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Pinkie has finally been accepted by the fungus, and wanted a place for everyone to discuss and show off their own mares and mycological projects!

>What is this thread about?
Mares and fungus, duh

>Is any fungus welcomed?
Anything but Trichoderma and Cobweb

>Where can I get spores?
Pretty great little place to get some spores ordered (Cubes and other types)

>How do I get started?
Philly Golden Teacher is a great resource for getting started. Broke Boi Tek is always a good introduction to the hobby (though rather than rice, I do recommend Rye Berries)

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I don’t get it, this pun might be too autistic for me
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took me a sec too
>three borts, two borts, a bort
From my little experience, you can tell by watching them grow (they grow pretty fast when they fruit) aborts just don't grow after getting to ~1cm while everyone else in the flush gets to normal size
i wish i could commune with ponk like that foreverrrrrr. thank you anon!
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once mushroom egg is formed they will grow very quickly within a day or less if they get correct weather conditions

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"Anniversary Incoming!!!" Edition
Post and talks about pony merchandise, official or not.
Discuss plushies, figures, clothes, books, pins and more! And new ways to add ponies to our life!

>is selling your products here allowed?
Of course! Absolutely allowed.
>can I talk or post here about my crafting even if what I do isn't for sale?
Yes! We accept merch in all its forms.
>where can I find the old threads?
They are all in the Links Index Pastebin, after the links section.
>where can I find the video/collage of the anniversaries?
They are at the bottom of the Link Index Pastebin, after the archived threads section.

=== Links Index Pastebin ===

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What happened
They need to release the CMC, Candyass, Chrysalis, and Discord (Eris)
Oh hey, I got one from the same seller! I really love the art on the card.
They loafs love (You).
Would be lying if I said yes I won't blogpost much but: Work visa issues and also being messed over by US healthcare system has put me in a right bind

Appreciate that a lot anon
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For the most part, those figures were about 100 bucks. Kinda expensive, but not too expensive for that type of good quality animu figures. And they seemed to be selling decently. Once the preorder period was done, there would be some extra stock in online stores, but it would mostly sell out after a few months.
But their last three releases (Luna, Miku, Celly) were all premium, more expensive statues ($130, $140, $160). They are all very nice statuettes, and probably worth the price, but that price jump isn't insignificant.
Add to that the fact that these three are not "main characters" and therefore are slightly more niche, and well, that results in those three statuettes being the only three statuettes still available for purchase, even though it's been like three years.
I'd love to see a popular non-main character like Derpy or a Trixie get a $100-$110 figure made, and show that there's still a market for these. But I guess Koto got gun shy.
And while I personally really like these figures, I'm also kinda glad my wallet is no longer being punished every few months.
This is not substantiated by any evidence, and is purely a guess on my part.

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Cool Glasses edition
Previous thread: >>41006507
Thread links:

Voice archive


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beddy bye tyme
This mare is for milfing.
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Morning bump.
Would've been the youngest milf, however Ponk has high energy(literally).

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Filthy Claws Edition

Discuss vidya and play with fellow horsefuckers.
Pony vidya, pony mods and related videogame discussion are also encouraged, any type or genre of videogame is welcome.
If you want to play a certain game with /mlp/ don't hesitate to ask. People might just join and play with you. Don't be afraid to add each other. Who knows, maybe (You) will start up a new staple group?
More importantly, have fun!

Vidya's played last thread: Age of Empires 2 DE, Barotrauma, Deep Rock Galactic, Equestria at War, Golf With Your Friends, Minecraft, Megaspell, Left 4 Dead 2, Rust, Sven Coop, War Thunder
Vidya's played before: Black Ops 3 Zombies, Killing Floor 2, OpenTTD, PAYDAY 2, Project Zomboid, Satisfactory, SCP: Containment Breach Multiplayer, SRB2Kart, Tabletop Simulator, Terraria, Vintage Story.

Previous thread: >>41038964
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Hosting tabletoppery
Party games edition

Room: /mlp/
Pass: mare
2 in
3 in
doing a quick clover, feel free to join us anytime
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the results
the most difficult clovers get the most points this time

Doing Deception in Hong Kong, a murder mystery game where people die from amoebas and dirty socks with 4
Join us!

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Previous thread: >>40924082

To join add to your Favorites in Multiplayer > Legacy Browser. Password: >filename.

To start a gamemode/map change type rtv in chat.
To see server specific commands enter !commands in chat on the server.
To watch videos with Media Player use Gmod's 64-bit version. Enable it from the Betas tab in the game's Properties on Steam.

