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Gay ponies need their spankings too. Whether it's steamy lesbian horse-on-horse action, the firm discipline of a two-dad household, or even a transmasc spankee finding that testosterone does NOT give him a hardier heinie, all are welcome. And straight stuff too, about 99% of what we have is straight but we've never done an LGBTQ theme. Fun fact: many of our writefags are queer!

Featured stories:
For Educational Purposes by Zad https://ponepaste.org/6630
Gay Dads Short by Pan https://ponepaste.org/6968

Notable posts:
Favorite stories >>41006803
Spanking for food >>41012586
Positioning >>41019820
A prank >>41026734
Pic editing advice >>41037777
Pip's close call >>41054259

Please let me know if anything important was missed and be sure to talk about these as new content deserves recognition. They can be hard to make.

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Go away pedo
Depends. Do you consider the OP pic to be abuse?
Having met lesbians, dear god yes
Nice, but I prefer ponies.
The other problem is /mlp/ is a blue board (technically Safe For Work).

Compare to /jdb/ and fingerbang. Bare EQG style butts is probably too much for this board. Linking to them on derpi/twibooru should be ok. Skimpy clothing and swimsuits should be ok.



Which pony would be down for thr clown the most?
Woop woop
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a visionary
too much going on
All I did was switch the label. If anything, I made it simpler.
its too decadent
You left your contacts on
1. yes it is that deep, that's correct

Wrong and tiny brain.

Assuming that you (the viewer) don't recognize the symbols involved, trixie is a strange little monster. You could assume she's supposed to be a unicorn or not, it doesn't much matter. Either way, she's clearly some kind of monster by our standards, one which is a pretty blue with some feminine hair. She holds in her hooves a mere container of soda. Even if you don't recognize the soda, it's clearly a sweet treat. Unicorns, monsters, and soda also contain some element of danger. There's a strong temptation to interact with trixie and soda, but also some very basic reasons why one should probably stay away from both soda and unicorns.

Then, the soda is huge. Trixie, what are you doing. You can't drink all that fucking soda. With the slightest amount of more thought, an actual problem arises from a detail we've been ignoring, pretending doesn't count.

Then, trixie has a mask. A mask enables the enaction of a role, and the embodiment of that role. A clown sets aside their normal humanity in order to express a concept. The behavior of a clown or a witchdoctor or a jester cannot be guessed using the same logic we use for a human. They are unbound from the normal rules of society by evoking a small exception for a small period of time. While we could previously ignore the mask, which is the focal point of the image, we still noticed that is it black and white, patterned after stress marks, tears and eye bags. The spirit this monster is enacting is one of stress and pain, the limits of human tolerance.

And the text is coy. The monster is a pretty unicorn. The soda is sweet, and the text is coy. It tells you, directly, that trixie will do bad and inconvenient things, but it downgrades your concern to mere "mischief," a word selected for it's evocation of mere playfulness and children. Maybe these potential horrors are really just mere mischief, a unicorn, and a sweet treat. Maybe the damage here is contained to the point where it doesn't really count, is good even, stays technically within the bounds of society.

But no, in a dry way, with no zing at all, it tells you directly that you should actually be worried.

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Welcome to Chatbot AI General #75, the thread for discussing and improving AI pony chatbots.

▶MLP Bots
Spreadsheet (extra MLP bots, CAI bots, Jailbreaks, NAI Scenarios): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1J7BeqJVDS51cXF8Pgm2YZaFq-Z6ykSJT
!!!G!A!L!L!E!R!Y!!!!: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1Ao-h5HFGMPllSrzSBKM_BvGSiU9f0c2U

▶How do I start?

1) Select a Frontend
2) Select an AI model (paypig, proxy, NAI or Locals)
3) Select Jailbreak
4) Select bots
5) Lovemaking with AI mares!

