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Previous thread hit bump limit, so it's time for a new thread

Previous thread: >>2817227
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Lycoris Recoil
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Killing Bites
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Tenkuu Shinpan
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Octoling girl having diarrhea
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Seikon no Qwaser
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i want to declare that i don't have a fetish for this and i don't find this sexual in any way, i just have a couple pictures saved by coincidence, so i decided to contribute
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why are japs obsessed with seeing girls piss or shit?
also, dont they have some weird floor level shitholes instead of toilets?
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there's certainly no question that it's an acquired taste
It's called "EFRO", check yourself.
Also squat toilets generally make it easier to shit so it's good for your body.
most western artists who draw toilet content are going to show you what's happening in detail as well. the manwha list seems to be the best for non-scat bathroom scenes.

there is way more toilet art than there used to be, but most of it is an emphasis on the gross aspect. i would prefer more voyeur content myself, but honestly if you can't take bodily functions stay out of the restroom.
Pee is ok. Shit is kinda a bit too far though.
Cowboy Bebop
She isn't even using the toilet here. I could have sworn though that Cowboy Bebop had an actual toilet scene of Faye at some point (and I'm not talking about the poison mushrooms scene).
That's just the dementia kicking in
The weird thing is I absolutely remember that too. I haven't done a full watch of the series in a while but I vaguely remember a scene, not Mushroom Samba, where we see her from the waist up but you can tell her pants are down. Haven't been able to find it since.
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I'm so sorry but, goddammit, AI art is actually coming in clutch. I beg for forgiveness.
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Here, something not AI-generated to make up for it.

i want to declare that i have a fetish for this and i find this sexual in every way

I think it's cool
we are not all japs you dumass.
dude nothing wrong with ai stop making a deal out of it.
hey mister if you don't like leave this a toilet fetish top self fetish thread not a place for anti toilet fetishist.
This. Shit is always disgusting.
Actually I'm having a debate about that elsewhere. There seems to be a consensus that the process of dumping can be hot even if the product is not.
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For the record I'm not saying anyone needs to agree with me, I just want to point out how I feel on the matter and the nuance I subscribe to.
yes it's cool.
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>13.4 fingers
>number of thumbs: unknown
>2.5 panties
>Commode has fully taken root; steel-porcelain cancroids now probing through the walls
It crowds out peoples' artwork. Pixiv seems to be having trouble getting a handle on the situation. I don't fly into a rage when I see it, but some of it too creepy for /e/.
I wonder if anyone could help me find something I saw years ago and have struggled to find since - doujin where a girl tries one of those "new sanitary toilets" that is effectively a super high tech bidet. One image towards the end has the seat hinging over her legs to locker her in, and at some point someone else walks into the public restroom she is in.
It's not this one?
not all is like that it's still art, I don't ether I'm just tired of the complaining about it if don't like it shut up about it.
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Heisei Haizanhei Sumire-chan Chapter 11
You're right, not all AI art is like that. But the image he was replying to has clear issues. You don't have to say that AI art is a good or bad thing across the board. We can use AI to generate art and choose not to save and share the ones where there are weird distracting error, at least without inpainting. The low standards so many people have for their gens is responsible for the view that all AI art is bad. We can do better.
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Well.... there is THIS one in chapter 5 of the Bebop manga.

It seems like they are sealing their artwork with passwords
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Search for Nogizaka Haruka on your porn site of choice. It's like one of if not the only doujins it has.
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pixiv. Copy the ID number at beginning of filename, add it to the end of pixiv.net/en/artworks/, then lurk moar
https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/81841542/post/7567023 here you go no thanks to that rude bastard.
dude don't be rude.
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Damn you, AI, coming through where humans will not...

