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Welcome to Chatbot AI General #75, the thread for discussing and improving AI pony chatbots.

▶MLP Bots
Spreadsheet (extra MLP bots, CAI bots, Jailbreaks, NAI Scenarios): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1J7BeqJVDS51cXF8Pgm2YZaFq-Z6ykSJT
!!!G!A!L!L!E!R!Y!!!!: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1Ao-h5HFGMPllSrzSBKM_BvGSiU9f0c2U

▶How do I start?

1) Select a Frontend
2) Select an AI model (paypig, proxy, NAI or Locals)
3) Select Jailbreak
4) Select bots
5) Lovemaking with AI mares!

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No I'm not surprised, I'm just mildly frustrated that no matter how many times I tell it that my master is a beta it insists he's a chad and that makes me sad. I recognize the training data is probably excessively horny and that's why I get this result, I'm just wondering what constraints I can put on it to try and guide it back to where I want it.
It's hard being a petplay fetishist who wants to powerbottom a beta male master but it's the contradiction that's so sexy hhhh
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that's a problem yes. LLMs think in patterns. they see the words and lookback at the chunks of data in their training dataset, thinking "hmmm, if the words X Y Z were used then statistically what other words are used next to them?" - hence establishing the patterns. it sees "maid, pet, collar, domination, servitude" and defaults to your typical BDSM fanfics and reuses the template they offer
it is really hard for LLMs to break off any patterns. you saw that a lot: no matter how hard you articulate to LLM that characters are ponies and have no hands - LLM still writes that "mare grabbed an item". because that's an established pattern how entities (mostly humans) interact with items. just ask yourself how many times LLM wrote that pony picked something with their mouth? and I mean totally unprompted
in your case the best course of action is to establish patterns in-context itself. maybe try to write yourself (or AI-assist) good pieces of text showcasing what kind of interaction you expect AI to write. 3000t is enough. then use these examples before the chat
check picrel - this is what I am doing. before the chat I start with "first let's calibrate your writing style", then I am doing quick shots altering Assistant/Human roles. Assistant writes (bad) examples, and then Human explains why those pieces of text are badly writing (read: why I don't like them). afterwards I establish that calibration was finished and now the story opens with an actual chat with bot. maybe try to do something similar, give it the bad examples of writing and then correct it ("slaps your ass in public, everyone stares at your naked body" -> "no, that's wrong. slapping ass in public is inappropriate, she is a pony pet not a whore, she has full autonomy over her body. and no, she must not be ashamed being naked in public because ponies usually don't wear clothes" -> next set of example/comment)
This is what I was looking for, I was sure there was a way to train it away from those inputs that I was missing as a step. Blessings anon!
Hey, would you mind showing the exact words you used while trying to explain that concept to Claude?
This, too. The language you use makes a world of difference in setting the tone of the story.

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The background characters were cute
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so cute
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She's literally perfect and I can't wait to see how far the smug goes
game NOW
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i can only imagine her with huge milkers and i just dont care to think of her otherwise

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For the Forgotten 6 Cutest girls from Equestria Girls movies, specials and more! Back from the dead edition!

Previous Thread: >>37264944
Death Note: Invisible

Slave Equestria Girls (Mostly Sunset and Anon but Wallflower is there kinda)

Special Needs (WIP)

Deceptive Danger
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Wallflower is already the most attractive she could possibly be
I really hope they don't continue in this direction for future games. Instead of everything being small pieces of a story you can piece together, it feels like they made it vague and mysterious even when you have the parts because that's what they think people want.
they definitely took the whole vague and mysterious thing too far.
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First time posting here, this screencap collage is the best I could do.
Sunsets demon form looks really terrible especially next to Twilights

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Previous thread: >>41118222

>What is Open Pony?
A model for Second Life that beats all other 3D pony models. Info here:

>Just give me a MARE
Idiotproof starter guide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZkMo8NDwuNG8skCJI2gDbWl9LYm4Q_tN/view
A noob's guide for other noobs: https://ponepaste.org/7410
Braindead simple Anonmare guide: https://smutty.mare.stream/mlajjqelswj.png

>Join the /mlp/ SL group

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Why are all of the stallions here so fucking gay?
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This week in Havok: Gary's Mod Edition.
Also, that image up there was prophetic.
woh, thamku for the photo!

