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There is nothing more pure than love between a man and a mare.

"It's a mare in a box" edition

Old thread: >>40828403

Ongoing greens:

Shape Your Home by PoneGreen
https://ponepaste.org/477 (Part 1)
https://ponepaste.org/478 (Part 2)
https://ponepaste.org/479 (Part 3)
https://ponepaste.org/480 (Part 4)
https://ponepaste.org/4581 (Part 5)
https://ponepaste.org/8319 (Part 6)
https://ponepaste.org/4466 (April Fools' interlude)

Completed/on hiatus/ded greens:
GET OUT OF MY HEAD by Anonymous

Dreams to Dream by Stabbythesnowman
https://ponepaste.org/4197 (part 2)
https://ponepaste.org/5562 (part 3)

A Wish Enough for Two by TakeItEasy (née YukkuriPaleHorse)

The Recruiter (epilogue) by pentapony

Hallmark Dream-a by lmone6

Stories by Pentapony

Carl's Hardened Heart by Reggiesomething

"Fleetfooted" by SadBoy

Stories by Aftercase

Stories by AnthonyC4

Stories by Horse Story Anon

Stories by YukkuriPalehorse

Rainbow Dash and the Ghosts of Hearts & Hooves Day by Lonesome Rider

Stories by Trandhal: https://ponepaste.org/user/trandhal

Rocks out of the Quarry: https://poneb.in/aX2C686i

Stories by Tsar Anon: https://poneb.in/BnjZqwM3

Stories by Angry Wino: tinyurl dot com slash vskmqfx

Stories by Crabs of Steam: https://poneb.in/u/Crabs_of_steam

The Broken Carousel (Part 1): https://ponepaste.org/1541
(Twilight Sparkle Interlude 1): https://ponepaste.org/1543
(Part 2): https://ponepaste.org/1542
(Twilight Sparkle Interlude 2): https://ponepaste.org/1544

This Heart That Fears


Low Self-Esteem AJ

All I want from christmas

Couch Surfing

A collection of misc. green since the 1st thread
>The look on her face
She'd never admit it, but Lime is secretly into this.
well, she is a gift.
Yeah, mares are a gift.
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Who dis?
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not quite 100% sure I recall but I believe her name is Ice Breaker or something similar.
Her talent was breaking the ice (unfortunately literal instead of conversational) if I remember right.
>a natural winter wrapper mare
She's a QT
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socially awkward mares can be
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ponk has some great art
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Exotic mares.
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Cute grump.
Thoughts on mares with comically large glasses?
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Slow thread.
they're peak
we're always slow since most people who contribute stuff have gone to greener pastures or spazzed out.
>Not much to add really.
Glad that you liked it, Anon.
>without working on it in meatspace pass without comment
Oh, he'd certainly comment on that if this were to happen.
>Now this is more like it.
Yeah, I kept those comments of yours in mind in regard to that. Looks like it worked out here.
>But a certain pony will use it a lot.
Hm, it would be funny to have a scene with Sky being initially sceptical of Twilight because of her nonchalant use of the teleportation spell until he realises that she won't create a trend with it. I'm not sure how it could be reasonably integrated though. Besides, Twilight's emergence lies still in the far future at this point in time.
>He put the two together fast.
Well, Anon was hinting rather directly at it though. He dropped two fairly strong clues in the conversation before Sky figured it out.
>Oh, they already jumped?
Yep. It happened right after Anon's mention of the faulty engine. It's here.
>Sky Squall inhales audibly whilst the two units return to their starting point.
>#deca.mare is oddly quiet.
True, this chapter has a strong focus on Sky and Anon. But I thought it was appropriate in this context, given that Anon is finally telling the Pegasus his part of the story.
Oops, screwed up the reply.
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One big happy mare.
to be the mother in one big happy family.
That's the dream.
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Mare laid bare(back).
she's still wearing armor though
But the back is free. For riding or petting. Your choice.
Limestone's grimy ponut.
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I want marewife
Had to chuckle at the image, not gonna lie.
How many mares do you think are scared of being seen as vulnerable/needy and put up a strong, aggressive front towards someone they like?
More than you'd expect but fewer than you'd hope. In practical terms, basically just that one.
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checked and hopefully one day she finds the guy willing to dig through that rough, rocky exterior to reach the soft, limey mare within.
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>In practical terms, basically just that one.
Are you sure about that?
Dash might put up more of an arrogant "you're lucky to be with me" type of thing instead of snarling at you like a grumpy cat.
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Mare resting on page 10
She deserves more than that.
Not again!
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She can't keep getting away with this.
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she's on a date, of course she can.
What a qt
Buckball mares. Highly sought after members of Husbando Hunter teams. Because when they want something, they mean business.
>He's an angry little war-orphan-turned-supersoldier who's taken the wrong lesson and became the monster
>She's the princess who was the monster and deeply regrets it, but still has that part of her deep down ready to come out again
How do these two work together?
Roughly like Raiden and Rose worked out.
to say nothing of their handling of balls.
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>POV: you have taken a mare on a dinner date.
Ponies eat faster with their muzzles. Gotta prepare for that.
ooo mare spootted!
>implying abuse
Nah. They'd be the premiers in hotblooded mating, but not like this.
I was more saying they'd be great at working the sack, not sure why you jumped to CBT.
The game is called buckball and it isn't exactly gentle.
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Only bad buckballers can't adjust their output depending on the situation.
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Buckball's the name and testicular rupture's the game!
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>testicular rupture's the game!
I thought the game was buckball?
No, buckball is the name of the game, but the game is testicular rupture.
Also you lost the game.
This general has a strange inclination to cbt. It shines through in every thread.
possibly some deep-seated belief that the only reason a mare would like them would be to smash their balls at their most vulnerable.
An odd flavor of crazy.
Mare dressing up.
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>the entire husbando immigration scheme was all just an elaborate ruse Cadence set up so she could get you at your most emotionally vulnerable and then cast a flattening spell on your balls the moment you walk through the portal
joke's on her those were my decoy balls
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anyway in non-ball-related matters
carry your mare from here to there
I'd just piss everywhere. I keep a lot of pee in my balls, on account of their large size.
>Waifu is Celly
That will be a challenge.
The Power of Love(tm) will give you the strength!

