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My favorite kind of femdom setting is Matriarchal New World of Order where women are naturally taller, stronger and bigger than men with men being small and weak like kids
A yes, the fem-pedo setting
im sickened yet curious
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You have to post 5 images to start a thread fucktard!
I personally like the idea of women having a way of making men become so horny that they can't think or do anything, just stand around dumbstruck, on command. releasing pheromones, magic, revealing certain body parts, etc
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I find all of Hachimitsu's doujin besides tall cousin to be mid as fuck but this page is no doubt one of the most iconic and hottest
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Who's the artist for this one? Looks like Ito Ichizo style, but not really.
I don't have a pic for it but does anyone know the name for femdom where the domme is forcing/coaching the guy to fuck another girl? So not like a threesome but more using the guy as a tool to fuck someone else.
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There's just so little when it comes to matriarchy/gynarchy.
Almost nonexistent communities, and the content,be it art or stories is very rare and far in between that you have to look for it and pick it out from many other fetishes (muscles,ryona ;ect):not that i don't personally enjoy those but it's certainly not welcoming for those with more normal tastes

i remember there being lots of FLR/matriarchy/female superiority blogs around the late 2000and early 2010's that just fizzled out into irrelevance with their creators just disappearing or abandoning the blogs around the mid 2010's.

there's a new popular trend in South Korean web novels with 'reverse gender' settings, but many of them never remain faithful to the setting and just use it as a plot device.
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Holy fucking shit these are too good. The idea of being a pussy slut for a woman has something in it that I can't express with words
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I want to live in the world where gfs are twice my height
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the artist is pretty damn good(i believe it's a women but i'm not absolutely certain) though their art can be uhh quite extreme.

these are some of the more normal of their art
please for the love of God tell me where I can find more of these.
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again,fair warning about the art
Yeah I checked their DV girlfriend title and you can definitely see some stuff that are a bit more on the intense side of things, but what really got me diamonds is the "drinking pussy juice" part. Really unique and hot to see
Thank you for the recommendation, too. I wish I had something to contribute but my only femdom content left is shota-related
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yeah,as i said on my first post,the fetish is not being properly explored . be it on the extreme or the more vanilla side.
What does the text say?
> what really got me diamonds is the "drinking pussy juice" part.
i know.
being a literal cunt juice tank for your girlfriend .
Constantly burping out because of how stuffed your stomach is with her frothy,thick cum. not even being able to breathe without her groin stench sticking to your throat.
People constantly remind you that you have long pubes on your lips.
a constant reminder that your belong to her pussy
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taking care of your girlfriend's 'stress' after a busy day at the office is what a good boyfriend must do.
How do we feel about conflating this fetish with mpreg? I've always liked hetero mpreg more than homo mpreg, and it just seems to me that this kind of hyper-matriarchy setting just naturally gels with the idea that men are so submissive that they're the ones that have to carry the kids. Maybe even have a sort of warped herd social structure where there are more women then men, so group marriages of women who have to share a single broodmare male between them are the norm.
I love this guys art, but I wish it wasn't so cruel.
Where are they going? You know take away the dildo and put in some AC and you basically got a rickshaw.
its a see through image of a suitcase he is locked inside of

I kind of like the over the top cruelness of it. Its kind of hot and refreshing from the normal femdom images you see.
it would be great if they operated like asangi, making both extreme and slightly less extreme stuff for those who like the art style and the themes but not the over the top cruelty.
he does. some range from like simple eating out his gf on a train commute to scat and human cannibalism. That guys range is huge
i guess. but it's part of the same body of work rather than being self-contained and separate.
the softer content is just a prelude to the more hardcore .
>there's a new popular trend in South Korean web novels with 'reverse gender' settings, but many of them never remain faithful to the setting and just use it as a plot device.
I spent time over the past two years going through a bunch of JP web novels and this was the experience aside from a few gems. I finally started going through Korean stuff last week and its the same experience, unfortunately. Still, it was nice seeing how much content there is in KR. I've been using novelpia, so I will have to figure out how to get verified as a foreigner to get more consistent access to the 19+ stuff
it's quite unfortunate how difficult it is to access and navigate novelpia.
i assume you know about nobelmtl and pandamtl?
they are both machine translation blogs for korean web novels.
the first is for sfw stories and the latter is for nsfw ones .

