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This is a thread for pictures of powerful women who for one reason or another abbandon their adventurous jobs to do something more mundane. Why be an adventurer when you could instead be an office lady, a flight attendant or a homemaker? Lewder jobs are also fine.
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>I'm your new secretary. Nice to meet you, hope we work well together.
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>Hm? Y-yes, I am THAT Tatsumaki? What about it? I retired. That caped baldy keep on beating all the villains so there's no work for pro heros anymore.
>If you want to stay on my good side, don't talk about it again, "Sir".
>Much better. Keep treating me like that and I'll be the best secretary you'll ever get.
>Hmm? Am I THAT Tatsumaki? Funny you ask that. Nobody has noticed in years.
>Yeah, those days are long behind me.
>Turns out hero work wasn't that good for my health. I'm a lot less stressed now. This isn't that bad.
>I- Of course I still have my powers! I'm just as strong as I was in my prime!
>Hello sir! Welcome back!
>Everything been going smoothly while you were on vacation sir. I see you brought souvenirs for the office?
>Oh thank you! You're so considerate!
>I've changed since I retired?
>No, no, I don't mind. I guess I just didn't notice it before.
>You're right. I wasn't really able to come into my own until I got away from all the danger and hero drama.
>I like it better here.

>My powers? I'm still an esper, but I'm out of practice.
>You want to see me lift something? ...Okay, how that for you? I can write with it like this too, pretty cool, huh?
>Don't be silly! There's no way I could lift a car or anything like that anymore!
I don't get it, isn't being a whore what Erza does everyday?
Don't be silly anon, Erza is pure. If she wasn't, why did she decide to become a nun?
Good end is where a villainess becomes a devoted housewife.
Counter pitch: good end is where the villainess gets mindbroken to the point where she believes being a devoted and loving housewife is essential to her evil plot.
Pure? Pure slut.
What if that was always the plan?
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washed up miku
a warrior made healer.
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“Aura, give out free samples”
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I've got a thing for defeated CEOs.
The company she's spent her life building, the product of so much effort, snatched away through duplicitous means and a hostile takeover. Forced into working for her victorious rival. Made to attend an auction of her former company's holdings and assets as a sexy bunny waitress, forced to watch and listen as her life's work is callously sold off to the highest bidder while simultaneously attending to the every whims of the rich and powerful world she's just been torn away from.
It gets worse when she realizes her rival's ensured that every person she's screwed over on the way to the top is attending this auction to get something back.
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>I-it wasn't my first choice you know! I-I don't like being all girly and being spoiled with cute plushies and fluffy super adorable dresses!
>n-now please pour me some tea and take care of me, if I-I'm going to be made a Princess then I expect to be treated like one n-not that I enjoy such things it's just p-part of of the look okay?
>I...I am n-not smiling, jeez if you call me cute one more time I'll...make you my prince! that means you'll have to buy me lots of sweets and dolls and take care of me every day I-I bet you'd hate that j-just as much as I would!
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honestly bowser is full capable of properly running the kingdom
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>fashion shows? no way I far to shy for that, I'd rather stay home and binge anime all day.
>I'm a succubus how am I able to even BECOME a magical girl? that's utterly ridiculous!
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>regular school? but, wanted to hunt for requza...
>"make a mess" nah I'd much prefer to clean up a turf war personally, it's much more satisfying to clean.
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From an honorable knight, to nothing more than a useless dairy cow maid
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>Princess? No, not any more.
>After my father died, my mother married King Dorephan. Mipha is the royal heir now.
>...My life is to protect and serve the princess now. My own nobility is behind me.
honestly good for them, botw zelda did not like being a princess
Most of these girls don't seem too upset by their reduced stations. Aren't these supposed to be bad ends?
1. It's hard to find images of characters as unhappy housewives
2. I like seeing girls enjoy their new mundane lives.

