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We MEET Again Edition

Post custom made 3D Hentai structured around music here. Doesn't have to be MMD, doesn't have to contain dancing motions, and not to be confused with HMVs made with already existing 3D clips. MMD clips without music that would cause a fuss in the 3D hentai general are also welcome here.

Previous: >>7855991


>Better iwara browser

>3D SexDance index:

>Anon's VR Collection

>How do I create it?
Check out >>>/e/mmd for technical discussions

>Why not post it to the 3D Hentai General?
The focus on music and dancing of most MMD content has sparked endless drama and thread derailings there so there was a split. So far both communities have benefited from it.

>OP Sauce: meet
anon do you have all the videos downloaded?
I just saw the Noel video was deleted
I passed on the Noel videos because I didn't think they were that good. That's a shame.
do you have atleast the other sex videos saved?
Yeah but all the ones I have appear to still be up, unless I'm missing something.
can you post them on download link anon?
Not unless you can give me a good reason you can't just grab them yourself with ytdlp.
Managed to save only one I was interested in:

yes that was the one that was deleted thanks
>F95 is acquired by Patreon
It's over.
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>April 1st
(You) are fucking dumb.
But it's on Patreon's news site as well
>But it's on Patreon's news site as well
>patreon news links to news.patreon
>confirmation is on news-patreon
You motherfuckers.
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>Uozumi WIP is 5 minutes long
>says he's not even halfway done
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You (april) fool.
Translated + Ai upscaled a video.
pixeldrain com/l/ALyiJNQ3

You can attach the subs while the video is playing in a program like VLC media player. Enjoy

Tools used, if anyone want to try it out themselves
- DeepL (Translation)
- Aegis Sub (Subtitling)
- Topaz Video Ai (Ai Upscaling)
- Any OCR tool for converting images to text
Would you say Topaz Video Ai is worth it for MMDs? That upscaled video looks pretty good
Who's the artist for that video anon?
What model/settings did you use for that vid? Do you generally find 8k get better results than 2k/4k?

>Would you say Topaz Video Ai is worth it for MMDs
I like it more for cleaning up already medium/high quality sources but it's not bad at upscaling lower res stuff. Some videos don't play nice with the low > high upscales depending on the settings (i.e. things look overly muddied/smudged or textures get lost in close up scenes) but overall it's pretty good. It can be a little slow once you start hitting 4K upscales, but that's somewhat system dependent.
It's great, particularly since you can convert a 30 fps video into 120 fps. But it can take a pretty substantial amount of time to render a single video. I recently upscaled a 1080p 30fps 4 minute video to 4k 120fps, and it took around 2.5 to 3 hours on beefy hardware.

Also if your using a nvidia 20 series card or greater, you could look into enabling RTX super resolution for general videos and streams.

Iwara username: お米3184

Can't remember, I upscaled that video months ago. 8K is probably pretty overkill compared to 4k. But it's easy enough to just render things overnight while asleep.
>Topaz Video Ai
interesting. wonder how it would fair with 720p vids from niconico. i only follow 2 creators there so it'd be a waste of money to buy into premium to get the 1080p versions
Thanks Anon
>wonder how it would fair with 720p vids from niconico
anyone has the higher quality version from the Discord?
pls share!!!!!!!
What AI model would you use for enhancing medium quality videos?
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What we really need is an AI Down-scaler, give us back the classic felling of watching those really awful 360p MMDs from years ago..
did anyone ever get the latest insectbro vid? it looks pretty decent desu, it has some very degen stuff in it.
AI can't capture that feeling, the quality would still be too good

just reencode at 10 kpbs bitrate
That would give us the pixels, yes, but what about the disproportionate models? The robotic movements? The bland textures? All those, gone.
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Just a heads up, Zien Zao went and deleted 5 of his videos, when messaged he said he was worried these videos were breaking the rules.