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Added a link to the event page. Soon new pages will be created for lorebooks and others ressources.
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And updated. Thank you, anon.
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broken but still works?
Weird. My guess is that your browser still somehow has the old version in cache that didn't work and so displays this message despite it working now.
I will see if other anons have a problem with it.
I only get the message that it's missing if I go to your link with /event/. But if I click the events hyperlink in the main page as /event it doesn't give me the missing page notification

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Derpy is peak mare.
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Previous Thread: >>41100278

The new venue has officially been announced! We'll be staying at the Marriott Orlando Airport Lakeside on the same date, September 27th through 29th, 2024. Check out the venue here: https://marefair.org/venue/

Fair Flyer and Morning Mimosa will be available as plushies at this year’s Mare Fair! (Sorry Soirée and Matinée, maybe next year.) We’ve collaborated with Symbiote Studios to make two of our mascots come to life, and we hope you’ll love them enough to take home your very own! Though, with all that stated, do make sure to keep an eye out for venue updates. We’ve been working plenty to make sure this year’s con is a go and packs a punch that’ll be remembered. See you all down at our new venue…in Orlando (still) this September 27-29th!

Official information will be posted from our staff using these tripcodes:
Ebonyglow !!eSW1dXRikgk
Rez !!fjenat+Ey8k
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I finally fully decided that I will be going to Mare Fair last night, and did a bunch of routing and trip planning in a fit of spastic energy. It is now the next morning, and I realize that it's still four months away. How do I cope from now til then?
With mare.
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lets gooooooooo
They don't yank their fucking feathers out
You're technically correct.
The feathers fall off on their own as they regrow and they pick out the loose ones to take out.

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The return

Get the game here:

Horse Women Central EQG Koikatsu Pack:
Their discord for additional cards:

Cards posted in previous threads:


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Sweet Maud
Love some more Maud
>"Hey partner, you arrived just time..."

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Now with a list of greens edition!
Previously >>41039547
https://ponepaste.org/8941 (Sweaty Sunset Sister.)
https://ponepaste.org/8950 (Sister Sunset Stormy Silver Screen)
https://ponepaste.org/8950 (Sister Sunset’s Secret Scandalous Salacity)
https://ponepaste.org/9166 (Kindred Kissing Carnal Cousins)
https://ponepaste.org/9189 (Milky Motherly Morning)
https://ponepaste.org/9416 (Vinyl and Sunset Sisters, unfinished/abandoned)
https://ponepaste.org/9463 (Family Friendly Fun, ongoing)
https://ponepaste.org/9764 (Dawn of Incest)
https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40464433/#40470159 (Various greens that never made it to ponepaste)
https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39941314/#q39969050 (The beginning of Scribblekek’s downfall)
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Let him cook
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Do you think Sunset and Diamond bond over their shared interest in sadism?
Honestly, it’s kind of wholesome how supportive Sunset is of her DJsis
That's the dynamic I prefer from them. I like them being so chill with each other.
I like to imagine it's just like that as well. Giggling and girly talking about it.

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Why do ponies somehow never talk about the massive “TV Y” and “CC” signs that periodically show up in sky in front of them? Seems like a pretty massive oversight to me.
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Or the occasional Hub logo that appears at the bottom corner
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You have to pay a ratings board to rate your movie. When TV started doing it to keep Congress from legislating censorship on them they made their own ratings board with cheaper rates. Same reason Videogames first had independent rations, then the ESRB and now PEGI.
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They are too busy looking at The Hub logo
Well yeah, it is pretty obsessive to posr the same OP over and over for years

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This is a thread for all things Starlight Glimmer. Post pics, greens and discussion.

Previous thread:
Topics discussed:
>new thread new glimmies
>If EQG had continued, do you wish it would've introduced human Starlight? >>40967233
>both had p
>For your wedding with Glimmy, who do you choose to be your best mare/stallion? >>40978289
>Has Starlight's mom ever been mentioned ever, in anything? >>40989517
>How old is glim in your headcanon when you fantasize about her? >>40998167
>enjoying glim's cutie mark (a lot)
>a theoretical different arc for glim >>41002550
>Its GLIMMY! >>41004037
>From 1 to 10, how much do you like Glimmy >>41006873

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Wanna drench her snoofa in my cum
dude weed funny lol!
the dream
yeah people who think cartoon ponies doing weed = pinnacle of humor are pretty lame

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Silly mare edition.