I mean every kink has soft to hardcore. Some people say some light spanking is kinky and enough to turn them on, others need like fantasies of being shrunk and shoved inside the dirty panties of a milf while she does errands to even get a partial chub. the kink slob is dangerous ed boy
>others need like fantasies of being shrunk and shoved inside the dirty panties of a milf while she does errands to even get a partial chub
Now I gotta coom again, thanks
Like it in theory but don't know if I've seen any content
yep, I explored all the reverse content in both places. Unfortunately I'm not sure how to tell how much of the popular 19+ content got translated. But when comparing how much of the regular popular reverse content got translated, there should still be quite a few well written and popular ones that remain untranslated. Anyway, I'm about to give my passport to the koreans so we'll see how the verification goes
What was the image?
>i remember there being lots of FLR/matriarchy/female superiority blogs around the late 2000and early 2010's that just fizzled out into irrelevance with their creators just disappearing or abandoning the blogs around the mid 2010's.
Hey I remember those too, I can't remember any of the specific names of sites but I know what you're talking about. It's funny how trends come and go like that on the internet.
>the artist is pretty damn good
It looks like AI
its not, his series is like a few years old
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>Matriarchy thread.
Based. I love this kind of fetish worldbuilding.
There was much to learn from scrolling through those blogs.
Positive blogs that often tried to find a balance or to uncover a mystic to the fetish/philosophy were often run by men.
Judgmental;cold;and often exploitative blogs were more often than not run by women.
>cuckoldrey was a rampant and near universal theme in these blogs,demonstrating how the matriarchal mindset seemed to only extend to men women found to be 'inferior' rather than being general.
using the term 'matriarchy' is also false,as most of them advocated for female authority and privilege without any responsibility or sacrifice on their part.

and while they never made that statement outright, there was this shared belief that not only was a 'reversal' going to happen within their lifetime,it may only take a few years. Looking back,it might explain why they all disappeared around the time the dreaded orange man won the election over the 'first female president'.

now that i finished my mini essay,we can go back to enjoying fiction
i think those blogs mainly died due to that time period of the internet heavily compressing all sites to like the main 4-5 used today. Facebook mainly, twitter, insta, tumblr, etc. why pay and mess with visibility for your small indie blog when you can post and get easier access to like minded thinkers on the top 4-5 main sites
I'm writing a femdom story set in a matriarchal fantasy world. Here is the premise:
>Patriarchal kingdom in where men have all the positions of power
>Women almost treated like slaves, forced to serve men, unable to challenge the status quo
>After decades of oppression they are thirsty for revenge
>Neighbor kingdom of elves under a matriarchal system
>The elves outraged by the patriarchy of humans decide to act
>The all-female elven army invades, using their agility and elven magic to defeat the brute force of men
>The human king surrenders
>Every man is stripped from their titles and positions of power
>The elves gather up all of the human population and cast a powerful spell reversing the physical size differences between female and male humans
>Elves grant humans the gift of their OP magic, but only to the female gender
>Elves return to their own kingdom, leaving the women to rule
>The societal roles are reversed, women take on leadership and decision-making roles, while men are pushed into the subservient, humiliating roles previously held by women
>The physical size differences on top of women wielding magic make any resistance from the males futile
Sounds fun, though I think that a total reversal of physical dichotomy might not be a good narrative idea.
While I love tall women, completely stripping the male half of the population from any semblance of power at the outset doesn't lend itself well to morally justifying a heavily Matriarchal society, outside of revenge.
I love it, but if it were me, I'd make it so that there's some kind of reality-warping nationwide conceptual effect that makes it so that, if a man is ever mean to a woman, he shrinks and loses some ability while the woman gains it as "compensation." Progressive transformation is good.
>Matriarchal Society.
>Women still carry 'burden of reproduction', so relationship-wise, men are still the courtiers, and women still are the ones that choice.
>But by being either physically taller and stronger, or through deitic anointment/endowment of magic power, women can comfortably embrace, magnify and show off their sexuality and physical form, without real cause for reservation.
Interesting social and relationship dynamic. How does one get a GF in this kind of society?
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I love Yamahata Rian's work although I don't like pegging very much. But his girls are very hot and very cruel.
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The sequel implies the girls think all men will end up with a score of 0.
Entirely quality.
What are some other setting ideas to add?
From a past thread:
>Female Elves
>tall bodies
>Super athletic, swift and accurate
>thicc all in the right places
>powerful magic

