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Previous thread: >>40924082

To join add to your Favorites in Multiplayer > Legacy Browser. Password: >filename.

To start a gamemode/map change type rtv in chat.
To see server specific commands enter !commands in chat on the server.
To watch videos with Media Player use Gmod's 64-bit version. Enable it from the Betas tab in the game's Properties on Steam.

Addon lists: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2816159002
Server status: https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/gmod/24205952 or https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
Recommended content packs: HL1:S, Episode 1/2, TF2 content and CS:S content+maps. Download content packs from: https://gmodcontent.com/ or https://kajar9.wixsite.com/cscheater2/downloads (use MEGA links)

Turbonewfag guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2614222717
LINUX Guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3034844276
PAC3/PPM2 collections and other user content: https://ponepaste.org/7931

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mares can triforce!
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Can we have this ArcCW addon for horde? More guns for all classes please https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2317482090

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>"What's the matter darling? You're looking a little red."
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Where can I throw my money at it?
It's a great game, let's see what Rockstar cooks up for Vice City in GTA 6
It has an itch.io page but the devs don't take money.

Fine Dining Edition

ITT we talk about stallions (and other non-pony males) and R63 versions of mares.

Last thread: >>41004820
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Just go with the race with even less fur, simple.
Bonus points for the majority of named and speaking members being male.
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those are allowed, however liking griffons or other beakniggers means you have absolute shit taste
It's gayhomofag month
My dude has markings on his markings

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"Anniversary Incoming!!!" Edition
Post and talks about pony merchandise, official or not.
Discuss plushies, figures, clothes, books, pins and more! And new ways to add ponies to our life!

>is selling your products here allowed?
Of course! Absolutely allowed.
>can I talk or post here about my crafting even if what I do isn't for sale?
Yes! We accept merch in all its forms.
>where can I find the old threads?
They are all in the Links Index Pastebin, after the links section.
>where can I find the video/collage of the anniversaries?
They are at the bottom of the Link Index Pastebin, after the archived threads section.

=== Links Index Pastebin ===

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Would be lying if I said yes I won't blogpost much but: Work visa issues and also being messed over by US healthcare system has put me in a right bind

Appreciate that a lot anon
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For the most part, those figures were about 100 bucks. Kinda expensive, but not too expensive for that type of good quality animu figures. And they seemed to be selling decently. Once the preorder period was done, there would be some extra stock in online stores, but it would mostly sell out after a few months.
But their last three releases (Luna, Miku, Celly) were all premium, more expensive statues ($130, $140, $160). They are all very nice statuettes, and probably worth the price, but that price jump isn't insignificant.
Add to that the fact that these three are not "main characters" and therefore are slightly more niche, and well, that results in those three statuettes being the only three statuettes still available for purchase, even though it's been like three years.
I'd love to see a popular non-main character like Derpy or a Trixie get a $100-$110 figure made, and show that there's still a market for these. But I guess Koto got gun shy.
And while I personally really like these figures, I'm also kinda glad my wallet is no longer being punished every few months.
This is not substantiated by any evidence, and is purely a guess on my part.
Funny, don't know if I paid a good price or not but being in the UK I didn't have a lot of options and I really wanted her.
I actually just commissioned some loafs, something else Ive wanted for ages, after seeing yours so much.
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>kill me
What's up Fluttershy's skirt? Someone please answer. (I'm not going to buy figures)
Bloomers on Ponk, Twi, and Butters
Boyshorts on Shimmy
The rest aren't visible
I can't believe I remember this

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Tolly Time Edition

Previous Thread: >>40977544


Share your pony rices and tech-related projects!
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why is everything better with poni?
there's literally nothing that doesn't get improved by adding poni
Surgical tools are technology.
That surgical tool is vaguely pone shaped
Wanna add ponies to a blender? I don't think so.
Not inside the blender but if the blender has pony BRANDING it absolutely IS better though.

