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Man they really did a number to all Japanese adult storefronts out there
What's left:
>dmm (I think only Visa works, MC dropped months ago)
>some stores owned by hentai studios like a1c (Poro, Majin, etc.), Anipha (Lune, T-Rex)
Fanbox dropped Paypal.
Fantia also dropped Paypal. You need to use 3rd party website with inflated price to buy their own currency
Skeb dropped Paypal
Digiket ???
Getchu is Japan Only
DMM is also Japan Only
Pink Pineapple just dropped credit card support a while ago.
I don't think Fantia ever had paypal support, been using it for years.
It has, though otakumode https://otakumode.com/shop/6440d43e9eda33001de1b98a/TORA-COIN-Fantia-COIN
Meant for >>7930712
That's different, that's a third party site selling its digital currency at an inflated price.
Tora coin is always sold at inflated price. The only Point that has 1pts = 1jpy is DLpay
Fuck otakumode not only they insanely overpriced you also have to subscribe to their shitty tom premium for less overpriced but still massively overpriced rates (that $63 dollar for 10000 points is only for first purchase after that it's $80)
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Toracoin is confused as fuck. They dont separate this
DMM supports Amex, the problem is for how long.
Also, paypal and amex are private companies. forcing them to do business with entities they don't want to is against freedom of association. as such, those adult companies either have to make their own purchasing platforms or credit cards or partner with those payment facilities that will be okay with adult sites.
I don't really understand why japanese drawings get targeted but western pornsites and stuff like OF are able to use those payment processors just fine.
You guys say it's a purity crusade but it seems mighty selective is all
Fanbox purged a lot of artists, Fantia I think it's a matter of time, both content and credit card issues.
I don't get it either, real porn is known to be a shady and dangerous business, if anything, this kind of material should be encouraged.
You cant even access DMM in USA without VPN. DMM goes full Japanese before late 1800s
Well, like you said, use a VPN, you shouldn't have any issues with a Amex, JCB or DIner's Club (Discover) card.
I'm honestly surprised porn companies haven't gotten together to make their own payment system yet.
Melonbooks is also fucked in several countries
Can't access without VPN
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Any good theories as to why this happens?
I've heard
Visa and Mastercard are big boys, they can tell Larry Fink to go fuck himself.
>Too many chargebacks
So create a special category for porno with higher merchant fees, or a special transaction type that isn't eligible for chargebacks, or both. If cost is the problem then price fixes it.
>Lobbying by prudes
Might move the needle on the margin, but IMO this is barely worth mentioning, big business cares about $$$ and no other group of whiners is forcing the big players to change their practices.
>reputational risk
This is twofold, being associated with skeezy shit earning them bad PR, and legal trouble for being involved in human trafficking and CP. Probably the former is a nothingburger, soccer moms don't care that their points card is also used by drug dealers. The latter might be the ticket, if governments get pissed they can levy fines and regulations that make the whole adult industry a net-loss at anything close to the price people are willing to pay.

But this still feels like its not enough, VISA and MCD aren't in the business of turning away business. Did I miss anything?
They havent filter their loliworks better. For example https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01155231.html This was on top sales for weeks before the ban. Some oldfags at mastercard will obviously mistook this as Pizza.
>So create a special category for porno with higher merchant fees
So then that gets charged to the customer, so people would end up not buying the product.

