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Previous >>40906320

ITT: Let's explore any and all sorts of ideas for the underutilized and under-developed Shadowbolts from Equestria Girls.

Completed Stories:
Treating Miss Sweet by ChurroAnon
- https://pastebin.com/7r8iCJ2U

Ongoing Stories:
To Listen (Part 1) by AlexanderGrey
- https://pastebin.com/c6D2XDbL
Game of Headphones (Part 2) by AlexanderGrey
- https://pastebin.com/Sx1M6gnB

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Cute girls
What are the both fan art and fan fiction do you guys like?
The one where they open the bob and vagene?

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Previous Thread: >>40987181

Starry night edition

Twilight's favourite books:

Fanfic Reading:

Twilight music playlist:


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It's finally happened. I've gotten into the habit of writing a todo list for the day in the morning. Then I'm trying to spend as few hours as possible to get all my tasks done efficiently. This has measurably helped me have more free time per day to do pony stuff. However I can't shake the feeling that I took the wrong turn in my life somehow. This isn't normal behavior. I thought Twilight would be the most likely pony to understand my weird feeling.
You're autistic, congratulations! High-functioning autists are a new stage of human evolution so don't worry about it.
>However I can't shake the feeling that I took the wrong turn in my life somehow
But why?
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᠏ ᠏᠏ ᠏▲
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Doing hurtful things to your waifu
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Lol fucking fat kids
There needs to be:
1. An age limit before using a phone or PC.
2. A captcha that is an intelligence test. Failing it blocks you from posting for the rest of the day.
3. A 200 character limit before making a thread.
This u?
Urm Twilight this isn't how these things are supposed to go. Wake up, let's try this again
Ryu wins!

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>rainbowshine is a retarded dashfag

Why would a mare THIS CUTE ever want to be like fuckin’ rainbow dash?
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Isn't Rainbow Dash literally her boss?
Rainbow Dash doesn’t run the weather factory retard
This is what happens when you get to meet you heroes.
unf mare butt closeup
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she’s an element of harmony and can drop a sonic rainboom with no problem she’s a celebrity for pegs

Fine Dining Edition

ITT we talk about stallions (and other non-pony males) and R63 versions of mares.

Last thread: >>41004820
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male kirin, deer, gryphon, ... allowed too?

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ITT we post mares showing off their mareas (mare areas)
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Dark mares are so cute.
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Presentation of marea.
unf linky belli

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Cloud Cuddling Edition

Post pictures, write greentexts, and discuss Dash!
Previous thread: >>41023222


mobius !9PEUyNz5zw

Ex Waifu Ex Machina

YouTube playlist:

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can you make it so she's not pregnant?
Hmm. Maybe in the top half since the background there is relatively simple. But probably not in the reflection on the water. I'd have to completely redraw the cloud.
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hot, too hot
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Last thread: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39834537/#39949369
Quest Notes coming soon.
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If this thread drops before we see Rush again, I'm gonna cry.
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We will see her.
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btw, imagine preening rush.
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>10 days later
Last bump from me. See you in the next one.

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>You are Ardent Mind, an experienced caravan guard and a senior team leader of Steady Stride Caravan Guard Company
>Your job is to escort ponies across the Badlands and beyond to the new colonies in the Mysterious South, fighting Changelings, Diamond Dogs, giant lizards and other dangerous wildlife found in The Badlands and the lands beyond
>Most recently you were hired by the Equestrian Rehoming Project, an organization responsible for managing and encouraging immigration to Equestria’s new colonies
>Your job is to escort and protect one of the Project’s heads, her entourage, and a large number of settlers, fifty ponies in all, all the way from the city of Appleloosa to New Ponyville in the southern colonies
>The job has been rougher than normal but the excitement reached a crescendo just a few days ago when Diamond Dogs trapped your group within a canyon, leading you to take shelter in a newly excavated ancient Dog temple
>After a costly battle in the temple you were forced to take a metaphorical leap of faith, leading you and your remaining clients to find yourselves trapped in an underground Diamond Dog city
>Now you and your team of caravan guards must find a way to escape the city with as many settlers you can

Last session ended with you speaking to Drift, an earth pony slave about ways to escape the Dog city, as well as details surrounding the upcoming slave auction.

