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Young/ small tops fucking big/ mature bottoms in the "Mating Press" or "Missionary position".

Most of this couple channel is the smaller one topping the big boi, nice stuff.
Small dom big sub is so hot, kinda tired of watching daddies impaling skinny mfs and letting out the fakiest and most annoying sounds a banshee can not imitate.
Unnatural, disgusting and wrong on every level
>I'm boring
good choice of cocky top twunk and sub daddy for OP
who is the bottom?
I want to pound a dumb himbo like this
gunnar joseph. he's more of a dudebro jock type tho. not a daddy
Just like your existence. And yet here you are.
Literally my most recent fetish but the bottom has to be thick and fit
How can you expect your bottom to respect you as a top/dom if you let them top you? It completely ruins the dynamic
People in this thread want the reverse dynamic you simple faggot
How can you expect anyone to respect you if you’re this dumb?
reverse dynamic is so hot.
I also find super hot alhpa who are dominated by betas. muscle jocks fucked by skinny nerds with big dicks.
Lmao stop arguing yall i just want to see twinks mating pressing daddies on a thread thats about twinks mating pressing daddies, fr. 19 replies already but only 4 vids/images that are related about this thread baka
Btw sorry for only sending the link but not a preview, i dont have the patience to download, convert, edit, remove the audio, pass the verificarion thing, crop and turn mp4 vid to Webm, its too much for me lol.

Indians homemade videos, are a blessing :')

I just threw up in my mouth
is this not the same thing as this thread?

Not necessarily as that is focused on age
Link to original vid?
it's cause there are hardly any clips of twinks mating pressing daddies
fuck that's hot. I'd love a top like that. I'm a switch but really like the idea of some young smug guy just wrecking me.

>It ends right when he pulls the rubber off

Piledriver position/ missionary mrrrrrr

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this reverse dynamic is really hot
Sauce? Kind of looks like Tate Hoskins
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as a 26 year old 6'8 hairy man that resembles an orc more than a human sometimes but likes bottoming sometimes this is gratifying

I would think it would be a power trip as well as enjoyable to top someone bigger and stronger but most people won't do it lol
whats wrong? dont like twinks topping hunks?
I'm a short top and tall bottoms are the best, they have the biggest butts. If you throw the older and younger dynamic around it's even hotter. It actually makes more sense since younger men stay harder, and older men have looser asses. It's funny how lots of gays have misconceptions about these kind of dynamic, and once they try it they just want more of it.
holy based, cheers
it is him. he does OF
Hot, anon
Didn’t know that
Twinks should know their place!
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Here is my contribution, this genre is the best :

Killian Knox (bald bearded Daddy) bottoms for Maxx Monroe

Mitch Cox (clean cut and slutty Daddy) bottoms for Cameron Basinger (this site is horseshit but I couldn't find a full-length video elsewhere)

Anthony London (british bearded brunette Daddy) bottoms for Lucas Knight

Josh Peters (tall blonde) bottoms for Luke Adams

Eric Evans (muscle bear Daddy) bottoms for Lark Larson

Andrew Justice (beefy goatee Daddy) bottoms for Jake Steel

Travis Connor (bald and very tall) bottoms for Chris Damned

Morgan Black (movie star looks) bottoms for Devin Moss
yeah their place is topping a muscular bottom
Jesus christ, tysm!! Finnally at least one decent and straight forward reply to this thread.
Looking at the previous comments all i can see is mfs craving for attention telling "twinks shouldn't this", "Daddies should that", "Gross, euGh, YuCk (aka: How dare you to post gay younger tops mating pressing mature bottoms on a thread about gay younger tops mating pressing mature bottoms?)".
Like geez lol. Thanks again!
id top you dw>>2559416
You're welcome anon, I hope you have enjoyed some links. Some fags need more experience for sure.
Pedrao_gyn on twitter
Hell yeah
*High five! :D
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Fuck this is so hot - big cock on the skinny guy too20amva
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I'm 6'2", 205#, and 60 years old. I have a top who is 5'6", 130#, and 32. For me it is fantastic as he has stamina and can fuck me for an hour or so, then he pulls out and shoots his load into my eager mouth. He also recovers quickly and can get hard again soon after cumming.
Damn the op is so freaking hot.