If not, she's got the money for the hospital visits.
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do it for 'er
Mommy issues or megalomaniac
Call it
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You could say the risk would be quite heavy.
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Neither. Tall mare appreciator.
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Mare temper.
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Mare tempers.
Wow, this is a great gift, Lime! It'd go great with the gift I got you
She looks impossibly cute
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>When she goes into mama mare mode
Who do you think would be the most (over)protective mothers?
AJ, Twilight would be neurotic about her kids, maybe Dash after the first time she sees one of hers take a nasty spill when it tries to copy one of her tricks.
I rather think Dash would also be a bit proud of her foal following her steps.
Dash would be proud of everything her offspring do (just like her own parents), while being an absolute nervous wreck that they might hurt themselves. Do you remember how she freaked out when it was time for her turtle to hibernate?
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mare sweat
Small heads up post. Chapter 163 is written, but not proofread yet. That shouldn't take too long though, as it is fairly short. The text was originally meant to be posted together with 164, but since I didn't find the time to write the next as well, I'll post this one solo. See it as a small filler to prevent too large gaps between the entries. After all, 162 is almost two weeks out at this point already.
>sliding in an hour
What's happening?
low-quality threads getting bumped back up I'd suppose.
And it just doesn't stop.
seldom does
1, cut a hole in a box
2, put your mare in that box
3, make her open the box
And that's the way you do it
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Mare's mood swings lunatically.
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Lime is cute when she isn't grumpy.
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she can be grumpy cute too
like a cat that pretends it doesn't want to be pet but enjoys it when it happens.
True. But the 'when she smiles effect' strikes strongly in her.
Guys Cadance set me up on a date with the cutest mare I've ever seen. Any ideas for where to take her?
Some place with lots of sugar.

You know, when life gives you lemon-mares...
Make foals!
Lemonade foals.
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>Luna consoling you
A special sort of comfy.
That's a super duper cute mare!
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>wing hands
Canonically, wings in FiM have three big fingers (but no thumb) in them.
No mare thread stays on 10 on my watch.
Oh boy. The papers would be full of gossip if this came out.
>BREAKING! Princess Celestia has a shrine to her husband
>quote from local mare: "wow, she's just like me, for real"
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I love her
Listen to some music.
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Blushing leather mare.
Why is she blushing?
And here's chapter 163. As I said, the text is shorter because it is practically a filler that wasn't intended to get posted solo, but I'd rather upload a little bit after two weeks than a singular "regular length" update in a month. With that said, links are as usual so let's get right to it.
Main story:
Side story:
Have fun.

