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Remember to take it easy.

Previous: >>46491394
I'm about to finish my biology degree after failing to finish a physics degree.

Now how do I get a job?
a job?
You're going to have to work as a lab tech for at least 2 years. Just spam applications.
what happened to the buruma/skumizugi OPs
be a lab tech somewhere for awhile

just don't adjunct unless it's absolutely worth it because shit will suck out your soul like a dementor
any1 have any hobbies?
all i do is play vidya and watch stuff
its like 80% vidya 18% anime/mangos 2% movies/tv
ive kinda been getting into rockhounding, it gets me out
but ive never found anything cool lmao
i like to shop around for computer parts on amazon that are 50% off
How do I avoid aging my face through sun exposure? If I only bike outside once a week that won't do too much right?
You seriously asking this in the neet thread of all places?
If you're only outside once a week it'll do more damage to you than to going outside for a few hours a day.
If you're really paranoid you can just use sunscreen which will block UV rays.
Currently learning C (programming).
I like to go on long night walks
I like off-roading and hiking
If you're really concerned, apply some max strength sun scream. But realistically, being out once a week won't do much.
Is there a difference between being a NEET in retiring early in Japan
I've seen plenty of anime and manga where the MC is or wants to be a NEET, never seen one where the plan is to go in and get out when he's in his 30s, could be more plausible in japan then most places since they are paying people to move outside of major cities
I doubt the Japanese think highly of anyone who does that.
Remember, this is the country that calls people who work less than fulltime 'freeters'
Sunscreen you dingus, make sure to get the good stuff though. Most companies use titanium to make products white, make sure to find some that won't give you heavy metal toxicity. Bring patchy is only fun when you get the sweet magic that comes along with being comically ill.
Remember that contributing to society is the valued thing, not fast tracking retirement. If you were in position to do such in japland, consider taking a side job/charity gig anyways as otherwise I can only imagine them looking down on you even if you did have the money to do nothing.
I know people recommend Korean sunscreen. Do you know any good brands?
Never used them myself, don't use sunscreen if i got a choice. Now I think about it, I've never owned any
Be careful, i have no doubt some of those have skin whitener in them, like in Japan.
The wage cage is sucking out my soul.
not a normalfag venting thread
technically you still do contribute to society since at least in the west you still have to pay taxes if you retire early if you sell anything worth something or have a passive income stream like dividends or an annuity unless you play around with muni bonds, although tax shit in japan might be another can of worms.

But like you said Japs probably view NEETS and people who do FIRE as the same thing since not working at a company for 50+ years is shamfuru and iirc they have a common view that anyone with a lot of money made it doing something illegal
i cant think of the name, but p sure i read or watched something that said that in the first few eps?
thinking about it more now the recent ones i remember, or am mistaken about are that bookworm anime and the anime where they can like portal to some place and set up a store that sells shampoo and stuff lmao
How do I know if I'm a neet?
Do you have a job or go to school?
If not, you're a neet.
best balance between neet and getting things i like is jobs that are commision/flag based pay since they are more leisure on attendance and discipline since all you do is show up somewhat on time do the amount of work you want to do then leave kek

