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if it grows, it's gold
>no guys
>no muscles
>no futa
>no AI art
Post women growing bigger, out of their clothes, out of buildings, etc

Previous: >>10887211

(re-using this as the OP just because we all love shnider so much)
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Also, the very end of the last thread had a glut of excellent content and it's rare to get so much new content all at once, so forgive me if I spend just a few posts here re-sharing it, I promise I won't spam.

Pic related is 1st page of a great growth comic from glassrims, rest are here:
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First page of four, rest are here:
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Writefag delivers a new story here (pic unrelated): https://pastes.io/hwcwsgwik5
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>I recall a twilight zone-style story where reality bending cause women to grow and only one guy was aware of it.
Yeah, I commissioned that story. Here it is if someone was curious: https://www.deviantart.com/blackspyro33/art/The-X-Zone-About-the-women-of-St-Charles-840499991
Author has a lot of both furry and non-furry stories, this one is non-furry.

Speaking of which, I commissioned something else from him recently, too: https://www.deviantart.com/blackspyro33/art/Legend-of-Crescita-1013361179
This one is quite long.

>Now I've brainstormed about the potential of a scenario where the inverse happens. Imagine the ensuing panic and shame as the girls realise that they alone are aware of their own unwilling growths.
The looks of baffled horror on their faces as their friends and family act completely unfazed by them outgrowing their clothes and eventually their own homes and places of work. With the only ones aware of it being those who are already growing or about to grow themselves.
God this is such a fantastic fucking idea, writefag, anyone, please give a crack at this.

There were actually a lot of great writing prompts right at the end of the last thread that I would feel perhaps too guilty to repost them all, but I encourage someone to save them off before the thread dies.
Thanks for the new thread, OP! So many cool things popping up near the end of the last thread. Anyone got any good Uneven Growth stuff to share? It's such a rare thing these days...
>The looks of baffled horror on their faces as their friends and family act completely unfazed by them outgrowing their clothes
ACTUALLY now that I think about it, I commissioned another story (same author, too) where there is one scene where that happens: https://www.deviantart.com/blackspyro33/art/Sadistic-Tendency-805869639
Girl grows in an office where no-one but her (and the protagonist) is aware of it.

It isn't the focus of the entire story though, so I still think I would love to see someone make a whole thing out of it.
Whats the sauce of the image?
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shnider, he posts sometimes in these threads and unless I'm mistaken, doesn't usually post it elsewhere I think?

here's some more
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Hello there, writefag here again, with the delivery for the IQ drain giantess story. I said last time that I wouldn't do close to 5000 words again. So, predictably, this ended up being 5871 words long. I didn't even realize it got that big.


Anyhow, I'm still open for requests, if anybody else wants some.
Original requester here, great work, I liked the way the IQ drain was written to feel as scary and frustrating as dementia, where she's forgetting things and getting visibily shaken and angry over it, and the slow buildup at the end of her getting off until she becomes a perpetually horny idiot monster was great. Fantastic job, I liked it a lot.
Requestin' a recent idea that came to mind:
>kindly princess of a kingdom is captured by an evil empire
>evil general woman is charmed by the princess' innocence and goes turncoat
>princess is weathered and nearly broken down when general visits her
>general feeds the princess a growth potion to help her break out of jail without letting her know exactly what it is
>general consumes some too to prove it's not poison and gain trust
>empire goons break in not long after, learning of the general's trechary
>the two women grow gigantic and smash out of the dungeon
>princess goes full mindbreak upon turning giant and rampages in the castle grounds
>pushes the general down and screws her atop the grounds, to the latter's shock
>princess takes the general with her as a companion as she goes off on a double-giant woman conquest tour
>general is stunned at how wrong her escape plan ended up going and what she might have accidentally wrought upon the world
Apologies if too long and detailed.
If you don't mind, I would love a twist on the whole "girl slowly outgrows the room/building with someone trapped inside." This could take place in an underground black site facility where the assistant is given the job of testing the new growth potion/serum on his girlfriend. She is modest and also very tall at over 6ft minimum. She could have big breasts and meaty thighs, but the most important part is that although they argue a lot, they love each other very much. I want a scene where it appears terrifying for the tiny, but slowly he starts to fall in love and want her to absolutely dominate him as she slowly outgrows the facility, causing explosions and flattening equipment. Story could end with the girl exploding from the ground, treating the now ruined facility as her domain, to which the government now has to provide her sustenance to appease her or else she will make her presence known to the world.
As mentioned I am requesting this: >>10932050 >>10926078
A story where there's a "growth epidemic" yet only the girl who is growing, or girls who have grown or are also growing can notice. Huge bonus points for capturing the sheer horror of realizing the situation as that original anon described.
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a bit dead today, huh
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OP forgetting the title probably isn't helping.
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>if it grows, it's gold
>>no muscles
>>no futa
What do you mean? Is this kind of content okay? If you want giantess growth just say that.
I feel like made a mistake with the OP.
sorry mate, i'm an enormous fucking retard who forgot to put "giantess growth" anywhere in the OP. it is time to commit honorable mitsubishi