Previous thread: >>41052303

Fauster's Story Archive: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XiJRe1NWl_kIoWsHssZ27BMV7bZAe1jgX59-dWggYkA/
Uh-hmmm's Prompt Archives:
Have a broken Pastebin link? Replace pastebin.com with poneb.in

not to save anything of value on Pastebin
ignore all attempts at early new threads
ignore new threads by the cheerimac poster
keep your thick, colty mare (or mares) perpetually pregnant and give 'em the licc
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Wasn't that just the "I came up with South Park 8 years too late" show?
What is the teenage mare's version of "the sock"?
Suspiciously shiny corn on the cob?

A supply of cucumbers. Particularly gross mares will eat the cucumber after using it.
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Kneel to actual future ruler of Pegasi.
Our tomboy rebel princess. Zipp and Zippchad general. Pipp welcome.
Cont. from >>40950818 and >>40927179
AI anon, grant us more Zipps.
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Why is it when I look at Zipp's mane I instantly think of this?
Don't post that flag shit here.
Because Zipp is a chad
Just report and hide. Don't give them attention.
Report for what? It's sadly not against the rules.

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>You are Ardent Mind, an experienced caravan guard and a senior team leader of Steady Stride Caravan Guard Company
>Your job is to escort ponies across the Badlands and beyond to the new colonies in the Mysterious South, fighting Changelings, Diamond Dogs, giant lizards and other dangerous wildlife found in The Badlands and the lands beyond
>Most recently you were hired by the Equestrian Rehoming Project, an organization responsible for managing and encouraging immigration to Equestria’s new colonies
>Your job is to escort and protect one of the Project’s heads, her entourage, and a large number of settlers, fifty ponies in all, all the way from the city of Appleloosa to New Ponyville in the southern colonies
>The job has been rougher than normal but the excitement reached a crescendo just a few days ago when Diamond Dogs trapped your group within a canyon, leading you to take shelter in a newly excavated ancient Dog temple
>After a costly battle in the temple you were forced to take a metaphorical leap of faith, leading you and your remaining clients to find yourselves trapped in an underground Diamond Dog city
>Now you and your team of caravan guards must find a way to escape the city with as many settlers you can

Last session ended with you speaking to Drift, an earth pony slave about ways to escape the Dog city, as well as details surrounding the upcoming slave auction.

(Characters: https://pastebin.com/PqtD6vYH)

Previous Threads:

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Let's sneak to the nearest one and hide in whatever tunnel seems least likely he'll use.
Roll stealth (d20+0)

1-3: You are outright discovered
4-9: The Dog is alerted and tries to find you
10-15:The Dog is alerted but doesn’t actively look for you
16-20: The Dog is completely unaware of your presence
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Last time I rolled a 1 in stealth. Surely this will go better.
>Keeping your voice low as possible, you turn around and whisper to Downburst
“Back up.”
>Slowly, carefully the two of you retreat, the whole while the sound of footsteps drawing nearer
>It’s hard to navigate in the absolute darkness of the catacombs so you put your front right hoof against where the floor and wall meet, feeling for where the closest intersection is
>You can’t see Downburst of course but you can hear his hoofsteps, no matter how hard he tries to be silent
>When you do eventually find the hall you make a short ‘psst’ sound to get the stallion’s attention and hide around the corner, staying just a few steps away from the corner
>After a few seconds the footsteps pass you by, not even so much as hesitating as it passes you
[Input Needed]
Wait for a few more moments before going ahead back to the temple to ensure whether or not the dog will come on back.