But fine, for you. Mina wasn't made for hero work, and evidently wasn't made for office work either. How much lower could she go?
I’d say about 12 stories if she burns through the floor
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Your uniform determines your place in this world. Just because there are no stars or life fibers involved doesn't change Satsuki's position now.
Job change with level drain or without? Which do you prefer?
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I'll tell you, it is good to have adventurous girls in your debt. You could tell them to do just about anything and they would succeed.
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I wish the patriarchy thread was more like this and not just some knockoff slavery thread
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The slavery thread is nothing but anons talking about how much they want to be slaves and slave mentality crap, and it's patriarchy thread offshoot is nothing but anons talking about how inferior women are and globalization shit. You wanna talk about, you know...sex slaves and powerful women being enslaved and slave auctions and all that? Well then you get to eat shit. What a sorry state of affairs.
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Definitely with level drain, I love when a capable warrior woman ends up as some weak run-of-the-mill goon that's just completely useless when working alone. If her personality also changes into a total scaredy-cat, even better.
Truly a fate worse than death.
>be lecherous ugly bastard boss
>grope new chick constantly for months
>know she hates you with burning passion
>discover she's retired adventurer
>has a combat class that's 3x higher levels than your primary middle manager class
>shit bricks
>guess it's time to move!
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I prefer to think of it as "prestige"ing into another class like how in fire emblem when you reach level 20 you can then pick another job to enter, as for stats they'd be seen as basically useless like loosing all your str for charisma as an example or straight up weird made up stats that aren't practical for fights like say "daintyness" or "hair care" and the like
a quiet life on a farm in a peaceful world isn't so bad.
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The way "jobs" generally work in Final fantasy games is that you can use one at a time and freely switch between them, but once you level them up far enough you unlock a permanent bonus that applies no matter what class you are using.

>"Bunny waitress" job level 10 perk
>Automatically enter "Seduction" stance when groped or molested
>Note: You cannot move or attack while in the seduction stance.
>Next perk at level 15
>Automatically give drinks targets that request them as a free action
Even if she quits now, she's past the point of no return. No matter what she does, she'll always act like a bunny waitress. And there's so many more fun perks to unlock! Not to mention the other jobs the bar is going to have her start leveling.
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dragon quest 7 does something akin to that but only certain skills carry over if it's compatible with that class like a sword user can't use every spell but they get some spells and a mage user can't use sword skills like flame sword and whatnot. (though some skills are character specific)

in a fetish context that could work as well, like say serving drinks could be transferred to the "damsel" job but it'd only serve tea and would loose any "perks" of the bunny waitress job unless you respecced into that job again and only certain damsel skills would be able to go to the bunny waitress like let's say "cute charm" wherein they bat their eyes and act sweet just as an example.

there's alot of fun to be had with skill/trait/job swaps especially when some of them could be transferred to other jobs.
>Champion Cynthia?
>No, I've left that stressful life behind a long time ago. I don't even go by Cynthia anymore.
>I'm surprised anyone still recognizes me.
>Please, just think of me as a loyal maid faithfully serving her noble mistress.
>Speaking of her, she bid me make sure that her honored guest was fully satisfied.
>So, is there anything I could help you with sir?
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Don't feel down Cynthia! Hucows do an important job! Your shift is almost done too. Once we give you your hormone enhancers you can go back to your pen.
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Meine valkyrie...
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who needs mercenary work when you can be an adorable bunny girl streamer who plays team fortress 2.
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maybe not "bad end" but it kinda fits i guess?
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100% fits
>Girls with big difficult ambitious dreams grappling with the fact that they are attractive enough that succeeding would get them less money than modeling or other sexy jobs.

I 100% believe that Uraraka would become a cam girl rather than a hero if she knew it would make money.
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Turns out there's demand even for giant hero's in the office. Her power makes get great eye candy.
Sometimes I just want stepfordization and power loss and shit like that without a bunch of guys who are only there to talk about how they hate women.
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>made to change classes to maid
>dislikes it at first, but is told that they'll become powerful if they level it up all the way
>as they perform basic housework and level up, their personality changes and they become gradually more submissive and obedient
>by the time they hit level 99 they're the perfect maid, having no desires other than to serve the master of the household
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Love it, anon.
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>I love when a capable warrior woman ends up as some weak run-of-the-mill goon that's just completely useless when working alone. If her personality also changes into a total scaredy-cat, even better.
Got any prompt/story ideas for this? I love this type of premise, and there's a lot of ways you could do it.