my one place i actually talk to people is just car meets and my hobby is just driving my car around late at night blasting denpa in my VW golf
well its the same culture that views PAYED vacation as a taboo and loses respect with your peers
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dealing with weird schizo narcissist people is really annoying because they think everything you do is a slight against them or a plot against them
So is my 69 year old retired father a neet then?
He even gets neetbux!
>So is my 69 year old retired father a neet then?
sure, why are you asking us though retard
didn't ask however
likewise ;)
Who else would I ask? Retard!
try google, retard
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cirno on page 2?
I actually enjoyed working hard and contributing to society it's just what's the point when there's no blonde loli vampire to welcome me home
Why don't you go cry to google? Lol, Retard!
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don't hurt yourself
I believe that was Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement, iirc I heard something about the author is retired and writes that and 2 other series for fun, but I could be mistaking him with some other guy.
neet thread more like normie thread
how ironic
Loads of cheap/free stuff out there for neets. Walking/hiking, gardening, cooking, reading, park gyms, sea swimming, etc. I'm personally busy at the moment with gardening, lots of weeding and planting to do.
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Why don't you?
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I'm searching for the NEET terminal genes.
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gaze within
What are your best money-saving tips?
Pirate everything
How the fuck do you make friends?
Even internet friends will do.
Have an interesting personality that draws others to you and/or be really good at a hobby
I wanted a more direct answer, like "go to x place and talk to people there".
>Have a personality
I wish.
>be really good at a hobby
Does speaking Japanese count?
To all my fellow NEETs:
Please do something valuable with your time, even if you are struggling with leaving the house.
Don't fall into the endless loop of playing video games all day and jerking off, or at least have some self-control and keep it in moderation.
There's so much more than life than having constant shots of dopamine, if anything being surrounded by this mentality makes doing anything else way harder.
Get into something you can improve over time, learn how to draw or get into writing, learn how to play an instrument, try to learn a new language or make the effort to ride a bicycle/walk every day.
The key to being good in all things in life is having consistency, it's okay to be terrible at first and it's all part of learning anyway!
What makes life worth it is how limited our time in this world is, there's no need to be nihilistic about it, live everyday like it is your last one and set goals you can accomplish to improve as a person.
I know we can all make it and be in a better place if we put the effort.
Contributing to society is pointless when society is fucked up.
>Get into something you can improve over time
For... dopamine?
How do you pirate the internet, that's by far one of my biggest monthly expenses
chatgpt be like
start gooning asap
yeah, fuq all dat shii mah nigga, i just stay at home cummin as muh as pawsibl
lmao otha niggaz having sexz and stuff lol
goin thru all dat effurt to convince a female to fuc
i jus sit at home jackin it yknowwhaimsayin?
i basicly get way more pussy den dey do
i cum like 8+ times a day, erry day
its everyday bro im gunna goon at home fasho ;)
sumtimes i just jerkoff like 20 times all day to jav porn only cuz white bitches be lame and niggers are niggers yknowwhaimsayin
how can life get better? im literally jackin off rn and about to nut
its kinda hot admitting that hehehe :$
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Any advice on earning some income while maintaining a NEET lifestyle for those who can't get NEETbux?
same, any advice on earning bones for non neetbuxxers?
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i bot and sometimes scam mega noobs in mmos and make more money than some of my friends who have jobs, and have way more fun doing it than werking lol
Please share your secrets, anon.
I want to buy manga from Japan.
I'm starting to view people in general like the KKK views black people
Li8ving with your parents seems to be the best moneysaver by far.

Freelance jobs where you can work from home, like programing or dictating.
Welcome to the club, we meet every Tuesday
I really like listening and collecting music, I feel at ease looking at stack of albums collected in the library, I do own some physical copies from Japan as well.
I'm currently looking into other hobbies as well, such as gardening and camping.
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You ever try to discuss something with a normalfag and accidentally say some opinion which is 1% outside of the norm, and then all of them gang up on you & go "oh my god he said the thing! he's so schizo he's so patrick bateman omg \". i don't like to dehumanize people but it's like they turn from humans into a pack of dogs. how do you take normies seriously when they will just become hostile and violent over nothing? you have to treat them with kid gloves. I swear i'm going to start approaching most adults like they're really children
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>You ever try to discuss something with a normalfag and accidentally say some opinion which is 1% outside of the norm, and then all of them gang up on you & go "oh my god he said the thing! he's so schizo he's so patrick bateman omg \".
That's my childhood in a nutshell
Three tips that will help or won't.
1. Always pay with cash when at all possible. Pulling out 50$ to pay for something instead of the little plastic card can really let it sink in how much your paying for something.
2. write down whatever you spend and at all times keep track of what your spending and or saving.
3. Don't buy commodities you can live without, ketchup, mustard, junk food, mayonnaise, ect look at food as fuel and not an enjoyment. I don't even buy tooth past, just brush after each meal and use mouth wash and your golden, am a 36 neet and have never had a tooth problem.
>You ever try to discuss something with a normalfag
I only talk to them if they're a clerk at a store and I need to buy something.
Me dealing with myself
>I swear i'm going to start approaching most adults like they're really children
That's the proper way to do it in the first place
Too many people aren't at peace with their inner child yet they haven't actually grown up either
No, for oxytocin actually