(Despite the videos not breaking any)
Anyone else that started doing some 3D animation and/or modeling and started noticing clipping and bodyparts spazzing out, making 90% of the shit you watched before with no problems unwatchable?
I use Proteus for pretty much everything. Usually opt for Proteus Manual, Estimate, and then tweak as necessary, but Manual Estimate/Auto are "good enough" the majority of the time. Artemis over-sharpens the image on average, so it's hit or miss depending on the content. Gaia is good too, but usually for content that's already high-ish quality, not sure how well it does with medium quality video.
>Topaz Video Ai
Where to get the latest crack and not get buttfucked by russians or chinese?
Decided to upscale some favorites
https://pixeldrain com/l/xufkvL2w

Original sources:
Prinz Penalty Challenge: https://www.iwara.tv/video/lekmbixxqyiwy2djo/prinz-eugen-penalty-challenge
Rins Classroom Bullying: https://www.iwara.tv/video/3kmgrcew1t4r00mr/mmd-chan-1080p-60fps
BassKnight Part 1: https://fantia.jp/posts/1381106
BassKnight Part 2: https://www.iwara.tv/video/e21xysm8qfvbwbag/bass-knight2-rape

Probably pirate bay, find a reputable uploader with a lot of seeds, it's pretty straightforward.

Everything I've upscaled has been with proteus. The others might be good too I haven't experimented all that much. Wasn't a fan of Gaia.
>people STILL think uncensored is banned on iwara
Is MitsuboshiL fucking dead?
Thanks, was super easy to set up.
Time to murder my GPU and hard drive space. The completed file sizes are surprisingly large.
If my monitor is 2k, does upscaling a 1080p video to 4k or 8k instead of 2k make any noticeable difference for me? Not sure how AI works in that regard
"Noticeable" is a matter of opinion, but from a purely technical perspective, yes.
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I miss kemkem Miku so much, bros...
Nekokoneri is/was Acid39?
I'm not sure if he's ever publicly confirmed it, but that's the general consensus
when is an update to the VR archive coming?
I wish I had an answer for you but I don't. Right now the answer is just "as soon as I have the free time". But ideally I'll be able to get it out sometime soon since I should be less busy than I have been. I'll try to see if I can't get stuff uploaded today but as always I can't make promises.
we love you anon take your time
good riddance, he never made anything good.
His early works were great, before he started using the new models and including more than one girl per video. His aqua toilet video is BY FAR his best work.
Anyone happen to have these 2 from kaotaro (kaos) ?

Does anyone know of a NNBA archive folder somewhere? I know all his stuff is open at fantia, just wondering if there was a more practical way to download everything at once.
>His aqua toilet video
which one was this?
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The VR collection has FINALLY been updated, after 3 fucking months. Sorry for taking so long. Not exactly a ton of great stuff despite the long wait, but still some nice goodies to check out.

