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Previous thread: >>7890242

NEWCOMERS! Make sure you read through the guide carefully, it'll likely answer most of your questions.

>Latest H-Voice Thread News/Updates

>Voice Work Illustration for the Thread
RJ01144422 is a sweet voice work about growing up with a caring onee-chan maid. I found it charming, and a bit nostalgic because its presented in a way that’s similar to how a number of doujin voice works were back in the days – you don’t get the full context of the story just by listening to the work, you need to also read the description / setting details (it’s also really nice that they included the script, unlike a lot of other circles). Asagi Shiki did a great job making her character lovable, so much so that I felt like this 2 hour work was too short after finishing it (there was a lot of effort put into the editing and sound effects too). PixelPlanet shows a lot of promise as an up-and-coming circle, and I definitely encourage you to give them a try if any works interest you; though I do have a slight problem with how they drum up release sales by attaching a limited-time purchase bonus with an extra illustration + free talk track. I don’t mind the illustration bonus that much, but free talk should always be a part of the package because it gives good insight to things such as how the VA tried to portray their character, and they’re generally just fun to listen to.
>Previous Thread’s Shared Works
RJ01166082 (mp3 only): https://mega.nz/file/1RRGmagK#JXd1YjWhtG1V4jpNlaWE3CatO7lFuRQeWyOvUt4EjAA
I need more works like RJ01168990 and Tsubamate's works in general, they ruined most of the other stuff for me
I will miss the voice thread with a yuri work illustration as the cover :(
I'm pretty new to this and still trying to find the type of stuff I really like. Is there a consensus on the best, the classics or something similar?
If not, what would you guys say are your personal favorites?
I'm open to anything, just wanna try a lot of stuff out
I speak for the whole thread, and I'll say that RJ302810 is the best voice work ever made.
Old works from circle_delusion
His older ones aren't really sex-oriented, they just happen to have sex in them. Though he stopped doing that after a while.
>Open PixIV to read fanfictions
>Pick a random one
>Huh, this guy's writting style is kinda familiar. He also really into 媚び and breeding too
>It's the guy who write scripts for 宙果てスタジオ
Small world
pretty tame and kind of cute for a Bicorn work
Oh yeah, more double ntrs from bicorn, extremely based
Damn I love the works from that circle, the scripts are extremely lewd.
I wasn't aware of short stories like that being on Pixiv.
the [real experience] ones?
Depends on your fetishes - Into anything in particular? Personally, I was never into guided masturbation / JOI stuff, until I stumbled upon that genre of H-Voice stuff. Now it's my go to
I'm okay with JOI. I like micchaku whispers and older sister/step sister, not much besides that.
Like I'm said, I'm open to anything
RJ304908 is a classic of sorts (older step-sister)

RJ300204 and pretty much all of tegurayuki's earlier stuff as a "classic" status. His newer stuff isn't bad, but it the effort and creativity seems lower.

