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What's your opinion on thong bikinis? Are they too slutty? They were taboo for a long time but now seems like every other girl wears one
you need to stop watching porn OP.
Love them, dont know why people think the ass needs to be covered, like cleavage, only the nipple is considered obscene, the asshole and puss are all that really needs to be covered
I've seen women talking about bikini bottoms online and it's hilarious how small of a difference there is between bottoms they say are "low coverage, only for tanning!" and bottoms they say are "mid to full leaning towards full coverage, perfect for family gatherings or being around kids!"

The ones that they claim are "pretty full coverage, a little more than I'd like" literally still show more than half of the ass cheeks. Listen, I love tits and ass and everything else about a hot woman just as much as any other high test guy. My problem is this. Women have so much cognitive dissonance it's unreal, that's the most frustrating thing for me. Just admit you're a slut and I can respect you, none of this "we wear cameltoe asscheek-spillout shorts for sports because it's more comfortable and that way it doesn't impede our performance!!" meanwhile men of the same age are wearing long baggy shorts and mog them in athleticism to nuclear degrees. Just say you wanna look hot. Stop claiming you're doing it because you're a super intelligent strong independent woman who's just as good and capable as disgusting toxically masculine men who BETTER not be creepy and look at their protruding nipples and cameltoes!
If they were to admit that dressing as such was slutty, then they wouldn't do it. Never expect women to be honest about this. Discourage promiscuity, encourage dressing reasonably appropriately (not streetwalker but not amish), and enjoy the show like all the other guys.
>If they were to admit that dressing as such was slutty, then they wouldn't do it
Exactly. We need to educate the public on cognitive dissonance and the scientific fact that women suffer from it far more than men. The problem is, men enable it, because they're too afraid of the consequences of calling it out.
Source on this? Big if true
Dog bless
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I think they are sexy and look great in pictures, but most women don't realize how exposed they're going to feel when they go to a public beach. So it ends up looking awkward
>So it ends up looking awkward
Women being awkward and self aware really kills how sexy they are. I went to a beach resort and most of the women spent the entire time trying to cover themselves up. Really killed the vibe.
Are there other guys who just love the look of them, how they frame a round ass? I literally have every girl I fuck wear one or keep it on during sex. I don't think it's a fetish since I don't think about them otherwise, I don't care about them or want to sniff them or anything like that (eww, smellz). I just love how they look and can't look at a woman's ass without one on. Just looks really disappointing otherwise
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Yeah this is usually how I see women act when they wear a thong bikini to any place that's not a college party beach. They probably imagine a nice spaced out beach where they'll be able to turn some heads but not feel surrounded. Then they get there and there are SO MANY people and they start looking awkward and hunching and spending all of their time standing in a circle with their friends with a nervous look on their face
>eww, smellz
This afternoon walking along the promenade of my city, i saw a group of girls between 14 and 15 years old wearing these bikinis with thongs. They moved obscenely. What world we live in!!! I guess this is the Tik Tok society. Don't get me wrong, in a real woman this is hot as hell, but in a girl...
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My girlfriend (pic related) loves wearing them and it makes my cock rock hard for the entire day at the beach. It took me some time to convince her but now she refuses to wear any other type of bikini. It just looks soooo hot seeing her walking around almost naked and turning heads everywhere
It looks ''hot'' in photos but cringe irl
Why are cucks like you the only in relationships these days
We live in weimar republic times
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>weimar republic
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Chud's dad is jewish
I'm full goy
i love it when incels post about sex related things as if they know anything about it
Unappossed to them with a couple of exceptions.
Probably shouldn't be worn around kids unless in a beach setting. In rapey countries such as India it would be a very bad idea to have these outside a private resort or property.
Breasts feel like bags of sand aye mate.
thongs are great for identifying whores, if you're in the market for one
They're based
so what city and where, for research purposes
I don't understand how women can walk around with thongs or throngs or whatever they're called and not get poopy swamp ass?

Within about 45 minutes of me putting on underwear or walking around I can get sweaty butt and I usually have poop excrement coming out my butthole, not like shitting my pants but just walking around sweating like normal and a little brown saucey residue comes out my butthole. Just about every single pair of my underwear have skid marks when I take them off. I try to remedy this by wiping my ass often even when I don't poop but I honest to god don't understand how women can walk around in thongs all day and not have poopy brown stained thongs.

