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This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid censorship by localizations is highly recommended.

>Where to read WNs:

>Light Novel databases:

>Where to buy:

>Recommended readers:
Android, Libera https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.foobnix.pro.pdf.reader/
PC epub reader: https://calibre-ebook.com/
>WN to e-book downloader:
>Reliable OCR:

>Main fan TL dump:
>Official translations:
v21.0: https://nyaa.si/view/1752934
v21.1: https://nyaa.si/view/1763804
v21.2: https://nyaa.si/view/1774657
>Raw dumps:

Previous: >>46599561
reminder that "sensei" when used in an English text would have to be translated as 師匠 in Japanese to convey the intended meaning
My backlog's cleared, so give me some recs anons
Have you heard of this niche novel called "reincarnated as a slime" it's not very popular you may not have heard of it
Thanks for the rec but the impression I got from the manga made me decide not to read it.
What about toradora, again very niche you may not have heard of it
Or 師範.
...do people still read Re:Zero? No shade on Tappei, he's making money making art but it seemed to just fall off the cultural radar after Rem lost her identity and then there was book after book of faffing about not fixing it.
Most of the most popular isekai (shield hero, re:zero) from those years have significantly fell from their peak...
read ゴルダナ帝国衰亡記 so I can discuss it with someone.
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Please share if you have something from this list:

[JP] ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ 終・1年生編BOX トモセシュンサク Art Works
[JP epub] volumes 9-11 of Arifureta
[JP] 負けヒロインが多すぎる
[JP] 王妃ユーライア 穢されし淫紋の聖女 ~エルフ王国の崩壊~
[JP] 亡びの国 7
[JP] 姉が剣聖で妹が賢者で
[JP] 残虐すぎる異世界でも鈴木は可愛い
[JP] 信じていた仲間達にダンジョン 無限ガチャ
[JP] Index New Testament 11-22r
[JP] 9S<ナインエス> 12-13
[JP] 丘ルトロジック
[JP] 銀盤カレイドスコープ
[JP] 目覚めたら最強装備と宇宙船持ちだったので、一戸建て目指して傭兵として自由に生きたい 12
[JP] 現代社会悪役令嬢 2 and after
[JP] ダブルブリッド Drop Blood
[JP] 精霊幻想記 25
[JP] ブレイド&バスタード
[JP] 月が導く異世界道中vols 2 to 4
[JP] Re:ゼロ vols 34-37
>目覚めたら最強装備と宇宙船持ちだったので、一戸建て目指して傭兵として自由に生きたい 12
It's maruyomi on bookwalker, just screenshot the entire thing if you can bear the scans
新刊情報 / New Publication News

【恋バナ】これはトモダチの話なんだけど 2 すぐ真っ赤になる幼馴染はキスがしたくてたまらない
組織の宿敵と結婚したらめちゃ甘い 2
続・魔法科高校の劣等生 メイジアン・カンパニー 8
ツンデレ魔女を殺せ、と女神は言った。 03
放課後、ファミレスで、クラスのあの子と。 2
ほうかごがかり 3
凡人転生の努力無双~赤ちゃんの頃から努力してたらいつのまにか日本の未来を背負ってました~ 2
私の初恋は恥ずかしすぎて誰にも言えない 2

お酒と先輩彼女との甘々同居ラブコメは二十歳になってから 2
俺が告白されてから、お嬢の様子がおかしい。 2
最強魔法師の隠遁計画 18
才女のお世話 高嶺の花だらけな名門校で、学院一のお嬢様(生活能力皆無)を陰ながらお世話することになりました 8
青春マッチングアプリ 1
第三皇女の万能執事 2
毒の王 最強の力に覚醒した俺は美姫たちを従え、発情ハーレムの主となる 3
やがて黒幕へと至る最適解 Vol.1
勇者殺しの花嫁 2 盲目の聖女

悪役貴族として必要なそれ 2
弱点ゼロ吸血鬼の領地改革 2
空っぽ聖女として捨てられたはずが、嫁ぎ先の皇帝陛下に溺愛されています 2

極東救世主伝説 少年、異形の機体で無双する。 ―九州大規模攻勢編― 1
剣と魔法と学歴社会 3 ~前世はガリ勉だった俺が、今世は風任せで自由に生きたい~ 3
最強の鑑定士って誰のこと? 21 ~満腹ごはんで異世界生活~ 21
捨てられ聖女の異世界ごはん旅 6
たくあん聖女のレシピ集 【たくあん錬成】スキル発覚で役立たずだと追放されましたが神殿食堂で強く生きていきます 1
追放聖女は獣人の国で楽しく暮らしています ~自作の薬と美味しいご飯で人質生活も快適です!?~ 1

クズレス・オブリージュ 18禁ゲー世界のクズ悪役に転生してしまった俺は、原作知識の力でどうしてもモブ人生をつかみ取りたい 2
クラスで2番目に可愛い女の子と友だちになった 6
真の仲間じゃないと勇者のパーティーを追い出されたので、辺境でスローライフすることにしました 14

