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>>2857676 hit the image limit

/edg/ is the home of 1girl posting. Here, we share AI-generated pics of sexy anime girls and discuss latest advancements in 1girl-related technology.
Remember to keep it /e/, as per board rules. If unsure about what you can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.

> FAQ (check here first)
https://rentry.org/edg-faq#general | https://rentry.org/edg-faq#technical

> Local UIs
WebUI Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL (faster genning speed on low-mid vram gpus): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI | https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes

> Resources and guides
Useful links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd | https://rentry.org/sd-mashup
A1111 Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
LoRa training: https://rentry.org/lora_train | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://civitai.com/articles?tags=128645
Git-wiki of the technical Stable Diffusion papers: https://codeberg.org/tekakutli/neuralnomicon
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-Deforum | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-AnimDiff

> LoRA downloads
https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews

> Thread highlights archive (deprecated)

> OP template

> /edg/ logo
OP: https://files.catbox.moe/uc2ntj.png | Anchor: https://files.catbox.moe/bx1lo2.png (more color schemes in the FAQ Rentry)

> Related generals
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Request Anchor
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Theme Anchor
Current thread theme >>> Butts
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Previous thread highlights
Thanks for the effort with OP baking.
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Requesting kurumu kurono from Rosario vampire with huge breasts.

Wearing school uniform. But doesn't have to be accurate to her canon attire, any school uniform works.
Could someone with the skill and patience do some Yourichi, please? Ideally one where she's casual, one flustered and one ahegao from ... uh, activities
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nijika my beloved...
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I suppose this could pass as a single image made out of stitched screencaps.
I suppose I could add some fake subtitles to add some dialogue in as well.
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I was away for a bit so I didn't catch much of the last thread, but some of these are so fucking dope, especially top middle and the vampire one.
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I want marnie to sit on my face
sango from inuyasha, dark skin, high heeled boots, garnet cosplay, large breasts
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After a long and tiring day of being ordered to dive for treasure, then being swooped away and almost being eaten by a giant bird and then having to make a long, scary trek back to her friends, our intrepid heroine is enjoying a relaxing hot bath.
A cold soak during a hot day is always nice, but nothing can beat a hot bath after a tiring, scary day.
Yep, her breasts can float.
Our heroine suddenly realizes up that being a catgirl who has been diving, wading and now bathing for the biggest part of the day turned her into the postergirl of all wet pussy jokes and now she doesn't know how to feel about that.
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Oh, well. Tomorrow will be a new day.
Hopefully a more clothed and less wet one, she hopes.
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Would anyone be willing to magic me up a fairy wearing nothing but boots standing on a flower leaning over to kiss a passing butterfly?
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>flooding lowres sd1.5 shit
for what purpose
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Tried, but throwing in the towel
vramlets are people too
You can 'reroll' by changing the seed during upscales but is there any way to do that with the initial generation from noise? Changing the seed there gives a completely different image.
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These are all fun attempts! Thank you so much.
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I couldn't really rush this process even if I wanted to. I usually do too much shit in post to do various amounts of error correction/redrawing. And while some things take longer than others, if something is simple/low effort that just makes me even more anal about it.
Are you mentally ill?
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I would say report, but janny here is #spammerlifesmatter, so pointless I guess.
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Requesting Isane, Usagi, and Hinata all naked hot tubbing together.
Me on the left.
Now I want to see front.
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which prompts - or neg prompts- can i use to make armpits look more like armpits and less armpitussy
No need, armpitussy is perfect *licks*
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nvm typing arms up instead of armpits solved the problem
From erotic to ruined in one simple step.
armpit fetishists will actually drool at an image of chafed yeast infection.
>chafed yeast infection
But enough about your face.
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well it ain't /e/
well it's /e/
Nta but in case he doesn't answer it's most likely pony innate kase daiki.
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If there's a penis involved, it's /h/ (unless it's attached to breasts and and hourglass figure, then its /d/)
Where peenus
She's staring into my hecking soul!