Granted I am 5'7 250 lbs

Also pro-tip to the virgins out there if she matches her underwear and bra and/or they're black she wants dick that night
How do I become a fashion designer for women's swimwear if I have no prior experience?
Shower every time after you poop or get a bidet for your toilet. Also lose weight you disgusting fuck https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1onQ0nxgWFM


Feels so free to swim in. I really don't want to wear anything else.

What the fuck, go to a doctor.
I would fuck them three
Moar please. I'll jerk off to this later.
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Yeah, but gym won't allow this.
Feels bad, man.
Wife wears one. She's just a soccer mom type with an OK ass. I love that's she's confortable with this.
>too slutty
Well what do you think considering the only step down from this is not wearing any clothing at all?
There's microkinis
They're not slutty enough. I won't be satisfied until Wicked Weasel-style microbikinis are the conservative option and the more daring girls go for those ones that are nothing but strings.
>I don't think it's a fetish.
>I can't look at a woman's ass without one on.
It's a fetish.
Same here. My fiancee still wears more appropriate bikinis when we're not on vacation.
>Why are cucks like you the only in relationships these days
Why do you assume that we're sharing? I can't speak for the other dudes, but I just like to show how hot my girl is.
Yeah she's a bit of a slut, obviously. At the end of the day she's all mine and that's all she wants to be.
Why do the incel-types obsess with the idea that nudity==slutty?
Clearly, we as a society have failed them.
>thong bikini
Yeah, quite nice, I like that this seems to become more common.
>thong swimsuit
Now that’s what really makes me diamonds!
Too bad the gf is to shy to wear them at the public pool. Maybe if it becomes the standard option for girls, it’ll be normalized enough for her to join. But sadly, it seems like H&M which probably ist the supplier of 80% of bikinis isnt in on the trend. Sad.
My brother in Christ, gotta look at Aliexpress bikinis. That's where I'm buying all slutty thong bikinis for my gf. One more thing, if wearing thong bikinis becomes normalized, it won't be hot as much anymore >>18085869
>why are people who are confident and comfortable in their love for eachother in relationships
how fucking autistic do you have to be to get mad about another couple not being as insecure with themselves as you are
are you twelve
I've touched and been touched by a human woman in a sexual manner so I have no opinion on them whatsoever.
KHVs need to stop roleplaying as cathcucks and stinking up the blueboards.
>Maybe if it becomes the standard option for girls, it’ll be normalized enough for her to join.
This is why I support the slutification of bikinis and stuff, I want this shit to be so normalized that I can have my cake and eat it too with girl who isn't a slut but dresses like one.
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I have a couple of slightly prude friends, who, if he wears a thong swimsuit, she will.
> Aliexpress bikinis.
As a >>>/g/csg regular, that’s where I’m getting most stuff from. You actually also can get real quality there (and loads of cheap crap), there’s some aesco “Japanese” thong swimsuits that are fantastic quality for around 20 bucks.
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Yes, aesco bikinis are good quality but they only make one piece thong bikinis which i don't like. My gf and I prefer ones that can show off her whole body nice, it's way sexier when she can flex her abs too
Oy vey!
> quality but they only make one piece thong bikinis
Well, that’s what I’m into the most (but I do like every thong bikini), so that’s a plus for me, but each to their own. They do however also have quite a few two person pieces which do look quite good, albeit not really in the “classic” shape as in your pic. But maybe you should check them out again.
I’ve got some varleinsar ones too, those are also quite decent quality wise.
Where do you mostly get yours from?
Bikini that my gf is wearing in that pic I posted is from Aliexpress. It was cheap but she looks killer in it
use a whole body deodorant like lume on your ass crack as well as consciously exercising your anal sphincter (consciously keep a tight butthole). also, stop eating so damn much
I can only assume since your asshole would be showing, Look into c-strings. If you get in trouble just argue if that half an inch around your hips is really so profane that it needs to be covered.
If you bend far enough to see it, a string won't cover it either.
I’d love to lick her dirty shit hole for the gratification of building her Ego and defeated ways. a schnoz like that is disgusting
