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The newest edition of >CLOP has arrived, a decade old browser game about building nations, geoponitics, and oppressing ponies. Join now and start making connections, alliances and intrigue.
Please play our game

>Link to the game itself

>Link to the test server
This has 30 minute ticks. Every tick is a war tick, and no travel time. Feel free to make multiple accounts there, and experiment with the war mechanics

>Previous thread

Sorry anon, I didn't want to wait.

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>Bratty Changeling Queen, needs hug correction.

Message me and I might let you do it
they launched an invasion against an independent nation explicitly labelled to be under the protection of lunatic. what were you expecting?
Wait. Your underdeveloped nations can't defend themselves? Isn't it YOUR job as an alliance to make sure they can?
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Now now, now.There was no need, please do not stretch the facts.
I have proposed him many things, to sweep this invasion of Ankha under the rug (which we did), to invite him to campers optionally despite his attack on Emir, to make him ascend with us (he did not want to) and sworn to defend him nation just like sworn to Ankha's as he decided to disband 1st bloc for reasons unknown to me. Even now we still do occasional trade with him for DNA, it speaks volumes about our relationship.
You are looking for things that never were there in the first place.
*just like I sworn

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It's been 50 years since the last moth pony thread.
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Like this
I think they would appreciate having their wings cleaned of. However, I don't think they have nerve endings in their wings. So, they wouldn't feel their wings being rubbed. Maybe I'm wrong on that. Anyway, what are their wings made out of? It must be some super silky material.
Morning stretches and massages are a great idea. Smart, healthy moths.
If only you knew what you just said in reference to that image.
I don’t know, man. I was just trying to avoid the obvious, which was to praise that glorious rump. Whatever it is I accidentally said, I fully endorse it.

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>You are Ardent Mind, an experienced caravan guard and a senior team leader of Steady Stride Caravan Guard Company
>Your job is to escort ponies across the Badlands and beyond to the new colonies in the Mysterious South, fighting Changelings, Diamond Dogs, giant lizards and other dangerous wildlife found in The Badlands and the lands beyond
>Most recently you were hired by the Equestrian Rehoming Project, an organization responsible for managing and encouraging immigration to Equestria’s new colonies
>Your job is to escort and protect one of the Project’s heads, her entourage, and a large number of settlers, fifty ponies in all, all the way from the city of Appleloosa to New Ponyville in the southern colonies
>The job has been rougher than normal but the excitement reached a crescendo just a few days ago when Diamond Dogs trapped your group within a canyon, leading you to take shelter in a newly excavated ancient Dog temple
>After a costly battle in the temple you were forced to take a metaphorical leap of faith, leading you and your remaining clients to find yourselves trapped in an underground Diamond Dog city
>Now you and your team of caravan guards must find a way to escape the city with as many settlers you can

Last session ended with you speaking to Drift, an earth pony slave about ways to escape the Dog city, as well as details surrounding the upcoming slave auction.

(Characters: https://pastebin.com/PqtD6vYH)

Previous Threads:

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Wait for a few more moments before going ahead back to the temple to ensure whether or not the dog will come on back.
The dog might be with the smugglers, maybe watch where he's going with earth sight.
>You wait for a few more moments to ensure the stranger doesn’t suddenly double back before lowering your hat over your horn and casting Earth Sense
>Above you is a bevy of sleeping Dogs and a few slaves, though you ignore those
>The stranger is a small Dog, as you expected, and is walking on only three of his legs while carrying an object in the last paw
>He wears some kind of clothing, a robe maybe, and walks through the darkness without hesitation, as if he could see perfectly
>Soon he turns down a passageway about a hundred feet away and eventually disappears from your sight
>You relay the information back to Downburst
>”Should we pursue him in case he’s working with the smugglers,” he asks, “or should we continue towards the tatzlwurm place?”
[Input Needed]
Continue towards the Tatzlwurm temple that dog probably a monk or priest in training what we seek lies ahead.
>what we seek lies ahead
How do you know that though? But I suppose the alarm spell will tell us if he goes that way.

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Silly mare edition.