Addon lists: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2816159002
Server status: https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/gmod/24205952 or https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
Recommended content packs: HL1:S, Episode 1/2, TF2 content and CS:S content+maps. Download content packs from: https://gmodcontent.com/ or https://kajar9.wixsite.com/cscheater2/downloads (use MEGA links)

Turbonewfag guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2614222717
LINUX Guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3034844276
PAC3/PPM2 collections and other user content: https://ponepaste.org/7931

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mares can triforce!
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>when you and your friends were all on vacation and Anon somehow saved all of Equestria from a villains evil scheme
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Anon can usually tell pretty quickly when someone is up to something they shouldn’t be
Human cynicism has its uses
You're a loose cannon, Anon, but you do get results.
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[Parties internally]
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Turns out all you needed to do was eat her ass.

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Gaba GHOULS edition.!

Fallout Equestria, a story that bleeds two franchises together to build something magical. On one side, you have death, destruction, decay, and misery - on the other, you have ponies. Doesn't sound like it should mix? You'd be surprised. When the world around you is wasteland, all you're left with is hope, and as we all know, ponies can do spectacular things with just a little hope.

Read Fallout Equestria by Kkat to appreciate the setting that many writers have then lent upon after being so captivated by the wonders.
The original story which spawned its own fandom can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/119190/

These next four stories comprise the rest of what is considered "the big 5", alongside the original. They were biggest hitters early in the fandom, be it for having started before many others, their length, or overall quality.

>Project Horizons:

>Pink Eyes:

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Basically, yes. It's not exactly 1:1 but we're more or less playing through a modified version of the videogame setting. It's not exactly clear how different things are yet; we came up on Primm and the Powder Gangers had successfully breached the casino and were well into ransacking the town, but also Ted Gunderson's stand-in was never eaten and we actually attended his wedding after escorting his bride from the Mojave Outpost as part of a caravan job.

Right now we're exploring a homebrew vault that seems to have been used as a nuclear material storage site while the dwellers were still locked inside. Dunno what's going to be in it but the door was covered in some kinda black ooze we had to burn off. Probably going to be a rough time, but hey. That's what the missile launcher is for.
Peak example of how handguns wouldn't work for horses.
Greetings from (the now complete) sister thread.
>forgot the image
Retard moment.
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me when i got turned into dashie (they used some weird ass enclave tech to do it)

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Previous thread >>40869005

This thread is for the bestest BFFs ever: Sunny & Izzy! No, this is not a shipping thread.

Greentext stories short and long:
>>39561001 Izzy has something for (You)
>>39584734 Izzy has to choose
>>39869258 Sunny & Izzy get confused in prison
>>39959545 Hitch discovers something about Sunny
>>39965565 Izzy discovers it too
>>39985594 Izzy is probably drunk
>>40075364 Anon is distressed
>>40077312 Sunny and Izzy sing a work song
>>40147731 Sunny trains Anonfilly
>>40171581 Misty makes dinner for her friends

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Let’s just agree to disagree.
I was just admiring a hairstyle and you just shit on my tastes. Why are you so pointlessly negative? Fuck this thread, let's see how it does when I don't bump it for a week, have fun.
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Bro, chill. You having a bad day or something? Or forget your meds? Saying he's shitting on your tastes and being pointlessly negative is massively overexaggerating things. I mean for fuck's sake it pretty much doesn't get more polite than "lets agree to disagree."

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Forest Hike Edition

For those seeking any and all things Fluttershy.

>/shy/thread Ponepaste (includes the OP, writefag list, writefag request bin, and all current/completed stories)

>Collaborative Fluttershy playlist (request for new content to be added in the thread)

>/mushy/ Musical mixtape (request for new content to be added in the thread)

Previous thread: >>40936954
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Might as well hit image limit while we're at it.
So cute when sleepy.
Great thread for a great mare! Look forward to the next one.

Which pony would be down for thr clown the most?
Woop woop
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these days you have to make it yourself because everything them niggas be slingin on the strate is cut with fent. Just get cocaine HCl and freebase it with baking soda, now u a REAL NIGGA!!!!!!!!!
a visionary
too much going on
All I did was switch the label. If anything, I made it simpler.
its too decadent
You left your contacts on

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Fluttershy weighs in on a hotly debated topic.
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I am every bit as not-confident and shy and pathetic as Fluttershy though and it doesn't work at all since I'm a guy. It's unfair to Fluttershy but it's probably the reason I'm not very fond of her.
Well at least you got us ya fag
Its nice talking with you fags but it just leaves me feeling so mentally weak and lonely. idfk, excuse the rant.
same but i'm also a bit autistic
but i do like Fluttershy. she gives me a little bit of confidence. not enough to be social but i show (a little bit of) assertiveness when i'm treated unjustly and it helped me many times

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Its Mother's Day. Show appreciation for your own mom and the older moms of Ponyville.
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>most motherly pony in all of Equine Land
>nobody thinks of you at all
thats hot, cute, and sorta weird
My mom was larger technically the clothes should be bigger on you.
There's something odd about Windy. I can't quite put my finger on it, though...
Why did your mom wear a collar?

