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>"Anon? Honey, please open the door!"
>"You haven't left your room in days! Was it something I did? I-I'm sorry!"
>"Please just say something! HELLO!?"
>"Please... Please just tell me you're alright..."
>"I love you..."
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I mean, it wouldn't have happened to us because we would've been upfront about having a monogamous relationship and I feel like Twilight would've probably told me about it too. Anyway, if I can herd, I'd just bang Fluttershy, Celestia, and Luna, too.
Where's the illness? Cropped images are fine to post, and whos to say he didn't just want to use the face as his reaction since it's a reaction inage? I could say you're I'll because you used a cropped pic of Twilight, but that's perfectly normal on this board.
>be me
>walk in
>"Anon! Oh gosh, I thought you were in your room!"
>"No, I've spent the last week at Sugarcube Corner, fucking Pinkie Pie in the ass."
>"Well you know, you could have called. I was worried sick!"
>"Yeah, sorry. That puffy pink butthole has hella milking power, there was no way I was getting to my phone until she was satisfied."
>"All right, all right. Anyway, I'm glad you're safe. Dinner's in an hour."

And then I go take a shower because I stink like drying sex fluids and Ponka's ass sweat.
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>acknowledging bait
>rageposting at bait
you played right into his shit-stained hands.
If polygamy is normal in Equestria and everyone does it, then Anon would have known about it like a week into being there just seeing it in passing. If he really didnt notice these married couples sleeping around, then Twilight absolutely would have sperged out about it while comparing cultures. If she didn't, he would have experienced it when they were dating when Twilight was eyeing up potential partners or talking about it, or actively cheating, or asked Anon who he wanted to fuck besides her. If money of that happened, then he probably would have learned about it when he became Prince and got culture on boarding lessons from Twilight or other royal attendants. There's no real way that after being in Equestria and married and a Prince that he was shocked to suddenly learn about this when he walked in on Twilight doing something they never once acknowledged.

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Give cute NEETs a home edition.
Previous: >>40915942

>What is this general?
NEET/Misfit Pone is a thread for ponies who despite their best efforts (or in some cases complete lack thereof) struggle to fit in with the rest of society.

>What sort of stories can you expect to find here?
• Slice of life stuff.
• Lots of odd cute ponies becoming the waifu stories.
• Lots of being the cute oddball pony stories.
• A few NEET-recovery stories.
• A lot of smut, if you're into that.
• Lots of ponies to get you started with a variety of personalities and quirks. Don't like one of them? Give another NEET a try!
• Much, much more!

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Bumping for good green
also contributing my bump
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Are there any NEETs you think might be okay with being walled off in a convent?
Alternatively, are there any you can see making decent nuns?
That’s a novel concept
Nun neet pone may need to be its own thing but I can definitely see it

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>"You're not a dweeb are you?"
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>Nah, youse one?
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>redeem the dweeb sar

We all had our fun in the end, but where do we go from here? https://youtu.be/BdjGBBHJByk?si=Sd5r9BTKAx8u40IQ
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are we secretly in hell? is this a punishment of some kind?
Anon you're supposed to use poni to supplement a relatively normal life and hope for poni poni after
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Get it together buddy
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It's an experiment. The mad dash of a intelligent entity trying to establish his kingdom in a dying world, where the only goal is creating that which cannot be, a cosmic paradox. A system whose control measures are based on fear and desire. An impersonal adversary to which there exists a personal savior.
seriously anon, thanks for this, glad I stayed up past midnight for it. Real 3 am motivational energy.
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We doomposting? Here you go
Pure, distilled pain

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No Misty thread? Let's fix that
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I’m thinking tristy with Misty and Pipp.
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Love this to bits.
Don't hide your freckles, Misty!
How can a black girl have freckles anyway?
She's mixed

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Previous thread >>40869005

This thread is for the bestest BFFs ever: Sunny & Izzy! No, this is not a shipping thread.