>Male Elves
>Short and boyish looking
>athletic looking but not on par with their women
>hung like a horse
>can use magic, but not as well as the women
Add to this
I still like to think elves still reproduce slowly due to conceiving being harder to achieve even if the elven woman would be in her reproductive prime and ovulating.
So the elf species has worked around this problem with both females evolving extremely high stamina and the males evolving very short refractory period and also very high production rate.
With the females bigger size and athletic nature helping them in pinning down their chosen male and making love to them.

So the elven mating rituals can easily go for 12 hours or longer, even for days while the female drains her chosen husbands's balls constantly through-out the ordeal, after the mating leaving her with a very swollen stomach due to the womb being filled with so much cum with her small husband being left unconscious due to the intense mating.
But usually this isn't enough to conceive a child so subsequent sessions are needed.
if some kind of beast race is involved, women having aphrodisiac saliva is a good one I read. Kissing on the lips was seen as much raunchier too, since even w/o saliva it has the connotation of being the starting signal for sex
Did GirlsForM die off or did the people scanning it stop? It was very good at times.
I'm writing up a giantess NWO of my own where all men shrink one day. It's not really a story, but more like a really long recounting of events/exposition dump broken up into chapters. It's mostly about logically working out how this could happen and how society wouldn't immediately break down.
Mine is similar to what some of the images early it suggest.
>modern world
>all women have a crippling addiction to receiving cunnilingus and get pissed off or frustrated if they have to go several hours without it
>they also can go for hours and hours getting eaten out without ever getting tired or bored of it.
>everyone makes an effort to arrange around this by organizing all society into monogamous mistress-servant couples
>oral sex during work (or class for college) is not only allowed, it is a social expectation
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I've heard it died. Too few people bought it.

Shame. It's hard to find femdom that isn't cuckold or feet nowadays.
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I haven't seen Doskoinpo do any cuckold stuff. The samw with some other femdom aritsts.
Girls ForM was shut down. It really struggled toward the end. The stories got more and more vanilla until the magazine wasn't even femdom anymore.
>It really struggled toward the end.
How appropriate :3
But yeah, it sucks. Some of my favorite works are from there.
>slow worldwide increase in superhuman children being born a la X-men but the superhumans are all girls who develop into thicc amazonesses with increased strength and libido, usually not many other abilities
>almost all of them are prone to possessive behavior or aggressiveness after puberty to some degree, especially in response to being rejected or treated dismissively
>even worse, these feelings of obsession, lust, and rejection only spur further growth into huge, MILF-y yanderes in a sort of feedback loop that tends to end in most amazonesses being hardwired yanderes and/or rapists by the age of 23
>one other universal trait is that sex with them has the effect of warping their victims' physiology to process and provide even more intense pleasure than should be possible while breaking them into more submissive partners, often leaving their men as mindbroken hung twinks who can't help but keep cumming for their new wives
>the resulting kids they have carry the same mutation, with the boys coming out more submissive and cute like their fathers ended up and the girls being assertive, busty muscle girls who will probably end up like their mothers
>Consequently, sexual dimorphism is more comparative to anglerfish or most other animals.
>It's understood that Women are evolved to be larger, stronger, and more developed, as in the species' genetic ancestry and pre-history, they've had to bear the burdens of childbirth, rearing, education, and providing in perpetuation of the species, while the only biological imperative men had was to survive until they could reproduce, and didn't have any of the rest of the pressures, thusly didn't need to be as big or strong or complex really.
>This also may lead to the cultural idea that men's psychology is not as refined or complex as women's is, and subsequently that you can't put men in positions of notable power, authority, or leadership beyond the lower level, as a woman will almost always be better at it.
I still like to think the male elves are pretty normal in terms of mind.
Hotter when the elf boy is fully consious and then gets mindbroken through the 16 hour non-stop mating marathon with his new 14ft tall, athletic elf wife with wide child bearing hips and giant breasts capped with puffy inverted nipples leaking milk.
And before this his wife gave him special (totally not roofied to high heaven with powerful aphrodiasiacs and light mutagens to help another process) drink to celebrate their new found marriage as celebration.
And then using a spell on him which heightens his sensitivity but also causes his already large cock and balls to grow bigger and maked the balls more productive.
And everytime cums and ejaculates, they grow bigger and more productive.
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Why jannies kept the thread but deleted the OP image? "hentai alternative" my ass.
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A yes, the schizo faggot who labels everything he hates as "pedophilia"
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>i remember there being lots of FLR/matriarchy/female superiority blogs around the late 2000and early 2010's that just fizzled out into irrelevance with their creators just disappearing or abandoning the blogs around the mid 2010's

