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I want to get a casual handjob from a guy in gear while he speaks in code like: "neutralizing target". Honestly don't even want them to get too into it, just like it's a job they are doing.
Would also love for a guy in gear to awkwardly compliment my dick or underwear choice or something that shows he's horny, but hard to relate to.
Need a tactical geat boot-job. Or have em keep the gloves on so they don't get dirty.
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Also want a guy in gear with a bulge to wrestle me while I'm just my boxers until he has me in a position where he can grind his tactical cock against mine.
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Fucking based taste anon. I wish I could find more.
I just want to be jerked off by a guy in gear. He should help me, a squadmate, to relax and get the edge off.
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this shit gets me so hard
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Imagine gooning with the squad.
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Can we get some discussion going on? Why do you guys like this look and what do you want to do with men in gear?
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Holy based thread OP
I always fantasize about groups of paramilitary larpers where all the squad members just casually have sex with each other to reinforce their bond. Or having one of these guys remove just enough of his gear to ride my dick, then immediately fix himself up and go on his way while secretly filled with my cum.
For me it's definitely the overboard performative masculinity of it. War is as masculine of a pursuit as it gets, larping as a lone wolf war hero is the pinnacle of that, and that's why I as a weak loser who would not be allowed into any nation's army have always had a thing for guys like this.
Plus I've heard it said that women are made hot by what they show and men are hot by what they hide, which is a dumb meme but I can't deny the concept works sometimes. Certainly the contrast between tacticool gear and bare skin is a nice one.
This guy's stuff is pretty good.
>just like it's a job they are doing.
everything is just a job we are doing.
get asked to do a job this shitty for long enough and it rots your brain. don't join a military. i don't care if it seems like your country has better treatment, it won't matter. your mind is now mush.
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Masked soldiers and cops are super hot. Though I don't like when his face is completely covered. Prefer for half to be visible as in picrel or at least the eyes as in >>2597858 (very hot btw). Also he's got to be an actual soldier/cop not someone dressing up in the bedroom.
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yeah real life pics are the hottest
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Half the reason I stay informed about crimes in my country is to find photos that include hot cops lol. Also during winter our police like to wear those masks and whenever I see them up close I feel a kind of jolt of excitement. Sometimes I find the courage to approach to pretend to ask for directions or something so as to get a better look. (I find talking / lip movement in these masks insanely hot.) Haven't taken any photos myself though, except for when I was abroad with my uni. Pretended to be super interested in the building they were standing in front of. Anyway probably next year I'll go do my military service and I'm hoping to get assigned with at least a few hot guys.
If I recall correctly, that's GunPlayerPhil (and his friends)
So they're pretty hard as well
That’s probably swatofficer having fun with keycaps and skintightlover
Why are they doing that???
You sound like you need a gloved tactical handjob.
because they're wearing costumes and it's a porn video
Not a good excuse lol.
No fucking way man I thought they would be some fashy larpers but they're actually just based horny gays. I kneel in respect.
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Imagine being raided and raped by a swat team
I mostly agree with this poster. >>2597887
I think the gear looks incredibly cool outside of a sexual context too so the sexual attraction is a natural extension. Uniforms have a real psychological effect on people as well, you tend to feel naturally closer to someone you share a uniform with. The other anon likes a lone wolf archetype but fantasizing about a squad of guys who work efficiently together and fuck together really turns me on. Seems like an extremely male (and gay) fetish.