Yeah, I'd imagine someone who can't actually see well could mistake it.
I really have no idea how Credit card works.
How most pornsites get away with it anyway ??
>Freedom of association
Just pretend to be a protected class and sue, freedom of association is way weaker than twitter outrage.
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>Visa and Mastercard are big boys, they can tell Larry Fink to go fuck himself.
Really? Back when the Pornhub purge was happening in 2020 influential activist investor Bill ACKman asked the CEO of Mastercard to pull the plug on Pornhub, Visa then followed suit.
>growing interest in ethical, or ESG, investing
Ahh, so it IS about ESG bs
dropped PayPal or got dropped by PayPal?
It's crazy how people fearmong video game study mergers but monopolies like these just go unchecked.
Card companies should be classed as a utility if they're going to collude together and decide the public can't buy perfectly legal things with their own money.
the actual WTF is that we even still need card companies at all, like this shit was solved 50 years ago in europe and yet here we are still using fucking paper cheques like in the stone age
Japanese porn is too beautiful, that is their sin.
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Banks wouldn't be thrilled about partnering with a payment processor known for openly supporting porn, hence why porn sites or the few creator sites left that allow creative freedom haven't banded together. That being said, I still can't grasp why 2D porn gets the hammer on the internet yet all these ugly bitches from Only Fans or chaturbate can make cash unperturbed. I guess one side is just legally stronger than the other? I honestly don't know.
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Don't spoonfeed retards
500 points no longer exists
and why the fuck can't we just enter the amount of points we want
This is good, the less Japan focus in trying to pander to the westoids that hate them the better, japanese media should stay japanese
Japan is destroying america culturally nowadays, so of course americans will try to shit up their culture, just look at the state of japanese gaming industry where half of their AAA games are so westernized is not even funny
>I still can't grasp why 2D porn gets the hammer
Weaker lobby and a stronger prevalence of niche fetishes.
Things like bestiality, loli, rape or snuff are crimes when done in real, and frankly, most people who enjoy that stuff don't even want to see it IRL, because someone suffered (well, maybe excepting the bestiality crowd).
Basically all 3d porn is more or less vanilla by necessity and morals (even pretend rape and so on), but fictional stuff can get as sick as imagination allows.
Of course it's screwed up, not only does consuming content NOT lead to the real thing, fictional material is as safe as it can get. No shady backroom things or any amount of coercion, like it occassionally happens with 3d porn.
And even then it's basically a non-issue these days, with most porn being amateur and more transparent.
It's frankly dumb.
But rich people have always been like this.
What is the Quick Run Down on the payment processor dick sucking?
>Give us a solution to the problem
There's no realistic solution unless some rich madman makes his own international bank that enables free purchase of fictional degeneracy world-wide, but that ain't gonna happen.
Didnt Pornhub have similar issues?
They are using Paxum or some crypto friendly processor
have you tried using full caps for your name? worked for me
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They should/have to use monero XMR.
Its the only way
because a drawing of a fictional 17.999-year-old girl getting out of the shower is 1,000x worse than a real-world """18-year-old""" sex trafficking victim getting bukkake'd by random dudes
c'mon, this is the obvious truth, you should know it by now
If only there was a payment processor that could use cryptocurrency as an intermediary.

Basically, a user makes a purchase, but instead of going to the site directly, the money is used to purchase the equivalent amount in cryptocurrency. Said cryptocurrency is then deposited in a cryptowallet set up for the individual content creator on the site, who can then convert it back into cash.
Dlsite point is some kind of Cryptocurrency
Kodomo means child of any gender. Loli means female child and shota is male child.

You are so fucking bad at lying
>Banks wouldn't be thrilled about partnering with a payment processor

>I still can't grasp why 2D porn gets the hammer on the internet yet all these ugly bitches from Only Fans or chaturbate can make cash unperturbed.
Fakku/Irodori, OnlyFans and Chaturbate got close connections to Visa and Mastercard. They're American companies. They don't want competition by non-American companies.

Shouldn't be too difficult for you to figure out the rest.
Seems like this shit is also starting to affect furry artists as well: https://twitter.com/BunniesSide/status/1776267280030257384

We definetly could use them as allies to help fight back against this shit.
>Subscribestar, though that's mostly western.

He never mentioned Fakku.
>Hmm...this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else.