>After your little lecture on the numerous segments and machines of the hangar bay, an endeavour which felt like it took an hour or so even when it was only about a quarter of that time, you sever your connection to the units and return to your more conventional work on the command deck.
>The three of you proceed to check on various routine processes whilst giving Sky Squall yet further insights into the more mundane sphere of planetary affairs.
>At the end of the day, in reference to the local time in the realm of Equestria, that is, you retreat to your small room in the living quarters for a good night's rest.
>Business as usual, all things considered.
>However, the next day starts in a not quite so ordinary manner, as #deca.mare wants you to undergo another medical examination.
>You agree and let her check you to her heart's content whilst Sky Squall sits idly nearby, watching the spectacle from the side.
>Curious, yet silent.
>But contrary to your initial expectations, #deca.mare merely runs a couple of standard tests, followed by a close inspection of your chest.
>She is not exposing you to another onslaught of scans or measurements and mostly tends to the spots which were the focal point of Sky Squall's not so gentle attention a few days ago.
>Even without medical instruments, it is evident to the naked eye that the damage to the tissue has healed very well.
>The sensitivity to touch is gone entirely, and the discolouration has subsided to the point that one has to take a very close look to even guess the formerly dark outlines of the pair of hoof-shaped bruises.
>Pleased with the result of this examination, #deca.mare suggests to wait for another twelve hours before you return to the cryo unit.
>You do not say this out loud, yet you wager that her mentality will shift rather quickly once said period of time has passed.
>In fact, you almost expect her to urge you to return quickly then.
>After all, it is the best way for her to ensure your safety and to maintain your health.
>And whilst she has agreed to let you and Sky Squall help her in overcoming some of her more striking compulsions, you still have a long way to go in this regard.
>You are certain about that.
>So you find yourself back at the entrance of the command deck half a day later.
>#deca.mare and Sky Squall are with you, following you closely as you walk down the ramp and head for the cryo unit.
"Well then, I guess it's time to get put on ice again."
>#deca.mare responds.
>"High time if you ask me. You have been out of the unit for days."
>So much for that.
>You grin.
"And aged appropriately. Look, I'm practically a geezer."
>Sky Squall chimes in with a brief fit of laughter.
>"Aren't you anyway? What's your age again?"
>You blink and answer in a faux deadpan tone.
"That's... restricted information."
>The stallion runs with the joke and reacts accordingly.
>"Uh huh. Sure thing. You just don't want to admit that it's a little bit above the average of your species. Am I right?"
>You hesitate in jest again.
"Biologically speaking, I'm..."
>Sky Squall interrupts you, still visibly amused.
>"No, no. Spare me the technicalities. I mean in years."
>You wait for a second before you reply.
"In this case... yeah. I'm ancient."
>You hold your side at the height of the hips and fake a state of pain.
"And it shows. Damn these old bones, I can't get in!"
>You look at Sky Squall and imitate the voice of a seasoned retiree.
"You there, young colt, care to help an old fart like me out?"
>Sky Squall tilts his head.
>"Young colt? I died of old age. Technically speaking, as you would say."
>You shrug nonchalantly.
"Yeah. Nobody is perfect."
>Then you strike a thinking pose.
"But hold on, didn't you insist on skipping technicalities just a minute earlier?"
>The stallion does not flinch in the slightest and goes on with the obvious charade.
>"I can't tell. Dead ponies are terrible at remembering things."
>You shrug again.
"Good point. Though... if you're out of the picture, I've got to wonder what hurt my chest then."
>Sky Squall grins.
>"Maybe we'll never know."
>#deca.mare sighs and interrupts your little mutual wisecracking.
>"This is no laughing matter, you two. Time is still your greatest vulnerability."
>You take breath.
"Fine. Freezing it is."
>You mentally prepare yourself to climb into the cryo unit as Sky Squall raises his voice.
>"Say, what does it feel like?"
>You look at him.
>He points at the cryo unit.
>"The process. It must be strange to enter a state of quasi-hibernation when you don't sleep like Luna."
>You blink.
"Hm. Not as much as you might think."
>You ponder how you can describe the experience to Sky Squall.
"It's actually similar to falling asleep, only with extra steps. Your mind slips away once you're in, and before you know it, you wake up in a simulated environment."
>You pause and Sky Squall speaks up.
>"What's the extra?"
>You grin.
"Well, the artificial deceleration of the body functions, for starters. It doesn't hurt one bit or something, but you feel that it goes much further than any natural sleep. That's also part of the reason why it takes so long to wake up properly. It's an unusual sensation at first, though not in a bad way. Oh, and the whole being fixed in one pose thing takes a while to get used to as well."
>A pause.
"Other than that though, I can't think of anything special. You go in, get hooked up, and can get out again whenever you wish. That's all there is to it."
>And you are about to give Sky Squall a demonstration of exactly that.
>You get into the cryo unit and position yourself.
>Only one last thing is still left to do before you tell #deca.mare to seal the canopy.
>You raise your upper body again and motion to her to get closer.
>And she already knows what is coming as she approaches you.
>So you do not beat around the bush and straight up give her the kiss she is already anticipating.
>You smile as you part again.
"See you in a few minutes."
>Then you turn to Sky Squall and nod.
"Until then."
>He mirrors your gesture and gives you a salute.
"Until then, Anon."
>The Pegasus grins.
>"Can't wait to use my own body again, even if it's only in the simulation for now. It's simply not the same with this one, you know?"
>You nod in response.
"I can imagine. It's weird for me to hear you using my voice too."
>#deca.mare speaks up next.
>"We will not have to rely on this kludge again. Your personal proxy will be ready soon, Sky."
>You take over.
"Plus, we have plenty of stuff to do in the meantime."
>Both #deca.mare and Sky Squall agree to that point.
>So now that everything is said and done, you lower your upper body and give #deca.mare the signal.
>The cryo unit reacts immediately as its canopy starts to move, slowly closing the opening above you.
>You for your part remain calm and let the process do its work whilst the two ponies are watching over you.
>Roughly in the middle of the process, your already partially impaired senses register that Sky Squall is saying something.
>You cannot hear his words through the transparent seal, and your mind is not in the condition to even attempt any serious muzzle-reading either.
>What you do see, however, is #deca.mare's reaction.
>She looks over to the stallion, blinks, and then jabs his barrel with moderate force whilst shaking her head in flustered disagreement.
>And judging from Sky Squall's barely stifled laughter, he knew that he would cause this reaction.
>Whatever he said to #deca.mare, it must have been rather suggestive.
>If you were able to rely on your full mental capacities right now, you would have assumed that Sky Squall made a joke involving #deca.mare, you, and possibly the cryo unit as well.
>But your current state does not allow for such mental leaps.
>You will have to ask them about this in the simulation.
>Soon thereafter, the world around you blurs into a mess of indistinct outlines and unclear colours.
>Your thoughts keep drifting further and further too.
>Until everything has become an abstruse mess that is beyond any apparent comprehension.
>And, as usual, your consciousness blacks out altogether at some point in the process.
Done. A short one, but that's how it is. By the way, does anyone know what happened to the tech thread? I haven't seen that one in a while and I don't know why.
>By the way, does anyone know what happened to the tech thread
can't say I do, it probably just got shoved off and no one's thought to make another one.
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She's excited to see you.
>#deca.mare merely runs a couple of standard tests
Seems like some of what Sky said stuck.
>her mentality will shift rather quickly once said period of time has passed
Unless Anon comes up with some idea that makes #deca.mare reconsider!
>Say, what does it feel like?
I expected #deca.mare to interrupt and say "you can talk about this once he is frozen".
>Your personal proxy will be ready soon, Sky.
I wonder how much they will change it. He can't be easily recognizable after all.