My plan from here is to try to keep the collection updated on a monthly schedule from here on, but I still won't make any promises. Keeping it monthly should make it easy for me to keep up with though.
Why does cum in kkv mmds look like yellow bubbles?
Many thanks. Do what's easiest for you, and if you really don't feel like it remember you aren't obligated.
Did you know that RikaMizuno has released a VR video?
>he doesn't cum bubbles
Ty anon. You're helping make my HP Reverb worthwhile
>$20 a month
>no indication which videos have VR versions
>no way to sample them
Some of his older videos look okay but there's no telling if they even have VR versions. I'll probably keep an eye on his stuff though.
What a fucking legend
>search and filter by "insect"
Yup it's fapping time.
How much stuff is not on Iwara? Like random people uploading to spankbang and other video sites? I was just looking through spankbang and I am finding videos of girls I've never seen with names that are often not on iwara either.
Quite a lot but no one posts shit on spankbang, that's just people reuploading shit.
Some artists post themselves on rule34video, but not that many.
would you happen to have this vid from roiroi in VR? i might be missing it but i don't see it in your recent update
there's a lot more on paywall sites of course (patreon, fantia, etc.)
Kanaebros... I'm starting to think that Akomni isn't coming back...
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There's only one thing left to do, then. You must become the Kanaeproducer, saviour of the content-starved Kanaebros around the world.
No anon, we have to believe, there's only been a few years and
It's over.
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I honestly didn't even believe you and had to go check myself. Where the fuck did the time go?
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Nice to see that Sara has some shooters out there.
New Neoteny preview looking pretty good.
thanks. also damn, does anyone know when pixeldrain resets its daily download cap? i feel it's been like a day and a half for me still not reset
I just want a DomeFeather style Sparkle video. WHy does MapleHutCat have to make all his models obese...
masahira is back
Don't forget to also check "incest"
Some of these guys are dyslexic
What video is this from?
Thanks anon, but what happened to the Grim Aloe Koyote video?
>What video is this from?
The guy on niconico that was posted in the last thread.
>Grim Aloe Koyote video
Hello, looking for mmdcraftk maki zenin video, kemono password wont work...
anyone has all of cerodiers works?
I keep getting 522 errors when I try and visit iwara
Is there something I should be doing or is it a iwara fuck up?
I had issues with iwara earlier today I think, but its fine for me now.
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Well shit, had no idea Ferozel came back from the dead.
Is he really dead?
MMD風俗ALBATROSS - I usually pass of this guy's stuff but this one's alright
貧乳愛好会会長補佐代理見習 - looks like someone is migrating from spankbang(?)

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Gnua51 - new creator looking pretty promising

I swear to god every single time you post iwara just happens to conveniently shit itself.
It was crapping before the post came out.
there really needs to be more prostitute scenarios with that backdrop
ngon.... where's the new video....
Anyone have uozumi's msgk sexercise work? All the links I've come across are deas.
MitsuboshiL is dead. Akomni is dead... Bengugu is dying...
Currently, all Japanese creators are losing motivation to create videos because if they advertise, they will be banned X.
The social networking sites that used to be good for promoting pornographic works have been lost, so there is no revenue to be made.

seconding this
i love that particular model and how bitchy animators make her
This one?
>people shitting out koikatsu slop can no longer advertise to gachafags on twitter
Oh no! The apocalypse is upon us!
Frankly, the less Hoyoslop the better.
isnt it all chinks spamming kk?
I love gooning so much bros
That's it. Much appreciated.

Such a godly work. Even better than piconano's version of it.
to what?
kk and VaM
if only they tagged them right so my blacklist would filter them
The fucking AI voice makes me unreasonably mad.
I wish iwara would implement a community tag system like sadpanda
Some of my recent favs from the last month or so:

Did I miss anything?
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A character of a game in development. I don't know if I will ever able to finish it, kek.
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and a combo test of another Character. If you want to follow my work: https://twitter.com/CodeIcant
is there sex?

also is iwara shitting the bed again/
Yes there is, if you romance the characters
still no video kek
Is there a MMD animation template for minus8's Parodius yet?
trianimation made a vid before his retirement but I don't think he released the motion for it
>iwara 404 errors popping up
They're losing videos again aren't they...
that was/is a bug where videos were moved to the archive servers but the frontend still thought they were on the main servers, what link?
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does anyone know why pic related happens? using fluid simulator v2. when i load fluid simulator in a fresh instance of mmd, it works fine. when i load it in my 90% finished project file, the piss turns black.
after further testing, it looks like the piss stays yellow as long as i turn flow rate on BEFORE i load dummy bones. what would cause it to turn black if i dont turn flow rate on before i load dummy bones in a mostly finished project file? 16gb ram
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ulm2 cries in every video about how le sad he is because people don't give him money and then posts videos like this to iwara where all you can see is a mess of pixels. Where could the problem be, I wonder?
Signs of like from the goat
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ganbare ganbare senpai
ganbare ganbare senpai
god please
Bengugu updated. SFX version will be out at the end of the month. Bonus animations are done and the SFX version will be out later. WIP of his new short work, a Ningguang animation where she's fucked by sinsacks and hilichurls. If there's no decent progress, he will stop membership again. Also he's fine now, just dealing with some family matters
man I need more videos of that Azur lane girl on the left
can you share the WIP?
It's pretty short but apparently the video will be 2 and a half minutes long. Ironically enough, all of this helped for Bengugu to go back to his middle of the month update schedule
Never stop making these posts