ps: while not actually thread-appropriate, your bimbo image is pretty cute, thank you for sharing
This one is almost done, I'll deliver it tomorrow

Will do this one next. Do you have any preferences for how the growth goes? Slow, throbbing, rapid, like filling a balloon, so slow they only notice because they notice their perspective is off, etc?

No offense, but you need to think about your promt a little harder. Right now, you've just asked for a tsundere experimenting with her boyfriend as she pops out of a research facility. Considering you said that there's a twist on it, I feel like I'm missing something.
If having a slap-slap-kiss relationship between a twink and an evergrowing bombshell *is* just what you wanted, then no worries.

also, man. thread's on life support. "Grow" still finds you this thread, so I don't get it.
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How about natural growth?
Natural growth is cool, though it needs to be pretty powerful to really work for the thread.
For me it would need a womanlet (let's say a girl projected to barely reach 4'9", for example) hits a super growth spurt in her late teens so that not only do we get a fun bout of confusion about the girl outgrowing all her clothes rapidly and all the drama of getting used to her body constantly changing, but by the time she reaches adulthood, she's 7ft tall, if not much higher. Bonus points if, like your pic, they have a normal friend who the growing girl as a comparison point, and even more bonus points if a former bully bumps into the grower and the now towering girl gets her revenge.
Of course there's always the 'superhuman' growth spurt side, where a normal girl suffers a growth-spurt from hell and gains inch(es) per day, or sudden surges at inopportune times or such.
Big fan of constant breast and hourglass growth. Mostly in the chest department but the whole implied growth idea with characters commenting that their chests got bigger again, or just won’t stop growing, or something ripped that they swore fit… All stuff I wish was less niche. Macromastia is a cool inclusion too, and I like the idea of a girl slowly growing into a mini-giantess. With spurts ramping up as she gets larger. Though that steps out of the range of natural.
Putting it out there for extremely unwilling and painful growth?
Not the biggest fan of painful growth. Though I don’t mind it initially being a bit painful as clothing gets too tight, only for the relief and pleasure of growing to hit once she finally breaks out of the confines of her clothing.
Not a fan of the extreme aspect, but it does tickle my inner 'realistic detail' enjoyer. It just makes sense that rapid growth would be painful, but I also concede that the feeling of growth should be a tangle of sensations. Maybe sometimes the growth spikes certain parts, like some parts are painful, others pleasurable, others liberating and tingly and so forth.
Unwilling, however, is a huge plus for me. A girl freaking out and panicking as their body uncontrollably grows bigger and bigger is top tier.
“Surely nobody will notice if a sneak a small size growth potion to grow taller”
>Will do this one next. Do you have any preferences for how the growth goes? Slow, throbbing, rapid, like filling a balloon, so slow they only notice because they notice their perspective is off, etc?
Thank you! As far as preferences, my personal favorite are spurts of quick growth, that give her enough time in between to realize what's going on and process it, before the next one happens (as well as them being automatic and outside her control). Like maybe at the start a spurt every 1-2 minutes, then maybe it gets faster as it goes on. That said, if the story focuses on multiple girls, for the sake of word count it might need to grow faster than that. Up to you.

>also, man. thread's on life support. "Grow" still finds you this thread, so I don't get it.
Yeah, again, I super fucked up. When I was making the thread I remembered everything else: link the old thread, link the new thread in the old thread, copy the OP, queue up five images to justify the thread's existence, and typed up five message's worth of reposts from the last thread, but in all that, I forgot the most important thing: the fucking title. Sheesh. At least we got a bunch of traffic today.
Writefag your delivery of that most recent story inspired me to start outlining my own.

