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A quest about finding a way out of a cursed forest and defeat wicked beasts to help your companions.

>Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40996849/

>Previous threads but it’s a paste: https://ponepaste.org/9167
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As for her reason for starting all of this. It is true that too much order is a serious problem. It stifles creativity, it sows misery, and it just generally makes life less worth living. But too much chaos is just as bad if not worse. Even nature has order to it. At the absolute least, a desert needs an oasis for creatures to survive there. As for helping her reach her goal, I'd like to take it slow and enjoy the journey. As well as having more opportunity to help (corrupt) the others. It is impatience that lead to our current relationship problems after all.
Hunt with Black fang!
I wonder if she'd be upset if we bring the others to the brink of godhood before sending her over the edge?
Honestly, Black Fang’s whole "we live in a society" and "the weak should fear the strong" spiel is pretty cringeworthy. She's basically advocating for anarchy. Sure, a life of unshackled lawlessness might suit her just fine, but how many ponies are truly willing to give up the stable, steady life she so derides?

She waxes poetic about giving ponies absolute freedom, but in truth, she's just another tyrant wanting to impose her vision of the world upon the masses.

At least the verbal diarrhea makes it easy to tell your posts apart from others.
What's that on her cutie mark, a syrinx made of teeth?

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I'd request one or two or more by Darkdoomer/Bestfilly/SS, if you have suggestions drop em in!

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Requesting this one with the "right" flag and a lighter coat. She's meant to be white, not off-white.
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Kek. Thanks, anon.
Finally! Thank you Anon.

Wait so what filly anon is doing if it's not his taxes..
>a furry bird guy told me to do it and pay these
How did you pass the “verify you're human” after making this

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Izzy Moonbow’s adorable and sexy design is the one redeeming aspect of gen 5.
(Except her design in Tell Your Tale is shit)
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Our heroes (Pipp is taking their picture)
Is TRASH is the most popular g5 song with Monster mash?
Yes. Even the Pippcast referenced it
Personally I love Izzy's Hearts 'n Hooves song
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I'm continuing posting Russian-speaking artists. I guess people don't care that much about it, but I still want to finish.
Check the last thread: >>41100554
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I'm pretty sure I met him in Moscow a few months ago.
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He's on VK and speaks Russian.

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Forest Hike Edition

For those seeking any and all things Fluttershy.

>/shy/thread Ponepaste (includes the OP, writefag list, writefag request bin, and all current/completed stories)

>Collaborative Fluttershy playlist (request for new content to be added in the thread)

>/mushy/ Musical mixtape (request for new content to be added in the thread)

Previous thread: >>40936954
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something suggestive
This should be the next op pic, imo
Then again, this is also pretty good
I vote >>41079189 or >>41101594

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Pinkie has finally been accepted by the fungus, and wanted a place for everyone to discuss and show off their own mares and mycological projects!

>What is this thread about?
Mares and fungus, duh

>Is any fungus welcomed?
Anything but Trichoderma and Cobweb

>Where can I get spores?
Pretty great little place to get some spores ordered (Cubes and other types)

>How do I get started?
Philly Golden Teacher is a great resource for getting started. Broke Boi Tek is always a good introduction to the hobby (though rather than rice, I do recommend Rye Berries)

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Never heard of it. Can you link a video?
It was a couple of years ago so its a little fuzzy, but I think the general idea was to put drops from the syringe on the agar and then wait for mycelium to start growing, separating the parts with myceluim from bacteria and putting the myceluim agar in grain to make grain feed. The trouble I was having with this was that there would be to much bacteria and it would overtake any spot that the mycelium would grow on. Everywhere I've looked says to do this. If theres a way to skip past the agar stage and straight into making grain feed without any issue, I'd happily take it.
tell me you don't know what you're doing without telling me you don't know what you're doing
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I said I failed, did I ever claim to know what I was doing?
Got syringes with Golden Teachers, B+ and Blue Meanies on the way because of this thread, can’t fuckin wait to get started. What’s your method? What have you learned? Pls give me (and everyone else) a rundown from start to finish

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Does anyone still remember the JoJo threads?
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Applejack, Trixie and Jotaro on an adventure? That should be fun. I wonder what stand AJ has.

>Yer Applejack.
Wow, even her thoughts are southern!
>After Pinkie had gotten it wrong five times in a row, he allowed y'all to just refer to him as 'Jojo'.
Wow, Jotaro must have gotten particularly annoyed to allow that.
>but... she was a bit preoccupied after the human had bought Trixie's favourite snack.
I'm imagining DIO giving Trixie some peanuts and randomly stabbing her with a stand arrow/spear while she's happily eating. It's fucking hilarious.
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>I'm imagining DIO giving Trixie some peanuts and randomly stabbing her with a stand arrow/spear while she's happily eating. It's fucking hilarious.

I like how it has become a common image for most people.
How will he shoot his stand now?
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He'd find a way.
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This is the Pregnancy General, not stillborn and ready to be borne again. We've lately been building up a bundle of regular artists, storytellers, and others again; may this general get quicker and continue quickening.

