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Previous thread: >>41123988

>What is Open Pony?
A model for Second Life that beats all other 3D pony models. Info here:

>Just give me a MARE
Idiotproof starter guide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZkMo8NDwuNG8skCJI2gDbWl9LYm4Q_tN/view
A noob's guide for other noobs: https://ponepaste.org/7410
Braindead simple Anonmare guide: https://smutty.mare.stream/mlajjqelswj.png

>Join the /mlp/ SL group

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In space nopony can hear you whinny!
>That being said, random silly threads can be funny,
I'm almost exclusively a funposter outside of /opg/, though the threads I post in tend to have very limited lifespan. I've had the final word in many a thread that died.
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Maybe I'll fuck off from /mlp/ myself one day. But for now, even the few threads that interest me are enough to keep me coming back. As long as /mlp/ fills a niche to me that nothing else can, I'll always have a reason to keep browsing. And as >>41128722 implied, it's difficult for the mentally ill to leave this place for too long.
did the anniversary photo get finished? or do we need to be patient still?
This unironically. There are never more than 5 good threads on the catalog at once on /mlp/ but they keep me coming back, because in the end I have more in common with the people in them than any other site or board. Retards can bad faith this perspective into "hating pony" but it doesn't improve the quality of their favorite fetish or EQG generals, or their "late show bad" kvetchthreads.

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Post pony memes
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Anyone got some Sombra Stairs memes?
>Road Work Ahead
Yeah, I sure hope it does.

If you want to move the river, don’t move the water. Change the path.
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Different boards have different reasons to exist, I wouldn't call any board besides /s4s/ as a meme board, the rest has it's own things, sometimes memes come from them, but that's an exception rather than the norm. For example look at /wg/, it's there's no memes in there, it's just a place you go to find a new wallpaper
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The term meme got appropriated by reddit.

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What is the opinion on G5?
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>I'd be watching it faithfully and clopping to it
Will their deal with Discovery ever lapse?
>They have a contract with Discovery that lasts till March 31st 2025.
G5 is set to end in 2025
Never watched it, never will because of the uggo designs

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Post plones, discuss plones, love plones, forfeit all mortal possessions to plones, don't slap plone bellies.

Exploitable Droner edition

Old Plone stories:

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Should be a T-38 or T-7A.
I was always curious, are you guys aviation mechanics or engineers? Or do you guys work closely with any of the plone aircraft, like the fighters or bombers? Myself I work on the HH60 Pavehawk as a crew chief but I have access to the other aircraft on the flight line as well like F-35s F-22s and Drones. Or is this all just a fascination?
I always thought planes look kind of sexy, but combined with pone it blew my dick because it's super fucking hot. Not an engineer or anything, just admiring visual beauty.

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Come one and all to the meta-writefag and help raise the quality of MLP fanfiction! Featuring: Disappointing your beloved!

ITT: Passing trophies around amongst doppelgangers, Fanfiction is magic!, Optimal snuff fic targets, Anon wants to become a snail, Even more horseword shelves, A quick grammar check, ChatMLP, Spamming dislikes at the behest of the hivemind, Streetlamps but inside, Some bitchin' eye surgery, Overflowing with conviction, Avoiding contentious topics, Masturbating after turning characters into snarky assholes, Marcel Proust magnificent prose, Aspiring for higher levels of delusion, Nautical adventures, /fimfic/ just needs to open its heart, AaWiE, How the hell do fic writers write?, Retards not understanding spoken words, The 120 Days of Sodom as required school reading, Lit class sucks wherever you go, Chadmoded philosphymaxxing teachers, Weird and unnecessary premises, How's the writing goin'?, Long description feedback, Prescribing death, And shitty opinions = honest facts!

>/fimfic/ Secret Book Club
The sixty-seventh book is 'Fluttershy, Royal Game Warden (?)':
If (You) want to participate, read the entire story by the 2nd.
On Sunday we'll discuss what we've read.

>Recommended stories:
Tired of authors forgetting that brevity is key? Fed up with 10k inner monologue chapters? Well, we've compiled the best of the worst in order to bring you our absolute average!