Kusemono make god tier VR MMD and it doesn't get the exposure it needed because it got age restricted like flash.
I compiled the ending for my own pleasure, you can go watch it on YouTube if you want to see the dance. (Better than naked IMO)

Order of compilation is innocent kissing to eyes rape.
Yeah it's probably better for Bengugu to do some shorter videos, especially after coming back from a break. After Mondstadt Party it felt like he kept trying to top the previous video and ended up making multiple 5+ min videos. It's really hard to maintain a 2 month release schedule and good quality while making it that long.
I think the usual releases should be closer to 3~4 minutes and save the 5+ min videos for an occasional special release when he really likes a theme/character and wants to see more of it.
pantoka is alive
more like this?
The motion name is right there in the title.
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can someone please tell me the artist for this?
Why are MMDs so fucking hot? Makes me wanna give up on real life and dedicate all my time to watching every MMD ever made
well at least this time there was a warning, too late for me but anyway

I don't understand either, they've slowly edged out all the other porn for me. But since they're so easy to produce too I am not unhappy about this.
Sankyuu orz
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I'm stuck alternating between MMDs, HMVs, and fapheros, they're all I watch nowadays. Hard to try anything other than these. Shame there isn't much MMD fapheros though, I feel that the two genres are quite literally made for each other, syncing the on screen action to the beat and all that.
Fap heroes died when Martoise quit and HMVs mostly suck and just keep reusing the same content over and over again.
>Makes me wanna give up on real life and dedicate all my time to watching every MMD ever made
Been there, done that. I reached that point a few years ago where I realized I had watched pretty much every MMD worth watching on iwara. I tried to chase that high with VR porn but it's just not worth it after the initial wow factor wears off. Now I'm just depressed and keep returning to my massive old MMD collection because other kinds of porn just doesn't do it for me anymore.
the solution is to start making them yourself, that was way more powerful than expected for me

A long time I dismissed it, like trying to tickle yourself, but being able to tailor everything just the way you like it is incredible.
If you're the kind of person who's satisfied with a good model and a good copy pasted motion, they're definitely worth doing because cranking these out to your liking is very easy. But if you're into MMD for the more custom higher effort stuff, its not going to do you any good unless you feel like basically becoming the next big MMD author.
>unless you feel like basically becoming the next big MMD author.
You can do it, anon. I believe in you.
Oh shit I didn't notice 1 1 2 (いちいちに) came back a few months ago. He was one of the OG Iwara creators for me. Made sex-only Touhou videos, decent length, good animations, had SFX too. Their Hata no Kokoro video is still one of my all-time favorites.
I had been following the Fantia since before their break but somehow missed the new posts in my feed until now. Shame that moving to Fantia means mosaic has to be added now.
His models have gotten worse. Satori video was good but the Reimu and Sanae vids sucked.
that pussy looks grotesque, like made by someone who's never seen one and didn't realize you can't have a slit and open vagina at the same time

or maybe trannies do be like that
Another post from Pantoka so it doesn't look like it's just a one time thing. Something huge is brewing and I can't wait.
if you're dedicating your life to porn (not sure if the same anon as that one earlier) that definitely seems like the next logical step, just consooming you'll eventually run out of things

and MMD has such a shallow learning curve and people eat up the most generic slop that become a top-tier MMD author is not such a giant leap as you might be imagining
Yeah his bodies do have some oddities. There's also that slit/indent going all the way up to the chest from the belly button. I know what he was trying to replicate but the way he did it just looks like the belly button got extended upwards.
I wonder if those are intentional artistic choices or if he genuinely thinks that's how bodies should look like.