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Writefagbros did we get too cocky? I wrote a 7000 word green and received a single reply, meanwhile a drawfag did some unfinished line art below my green and got dozens of responses.
Is it over writefagbros?
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I believe I will launch the general this Monday. The weekend can be a little dead here, so maybe it's better to avoid it.
So again, if you want me to include things, please tell me.
I would've gladly read more, you have any more greens?
pretty sure he's this dude >>41071527 I read this btw, it's yandere pinkie
I hope he is and that he puts it in a bin or something. I was getting into it, but the format issues, along with the green being spread all across the thread, kinda killed it for me.
>old Oedipus ones
It seems like they switched to 'Incestuous Relationships Thread' after that. I added what I believe is the most recent pastebin to it.
>Dark Equestria
This seems to be the last thread.
There is a list of old pastebins, but most are dead. I will see if I can recover them.
Dunno if I should make another category for very old generals like that.

If anons have more generals to report, I'm taking.

Previous Thread: >>40804894

Show Vinyl some love by posting cute pics, as well as greens.

Vinyl Pastebin Collection-http://pastebin.com/u/Two_Echo
A collection of Vinyl stories-https://ponepaste.org/user/TiredAsShit

Individual Vinyl Greens-

Wubs From Vinyl (Anon x Vinyl)
Fuck You (Anon x Vinyl)
Vinyl gets a ride from Anon

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>"Just listen, Anon. If you become my coltfriend, you can get this second flank, absolutely free!"
"Vinyl, I already want to become your bf, you don't need to convince me."
>"Just look at how big it is! Sure, you'll break your hand if you try spanking it, but, I mean, look how big it is!"
"Vinyl, you don't need..."
>"Just imagine, you're in bed, you're waking up, you turn to left, BAM, there's me. We kiss, you turn around, BAM, there's Tavi. Two bedwarmers."
"Wait, two bedwarmers, you say?"
>"And don't even get me started on the threesomes. Tavi's into some wild stuff!"
"Hmm...I dunno...what does Octavia think of all this?"
i'll give you the promt but i wouldn't use it because my regional prompter is broken so i just assembled this, genned a load of pics and hoped for the best:
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up,equestria girls, screencap,show accurate,vector,anatomically correct,sharp contours,simple background,2 girls,bikini,looking at each other,breast size difference,BREAK
Octavia with big breasts,grumpy,BREAK
Vinyl Scratch with huge breasts,hands on hips,smiling
Negative prompt: necklace,visible eyes,hat,shoes,grayscale,3D,shading, blurry, deformed,merged body parts,extra limbs, missing limbs,multiple bodies,disconnected limbs, bad body proportions,messy colors, high contrast,human skin color,incorrect colors
Steps: 20, Sampler: DPM++ 2S a Karras, CFG scale: 6, Seed: 1878888226, Size: 900x1200, Model hash: 821aa5537f, Model: autismmixSDXL_autismmixPony, Version: f0.0.17v1.8.0rc-latest-276-g29be1da7
>’…Vinyl we aren’t even dating.’
>”We aren’t dating YET.”
>”Think about it, you’ve got both options here. Want a taco? I’m your girl, carrot? Anon’ll give it to ya.”
>’I don’t-‘
>”Look how big he is, he definitely gives great hugs, among other things. C’mon I can hear you in your room after your wine nights, you know you wanna share a bed with us.”
>’Y-You can hear me?’
>”Babe, I can SMELL you when you’re that desperate, just say yes so you can get some dick and be happy with us.”
“She makes some good points.”

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Welcome friends, ITT:
We make and share pony art, with absolutely no pressure to deliver anything that's technically good (besides having ponies in it, which makes it good by default)

Make something, share what you've done, and give feedback and motivation to help us all keep improving and creating!

This thread's focus is art, but beginner or low effort content of any kind is welcome here. If you do want to post about something else like music, gamedev, or crafts, though, just note that you may find better help and feedback posting it in the /create/ thread

Are you an experienced artist? Leave some tips, feedback, guides, or tutorials, they're well appreciated here!

Guides, tutorials and resources! Start here!

Draw with other /bale/ anons!

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WOAH cute! And both did the same joke, kinda sorta?
Aw yiss motherfuckin grass to go
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The planet is a mare!

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