RJ01065422 and the other works in that series are good (though strangely elaborate) JOI - I like most of the stuff by this circle
I'll check the first one out later today when I get home and the other ones over the week, thanks!
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probably this RJ01087451. I haven't finished it but it's quite unique for me, there is one normal track following the story and one sex track with her roleplaying. The twist is at the end as usual.
RJ01107806 or any other Kokko masterpieces
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RJ304928 and the rest of the series
>If not, what would you guys say are your personal favorites?
RJ311959 / RJ352534
I see you're a man of taste.
So there's no workaround yet for buying stuff from DLsite?
You can still buy points through paypal.
this probably gets asked all the time here but,
are there any ways the translate that aren't dogshit. I used youtube for a whileby uploading videos privately but my account got nuked
Someone mentioned Whisper in an earlier thread. You can either transcribe JP and throw it into some MTL or transcribe to EN directly (it can will translate itself).
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kinda a coomer thought, but these Blue Archive AI videos got me wondering if AI has advanced enough to have a whole voice work replaced with any character voice of my own choice (if they have their own voice models). Is it possible? I just want my oshi to whisper sweet love to me
There were some people that advertise that shit here months ago i think, so it might be possible though i don't have any leads on how to do it
>If not, what would you guys say are your personal favorites?
>little sister becomes your girlfriend part 1 and 2
>lost in a blizzard, find inn with cute girl(s) and have sex
>JK time stop but a succubus is involved
>king (You) are a massive horndog, offer a mountain of gold to any woman that can show (You) new and exciting ways to indulge in pleasure
>stay at home date with your big titty hakata dialect speaking girlfriend
>JK tells (You) to wear a condom
>(You) don't wear the condom and cum inside her anyways
>ends up liking it
>head spa day becomes get your dick wet day too
>2nd voice work I ever listened to
>JK maid cleans your room and makes a mess with your dick
>first work I ever listened to. Comes in [Engrish] and [Japanese] flavors. non-erotic
If you end up liking RJ290504 I'd recommend RJ336323 and RJ401950. Similar scenario, same scriptwriter, same VA, same artist.
I've seen people training voice AIs on Youtube using a bunch of samples, it's probably doable.
Anyone knows if there is version with subtitles or a txt of RJ296821 ? Its my GOAT asmr
RJ289569 is pretty good, involves you consensually sleep raping a girl who periodically wakes up. wish there was some kissing and hug Foley sounds but it was made in le olden times so the only sfx is some guy jerking off into a Tenga
>it's been months and nobody's uploaded RJ01131617 or RJ01154798
chikubibros it's over...
>chikubibros it's over...
Any work similar to RJ402456? tis was epic and nice and had some story
Hinata Yuka love
Megami Soft
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Is she correct?
all the recent works censoring words like saimin due to american payment processor shenanigans on dlsite is going to ruin so many keyword searches in ways i will never fully grasp
>English included
>It's just a txt file that's MTL
>"oh your ARM is so big..."
Makes me sad knowing I'm missing out on so much stuff.
there has to be a way...
any voice actor apart from Illya's doing r-18?
There's some of them but usually just on eroges
I checked out of curiosity and
>type "saimin"
>get a mix of English censored "Hypn*tic", "saimin", "催○" and "催眠" results in the titles
>type "催眠"
>type "催○"
>type "Hypn*sis
>all no results
dlsite please.
Any netori work with inner monologue?
you could always look into making your own if you dont mind a small cost you could look at using the APIs of the bigger GPTs using:
or you could just translate it yourself using whisper but you will need a a nvidia card with at least 12gb of ram:
>or you could just translate it yourself using whisper but you will need a a nvidia card with at least 12gb of ram:
Or just use a fork. Whisper-faster works great on my good old 1050Ti with only 4GB of VRAM
which model are you using with that? maybe its gotten better but before I feel like the smaller models really dropped in quality when it came to japanese.
Just the default medium model. For some reason this fork doesn't hallucinate like vanilla whisper, even on my low end hardware, and the results are surprisingly accurate for the most part. If you're disappointed with vanilla whisper, I'd definitely recommend giving this one a go.
I'll give it a shot, but how accurate can it really be? Thanks though, Anon.
not that anon but even with vanilla whisper with medium model you can get acceptable results out of it. I only have to guess the translation 20% of the time because you still have to use Google or DeepL for it (or do you have better alternatives?). But for maximum result, try splitting L/R the audio first if it has simultaneous voices overlapping and try using the No SE audio files. pretty easy to do.
on a side note, yesterday I tried to export whisper's result as .vtt files, import it into asmr one and turned on website translation in chrome mobile. by far I can get real-time subtitles by doing that whenever I use the site.
It looks like it's dlsite themselves doing it, they've gone back and scrubbed words like loli and mesugaki from the titles of everything ever released.
do they realize the pedos running the credit cards won't care unless they just scrub the content outright?
are they retarded?
it's basically unusable now
their statement is that they've temporarily suspended mastercard and visa's use, so i doubt they've completely given up on trying to find a way into compliance without just straight up nuking their catalog. it's really annoying though, it reminds me of trying to find eroge videos on pornhub a few years before the purge, and games like violated heroine just turning up 0 despite results despite the videos being on the site due to terms like "violated" being NG to the search engine
obviously the notice from them said "you are no longer allowed content tagged with ..."

So once all the tags are changed, dlsite is in full compliance, and the CC companies can proudly announce to their investors what a good girl they are.
Maybe dlsite should try to split works into 3 sites (1 more than now):
>all ages
>R18 Extreme(or questionable or whatever)
And only allow visa/mc users to buy from the first 2.
Maybe also block all IPs outside of asia to even see the last one.
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what an absolute clusterfuck, the search engine is basically useless
In a month I'll be getting voice works tagged "meanie" and "kinda small but in a totally chill way trust me bro"
In a month everyone not in japan, china, korea and SEA, will be blocked from even browsing the site thanks to californian homos.
As always, english translation was a mistake
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Forgive me, my beloved. I... ate your pudding.
I have eaten
the pudding
that was in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
it was delicious
so sweet
and so cold
No... Anon, why?

