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early preview of Ep1 later for a limited time
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oh I thought they were going to do an eldoran with those chairs.
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Aaaaaaand it's over. Very light for a first ep.
Is it gonna be better than the last series?
What made the first season so good was the cast of great characters, this is why season 2 sucked, the new MC gimmick was almost irrelevant, also I will never forgive them for sidelining Azusa, give her back...
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pilot: fishytiger 10
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pilot is not Miku, not Maetel but....... a normal JK?
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Boxset with just the SRG
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comes a unique saber, but probably unnecessary if you already have the earlier ERDA Trailer.
Hmm, he's probably the youngest of the pilots from the looks of it.

Aaand Shion broke the pattern of the H5 being a crossover drive. She cute, though, maybe she'd hook up with Akane or Ten-kun? (The latter is because they are seen together in the primary key visual.)
Anybody planning to fansub this show yet?
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pink bulldozer.
they look like they came here to laugh at me
they fucked up too hard by trying to chase after fujobucks
Yes. Weeaboo Shogun.
good, he's based
Is there still no batch torrent anywhere for season 1?
Come to think of it, I never finished watching season 1.
change the world
my final message. goodb ye

Change the World is planned to have 39 episodes.
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Thank you, I try to deliver a good product.

Unfortunately I was working on a season one blu-ray batch and I got busy and only got as far as Seiryu's and Shinobu's Christmas but I will try at some point to get it done.
so how was the episode?
I really hope they get the E8 out in time. Also, NTA, but Mai has to be the perfect Driver for a new Tohoku-based Shinkalion, the E8 Tsubasa itself.

We still don't have a JR West and JR Kyushu rep so far, but in due time.
>more metaverse
It was ok.
The Digimon TRY of Shinkalion?
i don't like the op
I'm fine with it
that's my wife
it's okay. I think the only thing that's weird to me is that it sort of acts like it's building up and then when it hits the change about 1:08 it would lift a key or two up but it just kind of stays the same
Holy sex
I like it
It's no Gan Gan Zu Dan Dan but it gets the job done.
If you can call being into pro wrestling a normal JC (she's joshi chuugakusei apparently). I and others fully expect crazy lariat moves, grapples, and throws. BY GOD IT'S SHION WITH A STEEL CHAIR!
Do I need to watch the original to watch this?
>[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 01 [91D66377]


Nope. Reboot.
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[Weeaboo-Shogun] Shinkalion Change the World 01 [91D66377].mkv
Cool entry.
No mentor figure in the Nozomi this season?
>The Unknown
He's an evil train driver. He lives in the walls.
Fucking Zuckerberg strikes again!
The way the first fight was choreographed felt like a SRW combo attack.
>Production IG and not OLM
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OLM's probably too busy
OLM is working on Beyblade
>never watched shinkalion in my life
>decided to give it a try because the op title screen looked fire
>series composition umehara eiji
This guy rarely wrote for anime and vn yet i keep finding him
OP 1 > OP 3 > OP 2
Second part sucks but good start.
The Nozomi pilot is also the youngest of the team. Last I recall, Season 1's youngest pilot is Rei (800 Tsubame pilot), and Z's is Ginga (500 Kodama's pilot). Though I heard the 500 series is ending service, while we're getting the new E8 series to replace the old E3 models, hopefully waiting for the E8 as a new Shinkalion for this show. But then, with the 500 ending service soon, what model will be used for a JR West Shinkalion?
Might relegate the 500 into the EVA crossover-only vehicle.
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Kinda dull after the aerodynamic hocus pocus that was AX
It's another sharp nose like the E5 and E6. For something that is supposed to succeed the E3, it does look less bulky and more sleek, and it's still considered a mini-shinkansen like the E3 and E6. And you think this model is still useful for a ninja-based Shinkalion?
Are they keeping the ninja archetype for it tho?
big sis is clearly in Mato
Imagine being called Goryuokaku
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>no pilot version
Hope she gets in too.
Not too sure. Only thing we know about Mai is that she's a registered member of ERDA and is also from Saitama prefecture, though it's still a question of when she'll drive a Shinkalion. Change the World is only 39 episodes, so there isn't as much time as before, and what to blame but the producers.