I remember these blogs and I miss them.

>There's just so little when it comes to matriarchy/gynarchy. Almost nonexistent communities, and the content,be it art or stories is very rare.
Even at giantessworld where there is new world of order tag and it's supposed to be one of the most popular tags there, most of the stories are meh and most of the writers are too cucked to write stories with "problematic" themes like teenage girls interacting with adult men. Most of them are too obsessed with milf and mother-son stories (SOMEHOW stories like that are fine).

I even remember when moralfags at GiantessCity were trying to boycott GiantessWorld for allowing stories with underage characters.
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It looks like you have problem with your eyes and you're so obsessed with your hate boner against AI. Just like the reddit jannies who ban actual, talented artists with the accusation of being AI art. And even jannies get proved wrong with proofs from the artists, the jannies still have "I don't care, I am the law" mentality.
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Nobody uses tumblr nowadays. And barely anyone uses Facebook for fetish stuff, especially with Facebook banning NSFW material and most fetish groups being private to bypass Facebook's ToS.
>all men shrink one day

Don't think about it too hard, because if you try to be even remotely realistic about the effects of removing all men from the workforce overnight, it's basically apocalyptic.

Power offline, water pressure gone, sewers blocked, shipping and transport of essential good ground to a halt, fisheries unmanned, oil rigs unmanned.

Three quarters of the world's women starve to death or die of disease within a month.

Unironically, I think that within a century women would be conquered and enslaved by shrunken men piloting drones.
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I have a matriarchal new world of order setting I'm rewriting again and again and I can't make up my mind for many facts but mostly for this one:

Would I make women and men just having their DNA changed by nature? Or artificially with vaccines with the whole male popular being enforced by women to take a vaccine that will shrink them down while women can take a vaccine that will grow them bigger?
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And here's another fact I can't decide about:

Should I make men being forced to be always totally naked? Or being forced to dress up with women's clothes as a way for women to emasculate men even more?
There's a lot more nuance to fashion, that can be used to show cultural precidents with regards to gender perception.
'Womens clothes' would probably be closer, but it'd still be somewhat different.
Always naked like animals
Cumflation femdom is hot.
I like the idea where the woman is so breed hungry she will ride a guy and drain his balls until her stomach looks like she is pregnant.
Bonus points if the woman specifically does something to boost the guy's production and mindbreaks him.
Yeah i't such a hit idea
>pinned down, unable to escape underneath the weight of your own cum in her belly
Does Neocorona count or is he too western?
I like to imagine that some of the various matriarchy/femdom world order stories/pics/dojins are different stages of the same world.
The one where the girls have what we call proper porportions and the boys are treated less harshly it's the early state shortly after women take over.
But the stories where the women are taller, have thicc bodies like in Enka Boots dojins/pics and the boss area treated inhuman, more like animals the matriarchy has been long established, the women evolve or are genetically engineered to be taller and thiccer and the boys evolve to or are genetically engineered into being slaves.
Good idea, especially since men are treated like animals/pets from women in the universe I have in mind
The only clothes they would probably be allowed to wear when women wanted them to would be underwear so the men wouldn't split their cum to women's bodies or to their surroundings.
What about this idea?>>10959878
I could imagine that men or some men have to wear BDSM slave masks in public because some women don't want to see the faces of men.
I could also imagine that all men are forced to wear chastity cages while in public.
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Does it count as "advertisement" by jannies if I post my discord ID?
You could try doing it.
I love that guy
Why? To get banned again for bullshit reasons? Seriously, it's much easier to get banned at 4chan than at r*ddit.

