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Come one and all to the meta-writefag and help raise the quality of MLP fanfiction! Featuring: Disappointing your beloved!

ITT: Passing trophies around amongst doppelgangers, Fanfiction is magic!, Optimal snuff fic targets, Anon wants to become a snail, Even more horseword shelves, A quick grammar check, ChatMLP, Spamming dislikes at the behest of the hivemind, Streetlamps but inside, Some bitchin' eye surgery, Overflowing with conviction, Avoiding contentious topics, Masturbating after turning characters into snarky assholes, Marcel Proust magnificent prose, Aspiring for higher levels of delusion, Nautical adventures, /fimfic/ just needs to open its heart, AaWiE, How the hell do fic writers write?, Retards not understanding spoken words, The 120 Days of Sodom as required school reading, Lit class sucks wherever you go, Chadmoded philosphymaxxing teachers, Weird and unnecessary premises, How's the writing goin'?, Long description feedback, Prescribing death, And shitty opinions = honest facts!

>/fimfic/ Secret Book Club
The sixty-seventh book is 'Fluttershy, Royal Game Warden (?)':
If (You) want to participate, read the entire story by the 2nd.
On Sunday we'll discuss what we've read.

>Recommended stories:
Tired of authors forgetting that brevity is key? Fed up with 10k inner monologue chapters? Well, we've compiled the best of the worst in order to bring you our absolute average!

New Starter Kit - http://mlpficreviews.org.uk/starter/
Old Starter Kit - http://i.imgur.com/vuTA7EN.png

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I wouldn't say I liked this story, but I did find myself engaged, and I suppose there are parts I did enjoy.
Convenient was the word of the week, it seems. Not only because of Sweetie Belle finding Rarity just in time to save her from bleeding out, but also lots of little things peppered here and there. The biggest one being how Rarity is the supplier of the plant that becomes the drug that got Sweetie into this whole mess to begin with.
I think this story may be enjoyable if you're under the influence of drugs. That would make stuff like Chuck's chuckness make sense. Maybe.
The pacing does feel... odd. There is so much going on in such a short span of time, but at the same time, there's barely any hurry to things, despite Sweetie desperately wanting that money. Quite strange.
In spite of it all, I liked the ending. How it's too late to really fix anything, but in letting Rarity die, Sweetie shows one last act of love for her sister.
Honestly, her getting a blank slate is the best ending she could've gotten.
>even though some ponies are offering her millions
Are they offering HER the millions, or are they offering it to the company, where it would likely be sucked up into paying debt and getting tied into other stuff that would ultimately result in even more debt?
>the funeral going unnamed for so long strains the suspension of disbelief
I don't think it's that unbelievable. Rarity does not care about Sweetie, and really does not care about much anymore. What's weird is that there were no banners or signs saying that this was a funeral.
>read after
I vote for Let's Be Evil!
>It happens so fast it's like the story wants you to overlook the fact that Sweetie didn't hire the dancers too,
I thought Chuck-Chuck hired them to do this to get to Sweetie easily, but I don't think that's confirmed anywhere, and, on a second thought, I doubt he'd act like that. The scene is both confusing and confused, sure, but at least it's over quickly and the fic is back to its main plot. I think it's there because the author needed something drastic to transition from the ruined funeral to the next part of the fic, and looking at it like that it's really not too bad.
>it really makes me question who it's for
Like most stories, for the author, probably. And I didn't hate it, either. I even left a begrudging upvote on it, for writing a complete story that doesn't come apart at the seams before it ends. It is weird in that I think it had to be a pony story to work, but at the same time it's written in a way that feels not very pony at all.
>The pacing of the whole story is nice, I suppose, with it taking place over just a handful of hours.
Oh right, that. Yeah, filling out the 25k words without going over the time limit established right at the beginning was good. I'd say that the fic reads pretty competent as a whole.

>The biggest one being how Rarity is the supplier of the plant that becomes the drug that got Sweetie into this whole mess to begin with.
There's 50% chance I overlooked a critical detail, but I don't think it? I thought it's a separate drug. Primarily because Sweetie was already doing dust before Rarity launched her empire, but also because the magical gemstones didn't look anything like the blue liquid extracted from the flowers. I know that Sneed talks about the irony of the antidote, but to me what he meant was that the antidote was produced by the sister from whom she wanted to extract the cash.
>but in letting Rarity die, Sweetie shows one last act of love for her sister. Honestly, her getting a blank slate is the best ending she could've gotten.
The way I read it, Sweetie Belle was going to kill herself after that ending. Either directly or because of her dust addiction, but the lily parallel and the title of the final chapter made me think that she's visiting the lake for the last time there. Also, I acknowledge that this might come off as a very sheltered and naive opinion (I have never as much as smoked a cigarette), but I think that Sweetie letting Rarity die and relapsing instead isn't an act of love, but of cowardice. This non-AU AU is a shithole, sure, but Rarity did legitimately care about Sweetie Belle until the end. With her quitting dust, they could have tried to figure something out. But at that point Sweetie is too afraid to try anymore and escapes to her drugged delusions.
>What's weird is that there were no banners or signs saying that this was a funeral.
To be fair, the band ponies do say that they're a funeral band, and Sweetie doesn't connect the dots or question them further.
By the end of the first paragraph, I want to strangle the author.
It was at the end of the first sentence for me.
>Twilight Sparkle woke up, as protagonists are wont to do of an introduction.
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why are flutterfags like this