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Have an emergency fund, ESPECIALLY if you're american. You don't know when your body will completely drop the ball on you and you're completely helpess for months while watching your resources and sanity drain. I got Covid-19 late Dec and I was bedridden until early April.
My lungs haven't fully recovered but I am left with a newfound appreciation for everything. Le live happily~
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As an autist I have grown extremely indifferent over the years to conversation, I'm so tired of normalfags not saying what they want and hiding everything behind fucking hidden insinuations and secret codes and getting upset when you don't get it. Just tell me what you want motherfucker.
I feel the same way. I hate how people can't just be direct about what they want. It's infuriating that this keeps getting perpetuated by generations and treated like it's okay as well
What do you guys do about dating?
i goon and work at mcdonalds, bitches want that mctriple dick. can't blame em.
I had a BPD women who was obsessed with me for a while and now women just repulse me.
What the fuck did you say
I am a NEET. I don’t have a job and I am 27. What do you anons recommend for income and this is totally off-topic but I love downloading books & music especially art books from Japan. Anyone have any resources to where I can find links?
I'm at a point in life where the thought that I am the only right and sane person and everyone else is retarded is the only thing that brings me peace
sorry but im noot gunna say which game i bot in, don't wanna jinx anything..
i do hear a lot about runescape botters/scammers and also ff14 botters
one of my friends plays ff14 and befriended a guy that has 8 bots and uhh, i dont really remember but he buys some program thats like 5 bux and the program runs and all his 8 characters go gather shit and then craft stuff, then he puts 1 character at like a marketplace and it just fucking stays there checking every few minutes to undersell others by 1gold
then he goes to rp events and sells the gold to annoying retards that wanna flex on people
i kinda wanted to try botting on ff14 but the playerbase seems really annoying, you cant even call someone an idiot, so id get immediately banned
just remembered the program is called lisbeth like the blacksmith from sao
Never done it.
I don't know how to talk to girls, and even if I did, I don't think they'd be interested in dating a neet.
I only know how to spill spaghetti, the key is to make sure the spaghetti isn't too hot
>some opinion which is 1% outside of the norm
Can you give an example?
neets wanna date neets
Yeah where do I meet femNEETs? See the problem?
Lies. They want a husband with a job so they can keep being neets.
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>be 35 neetbux enjoyer
>be neet the majority of my life
>try online dating sites for a few years
>no luck
>buy nothing I don't absolutely need
>have been saving some neetbux every year
I don't try to date anymore, im waiting for a good AI robot to come out and ill most likely spend all my savings on it.
might as well put the box that she sent me towards good use.
I don't.
It's the opposite for me. I feel like everyone else is better in some sort of way while I suck at everything and can't get good at something

what songs do you guys listen to when you're high on ketamine?
>Freelance jobs
I can program but how do you get jobs? Is there a website or do I need to make my own?
I'd have no issue dating a fellow NEET, I'm technically employed by my dad as a landlord but he's still the building's owner, but I feel like all most women would see in me is a house to take over. Maybe I could luck out with a NEET that is in the same state of not caring for money or status as me but no idea how likely that is.
After graduating highschool at Eighteen I supposed to go to some kind of transition program due to my autism. However, due to funding issues, that program was delayed. The program is open ages 18-21. I turn 20 this week. There is a real possibility I will age out at this rate.
I won't make silly questions like how bad is your autism but is it absolutely necessary?
I've a NEET for over a decade, mainly due to my own aimlessness, and I wouldn't wish for anyone to enter this realm without having every intention to. There's always this bug at the back of my head telling me to do something normie-like and be productive when I should've been watching anime and reading books.
And learning skills, I almost forgot. Like I did. But, yeah, the bug kept telling me to aim for a career instead of learning a trade because I'm too smart for a trade.
I've wasted my 20s not watching anime
I envy NEETs.
Same. I got it worse because every second friend of mine says I have a talent for speaking on anime and I have the kind of taste where I'll pick up over half of everything even during a "bad" anime season.
I could've been a jewtuber and get some savings, I only spend money on instruments or toys, and be less worried about money now. Though I don't regret my brief passing through /pol/, which I might have not had or had to forget about if I wanted to be part of that world.
Trades have always been retardly the first thing that is recommended to NEETS.
Skilled blue-collar work environments usually don't integrate insecure, timid, physically weak guys who can't stand up for themselves too kindly. You need to be tough-skinned, have at least some idea of wit, and some degree of self-worth/respect, otherwise it's gonna be worse than high school and you won't have the bathroom to save you. Just a warning.
Funny thing is I've been around trades guys a couple of times due to having to look after my house when they repair something and having a friend who is in a trade, and I've noticed that while I have some wit, am not totally timid, and have the tendency to not register jokes at my expense until it's too late to affect me so I end up looking as if I'm above them, I don't really mesh that well with their, let's call it, cultural norms and interests.
But I definitely get along better with them, as the aloof autist in a corner, than with more academically-oriented people or d*gree h*lders. Not even the impostor syndrome or my low self-esteem in me, I just don't like the way they seem open but are the moralistic and fastidious about norms of the bunch. I swear it's not that they can argue better than me, I'd say we are even, but trades guys are simply more chill. They actually know when the dick measuring stops.
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Yes, good-natured ribbing or bantz.
I can't stand that style of humor with the exception of very good friends and family but if blue-collar is what you're getting into, better develop it fast. It's ubiquitous in the sector and it's usually the litmus test if they actually like you.

