaha! Oh man, I should have brought a camera, heheheh. Hey, hey, lighten up Nyxie! I’ll leave you a few crumbs, alright?”
>She pushes you against the pole again, effortlessly snatching the saddlebag from your grasp and turning around.
>You can only watch as she walks away.
>She always acts like this. Why? You didn’t understand the first time and you certainly didn’t now.
>You bitterly clench your eyes shut, hanging your head when you hear a
>You look up and see Anon tumbling on in the grass with Applebloom, a scowl on her usually stoic face
>They continue to roll around and make a racket, but it isn’t long before Applebloom takes hold of the saddlebag and jumps away from the other filly, holding it in triumph.
>Anon is quick to skitter to her hooves, shooting a hot glare her way.
>”What’s the big idea, moron!? Finally get tired of apples? Didn’t your hick family teach you not to steal?”
>Applebloom shakes her head.
>”Its not stealing if it ain’t yours,” she glares at Anon, “you can’t do that to Nyx! She hasn’t done anything to deserve it!”
>Anon scoffs, ”This is a family matter. Sod off, Applebloom.”
>The farmfilly huffs
>”I can’t just-“
>”aH cAiN’t JuS’…” Anon cuts her off.
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>Applebloom’s face twists into a furious scowl.
>Gritting her teeth, she scuffs the ground and snorts.
>”Y’all want to repeat that?!” she snaps.
>Anon’s smirk falters.
>She coughs and averts her eyes, covering her mouth with her hoof.
>”Chill out, jeez. I was just kiddin’ around, honest.”
>”As I was saying, I won’t tolerate none of this no more!”
>Applebloom trots over and places the bag at your hooves before turning to Anon, who watches with an expression of undisguised contempt.
>”Why are you jumping to the defense of this freak /now/? You all knew what was happening long before this, why butt in today?”
>”You’re not in any position to call anyone a freak. Just because I should’a done this a long time ago, doesn’t mean I shouldn’t do it now! She never even attempts to fight back, land’s sake. What’s your problem!”
>You rise to my hooves and nervously peer at the crowd the three of you have attracted.
>The rest of the foals at recess had dropped what they were doing and were all watching the spectacle.
>No matter how many times it happened, you could never get used to being the center of attention.
>You wanted to go home. You’d done your best to convince Twilight that going to school was a terrible idea, but she would never have any of it.
>You’d never question the one who took you in and put a roof over your head, but its her insistence on the issue that made you realize, for the first time, that adults could be wrong about things.
>Anon’s lips form a grim line, her eyes darting between the two of you with an unreadable expression.
>She opens her mouth to deliver a retort that fizzles out upon noticing the teacher’s gaze.
>Anon hesitates before she makes a foreign gesture with her hooves laughing,
>”Ayo, I dindu nuffin.”
>You never knew how to feel when she did something like this.
>She trots off, muttering something sounding suspiciously like “Where da white fillies at?”
>Everyone gathered follows her with their eyes until she stops and plops herself beneath a tree, closing her eyes.
>Seeing that the commotion is over, the rest of the foals, with mild disappointment, go back to whatever they were doing prior to gawking at the both of you like one would a mildly interesting circus act.
>The confrontation leaves you with a hollowness in your gut. Despite the retrieval of your lunch, you knew this would only continue at home.
>And the next day.
>And the day after that.
>…You hated it.
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>More than anything else.
>Applebloom watches her for a few moments before eventually turning towards you, a look of concern on her face.
>”She didn’t rough you up too badly, did she?”
>You sniffle and rub your eyes, meeting her gaze.
“I’m f-fine,” one of your ears twitches, “She never does anything that would allow Twilight to catch on. I-I don’t know what to say. Thank you for helping me.”
>The farmfilly beams
>”Aw, shucks. I couldn’t just stand by and let it happen. You deserve better than that.”
>She really did help out of the kindness of her heart. You’re surprised.
>You’d never have expected something like this when you first arrived in ponyville. If anything, you expected most ponies to act like Anon did these day.
>Imagine your surprise when the pony who you’d been sharing a roof with to turned out to be your biggest tormentor, with the rest of the town all choosing to keep a distance.
>Yes, you never did expect things to turn out the way they have…
>You sullenly watch at Anon, now resting under a tree, as memories of your earlier time in ponyville ripple through your mind.
>Shaking your head you’re about to thank the filly again when you find yourself suddenly dragged to a table
>Sitting across from you are Applebloom and the two fillies you always see her with.
>Scootaloo and Sweetie belle, you think.
>Applebloom contently chows down on her apple sandwich - an apple within two apple halves - the other two are less enthused with your presence, as was the normal reaction to anything involving yourself.
>”So,” Scootaloo rests a hoof on her cheek and scrutinizes you. Her muzzle scrunches the moment her eyes land on your pair of wings, “Why’d you bring one of the Twilight sisters to our table? Come on AB, you know better than this.”
>”Why wouldn’t I?” Applebloom frowns.
>Scootaloo pauses to shoot her an incredulous look, before pointing at you, “Maybe the fact that /this one/ is both a princess-to-be and is supposed to be an incarnation of Nightmare Moon,” she scoffs, “that’s crazy!”
>Your ears wilt as you stare at the lunch in your hooves.
>A hayburger with extra mayo, just how you like it. Spike always knew how to make a good meal, but they never tasted as good outside of the castle.
>When you’d eat alone.
>>You drag a hoof down your face and look away.
>…You should leave.
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>You were about to move to another table when when Scootaloo continues.
>”And the other one is even crazier! I mean, an alien? We have an alien at the school? A bone fed-“
>”Bona fide,” Sweetie corrects.
>”- whatever. An actual extraterrestrial? Like, what? Is this real life?” She throws her hooves in the air, “she’s even weirder, I swear.”
>Sweetie belle rolls her eyes
>”She’s obviously not an actual alien, Scootaloo. You can’t believe everything you hear.”
>”Oh really? So our princess decides to adopt some weirdo who pops up out of absolutely nowhere, repeatedly claims she’s an alien, and whose behavior isn’t shared by any foal - any pony? You’re telling me Anon isn’t from outer space?”
>Scootaloo clicks her tongue, “I have a little more faith in Twilight. I’m sure she has better things to do than to pick up some nobody she probably found in an asylum out of the kindness of her heart. Why would you want to associate with either of them?”
>…Anon isn’t some freak.
>You know she’s perfectly capable of fitting in and acting normal.
>Why she chooses not to is beyond you.
>Applebloom shakes her head, “Because I don’t see any of what you just said,” shooting Scootaloo a stern look, she gestures towards you, “all see is a pony that needs a friend.”
>Scootaloo frowns.
>Mulling over her friend’s words, she takes you in a second time, watching as you to huddle in on yourself, hugging your saddlebag.
>Her eyes slowly start to soften.