New Starter Kit - http://mlpficreviews.org.uk/starter/
Old Starter Kit - http://i.imgur.com/vuTA7EN.png

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Hey, which description sounds more likely to make you click?
>Applejack and Apple Bloom head to Manehattan to find their missing cousin, Babs Seed. But as they face unexpected dangers, they realize they may be in over their heads. Will they find Babs before it's too late?
>When Babs Seed goes missing in the heart of Manehattan, Applejack and Apple Bloom set out to find her. But as they delve deeper into the city's shadows, the sisters are drawn into a web of mystery and danger. Will they uncover the truth and save Babs, or will they become the city's next victims?
>Nothing in S1 says there ISN'T an alicorn prince way off in Saddle Arabia who only visits Equestria once a century
And nothing implies there isn't only two, either
>fucked off from the entire plane of existence
But this is something that would be fitting for god-like beings. Even leaves doors open for a potential sequel
It's not complete yet, and the plot makes the most sense with the final two chapters intact, but soon, I will shill it once again (and for the last time). If you lurk these threads, you'll encounter it.
>And nothing implies there isn't only two, either
The point is there are reasonable ways to have more than two living alicorns in a way that doesn't contradict S1 canon
How many planets do they have?
Classically, there would be 7, one for each planet. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
I'm not sure if they mention any planets. Does anyone have a link to that site with the searchable transcripts?
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Only the one, and I'm a big fan of DoWaS's solution to everything in this discussion.

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Last thread: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39834537/#39949369
Quest Notes coming soon.
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Goodnight bros.
Nighty night, anon

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Maud is the bustiest of Pie sisters
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Why does she look so good as a tittymonster? Some characters don't look right, even if you like giant tits, but it just works for Maud.
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the dress?
She looks like she cucks her sisters and steals their boyfriends

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Oh shit, I'm sorry.
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Get pony get pony get pony
Pony should get pony pony.
She wants you to continue. Don't mind your old pal Sunny.
Where are his legs
Opaline blasted them to cinders

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Previous thread: >>41050564

/ourlobby/: Leaf (rip)

Console release is here! (Nintendo Switch, Sony Playstation 4 and Playstation 5, Microsoft Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psdeHoARfYM

========= Events =========

None at this time


>Steam page:http://store.steampowered.com/app/574980/Thems_Fightin_Herds/

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I always thought the guy on the left was talking when the guy on the right was talking and vice versa.
They just looked like they'd sound like the other guy.
I know better now tho.
Paprika literally and canonically kisses girls.
>Paprika is canonically a rapist and sexual abuser
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She long
She could be longer

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Last thread, >>40745367

IRC: irc.rizon.net #/mlp/AiE
Active list: http://pastebin.com/mVG33ERX
Master list: http://pastebin.com/xGf9RcL9
Completed Stories list: http://pastebin.com/QZ4PDe7g
Stories Sorted by Pony: http://pastebin.com/GJyQquaY
>rope's HD remastered thread archives: http://pastebin.com/Qg2dwzq0

>If a pastebin link is broken you can copy the string at the end of the url of a poneb.in link so pastebin.com/mVG33ERX becomes https://poneb.in/mVG33ERX

>PiE Corner
>Remember to tag all PiE Stories.
PiE Author List: http://pastebin.com/Mgd0QuNy
PiE image archives: http://derpy.me/PiE_Pictures

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420 praise it faggot

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Friendship with Windy and Dahlia had ended. Now Princess Pipp "The Capitalist Pig" Petals is her best friend. But for how long?
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Looks like a samefag.
it certainly broke one samfeagging poseyfag
Posey pushed away her friends because of her character. This is her reformation episode
I hope she stays at least a bit grumpy though.
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Hope to get more Posey episodes since she's best pony.

Quick rundown
>We're making an anthology made up of a compilation of short pony clips.
>No need to be high quality and flashy, but of course if you want to make something more ambitious like an animation please go ahead.
>There is no need to volunteer to do the final editing. I can handle that myself. Thank you.

How do I contribute?
>Make pony related clips! It can be a PMV, YTP, Animation, or whatever.
>Please render them in 1920x1080 resolution, 29.97 OR 23.976 FPS, and using progressive scanning.
>Upload them to your preferred file hosting site and post them here with a title and the sources used or what it is parodying.

June 21st 11:59 PM PST

If you have a high quality submission that you don’t want leaked to the internet early, please email to the address provided below. Submissions through the email will still be added to the spreadsheet.
Email: ZWRpdGFub25tbHBAcHJvdG9uLm1l

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Brigaded by /mlp/ maybe.
Nah, he's right, this has the stench of offboarder bullshit all over it. Probably Anthology types jealous that the Antithology is better by miles.
Offboarders love EQG and anthro though. Most of the time it's them who try to force it.
It's fine. The polls were very clear, by a wide margin.
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Some of my posts probably more than bordered on the schizo side in reaction to the shit stirrers. You're right, it's time to move on and ignore the bait. Looking forward for more submissions

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beautiful mare fat
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Well, she hardly did anything in the movie.
All she did was get strung up and tell Sunny to feel the rhythm
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Pipp would look good with a messy mane
looks like shit
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Derpy is peak mare.
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she is too much

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How do you respond without sounding angry?

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