Tends to happen to matriarchy/femdom threads. I think one of them has an issue
Wtf! Why?
To be fair, some of this stuff is kind of...eh, like I'm looking at it a bit side-eyed.

Schizo is still schizo, though.

Ah yes, society collapses but somehow there's enough infrastructure left over to build drones for whatever insecure fantasy you have.
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Here's my giantess/femdom matriarchal new world of order setting where all women are taller, bigger, stronger, smarter and more mature than men:

I've rewritten this story setting countless times. It was originally much more detailed but later I realized that too many details were pointless, tiring and cringe and that I should leave some stuff to readers' imagination.

I'll later make ANOTHER edit about how women and men ended up like that because of special vaccines that were made by matriarchy with men being enforced by women to get a special vaccine that will shrink them down.
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So, I made this as an test for how cohesive I can make a story with AI as a demo. This is pretty much the text extracted from Silly Tavern.
This is not exactly fit for the thread, but seems to be better in here than the other femdom thread.

I kinda want to try an femdom worlds, to see how it goes, but I am kinda out of ideas.
The text at the link won't get loaded
Alternative site
Here are my fetish drawings that most include giantess/femdom ones (keep in mind that I suck at drawing, so prepare for cringe):
>I still like to think the male elves are pretty normal in terms of mind.
They are. This is just a cultural understanding, and justification as to why males are kept out of positions of influence.
I want to live in a matriarchal NWO with some twisted society and cultural norms from our world.
>all women have the reputation of having high libidos, ogling over every male they see and always on the lookout for a nice fuck.
>males with boners in public are seen as something that happens and not their fault, although still shameful.
>woman can walk at night without worrying they will get raped, after all, male on female non-consensual sex is so rare. males however need to be careful to not get assaulted, as the rapist women know they can easily get away with forcing a male to fuck her pussy and fill her womb. after all, what is he gonna do? resist her? what if she pulls out a weapon? and woman are likely to be stronger too.
>females with high body counts are praised as queens by their friends and others. males with body counts are shamed as mansluts
as a bonus:
>the body of a male in this world has two extra changes: all penises have foreskins long enough to keep about 2 inches of overhang under erection, and the existence of an hymen in the penis, located at few centimeters inside the foreskin and the glans.
>This hymen usually breaks naturally upon a males first intercourse, but can stay intact the penis is smaller than average and goes through the hole in the membrane as the foreskin pulls back, or if the foreskin is longer than average and the intercourse is shallow. Could also break from vigorous masturbation and physical trauma.
>males seen without their foreskin hymen intact are seen as non-virgins and some even labeled as promiscuous
i want to live in a world like this with >>10937043 and >>10944897 so bad
I wish there were more things like this.
I want to dress up for my dom gf as a surprise, what should I aim for to make her horny as possible?
I was thinking just the basics, like stockings, gloves, garter belt, blindfold, collar and ankle/wrist cuffs.
What about high heels or chastity cages?
Is that enough or should I just go full out and do a costume, like a maid perhaps?
We also lean a bit into bondage/bdsm so I think she would like something black and shiny. I want to try out latex. How does it feel compared to something like vinyl/PVC clothing? Is the sensation different or is it not really worth the hassle?
Do femdommes even like it when their subs dress up?
Bro do you seriously think there are any women in this thread?
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i don't understand why people are nitpicking the "apparent" age of a drawing but ignoring the pic near the top where one of the characters literally says she's in middle school. given that i can't draw, i'm usually willing to cut artists slack on how old their characters look (within reason), but stuff like school uniforms shows obvious intent
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hopefully it will not surprise you to learn that tastes, especially tastes in clothing, are very different from person to person.

what i would recommend strongly, though, is that you should make sure that whatever you're wearing A: fits and B: matches. don't be sloppy. you know her better than we do so you probably have an idea of the stuff she's liked on you before.

i would suggest leaving things like a blindfold, restraints, etc to her to decide because it's not really your place to say "ok we're going to do this". you could just have them available.

high heels on a sub dude always seemed weird to me because they're kind of a power thing sometimes and basically just derive from the idea that feminine = submissive

anyway those are my thoughts. the muji boxer briefs have always been a hit with my gf but ymmv.
I don't know why but I've never really understood why so many "Ten women to one man" stories are patriarchies. It's just unrealistic at like, every level, and utterly relies on not just a severe gender imbalance, but a level of like, mental and physical dimorphism that is never talked about.