btw this guy is super handsome and has done a lot of videos wearing tacticool: https://www.pornhub.com/model/rubbergear
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God damn I want to breed a guy in tactical gear so bad. Idk about this one in particular but so many of the guys on twitter claim to actually be in the US military, do soldiers really get away with fucking each other at base like this or are they all larpers?
Oh don't get me wrong too I love the squad fantasy too, I'm glad you elaborated on that side of it.
A few years back I read a novel from Russia featuring a spec ops organization where all the members engage in ritualistic gay sex to affirm their brotherly bonds and do shit like make a daisy chain with their commander at the front so that all of their "male vitality" will pass into him. I've been gooning to the idea ever since.
That sounds hot lol. If you remember what it's called I'd like to check it out. The squad thing really does it for me, more than just a sex fantasy. Btw I think a good portion of those dudes are in fact army guys. I remember a couple of years ago there was some drama about a soldier who was openly a furry and posting gay porn videos on Twitter or something like that.
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nice, most cops are kind of out of shape and wear silly uniforms here. honestly don't be afraid to take pics, i used to take them of military, construction workers etc. at most they'll silently think you're a perv lol.
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The book is Day of the Oprichnik by Vladimir Sorokin. The gay sex is definitely not the focus of the story so don't go in expecting that, but Sorokin does love to insert bits of gay shit into just about everything he writes.
>more than just a sex fantasy
I get you. I wish I could have that kind of special bond with another man or group of men, but I know army life isn't for me. As mentioned before it is a very distinctly masculine thing imo and without getting too philosophical I think a lot of men today are lacking that kind of close male companionship and if you're attracted to men it's natural for that desire to get mixed with sex.
>soldier who was openly a furry and posting gay porn videos
Based gooner
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No that's okay, the plot sounds interesting. It's pretty cool how we kinda have similar ideas about this. I actually tried to join the military during an aimless period in my life (it wasn't in the hope of getting tons of sex) but I failed my medical exam. I can be physically close with my male friends, which is really awesome too, but we're not that emotionally close. Companionship and affection and romance should naturally go together imo, with another gay guy at least.
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You’re welcome. The gearhead community is fucking amazing
>The gearhead community is fucking amazing
truly the only kink i'd be willing to act out with another guy.
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>grooming thread
this board is the worst
This shit is niiice
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This thread is about tactical gear, but those guys (and their friends) have lots of other cool stuff. Mainly, firefighter gear and hazmat suit. So, check them out, you’ll love it.
thank you anon! this is the nicest thread this board has had in a while.
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I remember that. Happened about two years ago. He and his little active-Navy fuckbuddy got doxxed, and the two slinked back into the closet soon after that. Fuck 'em.
Does anyone have a source for this vid?
This is a very hot thread idea. I love the idea of a sniper aiming for a target and having to remain perfectly still while one of his teammates pulls down his pants and fucks him.
Even better if he's wearing obnoxious, loose boxershorts and showing them off when he gets pantsed.
>eagle hand sign
are these albanian? lol
silly guys in serious gear are cute
>I remember a couple of years ago there was some drama about a soldier who was openly a furry and posting gay porn videos on Twitter or something like that.
He joined the wrong service, USAF is supposedly furfag central

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found this on reddit years ago and i still come back to it. fucking hot
More like "Tactical Queer Thread" lol
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>tfw he will never hold me at gunpoint and force me to suck him
>tfw he will never threaten to shoot me if I spill even a single drop of his cum
I agree. There's a lot of cosplay. While on reddit soldiers show off their monsters.
One real >>2600689

Where can I find a military thread?
Just search for military on HM archive
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nermute_kz on Twit
Sadly it seems like he deleted most of his stuff
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is that AI
what a weird photo
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Not AI, it's from here:

It seems to be some military exercise. Personally, I wouldn't mind being the fake drug smuggler if it meant get manhandled by a soldier while his ass was in my face.
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I personally love tactical police that use balaclavas the most. It’s so horny. Imagine being caught and subdued by these legit officers that look like they’re in a porno
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I'd like to see a Ghost nsfw cosplay
You’re cool. Go train your conditioning and tactics.
>I always fantasize about groups of paramilitary larpers where all the squad members just casually have sex with each other to reinforce their bond. Or having one of these guys remove just enough of his gear to ride my dick, then immediately fix himself up and go on his way while secretly filled with my cum.
I'm fucking straight and would suck a guy in gear off just because it looks so cool.
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Yeah, good
>I'm fucking straight
Said the guy browsing "handsome men"
You're a good fit for the military community
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was chilling out browsing pics, saw this one, instaboner. It's also one of the very rare occasions where the pics are high quality as well as multiple, and there's even a video. Load's about to be huge
Does anyone by chance find the ones like in OP's picture cute? I have thought this for many years. I probably am not attracted to men (though checking as that is why I am here) and I have always just found the look like in OP's picture extremely cute. Like in a little animal way. Completely non-sexual or non-romantic. Just like a creature? Might as well take this opportunity to ask.
i do find them very cute, anon. though i am sexually attracted to men, so there is that for me too.
It's also only when their face is completely covered, even a motorcycle helmet or something and it's ONLY men. Not sure what's up with it!
it might be that you just like the idea of being dominated by a man, since the lack of facial features gives them anonimity so your brain it's deceived into believing the dude you're looking at it's not totally male and you feel more justified into liking it
what's this from? current middle east conflict?

