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Now with proper thread name.



This is wrong is should be called the kawabobo thread. Also super hot pic.
How dare you break the tradition
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[DioGio] Sakura Skinsuit:

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[Tira] 二心同体 (English):

[Kerberus] Kawamono Mondaisei #1 Watanabe
Kana | Fix the problem S with skinsuit no.1 Kanna
Watanabe [English]:

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[Ura] Muri na Kanojo | Impossible Girlfriend [English]:

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[Maruneko] Kawa Senmon Shop | Skin Shop
(WEB Ban Mesuiki!! Nyotaika Yuugi Vol.05)
[English] [MintVoid]:

Who do you think has the worst art style out of any artist in this fetish?
I would say that Megazone, it's not that art is bad but it doesn't fit within the fetish
At least MZ knows how to draw. Whether his art style "fits" the fetish is very subjective take.
I'd say fokk3rs. His art style is like if someone described anime to him but he has never seen any, but tried to replicate what he heard anyways, which results in a style where everyone looks like they have downs.
I may think his writing is awful, but i respect the fact that he just does it for fun.

(plus going over 800 pages is real dedication)
Personally the artist called Jenoa has the most grotesque and ugly one i have ever seen.
Diggermam also with his recent style is pretty bad
Is this the same artist who made a comic with some cheerleaders skins? In DA
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Jenoa is only on FA as far as I’m aware. A lot of werewolf stuff and extremely long penises
You don't even need to see it to know it's trash
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He trooned out btw
Wow you weren't kidding, that art is ugly as sin.
I checked and it's not even furry. All the art that came up was horrific nightmarish skin-creatures that I can't even bother posting here.
I am convinced the only straight Tg artist is Mr-DNA.
For most people this fetish is still just that. A fetish.
>says trooned out
>is into a fetish dominated by men becoming women
anon I think you got some things to work through and people making this fetish being trans should not be a surprise to you

Ouch, that is pretty bad.

Personally I've never been a fan of Sagabel, not because of the feet thing, his art is just too cartoonish for my taste.
All these artist are good and fetish is fetish. Idc about what is in what and I am not a judge. Maybe you may not like it, but I like them very much.
I was getting confused, it's called PrayingMantisInc, his art is really ugly in my opinion and there is nothing special about the premises it draws either.
If you are gonna post that comic at least post the link to the entire thing.
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any chance any of you have the full image?
hey guys, do you know any artists who know how to draw skinsuits and don't charge a stupid high price?
Buffalo Bill has joined our ranks.
I think the name sounds familiar, but since it's a discussion about the worst artists of this fetish I don't want to know.
For me it's Sagabel, PrayingMantisInc, and somewhat related, TgTony. Also getting quite tired of chronicstuss commissioning the same old Indonesian guy to draw his comics.
totally agree
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ok nerds, instead of debating who makes trash let's share goat art in this fetish.
yes, I'm reposting this but it's a good cause
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you got it
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You're only half-right, pretty sure he popped up in a tg thread some time ago and said that he hasn't done tg stuff in years
Something like swooping hawk. Also basically unobtainium unless proven otherwise. Sorry for the bad n
I did love how one of his art got posted by a normie on a DDLC subreddit (the one with a character unmasking to reveal another idk much about DDLC) a while ago and people were saying it was fetish art. *Not* because of the masking but rather because of the way the feet were drawn.
I mean I guess it sorta makes sense, masking is very niche and all but it's kinda funny how masking/skinsuiting/disguise can just hide in plain sight.
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Trans or not, who cares. As long the content is good it doesn't matter. Though tbf I don't think Megazone even does much erotica these days anyways. Anyways forgot to post something earlier.
Sagabel has the incredible ability to make a fetish like foot fetish become something unpleasant
Plus furry suits ruin this fetish
If the furry suits look like looney tunes characters then yes. The anime looking ones are ok.
Furry suits, both cartoon and anime are shit and ruin this fetish
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Come on, surely it can't be that bad
> look it up on FA
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I miss cyberdemon3.
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Every westerner that's not ImpUnderneath. I can criticize Imp for a lot of things with his writing but he's one of the only western skinsuit artists that actually draws appealing art and characters instead of gross monstrosities.
Nu- is my absolute GOAT

I gave up on chronicstuss' stuff because the story is basically the same thing over and over which was okay when he was commissioning a variety of artists so it was like seeing variations on a theme and seeing how different artists interpret it. But using the same guy for years has made the actual shortcomings apparent and not just that, the artist is complete dogshit. Not just for using celebrities but for the fact that after years of doing this he still has no idea how to actually construct a comic page. Characters never really seem like they're involved in the situation that's supposed to be happening and his layouts are a complete mess which makes everything hard to follow.
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Whomever that artist is with the blue haired girl with the foot fetish. I don't even want to try and hunt for their name.

