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Post actual good looking dark skinned girls, I wish to add them to my collection.
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Can you repeat the question?
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You are not the boss of me now!
off topic but how did raindrops get associated with bread?

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Misty is the best thing in G5 now MYM
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Socially awkward, emotionally distant, obsessive, reclusive, easily annoyed, logic-oriented are personality traits. Autism is a mental disorder.
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Why is she the only pony with nigger jew hair?
You sound personally offended. Did he strike a nerve?
Nice picture of Misty you got there kek
>Autism is a mental disorder.
Not really since you can't recover from it. It's more like a neurological impairment.

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Best thing/pony in G5 MYM however she is deeply flawed (like everything in G5)
I like her song and that scene where she tries to paint her hooves
TYT Opaline is her best version and she had better song. Its disgusting IDW never made a comic about her

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/bfed/ - Banned from Equestria (Daily) - Not ths shit again edition (202406)
Discussion regarding Banned from Equestria (Daily) by Pokehidden, aswell as the community efforts surrounding the game and concept.

Banned from Equestria (Daily) is a point-and-click clop game where the objective is to get with as many mares (and stallions) as you can in the span of three days.

BFED Player (Ruffle) - https://bfed.ga/
Translation Repository - https://explore.transifex.com/testt57y56h56u/bfed2/
Translation Mirror - https://notabug.org/BlackCat/BFED-Translation

Previous efforts included engine re-writes aswell as original stories made in the style of BFED.
Feel free to post drawings, tips for the original game, ideas of new games, or whatever BFED related.
The goal of this is to be some kind of monthly threads. Like, post as you please, but don't bump endlessly.
O will try to make a thread at the begining of each month to share progress about the projects and give a place to talk about this game.

Check anchor post for resources related to BFED.
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I see Tiarawhy constantly. But Pokehidden doesn't lurk at all, that one time when he visited because his friend told about our threads.
meh then yeah don’t really see this thread progressing without…….well progress towards something.
Well, just give a hand then.
Check the translation maybe if you know an other language.
Or map the original game to help the recreation projects.
Idk, there is work to do.
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Is it a single image or a project ?

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Cool Glasses edition
Previous thread: >>41006507
Thread links:

Voice archive


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What do you mean?
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Truly the element of honesty.
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Morning bump.
Cute socks

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Previous thread: >>41123988

>What is Open Pony?
A model for Second Life that beats all other 3D pony models. Info here:

>Just give me a MARE
Idiotproof starter guide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZkMo8NDwuNG8skCJI2gDbWl9LYm4Q_tN/view
A noob's guide for other noobs: https://ponepaste.org/7410
Braindead simple Anonmare guide: https://smutty.mare.stream/mlajjqelswj.png

>Join the /mlp/ SL group

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>how many of you don't use any other threads or boards?
If this statement is true for any of you you're fucking offboarder lobotomite livestock.
i loaf her
I browse the /mlp/ regularly. I don't really go to the other boards much unless I wanted to search for a certain topic, but even then I'd just use desu for that.

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Come one and all to the meta-writefag and help raise the quality of MLP fanfiction! Featuring: Disappointing your beloved!

ITT: Passing trophies around amongst doppelgangers, Fanfiction is magic!, Optimal snuff fic targets, Anon wants to become a snail, Even more horseword shelves, A quick grammar check, ChatMLP, Spamming dislikes at the behest of the hivemind, Streetlamps but inside, Some bitchin' eye surgery, Overflowing with conviction, Avoiding contentious topics, Masturbating after turning characters into snarky assholes, Marcel Proust magnificent prose, Aspiring for higher levels of delusion, Nautical adventures, /fimfic/ just needs to open its heart, AaWiE, How the hell do fic writers write?, Retards not understanding spoken words, The 120 Days of Sodom as required school reading, Lit class sucks wherever you go, Chadmoded philosphymaxxing teachers, Weird and unnecessary premises, How's the writing goin'?, Long description feedback, Prescribing death, And shitty opinions = honest facts!

>/fimfic/ Secret Book Club
The sixty-seventh book is 'Fluttershy, Royal Game Warden (?)':
If (You) want to participate, read the entire story by the 2nd.
On Sunday we'll discuss what we've read.

>Recommended stories:
Tired of authors forgetting that brevity is key? Fed up with 10k inner monologue chapters? Well, we've compiled the best of the worst in order to bring you our absolute average!

New Starter Kit - http://mlpficreviews.org.uk/starter/
Old Starter Kit - http://i.imgur.com/vuTA7EN.png

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Next two fics I'm reading:



Wish me luck :)

Also, should I read Asylum? It looks very interesting but it's unfinished.
This >>41128537 but only if the grimderp is coming at the proverbial hands of the futas.
Asylum being unfinished is a tragedy. But you should definitely read it.
Two of these three are good and one is really mediocre.
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If you read Asylum, it'll probably go a good, long way towards learning you to to not be asking silly questions like "Should I read [Incomplete fic]?"