maybe just because there is no face to judge/reject you so you subconsciously find them more approachable? mummification fetish basically, similar to latex fetishists or furries.
It's from that part of the world, but the incident in the photos happened about 10 months ago
What incident is it anon
Come on, tell us
Enjoy, Haribo.
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I didn't pay much attention to the headlines. A riot or sth.
I think it's hot getting railed by someone in tacgear, or motocross gear even. Partly because the face is concealed and you let your imaginations run wild on whose fucking you. Also, tacgear emphasizes the man's body making it look bigger.
No it's not sexual at all, if I think about it like that it's genuinely repulsive. I'm willing to accept the idea that I'm just internalized heterophobic (given female sex) but I can say pretty conclusively that no matter the situation with men, I'm pretty sure I'm not into them. I can't say for sure, because I will go insane from labeling. I am appreciative of the responses though as it is interesting to think about possible causes. It might just be a thing with no explanation.
Not sure why anyone would care about an update but I feel compelled to. I think I have figured it out. It's the similarity of looking like an airplane (the cuteness factor, because planes are cute!) + the admiration for clothing style + usage of guns because guns are very cool. In case anyone else experiences it and is wondering why. Maybe they have the same causes.
go to work to save lives yes but please come home and rape me
I think you should ponder more on why you think it's repulsive, unless you prefer women, or simply don't like anything sexual at all

it could be that you don't even associate a gender to them, you just like the outfit/gear and what they represent to you
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I don't know why but helmets and outfits are always hot, whether they be motocross gear or tactical gear
>will never get to taste that tip
why live
Because out there anon, there's a tip even for you. Go out and find it
>Go out and find it
only if you let me taste yours first.
I'm a woman. Unless you're an ant, my clit isn't gonna be a suitable cock
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Dont say God and D.. word soo ofensive
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umm, i wanna fuck with a Soldier than 21 years older than me, he's saying: "U are a fucking little bitch, i gonna cum in your pussy n fuck her so hard."
now where the fuck do i find a guy to have sex with me while wearing these?
Never seen that one before. I know that's broccolibutts but where can I find the vid?
Try Recon
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hadn't heard of it yet. thanks anon, i'll give it a try.
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Full gear/helmet with basketball shorts over the outfit would be insanely hot, right?
I've already mentioned them a couple of times here

btw, one of those guys had actually posted some OC on this board
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> there's cum on the helmet/mask
these makes me horny as fuck
>no guy regularly coming over to cum on your military masks
why live
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hot af!
Is there more of these two?
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This turns me on so much
Cock hanging out of camo uniform, I need more of this

Especially if he's in the masculine stance, kind of cocky sitting or standing with legs apart
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is this a video? if so please share.
Here you go
thank you, anon!
Looks like russian camo, always the wildest dicks
Pretty sure this is just a faded woodland BDU, nothing Russian in here
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Hnnnng. His buzzcut turns me on.
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get your dick out
There's a 60 year old man under there with grey pubes and liver spots
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You know this from experience?
Did I get cha? I think I pushed a button. Hope I didn't because I like a challenge.
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I accept your challenge sir
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Hot. Please show some taint
Does anyone happen to have an archive of their content catalog? They used to be active on Xtube for a while and had a lot of videos. However, after Xtube got shut down, they said they would re-upload their content else where but have yet to do so. They uploaded a couple videos to onlyfans but soon stopped after a handful of videos.

A Shame, Really.
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That's pretty man. You got social media?

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