Blackshirtboy is probably the best western artist when it comes to the visuals of this fetish.

Imp's art style doesn't really mesh well with this fetish. Which is kinda why I always thought they did the bare minimum with the suit up sequences. The art I can forgive, but what I can't forgive is how boring the stories are.
Also the whole excessive power fantasy, and whatever the hell is with the emotional sadism.
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Gumroad is doing a porn purge soon and Kemono is organizing a mass backup.
Any suggestions of accounts?
Damn, i usually don´t like living suits but this looks good.

Oh wonderful, yet another person who got gaslighted by trannies into convincing himself that he's trans. Welp, time to cancel my pledge. Comic isnt fucking going anywhere anyway and I am not gonna pay for his surgery.
Faltain, the one guy who redid 'at the estate' by asagiri, then made bunch of sequels with living, most recent involving that one girl from kill la kill. Also known to overcharge and venom comics
living suits*
known for overcharging and venom comics*
>fetish literally involves a fantasy of a guy becoming a girl
Anon, I...
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It's not like there's a ton of great Venom comics out there. Overcharged or not, at least it was something.

I hope he works on the Estate Chapter 3.
Autogynephilia is bot the same thing as being trans you fucking faggot.

If anything a large majority of "trans" are AG in denial that got gaslit by the egg crowd
Speaking of, are there any elements you're getting sick of / would prefer not to see again in this niche? For me it's:

- ugly bastard

- skinsuit knife/gun

- magical transformations
Artists paywalling everything.

(think whatever of Undercoverguy´s art but he realizes locking most of his fans out of his art is bullshit)
Tired of TG captions, most of the stories are not interesting and the accompanying images are stolen and they don't even bother to edit them
I understand that many artists want to monetize their art, but cases like Bashet who stopped uploading completely to be only on Patreon as if his art were so good, the same with Fokk3s, His art isn't even so good
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despite being a primarily furry artist, mxl still makes some goated pieces

Captions can be the laziest form of this niche, when it's literally just a picture of a woman with the caption saying 'its actually bodysuit'
I think a lot of that garbage spam is even made with AI
Where can I see more of this one?
>I hate everything that makes the genre what it is

More like I hate that those elements have come to define the genre when they don't have to. I originally got into it due to the idea of (artificial) disguises and masking. Not playing out some fucking Buffalo Bill fantasy.
Those elements were the literal foundation as the skinsuit genre as it exists now is a product of the old Costume Gun stories. Anything else that may have existed before was essentially just a crossdressing fetish variation and then you get the truly dumb shit like living suits.
"ugly bastard" really isn't a requirement

>Not playing out some fucking Buffalo Bill fantasy.
Buffalo Bill is a "realistic" take without the magical transformation element, isn't it?
There's never a moment where it shows him actually looking like a woman at all.
Agreed. I like the idea of artificial disguises being able to mimic the appearance of anyone you want. All the skinsuit gun and knife stuff started showing up after the possession crowd started getting into the fetish
Its Gumroad got open on kemono.su
damn the gooks he paid to be his ghosts writers sure did a lot of work
Yeah I actually hate the assumption that some is gay and/or trans because they have an attraction to the female form. Tbh it's the reason I keep my female mask/ skinsuit fetish to myself other like minded people because of the implications people in my personal life would place on me. But I guess context is never clear for people on the outside of one's personal thoughts.
Actually that one comic is heavily inspired by asagiri's at the estate; so he barely paid anything. Though this is one of my favorite of asagiri, behind his early "purchased costume" series.
The fact that there is only one piece of Idolmaster suiing art.
Are you really sure? I've seen quite a few of those on Pixiv
Gaslit into what, believing that wanting to be a girl means they want to be girls?
>calls people "faggot"
>goons it to drawings of men dressing up as women, sometimes even subsequently having sex with other men as those women

Bruh I have bad news for you...
>fetish literally involves a fantasy of a guy becoming a girl
I don't think this fetish inherently needs to be considered as something "transgender" even though gender swapping is a common theme. I'm a cis female here mostly for the FtF stuff. NGL the fact that this fetish is so heavily male/mtf trans majority is kinda weird, and I think it's a little disappointing that Megazone is trooning now too. Not surprising, and it's their choice what to do with their life. Just makes me roll my eyes every time I see someone who's a little gender nonconforming inevitably pigeonhole themselves into "I'm a woman now!"