Even with the hiccups and weird issues, it works pretty well. Going from understanding 0%, to more or less 60-75% is a huge step, so I'm thankful to anon. I'll be excited to see how it evolves in even a year or two.
my dream voice work is one where you hypnotize a loli into pure love play that's mostly non sexual except occassionally they break out and you push them down and rape them and then hypnotize them again
Whisper's translation is always kinda iffy, so I usually just grab the transcript and let GPT handle the translation. Even the free/cheap GPT3.5 should be good enough to get you to 85-90%.
Hot >.<
Does downer mean girls like Ayanami Rei?
Is there a truly free GPT translator?
anthropic API gives you an initial $5 and cost for an hour of audio translation is about $0.015 so it should last a while.
not sure how the api for openai is these days but it used to give you $18 of free credit and using gpt4 its about $0.5 an hour while gpt3.5 is $0.01.
thats pretty much free at least until the credits run out/expire.
You gotta jailbreak it, because nasty, icky sex words are a big no-no, now.
Why do midori horokusa's works sell so well
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it's complicated, downer-kei is a recent term so characters like ayanami rei or yuki nagato predate it by over a decade and fall into categories like mukuchi-kei that's seen as a precursor to downer-kei rather than an equivalent
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however, if you look around online, you will find japs that would consider characters like ayanami rei and yuki nagato as the original downer-kei characters
So girls with tism but hot
Anons who've learned japanese, how did you do it? I was planning on following the /int/ guide, but seemed like that was for learning jap as a whole, writing and reading and all, and would take a lot if effort and time, but I only want to learn how to understand spoken words for asmr's.

Alrernatively wait for the whisper translation stuff to get more advanced I guess, but there's probably a difference in experience when you understand it yourself
Tsubame mama...
>Anons who've learned japanese, how did you do it?
I didn't. I've been learning it on and off for over 10 years and I feel like I haven't progressed at all in the last 5.
Spent three months in japan on an exchange program, that was a hell of a crash course.
>using an erotic anime girl chatbot to translate lines for me while she comments on how lewd they are, and chastising me for reading this kind of stuff
>Her translations seem really on the mark thanks to Claude
I love the future!
first you have to accept it's going to take more than a year of your life to do and you will want to just quit at some point. if you do quit, inevitably in the future you'll just end up regretting it and wishing you hadn't since you'd be fluent by now if past you had stuck with it. so do your future self a favor and stick with it.
learn your kana, find a grammar guide and read it and google grammar you don't understand or ask chatgpt to explain it to you afterwards when you encounter sentences you can't comprehend, don't bother with 2k6k. that just gives you an excuse to hold off on immersing for far longer than you should, do a deck like core 2.3k instead since it's just a little under 2,000 words frequently used in weeb media. and finally immerse, immerse, immerse, immerse, and most importantly of all: immerse. the longer you hold off on immersion, the longer you're going to be stuck on the beginners plateau without any real progress. look up a tutorial for quickly mining anki cards from anime or VNs on youtube, making your own cards will be the most relevant vocabulary of all to you since it comes directly from the type of content you're consuming.
in a year from now you should understand 80~90% of the shit that's going on in these works. it's not fluency, but a lot better than where you're currently at.

useful resources
japanese subtitles for anime
difficulty ranking for japanese media when you immerse
popup dictionary for quick lookups. yomichan will stop working when google depreciates manifestV2, so yomitan is a manifestV3 fork of it
manga with hoverable text for use with popup dictionary
my path was like this:
>realkana.com for a week
>tae kim for about a month
>genki books because tae kim is a great starter but felt like it went by too fast glossing over most grammar (this was like 10 years ago. I think tae kim added a lot more examples recently)
>start reading manga with furigana (ie.: yotsuba&)
after a while I could already understand 80%~ of voice works
Back then I did not use anki, but I'd recommend it now, however DO NOT use pre-made decks, create your own and add the words you see in manga.
>Kisses with Yuka but it's ntr report
Too bad the guchi plot is trash
>ii-ko nano ni...
god i get so hard
i want to force a jc to lick my ears while giving me a thighjob so much it's unreal