>Blatantly-sexual images involving men, the sexual fluids of men or foreplay done by men. These images belong in /h/.
Highly debatable. The only thing it sorta fits is 'foreplay' but not really. Meh.
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turns out euler_smea_dy is just better for coherence, worse for fine detail, worse for compute time. 9 SMEA steps was better than 6. and 17 is better than 9, while still leaving enough noise for SDE sampler to fill in fine detail
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Re-request Vocaloid IA dancing all-nude while excited like iShantae is doing n pic related tho with her (absurdly long) hair down.
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Would stick it in.
Havent thought that thought in a months or a year even, good gen.
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it's /a/ material, cause neither board fits but I need more Kuroko so keep it up
That's not the same image, but for some reason I can't find the one I posted here. It should have the same metadata, though (besides seed).
You're right, but this is not pony based.
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Hmmm, so you're the guy beta-testing that unreleased model.
Well I can tell you I'm impressed by kase daiki, especially if the finetune is not pony based. I think pony could recreate the body shading of that artist at most alright, but here these clothes and this butt actually look like a 1 to 1 copy of the artists work.
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Yeah, some of the artists there are really well represented - michiking and cirenk, off the top of my head, are also really similar to some of their work. Unfortunately, the dude training this lacks hardware and has been training it on a 4090. There's an awkward amateur feel to the model that is hard to shake. Things melt and get blurry sometimes, etc.
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What compels a man to just actually post slop
Intellectual, mental, spiritual deficiency.
Are you talking about that Cascade model or something else?
Making slop is often the first step to eventually learning how to make really good stuff!
Maybe but unless you have >>2859234
you would realize that you can make the slop without posting it, get better and then post good stuff.
He said posting slop retard-kun. You can make your slop privately for your own consumption as much as you want, we don't need to see it. The only reason to post it is to ask for some specific advice.
This is a thread for posting ai generated things.
I'm posting ai generated things that turned out to be so accurate that passed as real screencaps, so this is okay.
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No, this is an XL fine-tune that I've been testing around for a few days. It's got baked in artists, etc. Every once in a while I get a new epoch and test it out.
Mentally ill attention-whoring cucks who lack any talent whatsoever. They often talk about BBC so they are probably faggots as well.
You're too new to already be lacking self-awareness so much, looks like we have a case of >>2859234
Ngmi, I'm afraid.
When does it come out?
Bro, you sound very tense. If this is such a big deal for you, you always can hide my posts along with whatever you don't like and your problem is solved for good.
Based. Slopniggers are the lowest kind of lifeform.
No, you're just evidently retarded and missed literally every point made to you. Just don't spam the thread, okay?
Spam, as in spamming insults without contributing with any pics and playing minimod as well?
Duly noted, I will not do any of that.
Spam as in what you already started doing in the last one. You keep missing the literal meaning of words time after time, that's very strange.
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I don't know. Training is supposed to be up today, but I haven't played with the final checkpoint and can't tell you how done it is.
Don't forget to share it when it comes out.
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Oh, I will.
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Among us.
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Absolutely obsessed with how perfectly AI understands a character I made.
Thought this board might like a risque shot I did.
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megumin's butt
nude, bedroom theme, behind view, looking at viewer, condom in mouth/hand
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luv edits and less = more
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anybody playing stellar blade? /e/ game ridiculous in that
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two girls, for example asuka and rei, comparing clitoris sizes, the one with the smaller one looking frustrated
Bake some loras and make your patreonbucks while they're hot.
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hngffnngn gahh... japanese female pussa hair so aesthetic..
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please make more
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really? money is the first thing that comes to mind?
>those proportions
>double navel + triple fat folds on a lanklet
>green ribbon
Yes. :>)
Me on the left.
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Seems she lost the bet, anon.
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>a fairy wearing nothing but boots standing on a flower leaning over to kiss a passing butterfly
I cheated a little because I used a DALL-E image as a base, but here
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I fixed the navel, but I guess still looks a bit like a double navel, you are right there. The ribbon is also a fair point, I didnt even notice

