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Girls getting raped by one or more guys.

Previous thread:
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Aside from Wolf Guy and Berserk which other non-H manga had prolific scenes?
Uta Kata? Sort of? Not really what you're looking for a but a girl does get raped.

Kannazuki no Miko? Sort of? Again you don't see anything but again, a girl does get raped. It's lesbian rape though, don't know how you feel about that.
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yow, sauce?
Artist eromazun ma kurou
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>Goblin Slayer
>I Wanted to be Hurt by Love
>Redo of Healer
>Killing Bites
>A Female warrior Who Fell to the Goblin Kingdom
Dead Tube has a pretty good one.
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How Bofuri should’ve gone.
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>Hymen mentioned
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Is there a gun penis there?
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jinrouki winvurga
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Endeavor never arrived
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You can't just say that and then not provide sauce.
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This guy draws some of the best crying girls getting forcibly raped. So hot, I love it.
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Jitaku Keibiin Episode 2
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Episode 3 is great as well
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There is an old hentai scene I would see every so often, a guy turns into a demon/werewolf when the moon turned red/full, and he forces himself onto a girl. Does anyone recognize what I'm describing?
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What do you think about girl (s) getting impregnated by her rapist (s) ?

Where even after her pregnancy state becomes visible, the rapist (s) doesn't care...
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Wish Rance series had bad ends like these.
Have you played Angeltear? Because holy shit it is good.

That scene where Angeltear is caught by monsters who take turns forcing eggs into her pussy then another group comes by to fertilize them until she gives birth to dozens of monsters.

Fuck that scene was hot. Then being captured and impregnated by her coach in exchange for not revealing her secret identity, which is worthless because the villains already know who she is.

All that rape, forced impregnation and birthing. Goddamn. That is an excellent game.
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It's getting an official English release. I can't wait
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Damn, sauce?
when is the release date?
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I really dig when the girls end up loving it.
There's no current release date. Just that it's been picked up.


And it should be uncensored.
A while back, a great two-panel mating press of a big knight and a princess, was posted here.

The girl was saying something like, "How dare you take a princess first kiss."

The second panel was her being taken and going from oh to hearts.

I've been posting on here forever but can never seem to find that one again... if anyone has it I'd be grateful
What are the best rape hentai doujins where the girl hates every moment of it?
Anything by Kawady Max is good, if you're into loli.
I recognize the artstyle, it’s this guy: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/40288301
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Does anyone know where to find more art by Ocoish? She really doesn’t like to post everything she draws on pixiv.
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I fear the day some morally righteous dingleberry gets rape threads banned on /h/. So long as there's always a thread active of course, this is impossible.
thanks for the sauce anon
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Well the newest Tsurumiku title definitely has some wtf cg moments...

It happens after the girl has been broken a little bit considering her expression.
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Pretty good rape artist, I could fill the thread with his stuff.
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What do you think about scenario's where a girl sees another girl getting raped (losing her innocence in the process) and knows that it's going to be her turn next...
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Does anybody know any works with suicide attempts? I vaguely recall a scene in a manga where a guy blurts out that the girl is trying to swallow her own tongue and they need to stop her, but I don't remember anything else. I don't know if it was a conventional gangrape, tentacle rape, or what.
On second thought, it was probably just the scene with Misa in Death Note and I just Mandela'd myself into thinking it came from an h-manga.
Redo Healer manga has a girl bite her tongue off during rape. Maybe it was that one?
It's definitely not something as recent as Redo; I'm talking 10+ years ago.
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Do you prefer the rape victim to be a virgin?
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or the women being already used goods is the more preferable target?
Definitely virgins over nonvirgins as it adds an extra dimension to the nonconsensual aspect of rape.
The best kind of defloration rape is when the girl clearly treasures her virginity (possibly due to wanting to give it to her lover), but is helpless in protecting it due to being physically (by force) or mentally (coercion) overwhelmed by her rapist. Even better when the rapist gloats about being able to steal it.
Non-virgins for me. I'm generally prefer rape content that's less dark and is completely enjoyable on a physical level, even if there's hatred for the circumstances and/or people involved. The woman having no hymen and an established strong libido helps with that.
Is this really a rape scene? Seems to just be dumb NTR writing, no indication it's not consensual
Seconding this, but no loli pls
You are correct, that’s NTR shit. But the series does have good rapes like this one:
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>Rape doujins that have my favorite female characters are MUCH MUCH better than random doujins. Knowing the characters backstory/personality and watching them get torn down to nothing is much more stimulating than a random WHO.
NTA but what does it mean if I get grossed out by seeing may favorite characters and ships and canon relationships subjected to big standard rape? I could never stomach a SpyxFamily NTR rape doujin where Yor gets gangraped by cartoonishly fat and ugly men with Twilight/Loid being uncharacteristically weak and nerfed. What does that make me, a vanilla fag? Alternatively, this could also you mean you're not attached with your "favorite" characters and you could've just said:
>"Lol don't care I just want to fap."
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>NTA but what does it mean if I get grossed out by seeing may favorite characters and ships and canon relationships subjected to big standard rape?
No everyone has different preferences. But for me I love seeing them in situations that could never actually be approved in the anime. Like Kallen becoming enslaved in the Casino or captured by Britannians. Or maybe the girls from highschool of the dead getting raped by the evil bus teacher. Asuna from sword art online not getting saved by kirito at the last second. Erza from fairy tail getting fucked after getting captured by Tartaros.