The fun thing about masks and skinsuits is that they're temporary and a disguise from the true identity underneath. Why doesn't crossdressing ever seem to stay as an occasional dress up hobby, but instead becomes a full time life choice that everyone around you has to participate in? Like, I don't see why you can't have dressing up all ladylike for w/e reason be your hobby and still be yourself as a dude.
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I'm only in for the women disguised as other women. Would visit closetmonster back in the day (2006), and usually fixate on the straight stuff. Blot didn't invent the Ugly Bastard Body Snatcher trope, but it sure as hell became a thing after 2011 with the debut of the Costume Gun.

Inevitably, while the crowd has gotten bigger, the content is mostly crap (Sturgeon's Law). The OP archive is full of interchangable 3D comics not worth reading. It's hard to find the actual 2D artists among the lot. The sad thing is that MrT, of all people, had the right idea of restricting the stories to a few panels back in the day. This fetish isn't suited for long-term storytelling. Most people are here to sate their kink, not get involved in yet serial that will go absolutely nowhere.

Another thing that should be archived are the prose stories themselves. AnamlaouswriterX is gone, but their work on DA is worth keeping. I remember fondly another story of a guy who gets bodysnatched by his own family, since it actually dealt with the ramifications of the deed. I've also inevitably lost the link to the writing.com interactive snatching. We need to keep the words as well as the pictures.

Ugly bastards will kill this niche if they're the only thing on offer. There needs to be a diversity in output if you want more people to join, and they either bankroll the art or draw it themselves. We need to keep having cartoons and comics that give kids watching a funny feeling when the lady peels off her face revealing an alien.
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I understand why you like this fetish, in my case I see this as both an escapism and a way to be (female) characters I like, I also like the whole aspect of bodysuits and masks that appeal to me visually.
even though I'm here for M2F most of the works are of low quality, the ugly bastard makes me look away more than to get into the art and is needed to see fresh things in the genre, characters, situations and everything.
I must also say that what I like about this fetish as opposed to crossdressing is that I do not see my ugly face but another character and opossed to Tansformation TG as something temporary and not a permanent transfomation, a facade that can be removed, just like this fetish and my life, is only a second identity and not part of my day-to-day life.
Fyi, Not everyone is in this fetish for man on man shit. Me personally I hate the the sex parts of this fetish and are only attracted to the masking and unmasking parts and manipulation of said disguise. By the way you speak, you sound alot like the people who enjoy possession, body swap and transformation fetishes (which usually focuses on the feeling of being a woman). for me I'm in to the appearance and manipulation. I like mtf not for sex but for the deception and manipulation and also for the artificial nature of the disguise (Which is why I hate magic suit that changes gender) , Like wth lupin the third. I'm still straight when it come down to this fetish. I'm not into men disguised as a woman having sex with a man. I'm into when a man disguised as a woman has sex with a woman. or when a woman disguised as another woman has sex with a man. Tbh I feel as though people fail to understand that there are preferences when it comes down to the sexuality nature of this fetish.
I think everyone misses the point that Megazone art isn't even that good and his comic has been around for like 60 chapters without having a decent suiting scene but he keeps promoting his comic as if it is
Who are some of your favorite skinsuit writers who have stopped writing that you wish would make another story? theres a lot i wish would write again who used to make very sexy ones who havent wrote a masking story in years!
I see what you mean, The whole time I've read it I've been hoping for an extremely good unmasking after kevin has been in the suit for so long. But I guess that might never happen...
it doesn't help that 90% of the chapters are filler where nothing interesting happens and he keeps filling it with tags like "skinsuit" "kamaono" "female_mask" "unmasking" saturating the tags with things that do not interest me
I think F2F is pretty boring, especially if they are similar in appearance. I would love to see more women in male or monster suits though, dunno why it's so rare.
The fact i don´t roll my eyes whenever he posts art is certainly an improvement.
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The character´s eyes not magically changing color when they have the mask on/off is a nice touch.
JaceB42 and DieterSchaumer (I think?), they had a good mix of stories featuring women in disguises, not just men, and some hot scenes.
The "face pulling" cliche of this fetish is one of the most overused and boring things. I also dislike the whole (!) mark and poof I'm instantly changed things I've seen some artists do over and over.
>I hate what males the gente unique
Fucking corrector
It doesn't matter, laugh at me
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People in these threads shit on Prayingmantis for having kids in his art, despite Lemon having straight up loli porn sometimes.
It feels like the laziest way to turn something generically "sexy" or mundane into "well now it's skinsuit art". Like "aha see it's a mask!". I'd rather see the pieces be separate than just a face tug.
both are shit
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Then make a report and don’t watch them. Easy problem solved now stop complaining and do something about it.
Red Janissary
tfworld had a bunch of suiting stuff before they got nuked, some got uploaded but a lot is missing
Dieter offed himself, so the story goes. Or he's just dead...i cant remember the exact details.
My Life As A Teenage Robot:

