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The Coffin of Nonny and Shimmy edition.
Last episode: >>40946813
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>after she seduced the local retard to have sex with her.
Don't talk that way about me.
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>Sunset tends to get really into her cosplaying
>Gets into character a few days before the cosplay event, and takes a few days to gear down after the event
>Last time she went out cosplaying, she was doing a Scarface character and called everyone "cockroaches" for nearly a week
>This time she decided to do a more "mature" cosplay and dressed up as some succubus character from a game she liked
>And promptly got into character
>You thought she was just being playful, what with the lingering touches and smoldering gazes from her
>Until you woke up in the middle of the night to the sensation of this semen-demon stealing your precious virginity
>"Aria, I notice you've confronted me without any pants or underwear."
>When you get hired to pop out of a cake, but you didn't know that it was for your brother's birthday

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Sunny and her boyfriend
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Feeling smug about it.
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How very romantic of Zipp
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does sunny date zipp just because she ensures herself a very rich future as the queen's wife or because she truly loves her

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This is the general thread for the alternative fan sites of the My Little Pony fandom. Discussion, development suggestions, and criticisms are all welcome here.

if no one else does it edition

>Why alternate boorus?
Recent changes to Derpibooru have made the site a less than ideal location for pony fan art. So, several new boorus have arisen to provide alternatives. Many of the altbooru owners post in thread and listen to questions and comments from anons. Note that this is NOT the Derpibooru drama general. Please keep posts about Derpibooru in the thread on mlpg.co.

>Why alternate text sites?
Pastebin.com has deleted, and continues to delete, greentexts on the site. FimFiction does not allow stories in the greentext format, so a new home is needed.

Overview: altboorus.org
>General purpose boorus
twibooru.org by Twifag [!twifag.HOY] and Not Twifag/Floorb [!!H3PJaMJmY66]
ponybooru.org by ZizzyDizzyMC [!DizzyMC4pc]
ponerpics.org by Lotus [!!WYvH32WjaoR]

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>was it getting flooded with
Yep. That was unfortunately one of the main reasons.
Just detect and block encrypted archives. And require JS-based captcha to upload. Done, you've defeated them. No need to overthink it.
Page 10 bump.

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EqG is the franchise's New Vegas
Trannies eat it up?
>garbage disproportionately beloved by third-worlders
you're thinking of FO3.
she looks extra aay in that pic
>>garbage disproportionately beloved by third-worlders
You're describing new vegas' fanbase
good morning saar

What is your setup to watch the show in the most nostalgic and comfy way?
In such a way that watching an episode makes you feel like you're in the old days, even if you didn't experience them or it's a super retro setup.
>cell phone
>dubbed in my language (Latin American Spanish)
>at night
>in my bed or on a sofa
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Fuck yea I was April 2012 too. It was the Gabby Gums episode on iPod Touch YouTube since it was the most recent. The app still looked like picrel.
To be honest MLP went to shit after the MMMystery. The Canterlot Wedding & Crystal Empire were just so lame. It was like the show tried to be more "fandomy". Like Game of Thrones, Avengers, Superwholock, Harry Potter and all was really popular back then and it seemed like the writers tried to pull in inspiration from stuff like that because of the attention from adults, which instead just killed the sovl of the show that made it great in the first place. Ok, I'll say though that most of the regular episodes of season 3-5 were still pretty good. But it was like, you could feel the entropy starting to pile up. Just little moments that felt really out of place.
S2 already felt like it was pandering to teens with more of this "big scale epic" elements, but still it was moderate and tastefully done. I really wish Hasbro never lifted E/I restrictions.
For me it'd have to be Dailymotion, 480p, locked in my room at 3pm after coming from school and feeling like shit until the colorful horses started. I started watching it in English despite being an ESL because I wanted to get good at it. It worked. Horsefuckers taught me English growing up.
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Completely unironically, my first time watching the show was on the Wii U internet browser (youtube) or Netflix app. I was extremely self-conscious about it as a kid, so since the bathroom was right behind the TV, I could hide in there and the gamepad wouldn't lose connection. Man, all of this is just reminding me how much the Switch sucks. I even hated the 3DS's hardware but at least it had a great home menu and library to make up for it, most of the Switch's library is either average or offensively shits over my favorite games... AND I can't even watch pony on it!!