TetoTetoDance - someone back from a long hiatus (has pee content)

77ckksi - not very technical, but some good old hentai plot (free chikan license)

aren't the good videos actually made with blender and not mmd?
depends on your definition of "good", I definitely enjoy the MMD-style videos more than the ones made in blender... couldn't really say why though
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I need something with a heavy focus on impregnation!! Like PokoMMD or some of Tsof402 videos!!
holy fuck iwara is such a piece of shit
I cant play any of their old videos
their hosting provider didn't pay the datacenter bills so one of the servers got cut off...
fuck sakes this happened like 3 times now
Discovering Furui has both been a blessing and a curse. Especially since I'm heavily geared towards MC content and his was well-done. And a lot of MMDs manage to scratch the itch somehow. It's impressive, the difference between Blender/SFM and MMD. Granted, the creativity's a bit lost lately, but at least it isn't over in seconds. Would be nice if Furui's newer "paid" content wasn't so barebones while chasing trends. Makes me wanna give it a try though.
>Discovering Furui
link? I found no users by that name
I honestly wish Furui had just stopped making MMD. It would be much better since it would mean there would be a chance he could come back at some point. Instead we get stuck with him making boring crap and charging for it.
Use 古い. A lot of names need to be written in hiragana so that Iwara and other sites can pick it up.
>I honestly wish Furui had just stopped making MMD.
Guess that would have been for the better, what we get now is basically nothing. And you'd know he's still alive because of Twitter. At least Taka84 posts frequently, and Aobee kinda is the next best thing. Whenever that happens.
well the thing is he did disappear for quite a long time
the blender stuff *is* his comeback, however long ago that was
Thanks for this. This guy's stuff is pretty good. The progression from smooches to intense licking was strange but I didn't dislike it. I wasn't expecting that ending though
does anyone know where I can find the videos by a creator called white fang?
Furui probs the shit I've fapped to the most in my entire life, so so hot
Pay up.
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Anyone use yt-dlp to download from iwara? How do you make it so it skips all the youtube embed videos?
Citrus content not on kemono
Kemono is dead, anon.
That is not dead which can eternal lie.
Is there a way to only download the new videos you add?
Not a particularly convenient way. But new videos are added at the end of each list, so if for example there's two new videos in a list, then the last two videos on the list are the new ones.
why isn't my fantia updating wtf, it's been frozen for a month
That actually helps a lot. Thanks man.
Use something like
--match-filters "url*=iwara"
--match-filters "url!*=youtube"
-f Source
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I was hoping it would skip processing it entirely, but neither of the match filter configs work. Only -f Source cause youtube doesn't have that format. Also fucking iwara having issues with the mikoto server again...
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Hm, well, even if the match filter worked for you, it processes about as much as -f anyway.
well I shouldn't have said didn't work, but I knew not to try the iwara filter cause it'll always see the iwara url before the youtube url, so I tried the youtube filter and it still processed it so I thought it didn't work.
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Speaking of meet, his page was taken down or gone private. Did something happen?
Mikoto is literally always down and breaks after a week when they fix it.
both his iwara and fantia are still up, what do you mean?
Meet had a page on FC2 that he updated before either of those two, and it went private for some reason.
the fc2 mmd purge was years ago anon...
he has a MEGA linked on his iwara profile with all his fc2 videos too
It was still alive last month.
fc2 took down a bunch of porn creators, meet is posting updates on his fantia until he finds a new site to host his shit
>fc2 nuking creators
QRD on this? because fc2 hardly janny'd creators unless it was completely illegal.
oh, I didn't know the blog was still alive
I'm surprised that artists continued using the site after all the mmd vids were deleted sometime 2020-2021
I find it odd because right below the "this site has gone private" there are ads for AV porn. FC2 may just be removing competitors for their advertisers.
>iwara adding a space at the end of creator names randomly so yt-dlp saves them as [CREATOR ] instead of [CREATOR]

I had it with this fucking site, you have any idea how fucking frustrating it is trying to archive shit from this pos site?

