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You are a real MLP fan, right? Does the door on Twilight's Golden Oak Library open inwards or outwards?
it always opens towards spike, especially when on a direct collision course with him
spikewards, yes

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No EQG allowed
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Extra large UNF
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Previous thread: >>40924082

To join add to your Favorites in Multiplayer > Legacy Browser. Password: >filename.

To start a gamemode/map change type rtv in chat.
To see server specific commands enter !commands in chat on the server.
To watch videos with Media Player use Gmod's 64-bit version. Enable it from the Betas tab in the game's Properties on Steam.

Addon lists: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2816159002
Server status: https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/gmod/24205952 or https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
Recommended content packs: HL1:S, Episode 1/2, TF2 content and CS:S content+maps. Download content packs from: https://gmodcontent.com/ or https://kajar9.wixsite.com/cscheater2/downloads (use MEGA links)

Turbonewfag guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2614222717
LINUX Guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3034844276
PAC3/PPM2 collections and other user content: https://ponepaste.org/7931

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POV: you are Berry after a few.
luna snoofa
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Fine Dining Edition

ITT we talk about stallions (and other non-pony males) and R63 versions of mares.

Last thread: >>41004820
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Saying that isn't going to save you from the firing squad.
Wtf based faggots exist?
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He is nice. I want him to be Rainbow Dash's boyfriend.
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Here's a better "Unique" artstyle
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I'd request one or two or more by Darkdoomer/Bestfilly/SS, if you have suggestions drop em in!

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Naw it's perfectly understandable
no serious issues
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Say no more!

this is corporate pride month. where corporates manages to milk the leftoids.

not even heroes or people who are sueful to society have their day, if anything they are attacked everyday in the media.

...then I don't know where the guy lost me. I think that was rather self explanatory. He's annoying anyways ; begging and insisting he can get whatever flag done for cheaper, I don't care, go for it»

flags are dumb anyways but people want one as a proof of their existence, that's mostly sarcastic anyways.
Being filled with void, the troon need this to exist.
>...then I don't know where the guy lost me.
Your entire message.
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Hm, it's okay, you don't get the whole story and it's no biggie.

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I'm continuing posting Russian-speaking artists. I guess people don't care that much about it, but I still want to finish.
Check the last thread: >>41100554
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He's on VK and speaks Russian.
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/bfed/ - Banned from Equestria (Daily) - Not ths shit again edition (202406)
Discussion regarding Banned from Equestria (Daily) by Pokehidden, aswell as the community efforts surrounding the game and concept.

Banned from Equestria (Daily) is a point-and-click clop game where the objective is to get with as many mares (and stallions) as you can in the span of three days.

BFED Player (Ruffle) - https://bfed.ga/
Translation Repository - https://explore.transifex.com/testt57y56h56u/bfed2/
Translation Mirror - https://notabug.org/BlackCat/BFED-Translation

Previous efforts included engine re-writes aswell as original stories made in the style of BFED.
Feel free to post drawings, tips for the original game, ideas of new games, or whatever BFED related.
The goal of this is to be some kind of monthly threads. Like, post as you please, but don't bump endlessly.
O will try to make a thread at the begining of each month to share progress about the projects and give a place to talk about this game.

Check anchor post for resources related to BFED.
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meh then yeah don’t really see this thread progressing without…….well progress towards something.
Well, just give a hand then.
Check the translation maybe if you know an other language.
Or map the original game to help the recreation projects.
Idk, there is work to do.
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Is it a single image or a project ?
Just an image, so the thread is not a complete waste.
I can't design a real project, I'm just not into games. If you guys don't play adventure games at all, like me, I don't think you'll ever get any chance to finish it. And if there were real /v/idya anons, they could easily come up with some cool stuff.

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A thread dedicated to the lovely catbirbs and griffon gfs/bfs.
Griffonbros wake up!