Finally had my small top mature bottom fantasy in my last relationship.. I was 26 when we started he was 36, power bottom with amazing ass can take a fist up there. Very fun.
Fuck this is hot. moar pls
Based. The way it should be.
it's an old and shitty generative AI output... go generate some of your own

It’s funny that AI seemingly can’t draw either a cut or uncut cock

They’re always weirdly in-between
Obviously this is AI generated, but that door in the background with its hinges and handle on the same side is too distracting lol.
- the curtains that are somehow suspended above the bar they hang from
- the plant/table/lamp hybrid object next to the door
- the chair/ottoman? with a blanket on it under the desk that seems to be about 6 inches deep
- the huge vein connected to nothing on the small guy's arm
- the giant guy's scary knee
That twinks got a fair old cock on him. Good rhythm too
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Now that is some quality shit. Got some sauce?
Incredible. Source ? Full video link ?

Personal favourite of mine: Dale Savage getting fucked by Jacob Peterson. Good stuff starts around 32 mark, best is at 35:18 (shots of tops sweaty face, bottom caressing tops face)

WARNING site has some ads that only affect you when you press certain elements. No pop ups or intrusive, but a fair amount of "invisible" ones so to speak. This site is far better than the previous one I was going to link though.

Ironically I just found this guys twitter the other day. I'll see if I can't find it for y'all.
That was easier than I though.

_teddyhunter_ is the daddy/bottom.
None of your links seem to work and you need to login to twatter
it's Luke Connors and Teddy Hunter. It was xmas collab, check coomer.
would be so hot!!! if one of them were attractive...
you take what you can
Wasn't this thread about "mating press/ missionary" positions specifically? Why do some posts show only 1 position, like the doggystyle one? :p
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I have to imagine topping a huge muscly dude would make your testosterone shoot up more than fucking a woman.
That’s hot as fuck. Based as hell.
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Bump, will upload soon.
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Nevermind, finding scenes like this is harder than I thought lol. Very specific.
That's ok anon, i'm pretty satisfied with the amount of content this thread has reached :D
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A twink's place is getting his cock crushed by a hunk's tight hole
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Can we turn this thread into a generic younger/smaller top and older/bigger bottom thread now that the other one is full? No sense in creating a new thread when the topic is so similar.
What does "bump" means? I'm kinda new here (;_ _)
I'm still learning stuff on this site lol
it bumps the thread up from being on the last page thatll get it deleted
Lucas Kazan is just a goldmine for this stuff
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the meeseeks on the wall BABHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHA
Patrician taste
Reposting this from another thread
More of this. Sick and tired of gross ass anorexic bottoms.
then post some you fucking whiny little bitch jfc
god ive seen this video so many times before but i can never find it/the actor's names. what's the source again?
Reminds me of TimTales, not sure what's the actors names
Bottom is Morgan Black

Morgan Black (movie star looks) bottoms for Devin Moss
Thanks, bump.
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Mating Press happens at 08:15, bump.
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Timtales has some nice Mating Press shots and small doms/big subs like Esteban Orives and Maximus but it's kinda hard to such content :(
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Yeah, it would be nice to have a list of small tops/big tops Timtales videos. But that would take a lot of time, since Timtales has alot of actors.
Huh? Wdym?
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Top is Leandro Leemes
Wait didn't he just became a recent actor from TimTales?
Not sure, but yes he is indeed.
what tool do you suggest, any that do video?
explain to me like i m tech downie
Same, most site do make you create an account, but you can't delete them. Seems kinda sussy for me:(
sauce on bottom?