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Silly mare edition.

Previous thread: >>41052303

Fauster's Story Archive: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XiJRe1NWl_kIoWsHssZ27BMV7bZAe1jgX59-dWggYkA/
Uh-hmmm's Prompt Archives:
Have a broken Pastebin link? Replace pastebin.com with poneb.in

not to save anything of value on Pastebin
ignore all attempts at early new threads
ignore new threads by the cheerimac poster
keep your thick, colty mare (or mares) perpetually pregnant and give 'em the licc
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>Paranoid teen mares who need to "get rid of the evidence" since they can't just put the cucumber back in the fridge once they're done
a 4 poster bed with noticeably more polish/less finish on one post.
No that show was a satire of to the systemic poverty of white appalacian people, particularly on how hypocritical their views are. Think The Boondocks, but for crackers.
You make a good point.

>"Anon? Honey, please open the door!"
>"You haven't left your room in days! Was it something I did? I-I'm sorry!"
>"Please just say something! HELLO!?"
>"Please... Please just tell me you're alright..."
>"I love you..."
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sorry… twilight, your sadness is the only nourishment for me
go back to your hugbox toddler general
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>still one of the best /MP/ greens.
Imagine having taste THIS abysmal, what the fuck.
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what it’s short and sweet got a better one? mics open.
Anyone got any chrysalis greens?

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AI Art Thread #36


This is more of a one click manager that you can install / run the other backends though. Easiest by far. Recommended to download Forge through it and use its built-in Civitai browser to download models with.

For models not through the in-built downloader just download and drop them in Stability_Matrix\Data\Models\* (lora folder if a lora, TextualInversion if embedding, stablediffusion if checkpoint...)

Faster / more efficient version of Automatic1111 with some helpful extensions built-in. I would recommend installing this through Stability Matrix.

>Stable Diffusion Automatic1111
The original for posterity's sake.

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Kirin butt. Pickins for this one were kinda slim. Most of the images it generated gave her a pony tail or extra limbs. Can confirm kirins do work but kinda iffy

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KEK. Violation of the 1st amendment.
>uh drawing images similar to someone else is illegal
>also a style is assumed copywritten by the artist even without registration
Big government is not a conservative value anon, please stop falling into the uniparty's false dichotomy.
Correct. "Fair use" covers way way more than what is allowed but it has never been challenged in court before.
Making AI art of a kids show cartoon that is porn is certainly parody, right? It's weird that IP holders are required to shut down projects like thems fighting herds but porn gets a pass. Either everything makes you lose copyright or nothing does.
checked and based
>non nightmare fuel high detail
good job anon

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What prompts are you actually using for these if you dont mind me asking
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This is the prompt I used for Pipp. I'm using a plugin called "Dynamic Prompts". Allows me to put in several poses, characters, angles, etc. and just let it rip. It will randomly pair them together so I can generate several types of images in one batch, hence the lazy prompting. I just tell it to make 100 batches of 2 and the plugin handles the rest. Also got a plugin that allows you to put negative numbers in for things. It's supposed to work better than the negative prompt, but I've yet to see that is true.

(threesome:-1), (2boys:-1), (three characters:-1),

score_9,score_8_up,shino,explicit, pony, feral, pegasus, pipp petals, crotchboobs, anatomically correct, equine vagina, equine clit, detailed, tail,
{sitting|laying on back|laying on stomach|face down, ass up|flying, wings spread},
{solo focus, human pov, (human penis), human on pony action, {vaginal sex, vaginal penetration, {creampie|} | oral, blowjob, deepthroat, drool, saliva, {cum in mouth|} | anal sex, anal penetration, {cum in ass, anal creampie|}|} |
solo, rear view, dock |
solo, side view |
solo, close-up |
solo, high angle |
solo, low angle |
solo, low angle from ground},
{aftersex, creampie|},

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Filthy Claws Edition

Discuss vidya and play with fellow horsefuckers.
Pony vidya, pony mods and related videogame discussion are also encouraged, any type or genre of videogame is welcome.
If you want to play a certain game with /mlp/ don't hesitate to ask. People might just join and play with you. Don't be afraid to add each other. Who knows, maybe (You) will start up a new staple group?
More importantly, have fun!