They only relying on cc
Why is so hard to just make a bank that accepts
Japanese porn purchases?
If folks want to draw it and others want to see it then there's no need for money to change hands is there?
>puritain conservatives like Bill Ackman

Ackman endorsed Michael Bloomberg as a prospective candidate for President of the United States in the 2016 presidential election.[99] He is a longtime donor to Democratic candidates and organizations, including Richard Blumenthal, Chuck Schumer, Robert Menendez, the Democratic National Committee, and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
I got around the dlsite visa ban by buying points and using them instead.
Can someone confirm if you can buy 500 dlsite points with this website ?

d l p a y . d l s i t e . c o m . t w
fucking filter
You're so fucking retarded
I miss r18 so much and i hate the fact my backup corrupted
Meh, we all pirate our stuff here anyways. The ones that don't are mindfucked cucks who believe that "support the artist" nonsense.
And where do the people you pirate it from get it retard?
the internet, obviously
Not just Japanese, pretty soon you won't be able to access adult content of any kind without going through hoops. Thanks burgers.
And people laughed at EU for trying to liberate itself from these burger monopolies.

Though the question remains if something better, or worse, will grow instead...
>if something better, or worse, will grow instead...
When was the last time something changed for the better or went in the side of more liberty? Every time something changes it's for the worst.
So.... Fantia starts, accepting Amex, JCB, and diners(Discover).
Have anyone tried prepaid debt card to see it works on Fantia?
I know there's prepaid card that is Amex and Discover out there somewhere....
Why doesn't japan make their own payment processor?
There is, its called JCB
They do. It's called JCB. There are also several "chargeable" payment cards/systems but I'm not sure if those can be used online.
Amazon jp has stopped non japanese accounts from viewing/purchasing adult items. It is also putting tranny rainbow flags on it's parcels lol.

But how do they even determine the "region" of an amazon japan account?
Do I really need to create a new account with a VPN just for that?
If you have ordered a parcel to your address outside of japan it gets flagged as being a foreign account. I spoke to an amazon jp support guy and he basically said it's a new policy and wouldn't go into details lol. I'm gonna make a new account with my vpn but i think they automatically put you as foreign when you need to put your cell number in and it's not japanese.
>Amazon jp has stopped non japanese accounts from viewing/purchasing adult items.
Good thing I stopped using these faggots
It's good for finding a few things here and there, but fuck them.. truly shitdick faggots.
ackman said he was open to endrosing someone like haley over biden
with lots of stuff ackman says he seems quite consrvative but obviously he's pro status quo and wants america to function normally so ofc he wont support trump a pro-russian canditate whose sole platform is to destroy america
>so ofc he wont support trump a pro-russian canditate whose sole platform is to destroy america

lol wat?
It's Plaza Accord 2.0: anime/manga edition.
It seems like Getchu is the latest victim of this shit: https://twitter.com/in_you_club/status/1781023989240074398
OF pushes western degeneracy which they love, so they obviously won't stop it.
Stealth /pol/ thread? You don’t say
Why act like that when it's pretty obvious well known interest groups are fucking with things we like? what are you a plant or something? beat it.
Yeah, they removed all of Aiue Oka OVAs from their website
What's next, big merchshops like amiami and stores that sell adult toys?
Yeah, those are next, definitely
Anyone had any issues with melon today? i have tried to preorder something but keep getting this message.."We're sorry, but some items were sold out just before you made your purchase. This procedure is no longer valid.".

The item was only listed for preorders earlier today and still says it's in stock, weird.
I thought using PayPal would allow me to at least buy points from DLSite and get an item that way
But I guess I’m dumb cause my debit card is Mastercard so it’s been pending for over 24 hours
Oh well, guess there’s just no way to use DLSite in the west now?
?? You can. You just dumb
I’m a retard ignore this. Somehow forgot to input 16 digit code wow
>Fanbox dropped Paypal
Not true, I was subbed to an artist on fb just this month.
>Any good theories
Hentai sites ruin the bottom line of 3dpd porn stes. It's that simple.
Sorry I'm late to the earlier talks and discussions. But let me get this straight, or tell me if I got all of this correct:

Companies, publishers, developers, IP holders and Estates that hold the rights of certain IPs or media. Can basically sumbong (tattletale or report in Filipino, sorry I wanted to bring that up) to the mods or admins of Patreon, Gumroad and Skeb AND the payment processors of "problematic" R34 artists making porn of their IPs and properties as potential sexual crimes bullshit? I do remember the root cause of the clampdown by the payment processor originated 2 or 3 years ago when OnlyFans and Pornhub hosted Cheese Pizza and actual videos of sexual violence and rapes, which then caused PayPal, Mastercard and Visa (the payment processors) to bail out of OnlyFans and or Pornhub for not wanting to be associated with actual sex crimes. To which then OnlyFans and Pornhub had to readjust their policies and try being more "safe for work" to appease the payment processors and also not get legally assfucked by Federal Law.