Blue-collar workers can be some of the coolest coworkers you can have if you earn their respect. However, these guys usually have no more than meddling IQ and maybe a couple of misdemeanors/felonies under their belt, so if they dislike you then best believe they will be impulsive, immature, wretchedly petty and cruel. As in, a possible violent outburst, sabotaging your job(possibly even endangering you) or plotting to remove your brakes type of BS.

I've been on both sides of the spectrum. It can be a great deal of fun or you'll realize how age has no correlation with maturity, real quick.
>but is it absolutely necessary
IDK. I had no real plans or aims so I just kinda assumed I'd go. Having to go to a normal job or career center with the expectations of a normal person sounds really bad and unpleasant to me, so I guess the transitional program could be necessary, but I think there might be separate ones from the school district.
Uni student here. Kinda bored of corpa world. Do I go try hard for a decade then retire with FIRE plan or I get state job and chill remote rest of life
Maybe, I don't know if it's possible but, could you or your family get in contact with the guys in charge of the program so they include you once it restarts regardless of your age?
Something tells me they'll want to shed as many people as they can to cut expenses but I don't know the kind of people that run it.

Alternatively, do you feel capable of learning stock trading shit or something similar? My eyes glaze over whenever I try but you say you're a real autist. Maybe you have the focus to learn and make money without involving yourself with college and a career.
Everything looks so bleak and tense now that I wouldn't tell anyone to get involved if they can help it either. I myself dropped out of college because my degree was getting so pozzed I was scared I would end up harming people instead.
Everything will be just fine.
Would "wait for the election to pass" work for you as an answer? I mean, most likely Trump will be a nothingburger again but maybe remote work won't be an option anymore if he does get in.