Although I wish it put some underpants around her calves.
everyone knows Dawn is nopan anyways
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Here you go
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Yeah but now she has no skirt.
Kinda like this one. Sort of you and your gal going out on a date. You finish getting ready and can't find her. Suddenly you hear a tinkling and you turn to see this and her going " Sorry, just wanted to go before we head out "
nitpick much?
I know what I like about Dawn's appearance...
it's out there if you check
yeah but it doesn't matter skirt or no skirt she is still on the toilet. mister cut my sandwich into 2 perfect triangles.
Stop posting AI shit here already. It doesn't look good, it's clearly AI, and it's LAZY.
I'm not happy about it but it's what I've had to resort to in order to post shit that I want to see.
Keep it to yourself or at least post it in >>2851022 instead. This is not the place for AI stuff and /e/ already has an appropriate place.
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Dude A I is a man made tool so it counts .
Dude grow up it's looks great you need stop ragging on A I.
Hand drawn or A I it belongs here if it's a toilet pic
This one is weird.
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the whole concept is weird when you think about it a toilet in the woods?
Stop it with the Pokémon shit
Stop samefagging and defending your AI shit
I don't care I keep defending it. anti fag shut the fuck about it.
you stay out of this douche.
this better you nitpicking sushi roll?
Much better.

Then why are you defending it in the first place? You know most people don't like AI art much, why do you insist on posting it here? I personally don't actually dislike AI art as long as it's a last resort, but this really isn't the thread for it given how divisive it is.
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because I like art oh any kind as long as it looks good if it's not missing fingers or panties still people need to get over them selves I'll keep defending the good looking stuff but if it looks like dogshit I'll leave it alone.
yet people still cream themselves over skibidi toilet but A.I. is like someone kicking a puppy.
You seem really defensive about AI in general. Just admit already you're an AIfag and love AI because if it was something you merely tolerate you wouldn't be so defensive and you'd learn to read the room.

I hate Skibidi Toilet too, but that's getting offtopic.
I just said not all ai is bad you buttplug I like both hand drawn and ai stop kinkshaming you dick.
it's not the room it's you ,you don't speak for every one . you're not the dahli llama of toilet art.
I wasn't the only one criticizing you for the AI stuff. There was also >>2850220. No one else here likes AI stuff except for you. We also had this argument last thread and last thread others made it clear they don't want to see AI art here. Don't force something into people when they've made it clear they don't want it, especially when there are plenty of more appropriate places for it.
no one forcing anyone to do anything you're the the one who won't shut up about it and you're all kinkshaming I'll keep posting it or anything else I find if you don't like tit shit.
tough shit
keep crossing me and I'll flood the whole thread with ai pics now step aside and keep you mouth shut.
lurk moar cry moar bitch moar.
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I wish I could post Equestria Girls content...
God no! No more bronies contents!
same pixiv.net is full of that shit
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Watching girls letting enema out while sitting on toilet is hot because you don't know what exactly coming out from their anal, enema water of poop.
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Henjyo chapter 115 (scan sites list it as 120 but it's actually labeled as 115).
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>pastel colored people with names that just happen to be shared with magical talking ponies is a "problem"
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i don't know what that hand and all those runes were about, but they're gone now. the storm has passed
this answer your question?
Is she a child? Jeez.
I don't know it's not my post plus why are you asking me?
also what are you worried for she's not real.
>>2852984 looks more like a chid
* child *
actually it's the ponies humanized
What about when the excrement is not shit, like soul jello or a flexible dildo?
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Are pee streams allowed then?
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No. Every image explicitly showing bodily waste puts the thread at greater risk of getting flushed.
they need to bend the rules.
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I mean she's ACTING like a child.
OK now I see what you mean yeah that's just how they translated it ok I understand.
also this Google and the image search engines aren't helping.
The first one is from TS Gakuen no Nichijou (I forgot the name)
The second is from スカタン天国 (see https://unkoscene.com/sukatan1)
The third is from Nana to Kaoru, though I'm not sure what chapter.
I mean I forgot the chapter, but it's one of the early ones (probably 2 or so).
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This one I forgot, but if you got this from shinmaihara he might have mentioned the source (I know he posted this at one point).
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What's this from, if anybody knows?
the infallible women returns
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Source is 花びらとナイフ volume 3 by the way.
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got a free read online link?
Unfortunately the series has no rips anywhere and in fact the series is a LINE-exclusive manga, and since LINE Manga is only available in Japan there's no legal way to read it outside Japan. I've even tried using a VPN and it didn't work. You can buy the first three volumes but they seem to be way behind what's on LINE.