I know the ragdoll look is how the suit appeared in the show, but considering the quality and concept of this, it had potential to be sooo much hotter. No sexy empty Jenny face mask even with Sheldon's eyes showing through the eye holes, and no naughty bits actually being shown during the masturbation scene... Jenny's suit has made me diamonds ever since I first saw it yet anything I've seen of it in this fetish always ends up kinda disappointing.
I don't care about either because it's just drawings. If I come across a new skinsuit piece and there's a loli or JC or something then whatever. The problem is the art itself just being shit.

If you know a better way then you should get your own commission of it then...? I think it was cool as it was and follows the cartoon.
>no naughty bits actually being shown during the masturbation scene.

I hate it when that happens, if you´re gonna be a degenerate go all the fucking way, don´t pussy out at the last moment.

looks like the link was taken down, anyone have a mirror?
Bro literally just change the e- to ex
If you don't know how to get past sad panda, that's on you
Sorry, I was being a little rude and cranky in my earlier post, >>10960767 Let me rephrase.

You can still access it from exhentai, by changing the e- to ex in the URL. If it gives you sadpanda/white screen, there are tutorials on Google that should tell you how to get around it.
Inactive artists you wish would come back?
Not true
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[Midnight] Yami-ochi no fīren 01 | Frieren: Fallen 01:

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[Giu] Kawamasu ~Takeuchi P, Ganbaru~ |
Masturbation Inside a Skin ~P. Takeuchi is Doing
His Best~ (THE IDOLM@STER) [English]

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They were one of the 3 artists that got me into this fetish.
>saw skinsuit doujin that interested me
>found a way to get it since buyee refused to
>it sold out
damn it
File deleted.
Hello. You all remember skin collection story by german right? Can anyone explain this scene to me? Is Andrew slime or what? How can Andrew switch other skins and how did he became slime (or whatever that gooey substance is called) all of the sudden? He was just a normal human being prior to being this gooey substance that is switching skins.
>> 10962265 #
FtF feels like a somewhat more niche part of this kink, a bit less prominent than MtF. I do think the desire to be a girl plays a big part in most of the MtF stories; I won't say it always has any particular gender implications about the people fantasizing about that, but it does feel like it often does, and that this is simply a noncommittal way of indulging in that.

The ugly bastard stuff and the generic 3D art is really annyoying though, yeah.
>>10962265 #

i feel you there brother
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>The ugly bastard stuff is really annoying
There are two things in this fetish that really turn me off. When the women get murdered/it's their actual skin taken from their corpse, and when it's an ugly bastard/huge masculine dude somehow becoming a petite girl. Feels like that sort of content is designed to entertain a delusion that big ugly people can magically become small and cute, which is troonish, Buffalo Bill tier thinking.

I like it the most when a transformation is believable, IE FtF suiting, or even when the male who is doing the suiting is already androgynous/femmy enough for the disguise to work, like actually convincing crossdressing aided by the use of a mask and skinsuit. You can't put feathers on a gorilla and tell me to believe it's a swan.
>Feels like that sort of content is designed to entertain a delusion that big ugly people can magically become small and cute, which is troonish, Buffalo Bill tier thinking.
That's kinda harsh. Not that I like when the guy is ugly, but becoming smaller and cuter isn't such a bad thing.
That looks really good, didn't expect this to be a 2018 piece.
Shame that the sequence is paywalled behind Patreon tho

Yeah, same. I hate the ugly bastard, skinsuit gun/knife, woman turned into suit content. And it seems like that's what the majority of artists are doing these days. I much prefer artificial disguises/masks. Prinny77 on Devianart has a good collection of commissioned works, but they're a bit too cartoonish and G-rated.

