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What's your favorite pilot suit, /m/?

Love from India
Stop necrobumping.
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Not quite a pilot suit meant to regulate body temperature/alleviate g-forces, but more of a pilot uniform
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The Ironbloods from Trails of Cold Steel IV looked snazzy in their white war jackets
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Big fan of the chin modules on fortified suits
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High vis and high waist!
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Birthday suit.
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As a young coomer, I had some anime magazine (I think it was called Anime Insider) and it had this art in it. I jacked off to it so many times. (I had dial up bros)
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Nothing beats the classics
Looks cool, but useless. They couldn't even land on the moon.
Makes sense, Eva literally gave me a latex fetish
Ayo this nigga wrapped in foil
What dire times we're in that the Oldrin shitposter's return is like a breath of fresh air compared to the other scum that ruin this board. I suspect that one of the reasons why is because there are so many annoying newfags here who don't remember the Oldrin shitposter.
Does the Gunbuster uniform count?
>Uniform used while piloting
I don't see how it wouldn't count.
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Tbf aside from the pfp it’s not much of a shitpost.
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Which one is this from?
From Armored Trooper VOTOMS.
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Puru2 Normalsuit or Eva Plugsuit
Awakened things in me.
I like Crossbone Vanguard's.
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Damn, didn't know that the Kenichi artist did something /m/ related, Kenichi was fun
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I couldn't get past the voice acting and out of robot fight sections. Does it reach a point you can always be in the mechs?
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This thread is making me want to write so many fanfics where girls in skimpy suits get eaten.
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Gonna just dump some stuff on the one for the heroine in my game
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Earliest concept.
Jonah's from Narrative Gundam for me.
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Her mom is hotter.

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Best robbari
>high-cut swimsuit are objectively the most logical choice for space-uniform & pilot-suit.

Assumption: Space-future crew of immortally young human, not digitalized, with mostly genetic-mod/prosthetic, using remote robot for most work

- mass is critical for space travel, every gram count, so you want light & minimal clothing
(you only need them for comfort, displaying information and look civilized)
- pressurized space is not cheap, so no 3meter wide corridors, you want clothes good for tight tunnel
- you want to reduce logistic, so few material, preferably a smart one that can stretch and adapt/color/repair/clean itself
- pockets are a bad idea: it's limited in volume and things float in, can be forgotten, you'll separate container and/or straps
- you will NOT wear a fragile/pricey airtight space-rated suit all the time, it would damage them for when you really need them
- it will be easier to plug a small leak from inside wearing a skintight suit as it's easier to move fast
- if you need to be able to get into a vacuum-rated suit as fast as possible, then you'll want a suit easy to slip in or that can be taken off fast

Now for shape,
Said space-uniform need to be shaped to account for:
- potential cybernetic implant in the backbone (racer-back)
- potential prosthetic leg/arms (high-cut)
- make it easy to see any skin/health problem (because of radiation)
- keep the body firmly in place (tight & form-fitting)
- have a smooth surface to ease clean up and offer minimal resistance
- compatibility with water environment, water is useful for radiation shielding, long travel will require large quantity of water, many use can be found for it.
- full suit may sound good but they take longer to put on and fit less type of body

I'm delivering this thesis to NASA, ESA, ROSCOMOS, CNSA and IRSO as soon as I can.
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What manga/light novel is this?
This one too.
It's from the vidya I'm working on!

Artist is Eiji https://twitter.com/EijiK0430 he's doing the mech designs for it.
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Pilot suit are nice, anon
Especially on female yes.

But how do we make them relevant?

We can only have so much fanservice before it deserve a part in the plot.
If a girl was embarrassed to be seen in such suit, or the suit is abnormally light/comfy, then maybe it should have a mention in more than a few fanservice scene.

Maybe it is genuinely embarrassing to walk wearing paint and whole hijjink are dedicated to getting cover up.
What if the suit itself is as important as the mecha and you cannot pilot without one, leading to further complication?
Or the rules require to wear the pilot suit while on standby so the cast is only allowed to hang out nearby wearing the thing.
Surely the sexy was a wanted feature serving a higher purpose and so is encouraging the cast to go on dates.
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My policy on fanservice stuff like bikini armor or space leotards is basically: It's okay not to explain it, but if you have an explanation that's "fun" or activates more kinks on its own, more power to you.

The explanation in my vidya is that when the heroine summons her magical fire elemental dragon mech, the magic burns off her clothes. So eventually she had a special suit made from a special resistant material...but there wasn't enough on hand for anything but a skimpy leotard (however the creator of the suit is also a massive female pervert so this could be a complete lie).
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>my vidya
Ah! I think I've heard that one before.

Might as well share my own autistic idea for a game:
>post-scarcity galactic mankind, robot-butler level
>after a war against outer-dimensional ghost
>young generation is sent to clean the remaining ghost and retake their homes

>5 girls, 5 boys
>two-seats mechas
>chose the mecha & the combo, each couple give different bonus or available actions
>did I say couple? yes I did
>this is a combat+romcom game
>because of 60% population loss regulation require them to go on dates in the freed colonies (80% robots so it work)
>collateral damage = less place to dates
>all dates place = true ending

Naturally every characters are archetype with culture-custom pilot suit.
- womanizer from womanizer planet (not kidding, with a 80billions population their niche are BIG).
- ascetic space-shaolin monk who make his robot butler meditate (eventually claim to have reached spiritual nirvana).
- nerd tech boy who is constantly modding his robot maid into a weapon that look 1 switch away from killing everyone.
- plain average looking boy, who is very relatable, with rather normal hobbies that emulate a bit the 21th century, just don't ask about the ropes.
- muscular tough/scared boy, a complex character who've seen hell (emotionally) and trust hard.