mage space
My all-time fave:
source please
bros thoughts on facefucking a daddy and making him swallow 2 loads back to back?
Would do, especially if he’s fit because I hate fit people
Does anyone knows if TwinkTop is still alive or still produces more vids?
Twinktop is a website with very mediocre looking twinks fucking older guys, usually breeding them (aka not being able to cum so they fake it).
I'd love to be hated by you then ;)
moarrr dom twunk fuckers
Nick Capra. The top is Connor Maguire.
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This thread cannot die.
more twink top fuckers
kys faget
>markiplier looking
Im weirdly interested now. Thanks anon!
love seeing these bottoms get punished
Nobody asked, nobody wondered. nobody cares, stop trying to create a buzz around nothing, you should be banned..
Another dizzy faggot on 4chan, so cum drunk from sucking homeless guys crusty dicks, he doesn't even know what board he's on.
Anyone know who the top is?
The bottom is Gunnar Joseph, not sure about the top.
Tate hoskins
I wish someone would just go and leak the whole video
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anyone know who they are, looks like the twink is going to destroy that muscle bottom
Omg what's the link for this video
Its literally right there >>2590009
Best one can get at least
how does one get a top zoomer to top one...asking for a 31 y.o friend
Ask on grindr. Just strike up a conversation with them, say you're a bottom, drop a few nudes, bing bang bosh, if they're still talking to you, they're interested. You won't get every single one, not hardly. You have to be ready to go out there and fail a lot before you get one. The same is true of hooking up with guys of all ages. Just talk with confidence and you're good.

I'm 40 and a number of guys in that age range are totally dtf and this is the primary way I meet them. Some of them purposefully also hang out on Scruff, too. But Grindr is much busier.
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Here you guys go, I'm friends with this guy on Xvideos, It's a playlist with 450 videos on it. Not all are great, but there's some gems.

Just so you know so you can look it up in the future "Joven folla maduro" is spanish for A young (guy) fucks a mature (guy)": https://www.xvideos.com/favorite/5166727/jovenfollamaduro
I'm in my 20s but I'm already so into this as a bottom

can't wait to be a buff 40 year old size queen with hordes of fat cocked boys eager to service daddy's cunt
Enjoy lower libido and low energy and back problems mr liver spots
Sounds like you’re projecting your sedentary lifestyle onto me
To me it was this pair. The smirking of the young one on the older guy just so memorable and adorable.

But the older guy looked dead inside throughout the video, I guess he just looks like that cause he makes this face in other videos too. I guess in a way it makes this video even better
thoughts on older bottoms only getting fucked by Zoomers?
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getting buff to fuck twinks = L
getting buff to get fucked by twinks = W
I genuinely can’t stop laughing there’s so many fucking funny things about the photo.

Both guys only have one tooth
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Welp, I’m a 62 year old bottom with a live-in 22 year old Top, so I’m all for it
tell us more anon
Ace Era and Justin Brody : great scene !
lol - Not much to tell - Pretty straightforward

I've had young studly top-partners since I was a young studly partner myself
This thread is based

be me six foot two construction chad get compliments on big butt but pp is disappointing average
>no anon you cant bottom thats gross

The smaller, weaker, or more feminine the top is the better.

What's that bedwetter?
>six foot two construction chad
best kind of bottom.
Do you have faceless pictures of your ass and body ? You sound dreamy
The bottom reminds me of Ricardo Milos... hot as hell
I mean, not like im complaining or something-
You guys talk like there isnt actual porn of that dude lol
I dont think he ever bottomed tho... kind of a shame honestly...
Yeah youre right. Hes hot as hell but im not sure where to find his official porn. The only media i found of him is about him making that sensual dance, still not enough to satisfy us gay men. But i think he retired from making porn and decided to live a peaceful life, i wonder where he is and what he is doing now
Didn't he became a Lol streamer on Twitch?
That was just a man who really looked like him lol. I think he's just taking care of his family and being a responsible man, just minding his own life yknow? He had a nice body tho, wish he could give us a little more "samples" bout him. fricking hot Brazilian people and their hot people! :')
>Come to Brazil
>Come in brazil(ians)
>Come inside the Brazil(ians)
bruh... you ruined it for me, KEK
Man that's a great ass
Love Twinktop, but there are so few actors and they're all the same people basically doing sex in a different way again and again. Still hot, kek
Why are brazilians built so fine? Their twinks have the longest dicks and their hunks have the best asses, i guess i really should come to Brazil
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Love this reversal of dynamics, especially when the top breeds. Imagine an older guy with a zoomers load inside hngggg