Thanks for the update!
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Snow mare and her Snowpitt Tea (TM).
Peak waifu material
*blocks your path*
*blocks her mouth with a kiss*
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Remember the basics of CQC
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Bros, I was just trying to go to work...
Well, I checked and it looks like the last thread hit the five hundred, but no one made a new one afterwards. Pretty unfortunate if you ask me. It's a fine general and a pleasant read.
>I wonder how much they will change it.
Yeah, this will be mentioned. Can't say much more than that at the moment though.
It's the only read. If you don't follow it, there's nothing else left, now that's unfortunate.
True, the tech thread isn't very fast paced. Then again, that can be said for many threads/generals on the board these days.
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Mare singer.
>Nyx got the good reincarnation
“N-no baby, you don’t eat the plate too…”
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Best pony best art
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“Oy whaddya doing ya wank?”
>”Wait, this isn’t the crotch sniffing thread?”
She is quite cute isn't she?
>I wonder how much they will change it.
Speaking of change, Anon and #deca.mare will soon need a new proxy too.
>tech thread
The usual writers did not post anything for 2+ months. I'm waiting a month before creating a new one.
At least her date three tables down is going well.
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I feel like I'm missing a meme here.
Long fur ponies are criminally underrated and that pone is adorable.
There is no meme!
The cutest. She's the best wasteland mare there is.
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Maer caer.
I'm partial to Nightseer. I can fix her.
Imagine if you will a world where humans and waifu live side by side each one searching out “the one”. But in this world OC’s are looked down upon as being similar to prom stars or OF girls, and one OC’s quest to find a human for her
Nightseer is trash. She's an insult to mutiecorns.
She dreamed big is what she did.
she looks like a cartoon character that's getting electrocuted
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I feel like I'm missing a mare in my life
That's more than a feeling.
She does, but she's in need of some care
we all are
there is a mare-shaped hole in our hearts that cries out to be filled, but it is currently beyond us.
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Mare with special hair.
Mare with specialized fare.
Not a /fit/izen, but this looks like it can give you a heart attack before the training even starts.
the joke is that it's a supplement stack to make you ejaculate more voluminously
Kek, that works too.
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I dont think you can fix her bro
But what if I can? Never say never, never surrender!
there might be a chance if she's taken out of the shithole and into a proper environment.
And ditches the skeleton.
>Finally have a civil FoE mare discussion in the thread
>immediately followed by this edgemax shit
This is why we can't have nice things.
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Of course she is. The energy for working hard the whole day must regenerate somehow. Hugs help a lot in that.
I'm gonna need one later
You're right, we should move the entire wasteland into normal Equestria
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man & mare is meant to be
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If that's true then where is mare?
>Anon and #deca.mare will soon need a new proxy too
Yeah, that's one of the points which are on the "things I still have to mention" list.
>I'm waiting a month before creating a new one.
Ah, I see. Looking forward to the new thread then.
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>can't see mare on last strip
>Mare on 10
anon that is a horse with a sticky note on its butt
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That's called "cosplay".
Wouldn't mind that one bit.
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Cute tsundere mare.
Mare is slipping too quickly. That's not good.
So cute
>When the ice finally breaks
damnit! apple bloom! I told ya to stop putting apples up your butt
>When the portal finally opens
>when she sees what's on the other side
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Whatever it is, mares just have it.
nothing is so good for the inside of a man than the outside of a mare and the insides, too, after marriage.
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She's not the same without her coffee, don'tcha know.
well, to be fair neither am I.
We can be caffeine addicts together.
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sleep tight mare
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Big sand mare.
>he got scammed by the saddle arabians
You paid for your ticket with google play cards didnt you?
I wouldn't feel scammed if I get to live with a mare. Even if it's deep in the desert.
>being happy living with allahu akbar mare
Only if its the last resort.
She redeemed the card and you never hear from her again
>Associating mares with RL shit
>Doesn't see the tall hotblooded mare for what she is
Remember, Equestria isn't Earth. That kind of crap doesn't exist over there.
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In fact, they do even worse things than real life
>Anon was the wrong target for the husbando acquisition team
>They send him back to Earth, not bothering to check where the portal is
>They throw Anon into the Pacific ocean 400 miles off the shore of South America
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>He can't handle the big mare
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>Eggs right on the picnic blanket
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What is that expression?
would your waifu still love you if you were a stickman
the spell kinda went sideways so you're not exactly all there yet.
Equestrian cooking blanket.
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>When she wants to show you something
but she could have just flown up there
Need this colorized
speaking of, any good ponk greens lately?
There's no color version of it yet, sadly.
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Wings are peak comfy. And don't get me started on the preening.
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Firestarter mares are top cute.
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I agree.
This adorable loony bin is a treasure.
Why are you linking to the AIDSpony thread?
they're kung flu ponies, get it right
AIDS came from monkeys and canadians
In Bats!, becoming a batpony is a metaphor for catching AIDS from an economic migrant.
pretty sure that was just because twiggles fucked up the bat behavioral modification spell, wasn't it? So it's more like side effects from a CIA psyop/social engineering project.
>hating these cuties
Why? Bats are fine ponies.
What does she do the rest of the year?
public speaking courses (they don't help)
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On a scale from 1 to 10, how sensitive are unicorn horns in your opinion?
3 when inactive
9 when active
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Likely at least moderately sensitive. Maybe not "your leg after it falls asleep" sensitive but enough you could make her feel funny if you played with it.
I think >>41028032 is on to something. One of the unicorns in 'Our Town' shoved his horn into the wood of a door. He wouldn't have done that if it was too painful. It could be plausible that it's more vulnerable while casting.
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Camouflage mare.
able to sneak up on you and cuddle you when you least expect it
These are the best.
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Once the kiss is done, Pinkie goes bouncing around the walls like a pinball.
That's why Pinkie can only live in houses with reinforced walls. Otherwise the townsponies will know when she got kissed because she broke through another solid wall.
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Would you a tribesmare?
Mare asserting dominance.
>Mare on 10 again
>Verification not required.
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How much would you spend for the things your mare wishes? Would you go all out?
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well, generally we'd be living within our means but that doesn't mean you could sock away and save for a special gift/occasion. It just might take some financial wrangling if you don't have infinite money.
>financial wrangling
I wager this is very rare in Equestria. This world doesn't strike me as one where finances are a common challenge for the populace. They have high average standards of living.
true, but the Ponyville Apples still had to budget for Granny's new hip. So for some it is at least a concern.
and rarity had to make sure their dresses stayed within their budget in suited for success
and there was that one mare who grimaced at the price of >>41032180 this dress in the episode it showed up at, which shows it's not something anyone can just pick up on a whim.
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>it's not something anyone can just pick up on a whim
That's kind of an extreme case though. Hoofcrafted (or rather horncrafted) gala dresses are a real piece of work. It's hardly a surprise that these are costly, especially when they're sold in an exquisite place like Canterlot. You can't go much higher on the luxury bar than that. Not unless you order a statue or something.
Winged horses are definitely lighter than all others, otherwise how would they fly?
Mare glide.
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The perfect mare!
Inb4 edgelord posting again
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A filly-next-door type of tomboy who is good with tech and can handle a gun? A dream come true mare.
much like how erf pones are strong and can grow stuff pretty much anywhere if they've the talent for it.
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No just cute lightbringer bringing light to my life
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Mare stonks.
Monks, if you will.
This bitch looks like she hates PacMan
>leaving chomp marks all over her flanks
Not really a surprise there.
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Mare stretch.
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Fuff mare.
Long fur ponies are furshit, it's in the name. FUR
Your logic is retarded.
Short fur ponies also have fur in their name, smartass.
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Soft fuzzy poner built for hugs
ponies do not have fur faggot
So long-hair ponies aren't furshit, then.
>Bear image of ''''ponies''' acting like bears because it's bears
that shit is furry to the core
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>ponified animal photos showing ponies acting like animals makes ponies furshit
Are you sure?
have you ever seen a shaved horse
never were, they just made retards seethe for whatever reason.
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Yes, they do.
Does it kind of look like pic related?
probably worse really
No. Show me.
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Man, those are some weird-looking hairless cats.
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my man, MLP in general is "furshit".
furries are defined as people that enjoy anthropomorphic animals (be that either the characters in general or sexual enjoyment).
and anthropomorphic basically just means giving animals some amount of human characteristics, like speech, wearing clothes, living in towns/cities, and in general just having similar lives to humans (standing upright on 2 legs is not required for something to be anthropomorphic, for example you could have a fully anatomically realistic elephant and if it talks like a human and complains about taxes it would still be considered anthropomorphic).