As for big guys becoming small and cute, I honestly don't like it because it strains the bounds of realism. Same as two people getting inside a suit and looking normal/acting as one person, which I know some people find hot but I don't. I guess I prefer stuff that could be conceivably possible irl with a bit more advanced technology.
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It's been available for four years.

Idk. Magic?
Ohhh. This one is a Classic!! I also like the Twined, Mariko and the Misty suprise series.

But, Camula Charm also is a classic! Alexis masking as Camula is so hot~
In addition to the ugly guy, skinsuit knife/gun. I also dislike living skinsuit. I just find living suits to be weird in my opinion. Its like you are wearing an alive person and the suit itself is talking.

Those are my favorites as well. I know that realistic bodysuits and transformations with suits and masks are not realistic, but I like my comics and stories to have that air of realism with that one piece being the suspension of disbelief.

Yes I know rubber and latex won't make someone actually look really like a woman or *feel* like a woman. However, I can ignore that for a hot story where someone realistically disguises as someone else with suits and wigs.

It's taking wigs and cosplay to the next level.
Oh, neat!
Not necessarily, personally I prefer FtF and FtM( but only female into femboy) over MtF, although a bit niche, there's still quite a bit of content like this
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minor touch up
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Love the whole chicks wearing suits of themselves.
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glad to see my shitty 3am trace and color is still floating around.
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Kevin has been permasealed as Doris in February 2022. There has been no suiting content in the comic since then at all, even passing mentions of the suit have ended soon after.
Yes, gaslit into thinking fantasy is reality.
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Anyone know the sauce on this? Saw it in one of the other threads a while ago but haven't been able to find it since
Why her hands, feet, torso all fucked up?
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bacause it is AI slop , look at the tags on Pixiv
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>> Skinsuit "prank" on her brother
>> "Haha I put on this oni monster skinsuist, you though you where purifying that monster but it was I , your sister you where having sex with"
that's some kino shit right there
yeah, that faggot blocked me on Pixiv for telling him to stop putting the "Original" tag and put the "AI" tag so that his garbage would be properly filtered by the user settings

Thanks anon
A pair of lesbians is actually a straight couple in skinsuits.
here's how to put your single mute to good use :

Under any AI generated slop , click the three dots - Mute settings, and select " AIイラスト "

You now have muted every AI generated picture on Pixiv
Oh god we're back on the FUB bitching. Why have so many of these traditional MtF genres recently been taken over by people who hate most of the conventions or core parts and also tend to demand more FtF, FtM or MtM shit?
>FUB bitching
The what now? I agree with you btw.
F2F is the shittiest thing in this genre.
At least once or twice a thread someone will randomly come in and complain about Fat Ugly Bastards, skinsuit knives and other foundational elements of the fetish.

Who says they're foundational? I got into this fetish in the days of Closetmonster and Maskon, when it was just artificial masks and bodysuits. The disguise aspect was the important part. The possession gang and Buffalo Bill freaks came later, and not to the betterment of the fetish imo.
There should likely be a separate thread for you (handful) of disguise all the way guys, but it's so niche that it will never happen.

Instead we get to listen to you chatter on about it bloody every single thread.
Bruh "foundational". The foundations of this was always skinsuits and masks and disguises.

Skinsuit knives was just something that occasionally popped up and recently seems to be more popular.