I know this shit happens irl but no idea why its so rare in porn
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Porn is unironically conservative
>all those young, inexperienced little sperm cells swimming around looking for the egg lol
Real cocks or silicone injections?
I'd say almost certainly altered. Maybe pumped? The bottoms is very shiny and red, and the tops dick isn't going in very much as if it's soft and malleable - it squishes and doesn't slide its way in like a hard dick.

Nice n jiggly hairy unit of a bttm
Trenton Ducati is the bottom
Wow, I never knew Colby Jansen bottomed...
Whos the top?
Hung short young guys are meant for pounding older men. Literally nothing hotter. I've been caged since August since it drives my Dom wild.
Oh well, seems like the vid is now gone.
Anyways, the couple name is "Nigg2black" on Xvideos and Xhamster. And "Nigga2black" on Pornhub. They're a lovely couple, usually the big guy is the one who bottoms more, such a cute big goof.
Mike Johnson and Ryan Jordan
you can only choose one
Anon means height
as a skinny twink with a package that lost my virginity pretty young, older guys take it the best for sure so this thread is much needed
there definitely needs to be more younger top/older bottom porn.

i want to see some nasty gang of hung twinks just gangfucking a daddy bottom
Great scene.
found the recovered vid on thisvid:


Apparentely, seems like the vid was japanese all along lol
source please
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I need this, name?
Young tops, share your stories with old fags if you have one
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Pic related is a frame from a video I took fucking a beefy muscle man that I fucked in his hotel room. I fucked him doggy style and then missionary and fucked the cum out of him. I’m a small guy. I’m 5’6 and early 20s. Not sure his age but I’m guessing late 40s early 50s.
makes me fucking diamonds seeing and thinking about an older man in this position
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It was fun. I came inside of him. Glad he let me take a video. He was fine with it as long as I sent it to him
damn he's hot and looks masculine as fuck, how was his ass? lucky anon, this man gets it, cheers

Tighter than I expected! Would’ve liked if he had some hair but I can’t complain about a nice smooth muscle butt
hell yeah brother, no need to get picky with horny old men, so hot
>I’m 5’6 and early 20s.
I'm 5'5 and have been topping this 6'3 41yo divorcée for a year and a half now. The first time topping him was kinda hard because his legs felt heavy as fuck on my shoulders but we got better with time.
Would love to share something visual, but he has a son so he's against photographing or recording our sessions and kinda like him too much to betray his trust like that.
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Who is the bottom? Thanks
You are very decent anon in not betraying his trust - good on you
>found the recovered vid on thisvid:
>Apparentely, seems like the vid was japanese all along lol

It's actually Thai. Zenitiger007
for some reason i remember on this thread a really hot, older guy (kinda out of shape but idc bc his moans were so hot) and someone posted a video of him using a fuck machine, his name was adam22martins or alex2martins or something and apparently it's hard to find now, anyone know who im talking about??? NEED to find it again
Oooooh he's tryin
This is against natural law
The young must respect their elders
This is peak respect, anon! If you love a man you breed them.
this is true >>2615524
Wow okay so maybe you're not retarded on purpose and it's just a condition that you live with.
Poor thing...
@ruggeryv on twitter.
Drake Von, I think
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i have TBs of raw sloppy bottom dad porn yet all i ever really need is just the last minute of this clip OOF
i'm diamonds holy
Thank you anon. Ruggery Valdivia is such a hunk. Too bad his scenes are badly shot.
I fucked a married dad that looked like that when I was 18

Shit felt so good I came in like 3 mins and filled him with my load. He gave me a 500 bucks, it was a great night kek
that looks beautiful
Gunnar Joseph. He bottoms for a lot of younger/twunky guys if that's your thing.
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damn!!! source?
i think thats metalbob
thank you it was
Bottom looks like Marco Napoli, does anyone know who is the top?

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