But Whats wrong with three fat folds though?
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Self-harm is no joke.
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Confusion is a strong move
first of all, she's skinny, it shouldn't be like that. her torso is like 25% or more too long, just look at it, isn't nero really short anyway? lower your aspect ratio
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Are you afraid of a little pubic hair, anon? wanna tell us why?
>a little
don't lie
Absolutely do NOT shave this high schooler.
Also box! Pretty sure I know the artist, but I think you might have something more in the mix for the final look.
I've got camonome and dino in there. https://files.catbox.moe/7mdghy.png
Thanks. I was hoping I wouldn't see "model3" or something similar in there, but oh well.
It's you again, kek.
lol, if it helps, pretty sure camonome and dino have loras for pony. You just have to pray the combination works and the background helps.
get script
I notice images are getting far worse. I think it's because people are getting the art styles they like now and that isn't the art style I like. Which is fine I guess. Everyone's got their thing.
So literally a pointless post.
Maybe that's just me shitting up your thread, anon.
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And here I was thinking what's that smell...
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norman rockwell plus ghost in the shell loras
I think it's because the new Loras are great at a technical level but everything made with them ends up looking too similar to each other.
nice eyes lmoa
We have as much styles diversity as ever these days, buy new eyes.
Umu, umu

May be she is way too fit now, I wanted her to have a bit of belly
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I guess so, but look what we used to make

and look at what we make now.

I can't be the only one who wishes for the older threads. Just feelin sad.
looks nice, try adding muscular to negs
Oh no, someone posted /aco/ gen, the horror! Never happened in le olde times, right?!
I get feeling nostalgic about older simpler times and I also remember 1.5 days fondly, but I sure don't miss that generic stiff slop.
I disagree, I believe the thing is we are getting more and more demanding.

Before a piece of clothing melting into the skin or a hair string that was kind of embeded into the forehead were non-issues, something that you didn't even pay attention to.

Now you see line not finished and think "man, that line is not even finished".

You could see a background that was nothing but nonsense and didn't even think on it, now you see a shower image and think "those tiles on the wall aren't even properly lined up"
It's always funny to see repost of my 1.5 slops out of nowhere
Muh backgrounderinos...
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I think you are judging the style there
Can someone do Kita Ikuyo doing the male swimsuit challenge?
>she looks down through her legs to catch you sneeking a peek
This is my decision and I'm glad si now allows me to gen it.
Sounds like a (You) problem
>Before a piece of clothing melting into the skin or a hair string that was kind of embeded into the forehead were non-issues, something that you didn't even pay attention to.
I still don't when I'm fap genning
>nonsense backgrounds
I should turn off wildcards for that so I don't get sex scenes or strip shows in a super market but it's funnier.
>strip shows in a super market
That's like your usual supermarket visit after Onlyfans took off.
Public menace behavior should honestly be more punished. Reminding me of those "prankster" kids who just run around being menaces and use their age as a shield against the law.
Can't you just make an alpha channel with some ml image matting thing and put her in a different background?
Amateur public indecency videos have become quite popular on OF. It was an already somewhat popular niche in porn before, but now every other girl is an OF model so these displays happen more often.
Wouldn't we start seeing more arrears for these kinds of things?
>I should turn off wildcards for that so I don't get sex scenes or strip shows in a super market but it's funnier.

That has kind of changed too, we used to be that sort of mistakes as "funny" while now are not seen with the same eyes, some people even considers it some sort of crime.

The same way two legs or a broken knee was seen as something kind of amusing, and people would only point it to make a bit of fun of it, but now posting something like that and people would act as if you killed their mothers.

I think is good to raise the standards, but we shouldn't be too much angry about that
You have to remember that some people lust love to criticrize everything just because they love being assholes.
There's also the fact that if you hate and attack everything theres nothing left for someone to use to hurt you.
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Lol, there's some idiot longing for the return of the 1.5 days.