転生者の私は〝推し活〟するため聖女になりました! 1
聖女の姉ですが、妹のための特殊魔石や特殊薬草の採取をやめたら、隣国の魔術師様の元で幸せになりました! 2
悪役令嬢は溺愛ルートに入りました!? 7
私、能力は平均値でって言ったよね! 19

いいご身分だな、俺にくれよ ~転生幼少期編~

引っこ抜いたら異世界で 2
元貧乏エルフの錬金術調薬店 2

千夜千食物語 敗国の姫ですが氷の皇子殿下がどうも溺愛してくれています 3


異世界のおチビちゃんは今日も何かを創り出す スキル【想像創造】で目指せ成り上がり! 3
ダンジョン配信を切り忘れた有名配信者を助けたら、伝説の探索者としてバズりはじめた 陰キャの俺、謎スキルだと思っていた《ルール無視》でうっかり無双 2

マージナル・オペレーション改 01
マージナル・オペレーション改 02
マージナル・オペレーション改 03
最弱な僕は〈壁抜けバグ〉で成り上がる~壁をすり抜けたら、初回クリア報酬を無限回収できました!~ 2
真の聖女である私は追放されました。だからこの国はもう終わりです 6
追放魔術師のその後 新天地で始めるスローライフ 3

五歳で、竜の王弟殿下の花嫁になりました 3
紅の魔術師に全てを注ぎます。好き。 聖女の力を軽く見積もられ婚約破棄されました。後悔しても知りません 2
ゲーム世界転生〈ダン活〉~ゲーマーは【ダンジョン就活のススメ】を〈はじめから〉プレイする~ Lv.09

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Futanari bros be eating good this month
What are the best fanservice moments in Horizon in the middle of nowhere? I'm specially interested in Turenne.

Is Stella from Rakudai Kishi no cavalry ever subjected to breast envy?
there are sex scenes in Horizon, and some of them are very long, Horizon is a true Harem and Toori bangs every girl who is into him
>I'm specially interested in Turenne.
there is a scene about 27 days of Nate's conception
pretty lame wave this half-month ngl
i really don't get it they're making s3 of the anime yet cant be bothered to monetize the after stories
arifureta doesn't even have that much editing in the first place most of it is just the straight up text from the wn except select parts where they expanded it a little
I was going to say "Retards, the overlap releases don't happen until the second half of the month" but not only the new list is already up, there's no Arifureta After either.
Covers still aren't up however.
may has been up for 2 weeks
it's just never a bad time to cry about no arifureta after
no talker 5 either
Recommend me some normie tier LNs that I can name when a normie asks me what kind of japanese novels I read (I get asked this a lot)
Percy Jackson and the lightning thief [translated]
The Heroes of Olympus [translated]
Skulduggery pleasant [translated]
The Trials of Apollo [translated]
Katie goes to New York! [translated]
Solo leveling
투명 드래곤

Hope this satisfies you and these 'normies', anon.
Just answer truthfully? It's all fucking Japanese words, nobody is going to know. Even if you're a madman and namedrop some 18+ fetish novels, you'd probably still get away with it.
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If they watch anime somewhat regularly just list the usual popular stuff like Slime, Spider, Sword, Overlord, etc.
If not at all and you don't want them to think you're a freak then Baccano, Spice and Wolf, Lodoss.
If you didn't mention "light" but just "novels" then Kokoro, Snow Country, Kitchen
Really you shouldn't even be talking to normalfags about this shit though
>Really you shouldn't even be talking to normalfags about this shit though
seconding this, doing so is a bruhdder moment
even if you just want to "be in the discussion" like all the other normaloids pretty sure they already moved on from otaku media to gookshit
I'm not even sure normalfags are aware what they consoom is 90% novel adaptations outside of their usual "narou bad" scapegoating.
aside from what others said the science fictions like mardock scramble, logh, all you need is kill, yukikaze, otherside picnic, crest/banner of the stars, 86 and so on are probably unremarkable enough that they can just accept your answer and move on
>they can just accept your answer and move on
I bet if you say "I read obscure stuff like アノン君の大きいチンポ", nobody is going to question you.
I'll check it out

