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Welcome to your /green/text sanctuary.

Our mission: rally the troops, get fingers typing, flood the board with greentexts.

Anchor your stories here, finished or not. Seek feedback and tips on them. Want to resurrect some forgotten favorites, dig up an underrated gem, brainstorm your next big idea? Do it here. We want (You).
Let's keep this cornerstone of /mlp/ culture alive!

▶/mlp/ paste service:


▶Tips and links:

Clever’s Tips on How to Write Short Stories: https://rentry.org/CleverShort
Ezn’s Guide to Writing Fanfiction: http://eznguide.neocities.org/ (Also useful for green and MLP writing in general.)

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Anchor your greentexts here! Niche generals, dying slidethreads, cool finds, latest masterpieces - all are welcome.

Just give us the quick rundown. A few lines is all it takes.

Want a review? Tag your post with "/ic/" in the name or comment field.

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It was stream #17 when we started FiM back in May of last year. Now, it's finally ending. I mostly covered what I think of season 9 during the streams, and my opinion really doesn't differ from the general consensus. The facial animations look pretty awful, but overall a better experience compared to season 8. The episodes aren't primarily focused on the Y6 and Friendship school, which I'm thankful for. Well, let's see how they decided end this series. We've still got a bit of EqG to get through, then we're going to end things off with Rainbow Roadtrip, before moving on to Kino Life. Yes finally, we'll get to watch :aerobics: after slogging through all this. Be sure to spam the intro once we do 0c0

Monday 6 - 8pm EDT

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41111968/#q41111968

Stream Archive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1F67WkTedozA2zWPCv3BEVBm2f3f_tu8r

Stream: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/ewz4eb6.txt

S09E21: Daring Doubt: https://youtu.be/ZJvwMlx9d28
S09E22: Growing Up is Hard to Do: https://youtu.be/fyYiJTDvueE
S09E23: The Big Mac Question: https://youtu.be/cmi6V3ntMJ0
S09E24: The Ending of the End (Part 1): https://youtu.be/5khz9W1m1-U

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>it will soon be over
This is the last stream I will be watching

Another day, another bug thread! We hit the bump limit on the last one, let's keep going /bug/ bros

Here in /bug/ we over-feed Queen Chrysalis, go on noir detective styled adventures with changelings, and pretending gaylings don't exist. (It doesn't work.)

Some old links:

Old Hive Directory: https://ponepaste.org/4223

Very Old /bug/ Pastebin: https://poneb.in/PjB4LKgd

BuggyCYOA archive: https://ponepaste.org/4086

I'll get to working making a new Pastebin directory but in the meantime, post your favorite bug stories, art, and appreciation to the thread!
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You fool.
There's at least 19 there
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man i would die unbelievably fast if i had to deal with like one baby changeling
How so?

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Which one of you niggers is this? I know you're on here. I can smell the skidmark on your greasy ass chair.

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Kneel to actual future ruler of Pegasi.
Our tomboy rebel princess. Zipp and Zippchad general. Pipp welcome.
Cont. from >>40950818 and >>40927179
AI anon, grant us more Zipps.
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Why's she cringing
Do you not read posts or something?
Zipp's hitting that conditioner
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The image itself was not, it's just something I saved. I added the stuff around her for the thread.
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Zipp has most beautiful wings ever.

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“An idiot admires complexity, a genius admires simplicity" -Terry A. Davis
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more elephant enjoying
Why does she like elephants?