Greentext stories short and long:
>>39561001 Izzy has something for (You)
>>39584734 Izzy has to choose
>>39869258 Sunny & Izzy get confused in prison
>>39959545 Hitch discovers something about Sunny
>>39965565 Izzy discovers it too
>>39985594 Izzy is probably drunk
>>40075364 Anon is distressed
>>40077312 Sunny and Izzy sing a work song
>>40147731 Sunny trains Anonfilly
>>40171581 Misty makes dinner for her friends

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Do it Izzy
Kill it, Izzy. It's for the greater good.
Sunny would share her apple recipes on /ck/

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Previous thread: >>41050564

/ourlobby/: Leaf (rip)

Console release is here! (Nintendo Switch, Sony Playstation 4 and Playstation 5, Microsoft Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psdeHoARfYM

========= Events =========

None at this time


>Steam page:http://store.steampowered.com/app/574980/Thems_Fightin_Herds/

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You're delusional.
I always thought the guy on the left was talking when the guy on the right was talking and vice versa.
They just looked like they'd sound like the other guy.
I know better now tho.
Paprika literally and canonically kisses girls.
>Paprika is canonically a rapist and sexual abuser
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She long

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What's the closest bond you've ever formed with someone on this board?
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Finding a female on /mlp/ is a trivial matter.
They just always happen to live ten states away from me to pursue.
I say nice things about other people's art and stories.
That's about it.
I doubt any of them are here anymore, or remember it if they are, but a bunch of anons made a pact to stay on the ride til the very end. It's just a silly thing, but it felt pretty momentous at the time.
I'm the 124 anon. You have to go beyond the board into a place where you can have constant contact
We started talking, she got a crush on me, I didn't but we became close friends, I started slowly falling for her.

Definitely going to meet in a few months
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You'll always have us.

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Hasbro made a poniefied version of a deaded kid. I have high (degenerate) expectation from the community... do not disappoint.

Story: https://www.29news.com/2024/05/23/family-gifted-my-little-pony-doll-honor-daughters-memory/
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Who gives a fuck about family members and what they think. We're adults, fuck them, you can be the degenerate you always wanted to be the society hates.
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you're interesting me, anon.

do you know _exactly_ what pose and context you want with that poor filly?
Finally! How can we talk? Messenger or Discord?

Yeah this is normie tier, he could do better.
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Just about any men here is a few missteps away from getting beaten into a pulp by their male peers for getting falsely accused of rape by some women in a position of power because you wouldn't bend to her knees like an obedient puppy,

Out there, none of us are safe, that's why we are outcasts. The only reason they don't take us seriously is because it takes a lot of effort to see a man who likes girly cartoon ponies as any kind of threat. To them, we are no more than pathetic excuses for men, emasculated to the point of being completely harmless and only useful as easily controllable and disposable slave labor, and that's a good thing because we most definitely DON'T want their attention.

So I ask, why do you retards insist on bringing attention to yourselves like that? Why do you guys go out of your way to put a massive target behind your backs just in case any party of powerful individuals interested enough can use you to further their political agenda until you're nothing but collateral damage?

Conservatives are dying to use you guys as proof of progressive ideology emasculating young men and grooming them into becoming pedos just to chase after the opposition with the "pedo" label while feminists are dying to use you guys as example of why men are inherently toxic and rapists by nature and masculinity can't be fixed so the only solution is to emasculate all men to the point of castration, or what they prefer to call it, "conversion".

You guys live in one of the worst gynofascist slave regimes to ever exist in history and it's coming from both sides, Regardless of how comfy you feel alone in your bedroom simping over fictional pony waifus and fantasize about how much hot mares want to get knocked up by your ugly unwashed schlong, none of you are ever truly safe. So what's even the point of all this? Do you guys crave societal annihilation just to get noticed? Are you guys addicted to being persecuted and rejected by literally everyone everywhere? If so, then why don't you just go outside and break havoc in society gta style? I thought the point of isolating yourself from reality was self-preservation, that certainly is the case for me and I seriously doubt it wasn't the reason most bronies got into ponies in the first place.

So once again, I ask, why? I genuinely don't understand the premise here. All this will get is the unneeded attention of emo gamers larping as saviours of western civilization looking for targets to kill.

I just don't get it. at. all.

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Imagine being a species THIS cute literally all the time.
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don't be so hard on yourself
I'm not a giant-headed, no torso having ayylien, thank god.
holy shit all the EQG designs are literally PURE SEX
As long as I live I'll never understand what's sexy about them. Not even baiting barbiefags, I genuinely don't get it.
Even as far as nohooves go their designs are bad.