>Grass crunches beneath your light and carefree hooves as you skip back home.
>You almost can’t believe it.
>It was almost too good to be true!
>You’d made a friend!
>No, you’d made three!
>The sun smiles on you as you make your way to the castle, your cheerful mood showing through your wide grin.
>After the other two warmed up to you, the four of you had taken to the swings. It was the most fun you’d had all month!
>To make things better, you’ll get to do it all again tomorrow!
>Your eyes twinkle in amazement.
>Your very own friends!
>You can’t wait to tell Twilight about this. She’ll be so proud of you!
>Your steps slow the familiar castle comes closer into view.
>The crystalline structure scintillates in the red of the setting sun.
>The giddy smile plastered on your face dims as the figure standing outside the entrance door becomes clearer.
>Your steps gradually peter out until you find yourself face to face with her.
>Anon stares at you with her default neutral expression.
>A breeze blows, causing both of your manes to sway to the rhythm of the wind.
>You nervously paw at the ground.
>After some time, she speaks,
>”Did you have fun?”
>She pauses and, almost as an afterthought, adds, “Faggot.”
>You furrow your brows, the question catching you off guard.
“…I did.”
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>An ear twitches as her emerald gaze continues to search your face.
>What was she getting at?
>You feel a spike of fear as a thought strikes your mind; she couldn’t want to ruin this for you, could she? She wouldn’t be so cruel as to tear apart the very first friendships you’d made since coming to town, right?
>Your breath hitches in your throat before you calm down.
>No, she wouldn’t. Couldn’t. Not to those three.
>They’re all close to Twilight’s dearest friends. She wouldn’t be able to try anything, even if she wanted to.
>Anon’s mouth briefly opens before closing shut.
>She seems to struggle on what to say for a while, her lips forming soundless words as her eyes drift to the side.
>Eventually, she heaves a sigh.
>”…I see.”
>She shakes her head and enters the castle, the door closing shut behind her with a soft thud.
>Your muzzle scrunches in bewilderment.
>That’s it?
>No shoving? No calling you names?
>She left you alone just like that?
>You scratch your mane in consternation. This day really was full of things you could hardly believe.
>You’d never dare to predict Anon’s behavior.
>Most of what she did was a complete mystery to you, and what little you had tried to pry into had been met with consequence personally doled out by the filly in question.
>But this was exceptionally bizarre.
>Her torment had been the one of the few constants about her, and here she had simply walked off.
>Your pupils constrict as a possibility occurs.
>…Was she planning something even worse for you?
>You cautiously approach the castle doors, eyeing the crystalline handles with suspicion.
>Your hoof takes a moment to hesitate before swinging them open.