Go FIRE if you have a solid plan, I think. It's what I'd do if I knew how to make money.
You're a guy, you'll have hobbies to keep you entertained, and when they don't do the trick jump to another hobby. Most are not that expensive, and the ones that are kinda expensive get cheap after the first injection of money into them, like gunpla or vidya. Books, especially the ones that are worth your time, you can pirate easily. Video games are at a slump. Touhou games are free. Anime is free. Drawing is cheap too; if you go digital, an entry level tablet is not more than 100 bucks. Writing is literally as cheap as you want it to be; even your phone is good enough. Working out is cheap if you go for calisthenics and have the room for the bars, it may also land you a gf.
How do you figure this is on topic for the NEET thread???
He wants to join us.
hows living in a country that pays you just to stay alive feels like?
What countries would that be? Welfare states like Sweden, Norway?
Depends. Is anon black?
I don't actually believe I'm better than everyone, it's just a joke that helps me live in peace and i hope one day it will turn into a real delusion. You should try it too. I think that irrational feelings like self-doubt and self-hatred can only be dealt with through other irrational thoughts
because u guys r the best with money unironically. so im tryna figure out what bar to set and what bare minimum looks like
Is there anyone else here who is afraid of exposing themselves too much to the sun and turning black?
Oh, god fucking damn. This is exactly what I fucking hate about people, and it's why I'll never live in Japan, because they're ten times worse than westerners who are considered direct. Jesus fuck, all people try to do is play weird fucking mind games. I'm not a goddamned mind reader. It's not even like they'll give subtle hints, either, they'll just expect me to know shit. In fact, it's as if they go out of their way to hide what they want you to do. Then, they'll bitch about you behind your back. Fuck these fucking people. I swear to fuck normalfaggots are fucking more socially inept than I am.
When did this thread stop being deleted? I remember they were being deleted around 2013 on
I really hate society sometimes. When I was 1st grade, and periodically throughout the rest of elementary school, I resisted schooling. I would purposefully get in trouble so I would be sent home. My brother says I would hunger-strike in 1st grade and endure other punishments, but I don't remember that much. This was all done with the justification that it was so I could be "successful" in the future. Now I'm an adult, I've gone through compulsory schooling, and I still became a "failure" as I stay home all day, don't work, and rarely leave the house. The transitional program I was supposed to be put into hasn't been funded for over a year. Formerly they forced me to have a "future", now they elect not to give me one. I'm often only awake at night (when I'm keeping a consistent schedule, which can be hard), and without public transportation nor a driver's license even night work is unavailable. Sometimes I feel guilty for being a NEET due to the financial burden, but other times I feel like I deserve it. If I end up aging out of the program I think I should demand a $5,000/month check from the government.
I avoid the sun like I'm a vampire, it will just age my skin and turn me into a nigger, no thanks
bro i hope u retards atleast take vitamin d lmao
Daydreaming. Vidya is boring and annoying to me. Watching stuff is boring and annoying to me. Daydreaming is nice, though. Comfy.
Are you talking to someone in particular? I don't understand. This sounds like a vent (not the object kind).
People can sue each other for emotional distress, Anon. Adults are encouraged to act like spoiled brats. It's expected that most normalfags aren't fond of anyone disturbing their little paradise.
i got this thing and it works pretty well but i imagine my neighbors think i’m a total fucking weirdo now if they didnt already.
if you’re just biking for exercise you could try to ride around dawn or sundown. i mostly get my exercise from snowboarding at night but i still got the hat incase i’m out too long and the sun starts coming up. vitamin c serum is also supposed to help with sun damage
Appreciate the advice. I typically bike when it's cloudy outside
UV rays penetrate clouds bwo. You still need sun protection in cloudy weather if you're serious about youthmaxxing.
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Too green
calm down, son.
What happened?
Same. Any anime I could want to watch is already on my head in dreamK resolution, the best resolution.
I had planned to turn my daydreaming into a career by making comics out of it but ended up daydreaming more instead of working on my drawing skills.
I'm confident the stories I've daydreamed about are good and will be good once I put them to paper, last time I cried was while daydreaming, but then again, it might be just that the finer parts that make them resonate with me are all in place and deeply personal to me.
Autism-anon? Damn, that's rough.
Public, and often private, education has been constantly failing gifted or different kids. Now that they realize they won't be contributing much to the economy they choose to make them troon out so they can at least be slaves to big pharma and their existence will then be part of the economy by force.
You might have become a genius at your hobby if they let you develop it, I'm currently on my 30s and mine was the last generation when that wasn't viable to a random kid, but that just goes to show how little trust parents have for their children. Even if they call you smart once you say one thing that's out of line, boom, now you're insane and retarded and can't be trusted
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I got an RTX 4090, yay! i love being neet.
I was talking to the voices in your head. My condolences for the confusion king.
might as well wear a shiesty mask lmao
what do you need a 4090 for
piss in bottles
won't have to flush the toilet
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being goofy in ohio
Everything will be alright.
But where do you throw away the piss bottles?
Give me some tips for a frugal lifestyle, please.
go to kroger, get a gallon of milk
wew lad you fucked up. My budy has a masters and sturggles really hard. The only thing you could do is either do your masters or go for a doctor and then eternalize yourself in some obscure bug classification and starve to death out of poverty. That or work in a weed farm. Oh my buddy btw grows bugs for consumption lol. It pays like shit
That's a lie, but thank u.
Does anyone here remember the neet textboard from around 2012 to 2013
No I'm a zoomer I was in elementary school
I like to buy figures and plushies
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Regarding night walks there's 2 birds around my house who start singing at 4am and their singing sucks
no im a zoomer. are you guys all old?
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>im a zoomer
Well, just remember the "you're not young forever" part; turns out it's true
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speaking from experience?
Should i kill myself? Im 31
not yet, try becoming a centenarian instead
go for the high score. old ass nigga
Don't do it, you'll just reincarnate and you don't want to be a kid in this era, wait a few decades they'll introduce new classes in a patch.
Lurk more before posting
I'm a zoomer as well but did you seriously think this was a zoomer website? 4chan is a site of and for jaded millennials
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Why does this happen to us while we're at work, NEETs how do you do it? I'm sick of working a fucking office job.
No, for the novelty of being alive alone. Besides the more people that stick around in these threads the longer everyone will have eachother.
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Someone snuck a photo of me in my NEET cave
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someone posted my employee of the month photo
Looking like a hard worker there pal!, keep working hard and you might get employee of the month next month!
Start doing this
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yes mommy
sorry mommy i meant ma'am
i mean yes ma'am
what's with the grudge towards the term "normie" around here i never understood it. it feels very similar to when zoomers used a outdated term "bruh did you just say this shit bussin it's 2024" is that what it is with "normie"
Got fired today bros, how do i neetmax
It's a reddit word chief
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if you think about it this is the exact opposite of what >>46651523 experienced different side of the same coin he said something probably the norm in 4chan adjacent circles to the "other side" and they attacked him for it similarly using the term "normie" and other zoomer speech terms here will put a target on your head everyone on the internet are too absorbed in grouping themselves that they're completely unaware of how much they all act the same
Does anybody else feel like the school day is too long? It’s usually 6 to 7 hours here in the USA, even for elementary students. I remember transitioning from a half day kindergarten to full day first grade being extremely difficult. And all the time I see propaganda about how whether kids aren’t getting enough school, and especially propaganda promoting full day kindergarten. I was gonna say this is only tangentially related to NEETs until I remembered one of the E’s is for education.
Ok, ill stay
First sensible post i've seen in this thread. Amazing.
Because it's a word only normalfags and outsiders use.
obsession goes far
Hit my mid-20s as a NEET. Lots of fat randomly disappeared from my face and now I look pretty old with wrinkles and everything. Feels weird because most Gen Z and millennials are obsessed with looking as young as possible, and a lot of them pull it off, but I wonder why guys don't want to become a cool old man anymore.
Old man = creepy in the west
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would you ever visit belgium if you had the chance?
IDK it pretty lame how Beldum was locked to the post-game and you had to do a bunch of grinding to get it up to Metagross, and just for a few post-game areas.