For files and other things we can't discuss in this thread, there's a fraternal twin thread over inside Pregchan, the premiere pregnancy imageboard:

That thread is the third in a series, and here are the prior Pregchan threads, which have been archived here:

Because of that drama with Pastebin, here are two archives of our greentexts:

Here’s a list of some artists and writers who use these threads:

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It's a shame Symplefable's not around anymore either. Pour one out for him.
Those poor middle mares
Just a quick bump
Yeah you’re not wrong

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>What is Flutterrape?
Flutterrape is a collection of stories about ponies trying and failing to have sex with Anon, the only human in Equestria. While the title implies that it is Fluttershy trying to rape Anon, others may follow in her stead and attempt their own versions of rape. There are different versions of Flutterrape, but most are light-hearted comedies about the ponies failing in their attempts to get into Anon’s pants. Just because your story has Anon in it, doesn't mean it fits in this thread. Check other threads (AiE, RGRE etc) about story content before posting.

>It's been 11 years, how is this thread still alive?
A perverse mixture of necromancy and spite.

>How do I start writing?
Use your imagination, you nitwit. Additionally, brush up on your grammar and abandon your standards.

Writing Guides:
Clever Dick's Tips For Short Stories -- https://ponepaste.org/1274
Driverbang's Writing Guide -- https://ponepaste.org/1275
Navarone's Writing Rules -- https://ponepaste.org/1276

For additional information, lurk. You could also check out the T:EM/P/O or /bale/ threads for further writing advice, unless they're dead.

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The save is appreciated
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>"Umm... Applejack?"
>"After you're done with him..."
>"Can I please have whatever's still moving?"
There probably won’t be much for her
Quick bump

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Welcome friends, ITT:
We make and share pony art, with absolutely no pressure to deliver anything that's technically good (besides having ponies in it, which makes it good by default)

Make something, share what you've done, and give feedback and motivation to help us all keep improving and creating!

This thread's focus is art, but beginner or low effort content of any kind is welcome here. If you do want to post about something else like music, gamedev, or crafts, though, just note that you may find better help and feedback posting it in the /create/ thread

Are you an experienced artist? Leave some tips, feedback, guides, or tutorials, they're well appreciated here!

Guides, tutorials and resources! Start here!

Draw with other /bale/ anons!

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Draw a pony throwing caution to the wind / Draw tiptoeing around danger

Great job
Something's a bit off about this mare...
That pony in the top-left is cool-looking and kinda freaky.
RIP Anon’s spine, Twilight is heavy.
Ain’t she the sweetest?
Nice paneling.
Bit O' Mercmare

sneezy amre

Starshine, Twinkle Trot, Bright Eyes, Comet Trail, Cosmic Carnation, Konpeito
Cute starry-eyed pone. I'm a sucker for black/dark gray mares.

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I like this Twilight Sparkle Minecraft skin :)
too many pixels. and not even the pony mod..
Very groomable
how old is your skin?
looks like stocklng

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Kneel to actual future ruler of Pegasi.
Our tomboy rebel princess. Zipp and Zippchad general. Pipp welcome.
Cont. from >>40950818 and >>40927179
AI anon, grant us more Zipps.
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She looks horrible in that art style. I hate AI for bringing it back.
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Yeah I see what you mean. The ears show it best, there is something cow in this style. Still, I selected this pic for the wonderful wings. Here's a more pony version.
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To me, it's mostly the snouts that look way too cow-like, as you can more clearly see in pic related.

Btw, you the OP? I thought the OP image was specifically created for this thread.
Why's she cringing
Do you not read posts or something?

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Intel heist edition
OLD THREAD: >>41104177

Pony maps, sprays, and micspam!
Reskinned vanilla maps (with mares) by our very own anons!
Come relive the heyday of pony TF2 with your friends from /mlp/!

Visit our official website to check out the server info from your browser: https://mlp.tf/
If you'd like a custom icon on the mlp.tf scoreboard, post your Steam ID and attach your desired icon in the thread.

>Server info
Server IP: tf2.15.ai OR
Password: check filename
Steam group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/mlptf2_
Map downloads (extract the .bz2 file, then place the .bsp file in /tf/download/maps): http://mlp.site.nfoservers.com/server/maps/

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fucking kek
But don’t forget that this could constitute abusive behavior. All it takes is one press of the F7 key.
The Ap-Sap is fine as it is, but it’s just that I have bad luck with it more often than not.

I’m looking more to modify the kunai and Dead Ringer. I was able to successfully install a plug-in that uses a custom items_game.txt file to modify the kunai, but the Dead Ringer seems to remove half of its cloak upon being hit even when the cloak_consume_on_feign_death_activate attribute is removed or even simply altered to a different value. It seems as though this is inherent to the “feign death” cloak type and this stat exists purely for ceremonial purposes. Any tips?
>>41128598 (Me)
To clarify, the plug-in I mentioned only works when not connected to VAC secure servers and I’ve only made sure to test it all locally. You won’t get to see me use it until Valve decides to implement it into the core game.

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Fortunate Sun Edition

>Get the game
Reminder to use creamapi to get all the DLCs. You can also get the game for about $10 on instant gaming if you don't want to wait for a steam sale.
>Get the mod
>Balefire Blues
>New to HoI4

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Ayyy finally!!
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Is kiria supposed to be kinda shit? What is the best path? Keep getting justed by events draining my politcial power

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Hasbro made a poniefied version of a deaded kid. I have high (degenerate) expectation from the community... do not disappoint.

Story: https://www.29news.com/2024/05/23/family-gifted-my-little-pony-doll-honor-daughters-memory/
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FUcking based! Screencapped this thread, would you like to be in the video? THis is gonna be so damn epic!

wow ebin and so le edgy my fellow oldfag
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Your final judgement shall be grim
Post physique

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