I should have clarified
By normies, I meant relatives and colleagues who have zero knowledge about Japanese culture and media.
The fact that I know Japanese came up today and they wanted to know what kind of stories they have over there as soon as I mentioned the word novel.
>le revealing you're power rank
sounds like a (you) fuck up honestly
you could have covered it for a "i had to learn it for a job" or something
I can guarantee you they don't actually care and just want something to do small talk with.
Mention mainstream shit like overlord and talk about the plot and characters in extremely broad strokes, then in due time they will inevitably shift into some whatever new topic someone else introduces.
>I can guarantee you they don't actually care and just want something to do small talk with.
hence anon asking about stuff that's easy to make brief small talk about with normalfags because it doesn't require a ton of explanation of the cultural context
congrats you got the purpose of the question
other than marimite what are some other pre-2010 yuri series?
Started reading LNs recently and thought there would be a lot to read but then realized that pretty much all relevant anime titles from the past are manga source or even anime originals.
strawberry panic? can't believe i still remember this even though i don't really care about yuri
>can't believe i still remember this even though i don't really care about yuri
Me neither but how couldn't you remember it?
Looking for light novels with toilet scenes. Any ones of interest?
yeah i thought about it more after posting and remembered the fact that the OST is still in my playlists after all these years and remembered actually playing the PS2 game a bit probably because of the novelty back then

too bad this is such shit quality
>By normies, I meant relatives and colleagues who have zero knowledge about Japanese culture

Just list off a few 'proper' Japanese novels rather than admit to normies that you read mostly infantile literature
>infantile literature
This normalfag shitpost again?
pretty sure that's the usual ironic weeb cope
Any good native isekais got translated recently?
I don't think anything has been getting translated recently, period.
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I refuse to believe that this is not the greatest LN ever written
Did anyone upload the hibike euphonium side story about these two?
is this zero believers? haven't read the ln just the wn so haven't seen the illusts
I hope she gets 2 dicks this time.
Is it good?
it tickles the 'tism bone
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We got hij/a/cked again?
>What are the best fanservice moments in Horizon
Every fanservice in Horizon is the best fanservice.
There's that 27 days of conception like the other anon said, and it's been fully translated IIRC. If you could into Nipponese, there's picrel with the whole "Ascending into Divinity via Citywide Broadcast Orgy," that's for the lack of a better term, KINO. Now excuse me as I enjoy my 3 days vacay to the real world.
>is Stella
I don't think so? Later on, there are several big tiddy enemies with bust comparable to or bigger than Stella's bust size. Besides, breast envy don't really work with a monofag series, it leads to a bland dynamic desu.
i miss when rakudai wasn't fucking shit
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The time to pay for her sins has come
A rare series where the author knew the story they wanted to write from the very beginning. Can't recommend it enough
I'm starting to automatically hate every novel with a male protagonist, especially harem ones
go on without me... I'll crawl to the /u/ pit
Just realized 郵便 can also be read as sending poop if I wanted to do a shitty pun.
Nice. I know what I am going to read next.
Anon the author literally changed their mind and made Sofia a heroine partway into the story because they felt bad for her.
Might be talking about the overall story, but the author still changed his mind about making the moon girl an actual enemy and switching her position as heroine with the sun girl.
The LN pacing in general is far better than the WN one, which is saying something when the WN pacing already wasn't bad.
Jumping in the bandwagon and recommending it too.
I know it's retarded and dumb but I dropped it even though I was enjoying it a lot because of the author admitting he had a NTR fetish on twitter
don't remember any NTR happening in the WN at least
the cucks from the hero's country honestly believe in giving their woman to the hero so he produces as many offspring as possible to spread his hero lineage and make another future hero meanwhile the gods literally just choose some retard at random

my biggest issue with it was MC being a faggot who refused to have sex for the most autistic reason possible while everyone around him was getting laid. i'm glad it was settled in the after stories but still
if it doesn't happen to the MC it's not NTR :^)
the cuck country gave the hero their princess so MC missed out
Bros pls cover the spoilers.
anon trust me, i'm the first to complain about spoilers but everything mentioned so far is unimportant trivia, and purposely worded and construed to make a big deal out of nothing
or is it? :^)
One of the girls became a heroine because people thought she already was one and MC was getting NTR'd.
Maybe, I can't think why else people would've complained about it.
Fellas, would it gay to read a 精神的BL web novel?
I'm not into this type of lingo, what does that mean?
It activates anon's chuunibyou mind.
Non-AE Dendro WN resuming soon.
Nah I would say it's an step above even that actually.
One thing is a kino skill name drop or a 逆転 that makes you orgasm on the spot, those are big moments.
And it's also different to say black coats, blades and dragon claws or something, that's aesthetics.
The 'tism bone is a more systematic thing.
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does anyone have ふつおたはいりません vol 2?
can someone spoonfeed me, trying to find the audiobook versions of デスマーチ from volume 9 onwards
Sign up for japanese audible free trial, download them all, cancel before the free month is over