>slow encode
>servers go down every other day
>mess with fucking file names

Someone kill iwara for good already.
Do you know anymore like 777ckksi? Those free chikan licenese vids are kinda nice
The secret is to just give up and download all of your mmd into one massive folder until it slows down enough that you have to create another folder and the cycle repeats.
Dam that erenarin tiktok one is great, anyone have anything else tiktok themed?
Iwara cucking me so hard right now, desperately trying to find somewhere that hosts pringus but they all just lead back to iwara
Use mmdfans, we still need an alternative for the guy running it needs to improve search and downloads.

Anyone know artist please?
Nvm it's yunatbm lel said right there in the recommended video section
Do you guys know how to look for sounding mmds? I swear I'm not into it I just saw a really hot vid once and the only thing I remember is it had a sounding part. It also had these blowjob masks
I know this description is really vague but I really want to find this video
Only sounding I remember in MMD is from furui's older futa videos.
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How did we go from this
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to this?
Can't wait for your first mmd vid to actually feature sex. Is it actually sexdance with music or just pure sex? Hoping it's the first but ill still be excited for what you cook.
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>tfw you'll never eat reimu's pussy while she sucks your cock against a beautiful sunset...
....they're the same picture
bottom has like 80 more pounds
I think its time for me to move on. Some years ago I had no problem finding 2 or 3 really good videos every week, now I have trouble finding even one decent in two months.
Maybe things will get better, but it will probably be a long time until then.
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It's going to be a remake of my last video with every scene redone in some way to step up the lewdness with sex scenes added toward the end.
I wouldn't go as far as to call it a sexdance video so I'll leave that to you.
For all intent and purpose, the video is finished as it has been for over three weeks but I'm waiting for a special occasion to release it (hopefully before the end of the month) and that gave me the time to keep working and adding to it, even if those are minor details. Just yesterday for example I re-rendered the whole thing (and boy that takes a while) just because I gave Sanae slightly puffier nipples. I think that must the 14th or 15th time that I have to render the whole video again after modifying it.

The webm posted above with the silhouette isn't part of the video by the way, it's something I made for fun - the motion itself is though.
I like some meat on my girls...
Skill issue
Can't wait!
New nnba is out, anyone got it?

Just follow everyone you like and then quickly check the frontpage every now and then.
Sounds like you burned out your dopamine receptors again, you really should try not to do that.
if you're willing to wait a little, nnba is one of those cool creators that makes everything available for free after about a week or so
poko●●● is the best. He perfectly gets the appeal of NTR/NTS. The jealousy and the desperation when you feel like the one you love is being stolen. He gets it so well. Are there any other creators like him that get it? Or even just cuck pov creators.
perhaps https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/313239
>Inazuma video
>Only features Raiden and Yae Miko
Why are they like this? Is Sara an unlikable cunt in the game or something? Her design/model is 11/10, I can't understand why she isn't more popular.
sara a shit
She's a 4*
Iwara is lying to you, the server is lost, I hope you downloaded all your favorite videos.

All those mmds...lost in time, like tears in rain...

guess it is now, you cant access kemono, nor coomer anymore. was there any news about it? all i knew was that they stopped updating content weeks ago despite their servers status being ok.
What's going to really kill MMD is when the CC companies tell fantia to go fuck themselves and suddenly no one outside of Japan can get access to MMD anymore even if they want to pay for it.
Kemono is still up right now, they updated their DNS record but it hasn't propagated to all DNS resolvers yet. From my location Google's DNS doesn't work but Cloudfare's does.
meet - iwara/uncen ver soon(tm)