Easter edition.

Previous >>40818098
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>You oblige her and rub your palms firmly against her back and shoulders.
>Until you're stopped by her.
>Rarity picks herself up and flips herself to her back, letting her top fall lazily to the ground beneathe her.
>You freeze once again.
>Taking in the wonderous sight of her bulbous, heaving breasts.
>Her nipples and areola so perfectly in proportion to the size.
>The firmness, keeping the from flopping to one side or another, and keeping thier round, soft shapley form.
>Truly she is blessed...
>Rarity giggles to herself, noticing your eyes bring glued to her.
>She grab the lotion bottle and suirts a string of lotion along the top of her tits.
>"Well? Go on, dear~."
>You nod, and get to work.
>Rubbing the string of lotion from the top of her tits along the curves of her melons.
>She coos once more, as you rub her tits all over.

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>a Rarity green
Celstia must be smiling down on us today. Bless you, Anon.

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>Spoonfeed me. What's this thread about?
This thread typically consists of Anon gone filly, as he's thrust into a new life as a cute little pony.

>What's to be expected?
Fillies, cuteness, Anon-tier shenanigans, bitchy Twilight, desires to be the little filly, etc..

>Any archive of photos or stories?
Dropbox (Photos):

>I'm a contributor.
Great! For writers, just notify ̶A̶l̶l̶ ̶N̶i̶g̶h̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶F̶g̶t̶ Lone15, so you can have your green added to the Doc. For artists, animators, or any other content makers, you can store your fillies in the Dropbox for future viewing pleasure.
Some especially based faggot also recently compiled nearly every filly image ever created, which you can check out here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AowOdwFzlbRk0FVZsRGRYe2hyKhzo2h3?usp=sharing

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Pictured: War Criminal
Surprising no one
Me on the back right
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Why is she like this?

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Why does Celestia get so much pleasure out of watching something die?
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>Life in Equestria has been simple and and quant, even fun at times
>You have made a living, made friends with plenty of kind hearted ponies and even met the princesses when you first arrived
>Celestia in particular took an interest in you, an almost obsessive one that you couldn’t really get mad at, you were an alien from another world you’re surprised you didn’t have more fans
>It did reach a breaking point that became a point of no return
>One night you decided to let off some steam in the typical human male fashion, it was going well until right after you came you saw Celestia right in front of you wide eyed and heavily breathing staring at the little pool of white sticky stuff you just shot out
>You tried to run covering yourself but her op princess magic caught you and she wanted to explain herself after you got dressed
>She was indeed spying on you but when you started fapping she became entranced having never seen you do this before, and watching you cum reawakened a weird kink she had forgotten watching things die
>It creeped you out, the implications were startling, but she explained that when you released and let all your swimmers out she felt a heat in her loins unlike anything else
>It seems masturbation isn’t really a thing here like it is back home and spilling ones seed and wasting it is an alien concept
>After apologizing profusely Celestia bid you farewell and left you to clean up and try and forget this had ever happened, or so you thought
>A few minutes later she appeared again sweating and with a look of intense need
>She had a proposition, every night you kill some millions in front of her and she gets off
>In return she would help you in any way she could so long as it didn’t get too intimate
>You were still creeped out a little, however fapping with just your imagination was losing it’s luster and having a beautiful stunning princess help you out is a truly one in a lifetime opportunity

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I feel like that shouldn't really count.
But then again, it's a fetish, why would it make sense.
“To die, to be really dead… must be glorious!” -Dracula
Something she can never have.
Watching something die is inherently thrilling
Edgy to say but true

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Previous Thread >>41048112

We were informed yesterday that our venue, Wyndham Orlando Resort International Drive, is closing at the end of June.