ero-audios are good too i guess
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>finally learned enough Japanese to understand common speech
>all the works I want to listen to are Okinawan dialect
2 nukes weren't enough.
You don't need much if all you want is for hentai/porn/voice works. Use the hentai anki desk in the OP for common words, pick up some grammar, and you're good to go.
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For shiko-shiko works (a special type of JOI), RJ163216 is my old favorite. The rest of the series are good, too. This kind of works are easy to get into since can, mostly, jerk off to the beat without caring much about the "story".
These is a pool, too. You can also search the other pools to see what people like or more niche genres.
Just popping back into the thread to thank you for sending me in the right direction, Anon. Using Whisper and SillyTavern I managed to subtitle an hour+ of audio for myself, and it didn't even take that long either. You set me on the path, now I can enjoy the catalogue. I'm gonna try a series with two girls.
Can you link some of the works/circles? I'm always looking out for more dialect works.
>if you do quit, inevitably in the future you'll just end up regretting it and wishing you hadn't since you'd be fluent by now
Man, this happened to me: I was pretty consistent last year until summer came, then words piled up and motivation went away. I regret not coming back earlier.... Is there a way to get back on track without feeling like you want to die looking at all those words? I've been trying filtered decks for the moment
Also, just learned about yomitan, can you export the settings from yomichan and import them there?
exporting is simple since it's all the same code for the most part
Any concepts like RJ01172415 where being a male is really rare?
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Best NTR report ever.
is there an anki deck with common words/phrases used in dlsite audio sex works?
i can grasp what is happening based on context but would actually like to know more words and i'm too lazy to learn the entire language.
read the guide in OP, retard.
Also learning words in vacuum like that is a bad idea. Just make your own deck and mine from h-manga, eroge erovoice, etc.
Don't use yomitan. It's tranny shit. Use Rikaitan instead.

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> how did you do it?
see pic
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found it, thanks.

past me had apparently stumbled upon the same deck 2 years ago somehow (filenames aren't an exact match but the size/contents appear identical.
doesn't bode well that i'd already given up once, but i'll start using it again!
what are some of the best oral works? not just slurping sounds but gagging sounds and grunting as well
I was shitposting.
don't believe anything tatsumoto says.
Who's tatsumoto and why're they not trustworthy?
Tatsumoto is the best Japanese language guide out there.
The DJT guide is good.

DONT just try to learn to listen. Japanese (and most languages) makes way ore sense when combined with the written language. Eventually you'll get to the point where you'll hear words you've never heard, but, because you know the kanji pronunciations, you can pretty much guess what it means. (You do this in English without thinking about it whenever someone makes up a word or some weird slang)
>the way one girl suddenly breathed roughly when she first met the bull
that’s hot
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This moeway guy doesn't know English or Japanese. He's an ESL who spends all day spamming his poorly written "guide" on 4chan so that people give him money on Patreon. Pretty pathetic.
If you want to learn Japanese, follow people who actually know jack shit when it comes to learning a foreign language. Tatsumoto's guide to Japanese is among them.
My IEMs finally broke anyone have any recommendations? The ones I have are from Linsoul.
IEM thread in /g/ is better place for this.
I use the Blessing 2 but like the other guy said do your research
i dont know "immerse" means
Fundamentally all these guides are the same. Do Anki, immerse, i+1, repeat. Does Tatsumoto call you a good boy when you're done gagging on his cock?
>finally listened to a few tracks of RJ01168990
>tfw no Tsubame OL giri-onee-san to gently gaslight you into being her sex slave.
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he's just some shill that has a bot spam his site any time someone mentions learning japanese or something.
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>found a circle that hits almost all my fetishes
>last release was Christmas last year
Who has the best gamer voice?
Send it to lilim
Post it
RJ01167113 Was super good.

There is a part where you upload a picture of your dick after signing away your human rights by pressing checkboxes on a google form with your tongue was really pushing the boundary of what's possible in an audio work format.