of course, I have burned 103 BDR with them
>older content will be unavailable for at least the next 2 weeks or more.
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>meet - iwara/uncen ver soon(tm)
Really not a fan of the vignettes he adds between sex scenes.
>any news about it?
tldr host had issues with some of the stuff being there (actual illegal shit, not your regular loli/beast), no goal date but expect some of that stuff to be missing
Man, poor Mecchin. He was a really good animator, but that brain tumor of his has made it so he can barely walk anymore.
Welp, mouowata is back, but it's a remake of his last work. Let's hope he has something new in the works after one year of absence.
he also uploaded an 18 second clip but I think it's just an addition to the end of a previous video
Anyone have Takoiyaki's newest work?
>Takoiyaki's newest work
Haha, they have to be fucking with me at this point.
it appears the Iwara broke all of Mouowata's old videos, the fucks
All videos older than 1 month have been down on the entire site for a week now and this isn't even the first or the second time this has happened
Bengugu just released Inazuma Boom plus a few hours ago.
What are the odds that iwara's server issues are caused by the jews.
Has anyone posted new ngon or is it not worth it?
>ever worth it
Its literally all the same video until he eventually puts out the once a year full length unique dance video.
You guys got any recommendations of creators that share/sell motions similar to Monotama's stuff?
Any notable updates in the text post? Mostly wanted to know if there was an estimated time for the character vote swapped clips. Bengugu mentioned the characters used the same body so I figured it was a relatively simple edit he could complete at the same as the Plus SFX clips. Doesn't seem to be the case though.
Did he even change anything with Inazuma Boom Plus? We didn't get any feet content despite him taking months to supposedly "update" the models...
You're right, it's a real shame he's such a lazy copypasting bum, because he uses good models and is good with hot facial expressions.

But if his fans are willing to pay for such low effort that's on them.
Does anyone have a link or know the name of the one sex video with BB where she's grinding on the dick? I think jerking it also. There wasn't penatrive sex, it was just that. But it was hot as fuck.
Learn how to use oreno3d.
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>(B)on (B)on Chocolat
>underrated hood classic
Damn this is hot
??? how are you watching the video?
Haven't you heard of our lord and savior mmdfans?
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>the video I want to watch is broken on mmdfans too
Mind if I try something? What's the video called?
Something fishy going on here, hold.
Well, the good news is that this video in particular was broken for a reason unrelated to Iwara's issues.
The bad news is the cached version is corrupted and will only be restored once Iwara comes back.
Sorry anon.
ok thanks for trying
Could you re-check if it got fixed? I think it did.
Either way, here's a link for it.
https://pixeldrain com/u/NmFVKfP9
anyone else make videos like this that are explicit but not showing sex?
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>Also, we will consider whether to implement a VR version in the future if several people leave comments saying that they would like to see a VR version.
>(However, please note that videos older than the previous one will not be eligible.)

>As for videos for which it is difficult to implement a VR version, we will try to explain in that article that it is difficult to do so.
Holy fuck this guy is mega based.
Kanaebros... it's been 10,000 years...
How do you feel about these two:
I'll also throw in something a little different:
NNBA my beloved
what banger vam sex dance can you recommend?
Yeah it got fixed on mmdfans weird.
thanks, I really think there has been a lack of vam sex dance vids around or maybe I wasn't looking hard enough
Wait, people actually like vam??
Eh, it's a phase that comes and goes for me (I'm not the anon above that asked)
Sometimes I watch it and think it's good, then a few weeks later I watch the same video and it's awful. Can't really explain.
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It's up
Good shit once again.
Yeah you fucking cooked son. Really loving the build up before the sex, makes you feel the lewd tension and the build up very much worth it. I hope to see more of that in your future video's but you'll always know how to cook it. Thanks for the amazing vid!
Based. I would literally kill to be one of those students
kemono is back
speaking of silhouettes, anyone know any decent creators that put a bit of a focus on them? Preferably not cuckshit but I know what I'm asking for.
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I kneel. Seriously, you're the one few saving graces of the current shitshow that is the modern mmd scene. Wish you would upload more but I guess masterpieces can't be rushed. As many others said, the buildup of eroticism is what really makes it. Too much even, I kinda think you could have inserted more sex but anyways it's just a minor gripe. But seriously, quality, fucking quality stuff not even mentioning the stripping of which you are the undisputed GOAT. I hope to see more sanaes and raymoos in the future if possible. Keep up the great work man.
Thanks a lot
I've been thinking of making something involving silhouettes for the longest time but it's kind of tough to storyboard something interesting that doesn't just involve sex
I like it but it feels like it ends right as it was getting good
That's what I thought while making it initially, but in the end I didn't want it to be all about those last couple scenes. I've always been more into everything that happens before the act.
Wish there were more people like you that understand that sometimes the buildup towards lewdness can be just as hot, if not hotter, than the outright lewd part.