so entire MLP universe is made out of anthropomorphic characters (i would only half-count eqg as they are basically just fully human with some weird skin color). which means that pretty much everyone on /mlp/ is by definition a furry. and if that pisses you off, then you're just in denial lol.
also to note, that furry itself is a very broad term, and just because someone counts as a furry doesn't mean they are automatically part of every sub-community that exists within it.
so you can be an avid pony enjoyer, but that doesn't mean you'd want to fuck a pokémon for example though that latest ninetails animation by dimwitdog is freaking amazing

moral of the story, mare good, regardless of amount of fur.
Little heads up. The next update is done, except for the proofreading. I'm not sure if I will post this today, considering that it is of average length this time, but we'll see.
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Christ, this looks just wrong.
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Mare is spitting hotness.
You are correct.
Pony wings have three freaky-looking wing-fingers.
Pony Socrates is malding at the sight of a featherless quadruped.
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It would be Plato.
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Fancy bat mare.
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Whiskey mare.
"You never studied."
Whoa mama
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Mare. No way out.
why would we want out?
There's no reason to. That's why the sentence is true.
There is. My waifu passed away and I’ve found less and less reason to return here.
Would have been a great pair of dubs...
>My waifu passed away
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Heavy metal mare.
>this is my mare; she was made for me
She was meant to be a filly...return her to fillydom, and become her slave.
>anon doesn't understand natural age circles
Every filly becomes a mare
Nature is a bitch. Magic can defeat her, however.
man and filly is elsewhere
it's all about the mares here
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Thoughts on the big kirin?
give me the fluttershy and pinkie greens
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She cute
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she is their tallest
So she's the boss.
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Proofreading is almost done, so the update will probably be ready tomorrow/later today, depending on your time zone.
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Unbeatable beauty
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you and your wife have decided it's time to go camping
Do you remember everything before you leave? Or does something slip both your minds and you have to rough it a little because you only brought one sleeping bag? you brought the one bag on purpose so you'd have an excuse to cuddle in the tent
Yes, and if she'd looked at my packing list she'd have noticed that she'd be the majority of my sleeping insulation.
>Warmth sharing with your mare
That must be peak comfy.
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>Do you remember everything before you leave?
Yes, because we both triple-check. Preparing for the trip would probably take as much effort as going there, but it'd be worth it of course.
I think the hardest part would be convincing her to leave the books behind
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Not at all. When she's committed to the notion of experiencing something, she'll go to any lengths to make it happen. Actually she'd be the on organizing the camping trip since it's on her list of fun fun fun activities to do together with a human. And of course we can take a book or two there as well, it's not gonna be all singing songs at a campfire or swimming in a horribly cold lake in the morning.
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Jenny mating dance.
Big mares have big hearts.
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Technically all their horgans are bigger than regular mares'
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don't forget the customary roasting of the marsh melon
Chapter 164.1 is live now. The ordeal has, once again, turned into an almost all-nighter because I spotted a grossly high amount of stupid format and form mistakes at the very last minute. But oh well, if no other time is available, it's got to be done at night. As usual, here are the links and on to the text.
Main story:
Side story:
Hope you enjoy it.