FUB has always somewhat exists, but not in the sheer prevelance as of late. It's just another niche inside an existing niche.
ABSOLUTELY AGREE. Its about the disguise aspect! Closetmonster is foundational not that other crap.
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There was none to very few of those until the Doujin crowd got interested in the fetish .
Not even the furries had such shit taste
>The disguise aspect was the important part
No it never was.
It was always a TG fetish. It was started as a TG fetish.
This is a board for porn. Disguise isn't porn.
>>10974681 Tbh, I think this is a matter of perspective. Not everyone views this fetish the same way. It also started differently for everyone. so to say it was always "this" or started as "this", in all honesty sounds like a form of entitlement. That's stupid, for anything really.
Shut the fuck up.
I'm talking about how the threads started on /d/.
I was there nearly 15 years ago and guess what . None of that cringy bullshit .
We had Miyuki and Dachaku. We had Kyo . We had The Man (now KplK) and BSB before he took weird requests . We had Omoi/Sinsrin being bordeline furry but still nice overall.
We even had Taniguchi san do a doujin with a fucking synthetic skin.
And then that Fucking faggot DATE went in with their "suck the girl dry to turn her into a skinsuit" bullshit and it all went downhill from there
Except none of that shit 15 years ago was about disguise. It was about men using the skinsuits to become women. And usually having sex.
Disguise =/= skinsuit. I like disguise stuff too but skinsuit is a very particular thing.

The fetish as most people understand it has its origins in Blot's skinsuit knife stories and Sammig82's escape story. Prior to those "skinsuit" was more like crossdressing bodysuit stuff and you would have been more likely to find stuff about women in skintuit suits. The doujin scene didn't "ruin" it, it codified and entrenched what was already there into a real fetish.
>>10974761 why are you getting pissy? You sound like how this picture looks. XD
Again - you disguise guys are talking about completely different shit then us skinsuit/kawamono guys.

Also - fuck whoever is doing that same god damn series of commissions over and over where it's literally impossible for a fully clothed woman to be under the "suit" and she rips it off in one motion. Boring as god damn fuck that shit is. Dude who gets that garbage done needs to get a life and/or imagination.

Those aren't mutually exclusive, TG and disguising/crossdressing if you prefer. Still, there was no skinsuit gun/knife or turning people into suits, which is the part I never liked.
You're in a skinsuit thread and then complain when there's skinsuit content. It's part of a trend I've noticed in the last few years where, again, largely M2F fetishes have been invaded by people who want everything else and instead of just creating their own space they barge into established M2F ones and then start demanding this and that and if you call them out they just try and claim it's all TF related or whatever.

Look at places like Fictionmania and Metamorphose if you want to see what happens when you get a loud minority demanding you cater to them.
>fetishes have been invaded by people who want everything else and instead of just creating their own space they barge into established M2F ones and then start demanding this and that

Please say you're trolling, I refuse to believe anyone can fail at self-awareness this hard.

Getting back to it, maybe we just need a new niche/category for the OG skinsuit enjoyers who prefer artificial disguises, no gun/knife, no people turned into suits, and no ugly bastard content. There's like 3 futa threads, so why not?
Get that western artwork trash out of here.
>There's like 3 futa threads, so why not?
/d/ was literally created for futa. The fact that there are only 3 is off. There should be way more.
It was about TG, but nearly half the stories were about stealing someone's identity or someone being a "spy" or something like that.

It was almost always about TG aspects, about going from man to woman, because F2F was so rare. But the inherent aspects were always disguising, using either just masks or masks and bodysuits.

The magical knives and other stuff came about much later, I still think there's a place for it but personally I don't want it to be the "predominate" aspect of it.

I enjoy a sense of realism and I can suspend my disbelief for unrealistic rubber suits and masks.

ClosetMonster's archive is still around, go there and see how much of it was disguise based and how much was "suit gun" or "suit knife"
F2F is rare because its boring and shit.
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You “disguise” people complain way too much. Literally every skinsuit thread has had one of you guys yapping about how MTF art is somehow ruining this fetish or complaining about how certain artists portray skinsuits.
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MtF art is fine as long as it's not always some ugly creepy dude turning women into skinsuits

FtF is boring when it's unimaginative, race/age/major appearange changes can be hot
This whole thread devolved into whiny bitchfits that would make Shinji Ikari tell you to man the fuck up.

Is it whining to discuss your personal likes and dislikes within a fetish? It's not like there's a deluge of new content which is being somehow prevented from getting here due to these discussions.
It can be. Just like a ton of MTF shit is boring.

How much skinsuit art is just "person standing still holding a mask" or "Regular piece of art but there's a zipper or bulge".

Any style of art can be boring and shit. I enjoy F2F when it's good, I enjoy MTF when it's good.

Bruh what was does disguise have to do with the MTF vs FTF argument? Two very different things.