- emotionless girl from emotionless planet, don't mind wearing regulatory micro-bikini, her robot butler is more emotional than her.
- traditional space-miko girl from l33t-cyborg planet, have a never-seen ninja butler
- sad girl in snow, whose colony was fed up being memed as "most normal colony ever", she end up the one activating the self-destruction they secretly installed.
- serious girl from referee planet, her pilot-suit is like tight auto-molesting paint, robot butler always get her a change before anyone see it, until final date day it "forget".
- sexy girl from sexy planet, she try to support everyone cause she lost the less, she is the most fragile of all.
>collateral damage = less place to dates


Remember to include a tomboy (who unwillingly ends up with the skimpiest outfit)
There's serious girl in the skimpiest outfit against her will.
also tomboy would not mind skimpy, they'd mind girly/feminine.
As to how to add a tomboy without going beyond 5/5... not to forget wether I use 4chan definition or the smarter definition.
emotionless girl would easily come of as not feminine, space-miko would fit as genki material, or if sad girl take over serious then it give room for a sporty girl trope.

It's not like all outfit weren't going to be skimpy, it just need to be the least compatible girl, the one who would mind it the most.
Maybe space-miko who is a tradition-girl born on a space colony at the peak of technology her eyes would be artificial.
But not Sexy girl from sexo subculture planet who would be a girl raised to be literally incapable of not being lust inducing (demon) in every move she do, making all but womanizer boy combust.
Sad girl in snow need to be THE MOST NORMAL GIRL EVER (classical tsundere material) so it would fit to move the skimpy-against-will on her.

So a tomboy archetype?
- tomboy from tomboy planet, practicing every sports and boy game and unable to dress/act girly in a date, she have a bro-bot butler

It change what I had in mind for OTP and worst couple
That's not an idea for a game, it's shitty worldbuilding.
as if you'd do better
>But how do we make them relevant?
Like this but without getting distracted by simulation pod (even if they are gorgeous).
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These are nice.
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Still surprised nothing seem to have surpassed Muvluv in popularity when we ask the favorite/sexiest pilot suit.

Is it just because there's not that many mecha show? They limit themselves?

What even put Muvluv ahead? Functionally the cockpit is a plain seat, they don't move inside, the suit are just a bit more on the SM latex suit than usual.
On top of that they actually feel off with the setting tech level, same with the mech. Typical mix of current+super tech, not even talking about the plane-mecha parody.
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Gotta love a pilot suit that keep switching between hiding & showing skin.
Nice skindentation by the way.
How about the trace suits from G Gundam?
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I like specifically Anna's due to the lines and color distribution. The others are kind of boring in comparison.
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You have to admire the simplicity of it.
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>halterneck and sideboob is the highest level of sophistication
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Motorcycle cockpits sure are common.
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G Reco has nice pilot suits
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Yeah I wonder why they do that.

>I wish I what that mecha
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Where does the suit end & mech begin?
Zeek Zeon!
>Love from India
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Not there. BGC 2040 boomers are silicoid organic in nature.
Galatea's offspring, who was designed as a next-gen artificial humanoid.

The specific 2nd gen suits shown on the cover there also wouldn't qualify as mechs, but as symbiotes. The key difference between the 1st gen and 2nd gen suits was that the 1st gen used a dead Boomer core and computer control, whereas the 2nd gen suits used a *live* boomer core that was cooperating with the suit's wearer to stave off the effects of Galatea's infection, as the boomers had no appettie to be tanged into her collective consciousness either. They just never really vocalized their presence to the Knight Sabers as fully sapient until the conclusion of the show.
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Looks great, anon.
Does the project have a name already? Do you have a page so we can keep up with it?
Not /m/.
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>Find the name of the series
>Look it up
>No uploads everywhere
The fuck?
not fully translated
Plug suits with armored portions and cybernetic bits are my favorite.
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is the tail a part of the suit or is it attached to her body?
Which one is hotter for you
Not him but I like her being a dragon girl with a tail better.
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>What's your favorite pilot suit, /m/?
My favorite pilot suit is the one that have a perfectly logical reason within the plot to be awesome/sexy.
Anon will tell when it exist

It's only a question of time before a short short and cropped floaty tank top is portrayed as a perfectly logical female pilot suit.
Anon..reverse search has failed me. Sauce, please?
kubo-sama I kneel...
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Anon making the game here! The tail is 100% part of her body, as are her horns. She's a test-tube born dragon-human hybrid, created for the purpose of having magic abilities awoken from birth and synchronizing with the magical dragon mech.

Same. While some autists will say "nooooo you can't acknowledge it in-universe that makes it look like you're trying too hard!!", I personally like it when there's a little explanation, makes it cuter (especially if a girl is embarrassed to wear that stuff but literally has to).

Actually have a simple little reason in my game, though dragon dork is not embarrassed because she's a slightly feral dumbass who doesn't fully understand the concept of clothes/modesty.
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would hair survive a vacuum?
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One day
Her mom's hotter.
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Nope. The games are pretty railroaded on when you can/cannot use mechs.
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Full body skintight suits like plugsuits that cover the body except they expose gentials
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for me it's the original Gypsy Danger suits, the white ones.
Pacific Rim did have nice suits
Nice point for using the visors for variety
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coomers the lotta ya
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fucking love titanfall suits and helmets
Duel was the Oldrin simp the entire time?
And Codename V and Fllay and Rurinthe pug and Clawshrimpy and necrobumper and bikinischizo a d other people I don't like.
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10 images to go.
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