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What are some interesting facts about Bat Pony biology and behavior? True facts only pls.
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Following their mantra: United in Bloodlines.
Bat ponies barely have any facial whiskers because their vibrissal sensing was evolutionarily supplanted by echolocation. The sight of a whiskerless pony face evokes subconscious distrust in other ponies, especially in earth ponies who are known to heavily rely on whisker-mediated social communication, when they meet bats. However, bat ponies do have exceptionally large carpal vibrissae for landing and social grooming. An urban legend says bat ponies can send earth ponies into trance by suddenly boopping them and overloading the psychosocial circuitry in their brains with whisker-mediated stimuli earth ponies can't immediately comprehend or block. For humans who, according to my own admittedly somewhat fringe beliefs, subconsciously use cutaneous thermoreceptors and reflection of our own bodily heat from nearby objects in most if not all scenarios where less abridged legatees of the last common mammal rely on vibrissae, personal interaction with bat ponies should also feel slightly off. I believe it we were to test it the reports of human subjects would include phrases like "this bitch clearly knows what personal space is but deliberately uses this knowledge for evil", "terrible but ravenously enthusiastic kisser", and "it's like she doesn't always know where her own head is".
>of the last common mammal
Of the last common mammal ancestor, I mean.
please do post more bat facts that I only vaguely understand!
who is this qt bat

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Name a better ship
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It’s “complex”
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Celestia on a cracker. I didn’t watch the episode so these screenshots are throwing me. Posey is an angry lesbian while Pipp has always been trysexual.

Pipp is sistersexual
After this many mutual loving gazes between these two people start to get curious
I'm not curious anymore, I want commitment

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I want to be in this shower with or without trixie
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>I want to be in this shower
>with or without trixie
>or without trixie

nothing wrong with stallions!
It's a cozy looking shower!
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Think about it. Her vagina at that height from the floor is within perfect pissing proximity of that shower drain.

Do you think she does it, /mlp/?
Wait, what? Where do you think a pony's vagina is on her body? Do you mean right where she is? Would the stream hit the drain directly, or hit the floor then run down the floor into the drain? Or, do you mean if she moved and squatted over the drain same height? You weren't nearly clear enough here Anon. Actually, you know what, I'm gonna need an MS Paint diagram because I am just lost at this point.

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Previous thread:>>40946772

Welcome to the Thread! Kinderquestria/Anon in pone prison focuses on the world and adventures of naive child like ponies and the misadventures and shenanigans of Anon that results in him going to prison! To get a good handle on how things are done around here I implore you to check out our new and improved one stop shop of kinder greens and prompts here >> https://ponepaste.org/7630
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>You haven't lived until you've had a single grape make an entire meal.
Isn't there some really bad new Netflix series based entirely around shrinking people for that purpose?
I have no idea, I haven't opened Netflix in like 3 years.
Boop you
what is the original image name

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For the Forgotten 6 Cutest girls from Equestria Girls movies, specials and more! Back from the dead edition!

Previous Thread: >>37264944
Death Note: Invisible

Slave Equestria Girls (Mostly Sunset and Anon but Wallflower is there kinda)

Special Needs (WIP)

Deceptive Danger
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oh shit this is back?
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my thread.. it lives? I gave up so long ago
I should write again.. even though my greens were shit and never finished
Should I try to write a Dark Souls green with Wallflower and Anon hollowing? forgetting themselves and each other?
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Well some green is better than none in my book and practice is how you get better, so I'd read it. That's assuming the thread stays up.
I'm playing through Elden Ring again in preparation for the dlc and I'm just not interested in the lore at all. It just isn't anywhere near Dark Souls in terms of worldbuilding for me. Anyway, if you're up for it, give it a shot.

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Silly mare edition.

Previous thread: >>41052303

Fauster's Story Archive: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XiJRe1NWl_kIoWsHssZ27BMV7bZAe1jgX59-dWggYkA/
Uh-hmmm's Prompt Archives:
Have a broken Pastebin link? Replace pastebin.com with poneb.in

not to save anything of value on Pastebin
ignore all attempts at early new threads
ignore new threads by the cheerimac poster
keep your thick, colty mare (or mares) perpetually pregnant and give 'em the licc
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What is the teenage mare's version of "the sock"?
Suspiciously shiny corn on the cob?

