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>Go to the mall
>Check the YSL heels and shoes
>Quality of the leather feels cheap almost zara-tier
>same for the metallic details
>Watch Rose Anvil Review of Balenciaga sneakers
>They're actually trash
What the fuck is happening, I thought they had GOOD or at least decent Quality.
Is "Haute Couture" just a meme after all?
none of the brands you mentioned are haute couture
>rose anvil
reddit trash
>Retard realizes the slop he finds at his Midwest flyover mall isn't good quality
Lmao. Do you even know what haute couture is? Protip: it's not what you find at your cortown mall
>price == quality
i don't give a shit about the quality, i love make my gf wear this kinda stuff during sex
protip: any piece of clothing that prominently displays the brand name or symbol is trash quality and its "value" is solely derived from wage slaves thinking they are part of the rich club for wearing them.
This is the truth. Also, you’re essentially paying to be a walking advertisement.
for what? you got your answer
ITT: poorfags, possibly jews
i unironically know a ~40 year old pilot who bought his ~23 year old stewardess girlfriend exactly these shoes
You clearly have zero idea what haute couture means
Hugo Boss and Prada are worth the money. everything else is trash

>Go to the mall
there is your problem goto an actual brick and mortar store
This. Haute couture. OTR. Pick one
I thought Saint Laurent and LV were good
>What the fuck is happening, I thought they had GOOD or at least decent Quality.
Are you retarded or something?
mehhh. depends. SLP and LV are for chinks.
What about Versace?
Anyone knows where to get comfy but cool heels?
no but bump
The company never recovered after his death. They were absolutely peaking when he died and even had their own manufacturing plant where they would manufacture clothes for other Italian designers like Dolce and Gabbana. That plant closed in 2007 or 8. Since then Versace has moved much of its manufacturing to Slav states and Romania. They hardly make anything in Italy anymore but the top of the main line. Plus the top of the line isn't the same, they are using silk/polyester blends in their $1500 formerly 100% pure silk shirts. The company is a shell of itself now Gianni was all talent. Everything they make now are just poor rehashes of his old ideas but with worse materials. 1

Any 1998 and earlier Versace is worth buying for a good price, I have a few and they are really nice.
lmao, I thought you said Hugo Boss, perpetually on sale Hugo Boss, was quality. lmao, you people crack me up.
Boss clothes are so ugly
At least the ones that sell here
most of the big designer houses got bought out by huge conglomerates, most notably LVMH, who acquired houses in a rather ruthless and brute-force way to get as close to a monopoly as possible
then they increased their mark-ups and sliced quality. it's been much lower since the 90s and is getting lower still
In France "haute couture" is actually a legally-protected term that applies to really few designers. There's a bunch of standards that have to be met: You gotta have a full-time studio in Paris, you gotta finish all garments by hand, you gotta present on the couture fashion week schedule, yadda yadda. HC garments are made to the customer's specifications and aren't usually sold in your average mall flagship store. Usually a client has to book a meeting at the flagship in Paris and requires at least 2-3 in-person fittings before the garment gets completed. Sometimes the seamstresses get flown overseas to a client's place to do a fitting. Haute couture is also different from just "couture", which just means "sewing" in french. Saint Laurent ready-to-wear (owned by Kering) is a separate entity from Yves Saint Laurent Haute Couture (which is owned by fondation YSL), and YSL beauté is another separate brand, owned by L'Oreal. The shoes you see at the mall aren't haute couture, they're just entry-level conglomerate "luxury" schlock.
>HC in the mall

that's rtw you fucking american imbicile
im sorry...
YSL is flyover mall tier, along with most famous brands. Real haute couture isn't a household name to plebs
Only indians, arabs and chinese are buying these old luxury brands anymore and they don't care about quality, just labels so they'll get business no matter how shitty their products are
post something from these studios
>haute couture
I just can't fucking stand having a giant logo let alone a name on my clothes. It restricts what you can buy, sure but why anyone would want to walk around with a big logo on themselves is beyond me.
>t. seething 25yo male stewardess
For real bro? No way, wow that’s crazy.
>an actual brick and mortar store
What if it’s in a mall that is constructed of bricks and mortar? In this case, would the clothes inside be of higher quality.

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