>You open your eyes as soon as you wake up.
>And you are initially surprised by the environment in which you find yourself, as you are greeted by the same metal ceiling that you saw through the closed canopy of the unit right before you passed out.
>Your mind automatically comes to the conclusion that something unexpected must have happened, and that it prompted #deca.mare to stop the process.
>However, it is quickly revealed to you that this is not the case.
>Because only a few seconds later, a familiar golden face moves into your field of vision, apparently looking down on you.
>In the literal sense of the word.
>"Good morning. Again."
>You blink.
>He nods happily.
>"The one and only."
>You try to make sense of your current situation as the stallion speaks up once more.
>"What are you doing on the floor?"
>You need a moment to process this question.
>Then you look around.
>And you spot the altered command chair in the vicinity, located exactly where the cryo unit is placed in the real world.
>Now you understand what happened.
"Oh. The system dropped me here."
>Sky Squall tilts his head.
>"On the deck's floor? For what reason?"
>You shrug.
"None. I just happen to get dropped at random spots when I enter the simulation. It's got something to do with stray subconscious thoughts, so we can never quite tell where I end up."
>Sky Squall offers you a forehoof to help you.
>"That must be inconvenient."
>You grab the limb and let the golden Pegasus hoist you up.
"It can be sometimes. I once woke up in the depths of an ocean."
>Sky Squall shudders lightly.
"Yeah, it wasn't the nicest place to come to. The simulation reduced the effects to bearable levels though. And #deca hurried to scoop me up too."
>The stallion's ears perk up.
>"Right, I almost forgot."
>Before you can ask what he means, Sky Squall rears up and spreads his wings, facing you in a typical tussle stance.
>You sigh and grin.
"Already tossing me to the ground again? You just picked me up."
>Sky Squall shrugs briefly without changing his pose.
>You take a breath and accept the challenge.
>You ready yourself in front of the Pegasus as he prepares himself to push you back in turn.
>And since you are not physically threatened by his superior strength in this simulation, you bet that he will be a bit more pushy this time around.
>In both meanings of the word.
>Well, two can play this game.
>So you decide to apply some last second changes to the scenario.
>You silently instruct the system to triple your own simulated strength, whilst halving the gravity around Sky Squall at the same time.
>With these changes in effect, you greet the Pegasus chest first and give him a singular firm jolt.
>And the outcome of said encounter is no surprise to you, as you fling your opponent back with no effort whatsoever.
>The stallion is not taking it quite so well, however.
>Sky Squall, utterly surprised as he is by this sudden shift in the sheer physics around him, trundles across the deck whilst his mind is trying to come to terms with his newfound situation.
>In the end, he lands rather unceremoniously on the floor, and even slides a good bit afterwards.
>You revert the changes as Sky Squall looks around.
>"I should've seen that one coming."
>You chuckle briefly.
"Sorry, Sky. I couldn't resist.
>The stallion stands up again as you get closer.
>And you wonder whether he is trying to "retaliate" or not.
>But whatever he might have in mind, or not, it is rendered moot before Sky Squall gets the opportunity to act upon it.
>For another familiar voice is speaking up.
>"I see you have regained your full mental capacities. Good."
>These words are coming from the top of the ramp.
>So you look up and spot #deca.mare standing close to the edge of the ramp, observing the scene below her in its entirety.
>You realise that you did not hear her entering the room, and you are also certain that she was not here just a few moments ago either.
>She has probably materialised herself on the spot when neither of you was looking.
>In either case, both Sky Squall and you turn your attention to #deca.mare as she trots down the ramp.
>She heads directly for you as soon as she is on your level, and without even saying a single further word, she spontaneously pounces on you with a happy smile on her face.
>You catch her almost instinctively and hold her whilst she wraps her forehooves around your shoulders.
>And #deca.mare does not hold herself back in the slightest.
>She nuzzles the side of your face intimately as she starts to press herself a bit firmer against you.
>Notably more so than necessary to keep herself in place.
"Happy to see you too."
>You catch a glimpse of Sky Squall whilst #deca.mare tends to your face.
>And as you have expected, he is watching you curiously.
>He does not even try to hide it.
>After all, he has made his stance on the matter very clear, and he stands by it.
>You take a breath and slowly walk over to the command chair, carrying #deca.mare all the way.
>Once you are there, you try to let her down.
>But #deca.mare refuses.
>She tightens her grip around you in response and seemingly doubles her nuzzling efforts.
>Message received.
>So you turn around and sit down yourself, effectively placing #deca.mare right on your lap.
>You briefly tilt your head to look at Sky Squall.
"This could take a moment."
>He shrugs with a grin.
>"No problem. Take your time. I can wait."
>Of course he can, with a scene like this.