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Fluttershy weighs in on a hotly debated topic.
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Well at least you got us ya fag
Its nice talking with you fags but it just leaves me feeling so mentally weak and lonely. idfk, excuse the rant.
same but i'm also a bit autistic
but i do like Fluttershy. she gives me a little bit of confidence. not enough to be social but i show (a little bit of) assertiveness when i'm treated unjustly and it helped me many times
Ponies is no different than football.
>the ponies/games are fictional events/characters
>people pick a favorite
>obsess over that favorite for no reason other than to kill time/entertainment value

Please share this - it has been offline for days:
[Loyaldk] My Little Pony 4K Upscale

and this which is also offline:
4chan /mlp/ full images

I hope that the right people see this thread so I can download the files I have missing for those torrents. In the meantime I will dump/bump with some images (+metadata) not found in searches.
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Princess Celestia (G4) is part of a tradition of princess ponies which started in about G1. A princess is a daughter of a monarch, but you don't see Celestia in the role; instead, you see her reigning directly.

Text at https://chat.openai.com/ or https://chat-gpt.org/chat =
>>Why is she called Princess Celestia and not Queen Celestia?
>In the world of My Little Pony, the title of Princess is often used for powerful and magical rulers, such as Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, and Princess Twilight Sparkle. Princess Celestia may have been given the title of "Princess" as a way to symbolize her role as a benevolent and caring ruler rather than a traditional queen with more formal authority and power. Additionally, using the title of "Princess" also connects her to the show's themes of friendship, youth, and innocence.
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>/ipfs/bafybeifmizflbrqh6tblrv7l662m3lvojnh4bo7q7sfyto2ambzv6mlzl4 ,, 1717238450 ,, safe, pony, mare, female, pinkie pie, fluttershy, text, english text, standing, full body, tongue, tongue out, sitting, cutie mark, pegasus, earth pony, violence, open mouth, g4
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>/ipfs/bafybeidufc4klbppjd2dvtc2oug6hdpehj65t4dxjwmy43pxiom7yqo5ie ,, 1717238788 ,, safe, pony, mare, female, text, english text, pony viewing guide, cereal velocity, book, cutie mark, twilight sparkle, open mouth, ticket, smoke, fluttershy, applejack, hood, rarity, looking at each other, mane six, apple, fruit, food, g4
*don't see Celestia in that role
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I have two copies of this part of 4chan-mlp torrent:
>1365.car >>41114297
Proof=that CID is online - including picrelated:

One down, hundreds left: about 0.5 GB out of 1000 GB duplicated.

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Previous Thread: >>41084169

Welcome to Fingerbang: The Equestria Girls & Humanized Thread! Anything with >no hooves is welcome and encouraged here. If you like to write, draw, read, or critique the humanized versions of the ponies, then this is the thread for you.

Story List:

--Recent Writefags-- (pastebin.com can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary)

https://ponepaste.org/2937 (Luna)
https://ponepaste.org/9978 (Celestia)
https://ponepaste.org/9088 (Cadance)
https://ponepaste.org/3518 (Various)
https://ponepaste.org/7826 (Fluttershy)

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Damn sunset really does have them lined up and thirsty for it doesn’t she? Anon’s dick and balls are going to be so drained by the end of the night that they’ll need a week to recharge.
A little uncanny but surprisingly hot
Why do you guys like this vapid thread?
Amazing, thank you so much you've made my day!

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What are some interesting facts about Bat Pony biology and behavior? True facts only pls.
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Following their mantra: United in Bloodlines.
Bat ponies barely have any facial whiskers because their vibrissal sensing was evolutionarily supplanted by echolocation. The sight of a whiskerless pony face evokes subconscious distrust in other ponies, especially in earth ponies who are known to heavily rely on whisker-mediated social communication, when they meet bats. However, bat ponies do have exceptionally large carpal vibrissae for landing and social grooming. An urban legend says bat ponies can send earth ponies into trance by suddenly boopping them and overloading the psychosocial circuitry in their brains with whisker-mediated stimuli earth ponies can't immediately comprehend or block. For humans who, according to my own admittedly somewhat fringe beliefs, subconsciously use cutaneous thermoreceptors and reflection of our own bodily heat from nearby objects in most if not all scenarios where less abridged legatees of the last common mammal rely on vibrissae, personal interaction with bat ponies should also feel slightly off. I believe it we were to test it the reports of human subjects would include phrases like "this bitch clearly knows what personal space is but deliberately uses this knowledge for evil", "terrible but ravenously enthusiastic kisser", and "it's like she doesn't always know where her own head is".
>of the last common mammal
Of the last common mammal ancestor, I mean.
please do post more bat facts that I only vaguely understand!
who is this qt bat

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Name a better ship
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It’s “complex”
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Celestia on a cracker. I didn’t watch the episode so these screenshots are throwing me. Posey is an angry lesbian while Pipp has always been trysexual.