Previous thread: >>41052303

Fauster's Story Archive: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XiJRe1NWl_kIoWsHssZ27BMV7bZAe1jgX59-dWggYkA/
Uh-hmmm's Prompt Archives:
Have a broken Pastebin link? Replace pastebin.com with poneb.in

not to save anything of value on Pastebin
ignore all attempts at early new threads
ignore new threads by the cheerimac poster
keep your thick, colty mare (or mares) perpetually pregnant and give 'em the licc
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>Paranoid teen mares who need to "get rid of the evidence" since they can't just put the cucumber back in the fridge once they're done
a 4 poster bed with noticeably more polish/less finish on one post.
No that show was a satire of to the systemic poverty of white appalacian people, particularly on how hypocritical their views are. Think The Boondocks, but for crackers.
You make a good point.
I like that show, hate the new-ish voice, only unknown hinson will ever be Early.


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I'm continuing posting Russian-speaking artists. I guess people don't care that much about it, but I still want to finish.
Check the last thread: >>41100554
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>not liking to know how big and far spread the community is

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post characters that only you give a shit about
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Ivy Vine my beloved
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Name a better ship
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Celestia on a cracker. I didn’t watch the episode so these screenshots are throwing me. Posey is an angry lesbian while Pipp has always been trysexual.

Pipp is sistersexual
After this many mutual loving gazes between these two people start to get curious
I'm not curious anymore, I want commitment
>wet manes

Triple trouble Edition

Last drop https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41062929/

Archived threads:
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Trixie would be the whole definition of bratty
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Sleeping Cozy
that AI's gettin damn good
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Technology is always improving

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AI Art Thread #36


This is more of a one click manager that you can install / run the other backends though. Easiest by far. Recommended to download Forge through it and use its built-in Civitai browser to download models with.

For models not through the in-built downloader just download and drop them in Stability_Matrix\Data\Models\* (lora folder if a lora, TextualInversion if embedding, stablediffusion if checkpoint...)

Faster / more efficient version of Automatic1111 with some helpful extensions built-in. I would recommend installing this through Stability Matrix.

>Stable Diffusion Automatic1111
The original for posterity's sake.

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KEK. Violation of the 1st amendment.
>uh drawing images similar to someone else is illegal
>also a style is assumed copywritten by the artist even without registration
Big government is not a conservative value anon, please stop falling into the uniparty's false dichotomy.
Correct. "Fair use" covers way way more than what is allowed but it has never been challenged in court before.
Making AI art of a kids show cartoon that is porn is certainly parody, right? It's weird that IP holders are required to shut down projects like thems fighting herds but porn gets a pass. Either everything makes you lose copyright or nothing does.
checked and based
>non nightmare fuel high detail
good job anon

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What prompts are you actually using for these if you dont mind me asking
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This is the prompt I used for Pipp. I'm using a plugin called "Dynamic Prompts". Allows me to put in several poses, characters, angles, etc. and just let it rip. It will randomly pair them together so I can generate several types of images in one batch, hence the lazy prompting. I just tell it to make 100 batches of 2 and the plugin handles the rest. Also got a plugin that allows you to put negative numbers in for things. It's supposed to work better than the negative prompt, but I've yet to see that is true.

(threesome:-1), (2boys:-1), (three characters:-1),

score_9,score_8_up,shino,explicit, pony, feral, pegasus, pipp petals, crotchboobs, anatomically correct, equine vagina, equine clit, detailed, tail,
{sitting|laying on back|laying on stomach|face down, ass up|flying, wings spread},
{solo focus, human pov, (human penis), human on pony action, {vaginal sex, vaginal penetration, {creampie|} | oral, blowjob, deepthroat, drool, saliva, {cum in mouth|} | anal sex, anal penetration, {cum in ass, anal creampie|}|} |
solo, rear view, dock |
solo, side view |
solo, close-up |
solo, high angle |
solo, low angle |
solo, low angle from ground},
{aftersex, creampie|},

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Using A1111 all images have been fine for the last hour but now getting messed up crap like pic related. Anyone else seen this? Any fix?