As for that scene itself, it's in the preview for volume 3 so as long as you search for the volume itself it's not hard to find. The issue however complicates finding out if the rest of the series has another toilet scene.
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What chapter?
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is there any scenes that involves wiping
Not onscreen but Tenkuu Shinpan's toilet scene includes taking paper.
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found it, https://api.distribution.mediadotech.com/viewers/bsreader/v2/index.html?c=BT000118724300300301900209_000&cgi=https://api.distribution.mediadotech.com/distributions/contents/bsreader/dizeapam&colophon=&colophon_size=&colophon_type=&favicon_path=&finish_reading=&logo=&margin=0&p=%7B%22b%22%3A%22%22%2C%22c%22%3A%22%22%2C%22f%22%3A%22%22%2C%22l%22%3A%22%22%2C%22m%22%3A%22%22%2C%22r%22%3A%22close%22%2C%22z%22%3A%22%22%7D&param=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%3D.0086d963f3529ef0c73f8b4e9c92feadf8e291e6a4b32751c750eda8f222ad7ee589aeb95d42d094fc30cb245f5c6e9c2cc9cfcb26328a9cde6f3795748a55e7&popup=&popup_size=&splash=&splash_color=&splash_delay=&splash_size=&t=dummy&title=&tutorial=&url=close
just copy paste after found it.
I get an error message when I try to open it. What site did you find it in? Is it the full manga or just that preview?
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I went here https://comic.pixiv.net/store/variants/qvxc9s4wv
Nowhere else to buy the newer chapters?
haven't seen anywhere else I'm still looking for a free read site.
importers of kemono.party seem to be broken
I remember watching this scene and she shouts "how am I suppose to use the bathroom like this." And thought Spike should have yacked her pants down and left her there.
oh yeah " awhoo! the wilds are calling me could you at least untie one hand I can even go to the bathroom this way" and spike was like yeash and reached down.
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Fresh off the presses
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Anon if you're going to make or post AI art, at least indicate it or post it in the AI thread instead.
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I know it's a bucket and not a toilet. But as they say, " any port in a storm "
Not me but I wanted to post it.
You can't flush a bucket so it doesn't count.
Can't flush a portapotty either but...
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Er...that speech bubble looks misleading as to who the speaker is.
No she's talking to the guy she walked in on in the shower to use the toilet
duh that doesn't count either.
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Anon... this isn't for male toilet scenes
And we hate male porn so stop posting male toilet
dude no get shit out of here go to gurochan with that shit.
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much better.
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Does anyone know the source of this?
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Anyone know the sauce to this? It would be greatly appreciated
It's from a Touhou doujin. This link is where the Aya part starts.
What a pity, I have a picture of Sonic sitting on the toilet.
Oh no, you won't! You dare not post this. Furry porn and male porn are worse
Crap.... they're going with the nuclear option
Why do I have the feeling he's the same guy who was insisting on posting AI art?
This is not the place to post AI art.

AI art usually looks off and obvious.
it's not me or the other guy I got in fight with about dawn , he's some new dumass that doesn't know that this a female thread.
Source is KissxSis chapter 76 if anyone needs to know.
What if it doesn't? I bet you would still rage.
I'm not even the one who raged at who posted ai image.
Really want to post rest of this but it includes scat
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All edited
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She seems to me like a young adult woman who’s just fuckin weird
If you watched her show you'd know she is indeed weird and childish despite being 19.
and her show is?
16bit Sensation.
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100 Girlfriends
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thank you
>it includes scat
that's even hotter. Pls post it

She lets out very much
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1.5 MB PNG
>Hurry up Maya we dont have time
>"ugh, but do you have to watch?"
>I have orders to never let you out of sight
>"*sigh* okay
>*nervously tinkles on and off with a submissive expression looking up at you, blushing*
>good girl
>*wipes with pussy in full view, secretly wet and aroused*
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395 KB JPG

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