I might write something if anybody has a good enough idea. Other premises like depowering or becoming "ordinary" are fine too, although I'm most likely to do the above.
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>Samus only took the job out of desperation, with her funds low and bounty hunting jobs scarce. But she's too good at her job, and before she knows it it's paying better than returning to work as a bounty hunter would.
>Just one more week, one more month until I quit, she keeps telling herself as her body becomes softer and smoother, falling out of shape as she optimises her performance to get as many tips as possible
>of course, she'll always say she doesn't like it if you ask her, and that she'll quit any day now, even though it's been years since she started working there...
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sorry but samus as a maid reminded me of this
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Finally someone gets it. All submissive scenarios get their appeal from love. If you want to see a girl submit because you hate her, that's not porn, that's something else. I want to see Samus give it all up and become my helpless obedient maid because I like her as she already is. There wouldn't be a point if I didn't. Doing mean things to her is only fun because I like her. Similarly receiving mean things is only good for a sub if they already like their dom too.
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Isn't this what 30% of dragon maid is? Sure Tohru loves it, but Elma and Lucoa are both forced into it.
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maybe she'd be better off marring into nobility.
personally I'd just want her to end up in a care free world of absurd cuteness
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>waitressing pays better than stopping the production of civilization-destroying bioweapons
the competence crisis is real
The saving the galaxy gig is just the groundwork for the Onlyfans.
so that's why adam calls her lady!
How about stories
mabye a bit ott tho
>washed up
>has massive knockers
its an improvement
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>I might write something if anybody has a good enough idea. Other premises like depowering or becoming "ordinary" are fine too, although I'm most likely to do the above.
Not sure if you want to write original or if you want to write fanfic. I'd love to see curly or a military robot like curly downgraded to civilian specs. Now that her mission on the island is done, she doesn't really need them anymore, does she? It would be hard for her to adjust to not being superhuman though.

I would really like to see a villainess domesticated too. We haven't had any yet. Albedo would be good.
It probably wouldn't be Curly since although I've played Cave Story I'm not really sure what to write for a scenario on her that isn't her in name only. Would need to think of scenarios in general for showing off her adjusting to being downgraded since there's only so many opportunities to be disadvantaged by a lack of super strength in an ordinary life.
>trying to move into her new home and finding that she's now so weak she can't even lift boxes or furniture without help
My first idea was for her to become a maid, but then that's just Mahoromatic's premise but stripped of her abilities.
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If you're familiar with Xenoblade 2, maybe Morag? Maybe Brighid is weakened, forcing the two of them to lay low for awhile, with Morag getting too attached to her new life and her cover story to start retraining Brighid once she recovers. You could pick just about any blade and turn them into a human or give them an unadventurous driver and they'll quickly be domesticated. Kora or Pandoria could easily get picked up by a innkeeper and end up a barmaid with no clue of their heroic exploits in previous lives.
Morag is already in the worse job timeline. she’s the firstborn but was not given any royalty, merely being a general or inquisitor.
Patrician taste
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She can always go further.
I'm tired of the main girl advantage! Nearly every girl in Xenoblade 2 is great! I love pyrah, but I wish more artists would acknowledge the others!

Now is the part where I would dump Finch art, but unfortunately this isn't /trash/ and best girl isn't allowed.
Status reduction and attitude normalisation are a great combo. It's lovely seeing a staunch heroine react like a normal woman.
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How about this: some powerful sorceress girl gets her memory wiped by the villain, and the villain makes her believe that she was just one of her weak useless pawns. And since the girl has lost her memory, she doesn't remember any of her magic anymore anyway, so she just figures that she must be really weak then, and submits to the villain.
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>This is a thread for pictures of powerful women who for one reason or another abbandon their adventurous jobs to do something more mundane. Why be an adventurer when you could instead be an office lady, a flight attendant
Love the idea of them being brought down to normal after their specific world-saving job has ended.

>or a homemaker?
Stepfordization normally scratches that itch for me.

>Lewder jobs are also fine.
I love and have commissioned a lot of hooker-tf stuff, but it feels more like a subset of moral degeneration.
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>she was just one of her weak useless pawns.
A pawn of the villain or the pawn of the sorceress?
Pawn of the villain
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Source for that image?
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Sentai Senki Buster Blue, good h-game with some brainwashing and personality change plot. Very short though, unfortunately.

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