So, what does this mean for Mare Fair and you?

From our side of things, we can promise you all that the entire Mare Fair team is on top of the issue, and we are confident we can handle it appropriately. We are working vigorously to find a new venue, aiming to keep the same dates, and to ensure Mare Fair can continue this year. It may be some time until we have updates regarding all of this, but do know we are doing everything we can from our side.

Now the important part—how will this affect you? The best advice we can give for the time being is that if you haven’t made any travel plans for the convention yet, don’t. If you already have plans made, flights booked, or days off of work set, we implore you to follow closely with any updates we provide regarding the status of the con and venue.

Mare Fair is our passion project, and something we put immense effort in to ensure you all have an incredible weekend. This may be a large bump in the road, but the mares keep us going, and we’re going to do everything we can to deliver the convention you all are excited for.

Any updates regarding the venue will be posted as soon as they become available.

Official information will be posted from our staff using these tripcodes:

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>tfw single-handedly derailed the previous thread with my autistic faggotry
God I love this place and all of you faggots. Hope Mare Fair staff can pull of a miracle so I can see you lovely fags in person all this September! <3
The feeling isn't mutual
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No, I helped
Why are dashchads so based

join us
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>game made by anthro futard
man it’s been sad to see Roblox become shit, used to play during 2013 when I was 11yrs old. Now it’s just watching the platform crash and burn after 2016 when they removed tix and the eternal flood of underage retards (from DanTDM’s videos) flooded the website. They’ve just corporatized so much but can’t make ends meet financially, so they’re trying to rip off developers with devex as hard as possible and take huge cuts on sales of clothing/gamepasses/ugc.

Only reason no new Roblox alternatives other than Finobe (which is just the 2016 client reuploaded) is because the Roblox developer engine is pretty damn unique and great for developing games on a dime. No other game has prismatic or physics simulation like Roblox does, along with the really great modeling/building capabilities where you don’t need to spend hours fucking around in blender to make something nice.

But yeah, I don’t really know about how this game of yours will go, groomcord is already unsettling but that’ll just filter out the actual underage tourists hopefully when they come to here. Just make the discord link to 4channel with archives of these threads on neocities or something
Found the tranny
>was an underageb& when he played roblox
>is complaining about underageb& shitting up the place
Lol, lmao
>vidya is for children
>children play vidya
>a lot of adults playing vidya want to groom children
why are you surprised?

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Hi /mlp/, this thread is dedicated to compiling My Little PTSD, a green text story taking place after S6, as well as other greentexts relating to compiling greentexts of the same caliber.