No way that works, couldn't I just download a metric shit ton of books during the trial and never pay them
I'm still subscribed right now, but I absolutely could download a ton of stuff during the first month.
There might be limits, but they must be in the "download hundred of audiobooks"region.
i downloaded like 400 audiobooks during my trial
did you set up a script for it? can't imagine doing that many manually
How close in terms of years is Re: Zero to being finished? I want to hit it up in one go if it ever ends up being good as the ending is what makes and breaks a story. Something only learned from reading many light novel series.
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>Something only learned from reading many light novel series.
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zenzen wakattenai naa onii chan, it's all about the journey.
true way of enjoying LNs is binge reading all released volumes, buying one or two volumes on release then completely losing interest in the series because volumes start taking too long to release and nothing happens on each volume. When the last volume releases and it's bad you laugh at the people that didn't drop at (insert time you stopped reading, as if the series went shit at that moment), if it's good pick it up again and pretend you never dropped it.
i miss when kumo wasn't fucking shit
Had the last volume come out yet? I remember skipping like 10 volumes to see all my predictions (knifeear genocide, post-post-apocalyptic setting, etc.) turn out essentially correct and promptly lost interest after that. Might just check out the ending still to see how well my game theory-based guesses hold up.
haven't read any raito noberu in a while. Any new definitive masterpieces?
all blew me away, so these need to be the bar.
Feels like kumo has been over for years now.
I think it's LN ended before arifureta's did.
did you just google "hardest JP novels to read" and skipped LOTH and guin or what
Is there even a JP place ranking that?
Like an actual japanese website, not whatever garbage anglos come up with, I know a website for that exists in english.
both the wn and ln are finished
I assumed it'd be Thursday because that's been Dendro day for the past year and more, but it turns out he went and uploaded a part on each of the past three days.
And man, he's already getting down to business.
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Greetings everybody, anyone feels like giving me recs for some vinnies?
I'm getting weary of what I'm reading rn and looking to spice things up.
>without too much fancy prose, I've read 30 chapters of 望まぬ不死の冒険者 and I'm getting decent, but jumping to anything much more difficult at once would probably be a bad idea
>not isekai
>not school setting
>not entirely retarded plot, hopefully
>not set in modernity, I want to get a firmer grasp on more general vocab before learning bazillion lame compound kanji words for house appliances
so i guess that leaves fantasy
Caught up with 遥か異界の地より. Give it a try if you are looking for isekai survival that sometimes border on suffering porn.
anon... fantasy stuff is filled with bazillion made-up words which are worse for learning vocab than terms for house appliances which actually appear rarely in modern settings. Didn't read 望まぬ不死の冒険者 so I have no clue about the standard of difficulty you are going for. So just dumping a few I read last year that if you still want to go for fantasy.
>ななつま - probably a bit harder. also school setting
Also any reason to exclude isekai? They tend to be more fantasy than normal fantasy sometimes
Nanatsuma will kill him, lmao
The juxtaposition of "pls nothing too hard" and "pls nothing of those things I got pavlov'd into hating" is so peak reddit I'm inclined to think this is bait but you never know these days.
Go read kuma kuma bear.
>B-b-b-but I said not ise-
Did I stutter?
>things I got pavlov'd into hating
He said in blue and white that he's tired and just wants to spice things up, not everything is about hate and other people's opinions.
Cool, thanks!
> fantasy stuff is filled with bazillion made-up words which are worse for learning vocab than terms for house appliances which actually appear rarely in modern settings
that's fair, maybe I was just looking for excuses
oh, look, someone got upset about me pre-emptively dismissing his favorite brand of isekai slop, this is going to be fun
> those things I got pavlov'd into hating"
I'm just not interested in school settings and tropes it typically goes with, and I don't like isekai because it's a plague that oversaturated the market and is overwhelmingly really dull and poorly written.
There are outliers in both of these categories that I like, but I feel perfectly entitled to use heuristics, and I know that it will be more helpful to narrow it down instead of asking "recommend me...idk something"
>pls nothing too hard
it's make sense to avoid reading that is too challenging for your current level when learning a language, which is something you know already, so I guess you just reached the end of your wits trying to take a dig. That's too bad, would you like to try again?
i like how someone tried to defend your point then you immediately double down on admitting it was bait lmfao
i only said that I'm getting bored with what I'm reading, and it wasn't even isekai, not that it would contradict anything I said if it was.
this again, you haven't actually read properly either of my posts, right?
bruhdder you're running on a holier than thou attitude when you should be reading yotsuba if you're complaining about household appliances (that as mentioned, are not even that common in modern times series)
you sound both like a newfag to otaku media in general and to learning nip
rethink your life choices
>but I feel perfectly entitled to use heuristics
nta, but really how many of them did you ever give a try instead of getting your information from others, adaptations or summaries? I came across a lot of great stuff after I accepted that I (or most people I get opinions from) do not actually know enough to judge shit.
For example mahouka. Or the TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す with its sloppy title. or 【悲報】お嬢様系底辺ダンジョン配信者、配信切り忘れに気づかず同業者をボコってしまう~けど相手が若手最強の迷惑系配信者だったらしく動画がアホほどバズって伝説になってますわ!? which at a glance looks like the authors just fucking around but which made me start binging through kakuyomu's "slop" after giving it a try.
If you actually read enough of the stuff and still thinks the same, I have nothing to say.
why is this so funny
Oh, also I follow this blog for my recs and it never went wrong. You will have to see for yourself concerning the difficulty though
Different anon but there's so much to read in existence that I can understand using "heuristics" (e.g. 10% of the population are responsible for 50% of the cuckshit) just to quickly narrow things down in the short term. It doesn't necessarily mean that I'll never read X genre, perhaps I'll get to a handful eventually, it just means that for the time being I have a better chance on average of picking up something that isn't a dud. For example, I apply the heuristic of generally not reading any modern westshit but I might still read one of the pre-Disney Star Wars Legends EU X-wing novels.
nta (i'm the fag that told you to read yotsuba), the problem is not the method but the filter, some of the best stuff i have read is either isekai or what redditors would call native isekai (fantasy)
also if you actually read you will be surprised how quickly you run out of stuff to read, unironically the only people i ever see complaining "omg there's just so much stuff for several lifetimes" is people that are either painfully new or retards jumping directly into narou/yomu new series dumpster diving (before reading anything else) for no reason
yeah, I understand that and I am not saying it's wrong. What I am saying is does one really have enough reliable information to actually use empirical judgement correctly. For instance, using your example, if one actually read enough modern westoid stuff and then decided not to read it if given choice, then that's understandable. But if one decides that through their horrible interactions with the average westoid, well, that's still understandable, but from my experience their opinions are more likely to be wrong than correct.
At the end of the day we will read what we want to read, which is affected by factors other than the content itself. I do not say it's wrong, because I am the same. But I would suggest being at least self aware about it which helps finding good stuff that one may not come across otherwise
I gave a fair trial to most of the popular isekai seasonal anime of the last decade or so.
I will pre-emptively concede that adaptations often cut quite a bit, making the end product less fleshed out, but again, I don't see a problem with narrowing the search range in this way.
I will make sure to take a look
>running on a holier than thou attitude
that just feels random. try again?
>you sound both like a newfag to otaku media in general and to learning nip
wrong again
> should be reading yotsuba
i did mention that i got bored with reading an actual linnie, another miss
> if you're complaining about household appliances
woah, you really got me here with my off hand semi-serious line about not being eager to learn specific type of vocabulary now, didn't you? alright, you might actually be 100iq instead of 95.