(Characters: https://pastebin.com/PqtD6vYH)

Previous Threads:

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Roll perception (d20+2)
Yes do it!
Rolled 13 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

>You cast Advanced Earth Sight but find nothing to note so you ignore the intersection and every intersection thereafter as you make your way to the tatzlwurm temple
>As you walk you and Downburst search for anything of interest
>Unfortunately you find nothing
>As you near the little room you found the second magical rod in you stop as you hear a faint grunt up ahead
>You motion for Downburst to be quiet and you extinguish the lantern
>You sit in the silent darkness for a few seconds and strain your ears for any other sounds
>There’s another grunt followed by an angry whisper in a language you don’t recognize
>You also hear a soft scrapping sound and footsteps slowly coming your way
>Judging by the sound of the footsteps the creature is a small Diamond Dog just a few dozen feet ahead
>If they had a light source you’d expect to see their light even if it’s around a corner but you don’t
>You consider using your Earth Sight, but if you did use the spell then you would risk the glow of your horn giving away your presence in the surrounding dark
[Input Needed]
Anyplace to hide? Intersections nearby?

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Previous Thread: >>41084169

Welcome to Fingerbang: The Equestria Girls & Humanized Thread! Anything with >no hooves is welcome and encouraged here. If you like to write, draw, read, or critique the humanized versions of the ponies, then this is the thread for you.

Story List:

--Recent Writefags-- (pastebin.com can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary)

https://ponepaste.org/2937 (Luna)
https://ponepaste.org/9978 (Celestia)
https://ponepaste.org/9088 (Cadance)
https://ponepaste.org/3518 (Various)
https://ponepaste.org/7826 (Fluttershy)

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lmao poor dashie
Though she kind of completely did it to herself
Stunning, any more of her?
Anchor for the anon coloring the bottomless humanized Fluttershy.

(NSFW, obviously)

Requesting that this sketch of bottomless humanized Fluttershy is colored. Be sure to expose her genitals.

Reference for color and painting style (also NSFW):

And this is how the original artist would draw female genitals in the similar pose and from the similar angle. (WARNING: NSFW, anthro and hyper)

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Damn sunset really does have them lined up and thirsty for it doesn’t she? Anon’s dick and balls are going to be so drained by the end of the night that they’ll need a week to recharge.

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Do pegasi fly to the light like moths?
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Hi Rainbowshine! Hiiii!! Hii hi hi! Hi rainbowshine!!
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They fly to the light which is Celestia

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>"Hmm, oh, hello there Anonymous."
>"I was just trying my old gold chestplate, it barely got past the rear, and it feels so tight despite being the largest pony size..."
>"Ooo, I never showed it off to a human. What do you think of it?"
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I want Celestia to execute prisoners by smothering them with her butt
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this is a really nice pic
You're too phat for your armor.
Wouldn't say anything. My answer to her question would be to start eating that summery Sunbutt ass.

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Fortunate Sun Edition

>Get the game
Reminder to use creamapi to get all the DLCs. You can also get the game for about $10 on instant gaming if you don't want to wait for a steam sale.
>Get the mod
>Balefire Blues
>New to HoI4

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Worst country that people are actually expected to play?
>actually expected to play
Harmonic Equestria. Imagine if America's main campaign goal in Vanilla Hoi4 was to survive against a Mexican invasion that is going to happen in 1940.
Stalliongrad's faction is almost as strong as the Changeling's faction, and they join Equestria.
Which characters has he made?

>"But you were our friend!"
>"Why are you doing this? What's wrong?"
>"Why are you trying to reset the universe Anon?"
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Lesson learned, we should make the Friendship is Optimal AI Celestia thingy run on the shittiest OS possible so it can shit the bed really quickly, and the Equestria simulation should run on Gentoo
That song sounds familiar but I can’t place it
I can't believe anyone in that story didn't try doing that
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I am ready

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