Fuck, I can't type properly today.
>39 episodes
How are they going to fit in the 800 and Doctor Yellow?
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Now this is a kodomo mc design.
This brother x sister relationship is not going to get weird right?
We got >>22570024 as the answer. The Doctor Yellow could very well be relegated to the manga. As for the 800, there will be enough space for it or the N700S Kamome as the JR Kyushu rep, but the final Shinkalion is most likely the Alfa-X, as a means to redeem themselves over not using it in Z despite getting a toy of it.
They also need to include the befriended Dark Shinkalion.
Shinkalion Unknown-X... I think it could be the Unknown Shinkansen's Shinkalion form.
I hope it does
I just hope it's not the generic "she's a general" trope.
Dibs on calling out she'd be the Driver of the Unknown Shinkansen?
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>onee-san in a pilot suit
I swear if people are gonna upload art under two separate tags...
i was a big fan of the op
>waifu crap bullshit infesting another show
It's all so tiresome...
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Virtual Ina.

Anyway, I made a V2 to fix some issues.
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glad I'm not the only one who thought of FOUR VAGINAS
Considering the writer's past works, yes. There will be someone with dual identity.
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Autism in the works.
you tell them, sister. we want more cute 8 year old boys in skintight suits
A pretty weak 1st episode with all build up and no action.
that's what they said about Megaton Musashi
Yeah I'm not holding this episode against the show but it's a pretty weak start. Really could have used a fight 1st dump plot later approach, or a double episode premiere.
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Man, the mikutrain is so fucking weird this season.
It’s perfectly fine. It’s a very similar approach to how the other 2 series did their first episode. There will be 38 other episodes of fights, you can handle 1 that establishes the characters and world. It’s not like we’re watching Dancouga where you don’t get a mech fight for like 20 episodes.
I also was a little surprised they went with full character and setting intro rather than a robot fight right away. O.G. had time for a robot fight and a slow intro to SOME of the characters. On the other hand, rushing into a monster of the week fight every week is a way to waste their limited 39 episodes. They're going to have to move the plot forward basically every week with very little opportunity filler. Shinkalion Z tried this and unfortunately it didn't work because they had to shoehorn in a robot fight every time and introduce a lot of characters to drive the toys, but they kept the plot moving forward -- PLUS reintroduce the old cast and show what they were doing. Unfortunately that usually meant that outside of the core cast, characters did one interesting thing and then got sidelined. A smaller core cast and no previous series continuity to have to cater to might make them able to keep the plot managed to 39 episodes.
Looks like the consensus is "Not confident it will live up to season 1 but quite confident will be better than season 2".
I say the "consensus" should be "wait for the thing to actually air in full so it can be properly compared to previous material." Also
>consensus in 4chan
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The shinkashorts stay on during sex
When you take her to the Shinkalion themed hotel room and show her your Shinkashorts.
Do no Shinkansens have bedroom cars?
Unfortunately no. Japan Railways does have sleeper trains but no Shinkansen.
If I could bang on the Shinkansen, I would have done it. THAT'S MY ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION. Note: the bathrooms are accessible but not what I would consider romantic.
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they were made for me!
how was the episode
I thought it was pretty good. Robot fight, more backstory, Akane Folden introduction, ERDA admission that Ina worked for them, though as an engineer, not as a driver. Taisei shows a bit more confidence. Same little old lady from the day before gets on the train and he has the confidence to offer his seat.
are you fucking me
depends, are you a hot female?
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Love the E5 and E7 cars.
>gtr meme
That was a pretty grim scene, where Astraea considers just running someone the fuck over.
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>Side tail cake operator lady
waifu material............
bro that's a deathflag haircut...
Did subs for ep2 come out or are people here just watching the raws?
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it's out
That nip font is basic as fuck and teh mech looks like Form Zero kinda thing. Is this a add-on season?
Nvm, here it is. Stock footage, here we go.
Can't wait for nip autists to identify the exact tire model.
Midseason cure.
Some freaky accent
isn't that literally the pink smile precure's mom except with two pigtails instead of one ponytail
We will know if the sister is a general if there is one giga hot one among them.
Maglev when?
As soon as the governor of Shizuoka can be persuaded to let them run the line through the prefecture. He's upset that people won't stop in Shizuoka because tourists will be disinclined to take the Tokaido Shinkansen between Kansai and Kanto.
Yeah, her pronunciation of that line was odd. I can't place the accent though, I think it's just slang. She only got two lines, I'd have to hear more to identify it.
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Either you get the shiny new E-series, or you're going Doctor Yellow, Mai. So, anyone expect her to be the second protag as the story goes on?
>second protag
They'll prolly just hyperfocus the main trio. Also there might not even be room for that in this season. And there's still more characters coming with 800 and that triple train what's his name
Wait, I thought the original 700 and N700 models are dead stock at this rate. We are still getting the N700S Kamome and 800 Tsubame, correct? And the 500 is slowly getting retired, but I think they can still cough up the E8 as soon as possible.
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Not feeling the new cast yet, just bring back the OG...
why do they need to go into the metaverse just to play densha de go
>no TRAIN FACTs this season
What's the rest of the train for when the Shinkalion is only 1 car this time?
Did the truck arrive late because it's a truck? Wouldn't the other support vehicles be fukkin' slow then?
Either that or to increase dramatic tension.