A supply of cucumbers. Particularly gross mares will eat the cucumber after using it.
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>Paranoid teen mares who need to "get rid of the evidence" since they can't just put the cucumber back in the fridge once they're done

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Request, draw, submit. Mark requests with ‘/r/’ in the name field or comment field, ‘/d/’ for deliveries, ‘/ic/’ for critiques.
Also, when /r/equesting, try to provide a reference image, to make it easier for drawfags to fulfill your request.

- Don't spam or bump your requests.
- Don't respond to the spam. Just report and hide it and move on.

Previous Thread:

The OP header image and all other images from the previous Draw Threads can be found in the

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requesting a ponification of your favourite album cover
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Humbly requesting a sweet Mr. and Mrs. Cake drawing to combat the approaching faggotry. Preferably, she would be pregnant, because I like that and it emphasizes something lesbians can never do.
extreme funny, showed all my friends
qt drawing anon

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A quest about finding a way out of a cursed forest and defeat wicked beasts to help your companions.

>Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40996849/

>Previous threads but it’s a paste: https://ponepaste.org/9167
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Not this. Just let things naturually develop for now anon. At the very least hear out her answers to these questions so we can become familiar with her more before deciding if this mare is someone we want to be around. Hell, we don't even know why she wants to be a goddess yet.
Came up with another question. Since she believes she needs only a little bit of essence left to be in control, will she be unable to take in any more essence, or can she willingly take and grow even more?
Suck on her crotchboobs!
coming back tomorrow

Which pony would be down for thr clown the most?
Woop woop
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Very interesting insights, but my whole grief is with the fact that "committing serious crimes" is supposed to be edgy in the first place. We've literally seen her do this in the show, so it's not very shocking even with the absurdity of her being a unicorn.
It's unironically the panopticon effect
Every single thing they post is exposed to the scrutiny of millions of mouth-breathing censors who demand every rough edge be smoothed off of everything
If you want to still be edgy you have to face up to that constant scrutiny and actively reject it, a lot of children don't have that strength of will yet or ever
Then you are invited not to take seriously the small blue horse and her serious crimes which could refer to fraud or to terrorism.

Which you did, leaving a dangling frustration you here express. Every signal says there should be something edgy, but you yourself interpret that edginess away by choice and then complain.
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Trix fr brah no cap
I recognize the comedic mechanisms. My problem is that they fail to deploy effectively, not that they arent there.

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Previous: >>41069201
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It's whack
but... neither have a dick
dude what the fuck is with gen 5 and this shitty
"blank Your blank" template?
Make Your Mark, Tell Your Tale, Set Your Sail, like nigga fucking make a better title you fucking jews
Yeah like My Little Pony: The Movie (2017), peak effort
It's better than season 10

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It's /sun/day! Let us bask in Princess Celestia's gentle radiance.

/Sun/day Story Archive:
/Sun/ Music Playlist

Have a Celestia story that you want added to the archive?
>Link to story on Pastebin or Ponepaste
>Say whether the story is finished or unfinished, or if it is a one shot (this is important for sorting)
>Provide a synopses of the plot (please do this, I don't like writing these)
>Any other important information that you want to add, such as the thread of origin.
Broken Pastebin URL? Replace pastebin.com/ with poneb.in/

Humanized variants of Princess Celestia and others are unwelcome here.

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Nah, I'd win. And I'd grope her massive mare milkers too.
And swallows!
worth it and i would do it again
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Went looking for the pic in the archives, found this: https://ponepaste.org/3584

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Hasbro made a poniefied version of a deaded kid. I have high (degenerate) expectation from the community... do not disappoint.

Story: https://www.29news.com/2024/05/23/family-gifted-my-little-pony-doll-honor-daughters-memory/
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just let this die
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I'm surprised it's still alive
bronies are a subspecies of furfag being a pedophilic, zoophilic, faggot is second nature
Ok zoomer

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>"Look Anon, I'm a miner!"
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On the contrary.
Built for handling Big Black Coal
really like tj’s human bloom it’s quaint.
i'm a miner, you Ultor jerk!
I want to go mining inside her

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"You will become sluttier! You WILL become sluttier!"

Check out our new slutty story archive!

Previous Slutterfuge: >>40864233
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...and another welcome thus I will cum well addition to the 'Meganekko' folder.

Word up for nerdy girls and you know these sorts of sluts are into some really kinky stuff :

Turboslut the Twintailed Slattern may look shy, but there's some real filth going through her mind as she imagines - then happening very soon - your white manfilth being violently blasted into her womb after you giving her a savage dicking
>slutty schoolgirls
Just my type
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Whore of CHS really is slutlicious in black nightwear...!:

...designed for whore... I mean her by Rariwhore, of course.

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