I don't mind if there's the occasional FUB (not my cup of tea) or skinsuit gun/knife, but it's when *everything* is that, it starts to degenerate the genre.
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these faggots can't even include a image in their ramblings
I need more FtM ugly bastard
Take your shit somewhere else
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I would love more of this 3d format. It's nothing spectacular, but restricting a masking story to a short comic is an excellent decision.
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Do skin-shedding tfs count?
I would say so yeah, but bonus points if it can be worn.

Like that story in an alt universe where they all shed skins as they age, and kid wore a discarded skin, basically becoming a girl.
Im all for it, minus the forced TG aspect.

Another story also follows that idea, but more like skins are used and tradeable
Also gold.
buffalo bill reference???
>minus the forced TG aspect
That's literally the core of the story.
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let's say some dude is wearing a female skinsuit but it only covers his upper body (because the lower body skinsuit was missing/destroyed/etc),
if i start fucking that dude in the ass, is it gay? am i gay? is he gay?
Sounds like you're gay or bi.
Also he is gay or bi
This is because the smell, dick, etc doesn't turn you off.

This also suggests you're into sissy. Make a guy look girl enough on the top part and you'll take it.
What about a skinsuit and time travel or alternate dimensions? Is it gay to bang yourself in one?

Like if you put one on and time warp or dimension hop -or- some hot chick shows up at your doorstep and reveals it's really -you- but in a sexy skinsuit from another timeline/dimension... are you masturbating or having gay sex (with effectively a twin)?

It's gay if he's wearing a full suit too. Does a dude wearing women's clothes become a woman?

This is why I'm not crazy about content with dudes putting on female skinsuits to fuck other dudes.
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Skinsuit is transformative by nature. It effectively makes the wearer whatever the suit itself is. It's not simply "clothing" bud. Unless you're one of those disguise ass-hats, then yeah, it's just a costume and a dude wearing said costume.
I'm a fan of both as long as it's not magic, but honestly if it's good I'll take magic. It's just my least favorite of the three. pretty much anything with on violent identity theft makes me diamonds
I've been trying to find this old bodysuit manga image from years ago that I wonder if anyone here can help me with, it looked like it was maybe done by Go Nagai or at least a similar style.

Basically a guy is in bed with a woman who gets out of bed and pulls their mask off which at first the guy seems to think it's a different woman but then they pull off the bodysuit revealing they are male with the last panel showing the other guy's shocked face.

That ring any bells for anyone?
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I think this is what you are looking for. If i can find my book scanner I'll get you the masking. There's another one, but its not great. Whole thing is just random absurdity.
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Camera snap hopefully it can verify. If that's the one I'll find the scanner. If you can find the old closetmonster mirror its on there with the name of it. Sadly I don't remember or read runes.
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Apologies for the duche flute. I had to weigh it down.

that's it! nice work man I can't believe anyone would be able to find it based on my kinda vague description.

this unlocked a memory for me of a yahoo group for masking around the Closetmonster days with some good shit, I wonder if anyone archived that?
Am i the only one here so coombrained that i think of this fetish when i hear the word disguise?
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>that's it! nice work man I can't believe anyone would be able to find it

ah, nice; i had the lower def one.
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Found a HQ scan of it and another masking scene from the same manga I think
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Here is the 2nd one, Is this supposed to be a parody of another manga?
So did anyone develop a theory why Jenoa draws male and female faces like of a blow-up doll mixed with someone with downs syndrom?
Really been buggin me.
Like could it be that he is just platering is own face on every character he draws?
Might well call this thread whineamono with the amount of whining and bitching going on instead of posting smut. Seriously go make your own art instead of whining if you're that dissatisfied with the state of the fetish. At least then we can post more smut.
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Complaining is all what people do here.
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It’s better off just letting this thread get shut down because of lack of content. Then have them wonder why for days at a time doing the something over and over.
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I wish there was more smut of lupin bodysuits
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>Whines about people whining
>Posts no content