>"Anon? Honey, please open the door!"
>"You haven't left your room in days! Was it something I did? I-I'm sorry!"
>"Please just say something! HELLO!?"
>"Please... Please just tell me you're alright..."
>"I love you..."
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Machiavellian Anonymous was probably the best green I've read lately. got a lump in my throat, wind knocked out of me when certain events happened, when anon had "one last loose end" to tie i wasn't expecting him to go about to the boutique and do (everything he did) I was fully expecting him to kill himself
Everything about it is great except the end. He went out like a bitch. Feels forced just to have a le redemption death.
I mean, it wouldn't have happened to us because we would've been upfront about having a monogamous relationship and I feel like Twilight would've probably told me about it too. Anyway, if I can herd, I'd just bang Fluttershy, Celestia, and Luna, too.
Where's the illness? Cropped images are fine to post, and whos to say he didn't just want to use the face as his reaction since it's a reaction inage? I could say you're I'll because you used a cropped pic of Twilight, but that's perfectly normal on this board.
>be me
>walk in
>"Anon! Oh gosh, I thought you were in your room!"
>"No, I've spent the last week at Sugarcube Corner, fucking Pinkie Pie in the ass."
>"Well you know, you could have called. I was worried sick!"
>"Yeah, sorry. That puffy pink butthole has hella milking power, there was no way I was getting to my phone until she was satisfied."
>"All right, all right. Anyway, I'm glad you're safe. Dinner's in an hour."

And then I go take a shower because I stink like drying sex fluids and Ponka's ass sweat.

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Post pony memes
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Needs to be able to escape from all the >rape
This has doubled my laughter.
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>coom threads stay alive for weeks
>meme threads die in less than 24 hours
I hate this shithole so fucking much.

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Does anyone still remember the JoJo threads?
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>I'm imagining DIO giving Trixie some peanuts and randomly stabbing her with a stand arrow/spear while she's happily eating. It's fucking hilarious.

I like how it has become a common image for most people.
How will he shoot his stand now?
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He'd find a way.
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Imagine if Stroheim got isekaid to Equestria after dying in Stalingrad.

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Which mare is most likely to have their hymen in tact?
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I think the implication is supposed to be that she's lesbian. But then again he said Rarity and Fluttershy but none of the others and Celestia but not Luna so maybe he's just retarded.
And even if she were a lesbian, that hardly means her hypothetical hymen would be intact.
>implying tavi wouldn't ram her bow into that hole
>no Woona, Coco, Marble, Lime, Nellie(kek) nor Derp
what about the fillies?
Rainbow Dash

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Welcome friends, ITT:
We make and share pony art, with absolutely no pressure to deliver anything that's technically good (besides having ponies in it, which makes it good by default)

Make something, share what you've done, and give feedback and motivation to help us all keep improving and creating!

This thread's focus is art, but beginner or low effort content of any kind is welcome here. If you do want to post about something else like music, gamedev, or crafts, though, just note that you may find better help and feedback posting it in the /create/ thread

Are you an experienced artist? Leave some tips, feedback, guides, or tutorials, they're well appreciated here!

Guides, tutorials and resources! Start here!

Draw with other /bale/ anons!

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Stuck at work, drew this mare with my finger. Please take her I'm trying to focus and she won't shut the fuck up
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So cute!
Why da ponk is not helping?!?!?!?!?!
"Long live the king"
Is this a metaphor for trying to help someone in depression

My thoughts exactly

Post blue spandex shorts girl.

Previous Thread:>>40975992
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Quick! Support them with your hands, Anon!
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I wanna milk her

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Post plones, discuss plones, love plones, forfeit all mortal possessions to plones, don't slap plone bellies.

Exploitable Droner edition

Old Plone stories:

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Should be a T-38 or T-7A.
I was always curious, are you guys aviation mechanics or engineers? Or do you guys work closely with any of the plone aircraft, like the fighters or bombers? Myself I work on the HH60 Pavehawk as a crew chief but I have access to the other aircraft on the flight line as well like F-35s F-22s and Drones. Or is this all just a fascination?

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Mudslide edition.

Next weekend, who's going?
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Here's everyone who is performing. Lots of names of last year but L-Train is new and definitely going to be a blast.

Gone to too many cons? Too bad, but we'll be there next year.
They did well putting the trash acts last.
Hope you're doing well if you're down there.

thrash acts
It's an expensive year. Had to cut cons down to PCH and Marefair, and, as a euro, marefair isn't a cheap endeavour.
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An ocean divides us but I’ll be there in spirit
Have fun krautbros

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We have to celebrate our differences!

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