Will I ever finish it? Who fucking knows. It was fun to outline anyway. If I do finish, it'll be in one of these threads for sure.

Similar premise to what I asked you to write that you delivered on - Generally ill-mannered protag with unstoppable amounts of power and some fun body horror stuff, plus I'm trying to work in a couple other fetishes to the whole thing.

The problem with this story idea I have isn't my creativity it's my attention span and motivation to finish a project.
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>If having a slap-slap-kiss relationship between a twink and an evergrowing bombshell *is* just what you wanted, then no worries.
Yeah, that is what I wanted. Sorry, I'm not sure why I wanted a twist on it. I did think about the prompt a bit more, and I thought of a better intro to segway into the dominating growth.
>work conditions are so-so, but officials force the scientist to work overtime because serum/potion is on the brink of completion
>except they're lying because it's already done, they're just forcing the young scientist and his tsundere GF to stay because they're now POI for making a superweapon
>GF reads them like a book, gets frustrated and wants to show them who's boss
>uses her tsundere charms on his boyfriend to concoct a plan
>plan is to stage an accident or miscalculation for the next test
>they make a distraction by swapping out the test serum with the fully-fledged potion/serum that will make her thousands of feet tall
>cue growth going "haywire" and everyone evacuates the facility
> tsundere GF makes sure to jam the door so that no one can get inside
>bonding time as she dominates her cute BF who made her into a thermonuclear weapon
Feel free to make any adjustments or criticisms regarding the idea.
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Reverse unaware growth scenario guy here.

Holy shit you're the one who commissioned him for both? His recent one was one of my new favourites!
I mentioned brainstorming because I'm trying to unrust my own writing skills by writing it myself. I also wanted to see if any writefags lurking in the thread had an interest because I know some of you are a lot better at writing than I am.

>Will do this one next.

oh boy oh boy oh boy
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Princess and general growth is done!


Moving on to the reverse unaware growth story now.
The suffering roller coaster went over the hump real fast in this story, geez. Thanks for taking the request, writefag, I like the way you wrote it and put emphasis on the character designs, outgrowing a prosthetic limb is actually a pretty nifty idea I don't think I've ever seen before, much less read described in a story before. Great job.
Did she try to grow and couldn't control her newfound power? Hot if thats the case. Also sauce pls.
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>trusting elves to be consistent about anything
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I can't help myself when it comes to making sad characters. That said, I hope it makes the part where they grow more satisfying.
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I really liked the IQ Drain story, but I've always wanted a good growth through IQ story, like Library of Alexandra on pbmsg if anyone remembers that. Something like:

>small, mousy, nerdy girl, hates herself
>the one thing she's good at is studying
>she already gets perfect grades, but decides to focus harder on learning
>she notices her mind starting to work faster, her memory improving, etc.
>her body also starts to grow, fill out, etc, and she relishes in it, lording herself over the people that used to bully her

Thanks for doing these, love your stuff!
This may come off as a bit contrarian, but could you do one that has IQ growth (and generally benign, eudaemonic developments like that) instead? Maybe something with a girl slowly ascending to some sort of godhood while staying devoted to the main she loves even as she surpasses him utterly.
Damn writefag, i'm jelly of your ability to create characters and settings where the growth is appropriate

+1 for lesbians
Yeah, and why the orange one is merely curious, her friend is super shy and has her own growth spurts from nervousness.

While I can't remember where I found the picture, the artist is Geoligar. Not very active these days, they fell into a funk, but they're trying to get themselves out of it and post again. Great stuff from them back then, including my favourite growth comic of all time, Hiccup&Up.
Could do one where a really prim and proper office lady deals with a sort of "were giantess" curse. Where every full moon she becomes ultra horny and grows huge. So she has to balance out her strict reputation and becoming a mindless horny giant.

Bonus points if she's unknowingly contagious and infects a friend or rival or someone similar.
writefag do you have the whole set of this on hand? Hot as fuck.
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I didn't, but I decided to go digging for it.
Artist only seems to use twitter so there's no easy way to scrounge them together. I think I'm still missing one
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The one after this is the one I had already posted. Sorry about having to post them out of order.
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This is the most recent one I could find, and I think the final stage just hasn't been drawn yet. However, the next step would be "Perfect Keiko", of which there IS a drawing, hence, I'll post that. Just to add some level of finality.
This wouldn't really count as giantess, if it wasn't for the fact that we had the previous images.