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Previous Thread: >>40987181

Starry night edition

Twilight's favourite books:

Fanfic Reading:

Twilight music playlist:


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Alicorn filly?
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Fine Dining Edition

ITT we talk about stallions (and other non-pony males) and R63 versions of mares.

Last thread: >>41004820
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He is nice. I want him to be Rainbow Dash's boyfriend.
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Here's a better "Unique" artstyle
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It's so strange that people can't fathom gay dudes having taste. Either you'll eat up the excessively-detailed yet vastly unappealing tumblr artstyle of some ze-xer with six diagnosed disorders, or you're not gay? I wish faggotry wasn't such a deeply embedded part of pride month. Stallions and femcolts deserve better art.
I just want gay horses...

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Previous Thread: >>40987791
Post pics and love Sunset.

Sunset Sunday Ponepaste - https://ponepaste.org/3956
GreentextSavant’s Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/u/AlexanderGrey
BG9's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/BG9_Reborn
Gritsaw’s Pastebin - http://pastebin.com/u/Gritsaw
Zharkaer's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/Zharkaer
Tstar231's Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/u/Tstar231
HolytntDiver's Pastebin https://pastebin.com/u/HolytntDiver
Holy's Ponepaste https://ponepaste.org/user/Holy

Sunset Greentexts
Sunset x Anon by XMRWRITEFAGX - https://ponepaste.org/3957

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>You are currently at a restaurant on some non-specific Friday night, sitting across the table from the most beautiful woman in Canterlot.
>The two of you joined a local jogging club at about the same time and really hit it off.
>Funny enough, you were both shocked at how energetic the other was. You always took good care of yourself and stayed active, whereas Sunset just seemed to have the infinite energy of a woman half her age.
>That said, she had the wisdom and wit of a woman twice her age as well.
>You got to know her well enough through idle chatter, and then casual conversation, and then dedicated hanging out.
>Finally, you'd worked up the nerve to ask her out, and here you are.
"So Sunset," you say, glancing over the menu. "What's your major?"
>"My major?"
"Yeah, you know. You're going back to school, right? You said you had some big projects coming up for the end of your semester. I think that's really great, by the way. Not a lot of people go back to school, especially by our age. Taking the time to better yourself is...well, it's just like you, I guess."
>"Oh no, I don't have a major."
"Oh, so...undeclared? Where are you leaning, then?"
>Sunset shakes her head and smiles at you like you've made some silly joke.
>What's funny?

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This got a good laugh out of me, hopefully you can post some more soon anon!
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Damn Sunny is rocking the Valencia fit
Damn, that's really good. I hope you come back with more soon.

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"Anniversary Incoming!!!" Edition
Post and talks about pony merchandise, official or not.
Discuss plushies, figures, clothes, books, pins and more! And new ways to add ponies to our life!

>is selling your products here allowed?
Of course! Absolutely allowed.
>can I talk or post here about my crafting even if what I do isn't for sale?
Yes! We accept merch in all its forms.
>where can I find the old threads?
They are all in the Links Index Pastebin, after the links section.
>where can I find the video/collage of the anniversaries?
They are at the bottom of the Link Index Pastebin, after the archived threads section.

=== Links Index Pastebin ===

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Also any idea where I could get reasonably priced resin printing done? Want to look at pony figures for tabletop or a chess set
If you have supported files you could try looking for printers on Etsy, most tend to be allergic to unsupported stls. If you have hobby or gaming shops around try them, they tend to use FDM if they have a printer in store but people there may have home resin printers
If not then find a cool friend with a printer or become the cool friend with a printer. That being said resin needs a good sized workstation for printing, washing, and safety shit to get right
t. retard with old printer
Looks very soft, want
I could be interested if you are in EU.

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I'd request one or two or more by Darkdoomer/Bestfilly/SS, if you have suggestions drop em in!

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Hm, it's okay, you don't get the whole story and it's no biggie.
I think he’s doing it for attention.
Now draw her and Mezeltov comforting each other as they are outcast as social pariahs.
hey good idea!
Jesus, that's awesome!
How much would it be for a pic like that of any OC?

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