The english version was not really edited well but I appreciate the fact they even included one.
Man I love these works where they train you to "avoid" becoming a masochist in a thinly veiled plot to corrupt you. Cliche but hot every time
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I found 2 more untagged dialect works yesterday.
RJ243986 - Nagasaki-ben stepsister, mostly massages/ear cleaning, but also has one sex track.
RJ215843 (pic related) - Chita-ben childhood friend, R15. Good ear cleaning sounds so I'll be listening again.
now we just need to do something about the ohobros
yea, it's completely useless. I just scroll through the titles on animesharing now and look for something without an AI cover. feel bad for anyone just starting to learn jp since I couldn't read any maru'd words when I was first starting out.
is this from clicking the tag or from copying the tag and searching it?
searching, i'm more concerned about keyword searches since some of the things i look for aren't tags, but will still be in the description of the work, like level drain for example.
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kaedebros... is it over?
I was listening to RJ01170416 while playing mahjong and ended jizzing in my pants in track 4... its over
any tag or keyword to detect fake ntr reports?
>while playing mahjong
Based. It really is the best activity to do while listening to voice works.
There really isn't. But I guess "sometimes " they would say it's ごっこ.
don't forget
you can play mahjong while listening to mahjong
lmao time to do that
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I listened to that one as soon as it was released!
I remember it being fun, but other than that scene where a girl sucks you off to distract distract I don't recall any other detail.
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she's really good, my type of voice. I tried one of her ntr works for the first time and it was one of the fattest nuts I've had. Although the psychological damage was much fatter. any other VAs like her?
>kissu ageru
>chu chu
>muah muah
every fucking time, just give me the nice soft chu chu's and stop swallowing my fucking face, you strumpet
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Others like this? Where you're bound and wrung dry to the point of dry orgasm? Bonus points for the girl doing it more for her own interest/curiosity.
"pyu pyu pyu~... pyu... pyu pyu...!"
There's no better sound, holy shit.
The voregod is calling you, anon.
some nigga put 36tb on nyaa lmfao
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Recs for NTR where the girl withholds kissing but eventually gives it up? Really enjoyed pic related
Holyshit someone finally did it
RJ01148813 God damn hot whispers. Too bad that the only fake ntr was the work itself since the plot wasn't what I expected it to be
works where you're teased for wanting to rape the speaker/a girl? bonus if they go into calling your a criminal pervert who's into cunny
my memory's kinda vague but this is the closest I could think
>2-part NTR report by a third party
so good
Stop listening to NTR
Never stop listening to NTR
Stop listening. Become a free soul.
inshallahu brother by the prophet may you be blessed with 72 wives in the afterlife sadamalashaluishaihsallahu
I like the NTR reports where they talk over the sounds of them being fucked (like a video of it) instead of just recreating the sounds in person. Extra plus plus points if they say they still love me. It feels kind of rare to find NTR or NTS works like that sadly.
Hammer Time
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What about reverse NTR?
Listened to RJ01099391 recently and it was quite nice
RJ343711 should also fit
RJ01104844 is one of the greatest things I've ever listened to.
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I stopped listening when I couldn't feel shit to ear licking. Nowadays, I use voice works as a background noise when reading NTR L°li Sa!m!n.
>There's no better sound, holy shit.
There indeed isn't.
pyu... pyu.... is best enjoyed when she's borderline whispering.. Gets me hard every time.
That work was great, I really like the last main track where she did that post NTR-mindbreak cartoonish mooing until she couldn't handle it anymore and broke into laughter.
That part was amazing
>Haaaaaaaaa~ hoh~
>pyu, pyu, pyu...
>pyu, pyu, pyu...
>* three_spoonfuls_of_mayonnaise_hitting_the_floor.mp3*
>She ends by giggles
I must... coom.
me too, I love this type of immorality where they abuse their positions to fuck you. Probably why I fancy the teacher setting too. I should put all these works in the same folder at some point, always very hot stuff
1150353 was pretty good.
>Audio of her rimming the guy
>Says she can't do it for you because it isn't something a loving couple does
>'Recreates it' by licking your ear
>Then by kissing you, saying it's exactly how she rimmed him
>Ends by saying now that you're so worked up you can spend the night fucking her

It's a shame they had to go a little overboard at the very end. Could have at least let the poor guy put a baby in her. Oh well.
I took the Japanese 101 at community college for like $250, obviously it's incredibly limited in scope but even so I recently spent 3 weeks in Japan and it was quite valuable. Limited as my knowledge is I was still able to have rudimentary conversations and ask simple questions and mostly understand the response. The biggest thing for me was having to actually be at class at a certain time and having homework forces you to actually study and learn, without it motivation is hard personally. I was going to take the 102 course until I found out it's all online and there's only like 4 sessions where the teacher actually holds a lesson. I'm not going to pay more for what's effectively self study anyway.
Well now, I've been meaning to listen to the remaining 2 tracks...
this was kino, are there any other ntr reports like this one with rimming? i think i just got a new fetish bros
I've jerked off to that one over at least 10 times already. It's amazing.
You almost might like RJ01116661. Two sisters who are in competition from the protagonist but both fall for a jock upperclassman. Each has a track where they comment on how the other is being fucked. One is a sweet, soft-spoken type, the other is sporty and blunt.