Okay, now you might as well confess what was that favorite isekai of yours i unwittingly dismissed. Slime reincarnation? Mushoku tensei?
inb4 kagejitsu and evil lord
>seasonal anime
>At the end of the day we will read what we want to read, which is affected by factors other than the content itself. I do not say it's wrong, because I am the same.
The problem is how you narrow things down is (likely) different from how the pseuds do it.
There's "I want X" like say I want to read a romcom in a contemporary setting that if possible doesn't have drama.
That's a good way to narrow things down because it's specific and to the point.
Then there's how pseuds do it, "I want things that are NOT [insert trope here]", like in this case "Things that aren't isekai".
This tells me nothing about what the person wants, do they want drama? A romcom? Political drama/logistics? Do they want fantasy that isn't isekai? Do they want Sci-Fi? Do they want a VRMMO story? Do they want urban fantasy? Do they want a non-supernatural death game story? A senki?
Even going back to the original post of "non-isekai, non-school, non-contemporary" that still leaves most of the examples I gave, they only exclude urban fantasy and maybe sci-fi, and maybe death games depending on your definition.
I'm not even sure people doing this actually know what they want aside from a vague idea of avoiding things that are "bad" based on ironic weeb cultural osmosis.
Does any anon know the mother work from which the otome game LN tropes of a noble academy setting, heroes of noble/high birth, commoner heroine who is good at studies and the quintessential 悪役令嬢 and the 婚約破棄. I want to read/play it if possible.
mobuseka, which was based on a gender-swapped sen no kiseki that doesn't exist
https://vndb.org/v2166 + its sequels
are you sure? based on the author's afterword in the final vol, he actually took the tropes from other wns and when tried to play an otome game to experience it himself, he found them to be completely absent. So the archetype should be present somewhere