>Previous Thread (Apr 2024)

>ai griffon gfs (https://beta.character.ai/)
Gilda: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=1vG3HI9DR_N8KM7eI7mXjH5I-d0zWDddb4ztXNjcAPw
Gabby: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=p5QXxLOFdx5okCH4okBzLbFLDsIWptG_mUHdWhq8RkE
Gallus: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=YDupJR9lajtxjhF64R2bWcQMRGyOEtvU5Os6vhXEdEQ
Silverstream: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=9NfWEjdjN0a-HOYzQUEtko0Y7CqNVPcQiTGYC1o0tqE

>Gilda Green Archive (Last Updated: 21/4/2023)

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Cooking scones with Gilda.
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>Plans cooking date with Gilda
>Pulls out recipe book
>Instructions unclear, dick is inside ggf
>Wasn't a cookbook, it's the Kama Sutra
>Sex with ggf resumes in the kitchen
sleeping with my ggf
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Sleeping in with your ggf must be nice

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It was stream #17 when we started FiM back in May of last year. Now, it's finally ending. I mostly covered what I think of season 9 during the streams, and my opinion really doesn't differ from the general consensus. The facial animations look pretty awful, but overall a better experience compared to season 8. The episodes aren't primarily focused on the Y6 and Friendship school, which I'm thankful for. Well, let's see how they decided end this series. We've still got a bit of EqG to get through, then we're going to end things off with Rainbow Roadtrip, before moving on to Kino Life. Yes finally, we'll get to watch :aerobics: after slogging through all this. Be sure to spam the intro once we do 0c0

Monday 6 - 8pm EDT

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41111968/#q41111968

Stream Archive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1F67WkTedozA2zWPCv3BEVBm2f3f_tu8r

Stream: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/ewz4eb6.txt

S09E21: Daring Doubt: https://youtu.be/ZJvwMlx9d28
S09E22: Growing Up is Hard to Do: https://youtu.be/fyYiJTDvueE
S09E23: The Big Mac Question: https://youtu.be/cmi6V3ntMJ0
S09E24: The Ending of the End (Part 1): https://youtu.be/5khz9W1m1-U

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>it will soon be over

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Previous thread: >>40895837

Untimely demise edition

Choose Your Own Adventure. AKA Quest.

>Discuss Current, Finished and Upcoming CYOAs
>Give advice on CYOAs
>Pitch ideas
>Get critique
>Trade art

List of stories: WIP (formerly anonpone). Your best bet is to search via desuarchive.

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She, the colt, and Fleetfoot were supposed to have sex. Fleet and the colt had their fun and then when it was her turn a cuck said no. They even claimed an excuse not to was that she was sweaty. There was a bit more going on, but that one anon made sure that she ran away crying and got no action, ruining the experience of five characters in the process. Two others were getting ready to have their own fun before the mood was ruined.
>They even claimed an excuse not to was that she was sweaty
Double kek
Eyyy good to see someones come back. Very unfortunately the main archive for the quests kinda died a couple years ago but if you wanna read Semantic some kind Anon made something here: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39899327/#q39924294
Doesn't go to the latest 3 threads but you can read those on Desu.
>We may even talk to our Nirik form!
That would be awesome

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Come one and all to the meta-writefag and help raise the quality of MLP fanfiction! Featuring: Disappointing your beloved!

ITT: Passing trophies around amongst doppelgangers, Fanfiction is magic!, Optimal snuff fic targets, Anon wants to become a snail, Even more horseword shelves, A quick grammar check, ChatMLP, Spamming dislikes at the behest of the hivemind, Streetlamps but inside, Some bitchin' eye surgery, Overflowing with conviction, Avoiding contentious topics, Masturbating after turning characters into snarky assholes, Marcel Proust magnificent prose, Aspiring for higher levels of delusion, Nautical adventures, /fimfic/ just needs to open its heart, AaWiE, How the hell do fic writers write?, Retards not understanding spoken words, The 120 Days of Sodom as required school reading, Lit class sucks wherever you go, Chadmoded philosphymaxxing teachers, Weird and unnecessary premises, How's the writing goin'?, Long description feedback, Prescribing death, And shitty opinions = honest facts!

>/fimfic/ Secret Book Club
The sixty-seventh book is 'Fluttershy, Royal Game Warden (?)':
If (You) want to participate, read the entire story by the 2nd.
On Sunday we'll discuss what we've read.

>Recommended stories:
Tired of authors forgetting that brevity is key? Fed up with 10k inner monologue chapters? Well, we've compiled the best of the worst in order to bring you our absolute average!

New Starter Kit - http://mlpficreviews.org.uk/starter/
Old Starter Kit - http://i.imgur.com/vuTA7EN.png

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This >>41128537 but only if the grimderp is coming at the proverbial hands of the futas.
Asylum being unfinished is a tragedy. But you should definitely read it.
Two of these three are good and one is really mediocre.
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If you read Asylum, it'll probably go a good, long way towards learning you to to not be asking silly questions like "Should I read [Incomplete fic]?"
I feel like you're painting yourself into a corner by insisting that (1) C&L be the aggressors, going on a crusade against the rest of their tribe, and (2) all the other alicorns wind up dead. It seems hard to write that in a way that's believable but doesn't make C&L look like the bad guys. This is why I keep suggesting things that break one or both of these constraints.