The newest edition of >CLOP has arrived, a decade old browser game about building nations, geoponitics, and oppressing ponies. Join now and start making connections, alliances and intrigue.
Please play our game

>Link to the game itself

>Link to the test server
This has 30 minute ticks. Every tick is a war tick, and no travel time. Feel free to make multiple accounts there, and experiment with the war mechanics

>Previous thread

Sorry anon, I didn't want to wait.

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We need to revive the Defamation League
The nation you took from a player who did nothing and wasn't capable of defending themselves. We only ever attacked your developed nations.

At a Prze who was very developed and sent troops at us before. In fact, that same Prze is the one who first interfered with the war by betraying our alliance and sending troops to attack me instead.

Remember who decided to step over people in their attempt to make themselves relevant again.
So wanting to be able to feed my ponies and take the burden off my fellow alliance members is 'just being an ass'. Okay.
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You wanted to feed your ponies more copper when you invited that opportunistic Prze into the alliance ?

Post blue spandex shorts girl.

Previous Thread:>>40975992
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>Dash got into music production
>Sends you a sick rap beat she just made
>You open the file in your DAW, set higher BPM and send it back
>are you alright anon

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Come one and all to the meta-writefag and help raise the quality of MLP fanfiction! Featuring: Disappointing your beloved!

ITT: Passing trophies around amongst doppelgangers, Fanfiction is magic!, Optimal snuff fic targets, Anon wants to become a snail, Even more horseword shelves, A quick grammar check, ChatMLP, Spamming dislikes at the behest of the hivemind, Streetlamps but inside, Some bitchin' eye surgery, Overflowing with conviction, Avoiding contentious topics, Masturbating after turning characters into snarky assholes, Marcel Proust magnificent prose, Aspiring for higher levels of delusion, Nautical adventures, /fimfic/ just needs to open its heart, AaWiE, How the hell do fic writers write?, Retards not understanding spoken words, The 120 Days of Sodom as required school reading, Lit class sucks wherever you go, Chadmoded philosphymaxxing teachers, Weird and unnecessary premises, How's the writing goin'?, Long description feedback, Prescribing death, And shitty opinions = honest facts!

>/fimfic/ Secret Book Club
The sixty-seventh book is 'Fluttershy, Royal Game Warden (?)':
If (You) want to participate, read the entire story by the 2nd.
On Sunday we'll discuss what we've read.

>Recommended stories:
Tired of authors forgetting that brevity is key? Fed up with 10k inner monologue chapters? Well, we've compiled the best of the worst in order to bring you our absolute average!

New Starter Kit - http://mlpficreviews.org.uk/starter/
Old Starter Kit - http://i.imgur.com/vuTA7EN.png