You only complain now because it's easy, anon.
Eh, there always will be various types of purists around and the background/composition logic critics are some of the dorkiest ones for sure. Nitpicking the silly unimportant details not the same as pointing out or criticizing obvious flaws though and I for one am glad that our standards are moving beyond body horrors, melting eyes, broken limbs, etc. You're right that being an asshole about it is unnecessary though.
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yeah, i dunno what his deal is. i mostly just use 1.5 because my potato wont run XL.
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It's not furry, there's no fur.
Assholes always will find a way to harras and hurt people, though. They are twisted that way.
I knows this is 4chan and all that but I often think about how many great people and projects have been lost forever because sick assholes couldn't stop shitting on them no matter what.
1.5 days were sovl but I'll agree that you had to use a shitton of things to make half-decent simple gens, the nice background was always a cope
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and once you've sorted out your proompt structure most of the progress in gen coherence will only be made by new generations of model or possibly new sampling methods

you also can get backgrounds out of pony, but it's harder/shittier in its vanilla state like everything else about it
>you also can get backgrounds out of pony, but it's harder/shittier in its vanilla state like everything else about it
nta, but pony's background capabilities are 100% fried. It doesn't know what's a server room, for example. There's no lora training that brings pony's background capabilities back.
yeah, i'd imagine the pony merges probably do backgrounds better.
I heard her bussay is furry as hell.
I keep praying for a good natural language + tags model.
that sounds rather specific
>ever excusing low effort trash
if you're finding that you're getting your shit called out there's a pretty good chance it's because it's actually bad with a plethora of ways to improve it or because you're spamming disposable gens that could be made by literally anyone with zero effort involved.
threads don't need to go a mile a minute and this isn't a dall3 general. Put some effort into your shit. Give it emotion. Stylize the fuck out of it in whatever direction you actually like. Make it actually interesting. Fix errors where you can.
This shit isn't that hard.
Based true and valid takes
>Fix errors where you can
>Make it actually interesting
Fuck off, we're 1girl general, I'll make it as uninteresting as I want and there's nothing you can do about it.
>Make it actually interesting
Alright, give examples within the /e/ spectrum of course
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There is any particular tag for female masturbation, but not full fingering herself but just playing with her bean a bit?
"clitoral stimulation" perhaps?
Try 'clitoral_stimulation' in pos and 'vaginal', 'fingering' in neg.
Not him but make her do something, express some emotion, a cool pose, interesting style, maybe make her shoot a weapon, cook some shit, run, etc.
Not every gen gotta be a perfect masterpiece, sometimes you just wanna post your waifu or a cute 1girl, but no reason to literally flood threads with generic base model style 1girl standing smile dead eyes
"Interesting" is a subjective spectrum. Emotion, style, setting, actions, composition, etc. all contribute to something being "interesting."
Generally speaking all it takes is actually putting thought into what you're doing.
It's the difference between
1girl, standing, peace sign, emotionless
1girl, standing, peace sign, looking away, blush, nervous, sweat, parted lips, wavy mouth
Well, there you have lads, I think both responses are valid, hope the rest of the class sees this and have a second thought before posting a gen
Spoken like the selfish, manipulative asshole that you are, champ.
You might as well stop pretending and just admit you want to use this thread and users as your free servants for your personal masturbation fodder.
I don't disagree that more thought out gens are better than generic ones or anything, but again, we're doing anime booba here, 1girl standing is also totally valid. And outside some occasional bad faith spam like in this one I don't see that many 1.5-like generic 1girls here either. We really should be focusing on fixing our gens more, but that's just my opinion.
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I hate pony
Ponies are cute wtf!
>I don't see that many 1.5-like generic 1girls here either.
I posted that and I was called a spammer for that, you know.
aren't those just crop img2imgs of some ova?
>victim complex
anon you were told you were spamming because you posted 3 images with very little variation in a short timeframe while making a retarded and misunderstood argument.
Funny that you're responding to the person who called you out. And sad that you learned nothing, kinda pathetic really. Try to move on.
Amputees go to /d/ bro.
No one would call him spammer for 3 images kek. Look in the previous thread, it was 10+ sloppy samey gens.
normally? probably not.
the difference is putting a target on your back by saying stupid shit while you're doing it.
he's totally right though, in 1.5 you could prompt just about any scenery or prop and it would at least vaguely know what it is, both pony and nai only knows a tiny percentage of the top most popular bgs
because you posted like 15 images that were basically identical
Well I'm the one who asked him not to spam, so I'm telling you why I said that. Agree with the other part, I wasn't even calling him out initially just explaining that you don't need to post every piece of slop you make, but the avatarfag in the making somehow started feeling called out from that and got retardedly defensive kek.