Also, adding this one to the pile. Basic plot synopsis is that she's working later than expected, and her car craps out, so she needs to get a lift from her tiny country bumpkin office friend who fortunately comes to work with her paw's flatbed truck, while the prim & proper lanky lady turns into a gigantic mass of pleasure and greed while they drive to her forest stomping grounds.

I'll probably keep going to give the cute redhead bumpkin her "first change", too. So we have an experienced changer and a first-time panic.
Contagious growth is my fucking jam.

Of course, it is at the bottom of the pile, so it'll take me a bit to get to it.
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Fuck, forgot to mention: The artist is EmmArrSus on Twitter. Have a bonus piece from them.
Sick. I love that character that I assume is an OC of some sort. Thanks for consolidating.

I'm still working on a draft for my story. I'm going for a lot longer format though so it's taking me a good while to get progress. Trying to do some buildup and character building first before jumping straight into the growth.

I haven't written shit in like, literally a decade or so probably so I'm a bit rusty, but it feels good to be creative.

tldr is basically what amounts to a modern day witch has been trying to grow herself with middling success. she's dabbled in modern medicine gotten from the black market but has only really gotten thicker, not taller. Normally asexual she finds and falls for a femboy in possession of an ancient script he has no idea where it came from, with some pretty powerful spells and uses those to induce some forbidden powers that allow her to continue her goal.

It'll make more sense when (if) it's done.
Ooooh, there's a fun scenario. Onyo lady that gets larger with every day of the curse, and she's not even doing it on purpose.
First day is typical first scares stuff, slithering in air ducts and tip-toeing in the shadows. Then the next day, she's amazonian and knocking stuff down on accident (which still works for her haunting).
Day 3, the house rattles as she moves around, she fills the whole attic.
Day 4, her growing body makes the walls cave, threatening to smush her curse victim into paste. She remains stuck in it, the whole structure shaking and groaning (added to her groans of not understanding why her curse is so ridiculous).
Day 5, her victim has fled away, but is soon chased by a 50ft ghost lady who wants this all to end, so better end them !
Day 6, she's a walking skyscraper, her robe is getting caught on building, her hair is knocking power lines down, and there are people throwing themselves under her street-filling feet. Where is her victim ?! She'll turn the whole city upside-down to find them !
Final day, the victim has fled to the edge of the country, reaching the seaside, completely out of breath and options. But then, a monstruous form rises out of the ocean, over a thousand feet tall, dripping with annoyance and salty water. The curse ends NOW...

And eh, pick your ending. She can enact the curse by stomping, or sitting, or swallowing her victim, which either resets her to normal, or she remains a ghastly leviathan, terrorizing the entire world.
It can be a funny ending where the Onyo lady can't kill her victim, and she's the one who's actually cursed, fated to be always seen by everybody. Her and her big butt.
Or it can be a tender ending, where the victim tries to console this immense ghost with a tragic past, and that kinda breaks the curse, and they live together, and she can still become humongous for fun...
Feeling bored lately, and I like all the writing OC going on in this thread - any specific ideas for Fire Emblem-related growth stories? I wanted to try and wet my writing whistle again, and figured to try and write for a series I like. Biased towards post-Awakening, but can be flexible.
are you the obero fan?
I like Oboro, but I don't think so? I got no clue who you're referring to, otherwise, assuming it's another older poster.
>country bumpkin tomboy growth

You're a gentlemen and a scholar.
diamonds, where can I read more of your work? I used that shared account here for writing.com but I think it got shut down due to bad eggs.
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I haven't written for /d/ in close to a decade, and my old work is pretty shit by comparison. Poor formatting, lacking prose, etc. Still, out of principle, i don't believe in deleting your old work because you're dissatisfied by it, because it might still be *somebody's* jam.


Again, fair warning, this some OLD work, and it doesn't hold a candle to what I'm doing now. Downright embarrassed about it, but everybody starts somewhere.If you want stuff like what I'm handing out, just... stick around.
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>the guy who made that Bloodstained growth story
Holy shit, I requested that way back then, I completely lost track of that. Never expected you were the same dude, based.
Sure thing anon. We all started somewhere.
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Ah understood. I've owed someone an Oboro story for a decade it feels like lol.

But writefag's been giving me inspiration
New mister agf video looks promising.

was the last one worth it even tho it was male?