It's no match for the one I posted though, I'm struggling to find one on it's level.
this, but also I like them recreating the sounds in person, sort of in a mocking way or to push you over the edge. Any works like that?
The concept sounds good, how shit is the English editing? I'm guessing it doesn't even have timecodes.
are there any NTR reports where you get cucked by someone that isn't an ultra-rich, chad gigacock? seems like it would hurt way worse if someone with a smaller cock stole your gf.
I recently listened to RJ358255. It was good, your girlfriend netorases you with a shota. The last couple of tracks weren't my cup of tea though because the shota actually gets voiced
It was alright but it kinda felt like I completely lost them in the end. Like neither of them really loved me at all at the end of both branches.
If it's NTR kino, then you can't beat Nogami Natsuki's RJ332398. The track where she bring back the condom and gokkun it in front of you is amazing
Wish more works treated me like that...
Like what?
I've heard that one, pretty good with both girls whispering simultaneously into your ears. My personal favourite NTR/S work is still RJ378121, only an hour long but excellent verbal abuse and sound design.
this is the first time I've talked to other people into this hobby but are most of you masochists?
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>very passive activity
>good to stay still and let a domme orders you around
Yeah, that's a recipe of masochism right here.
Sadism should be more active than that, so someone better make VR works.
You think finding Fake NTR is hard? Try searching for non-NTR pure vanilla lovey-dovey works with (yours) wife heroine. See how much acceptance you get from the "tolerant" Japanese.
I actually prefer works with オス煽り
This circle's entire library basically: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/circle/profile/=/maker_id/RG41171.html

If I can't have the above, I'd rather get lovey-dovey works, irl already kicks me in the balls enough I don't need it in fiction.
it's fiction, isn't it all fake ntr?
I like when the heroine teases and says mean stuff to me.
If that makes me a M, then yes
>look for kiss + moan content
>look inside
>ear licking/eating
bonus points if the mic is clipping
There's a new Ankoku Azumaya NTS work out. It remains NTS until the end which is pretty nice.
Fairly new too this as well. Knew my kink was yandere going into it. I think RJ287268 is considered the classic for it.
I really dont like .opus. everything sounds like its cutting in and out and most my programs wont even recognize it
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Does any one know of any interactive H-voice titles? I know b-bshop has a few and theres a handful of others floating around dlsite but im craving more, has any one checked steam maybe? I feel there's a lot of uncharted potential with the concept.
RJ01178455, when I listened to the samples her voice reminded me slightly of Hanazawa Kana.
>See one I might like
>Download it
>Get to work translating it
>It's actually really mundane and boring
>Just wasted 1-2 hours on it instead of having a 5 minute wank
Feels bad.
Was gonna list a few, but some jap already did the work for me. Have a blast.
072 LABO does a lot of those
You meant the "game style" things?
>1-2 hours translating
bro, are you using mtl or something?
That was really good.
Does anyone have a torrent of the qpstudio stuff? I can find the audio, but I can't find the software they use

I know you guys don't like tegra, i know you guys don't like Kaede doing JK for the millionth fucking time but this one is good, i swear.
I'm willing to try it if it doesn't have a cicada glued to your eardrum the entire time.
Ah~~, there's nothing like Korisu calling me a maso-pervert lolicon.
Yeah. I run it through GPT.
Took them 4 years to make a sequel for this series, it was some people first tegras
I like Kaede when she whispers or is soft spoken + femdom. Her high pitched voice is grating af
I really only like/know of Misonoo Mei and Chiwa Saito. Are there any good ones with them? Prefer milfs though anything goes
any tips for those?
could have saved yourself some trouble once you realized you can spend like 3 months studying Japanese and never have to do this again
Not him, but RJ374018 is one of her best works.
>i know you guys don't like Kaede doing JK for the millionth fucking time
You should've stopped at Kaede
Seconding RJ01167113. Haven't listened to this circle before but definitely going to track more of their stuff down.
i don't know what you mean by that but i'd give it a try. i think Kaede's best when she's sucking your face in
This shit has ruined me irreversibly, I can't listen to certain japanese voices without getting a boner.
General question. Do you typical listen with or without the sound effects if given the option?
I listen with SFX, usually it adds to the experience or it conveys certain actions, though I have opted for NoSE when the SFX really distracts me but that mostly happened in the past.
My go-to circles now do a good job with their SFX.
Normally SE, but somehow I prefer NoSE for NTR reports
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Anyone ever found RJ01044842 in the wild, idk how almost everything on dlsite gets on the usual sites but this one is like trying to spot a unicorn.
In the past I wasn't even listening to works that don't have SE although the work is really good.
I like this feeling that the heroine controls the speed/intensity of the deed