>Fix errors where you can.
I'll inpaint to get the gen to do what I want
But beyond that I di not care one bit about errors.
You can do as crappy job as you like, just don't post your sloppa kthx.
if you don't care about errors then why do you think anyone would care about anything you post? why bother posting it at all?
requesting an oiled / shaking / bikini-clad Shantae offering the viewer a sandwich as a free wish
Shaking from what?
the process of making a sanvich, obviously, she's been slaving away in the kitchen to make the perfect one
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How do I get consistently high definition generations like this one?
This one is without any loras at all
Parkinsons shakes erotic uohhh
I didn't say I dont have standards
But it's not errors thst make a difference for me
What do you mean by high definition? It doesn't look particularly detailed or sharp, like the pattern on panties isn't detailed at all, the bow is just some vague shape, cameltoe isn't very pronounced etc. My go-to is genning a batch at base res, picking a gen I like, upscaling it x2, img2img-ing it with Adetailer or Multidiffusion and upscaling the finished gen again x1.5 if needed.
by that i mean it not looking blurry
ill give that a roll however, thanks for the pointer
Try different upscalers, I saw some recommended ones on FAQ. I usually use 4xNomos8kDAT when I want more sharpness.
W-what is she going to...
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worked, many thanks anon
what prompts give this color style consistently? i tend to get lucky with this shading/lighting/color style but i'd like to know the best way to guarantee it
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consistently generating sharp shit now, but for some reason a lot of the gens have a wierd border cut-off on the sides or the left, any idea what to put in negatives to fix this?
I get this on Autism often too, although usually it's not as pronounced and less visible as in your example. Haven't found a solution, I just crop it out.
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4xNomos8kSCHAT-S my beloved
eh i think its more you people are becoming competitive , and on thing that happens in that atmosphere is people tend to want to drag people down to elevate themselves.
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NAI is so fucking good at see-through clothing compared to Pony
what are you evaluating specifically
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see-through tops that show the outline of the breasts and the bra. NAI pumps out beautiful gens effortlessly, Pony gives me stuff like pic related.
my biggest problem with pony based models is getting light degrees of see-through in an even fashion, like a whole body silhouette showing subtle skin tones that's not near transparent in spots. it's doable but takes finnagling

but i aint never seen shit like your pic
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Yeah bro, we people are promoting some quality standards cause we are competitive freaks. There's totally an atmosphere of ruthless competition for (you)s and everything in this general, we're basically at each other's throats here competing sooo hard. Definitely not an asinine excuse you just came up with, not at all.
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newer models have their advantages
but you just can't replicate 1.5 kino
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Poor girl.
it's a warm summer rain
she is moisturized
MOAR girls in indoor pools like in >>2858550 pls.
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have a prehistoric 1.5 gen
I always have such trouble to gen this. The AI just doesn't like or understand this pose.
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But enough about ur mum.
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xayah is shit, also her hands got photobombed by fateshit tattoos, apply yourself
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Tatsu butt
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>prehistoric 1.5 gen
I still like them.
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My strategy is find a base image close to what you want
Img2img it to create a base
use that base in other img2img to create more
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I'm starting to like pony but not quite there yet
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Arms up is probably my favorite hack pose to avoid any major fuck ups
+closed eyes, feet out of frame... AI in shambles.
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Alright, the eyes on looks a little off here, it looks like she is looking up instead of looking at the viewer so I gave it a second try
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the eyes looks a little off here*
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touch the cow
Is your mum?
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lets all love feet
this looks like a cute character but I would have preferred to see her into some sort of context
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stop spamming and take off the name
please respond
Can you make her nude like in the original Key art?
What is that pose called where the character is sitting, has one knee to her leg or is hugging her leg, while the other leg is in a straight sitting position?
Is it promptable?
just type that in autism is pretty good with that. sitting, hugging one leg, one leg down/out
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i thought the region around her left hand wouldnt be so tricky to fix. lol nope, im not spending more gpu or krita time scribbling on it
maybe there's an inpainting savant or someone with actual shoop skills to help the model get there