> is from Aliexpress
Obviously. But I was wondering if you’ve got a specific store or brand on AliExpress that you can recommend. Sure, wordsalad brands from shop274638store can be a bargain, but good luck buying from the again. Hence I mentioned aesco (oh, and the store is xckny) and varleinsar, from which I’ve got consistent quality at a fair (but not ultra cheap) price.
I never researched their brands. I just find something that would look hot on her and look for reviews and pics
Very Jewish aesthetic
the jews in Florida look like that
> I support the slutification of bikinis and stuff, I want this shit to be so normalized that I can have my cake and eat it too with girl who isn't a slut but dresses like one.
Bump for these wise words.
Huh. Based jew.
Based picture saver
Apparently i lost interest in Ganymede, but funny to see old edits lol
Damn, congrats my guy seriously. How did you convince her to start wearing them? My fiance has body confidence issues so any way I can encourage her to feel more confident I'll try!
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>explicitly said he did it to fuck with the family unit
Unfathomably based, we owe a lot to this jew
stop eating so much olestra you fat fuck.
I don’t like them. I want to actually swim, and I don’t want to be afraid the whole time that I’m going to flash someone.
i owe women like that rimjobs
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If you post "your" woman's bare ass on an obscure incel forum, at this point she's basically an onlyfans whore, you're a cuck and a bunch of strangers jacked off to her FOR FREE, which also made you turned on.
Modern "males" are hilarious.
Don't care, didn't read. Just here for the coombait. Already started rubbing one out.
Btw - what's her name?
>Are they too slutty?
They're hot to look at and I don't mind seeing other women in them, but I wouldn't allow my GF to wear them.
Well, since she started going to the gym she gained some body confidence. One time she told me that she would love to try some thong bikinis. Same day I ordered classic triangle thong bikini for her. We went to the beach and she was shy in the beggining but I dared her to play a game : I told her to walk through a beach bar where bunh of young dudes were drinking and partying and I would follow her walking 5m after her, pretending we don't know eachother. I took a video from her back walking around in thongs for purpose to show her later how many guys were checking her out. When she saw it she gained SOOO MUCH MORE confidence and started to love thongs. Almost every guy was staring at her ass, some of them took pics kf her body. Some guys were pointing at her for other dudes to look etc...She asked me to buy her 2 more super tiny bikinis (like that one in the pic). Now she loves attention she gets from other guys and our sex after beach is amazing. She worked her ass out in the gym and she deserves all the attention she's getting
This reads like a cuckold setup. But good for you, man. Your girl is hot.
This is your brain on porn
Everything is about cucking and onlyfans the first thing this pajeet thinks about when he sees this ass is other guys dicks
Maybe... But we talked many times about vuckolding and threesomes and she's not intrested to try it. She just loves to make other guys lust for her body and to turn their heads. And with a body like that it would be a shame to keep it covered
You're enlightened to levels we can only aspire to my man. You transformed your girl into a confidence beast and now you get to see her ass on display and she's obviously way way more confident. I doubt my girl is ever going to get to thong bikini in public level confident, but if I can just get her to like her body more that's already a victory
immediately after your post
>But we talked many times about vuckolding and threesomes
he's a cuck with a humiliation fetish and his girl doesn't want to partake in his weird fetish because she wants to be normal lmao. its like watching the idubbz podcast and trying not to cringe in pain.
called it.
>its because the only non incel guys who want to put up with modern women are guys with humiliation ca$h drain femdom fetishes, and guys who are trying to start a family. those are the only motivations strong enough to be worth putting up with their bullshit longer than just fucking them.
Fuck man it’s my loss lmao
Trashy, gross and ugly.
How does she look like? Does she workout? Maybe you can start with her wearing push up leggings at the gym instead
did she ever do long format videos?
you turned your girl into a whore
Why do you think so?
>Almost every guy was staring at her ass, some of them took pics kf her body. Some guys were pointing at her for other dudes to look