>somehow I prefer NoSE for NTR reports
Can you elaborate on why?
They should mix up the cicadas buzzing in your ears SFX with the sound of Kaede eating cicadas in your ears.
Gee anon, I wonder why

it's free on yt sans 2min miminame part
depends on the work, if its asmr/relaxing/dialog focused then nosfx is fine or better.
otherwise, sfx adds a lot to the immersion that can't be done with voice alone.

but also, each circle have its own way of doing sfx, and while the quality went up a lot in the past ~3 years, I find that, for example, just having a fixed piston sound isn't enough for me anymore.
I came just imagining this
I do. I need my loud plaplap sounds.
>newest circle delusion
>still doesnt have godly earlicking like yasuda's
I guess I'll just accept nothing will be as good as that
Not sure if KU100 is a gold standard or every circle is using it because 'everyone use it'.
Any shimaidon work where one sibling lures the other into having sex?
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The future you wanted.
If track 8 isn't just 16 minutes and 48 seconds of someone shouting "OOOOOOOOOO" I'm going to be highly dissapointed.
Are there any working ways to generate high speed Baidu DDL links now? Looks like my previous methods have been shut down in one way or another. I don't feel like spinning up a VM for slow as snails downloads
Fuck payment processors
what happened?
Boomers at Visa and MasterCard decided that no-no words are bad™ so dlsite had to censor the words to make those boomers happy.
[spoiler]they wasn't happy.[/spoiler]
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any voiceworks (sfw preferred) with character like Yoriko Readman from Read or Die? need healing from introverted bookwork megane girl so bad right now.
>sfw preferred
What's even the fucking point then??
too tired to goon i just wanna sleep. yeah i know this is /h/ but then again this is one of the very few voiceworks thread in this website aside from the one at /t/
>train my nipples so I can enjoy more works where it gets boring and they just repeat kari kari over and over
>it still doesn't feel good enough

>mic pops you
>peaks your microphone
it's the gold standard
I'm fairly certain men's nipples are far less sensitive than women's nipples. I used to be able to cum with just my nipples, but I think they've lost their sensitivity over time
you can make them sensitive with needles and pinching
fuck you anon
you ruin me for everything else
I'll end up comparing any other NTR report to RJ332398 and never find anything to match it
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Any recommendations of voice works with good moans/panting? Bonus point if the girl is extra sensitive.

Listened to RJ01065777 recently and it was great. Her voice is extremely cute and how she she cums easily is pretty hot. RJ01060148 is pretty similar to it.

Some others for reference:
RJ01158066 (girls eventually get horny and cant win against dick, perfect)
RJ01029465 (I like the oho voice here)
RJ316357 (moan-focused work, but a bit weak in other aspects)
RJ307977 (classic tegurayuki)
>Oh boy, new Kohaku w-

You'd think DLSite would have implemented a partial download method by now so people can just download the version they want, that would save bandwidth usage on their end as well. Everyone wins.
This might be a hot take but I use mp3 for all my voice works. It just saves so much space and I've never noticed a difference
Enjoy your rotational velocidensity.
any good works like pic rel where there's not much exposition infodump and get right into the business?
Add prostate stimulation to the mix. It will feel way better.
>not much exposition infodump and get right into the business?
So you're looking for shit works, tegra is that way sire
Did you try the others from that circle?
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gimme some mahou shoujo works, preferably ones that DON'T involve rape, corruption or tentacles, i.e. the more wholesome the better!
Then I have to shave and alter my diet and buy toys
Too much work
Man...I miss C_Realization, even their ridiculous filesizes and long works...
Also the way the earlicking was recorded was nice, instead of noodleslurping it was more like the tongue getting in so deep it was like licking your brains.
I'm praying for the revival of that circle. Also I wish there were more voiceworks featuing 鳴瀬なごみ she's way too good in RJ386459.

Anyone else here with a beloved dead circle with "that one" work or CV you wish there was more of?
Any yuri voiceworks where (You) are the girl?
Pretty much all of yubi no tacto, except their latest few works where both girls are voiced (Yuck!)
In addition to the already mentioned ユビノタクト (which I also greatly recommend), check also circles プルシアン ブルー, なつこん and まなづる屋 ℃-use.