i think plebs like me just one or two tiers above the most casual proompters will have to wait for the researchers and bakers to fix it for us
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It's never someone posting an image with "look how much better my shit is than yours", it's always just someone being condescending for no reason.
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I always inpaint my NAI gens if something is wrong but with my local gens I just reroll until I get a "good enough" seed
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I forgor my gen
it's my fault for being greedy and genning with deep shrink at 1.5 scale on a scene that didnt need much fine detail
>"look how much better my shit is than yours",
well no shit anon, they are not going to make it look that obvious.,
sexo (with hats)
>that obvious
Being competitive is all about recognition. Anonymous posts with no image can't possibly earn the complainer any recognition or praise. It has nothing to do with being competitive, it's just shitposting. Thusfar we've seen no evidence that the complainer is even able to gen at all, much less that they're winning any sort of competition against the people they're criticizing. At best they are a coward, afraid of having to defend their own outputs. More likely they're just a troll.
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last one for the night, an exercise in pussy peek
cutoffs, front view, open fly, pussy peek, clitoris
negs: panties, wedgie
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HA, motherfucker, I didn't notice there's tally on her cap as well
Oh well, seems like I found another style that I like for my local gens, the next step is to search characters loras that hopefully won't ruin it too much
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To the anon who suggested to use multires noise offset for LoRA baking, thank you. The results are much better, faces come out more often with good lightning and contrast.
>Time taken: 24 min. 59.8 sec.
being a cpulanket is pain