this girl has an average butt and some cheap crap from china. then pushed into flaunting it to record other guys reactions. I bet hardly any even fucking looked. there is always that one girl wearing next to nothing to get attention.
its sorta gross.
Start watching porn with her that has threesomes or gangbangs. Also try introducing sex toys, vibrator or a dildo. Then after a while reintroduce the idea for a threesome and she’ll probably be open to it.
coombraining aside if you really think about it thongs are the least hygenic piece of clothing
ass and pussy stank is all-pervasive I don't care who you are
> we talked many times about vuckolding and threesomes and she's not intrested to try it. She just loves to make other guys lust for her body and to turn their heads.
Oh well. I’d love it if my wife wore more thong bikinis because I enjoy the sight. And well, that of course means that other guys get to enjoy that sight too, that’s not to be avoided, but you read stuff like this way too often.
Seems like wearing sexy clothing automatically leads to cucking. Now I am not so sure anymore if I wanna take that risk.
>implying that isn't the hottest part
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>I have a couple of slightly prude friends, who, if he wears a thong swimsuit, she will.
It doesn't have to lead to cuckolding
It really is quite simple.

>I want to make other men jealous by showing of my beautiful wife
>I want to make myself jealous by having other men fuck my beautiful wife
Confidence in yourself and your relationship is key and I see a lot of men ruin their relationships with good women because they get insecure about the way they dress or insecure when some random dude flirted with her, and they flip out about it, even though she doesn't reciprocate. Leaning into the cuck stuff should never be done. She's always wearing the skimpy stuff for you and herself. Other men's opinions should never be a factor, and you should not encourage that behavior desu.
And this,
>Seems like wearing sexy clothing automatically leads to cucking. Now I am not so sure anymore if I wanna take that risk.
It doesn't. I've known some full-on exhibitionists and they're pretty much always super-loyal monogamists. My experience (both personal and through friends) is that the prudish repressed girls are the ones who are actually vastly more likely to cheat.
>I've known some full-on exhibitionists and they're pretty much always super-loyal monogamists
Yeah it me (I'm a dude btw), I just enjoy being naked it's almost like free floating. Wearing pic related (I'm fat) is something I started to do much later since my friends aren't into nudism. If I wanted to bang different women I would go to prostitutes, since I chose one I want to stick to her.
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>the prudish repressed girls are the ones who are actually vastly more likely to cheat.

Yeah, the quiet ones are the scariest. When they snap is one-way ticket to dramatown.
>I want to make other men jealous by showing of my beautiful wife
This is still cuck behavior because you're allowing other men to see your wife's intimate parts that should be reserved only for you, all because you, for some reason, care enough about what other men think to wanna make them jealous.
This is accurate, any time I see a girl dressed like a slut out in public with her man, never have I ever once thought "holy shit I'm so jealous of him!!" I think "lmao what a cuck, she wears the pants (except right now) and he's letting her display the goods and advertise herself to a potential superior suitor and probably thinks he's 'winning'".

I stole my last ex from a guy like that who let her dress like that in public. It took her a little while to accept that if she wanted to be with me she was gonna have to stop going outside of my house like that.
Oh I bet you love watching Alpha M, right? So sick of fake "alpha" guys... Dude I bet you haven't stole a candy bar from a local store, keep dreaming that you "stole" somebody's gf. What a insecure control freak you are lol
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>Oh I bet you love watching Alpha M, right? So sick of fake "alpha" guys... Dude I bet you haven't stole a candy bar from a local store, keep dreaming that you "stole" somebody's gf. What a insecure control freak you are lol
It's funny that you think this is a "win". You're also a cuck for dating that whore.
If your girlfriend needs to be told not to dress like a whore, she's already a whore and you're already a cuck.
Jake, and you?
I agree, but I never said anything about open relationships. Exhibitionism is a fetish that usually involves a single partner.
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Funny how kiss-less virgin incels are the first to scream cuck.
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Thong is a specific cut. What exploded in popularity in recent years is "cheeky" swimwear, of various cuts, including thongs.

I notice that most professional divers wearing very cheeky one-pieces now. I think that wearing a very cheeky swimsuit it's less embarrassing than pulling a wedgie of material out from your ass after every dive. But I don't know if it was originally the athletes, the fashion brands, or the Instagram thots, started the recent trend of cheeky swimwear.
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Seen these at the gym pool. Very nice.
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> I don't know if it was originally the athletes, the fashion brands, or the Instagram thots, started the recent trend of cheeky swimwear.
I’d guess instathots.
But looking at fashion brands, most still only have rather modest cheeky stuff and no thongs. I guess that trend will only take off if H&M sells it. Fucking pic related is the only result I get when I search for thong. WTF?
Who’s gonna start a petition?
Trashy woman, trashy bikini.

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