Sadly most creators and viewers are too horny to wait for anything.
>walks offscreen
>camera pans to boots on the floor
>taking panties off
Oh my god.
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Has anyone archivedd some of MMDpastas works by any chance? looking through archives only turned up a folder for some of the VR videos and kemono is missing a lot of stuff
Masterpiece. Even overlooked [spoiler]the pubes[/spoiler] because the content was so good. Reimu scenes were great and I don't even like Reimu that much and Sanae's were top tier.
I'll just reiterate my iwara comment, but man I have not been this happy about a sexdance since the golden age of lovemax masterpaisen etc.
Always thought touhou sexdances were never happening again after modesto and that you were the best consolation we had, but to actually see you make the jump to explicit scenes is my #1 MMD dream come true !
I assume you know about Seru ? https://www.iwara.tv/profile/serummd/videos
Besides him, I can only name Takoiyaki who sometimes uses silhouettes https://www.iwara.tv/video/R9XsSkGjUDmn3H/ningguang-bad-lil-bunny-full-sex
>I've been thinking of making something involving silhouettes for the longest time but it's kind of tough to storyboard something interesting that doesn't just involve sex
Honestly I'd vibe with silhouette scenes of girls just being tactile and cuddly with each other
Yeah, I like Seruu's work. I hadn't heard of Takoiyaki though so thanks!
It's so hot!
I liked one of nnba's recent videos. his motions are nice but his models are sadly pretty low quality and most of the songs he uses are ear cancer.
Don't forget your #1 partner in crime kemono.party if you want high rez of his videos.
of course!
Highly doubt you'll find an archive. But if there's a specific video you want it wouldn't hurt to ask.
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As I promised, I've updated the VR collection for the month. Nothing too special this time either. Its been a slow time for VR MMD lately, although a few things are still coming out here or there. No new webm this time either so have an old one.

As an aside, in the event you have a favorite VR MMD artist that I don't share, feel free to shill them to me. Odds are though that if they make VR MMD I've probably already heard of them and probably just don't care for them, but I'd still like to know about anyone I might be missing out on.
Thanks anon as always
Thanks. I'm actually still working on the video a bit to fix a couple of things and once I'm done with that I'll update the iwara version and then I'll release a version without pubic hair on my mega when I can find the time to render it.
Figured i'd shoot my shot, desu i'm just looking for his 2024 ayame vids
I have some but not all. Were you looking for 2D though?
Well until you give me an answer, I went ahead and added the VR versions of all the Ayame videos I have access to for 2024.
sorry for the delay got caught up with smth, yeah i'm looking for the 2D vids.
God bless you
Here you go.
the goat. thanks
Is there more? Tried looking to no success.
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>Go to Iwara in 2024
>Koikatsu vids
>AI vids
>blender/sfm vids
>Project diva vids
>site is either unusable or all videos made before X date are unwatchable and cant be downloaded
>jap users deleting/nuking their entire page without even warning anyone

How hard can it be to have a single site dedicated to ONLY MMD content with tags and no losing access to 99% of videos every fucking month.

Also, which mentally challenged asshole makes blender/sfm porn, and thinks “yea, im going to upload this to Iwara! Fuck R34 or Sankaku”
>How hard can it be to have a single site dedicated to ONLY MMD content with tags and no losing access to 99% of videos every fucking month.
Make one, we will all be thankful.
>How hard can it be[..]
reminder that iwara is the direct result of an anon asking that exact same question and doing it himself

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