This then caused Patreon, Skeb, Pixiv, Gumroad and all the other art sites to also revaluate their policies and even tone down how much NSFW and porn they will allow in fear of also having the payment processors bail out on them. So now that turmoil can be utilized by the corpos, publishers and devs and all the IP holders and Estates who are not pleased with the countless amounts of porn of their property and media they own, is that what has been happening?
And even worse, all that censorship and nsfw crackdowns can be weaponized and utilized by individual normal sfw artists and other independent smaller time creators to target nsfw artists who made porn of their OCs, series and other works. To which they despise and hate because of it.

Because additionally back then, when corpos, publishers and any individual/independent SFW artists or creators see porn and general R34 of their characters, settings and works. They'd request or outright demand the porn and R34 be taken down and deleted or face legal consequences and troubles. Thing is neither the corpos or smaller individual artists who dislike or hate R34 of their OCs and series on the receiving end of some retards or NSFW artists' petty bullshit weren't able to do squat. Simple because there were no existing or technical laws or rules they could use against the nsfw R34 artists or horny retards they despise. Though the corpos and publishers (and maybe even the certain Estates) can use their legions of lawyers and legal teams to issue DMCAs and Cease and Desists against individual nsfw R34 artists in isolated and individual cases. While some individual and independent sfw vanilla artists and creators are rich and wealthy enough to also afford Lawsuits against the nsfw R34 artists they don't like. But even then lawsuits are expensive and the corpos, publishers and other artists avoided it altogether to avoid incurring the Steissand Effect.

But the recent changes spearheaded by the payment processors and even bigger and powerful corpos eliminate the need altogether to do so, though it could certainly go for the kill or add insult injury, on top of all the other damage, both corpos and SFW artists could do.
In other words, it's not only the big giant corpos, publishers, IP holders and Estates you have to worry about. The smaller time individual and independent sfw non-porno artists and creators are joining in and or weaponizing the ongoing NSFW crackdowns. All because some of the individual independent artists and creators out there simply dislike or hate that R34 of their sfw non-porno vanilla OCs and ongoing stories exists and that nsfw artists and horny retards make such things of their work. And back then, sfw vanilla artists and creators had no little to no choice but accept the fact that rule 34 exists and will be made of their OCs and settings. Much to their chagrin, whether they like it or not.

But now these days, thanks to the corpos, publishers and payment processors spearheading the nsfw and porn crackdowns. The seething individual sfw artists and creators can now tattletale to the payment processors, in which this and that nsfw R34 artist has made porn of their vanilla sfw OCs and series and they're possible badmen who harbor and make Cheese Pizza. To which they payment processors will tell the mods and admins of Patreon, Skeb, Pixiv, Gumroad, etc. to then effectively Shadow Ban the nsfw R34 artists, denying them of the payment and profits made from their horny art and commissions. (Because all of this porn purge also serves as Shadow Banning certain individuals, artists and creators that the corpos, publishers and other certain sfw vanilla artists do not like, right)

What a sad timeline we live. Let us pray and wish companies, publishers, sfw vanilla artists and IP holders or estates that hold the rights of certain IPs or media. D not come together to create a new definitive legal law that makes ANY fan made nsfw of copyright material and other IPs now illegal and criminalized because porn and R34 bad.