Oh, nice. will give it a try if i can find it somewhere
I guess I didn't want to exclude too much either?
I admit I didn't give it much thought, nor did I intend to start this kind of argument, though ofc I should have seen it coming
> exclude urban fantasy
don't actually have anything against it, and I already conceded that I was too rash to dismiss modernity
>and maybe sci-fi
I'm a lifelong science fiction fan, it probably didn't occur to me to ask for this because what I read these days (in languages I actually know properly) tends top of the crop harder kind of sci-fi or otherwise difficult reading.
lighter space opera linnies should be fine.
I actually got mogged by lotgh before I started reading what I'm reading now, but that was months ago, maybe I should try again.
lotgh isn't actually hard to follow, it just huffs it's own farts with military keigo too much
get used to it by like, 1/4 into the first volume and it's not hard
try reading 裏世界ピクニック
>roadside picnic reference
If even got any of this guy work pls share
He’s fairly popular author for seishun/drama novels aimed at young people
extremely curious about his stuff since that’s my thing
I gotta admit, I thought Horobimaru would only start attacking after/during Fran's steamy hatesex session, but then
>Horobimaru vs Rook
Yes. And then,
>Horobimaru (enhanced SUBM fragment ver) vs Talulah (hot Irregular Jiangshi Kin ver)
Double yes.
And since Kaidou has seen Minus One, the eventual Kaiju bossfight would see a massive increase in quality. Also, Juliet is too cute, fuck.
Anyone got 星空の下、君の声だけを抱きしめる?
Can find the English release but not jp one which is weird
>sci-fi yuri
is that a thing?
why not? 少女星間漂流記 is another one
Is there any space sci-fi LNs with real ass mecha (or at least macross-style dogfights) instead of "DUDE SPACESHIPS ARE LIKE OLD SEAFARING I'M SO CLEVER"?
I only know oreaku for the former and uchuusen for the latter and literally only because they get mentioned here.
ストライクフォール is a space sci-fi LN with a real ass mecha, but it's not that similar to Macross, and volume 5 will not come out any time soon, unfortunately. If you want some cool as space opera you should try to read クラッシャージョウ as well, though there are no mechs there.
just read star wars legends x-wing series
In case it's not obvious, gundam
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>read sad LN
>can't escape from the void inside my stomach
Why do I keep doing this to myself?
emotional masochism
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I want to talk about arifureta so I make this
In the Henderson of volume 7, was the boy he beheaded the same boy Margrave had tasked him to find?
i hate how western memes have become so template-y and samey to the point of just replacing some words of the original
or we could just talk about how the new overlap wave is out without an announcement for arifureta after like every month
Any depressing LN with no catharsis?
Probably not, the guy is explicitly stated by the text to have been a faker.
Maybe, it's intentionally left ambiguous.
He is talking about the guy in the if, where does it say he is a faker?
The omniscient narrator says he's just some guy who came from the sticks six months ago. I don't think the margrave's son has been AWOL that long either, and Erich would have been a lot more careful about cutting anyone who matches his description.
小説 tactics 第2巻[巷説妖狐残夢奇譚](本文:七海鳴)
>My backlog's cleared
is that even possible?
must be lying, he just doesn't want to touch it with a six foot pole
Well my frontlog's cleared, too
well, more like my short-term backlog. I divide my backlog into two, a long-term one containing stuff I am determined to read to the completion someday when I feel like it and a short-term one I want to binge as soon as possible. This one barely contains 2-3 series at a time, stories that caught my eye enough to give them a quick try but which I can easily drop if they don't match my expectations.

what about your middlelog :)
for me it's the overlog
Everything you haven't read yet is your backlog
that's the underlog
Everything I don't intend to read is a log of shit.
All series I started reading but didn't finish are to considered DROPPED until second notice, if I truly cared about it I would read it to the end and read each new volume as soon as it released. There is no such thing as a backlog.
that's the prelog
Can anyone remind me the name of the base that was nuked in mahouka's yokohama arc? I remember it to be in korea but that's under russia in mahouka's in-book map
I feel like reading Log Horizon now
do it
no balls
Why didn't you like a decade ago?
What in the world is that name, missus?
Can anyone share 真の仲間じゃないと勇者のパーティーを追い出されたので、辺境でスローライフすることにしました volumes 10+?
teleporation ruins a story, no exceptions
or well at least in 望まぬ不死の冒険者 they didn't use it for a long time so I can accept that
funny way of saying time travel
because i actually can't think of any example of teleportation that made the plot worse instead of at most removing logistical padding that at x point in the series got repetitive
Don't remind me of that, I'm still seething about oldeus too.
Actually do you even have any extra examples? Or are you seething about that too?
all good lns
speaking of which
post 3x3s
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Give me the toughest LN you've got. I want to humble myself.
Man some of the stories in Kino's Journey are depressing. Source: I just read 城壁のない国
that's the point of the sweet 3x3 image, it mocks people with "TOP 10 BEST LNs" as their favorites. they're good, but having everything you enjoy be considered good by everyone is usually seen as you just going with group opinion
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You and whoever made that LN version completely missed the point of the original which was making fun of people who had more "obscure" or "mature" anime in their 3x3s
it mocks elitists, not people who likes obscure anime, none of the shit in this image is really obscure
Goblin Slayer is not good
86 and Youjo Senki both take me considerably longer to read than an average LN. more words, longer sentences, etc.
still waiting for updates on the VN, any day now surely
lol, maybe next year
>eva or berserk
like that's the point pretty sure, pretending a generic top 10 list is le hidden gems
Quite the common selections here, I suppose. No matter what, when or how, I can't seem to enjoy Goblin Slayer, and get myself to read past volume 11. Maybe Guild Girl is motivation enough, as well HeA, and where really Goblin Slayer himself will go, but all the same, it's a shame that where Kagyu is good come creating initializations, he fails on all other accounts, perhaps unable or outright unwilling, to give that proverbial flesh to a tale that could be grand.