Let me know if moar is wanted or if Nyx POV greens are unwelcome.
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bumping to read later
I will take all anonfilly content. Write your heart out.
Fluttershy is going to fuck that filly isn't she
I loved this green, it was fun and engaging. Do want moar.
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>Install pegleg (left foreleg)
>Install pegleg (right foreleg)
>Install pegleg (left hindleg)
>Install pegleg (right hindleg)
>I can break these cuffs
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Anonfilly reacquired
I made it so she'll randomly join your colony as an event, her stats are randomized though
A thrilling battle.
Is she useful or is she becoming mare jerky
I hope she has autistic traits guaranteed every time.
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get back to page 1, you little shit
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Only her name, colors and Earth pony are guaranteed.
Stats are alright and she's currently legless cause I am going to give her bionics.
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>Earth pony is guaranteed
>Abrasive (faggot) and Volatile (faggot) aren't
I am pretty sure ponies can't get Abrasive
>>41005178 smut has ruined me, in the second panel I registered anon's head as filly's left asscheek
The green filly sure can
>An abrasive pony
What grits do they come in? I'm refinishing some furniture and could use some good abrasives.
1488 grit.
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>local cannibal filly be like
Inb4 dies from the infection due to a cut after the failed installation surgery.

I bet Anon would be responsible for 90% of war crimes and crimes against equinity on a pony rimworld.
Don't worry, the one doing the surgeries has a medicine skill of 14 and I have a lot of herbal medicine.
They can also force the legs to grow back, if necessary through one of their psycasts.
It might be, I need more advanced components to build more bionics.
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Do it. Feed the colony with minced filly parts that grow back.
>suddenly remember I have several gene pack mods for Biotech
>one includes pregnancy speed genes
What's the mod for pony pawns? I have an irresistible urge to commit some atrocities.
Gonna make Made in Abyss look like a fucking joke with some fillies.
I am using Rimponk, there's another one now too.

I can't harvest limbs for meat.
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>playing without a surgery mod to remove limbs and organs instead of just replacing them
>I can't harvest limbs for meat.
Well I guess I know what mod comes next
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>Page 10
The filly gets smacked a lot, doesn't she?
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She's into it lets not kid ourselves
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It's past noon. WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!
How can you go in public like this without feeling like a complete sperg? I'd love to take my fillies places and take pictures but Im just too pussy to do it I guess.
Just don't give a fuck and whip the filly out. I used to be like you but after my first con I understood that no one really cares. And even if someone does give you weird looks then so what, it's just some random stranger anyways. Or just look them straight in the eye to assert dominance.
But if you still feel awkward doing that but still want to make some pictures, then just carry the filly in a backpack or something and only take her out when you want to make pictures and when there aren't that many people around.
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Do you have cuckoldry in your genetics?
>somehow got to the first date and still have no idea what to say
>palms sweaty and ice cream melty
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Literally just stop caring. its that simple. if anyone says anything to you tell them to kill themselves while you just keep chilling.
i've brought pony out a few times and sometimes people say they think its cute. one lady started asking questions about it.
Filly was up for a whole 3 hours, and must sleep again.
You still care what people think of you? Believe it or not, this is only hurting your charisma.
I think most anons itt do this stuff with friends which makes it much less stressful.
How many anonfillies does it take to destroy the world?
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apparently this is not enough
Moar, please.
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CUTE! beefren
Beefriend the bee friend
I hate to break this to you, but you've got a filly infestation.
10 again
Extremely lazy filly
What do you think of this premise?
I love you faggetz, you're cool in my book
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>The filly gets smacked a lot, doesn't she?
Not enough
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It's an interesting premise, but most writefags these days seem to just give up after an update or two. We'd need a bad enough dude to follow through.
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Always a weird vibe seeing pix of mine show up.
No one cares. Filly gonna filly.
They're unreasonably cute and I save them all for later bumps
Pizza time for filly !
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I have so many of them
I think I've thought of some new conflict for my Cozy Glow-Anonfilly story.