Part of the problem, namefag.
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Gagcatterpillar´s art is pretty ugly with his weird fetish for old women.
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Okay fellas is it gay to share a skinsuit with your bro to become a hot chick?
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(part 2 because the artist privated their pixiv)
I've seen this many times, but I only now realized they peel the pasty off the left nipple
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Lupin series 5 ep 7 is one of the better "recent" ones. Sadly he teases harder than the real fujico and there's no shown masking/unmasking
any more like https://exhentai.org/g/1182078/01e62b3927/
Can anyone please translate this into english? https://e-hentai.org/g/2879462/a459a97a9e/
Anyone that have a copy of TFworlds skinsuit printer and are willing to share?
Guy gets pissed off that a guy becomes a girl.
You are Sad that a theres one man less thats fucking gay You fag
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I do find it funny that people that have this fetish would get mad at transwomen when they get turned on by guys effectivily turning into women via suits, like my dudes glass houses and stuff
I'm not mad at transwomen at all.
I'm mad at social medias pressuring you into well defined boxes, and that if you want to temporarily modify your appearance in that of a woman, that automatically means you're trans.
It's not like it can be an irreversible operation. It's because of people like your that 41% has become a meme, people getting groomed by the egg crowd into a sex change operation, they realise it doesn't fix the real problem, that they butchered their own body for nothing, and then they an hero themselves.

no pics because I'm phoneposting
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You sound extremely mad, maybe you should just jerk off and post porn instead
Only a faggot would be sad that theres more pussy around to fuck
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Jesus, are we still going on about this a month later? Seriously STFU about all this culture war shit infesting MY fetish, both sides I'm tired boss. Go to /pol/ or Reddit if you want to talk about politics. You can bash or defend tranners all you want there. I just want to have some escapism ffs and jerk off in my free time. I know everything is polarized these days but there's a time and place. My reaction to when Mega came out was: "Oh good for her. Maybe she should transition her workload to include more skinsuit scenes." and moved on.

Anyways, billions must post images. Total Phoneposter Death.
This, i just want to suit up jerk off and fuck off, trannies with brainrot please fuck off
Anyone know a story or manga or any other medium where someone gets inside a girl, she is doing her own stuff and he controls her from time to time?
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I totally agree anon. I feel your pain.
You too please
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haven't seen this one before
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that one is pretty new and was in a Doujin mag
was gonna buy it because the main author did a 2 person suit thing in it but by the time I figured out a good middle hand it had sold out
Saying those two things are related implies that fetishists and transwomen are the same thing.
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Why is FtM suiting so hard to find compared to MtF? Are girls just not into the idea of becoming male as much as dudes are into becoming women?
Or maybe because it sucks
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No way! Ftm skinsuit is awesome.
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Random question, but is anyone a patron of bocahcaboel on patreon or fanbox? Could you put their stuff on kemono?
Could you also update tslove kemono?
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Does anyone know what this series is?
Takuan and Batsu’s Daily Demon Diary, たくあんとバツの日常閻魔帳
TSF to my knowledge is more of a male desires thing. Womb envy is crazy to have.
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Tanks anon
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Megazone has drawn this in 2011 btw
>arachnophobic huh
anyone know of more suiting pics like this? genuinely one of the hottest thing in this fetish
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The skinsuit fetish is now the most popular fetish in the world and significant progress has been made on making the suits.

‘Skincel’ (skinsuit) (incel) as well as many other new terms has started floating around.
Explain what a ‘skincel’ is.
Does somebody have Hyouisuki's latest works? kemono is not updated yet. (not hyoui-lover)
Puts on a suit of a hot person to get fucked but still remains involuntarily celibate?
No. Fuck you and your politics.
You’re absolutely right. Me too.

To the other person:
It’s just a kink no politics and nobody set the rule leave us and leave em be.
If you don’t like what you see then skip or leave it.
this spreading of rumors this genre have clear prerequisites(your rules) is just annoying, nothing more and i think the only one prerequisite thats counting and thats it has to be skinsuit cause thats the theme.

Back to you:
It’s a release to see that I am not the only one. I thought I shouldn’t put gasoline into this, but now I can’t leave you alone. I agree with you.
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I've got a couple. Here's one. I'm not sure who the artist is.

Less shouty, more kinky.
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The last one was by Modeseven. This one was altered from a work originally done by The Man.

I have a question for the group: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sH0Qda32IKM
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I just now realized that SKNR still posts art.

(i thought they have gone the way of Dachaku)
I hate those "defurred" pics with a burning passion
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I want to touch this up more but my shake is acting up. I always hated the black eyes and broccoli perm on the original
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cleaned it up a little, also bump
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I used to be excited to read Bodysuit 23 that I’d refresh the website hourly for the new page
Now it’s just hooooonk mimimimi
I just wish Kevin finally hooked up with Elaine [spoiler]or even better, Angela[/spoiler]

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