>Though you are not going to complain about it either.
>So you reciprocate #deca.mare's affections and ignore the Pegasus for now.
>And you do indeed take your time together.
>A couple of minutes.
>Maybe more.
>It is hard for you to say.
>Once again, you simply let the scene run its course and part when it feels apt for both of you to do so.
>Neither of you has to do or say anything.
>You just know when the right moment has come.
>#deca.mare then loosens her grip around you and allows herself to "roll" sideways.
>She lands back first on the cushioning right next to yours and makes herself comfortable, taking her usual seat in the process.
>You assume a more upright posture as well, clear your throat, and look at the Pegasus in front of you again.
>He has taken a seat of sorts too, as he sat down on his haunches at some point between now and the last time you saw him.
"Sorry, we kept you waiting."
>He casually shrugs with a smile.
>"I told you, it's fine."
>He laughs.
>"If anything, I would've preferred to see more of it."
>Oh boy.
>If he says it like that, you can already feel that something is coming.
>"Outside the simulation, preferably."
>Of course.
>There was the catch.
>You nod calmly.
"One step at a time."
>Or kiss, as you silently think to yourself.
>#deca.mare speaks up next.
>"I appreciate your sympathies for our relationship, Sky, But Anon is right. This is a... long-term process."
>Sky Squall accepts that with a deep breath.
>"Yes, I know."
>He laughs.
>"Doesn't stop me from helping you to get there though."
>#deca.mare tries to change the topic politely.
>"Thank you, Sky. It is appreciated. But to come to more short-term subjects, I think we might consider to make a few arrangements."
>Sky Squall raises an eyebrow.
>#deca.mare nods.
>"As you are aware, we can do more in the simulation than we can in the physical world. We have many more artistic liberties at our disposal now. Which means we are not bound to work with the same tools here either."
>Sky Squall listens attentively.
>"Yes. So?"
>She goes on.
>"So we can, for instance, apply more substantial changes to our working environment. If you wish."
>The Pegasus shrugs.
>"Why should we though? I was fine with the seat cushions on the deck."
>He eyes your custom version of the command chair.
>"But I guess a stool like yours wouldn't be bad either."
>#deca.mare takes a breath.
>"That would be one thing. But we can think bigger."
>Sky Squall seems to grasp what #deca.mare is alluding to.
>"You're asking me whether I want to change the deck as a whole?"
>She nods again.
>And the stallion thinks about the proposal for a moment before he declines the offer.
>"Hm, no. I don't insist on that."
>#deca.mare tilts her head.
>"Really? You said the architecture is too enclosed for your tastes."
>The stallion nods.
>"And it still isn't my favourite. But from what I've seen so far, I believe the design does what it is supposed to do."
>You chime in.
"Yeah, but only that. It's very utilitarian, and deliberately so. Keep in mind that this ship was never meant to house a permanent population at all. There was no need to include pleasantries. We can add them here in the simulation with ease though. Or we come up with an entirely new design for our sessions. Everything is possible."
>You grin.
"Our creativity doesn't have to be exclusively tied to our leisure time."
>Sky Squall shrugs once more, however.
>"Thank you for the offer, but that's not necessary. I can work with the deck as it is. A proper place to sit is all I need."
>You nod.
"As you wish."
>The Pegasus goes on after taking another breath.
>"Besides, the only... additional 'pleasantry' I could think of is the only one that's out of reach for me."
>Sky Squall does not elaborate further, yet considering the circumstances, it is not hard for you to guess what, or rather who, he is referring to.
>And you are not sure how to reply to this either.
>After all, you could point out that this situation is a temporary affair, but due to its obvious implications, it would almost certainly come across as a very disrespectful remark.
>So you accept Sky Squall's decision and tend to his more viable request.
>You take a breath.
"Right then, a chair for you. Any idea what you want to have? If not, we've got a lot of sample suggestions to get some inspirations from."
>The Pegasus considers his options for a moment before he replies.
>"Hm, I don't need anything fancy. But I suppose a smaller facsimile of your own chair would be a sound idea."
>He grins and starts to talk in an overtly challenging tone.
>"To get a first impression of what it's like to sit in yours."
>You raise an eyebrow and grin as well.
"Don't get too eager, Sky. That too is still going to take a while."
>He shrugs.
>A pause.
>"But it can't be wrong to start early, now can it?"
>You keep staring at each other for a few seconds before you speak up.
"Yeah, I guess so."
>You pause briefly.
"Jokes aside though, we actually do have a smaller one-person version of this chair. It's the original design. The broader one you see here is a customised model."
>Sky Squall nods.
>"I figured as much."
>You blink.
"You did?"
>The golden Pegasus chuckles.
>"Of course. I'm pretty sure the original builders of this place didn't furnish the room with a seat that was meant to be used by a human and a pony at the same time."
>Which is correct on all accounts.
"No, they didn't. That's true."
>He points at your command chair.
>"Who made the changes, by the way?"