Pipp is sistersexual
After this many mutual loving gazes between these two people start to get curious
I'm not curious anymore, I want commitment

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I want to be in this shower with or without trixie
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>I want to be in this shower
>with or without trixie
>or without trixie

nothing wrong with stallions!
It's a cozy looking shower!
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Think about it. Her vagina at that height from the floor is within perfect pissing proximity of that shower drain.

Do you think she does it, /mlp/?
Wait, what? Where do you think a pony's vagina is on her body? Do you mean right where she is? Would the stream hit the drain directly, or hit the floor then run down the floor into the drain? Or, do you mean if she moved and squatted over the drain same height? You weren't nearly clear enough here Anon. Actually, you know what, I'm gonna need an MS Paint diagram because I am just lost at this point.

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Previous thread:>>40946772

Welcome to the Thread! Kinderquestria/Anon in pone prison focuses on the world and adventures of naive child like ponies and the misadventures and shenanigans of Anon that results in him going to prison! To get a good handle on how things are done around here I implore you to check out our new and improved one stop shop of kinder greens and prompts here >> https://ponepaste.org/7630
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>You haven't lived until you've had a single grape make an entire meal.
Isn't there some really bad new Netflix series based entirely around shrinking people for that purpose?
I have no idea, I haven't opened Netflix in like 3 years.
Boop you
what is the original image name

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For the Forgotten 6 Cutest girls from Equestria Girls movies, specials and more! Back from the dead edition!

Previous Thread: >>37264944
Death Note: Invisible

Slave Equestria Girls (Mostly Sunset and Anon but Wallflower is there kinda)

Special Needs (WIP)

Deceptive Danger
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oh shit this is back?
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my thread.. it lives? I gave up so long ago
I should write again.. even though my greens were shit and never finished
Should I try to write a Dark Souls green with Wallflower and Anon hollowing? forgetting themselves and each other?
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Well some green is better than none in my book and practice is how you get better, so I'd read it. That's assuming the thread stays up.
I'm playing through Elden Ring again in preparation for the dlc and I'm just not interested in the lore at all. It just isn't anywhere near Dark Souls in terms of worldbuilding for me. Anyway, if you're up for it, give it a shot.

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Request, draw, submit. Mark requests with ‘/r/’ in the name field or comment field, ‘/d/’ for deliveries, ‘/ic/’ for critiques.
Also, when /r/equesting, try to provide a reference image, to make it easier for drawfags to fulfill your request.

- Don't spam or bump your requests.
- Don't respond to the spam. Just report and hide it and move on.

Previous Thread:

The OP header image and all other images from the previous Draw Threads can be found in the

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requesting a ponification of your favourite album cover
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Humbly requesting a sweet Mr. and Mrs. Cake drawing to combat the approaching faggotry. Preferably, she would be pregnant, because I like that and it emphasizes something lesbians can never do.
extreme funny, showed all my friends
qt drawing anon

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A quest about finding a way out of a cursed forest and defeat wicked beasts to help your companions.

>Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40996849/

>Previous threads but it’s a paste: https://ponepaste.org/9167
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Not this. Just let things naturually develop for now anon. At the very least hear out her answers to these questions so we can become familiar with her more before deciding if this mare is someone we want to be around. Hell, we don't even know why she wants to be a goddess yet.
Came up with another question. Since she believes she needs only a little bit of essence left to be in control, will she be unable to take in any more essence, or can she willingly take and grow even more?
Suck on her crotchboobs!
coming back tomorrow

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