IDK while traveling could be fun it also sounds scary and I stay home all day most days.
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sometimes but i dont really care if it happens. it's funny to fuck with someone by telling them something out of left field or putting on an impression and they fall for it each time.
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showing up to the jelq sesh be like
are you lost?
Its the sanitized version of Normalfag for Redditors and KYM faggots.
I don't.
You need money for that shit and I've never worked once in my life. Maybe I'll work if >>46659711 is right and we get decent robot waifu in our lifetime.
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My girl friends in 2D.
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currently collecting retro vidya and listening to vocaloid. I would rather get through my sizable anime/manga/LN/VN backlog but I honestly feel too depressed and miserable to even attempt that. I don't even want to touch them for more than a few minutes each in case I create some subconscious association with feeling shitty all the time
but other anons here give me hope, thank you guys
What is the life of a NEET like? Is it really boring?
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>loli thread got baleeted
What the fuck happened in this thread? Is everyone on drugs?
Depends heavily on your personality.
You could use the endless free time to do all manner of things, or you could lose your mind and become a addict of some kind.
/jp/ in ohio
/jp/ies are disappointing I want to kill all of you
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gomen containment board kun
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feelin genocidal
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damn.. you got the whole squad laughing bro.
what was bro wafflin about. caught him with a glizzy in his mouth.
it's either drip or drop, bro geekin hard. straight drop kek.
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best character in the show?
I am
>so-so the reddit
I thought we were friends...
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its great if you have something pro-active to do which you enjoy. only boring if youre exclusively passively consuming stuff like youtube or anime.
ale suczki
So what kind of pro-active things are you doing?
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maybe proactive is the wrong word but rn im getting into competitive programming and learning japanese
Sounds good, keep it up!
I've found myself being interested in economics.
Just the basics right not though, i never liked studying when it was forced upon me by schooling.
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european women are so based
well, I think I can consider myself a NEET too, I almost never leave the house because my city is ugly and shit and there are no places to go, but I also have nothing to do, I have no motivation for practically anything, watching anime, listening to music, playing games, watching movies, reading books, nothing, I can't get attached to practically anything, I'm a body without a soul and without desires, I really didn't want that.
TFW about to make a pizza and be comfy
i cooka da pizza and da pasta. a don doesn't cook a pizza with shorts on.
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canada, bolivia and france checked. perhaps I'll visit Poland or Japan next.
why are you telling us this? i can also lie at least post photos
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my immune system is completely shot from sitting in my room for 12 years, it takes very little for me to get sick and it feels like a tiny fever will kill me.
is there any way to reverse this and build up my resistance? take supplements? lick doorhandles?