I feel like a 10 to 1 gender ratio would be very thoroughly a matriarchal society, or at the least a gilded cage patriarchy.

> "Oh we can't let you go outside - you're so rare. We need you here, breeding with us, to birth the next generations of soldiers. See these ladies with the big spears? They're here to keep you safe. You'll be very unsafe if you leave this room, okay?"
This is how I know women browse the thread
I like to read proper (and brutal) FLR/femdom blogs, but jesus christ do I feel bad for the dudes in them.
Mistress Scarlett (UK)'s blog is one example. It's hot, but sometimes I wonder it's too far.
One of her correspondents, Christine M, is even worse. She put IcyHot on her husband's balls while he was in bondage, and gagged him to quiet the literal screaming.
>> "Oh we can't let you go outside - you're so rare. We need you here, breeding with us, to birth the next generations of soldiers. See these ladies with the big spears? They're here to keep you safe. You'll be very unsafe if you leave this room, okay?"
They probably aren't lying either, soon as he steps outside he is free game to anyone and would get pounced on with a new breeding session starting as more women start to amass to the location.
Seize the means of reproduction.
There are many variables to consider. Your previous encounters, her preferences, your build, what clothes you own, etc.
Also wearing something slutty under regular clothes = hot.
Any specific posts you'd recommend?
feel like i would crack pretty quickly if i was one of these guys holy fuck. how thuroughly broken can a man be
Dudes do this shit to other men and call it Alpha Knight Training.
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Question is what she's into. You might not want to dress up as something new, it might turn her off. But at the same time, push boundaries? Try something not quite what you've done before?
Be careful springing it on her, she may not be in the mood.
It'd be really funny to see a """""patriarchy""""" femdom setting.
>ancient cataclysm causes 10:1 sex ratio
>society eventually adapts
>men's jobs, where they exist, are purely symbolic positions. Vestiges of another time
>every male has a "harem" of women who "worship" him
>in reality he is the shared property of his mistresses
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They keep you in chastity in order to preserve your seed, they keep you in a gilded cage with little stimulation to keep you bored, and every time you're let out you'll both hate and love it, because it means you have no choice but to go through an extended session with multiple girls every time. But once they're done, you get good food you get to go outside for a bit, you get rewards. Rewards for impregnating, rewards for being compliant, for making sure the clan continues.

You're safe in the breeding chambers. They keep telling you stories about what happens to loose males - taken away to be status symbols for those who can do so, forced to breed and then killed so nobody else can get their hands on such a rare resource, other, awful fates.

You see other men around in your rare times outside, and they are bought, gifted, and captured from other compounds and settlements, like you probably were. You aren't allowed to talk to them - everything is for your safety, and letting men talk means that unsafe ideas like escape are planned.
Running away means they have to find ways to make sure their males don't. Not having hands, feet, or eyes isn't going to seriously effect sexual performance.
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These kinds of scenarios are always the best. The ones that actually consider the realistic circumstances behind a matriarchal world, and the application of them in both micro and macro contexts. I don't judge other people's fetishes, but I really roll my eyes when people make scenarios where "everything is the same except women have the power to telepathically inflict testicular torsion on anyone they want". Immersion doesn't ALWAYS mean realism, but realism sure as hell helps.

A world where women dramatically outnumber men is by far my favourite, because it creates a world where men are oppressed pretty heavily because they are VALUABLE. Men would become similar to racehorses, extremely valuable to those involved, but possessing to no ability to leverage this value for their own betterment. There are far more insidious ways of exerting control over another human being than raw violence too, psychological and cultural manipulation can be extremely powerful when used right.