>You respond immediately, as it is an easy question for you to answer.
"Uh, I did."
>Sky Squall blinks.
>"Well, that could've fooled me."
>The Pegasus looks over to #deca.mare, then back to you.
>"To use your wording, it's a very... utilitarian change. And I..."
>You see where this is going and continue his explanation for him.
"You thought it would be #deca's work because of it."
>He nods.
>"It was the more likely option in my opinion."
>He looks at #deca.mare.
>"No offence."
>And she shrugs casually with a faint smile.
>"None taken."
>She chuckles.
>"I probably would have thought the same if I were in your position."
>A part of you is tempted to ask whether #deca.mare wants to imply that your creation is uninspired.
>Though to be fair, you thought the same thing at the time.
>Sky Squall speaks up once more, directing your inner musings back to the matter at hand.
>"So... yes. One of those then."
>#deca.mare replies as you sort your thoughts.
>"As you wish, Sky. Would you like to try materialising it yourself?"
>Sky Squall is open to her idea.
>"How does that work?"
>You take over.
"Basically like any other command. You think of a certain object and tell the simulation to materialise it at a specific spot in the environment."
>Sky Squall nods.
>"I see. Let me try."
>The Pegasus eyes a vacant spot right next to your chair.
>And he stands still whilst his mind is trying to focus.
>To no avail, however.
>The chair does not appear.
>You chime in.
"Something wrong?"
>The stallion looks at you.
>"It's difficult to picture a piece of furniture you have never seen. All I know is that it looks a little bit like yours."
>You chuckle.
"If that's the only problem... here."
>You create a floating screen which shows an accurate three-dimensional model of the original chair.
"That's the one you want."
>The Pegasus studies the illustration, nods, and tries again.
>Something does happen indeed this time.
>A non-descript shape starts to appear at the desired location.
>And over the course of less than a minute, the formerly chaotic arrangement of quasi-forms has changed into something which almost resembles a chair.
"Good work so far. Keep going."
>Which he does.
>Sky Squall keeps working on the chair until it is a perfect life-sized copy of the model on the display.
>Once he is done, he takes a breath and closes his eyes.
>"I guess now I know what it is like to be a Unicorn. Minus having the horn, that is."
>You shrug.
"Spells are a bit more complex than that since you've got to focus energy and whatnot. But yeah, the principle is similar as far as the mental process is concerned. It's one of the reasons why we assume that Unicorns would probably be quite adept at interacting with systems like the simulation. Without much of an introduction too."
>Sky Squall smiles wryly.
>"And yet you've asked me first."
>You take a breath.
"Eh, as you've seen yourself, it's no prerequisite. It may be a boon at the start, but everyone can learn how to handle the systems. I serve as another example of that too. I had no previous experience with interactive simulations on this advanced level, but it still worked for me."
>You grin as well.
"But... if you really want to know what it's like to be a Unicorn, we could add a horn to your proxy."
>It apparently takes a moment for Sky Squall to even process the suggestion.
>"No, thank you. I'm quite fond of my wings."
>And your smile grows.
"I didn't say anything about trading them in."
>Sky Squall raises an eyebrow.
>"Anon, that's ridiculous. I could never show myself in Equestria like this."
>He shakes his head.
>"Besides, even if I could hide the horn or the wings somehow in public, the princesses would notice. They have come close to spotting you a couple of times, so there's no way they'd miss a third Alicorn."
>You shrug.
"I know. But it's fun to imagine."
>A pause.
"Anyway, would you like to test your first 'creation'? It looks very solid."
>Sky Squall nods and approaches the second command chair.
>Once he is in range, he prods and probes the stability of the construction with his forehooves to make sure that it is indeed standing firmly.
>Satisfied with the result of his test, the Pegasus takes his seat.
>You speak up.
"So, shall we start?"
>You get two nods in response.
"Alright. Back to business."
>So begins your first regular session back in the simulation.
>And even though the few minor differences in the interior design are noticeable, the session plays out almost exactly as the ones on the actual command deck.
>Still, you can feel that #deca.mare is somewhat more serene throughout the entire affair.
>You have no firm evidence to base this on, and she does not send many signals which could be interpreted as such either, yet you just sense it nevertheless.
>And knowing that #deca.mare is content and in high spirits helps you to feel good and relieved as well.
>A win-win scenario for everyone.
>Maybe except for Sky Squall's eager eyes.
>He will have to be patient for a while longer if he hopes to see #deca.mare becoming more open to certain activities outside the simulation.
>But you are getting there.
>Sooner or later.
Done. Thoughts and comments are welcome as usual of course.
it's a good transitional scene between sections.
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Still easier than convincing some other mares.
And the bonfire singing of course.
of course.
Freudian slip?

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