please help
probably better if you think im lying.
see a doctor if youre that worried (and remember to thank him)
no thanks i hate doctors
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Walk 30 minutes minimum everyday, even if that's inside of your house. Clean your room, at least once a month. Take vitamine D supplement, especially if you don't take sunlights. Run outside, you need nothing to run, you can do it whenever you want, it's the perfect NEET sport. Don't forget to do it at your own pace. Eat well and get 7 hours of sleep.
Casting a spell to have anyone who ever posted on /jp/ dead!!!
I will be amongst the dead, and so be it!!!
Buy a mini trampoline or a rebounder
The life of one NEET is worth more than 10 wageslaves put together
Good stuff
also drink a hot cup of milk before you sleeping
dont forget he needs to crack a hot soda over his head before he locks into his nightly goon sesh.
>biology degree
Everyone i ever knew that had that was the most annoying retard ever, most likely to be teachers or something retarded. They're usually very egotistical, think they're moral police and are illiterate
Its motherfucking biology. The very reason your alive.

They have the right to be moral police.
Fuck off crossie. We don't use the words "goon sesh" here.
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you don't like goon seshes? your loss sissy.
I can’t goon even if I try. :(
death threats!!
there are no death threats in this thread though. schizo hour?
is this the ronery thread?
No, this is a thread for those with many friends, party planning and lovers of life. Right now we are discussing how many bitches we fucked without being drunk last weekend.
This is a gooner thread. Get the fuck out nofap normies
But, in real life, normalfags choose to group people based on things you can't control. They'll base it off of your wealth, looks, status. On 4chan, all you have to do is lurk. The bar to entry is low, provided you are patient. Everyone can be a 4chan poster. Not everyone can be a normalfag or participate in normalfag cliques. Perhaps some want to have a space where they can feel like they are not the ones being excluded. But yes, there is somewhat of an oxymoronic quality to the term "normie"/normalfag. You group individuals based on the fact that they group others. But, it becomes inevitable because commonalities will emerge within certain groups of individuals, and these commonalities lead to labels.
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damn the rtx 4090 fucking mogs the 3090. glad i picked it up, not sure whether I'll sell my old 3090 or not.

went from low 200s fps at ultra in overwatch 2 to 560-600 fps ultra/epic setings on the 4090.
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I do nonut. Yesterday I orgasm'd without ejaculating, it was so awesome. What I'm doing now people need to invent a new name. super orgasms, I fucking am able to cancel out the nut as it moves up the shaft hold it there for prolonged orgasm and send it back. I don't know how I was able to get to this point, but here I am and they don't think it be like it is, but it do
I am the death threat FUCK YOU!!!!! I'M NOT LIKE THE OTHER NEETS
You alright, anon?
Do you want a hug?

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