So did I get that right?
>Visa and Mastercard are big boys, they can tell Larry Fink to go fuck himself.
No they cannot, not sure if you realize how much shares they own and that's just on the surface. They're on the same bed together and both Visa/Mastercard and Vanguard/Blackrock are in the same team just pretending to be separate entities to fool the average mutt and whatever anti-monopoly laws out there.

The UK and Republican controlled US states are putting up mandatory government restrictions/age verification on porn sites. The latter gets worse if Trump comes in (Trump himself will be getting all the ladies he wants as a rich guy, it's the evangelical/right wing people actually running the campaign.)
The less we see americans in porn sites, the better.
You are obsessed with pushing the narrative that the evangelical right wing are the ones calling the shots. It's honestly quite concerning at this point.
It's a multi-pronged attack. Look at who's actually passing laws causing Pornhub to block access like Texas.
It's true that both parties in the uk/us are two sides of the same coin, they both get money from the same donors and do their masters bidding. But both push globohomo, it's not a shadowy cabal of 1980's era evangelical christians.
You're hyper focused on a different cabal instead of the people in charge who declared pornography a public health crisis.
I'm not the anon going on about jooz. Anyways dude, you are beyond help at this point. BlackRock/Vanguard etc.. have publically admitted what their aim is multiple times, it's public knowledge and you can find all the companies they have stakes in online in a matter of minutes. But keep fighting made up 80's villains i guess.
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Why do payment processors and banks care where the money is made from if it includes someone working? I never understood that. Hentai takes time to make cause artists need to work on it, hell even some decent onlyfans requires photography and editing skills. Is the jew afraid when people make hentai or onlyfans and start raking the big money because money == power?
They have issues with porn but don't give two shits about actual scammers?
It's not an angle any of us were focusing on but you bring up a possible problem in waiting.
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The issue has been resolved.
Congrats for you, meanwhile for the rest of us...
but wheres the number ??
on the back
Post it
they make too much money, so they can afford the censorship regime consisting of puritans and fourth-wave feminists
i'm not that anon :)
I don't care what they do but they should've left the porn sites alone...
When Porhub was fucked I did nothing, I don't masturbate to 3dpd.
When Patreon was fucked I did nothing, I don't care about western art and furries.
When hentai selling websites were fucked it was too late to stop the payment processors.
Witch place did you apply?
I wonder anybody stationed in US could apply one.
I tired RakutenUSA before and they reject my application sky high...
You can still watch porn, as long as it is state sanctioned western degen porn. you want to see some drugged up 18yo blonde get anally gangbanged by 15 felons? Sure, you can use your card to pay for that, no problem buddy. You wanna see 2d booba from Japan? nah man, that's unacceptable.
>supports one party for decades
>“it d-doesn’t count!”
>”muh Russia conspiracy!”
These troons are deranged.
Only new accounts were affected by the change. Old accounts can still use paypal.
Sorry faggot, but it’s not rightoids behind this.

States asking for ID isn’t a ban, and definitely isn’t responsible for the global banning that we see as far as Asia.
You raise a good point, but the problem is that not everything is banned. I feel this may incentivize them to make more pozzed shit.
so how does one pay on fanbox now? is it literally impossible if they reject your cards
I have no doubt that neocon fags would also love to ban this stuff, and probably would because they get handouts from the same corpos. But yeah, this reeks of globohomo.
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Why can't these people just let me jerk off in peace? I'm not bothering anyone
Lol, I guess procrastination and inaction does pay off or results in good things doesn't it?

As Darth Kreia said; Apathy (and carelessness for that matter) is death.
I mean, we're getting into conspiracy territory at this point because we obviously have no idea about the inner workings of why they do what they do. But i'd wager demoralisation and the grasp a monopoly on consumption as a whole. I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if they make it near impossible to view/purchase hentai goods from Japan and then make some Western based hentai company like Fakku that has a monopoly on it. Probably selling vanillashit, interracial, cuck and tranny hentai exclusively lol.
Like 99% of NTR has some kind of "non-consensual" sex and there's barely any tranny/yaoi hentai on Fakku. Incest is really popular on Fakku too and that genre is a no no now so the site will only end up with boring vanillashit at this point. Actually didn't they also ban school/gym uniforms?
No idea dude, i hate Fakku. So i have no idea about what has been going on with them as of late.
>Actually didn't they also ban school/gym uniforms
That's Getchu.
DLsite has been having ongoing negotiations with US payment processors, but they are not going well, so they're instructing customers to use alternative payment methods instead of Visa, Mastercard, American Express, ect.