>except their latest few works where both girls are voiced (Yuck!)

Those still come with a version where only one of the girl is voiced.
You don't have to shave nor do you have to alter your diet. I listened to something this morning with my Aneros in. I had a couple dozen orgasms probably. Or was it one big drawn out orgasm? Well worth the $60 I spent on it 5 years ago.
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When she told me to bark like a dog I actually did it. I think it unlocked something in me. I've always had a submissive side but I didn't think I liked humiliation.
implicit worldbuilding is the sign of a good writer
thoughts on 弐珠司 ?
that's my old time fav. I'd also recommend RJ318161 and it's sequel
does anyone have RJ01183026?
Is there any way to get the limited time bonus stuff some products offer after the period they we're offered? I'm already guessing not unless someone bought and shared it in that period , but I figured I'd ask anyway.
i only ever translated one work so he's probably going to be fine going forward
with. if it sucks with the sound effects then the work isn't going to be good by listening to it without them.
lol fuck
Eh, I liked one of their works when the girl not-so-secretly recorded your sex scene with her and then sent the tape as the bonus track. That was great post-listen content.
I like it when they start doing English dirty talk. Any recommendations?
I like how ilya becomes the symbol for magical girl porn
That's a really cool concept. Has anyone heard something like that from another work or circle?

her VA does lewd audio works after all
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Kino Netorase again
This is the 4th work already
It's pretty based that they make sure to keep it as netorase only
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How is there not a single time you get to perform anal sex on a girl in the White Pink's Mama series is beyond me. It's either you get fucked in the ass or if there's a second female that they'll get fucked in the ass by the other girl.
Anal sex is gay and you are gay.
I'm not gay, I just fantasize about women and traps raping me
Damn, that's impressive dedication.
What kind?
works where u cum from kissing?
RJ01185767 (track 2, TBD)
RJ01178292 (TBD)
RJ01166551 (track 19)
RJ01150353 (track 2)
RJ01122095 (track 5, 6)
RJ01122057 (track 2, 4, 6, 8)
RJ01117985 (track 3, 4, 5)
RJ01116661 (track 8, 11)
RJ01102959 (track 8-1, 8-2)
RJ01102163 (track 3, 4, 5, 6
RJ01075206 (track 6)
RJ01062077 (track 4, 5)
RJ01060125 (track 5, 7)
RJ01029949 (track 4, 8)
RJ431322 (track 3, 4)
RJ399207 (track 8)
RJ397606 (track 4)
RJ378121 (track 3)
RJ362388 (track 3, 5)
RJ353481 (track 5, 7)
RJ347360 (track 6)
RJ332703 (track 3, 5)
RJ332398 (track 4)
RJ328491 (track 4)
RJ326161 (track 1, 4)
RJ299746 (track 5)
RJ284318 (track 5-1, 5-2, 8-1)
RJ283441 (track 4)

Not all reports but this is the list I have
Not exactly what you're looking for since it's not the SO that's talking over a recording, but I thought I'd mention RJ340693 anyway since a third party talking over the recording is also a pretty nice version of that niche.
I like the report recommendations but where are berochuu bros?
Why are Kaede Akino's burps so hot? How does she do it?
Best example is Vasco da Gama
This list is amazing. Thank you so much!
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RJ01154585 is fucking amazing as far as NTR report goes. Why did it flop?
Source? RJ?
Works similiar to the 僕を嫌い series by schildkröte? I just want someone that really despises me give me some nice ear licking.
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杏子御津, she's done several under this alias. I recommend RJ401125, but there are also some with brainwashing / hypnosis.
Is there a good searchable term for "hate sex" with these works?
For me I don't like when there's no indication that mc shiko shikos to the story
The report can be amazing but that's too big of a gap for the immersion
I like NTR reports better when the girl also handjobs and chikubizemes me. Shiko shiko is shit, but I guess barely better than nothing
For me, it's her MSOT series
Holy shit those were Ilya's VA? Small world...
Yep, she's done truckloads of eroge.
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after almost a year, mizunochou is back
Almost always SFX on, i like to follow along the audio
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RJ315449 for tomboy maid coercion
I sure do wish someone would update these HVDB pools though https://hvdb.me/Dashboard/PoolWorks/331
Your fetish seems to be catching on, Anon, congrats.
Apparently they're making a series of size-difference voice works, starting with:

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