>Please wait a while before making a post.
even 4chan mocks me
oh god, i didnt even realise how bad they were in the second one. i missed the jankness of the long thumb in the first one.
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That's great! Thank you!
That's some serious frontgina
Aren't you the one who started crying about schizos and shitting up the thread with le sarcastic posting once approached with valid criticism a few threads back? I remember chiming in and giving you advice. And yet you're still there quality-wise, haven't improved one bit, so advice not taken huh? And nobody's complaining, we (yes, we) are just putting it to you as is, your precious ego is just too fragile and you're covering it with absolute schizo theories and excuses and pathetic /g/-tard le no gen defense (go back). Though not sure which is more pathetic, this or your schizo blabbering in defence of posting slop. How can one be so allergic to improving? Baffling.
Also you seem to be a bit confused and conflating different people. We have a schizo that likes berating people and shitting on their gens for some stupid reasons, yes. That doesn't mean that any point of criticism or calls for better overall gen quality come from schizos/trolls/competitive freaks (lmao). If you weren't so fragile and defensive for once you'd be able to tell the difference.
>started crying
lol no, i just think you're a dick.
you are welcome
I'm only a dick to dicks, so...
Bro please, it's all there. Threads get saved in the archives, you know.
hate hands
File deleted.
so many artists in loras or otherwise just absolutely nuke hands
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stop adding a 5th finger in between the ring finger and pinky REEEEEEEEEE
Based, tyvm and happy 1st of May!
Got a toml for it not sure if it's enabled in ez scripts yet but I'm game to try new things for Lora bakes
pyramid (multires) noise has been in it for ages
What settings you use for it then I might have it already on then if it has.
it's all the way at the bottom on ezscripts, i use 0.3 discount (strength) and 10 iterations
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keqing pov
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cute, love it
is this a character or OC?
Its a character from a jrpg, Eiyuden Chronicles
At best you're a coward, afraid to face the same kind of criticism you throw out. At worst you're a nogen troll. Either way, nothing worth crying over.
>the most pathetic whiny retort imaginable
Keep crying, nobody cares.
is it ok to post occasional non-suggestive sfw 1girls here? basically nowhere to waifupost, this place seems to be most appropriate
Fuck off retard.
Hello /hdg/.
Just post your shit, it's an anonymous image board, if it's not appropriate we'll tell you to fuck off or a jany will ban you.
>we'll tell you to fuck off or a jany will ban you
Gotta be suggestive. Remember, if you post her, it's no longer your wife, it's OUR wife. So think twice.
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>is it ok to post occasional non-suggestive sfw 1girls here?
I don't think anyone would notice if you didn't ask. Unless you were planning to spam some fucking trash.
Shouldn't have asked, now (we) will be on the watch for some non-suggestive girls!
who are we kidding? We're all fucking degens, everything is suggestive.
God I fucking LOVE non-suggestive girls they make me so fucking horny...
Same, wish someone would post at least one non-suggestive girl right about now...
suggestive mesugakis doko.
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Can't mess up hands if you don't generate one.
She just wants to be a pirate.
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Uh oh, cute SFW girl coming through
Too suggestive, pass.
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that was fast.
4kchad, I kneel
Someone is shitting up /vp/ with gay porn. I did a vibe transfer.
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I give up, fucking hands, does anyone have a proper inpainting tutorial for forge?
This is probably weird, but last weekend I was drinking as usual at my computer and I came across this set of AI modified images that appears to cover a high-class social gathering, but it soon struck me that most of the people depicted were women AI-enhanced to be incredibly beautiful, and many of them were topless. At this point I think I had the experience of understanding the technology.

A few days later and I'm still thinking about it. The weird part is that my fetishes are insanely boring, literally nipples and panties. That's not a joke. And somehow this has stuck with me enough that I'm considering it. Learning how to craft an endless variation of my not-actually-existing fap targets? Hell, maybe.
Sir, this is anime general.
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draw a shitty version of the hand in hand / paste a correct one over the image and color correct if needed, then inpaint at medium denoise. that's the only consistent way.
>nipples and panties
maybe if your brain is completely fried from porn addiction
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POV: you ain't walking tomorrow
please anons please the watermarks it's not hard to neg them out
shut up
I legitimately don't even know how retards manage to get them in their gens to begin with.
I can't remember the last time I've gotten a watermark.
granted I make all my own lora's and shit but still. even when pony was new and I went without lora's they just didn't exist.
Yep, literally 1 second in Iopaint or remove tool in PS. Can be tricky sometimes depending on the background, but most of the time it's just that.

Some artists, whether by lora or native, have them baked in, it's not that hard to figure out. Sometimes even having the related tags in negs doesn't help.
just add it to negatives no need to waste time manually removing
Reading is hard, I get it.
ironic post
if the watermarks are 'baked in' via lora, it's a shit lora.
Unironic retard.
Loras can be good at some things and not so good at others. It's not that black and white. If it does the style well but has a watermark problem I'll still use it.
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/5oshk1.png
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Pony is truly a miracle. Make a 1.5 lora with the one image of a character avaliable, make some gens, pour them in the pony trainer and will put out a decent lora
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this creates mustard gas
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oh the edgy
Nyoo not the Ellen Long Arms, why did they do it to her?
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>Post hyena tits
>Come back to thread later
>10 comment argument about watermarks

I just wanted to post some big tits...