Other sites and services are at a similar crossroads and are trying to figure out if they can survive without these payment methods being available to customers.

Source: https://twitter.com/zkurishi/status/1782788807936602160
They simply hide the "bad" tags behind a subwall and using synonims.
Russia is turned off from Visa/MC completely and is doing fine. I hope BRICKS countries will make a based alternative.
oh yeah BRICS the countries most known for their sexual openness......they wouldn't criminalize porn at all
>South Africa
>making a based payment system
Lay off the copium for just a fucking minute, anon. You think the salvation for pornography and independent creative works are THESE countries? At least two of which hate Japan and are engaged with border disputes?
South Africa can't even keep the power on, if you show any wrongthink in China they disappear you and then the road under the partyvan collapses into a sinkhole straight to hell, India can't even get with the concept of eating with utensils or not shitting in the street, Russia is in a war, and Brazil is undergoing political upheaval.

You want to trust those countries with your money? To buy porn? Are you fucking insane?
BRICS will most likely come up with something (presumably tied to the price of gold, in order to get rid of the USD) within our lifetime but Japan is a part of the hostile bloc and US will never let them switch to 'brick' or whatever it will be.
Cartoon porn being literally illegal in at least Russia and China doesn't matter, you can buy tons of illegal shit with USD just as well. For now, the Japanese should adopt at least the most widespread cryptocurrencies.
>US will never let them switch
They wouldn't want to in the first place. Russia's been fighting with them for islands for decades now, China still wants their blood for WW2 crimes, and they restrict themselves from having a standing military beyond the JSDF.
>Cartoon porn being literally illegal in at least Russia and China doesn't matter, you can buy tons of illegal shit with USD just as well
You're swapping one group of dumbasses for another, more incompetent group of dumbasses who have already outright made the subject matter illegal.
The western bloc at least has the saving grace of it not being illegal. Jumping ship to a place where it is, giving them resources, and then hoping they just continue to indefinitely fail at enforcement is an insane prospect.

> For now, the Japanese should adopt at least the most widespread cryptocurrencies.
Japan doesn't need to adopt crypto at all. Cash still represents a majority of transactions over there (Upwards of 60%- from a yearly visitor, it's actually kind of crazy adjusting back to mostly card payments once I return) to the point where you can pay for DLsite shit by just walking to the closest konbini and making a cash payment there. They really, really fucking love paying in cash.

The credit card issue is still a major one for them over there, but they have a lot more alternatives than us to deal with it.
Not him and yes, he is dumb for putting blind faith in these places, but it's actually unlikely that any of them would bother to police cartoon porn, except maybe China. Not the same priorities as the west.
The issue is that India, China, and Russia have implemented internet firewalls and blackouts already. "Unlikely to bother to police cartoon porn" was what got us into this position in the first place, isn't it? Except in this case it's already an existing law that slots in easily with existing behavior.

If things continue as they are, is it unlikely? Certainly. But it's already a far greater hurdle to trusting them with such a responsibility. The choice is between shit credit card companies with retarded, dictatorial policies and...nonexistent theoretical payment systems in areas in the world with retarded dictatorial policies where such content is already against the law.