Anyone who hasn't already should read "A Brother's Price" by Wen Spencer. It is pretty much exactly the scenario that >>10969037 lays out, and while its mostly another superficial romance flick, with not much vulgarity or depth, it is still a unicorn.
50/50, Ask the audience, and phone a friend? Musta been a hard question.
>6'1 adventurer protagonist gets captured by a tall sexy 6'5 witch
>she can tell he has the hots for her, but he doesn't want to admit it
>she uses a spell on him that turns him extremely short (but still biologically possible for a male human, so like 4'11-5'0), while also making him feel really obedient
>she keeps him around as her little servant-lover, playfully teasing him about the physical disadvantages of his new height by small gestures, like ordering him to fetch things from high shelves, etc. and then making him ask her for help when he isn't tall enough anymore to reach

Or maybe a scenario where your scientist GF creates a shorty serum that permanently turns guys into stocky little slaves for their tall imposing queens?
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Thanks a lot for all the tips. I have been wanting to do it because I feel she gives much more effort into it than I do. When we meet up I get myself ready, set the mood, make some drinks, something easy to eat and I will still be waiting for her to get ready. Then when she comes out she is super hot and my neurons get activated. I wanted to do something similar for her, like she would see me and get really excited over me.
But when it comes to the actual play, I think she prefers to top my masculinity and having power over me rather then brining me down below her, dunno if it makes a lot of sense lol. So if I went with my original plan I would definitely fuck up, I am glad I asked for input and gave it a better thought.
I am probably gonna get her some better tools for bondage and try to resist and fight her a bit more.
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the sexual appeal of being outnumbered
Aaaand...I still can't make up my mind about my ideal matriarchal NWO setting. Should I have women being 6 feet tall at average with men being 4'10" at maximum or 3' at maximum?

And should I make women being gigantic and men tiny because of people borning like that naturally? Or because of special jabs the matriarchy has invented with all men being forced by women to take the jab?
>she can tell he has the hots for her, but he doesn't want to admit it

may I recommend this story it (unfortunately) isn't finished yet but I think it may scratch that itch pretty damn close and other stories by the same author do feature shrinkage

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This world but with all males being eternal shotas while all women are in their late teens/early twenties and it's a femdom world.
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Never got the idea of height diffs. I kinda like dommes being regular sized.

Is it the Serena Williams effect?
does anyone have the image where it was like a matriarchy scenario builder? It was like a chart full of various categories and you would build a fantasy matriarchy world through spending points? It was in one of these threads ages ago if any of you have it plz share
How often does the femdom/matriarchal threads get its OP image deleted? Feels like this and the last two or three times
It's obviously just fake.
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I remember a story on ichizo's website. It was about a 6'3 ft muscle amazon sleeping with her manlet teacher and her friend's manlet father. At the end, she wanted to devour her ultra manlet older brother virginity on her birthday.

Good stuff.
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It's just a coincidence. Don't look into it.
reddit or /Trash/ has the CYOAs.
I really like the massive difference between "harem" and "eusocial". I'm also very much into F(+)/f(+), F(+)/m(+), and F(+)/f(+)m(+). The idea of there being a hierarchy is fun. Imagine being at the bottom of a totem pole where your dommes are basically frustrated slaves themselves.
Those types of scenarios turn me on so much. Systemic "loving" condesention makes me diamonds.
>"Boys are too stupid to know what they want, thats why they need us to take make decisions for them"
>"Boys are to naive for the real world, thats why we need to keep an eye on them"
>"Boys can only truly be happy making babies, thats why they shouldn't get an education".
>I don't judge other people's fetishes, but I really roll my eyes when people make scenarios where "everything is the same except women have the power to telepathically inflict testicular torsion on anyone they want".
>Men would become similar to racehorses, extremely valuable to those involved, but possessing to no ability to leverage this value for their own betterment.