It's baked into Shexyo's style-lora I think. Even with watermark and signature in the negs it still pops up. I guess I'm also not OCD enough to care about removing the watermarks since it didn't bother me in this one either
shit lora then
Don't bother, no one cares except for the ocd thread shitter
So true slopsister! Literally (literally) nobody cares.
Oh nyo not 10 comments, how can we ever get that valuable thread space back?
I get not caring about it, but taking one second of your time to fix something isn't le OCD or whatever other excuse you can come up with.
What do you call it when butt cheeks and vulva form a single line and how do you gen it?
lama cleaner would edit it out pretty easy, but its a minor issue for a good gen.
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Nice but it's definitely a bit fried, I have to use it at 0.6 and even then it's still too much.
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" blonde hair, aristocratic clothes, erotic clothing, tomboy," is not working out the way I desired. Almost all of them end up with her having sex or at the very least with a m*le of some sort.

(As I complain it finally gives me something palatable.)
you're using furry model for some reason?
prompt "female"
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Well you see, since you are using NAI you have to use the proper tags of what do you want to see, I suggest you to go to danbooru and search for something that you would like to create and see what tags are being used for it
Also, why are you using the furry model instead of the anime one?
Would someone willingly magic me up a picture of a girl wearing nothing but shoes and socks sitting in an M shape in a school hallway looking up in horror as she's been caught naked and masturbating in the hall?
>Also, why are you using the furry model instead of the anime one?
>a picture of a girl wearing nothing but shoes and socks sitting in an M shape in a school hallway looking up in horror as she's been caught naked and masturbating in the hall?
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I know this has been discussed before. But I didnt start prompting back then, so everything flew over my head.

How do I make my gens colors pop up more?
>it understood
Ponybros, you win this time.
Download a VAE. Make sure to go into the webui settings and select it. I used the kl-f8-anime2 one, just google it.
Thx anon, also just installed a metadata reader, time to experiment.
It's actually novelai without mods.
Huh, you're right. Actually when I run this prompt through pony (with score_9, source_anime and without) it shits out complete garbage. Autismmix gives a bit more coherent images, but still ignores the school hallway part of the prompt and the idea of getting caught completely. I guess nai is better at natural language too?..
Ponychuds, not like this...
Thank you so much! I like it but it's a bit too loli.
state of undress
Content outweighs complaints, Anon.
Post all the big tits you like, watermarks are negligible.
Oh god, that's awesome! Thank you!
Uh oh, you found out she's not a natural blonde.
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She's a bit shy, anon. It's the first time she's putting on a costume for you.
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This is so amazing, did you make this?
The image? Yeah. Are people posting someone else's gens here?
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This style is pretty cool. Is this just shirow or do you have something else?
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It's a mix https://files.catbox.moe/d8lhgo.png
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Are figma /e/?
Who's Figma?
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Is any of you familiar with doing monster loras? Not monstergirl, or furry, or anything like that, but actual monsters.

I want to make a lore of a monster, but I'm not sure how to approach the tagging for the training.
Is not that Im gonna use it for lewds or porn or anything, just to generate images of said monster.

Should I try to describe the monster in a narrative way, or using tags as if was an anime irl "wolf" "turtle shell" things like that, or I should just tag the images as "monster" and nothing else?
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Describe as much as possible. It will make the lora usable for more than the one image. Beyond that, I can't help you, you have to try and see what happens.
nice style
As long as they look anime, yes, I posted a few of those in the past
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first time trying impainting on bad hands and stuff
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Forgot to put panties on? Happens to the best of us.
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Holy thunder thighs
Well, looks off when you actually zoom in and look at it but not bad for a first try I would say, what was your workflow?
I couldn't help but notice we're close to image limit.
Baker-chan?! Requesting your services!
All bakers were isekai'd so no more threads
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Me rn
Why no one posting gens? :D
Next episode
I did this in a1111. First txt2img and from then on impainting hands shoes and bench one after another. Wanted to try inpainting in comfyUI but it's more involved there
I happen to like Pink and your posts. So ignore the no-talent hack who feels that he has to criticize others.
Okay like the pics but I have to ask , when is your next album coming out?

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