I mean, I get it, but christ do some people take "enemy of my enemy is my friend" as a hard, constant truth.
You seem to have missed the fact that BRICS expanded, 9 countries now + like 40 more wanting to join. Their currency is supposed to be digital and blockchain-based, perfect for international transactions and dedollarization. This many countries can't effectively control what people do with it.
Problem is, none of us will care about cartoon porn by the time it's made available to the general public. Hopefully, our sons still would.
As for the
>For now, the Japanese should adopt at least the most widespread cryptocurrencies.
part, I meant specifically the OP's problem at this very moment. As in, Japanese hentai sellers should accept cryptocurrencies more liberally than they do now (those who do), or start doing it (those who don't).
On even less related topic, the 'brick' is "R5" backed by the founding states' debt (bonds), according to
>Financial institution falls on hard times
>Oh no! We can't afford to let them fail, the government needs to bail them out with unlimited taxpayer funds so that the infrastructure that keeps our society running continues to function!

>Financial institution participates in wildly anti-consumer behavior to the detriment to all of society
>Private company bro. Free market can do what it wants. If you don't like they way they do business you have the choice to use a competitor.

i've spent years bad mouthing crypto and its uses
my fragile ego couldn't handle an about face that big
I find it amusing that all of the Fakku shills type as if they're on Reddit

China literally sells cartoon porn for soft power
Bitcoin fixes this.
>the mainstream coin that everyone knows about is the solution!
Are you for real? It's not porn in general when American porn producers get to continue as usual, it's the child pornography.
Those retards at bank still though flat people under 155cm as loli
Who owns Paypal?
>eBay is a publicly traded company, which means its shareholders own it. The largest shareholders of eBay Inc. by May 2023 were institutional investors like State Street Corporation, The Vanguard Group, and BlackRock. eBay's co-founder, Pierre Omidyar, still holds a massive chunk of the company.
Pierre Omidyar knows if artists can get paid to draw smut they'll never need to work a shitty corporate job ever again. They actively want to destroy art as a job now that they know it actually works. Why grind at Amazon or another low-pay high-hour job, when you could draw smut?
>I hope BRICKS countries will make a based alternative.
All the countries part of that banned porn and America/UK want to do their own spin on that.

and coping Conservatards like >>7970637 will tell you no hardcore holy man is behind it because they're waving the fag flag. Okay i guess that means Trump is lefty and satanpilled because he did the same thing.
and guess which retard made Paypal?
Hint: it's the current name of Twitter.
Elon musk didnt involved with paypal anymore
yeah paypal went down the drain as soon as he left in fact
based Japan
Who even notifies payment processors about this stuff?
Should have done so
>The Vanguard Group, and BlackRock
Every time.
He was kicked out of paypal because he disagreed with the new direction they were taking it. We get it, you are anally annihilated because he bought your precious echo chamber known as twitter.
>troon seething
Conservatives lack the power to do control the (((card companies))).
bristih women (international women forum)
He got kicked out of paypal long before that, anon
Any big names?
whine some more, nothing will change
oh, things will definitely change [spoiler]for the worse again[/spoiler]
is this true or just a shitpost?
Truth, look up the crap stacey dooley pulled years ago that her successor hanako montgomery recently pushed again.
Help me understand why exactly does Master Card and Visa hate porn?
I thought it would be the banks due to the frequent charge backs from normies that charge back as soon as they blow their load, but as far as I understand Visa and Mastercard are just middlemen in digital transactions.
Visa and Mastercard dont have a problem with porn. They have a problem with FOREIGN porn. It cuts into their profits plus they cant control it as well as the western equivalent
Just use JCB man. Problem solved
Because 3D sluts talk back (or at least, can be forced by whoever is trafficking them to talk back) to this kinda nonsense.
I wish i was in a country where you could get one.
Most Asias and some Europe countries use them

they also attacked nico nico for some reason
American Express, Mastercard, and Visa's censorship actions against Japanese companies fit the definition of non-tariff barriers and therefore, it is very likely for Japan's FTC to intervene in this matter.

Non-tariff barriers to trade (NTBs; also called non-tariff measures, NTMs) are trade barriers that restrict imports or exports of goods or services through mechanisms other than the simple imposition of tariffs. Such barriers are subject to controversy and debate, as they may comply with international rules on trade yet serve protectionist purposes.