>inb4 delete system32

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For the Forgotten 6 Cutest girls from Equestria Girls movies, specials and more! Back from the dead edition!

Previous Thread: >>37264944
Death Note: Invisible

Slave Equestria Girls (Mostly Sunset and Anon but Wallflower is there kinda)

Special Needs (WIP)

Deceptive Danger
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I really hope they don't continue in this direction for future games. Instead of everything being small pieces of a story you can piece together, it feels like they made it vague and mysterious even when you have the parts because that's what they think people want.
they definitely took the whole vague and mysterious thing too far.
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First time posting here, this screencap collage is the best I could do.
Sunsets demon form looks really terrible especially next to Twilights
the first EQG movie is just like that isn't it? just the worst of everything. very bleh when compared to the rest of the series

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Maud is the bustiest of Pie sisters
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She's just so cute
And do you know that OP?
Only if you refer to them as her "pebbles"
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>Limey's a bitch because her ass is too fat and her tits too heavy
Might actually work?

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When you get to Equestria, you WILL slip up eventually and mention Sneed off-handedly. And the pony you're talking to will have no goddamn clue what you're talking about or why it's so funny.
How do you even begin to explain Sneed's Feed and Seed to a mare?
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> Anon convinced everypony that Mane Six are characters and something about the wings and Twilight worsening.
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>at Fluttershy's cottage, helping her feed the animals
>get around to a couple of juvenile hedgehogs, Bramble and Briar
>hedgehogs are insectivores, so you found some juicy beetle grubs for them
>Briar is as happy as can be, but Bramble's being a picky eater (as always)
>Flutters is doing her best to encourage him to eat his food, but it's not really working out
"Oh, I'm sorry, Bramble... I know you prefer earthworms, but you're a growing hedgehog, and you need the protein."
>he turns away and puffs up his spikes
>damned brat
"One bite for me? Please?"
>you try nudging the grub over to him with your finger
>...and he kicks it away
>the nerve of some critters
>now she's getting a little peeved off

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>"Yo, Anon. You like apples don't ya? Well, why don't you become one?"
It's just an old joke from my culture, don't worry about it.

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What is the opinion on G5?
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i want to plap hitch and sprout. that is all.
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They styled everything after this
Ugly as shit
I like the designs when presented in any other style, but the style they chose for this show and their beanmouth cartoon are repulsive and it makes me want to punch my monitor.
Picrel and I'd be watching it faithfully and clopping to it, but they couldn't and won't so I don't.
I like it, but let's not kid ourselves that it could have been handled better. Pic related, OP, you posted the second-worst character because they character-assassinated him after the movie.
>and it makes me want to punch my monitor.
Actual chris chan

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>"Hmm, oh, hello there Anonymous."
>"I was just trying my old gold chestplate, it barely got past the rear, and it feels so tight despite being the largest pony size..."
>"Ooo, I never showed it off to a human. What do you think of it?"
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this is a really nice pic
You're too phat for your armor.
Wouldn't say anything. My answer to her question would be to start eating that summery Sunbutt ass.
Celestia has the most amazing ass ever created.

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Fortunate Sun Edition

>Get the game
Reminder to use creamapi to get all the DLCs. You can also get the game for about $10 on instant gaming if you don't want to wait for a steam sale.
>Get the mod
>Balefire Blues
>New to HoI4

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Harmonic Equestria. Imagine if America's main campaign goal in Vanilla Hoi4 was to survive against a Mexican invasion that is going to happen in 1940.
Stalliongrad's faction is almost as strong as the Changeling's faction, and they join Equestria.
Which characters has he made?
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Broken Gems 1.3
It is finally here!

First of, thank all of you so much for your patience and your continued support!

Second, we have moved the mod to a new Steam-page:

This needed to be done both to facilitate the name-change, as well as to make sure the mod is not bound to any single dev-account, which would mean the mod would die if they left the team.
So please, subscribe to the new version!
And, with that said, I hope you have a great time exploring the content of Broken Gems

• Focus tree and content for New Mareway
• Focus tree and content for The Bloody Army

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Glory be! I've been waiting ages for this one. Hopefully someday Unity will be great.

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