Thanks again everypony!
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>"Twilight... I agree you might be on to something here, but... isn't this something that's best left to Princess Luna? Dreams are her domain, after all."
>You shake your head.
"I talked to Luna. She can't help, Fluttershy thinks she's Nightmare Moon and completely shuts down. It has to be somebody else."
>Next book. Advanced Mental Manipulations. This one is quite old and withered. Even in her current disarray, Rarity can't help but turn her nose up at it.
"There's a spell. It lets anypony visit a dream, just like Luna does. But it's complex and extremely dangerous. The caster becomes unconscious and is vulnerable to magic surges or the stress of entering a dream world. Even if done perfectly, there's a severe risk."
>You take a deep breath.
"Which is why the spell requires two unicorns. One to enter the dream, and the other to keep the spell stable and the unconscious pony safe. I'm really sorry, Rarity, but right now you're the only pony I can rely on for something like this. I can't wait any longer, tomorrow it could be your or Applejack sitting in a jail cell. We'll go to Fluttershy's tonight. I'll enter her nightmare, and you'll watch over me. I know it's a lot to ask but I have the utmost faith that this will work. I'll be able to see everything that happened in that cocoon, and then I'll know how to counter Chrysalis's spell. This is our best chance."
>And only chance.
>A part of you was hoping that Rarity would join you without further questions, but of course, there is one very obvious fact you've avoided mentioning.
>"Twilight, I'm flattered that you would think of me, but... wouldn't Starlight be far more suited for something like this?"
>You have to be completely firm on this subject.
"I can't count on Starlight to have my back while I'm in there. I can't go into too much detail as to why, but she is not somepony that can be trusted for something this important. I need you, Rarity. Any other capable pony that I trust is too far away."
>This isn't good, she's shaking her head and looks to be quaking in fear.
>"Don't ask me to do this, Twilight, please. I'm not as good with magic as you. Gems and dresses are one thing, but this is..."
"I've put my life in your hooves before. I know you won't let me down. Your part is very simple and I'll go over every step with you."
>"Please, I can't. I'm not a wizard, I'm not a doctor, I can't do this. I hear them whispering to me."
>"They're always saying the most horrible things. You'll be asleep, and Fluttershy too, and then they'll come for me. They'll call me those names again. They'll get in my head and I won't be able to think straight."
"Rarity, just be quiet for a min-"
>"I've already had to send Sweetie off to our parents. I can't have that responsibility, Twilight. I know I'll ruin it. They'll make sure I ruin it."
"Rarity, shut up. Just shut up and do what I tell you. Shut your stupid, worthless mouth. I am helping you. I am finally able to help all of you, and all I ask in return is for your cooperation. So shut up and follow me."
>She seems too wounded to speak.
>You open the door, ready to lead your friend to Fluttershy's cottage. Ready to drag her if you have to.

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I am reading allat
maybe it would have been a better idea to let the guy who was writing the green make the new thread.
Is it not him? Damn. If someone did that for one of my greens, I’d be shitting bricks.

Quick rundown
>We're making an anthology made up of a compilation of short pony clips.
>No need to be high quality and flashy, but of course if you want to make something more ambitious like an animation please go ahead.
>There is no need to volunteer to do the final editing. I can handle that myself. Thank you.

How do I contribute?
>Make pony related clips! It can be a PMV, YTP, Animation, or whatever.
>Please render them in 1920x1080 resolution, 29.97 OR 23.976 FPS, and using progressive scanning.
>Upload them to your preferred file hosting site and post them here with a title and the sources used or what it is parodying.

June 21st 11:59 PM PST

If you have a high quality submission that you don’t want leaked to the internet early, please email to the address provided below. Submissions through the email will still be added to the spreadsheet.
Email: ZWRpdGFub25tbHBAcHJvdG9uLm1l

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checked and bumped
This is amazing
Are you prepared for an independent release? /mlp/con is supposed to be about a month out, and planning has not proceeded past MAYBE selecting a date.

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Wake honey new droner just dropped powered by a ponut shaped exhaust boasting its efficiency by 15% to 20% from a standard rocket https://www.livescience.com/technology/engineering/superfast-drone-fitted-with-new-rotating-detonation-rocket-engine-approaches-the-speed-of-sound

I guess new plone thread?
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I miss him
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Plones just waking up is super cute
What happened to them? Do they just not draw anymore?

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>episode rating
>7/10 is "average"

Why do idiots do this?
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>rating scale goes from 1 to 5
>mediocre episodes gets 4.0 and great episodes barely get a 4.5
It's how women rate men. A 7/10 is average, 6 and below are ugly incels. 8 and 9 are above average, and 10 is Chad.
I mean, technically the fact that it has cute character designs, beautiful art, an original score, talented voice actors makes it hard to be objectively less than "pretty good" even if the writing is garbage.
schizo we live in a society ramblings
actually sensible take
whoops i meant
actually sensible take

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What a lovely day for a walk to page 10!
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Sleep time
Bumping the thread, but really just wish I was bumping her cervix
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Hey, before you head to page 10, why don’t you stop and have a bite??
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Hey Butterhush
I fucked your mom
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That wasn't fluttershy's mom, It was fluttershy disguised as her mom.
(Never post in this thread again.)

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