Yet somehow, the illusion his woven of something a 'little more' has rendered many a people spellbound, enough so that Goblin Slayer is now likened as an accepted member into the cohorts of that faction, of which we all know. This farce is disgusting, and the contracted illustrators working together with Kagyu all the more so, as they're being siphoned off their talent, dragged into 'nothing burgers'. The likes of so-bin should've never ever operated with a guy who can't do much but pen volume after volume whose contents couldn't be any less than lesser and lesser still. I mean it, you could read the first 5 volumes, and skip to 16, and nothing would change, besides maybe a greater surplus of irrelevant remarks, added only to satisfy a word count.

I'll say it again: what Kagyu does is disgusting, and I hope his imbecility doesn't beget anything else.
This is the problem of authors whose brain is more western than it is oriental. They write garbage whose subsequent 'developments' are only in the fine-tuning of said garbage. What a lovely thing it'll be, when his new series has 100 volumes that are all a paragon of his beloved 'self-contained' type writing.

He's coming up with fucking Aesop fables and they aren't even fucking interesting.

Fuck this guy. You even have the anime openings as a source of excellence, down to its lyrics, but it's all thrown aside, as will be evident in a volume 17, where Goblin Slayer predictably kills 12 goblins, and is absent for half the novel, with worthless nonsense being placed instead at the forefront.

Sometimes, you will read 1 volume of something. Only 1, just 1 and only 1, which throughout its transpiration, will contain enough developments that supersede all 16 volumes of Goblin Slayer.
goblin slayer crashed and burned in pretty much the exact same way every low-stakes episodic adventuring series seems to crash and burn, the scope got too high
at first all that shit about gods being literal DMs in a DnD game was only wink and nod implied, then year one happened, made it canon with the archmage doing whatever the fuck and basically nuked all interest in the series after it plainly and clearly states the gods can create, erase and remake entire civilizations on a whim and retroactively affect people's memory of it
so i disagree that it's a problem with refusing to "give that proverbial flesh to a tale that could be grand" because the problem is exactly that it did
or to be exact there's nothing wrong with endless episodic shit that doesn't change the status quo, the problem is exactly that it hinted at a larger bigger plot and it didn't really deliver, and the little it did deliver just undermines what was there
but yes, fuck this novel
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本能寺から始める信長との天下統一 11

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貴族令嬢。俺にだけなつく 4
金属スライムを倒しまくった俺が【黒鋼の王】と呼ばれるまで 3 仄暗き迷宮の支配者
ジュニアハイスクールD×D 転校生はサムライガール
すまん! クラスで人気の文学少女がスカートを短くしたのはオレのせいだ
男女の力と貞操が逆転した異世界で、誰もが俺を求めてくる件 1
美少女揃いの英霊に育てられた俺が人類の切り札になった件 2
異世界料理道 33
異世界はスマートフォンとともに。 30
神達に拾われた男 15
祝・聖女になれませんでした。 このままステルスしたいのですが、悪役顔と精霊に愛され体質のせいでやっぱり色々起こります 2
マギカテクニカ 現代最強剣士が征くVRMMO戦刀録 10

シャーロットはただ、事件を解きたい。 探偵はもう、死んでいる。Code:RED 1
電脳バニーとゲームモノ。 1

かくて謀反の冬は去り 2
恋人以上のことを、彼女じゃない君と。 終
塩対応の佐藤さんが俺にだけ甘い 9
小説 夜のクラゲは泳げない 1

回復職の悪役令嬢 エピソード5 悪役令嬢はもう終わりです! 5
かくして少年は迷宮を駆ける1 強欲の迷宮と借金まみれの新米冒険者
神様のミスで異世界にポイっとされました ~元サラリーマンは自由を謳歌する~ 4
蔑まれた令嬢は、第二の人生で憧れの錬金術師の道を選ぶ ~夢を叶えた見習い錬金術師の第一歩~ 2
無職転生 ~蛇足編~2
エロゲの世界でスローライフ ~一緒に異世界転移してきたヤリサーの大学生たちに追放されたので、辺境で無敵になって真のヒロインたちとヨロシクやります~ 2

優等生だった子爵令嬢は、恋を知りたい。~六人目の子供ができたので離縁します~ 2
化物嬢ソフィのサロン ~ごきげんよう。皮一枚なら治せますわ~ 2

落ちこぼれギルド職員、実はSランク召喚士だった ~定時で帰るため、裏でボスを倒してたら追放されました~ ~定時で帰るため、裏でボスを倒してたら追放されました~
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チュートリアルが始まる前に ボスキャラ達を破滅させない為に俺ができる幾つかの事 4
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元英雄パーティの荷物持ちおっさん、転生して現世ダンジョンを無双する 二回目の人生は『荷物持ち』を極めて学園ランキングを駆け上がる
リビルドワールド 8 下 偽アキラ