The 2nd scenario isn't any more realistic. If men were rare we would just live like Lions and guys would fight each other to gain larger harems. Women with superpower scenarios are actually more realistic lol
You're one of those guys that genuinely thinks an office poindexter can take 20 women at once in a fight, right?
In a world where women vastly outnumber men, women would dominate every single institution that society creates, while men would be too valuable for their ability to produce children and bring sexual pleasure for them to be "wasted" in the clergy, military or bureaucracy. When civilization first arises this division of labor would be one out of pure pragmatism, but when ideas become normalised for even a short while people forget the original reasoning behind them and make up a pantheon of ideas explaining why this is the case. This is exactly what happened with women for us, and why subjugation of women is a theme across every single civilization to varying degrees. One man among ten women would be far more relatively powerful than one woman and one man, so this would only be more pronounced. It wouldn't make any sense to discuss society about what men can force upon others, as society would be constructed BY women, FOR women. While men won't be slaves, and they may enjoy "better" treatment than men do here, their entire existence will be defined in relation to women.

Raw physical strength hasn't been the dominant power behind human interaction since 4000BC. Remember that the Romans legionaries were on average smaller, weaker and worse fed compared to the Gallic and Germanic tribesmen, but still wiped the floor with them due to their ability to organise, cooperate and work as a collective.
>men would be too valuable for their ability to produce children and bring sexual pleasure for them to be "wasted"
It's too easy for a man to do his part in the baby-making process for this to be an issue. For a women it's 9+ months, for a man it's like 30 minutes or whatever
>For a women it's 9+ months, for a man it's like 30 minutes or whatever
Assuming 100% fertility for both parties involved, which is never the case. Modern fertility doctors give a rough estimate that for two healthy couples with no preexisting genetic of health conditions, it can take between 20-40 attempts for a baby to properly be concieved. When my wife and I tried for our first, it took us 4 months of trying every other night to concieve before it finally took. When you consider that child mortality, miscarriage rates and infertility was FAR more common than it is today back then due to health problems mainly from poor diets, and then have one man provide for 10 women (at least), it can become a VERY difficult process, and not easy as you make it out to be.

Besides, the raw physical aspect behind sex and conception isn't the only factor, soft cultural influences from having a man in the house would be far more powerful. The only thing that would seperate a family from a dozen random women sharing a house would be the man that ties them together. Having both a male and female parent as a child makes a world of difference, and sharing a bed with a member of the opposite sex who knows you inside out is incredibly powerful. Things are different in the Western world, but back then especially, family was INCREDIBLY important. Your familial community and ties are not just how you are, but how you can survive. No-one existed on their own back then, and the existence of a man in the house would be literally invaluable to all families, thus creating their value.
I have no idea where you're trying to go with this dude. If women outnumbered men it would just turn into Lion prides, women do all the work and stuff for men who don't really have a job besides to fuck a ton of women every day to keep the species going. There's just no other way it would work. But it wouldn't be "oh the women keep the dude chained up in a basement somewhere" because that's really not how women's instincts work...
if anything it would be like they kept in a nice facility secure and safe but treated like diamonds
He's just trying to get his sick little rocks off. Let him cook
Ah whatever. I like rambling. I disagree, all there is left to say.
This is why I’m more into the like Amazon women world version of this. I get the harem fantasy angle but women are just as jealous if not more so than men. If they were in total control I don’t think most of them would put up with sharing.

But having them fight over me sounds kinda cool.
for me it's horuvex and Joyce Julep before 2023
Nah I agree with that guy, even though he is kinda incoherant. I watched a documentry filming the lives of a small African community, where male mortality is so high that its normal for men to have 2-3 wives. You'd think it'd be a paradise for the men, but actually what happenes is that the women dominate the household and spend all the time fighting and spending the man's money. In the interviews they did with the couple his wives constantly talked over him while he just sat looking exhausted.
did you really post a thread about your fetish in /tg/ ?
Someone on tg posted about their fetishes? Do you have any idea of how little does this narrows it down?
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This one?
/tg/ has been a stealth fetish board since before you were born, newfriend.
Dom musclebro here. I just like the whole deal of revenge or retaliation. A taste of one's own medicine. Imagine a version or ending of Matriarchal Kuroinu with extreme femdom or something close. In the end, Vault kisses the girl's pussy or nipples. Hyper lactation could work too, overfilling them with milk.
There's an WEG called twisted world thats exactly this

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