In particular, you should strongly consider letting some of the other alicorns survive. Now obviously you need to get rid of them afterward to avoid conflicting with S1 canon, but there are plenty of other ways to do that:
>they live in Saddle Arabia and never visit ("sure, it was for a noble cause, but C&L's crusade still killed my entire family")
>fucked off from the entire plane of existence ("the three tribes are free now - let them handle their own problems")
>turned self into a tree / went into stasis
>went into hiding, wandering the earth in the form of a normal pony

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(formerly known as /tempo/, or T:EM/P/O)
A conglomerate of content creators since we couldn't keep our own threads up alone. If you're working on something, be it musicfagging, writefagging, drawfagging, poetfagging, craftfagging, or game-devfagging come by and post for some feedback or give some of your own. If you want to start content creating why not start today?

This thread is intended for ALL SKILL LEVELS, from complete beginner to seasoned expert. Don't get intimidated. We're all just hobbyists here to have fun and help each other make more pony stuff.

Active Community Projects:
Antithology 4.0 >>41112718 (Deadline June 14th)
/mlp/ con 2024 >>41082707 (June 28-30)

Resource Bin:
https://ponepaste.org/9401 (needs updated, bug me about this later)

Tempo Music Archive:

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Dashfags are the most creativefags
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I thnk my uv map is trying to tell me something
Are you making a saddle?

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>Anon! Anon, check this out!
>Pinkie gave me this old scroll that Maud found in a cave! I think it was written by starswirl the bearded!
>It’s not important how I found this out, but it turns out that Starswirl wrote it with a special ink that only appears when it’s exposed to certain hormones contained in the urine of a mare in estrus- gosh, isn’t that clever, anon?
>Anyways, after some careful lab analysis, spike and I figured out that it’s a time capsule spell!!!
>That’s right, anon! As soon as this thread gets bumped off, everything in it will be transported through time eight whole years into the future, to the distant year of 2032!!
>So what are you gonna post in it, anon? What interesting things do you have to share with future /mlp/?

(gonna make a thread about this in 8 years, mark ur calendars)
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Please tell me I made my own pony series with AI. Even if it turns out to be just a graphic novel, I want to tell their story.

It takes a place in a world of divine inequality. In true cartoon logic, ponies are invincible, unable to be seriously hurt or killed while in their homeland. In nigh impossible situations, ponies, and only ponies manage to survive. Did their scooba-gear malfunction at the bottom a lake? They'll suddenly be safe on the shore. Did an anvil, followed by a piano crush them from above? Sprained ankle.

Outside of the country, other creatures have been asking questions. Why are ponies the the chosen species? Why are they invincible? Can that invincibility be taken away?

The rebellious babysitter deer kicked out of her hometown discovers her love for ponies after saving Bliss's life from the clutches of an evil plot.
The bubbly natural pony who has never cried in her life (that she can remember). She hates Ballooncrafting, her family's secret magic tradition that involves her two worst fears: hard work and balloons popping.
>Dyx (pet)
After discovering Bliss had never had a pet due to her parent's sheltering her from the concept of death, Patina gifts Bliss a cuddly dwarf minibear. It's pointed out too late to Patina that it's elderly and could die any minute.
The punk-rock woolpony who expresses herself through her mane and plastic clip-on earrings but keeps her fluffy coat perfect for her family's business. Her love of forbidden books combined with her farm-learned mechanical skills fuels her dreams of building the first ever flying machine. *The Ascetimares are watching.*

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I’d read the fuck out of this
8-years-from-now anon don’t let us down
BGP was shit when it came out, is shit now, and will be shit until the end of time.
>Verification not required.
Sounds like actual kino. Even if it’s not ai you can write that shit yourself, you got the chops for it.
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Gonna watch this shit tonight, heard it’s kino
enjoy anon! shine on!
There's a falseflagger who tries to claim G1fags are pedos in every G1 thread
>G1fags are pedos
Why though? Just schizo?
i blame Saberspark

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Luna PLEASE wipe after using the bathroom...
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using any method other than wads of toilet paper is UN-AMERICAN AMD MAKES YOU A DIRTY COMMIE
Aren't all burgerlanders commies nowadays? The left loves communism and the right licks Putin's ass.
Yurocommie hands typed this post

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