Situations that could have potentially happened even in the context of the series but could never realistically be put in an anime.
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I’m a sadist, so I like seeing girls suffering and crying. I prefer seeing characters I like get fucked up more though, and I actually prefer ryona more than rape. It’s probably a similar mechanism to “cute aggression”.
I hate NTR and do not like fat ugly bastards though.
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fool. i prefer to have them stay defiant. this way they'll continue to feel the humiliation of cumming against their will.
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This is the best way
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does any one remember the name of this rape hentai i saw years ago?

basically the plot is there is this rich girl and her maid living in a mansion but they get home invaded by thugs pretending to be a moving company or something. They still allow the rich girl to go to school but keep the maid as a hostage so she doesn't go to the police. Then two friends of the rich girl realise something is up with her and go to her house only to be captured and raped as well. i believe there is a scene of all 4 girls getting raped side by side. At least from what i remember.
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The plot, sounds similar to the Visual Novel, Toriko no Kusari https://vndb.org/v19102

Although it might be the OVA adaptation of the original work.

I also attached a cg scene from the vn.
There was a doujin I read a while ago about a stuck up glasses-wearing school-council-president type who's mad that everyone at the school is having sex all the time, and she gets raped by the PE teacher in the library.
Does anyone know what the name of this one is? I've been looking for it for a while now and I can't track it down for the life of me
oh, thanks. the animated cg looks great as fuck too.
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Which do you lads prefer?
>A. girl is barely resistant and submits basically as soon as penetration occurs
>B. girl pretends to hate it but secretly loves it (and hides it poorly)
>C. girl is miserable or in pain the whole way through
>D. girl is drugged at some point during, changing her resistance towards sex significantly
>E. Hypnosis/sleeping/time stop etc. shenanigans
I can personally vibe with any but D, shit defeats the whole point and I hate how common it is
>G. Girl struggles but can't do anything about it and slowly stop resisting. but then they all of a sudden panic when they realize they are gonna be creampied and they start struggling again.
anything involving a pretty guy is a plus in my book
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> B2. girl is kind of a slut and enjoys the physical aspect of it but hates that the situation doesn't happen on her terms.
Although a mix of hating it and slightly enjoying the physical sensation is great too.
forced incest
water type gym leaders fall before electric types
literally the hottest thing ever! a woman being forced to bear her rapist's offspring is top tier humiliation
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i feel bad for her...
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... but she is so damn sexy in that aria uniform.
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I pick both. You quite literally have DNA from thousands of rapechads, despite your seethe.
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To the two retards arguing about fetishes
People like what they like and seldom have any control over it. Im of the opinion that ones sexual preferences have no say in their moral merit so long as they have healthy ways to express it. I personally think rape's pretty damn heinous irl but my dick likes what it likes
Youre not a chad or an incel based on what you beat your dick to
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First time I saw this def caused an awakening. Perfection.

I would love to be able to ERP A,B,B2 and G. C seem like no fun and D, E seem so pointless to RP.

I am so messed up that I came here imagine myself as a girl getting manhandled and sattisfied men's lust.
Exact opposite. Completely ruins it for me. Pnly exception is if she "loves" it as a cope and is crying inside through a forced smile
Also want recs
All on twitter? Is there a compilation to download?
luv rape
'ate NTR
simple as
Also the best rape is gagged rape
The extra unnecessary helplessness of it just makes it so much hotter.
Ill stop being a faggot and post one of my favorites when my hard drive stops defraging
>She "loves" it as a cope and is crying inside through a forced smile
This makes me diamonds. Any doujins, hentai vids, or eroge with this?
Fuck I might but like I said my shits defragging and I need to move a 1.2 million file db from a nearly-dead HD to a new external.
I get your point with D but what I think would make it hotter is her coming to her senses sometime afterwards filled with cum and no clothes in sight or slumped over in the shower crying and reflecting on acting like a slut/willingly getting impregnated drugs or no
Daenerys getting raped by Khal Drogo
3DPD doesn't arouse me
dont know but the plot sounds almost similar to Chizuru-chan Development Diary
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Speaking of Wanna, new Toriko with similar premise
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What are some more rape doujins where the girl doesn't enjoy it or give in?
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Does algida produces rape drugs now?
That disgusted look always gets me hot
i rabu Nemu
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landlord helps a struggling couple
Helping with their family and their rent, what a great guy