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Doubt it, World War Z is the only good zombie novel ever written.
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I can't believe Rarity is fucking dead.
I'm not sure how to feel about this story. It's written well on a technical level, but the actual story it tells is what gives me pause. Even outside of how fundamentally unpony the premise is, there are oddities and things I'm no sure I find myself agreeing with, and some details that I find just plain odd. The main one is the fire happening. It happens so fast it's like the story wants you to overlook the fact that Sweetie didn't hire the dancers too, or that it's absurd for them to act as they do and set the whole place on fire like that. It feels really convenient for them to, and unjustified. It's weird how Rarity doesn't seem to notice Chuck-Chuck charging in after Sweetie Belle either, and in general that scene is too fast and confused. Speaking of Chuck, he feels the most out of place in a pony fic. I sort of get what the author was going for with him, but not only is his name dumb, his whole almost supernatural stitch doesn't really work for me.
This is a fic about characters not properly talking to each other. Rarity never properly establishes what the gathering is for. Sweetie never mentions that she's in debt. I guess it ultimately doesn't matter, since Rarity is out of bits (even though some ponies are offering her millions) and in the end Sweetie's debt is conveniently erased anyway. And Rarity dies. Her death is a good scene, though. While I'm not a big fan of ponies doing hard magical drugs, the one thing I'll praise this fic for is the way it describes Sweetie's longing and her love for the lake. That's a good bit, even if it's part of a story I don't feel too well about. I guess it's just not the kind of story for me, but it really makes me question who it's for and what the author was thinking when working on it. It feels so weird at times, and almost like it's barely a pony story, and certainly not one that would ever fit the show and setting.
I don't mind the ending. It's tagged as a tragedy and it ends like one, and I can't really complain about that there. It's sad to see Sweetie isn't kicking the habit, but it is what it is, I suppose. She doesn't have a bright future ahead or anything. The pacing of the whole story is nice, I suppose, with it taking place over just a handful of hours. It's convenient that Sweetie arrives just as Rarity is killing herself, but then that's the impetus for the story I suppose. I don't know, a lot of this fic just feels weird to me to be quite honest. It makes me question what the author was thinking when deciding to write it. At least audiences seemed to enjoy it. I myself wouldn't say I did, but then I suppose this is the kind of stuff fanfiction is for and I shouldn't be mad at it. Mostly it just left me cold though, and a bit confused.
Next week we're reading:
You should decide what we'll read after, too:
The most astounding thing here isn't that Sweetie goes half fic without going, "What kind of gathering, then?"; it's that I kept hoping for a happy ending up to the very last moment. Ouch, or, as the kids say it, "big oof". The emotional are done well, and it's a decently captivating read as a whole. There are several complaints you could raise about this fic, though, even if they're a bit less relevant for me because the fic managed to get me to temporarily overlook them as I was reading it in spite of its imperfections. When it teases the reader by having the characters do something to change things for the better to give (You) hope, it mostly just works. Or at least, it did work for me. Here I must point out that it's very, very thin on the "pony"-ness of the setting, that this world with murderers-slash-debt-collectors and widespread drug overdose and crime mafias and suicide and... either way, that this AU doesn't feel ponylike, especially when it's only marked [Dark] rather than AU. It's definitely a valid complaint, but at the same time, the fic kind of needs ponies to do its thing. Without them being Rarity and Sweetie Belle, two great ponies who the reader recognizes and sympathizes with, it would not have almost any of the impact that it does. Maybe it's a huge stretch to propose this vision of Equestria, but I can kind of-sort of forgive that to tell a story.

There's also the matter of that other big issue; the funeral going unnamed for so long strains the suspension of disbelief. I was waiting for the fic to play with cringe as fuel for the drama in the central part of the story (and I would absolutely hate that). Luckily, it doesn't fully go there, instead settling on a pretty strange action scene. Keeping it is still not a justifiable choice, imo. Secondly, not only does Chuck-Chuck have the world's least intimidating villain-murderer name*, he's made to look like a supernatural horror villain. When he survives being buried under the burning ruins and approaches Sweetie with a half-melted face, I really did expect him to be that. But apparently he's just a very tough pony?
*4chan brainrot made me expect a Sneed's joke
And because I need to ask, were red tags still not a thing in 2015? Ignoring the fact that the author remained online and on fimfic long after they were added, this having no self-harm or narcotics is extremely incorrect, to the point that I might report the fic so the mods can adjust it. Nothing against the story, but it really needs those two tags.

I guess I liked it? I'm a stalwart Happy Ending Crusader (is that what Paul Asaran calls it?) but I can say I liked reading it, and that it had a much higher impact than many of the fics we read here. I still personally hate the ending for Sweetie cowardly giving up twice, and I'd have MUCH preferred the bittersweet reunion ending to the one we got, but it was not meant to be this kind of story. It easily COULD have been, though. Would've made it more pony.
I wouldn't say I liked this story, but I did find myself engaged, and I suppose there are parts I did enjoy.
Convenient was the word of the week, it seems. Not only because of Sweetie Belle finding Rarity just in time to save her from bleeding out, but also lots of little things peppered here and there. The biggest one being how Rarity is the supplier of the plant that becomes the drug that got Sweetie into this whole mess to begin with.
I think this story may be enjoyable if you're under the influence of drugs. That would make stuff like Chuck's chuckness make sense. Maybe.
The pacing does feel... odd. There is so much going on in such a short span of time, but at the same time, there's barely any hurry to things, despite Sweetie desperately wanting that money. Quite strange.
In spite of it all, I liked the ending. How it's too late to really fix anything, but in letting Rarity die, Sweetie shows one last act of love for her sister.
Honestly, her getting a blank slate is the best ending she could've gotten.
>even though some ponies are offering her millions
Are they offering HER the millions, or are they offering it to the company, where it would likely be sucked up into paying debt and getting tied into other stuff that would ultimately result in even more debt?
>the funeral going unnamed for so long strains the suspension of disbelief
I don't think it's that unbelievable. Rarity does not care about Sweetie, and really does not care about much anymore. What's weird is that there were no banners or signs saying that this was a funeral.
>read after
I vote for Let's Be Evil!

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