生まれた直後に捨てられたけど、前世が大賢者だったので余裕で生きてます 5
俺は全てを【パリイ】する 逆勘違いの世界最強は冒険者になりたい 8
ガイド役の天使を殴り倒したら、死霊術師になりました 裏イベントを最速で引き当てた結果、世界が終焉を迎えるそうです 01
小さな妖精に転生しました 好き勝手に過ごしていたら色々問題が解決していたようです 1
私、異世界で精霊になりました。 なんだか最強っぽいけど、ふわふわ気楽に生きたいと思います 2

異世界転生したら愛犬ベスのほうが強かったんだが 職業街の人でも出来る宿屋経営と街の守り方 1
監禁王 4
ハイスクールハックアンドスラッシュ 5
はにとらっ! 召喚勇者をハメるハニートラップ包囲網 1
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ティアムーン帝国物語短編集 断頭台から始まる、姫の転生逆転ストーリー
転生魔女の気ままなグルメ旅 婚約破棄された落ちこぼれ令嬢、実は世界唯一の魔法使いだった「魔物討伐?人助け?いや食材採取です」 2
ヒロイン?聖女?いいえ、オールワークスメイドです(誇)! 5
裏稼業転生~元極道が家族の為に領地発展させますが何か?~ 4
転生陰陽師・賀茂一樹~二度と地獄はご免なので、閻魔大王の神気で無双します~ 3
転生大魔女の異世界暮らし~古代ローマ風国家で始める魔法研究~ 2
転生令嬢は精霊に愛されて最強です・・・・・・だけど普通に恋したい! 11

悪役令嬢ペトラの大神殿暮らし 大親友の美少女が実は男の子で、皇室のご落胤だなんて聞いてません! 1
友だち以上恋人未満の魔法使いたち 竜王陛下もカースト上位女子も私の人生の邪魔はしないでください! 1
不敗の雑魚将軍 ハズレスキルだと実家を追放されましたが、「神解」スキルを使って帝国で成り上がります。気づけば帝国最強の大将軍として語られてました 02
>still no arifureta after
Can I read this if the only Masada work I've read is the Dies Irae VN?

Or should I get off my lazy ass and read all the other Masada VNs before this?
You know how every game journalist puts Chrono Trigger in their top 10 games for cred? Same with DQ. They feel by saying every JRPG is like DQ they get more credibility on their drivel takes on JRPGs.
It's also the same with LNs, everyone will put either honzuki or MT on their top 10 for cred, then call everything else a DQ copy because they feel they are more credible that way.
but chrono trigger is one of the best jrpgs of all time
pretty sure opinions like that are literally the joke behind the 3x3 meme
>noooo, you're not allowed to call good thing good it's not niche enough!!!
I have not read that but I would assume it would be best to have at least read all the Shinza VNs first. And you should read all Masada games anyway since they're amazing.
yes, posts like yours in this case are also part of the joke, i think you get the point now
Are you saying the DQ of LNs is DQ?
so what's the dark souls of LNs
literally who cares what game journalists and other anons think of your tastes
>who cares
this whole thread. except for me.
isn't the point of a 3x3 to see what other people think about your tastes
wasn't it to lie about what you like to posture about having a refined taste that would impress normalfags
you guys read any books lately
Recent purchases just sitting there because I'm too sick to enjoy them
reread the first 3 vols of overlord this week in japanese to practice, for nostalgia reasons, and to rekindle my hatred of hackuyama
You could probably tell the most degenerate thing conceivable and they wouldn'r really care.
picked up 神話伝説の英雄の異世界譚 in English it's bretty gud
I need more senki
for shame
And through cote Y2
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>ゴエティア・ショック 電脳探偵アリシアと墨絵の悪夢
new ookuma(大熊猫介) kino https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/dp/4867165875
The pretentious trio:
>FNV = Mushoku Tensei.
>Planetscape = Honzuki.
>MSG3 = Overlord.
Baby's first real game/novel:
>DMC3 = Goblin Slayer.
>Majora's Mask = Isekai Meikyuu Slave Harem.
>Dark Souls/Elden Ring = Re:Zero.
Pseud's favorites:
>God Hand = Haruhi.
>SMT Nocturne = Boogiepop.
>Silent Hill 2 = Spice and Wolf.
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literally nobody is pretentious about honzuki it has actual junior bunko editions lmao
unironically sounds like peak schizobabble
honzukifags are some of the least elitist "popular thing good" readers I ever met though
What does /ln/ think about sci-fi isekai? do we like it?
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What novels do people who play 2D games read?
zero believers is the hotline miami of lns
i also will refuse to elaborate further on this claim, but i know anyone that has read it and played HM will agree
What the fuck does that even MEAN?
did i stutter

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