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) defines a non-tariff barrier as "any obstacle to international trade that is not an import or export duty. They may take the form of import quotas, subsidies, customs delays, technical barriers, or other systems preventing or impeding trade". According to the World Trade Organization, non-tariff barriers to trade include import licensing, rules for valuation of goods at customs, pre-shipment inspections, rules of origin ('made in'), and trade prepared investment measures.

I looked into it and what I found they're super expensive, triple the fee of any other card
Worth the price
>JCB expands to America and Europe and Makes Visa / Mastercard bankrupt
God i hope this is happen
If JCB ever thinks about trying to break into the American market again i would throw my Visa away in a heartbeat
at this point not yet, it'd consume my current budget for pixiv all on its own... maybe if pixiv actually cancels my mastercard I'll think about it again
Can you just go to ATM and transfer some $$$$ to them ?? Why you cant just do that ??
it's possible, but cross-border financial controls make that as hard as they can, and the fees would beat even the JCB fees
As long its not over 40% of the item price, its fine
not sure about your country but in mine it's about 5 euros to make a transfer to japan, most people are not going to be willing to pay that so there's no real demand to support direct payments
I mean, I only buy porn with that thing anyway.
Because jews own western porn and also western money, and they don't want the goy to go outside their goybox. It's that simple and it's always that simple buddy.
artists need to shelter, food and time. you can't keep them drawing if there's no money.
Why don't you email them and ask them?
((())) everywhere.
its amazing to me that you completely missed the point of the post and immediately sperged out about jews. it's actually astonishing. how can you even be this low IQ?
Unironically what society thinks in it's majority
Just get a normal job then, lol
>you should give me your works of labor for free because I deserve it
A commie, huh? Ok bro.
otoh when artist is content, his ambition drops and he only produces low-effort slop, like 99% of artists after opening a patreon
>be payment processor
>have a "right" to not process payments
>that is: have a "right" to not do your fucking job
This is what the govt SHOULD be used for
Making sure shit like this doesnt happen.
a lot of artists don't lower their standard because they have pride on their craft. but you need to understand that working for several hours into a single drawing may not be sustainable. you can't expect more than 5 or 10 works per month from those that spend like 20+ hours on a single drawing. the process of drawing is slow, specially the painting part.

If you want that their best. then let's see if you pay full time job money. support artist that do enjoy drawing and are not divas. and then think carefully if you want them to improve their speed using tools like AI.

the moment artist use AI, fans don't give a fuck anymore no matter how good or famous you already are. so you're stuck with slow process or being a slop machine.

why would I want to get minimum wage for a full time job using an skill that took me 20 years to develop?
So in other words.... People are ungrateful selfish and inconsiderate assholes who ironically do not care for quality or even quantity. They just selfishly care about quick and easy gratification.
is this the tide that finally makes crypto usable as currency?
>BRICS is crypto stuff
I thought they were into gold
only countries that don't do "western money" are Russia, Iran, and North Korea. when they start making better hentai than the japanese let me know
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Remember to ask consent from fictional characters and your OCs if you want porn and commissions
Note: This requirement does not apply to Adult/18+ creators whose creative works feature themselves alone, or to creators of Adult/18+ works that do not feature real people (e.g. animators, game developers, writers).
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oh that's alright then
No, they're tokens, like you would buy at an arcade. Just digital. Completely different idea than crypto.
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"Cryptocurrency" isn't a direct synonym with "decentralized ledger" and when you are talking about decentralized ledgers the ""currency" you're dealing with is usually a fungible token.
yeah but neither is it "some number in a database", calling the dlsite token a cryptocurrency is just retarded when it's neither cryptographic nor a currency
That's fair. I hadn't read the post you were replying to.
the theory I heard was some high up people were on the epstien list/caught being actual pedophiles and so to "clean" their image they're going on this crusade.
Alternative payment processors exist

You gotta remember that is takes the Japanese, like 10+ years to adopt something or make it themselves. Keep in mind that they only recently started utilizing Steam of all things to advertise their games and certain eroge although censored.
lol, that's ridiculously dumb enough to sound true

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