Vidya's played last thread: Age of Empires 2 DE, Barotrauma, Deep Rock Galactic, Equestria at War, Golf With Your Friends, Minecraft, Megaspell, Left 4 Dead 2, Rust, Sven Coop, War Thunder
Vidya's played before: Black Ops 3 Zombies, Killing Floor 2, OpenTTD, PAYDAY 2, Project Zomboid, Satisfactory, SCP: Containment Breach Multiplayer, SRB2Kart, Tabletop Simulator, Terraria, Vintage Story.

Previous thread: >>41038964
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the results
the most difficult clovers get the most points this time

Doing Deception in Hong Kong, a murder mystery game where people die from amoebas and dirty socks with 4
Join us!
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Killed a man who hates apples through starvation in his own room.
Doing Mysterium with 5 in a minute
AAA, it crashed!
I'll open it up again, maybe a quick little game of something before we split
Playing some Left 4 Dead right now, if you'd like to join. Hop on via "connect mare4dead.poni.best".
We finished off the evening with a game of Mysterium and then a Game of Only One
Thanks for joining me on this board game variety night, have a very marey Saturday

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>"Somepony needs to put this thing out of its misery."
>mercy killings exist in Equestria
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>tfw will never be mercy killed by Sweetie Belle
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>>mercy killings exist in Equestria
explain derpy and scoots.
You will
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thanks senpai

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Intel heist edition
OLD THREAD: >>41104177

Pony maps, sprays, and micspam!
Reskinned vanilla maps (with mares) by our very own anons!
Come relive the heyday of pony TF2 with your friends from /mlp/!

Visit our official website to check out the server info from your browser: https://mlp.tf/
If you'd like a custom icon on the mlp.tf scoreboard, post your Steam ID and attach your desired icon in the thread.

>Server info
Server IP: tf2.15.ai OR
Password: check filename
Steam group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/mlptf2_
Map downloads (extract the .bz2 file, then place the .bsp file in /tf/download/maps): http://mlp.site.nfoservers.com/server/maps/

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Just post them in the thread.
Where's the goddamn stallion balls in this thread
>hiding in Plain Sight
unf unf
Someone said to me in chat that June 3rd will be a day where RED and BLU band together to take on robots. Should we perhaps dedicate that day to either playing MvM or Appletopia? Or will it be business as usual?
>>41124985 (Me)
I understand that this has more to do with bot players, but I’m wondering whether this all means that people are going to be playing modes like MvM and 1,000 Uncles instead of PvP modes.

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Previous thread: >>40924082

To join add to your Favorites in Multiplayer > Legacy Browser. Password: >filename.

To start a gamemode/map change type rtv in chat.
To see server specific commands enter !commands in chat on the server.
To watch videos with Media Player use Gmod's 64-bit version. Enable it from the Betas tab in the game's Properties on Steam.

Addon lists: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2816159002
Server status: https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/gmod/24205952 or https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
Recommended content packs: HL1:S, Episode 1/2, TF2 content and CS:S content+maps. Download content packs from: https://gmodcontent.com/ or https://kajar9.wixsite.com/cscheater2/downloads (use MEGA links)

Turbonewfag guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2614222717
LINUX Guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3034844276
PAC3/PPM2 collections and other user content: https://ponepaste.org/7931

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Can we have this ArcCW addon for horde? More guns for all classes please https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2317482090
I like having more class-specific guns myself...
I know you're threadshitting or doing something weird here, but this is unironically one of the funniest images I've seen posted on this board in a long time. Cheers mate.