Nothing like a little impregnation to be the cherry on top of a rape cake
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What do you think about rape scene's where a girl is used in a car?
That used to be kinda hot on the bang bus vids because they were like, "what else ya gonna do way out here?"
damn, this girl is hot, I wish I could at least read Japanese so I'm not stuck with only translated VN's
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Holy fuck, this is so hot. Any more animated ones with virgins?
trying to find this specific rape hentai i stumbled on earlier this year or idk if i imagined it or what

its something in a school setting and this girl gets gang raped and they even mock the girl's crush or whatever to eventually join in even though he was unwilling to

the rapists also dislocate her legs during the process so she can't run away
Can't help you, but maybe it would help others help you if you mentioned which medium it is in (doujin, OVA, VN, CG set, etc.)

whoops, sorry it was a doujin i think, i just remember it being a black and white comic
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>Again you don't see anything
then it's not prolific, dingleberry
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What do you think about scenes where a girl being forced to use her other holes (at the same time or in the same 'session' without getting a chance to actually rest) after she 'forcefully' got ridden of her vaginal purity ?
I really like that scenario. Bonus points if all the girl's firsts (kiss/blowjob, vaginal, anal) are taken during the scene with one of the rapists gloating about it.
Guilty is one of my favorite developers cause they have a lot of that.
You have recs for VNs/doujins/games with this apart from Angeltear and Guilty's games?
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I think a few Tsurumiku games also use this scenario.

Like Shizuna from Yumekui - https://vndb.org/v2965 (pic attached)
There was a girl at work I got to know who confided in me that she liked being raped and would even egg on her roommate's boyfriend to get him to push her on the couch and fuck her while she cried and begged for him to stop. She said it excited her. She said it rarely worked, guys would more often get annoyed and leave when provoked. I think it had more to do with the fact that she was a 200 lb mega bitch. I'm 80% certain her story was made up too but what the hell do I know.

I think girls want to feel they're so wanted that it makes men lose control. I wonder if they secretly brag about being raped to sound more attractive than they are.
Of course they do, but
>200 lb mega bitch
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>I think girls want to feel they're so wanted that it makes men lose control
Hit the nail on the head anon
Lots of girls especially the unattractive ones fantasize about being raped because they want to feel desired and wanted enough by men they'd rape them
>jinrouki winvurga
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damn, source?
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I watch this ingoshima manga 5 years ago hoping Miyahara gets raped. It's a shame because it seems like it will never happen. The funny thing is she wants to be fucked hard and she doesn't want to admit it.
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I need more forced incest turning to "willing" incest so bad.
This is the best kink combo, rape and impregnation.

No, just fertile for reasons above.

They all have their charms except B (that doesn't feel like rape).

Favorite is C, especially if it's humiliation.

Special mention to D &E for helplessness.

>Realizing your rapist is shooting to seed
It's the best.

Rape is really good when it's a capable or usually confident woman. Seeing them reduced to a plaything makes it so much hotter.
>hanime rape and reverse rape tags are gone
fucking why
Why, god, why?
What are your go-to artists for rape? Deep Rising has been mine for a while.
I hate pics like those. The girl is getting forcibly deflowered but her face is like "Ugh, fine I guess." Not even a single teardrop. It should hurt like hell with that amount of blood.
It means you love those characters a lot because you're clearly fine with other girls being raped but not them. Your moral system has a strong in-group preference. This means you probably love them more than someone who thinks rape is gross in general.
As much as I love Guilty for being dedicated to virgin rape, I have to agree with you. The dialogue usually captures the helplessness and despair of the girls, but having CGs that better reflect that would be great.
Mind listing stuff you enjoyed? We probably have similar tastes. Lilim Darkness' Dark Blue aas pretty great for me.
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Personally I look at it as the girls having enough willpower to not visibly show how much the rape has actually affected her and give her rapists the satisfaction of seeing her depressed state - especially if it the rape includes the girl losing her virginity.

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