Maybe it's needed to build up the necessary velocity to catapult the Shinkalion into Ultra Evolution Space. Things seem to be data focused this year.

Soon, probably. The first two episodes felt like one long episode. We know for sure they're going to go to Tsuruga soon, the newest Shinkansen stop, and they've been showing travel destinations and activities in some of the previews with the kids.

Well, now that we've mentioned it, I have to post it. Remember, unless you listen to all 15 minutes, you never really loved your station.

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This is the most boring Shinkalion season. Bring back my shotas!
I mean it's all right and all, but it's not very fun.
Also I'm already tired of Akane only showing up to project and vent his inferiority complex.
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>Nag him incessantly while he drives
>Then criticize his technique when he's too distracted to do it right
Woman moment.
>train monday
This season is a good season.
Eat your Omiya Napolitan
Overland Saber is pretty cool
>try to watch without subs
>ep1 started with railway jargons
Oh well
>childhood friends
Either he or MC is gonna get cucked.
MC belongs to his onee-chan.
don't like how basic the new shinkalion designs are. they don't even come with their own weapons.

It's a shame we're finally getting older Shinkansen models in the series where the mecha feel like a downgrade.
0 Series should've been in Season 1.
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She's going to get cucked.
That flashback foreshadowed what will happen to her.
Nice quad.
Because we have a backpack season.
Stealth as fuck.
I fucking loved this sequence. Ever since I was young and watched Thunderbirds as a kid I've always loved hidden launch bays in any and all media.
New toys but not really
Why did they give the girl pilot huge fucking excavcators?
Clearing the snow?
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err https://www.shinkalion.com/news/1048/
This sucker's getting a clear version as a TV-kun freebie this July.
What are the chances for a Sentai shared cockpit?
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Not this season plz. The boys are already as homoyaoi fujo-baiting as they are right now, we don't them going boku no pico in an enclosed metaverse space.
But the other choice is MC-only cockpit and sidelining the other two for a few episodes until the next type of powerup.
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imagine the handjobs
the Abt train thingy appeared in today's episode of Yurucamp by the way
"To omoware" should've been translated as "methinks".
Why not?
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blurry leaks
E8 Tsubasa Gyro Form... Hope this one's gonna be Mai's Shinkalion, being the hard worker she is.
thunderbirds is exactly what came to mind for me as well. always nice to see the medium of animation used for something completely unnecessary but very cool looking
I thought of Thunderbird 2 specifically, more because of the general shape and size
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Pretty good episode. Hope he uses the drill knees sometime.
New episode's out. This one is pretty peak mecha. Angst, ticking clock, mecha action. I absolutely love the ERDA Transport's revolver style capsule deployment, it feels very Thunderbirds. Enjoy!
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holy shit Ryota's 180cm???
Who the fuck is Duel? Does this board really need a villain?
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>Hey kid, /ss- I mean what's your favorite Shinkalion from the currently airing Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion Change World™ anime show?
Nothing more than a annoyance at this point. Don't concern yourself over this, just ignore and report as usual.
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You need a support animal, have a tiny moon dog.
lost it at the mr wake-up callback. really loved the musical direction in this episode, especially in the E7 transformation sequence and the final fight.
kill yourself posthaste
Bros, I love childhood friends.
They could capture other "things" with the barrier thing? What if there was a bird or some dog or a cute lady passing by...
I love the drill arm form
*double penetration form
omg hes so round like that round cat on yt
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*quadruple penetration form
don't forget the knee drills
How has this not happened before?
Now that's a trip.
Interesting motw next week.
But I want GORA NO SPONSA O CHRISTMAS in my animes.

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