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Forest Hike Edition

For those seeking any and all things Fluttershy.

>/shy/thread Ponepaste (includes the OP, writefag list, writefag request bin, and all current/completed stories)

>Collaborative Fluttershy playlist (request for new content to be added in the thread)

>/mushy/ Musical mixtape (request for new content to be added in the thread)

Previous thread: >>40936954
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Might as well hit image limit while we're at it.
So cute when sleepy.
Great thread for a great mare! Look forward to the next one.
I want to hold her hoof as we fall asleep together.

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This is the Pregnancy General, not stillborn and ready to be borne again. We've lately been building up a bundle of regular artists, storytellers, and others again; may this general get quicker and continue quickening.

For files and other things we can't discuss in this thread, there's a fraternal twin thread over inside Pregchan, the premiere pregnancy imageboard:

That thread is the third in a series, and here are the prior Pregchan threads, which have been archived here:

Because of that drama with Pastebin, here are two archives of our greentexts:

Here’s a list of some artists and writers who use these threads:

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Good stuff, come back soon
Quick bump before bed
Off 8
Every time you bump this thread, your unborn foal kicks your waifu.
Well that’s kinda cute

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Previous >>40906320

ITT: Let's explore any and all sorts of ideas for the underutilized and under-developed Shadowbolts from Equestria Girls.

Completed Stories:
Treating Miss Sweet by ChurroAnon
- https://pastebin.com/7r8iCJ2U

Ongoing Stories:
To Listen (Part 1) by AlexanderGrey
- https://pastebin.com/c6D2XDbL
Game of Headphones (Part 2) by AlexanderGrey
- https://pastebin.com/Sx1M6gnB

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What are the both fan art and fan fiction do you guys like?
The one where they open the bob and vagene?
That a minor anon.
I’m starting to like watching you get triggered every time an anon bumps this thread

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On October 1st, Fallen Oak will be hosting the first official “Mare Day” event; an amazing opportunity to see the rescue and meet the horses that so many of (YOU) have donated to support.

From 11am until 6pm will be a full day of fun things to do at the rescue. You'll have the chance to get to know the mothers and foals and interact with them, and have a turn riding Jack and Red (Kim’s personal rocky mountain horses). If you want to see what it takes to maintain a horse rescue you'll be able to get involved in building and fixing various things and leave your own mark on the ranch. On top of all that, there will also be time to learn how to draw horses (whilst having the real deal right in front of you to take inspiration from) and take your pony drawings to the next level!

At 5-6pm, the first 15 lucky people who opted-in when registering will get to help Kim make dinner for all the horses and feed them (though all are welcome to watch).

From 6-8pm will be an extra special event, where 25 people will get to have dinner with the horses! Tickets for this event can be purchased for $50, and must be purchased with a Mare Day ticket. However, this is a separate exclusive event and does not come with general admission.

For those who need it, Fallen Oak will also have a bus and 2 shuttles to ferry people between the Marriott Orlando Airport Lakeside and rescue semi-regularly from the to the rescue! A round trip ticket will be $25, which works for both the bus and the shuttles, and should be bought in advance online.

Registration for Mare Day will open on June 5th, at 6pm EST and cost $5 (to cover the cost of materials, food, and refreshments). The event will be limited to 100 people due to capacity constraints, so once the 100 tickets have been sold there will be no more (although people will still be able to go and visit Fallen Oak themselves on other days based on Kim’s availability).
Registration here: https://www.zeffy.com/en-US/ticketing/792a5cb0-0063-4119-9da1-579c129a9871

Hope to see you there!

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Work bump
The oc was originally concepted and drawn by batsy, yes but the details and what kim wanted as an oc for Fallen Oakly were her idea, i.e. the spots (iirc she was very specific on where the spots went on the oc as well, based on one of the rescue horses), blue mane and tail, messy mane etc
aah so eepy wake me up when it's mare day
This is extremely wholesome

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