Discord shows up to apologize to (read mess with) Cozy Glow beacuse Fluttershy, who has sense refelcted on their actions and decides they were in the wrong, told Discord he should do it.
Cozy's not at all happy to see Discord, nor her therapist, but when Discord sees Green Hornet, he sobers immediately.

>"You... don't belong here."
Do it
Cozy Dawn and Purple being confused about why the green menace is so strange is amusing. They need a reason to be worried but not enough of a clue to actually put it together.
trains is hard job
Mach 4 filly
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It is completed
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Does it work like this?
What a dapper filly
Needs more cocaine around her snoot
Other way.
To much sugar gives filly a tummy ache and she frow up
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more Twimom and filly pls
qtqt beebuddy.
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Spending the day with a whining filly.
The problem is that you presumably want to keep Green’s background ambiguous, and Cozy is a rather 2d character as a unrepentant sociopath. So you need more conflict arriving from elsewhere. You could do stuff like slice of life for hearth’s warming or nightmare night, fun fluff. Or you could start a longer arc with the introduction of a new factor unrelated to their situation. Perhaps food and supplies is cut off for a non disclosed reason.Perhaps opaline has started her pony race riots or some shit.
>nightmare night
The guards have to go with them, so they dress up, too.
Cozy Glow in a Grogar costume. Green Hornet as Bray. Royal guards wearing Troggle costumes over their armor.
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Comf. Filler got to ride a train again yesterday.
Filly dreaming of capturing that cargo ship
>Somali filly
Filly is not to be trusted with a boat.
Or a gun. Or anything really.
Filly is not for trust, not for sexual, and not for grilled cheese.
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More original filly content has joined the wall
Please more anon, this is very good so far
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lil shid
filly needs tendies and alcohol
I'd drink Berryshines piss if she won't sell me alchie
No anon
You just know the ABV will be similar
Filly is cute though
Hell yeah! Love that file!
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bugmommy keeps me safe :3
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>no bugmomma to carry anonfilly back to page 1 by the scruff
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>Get to Equestria, living the dream
>Still not happy
It’s not life anon, it’s you.
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This is why you leave your sanity at the door and adopt a "fuck it we ball" attitude.
You died once already, that old you sucked and he died the way he lived — lame.
So go wild and reinvent yourself, you've got the ultimate blank slate for this.
Be the change you want to see in yourself. Be the filly having the time of her (second?) life.
Become the legendary faggot that no one will ever believe existed, but everyone wished she did.
My plan
And, if the filler in front is anything to go by, drag the mopey motherfuckers to ball with you.
That'd make a funny oneshot.
>bunch of varyingly-based fillies conspire and kidnap the mopey ones from their favorite self-pity party spot
>proceed to terrorize the Ponyville as they drag the weeping wusses into their shenanigans kicking and screaming
>all the while delivering motivational speeches interspersed with playfully whacking anyone objecting on the head
Motivate the shit out of the little shits, and then turn them loose on the unsuspecting ponies.
Let there be mayhem! Let the town rock with the newfound fonts of life and big dick energy!
>big dick energy
You rang?
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I will always find this pic hilarious
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For some reason I'm envisioning a wholesome, pony version of Ed Edd n Eddy
Surfing the capital I Internet
Cooool filly
Anonfilly visits Second Life.
What would they do after they escape though? No one would fall for Cozys lies any more and Anon can't very well support her doing more crimes, not to mention it would be a shame to just leave New Dawn and the guards behind.
What if Cozy instead was allowed to visit the town after a while for good behaviour and the attack happened there? They get evacuated into Twilights castle where they learn how much shit she has to take for letting Cozy be free. She could be shocked to by just how hated she is and that maybe the means doesn't always justify the end.
Idk man writing is hard thats why I only read but thanks for the story so far I really like it.
F for filly
She's already being groomed.
It's Anonfilly, she's doing the grooming
Filler has been rescued from page 9
Throw her farther next time
shes not very aerodynamic.
ass is too fat.
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the filly is a good teacher
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Pictured: War Criminal
Surprising no one

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