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What's the closest bond you've ever formed with someone on this board?
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Do you have to wear diapers yet?
literally how does this happen?
Finding a female on /mlp/ is a trivial matter.
They just always happen to live ten states away from me to pursue.
I say nice things about other people's art and stories.
That's about it.

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>Spoonfeed me. What's this thread about?
This thread typically consists of Anon gone filly, as he's thrust into a new life as a cute little pony.

>What's to be expected?
Fillies, cuteness, Anon-tier shenanigans, bitchy Twilight, desires to be the little filly, etc..

>Any archive of photos or stories?
Dropbox (Photos):

>I'm a contributor.
Great! For writers, just notify ̶A̶l̶l̶ ̶N̶i̶g̶h̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶F̶g̶t̶ Lone15, so you can have your green added to the Doc. For artists, animators, or any other content makers, you can store your fillies in the Dropbox for future viewing pleasure.
Some especially based faggot also recently compiled nearly every filly image ever created, which you can check out here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AowOdwFzlbRk0FVZsRGRYe2hyKhzo2h3?usp=sharing

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Loudest reescrees on the fucking planet
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Filly making wise financial decisions
Filly wants practice for her forklift license exam
She's filly, not mare. Filly must play.
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>forklift license for a filly
What could possibly go wrong?
>inb4: Staplerfahrer Anon – Der erste Arbeitstag
Forklift Driver Anon – The First Day on the Job

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This is the Pregnancy General, not stillborn and ready to be borne again. We've lately been building up a bundle of regular artists, storytellers, and others again; may this general get quicker and continue quickening.

For files and other things we can't discuss in this thread, there's a fraternal twin thread over inside Pregchan, the premiere pregnancy imageboard:

That thread is the third in a series, and here are the prior Pregchan threads, which have been archived here:

Because of that drama with Pastebin, here are two archives of our greentexts:

Here’s a list of some artists and writers who use these threads:

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Those poor middle mares
Just a quick bump
Yeah you’re not wrong
Did the board go down overnight or something?

Summer edition.

Last Th/ra/d: >>41025350

A bunch of short greens:

Rarity Mixtape:

Spotify Playlist:

Thread Archive:

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The same thing but at 1080p and 50mb
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Look so soft.

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>What is Flutterrape?
Flutterrape is a collection of stories about ponies trying and failing to have sex with Anon, the only human in Equestria. While the title implies that it is Fluttershy trying to rape Anon, others may follow in her stead and attempt their own versions of rape. There are different versions of Flutterrape, but most are light-hearted comedies about the ponies failing in their attempts to get into Anon’s pants. Just because your story has Anon in it, doesn't mean it fits in this thread. Check other threads (AiE, RGRE etc) about story content before posting.

>It's been 11 years, how is this thread still alive?
A perverse mixture of necromancy and spite.

>How do I start writing?
Use your imagination, you nitwit. Additionally, brush up on your grammar and abandon your standards.

Writing Guides:
Clever Dick's Tips For Short Stories -- https://ponepaste.org/1274
Driverbang's Writing Guide -- https://ponepaste.org/1275
Navarone's Writing Rules -- https://ponepaste.org/1276

For additional information, lurk. You could also check out the T:EM/P/O or /bale/ threads for further writing advice, unless they're dead.

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>"Umm... Applejack?"
>"After you're done with him..."
>"Can I please have whatever's still moving?"
There probably won’t be much for her
Quick bump
That’s what her pants are there to protect her from clearly

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Spunky Sporty Fillies Edition

previous immature horse: >>40985348
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she understands it's a synonym for 'man'
I wonder if DT know what that mean
She doesn’t, but it brings her, and every other filly, great elation when they say it.
She does 100% she says it in a teasing manner. Shes a true brat…
She surely do

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AI Art Thread #36


This is more of a one click manager that you can install / run the other backends though. Easiest by far. Recommended to download Forge through it and use its built-in Civitai browser to download models with.

For models not through the in-built downloader just download and drop them in Stability_Matrix\Data\Models\* (lora folder if a lora, TextualInversion if embedding, stablediffusion if checkpoint...)

Faster / more efficient version of Automatic1111 with some helpful extensions built-in. I would recommend installing this through Stability Matrix.

>Stable Diffusion Automatic1111
The original for posterity's sake.

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I'm making a dataset based on my cock for further uses. I have taken hundreds, may be useful for the right training. Pillow for ass.
I have question, would it be worthwhile to tran SDXL on images of 512x512 size? I have an idea of training lora on textures from old vidya and the stuff that is currently available on civiai is way too cartoony looking for my likeness.
I want to buy a GPU to get into AI. What should I know before making a purchase?
Buy Nvidia (saying this as a life long AMD fanboy). The most powerful model you can afford. You'll want at least 12GB vram.
Smolder looks great!! What are the chances we can get some hot Silverstream action ITT?

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Writefagbros did we get too cocky? I wrote a 7000 word green and received a single reply, meanwhile a drawfag did some unfinished line art below my green and got dozens of responses.
Is it over writefagbros?
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Im not wet though.
look like green is winning
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