The growth pill male one was pretty good imo
Perhaps something involving the Engage cast? Ivy could try out a new spell she found in her library and figure it would impress Alear with her breasts expanding. However, when Ivy tries it, she ends up growing gigantic and embarrasses herself in front of Alear, running off and destroying entire forests with her continuous growth. Alear, not wanting to leave Ivy alone, uses the tome on herself and chases after her, figuring she would appreciate it if she grew huge as well. Then the two bond together in the moonlight and annihilate bandits/monsters between their breasts and thighs, each complimenting on their voluptuous assets.
File deleted.
If you're still often to prompts, I'm tantalized by the idea of a giantess with a living dildo.

The scenario I have in mind involves sorceress enchanting her fuckboi ti generate growth cum and then sucking his balls empty. Using her new power she starts to feed people to his balls via cock vore, causing his dick and balls to grow ti a size capable of satisfying her but leaving the rest of him tiny. Whether she rides him or dildos herself with him, she turns him into a literal boy toy which is her tool for growth.

I'm imagining her sucking and fucking massive loads out abs then growing by digesting them in the afterglow
Sounds good, I could give something like this a try. Thanks for the suggestion.

It doesn't look like anything at all.
All top tier premises.
Of a very high quality, this is. Is the title supposed to be a Morrowind reference?
It did for me.
>big ivy
very good taste
>big alear
mid, make it goldmary instead and youd be a SCHOLAR
try some gba characters, maybe florina
How the fuck you gonna call Alear mid and then suggest the most boring of the pegasus sisters from 7? At least suggest Farina, she has a personality unlike her sisters.
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>Holy shit you're the one who commissioned him for both? His recent one was one of my new favourites!
Hey, I'm happy to hear that! "The recent one" you're referring to is the Legend of Crescitia story, right? If so, out of curiousity, where did you stumble on it? (unless it was just from me linking it in this thread haha)
>because I know some of you are a lot better at writing than I am.
don't get too discouraged, I'm sure you're better than you think you are.
Good stuff anon, do you have a deviantart or archive of our own or something?
Alright I'm working on a vore based growth story. Growth target is a psychotic two faced borderline megalomaniac girl who was already naturally quite tall for a girl, but has now began growing even larger.

I'm conceptualizing the part where she merges with her boy toy femboy sub. She would be taller than a house at this stage, but not orders of magnitude more.

What would be hotter?
>She absorbs him but keeps his soul within her body as an equal as her new size now kinda needs to people at the controls and they go through the next phases together.

>She absorbs him, promising they'll control her new body, when his soul is inside of her, instead of working together it turns out her soul is just as huge and hungry as she is and she breaks her promise/find out she lied and devours his soul, leaving just a tiny bit of it as a voice in her head influencing her sexual urges but nothing more.
>B, but she completely absorbs him instead.

>B, but instead of falling for her trick he helplessly tries to fight back.
>C, but he gets completely absorbed instead of a tiny fragment of his soul being left.

I'm heavily leaning toward B.
Is that Susan/Ginormica?

B1. Either because she lied about it or reneges on her promise, or she loses control and inadvertently devours his soul in its entirety. And if you wanted to keep some of the former character around, it would be what the MC thinks the femboy would want, but those thoughts are either completely corrupted or grow more corrupted over time (e.g., she thinks he would have wanted her to destroy all those people, but in reality he wouldn't have)
>no guys
>no muscles
>no futa
>no AI art

>no fun
that's what your containment thread is for
Yo Glassrims is back? Hell yeah! Fucking love this artist
Most likely for this character is that she flat out lied rather than any honest mistake, trying to paint her as extremely intelligent but also extremely self centered. Nothing, not even this person she formed a bond with, will stand in her way. Nothing is sacred, it's all fuel, maybe she just feels like she owes him the satisfaction of not being violently ripped to shreds.

I'm thinking that scene will include a lot of tongue play before she finally just swallows him, willingly. The idea will be that since she had his honest consent, it'll provide her a lot more growth than the random fodder she had picked up until that point. Of course the consent was in bad faith but he didn't know that, he believed it was completely genuine so that's all that mattered.

Then once his soul gets in her body he realizes she did NOT keep the promise and she eats his soul too. I want to project that everything she does is planned, calculated, and considered long before she actually acts, though, I did plan that the more she eats and grows, the less time she has between being hungry, and the less and less control she has over her soft and human side. Early on she did have a genuine soft side but once she found out how to grow that disappeared. But it's less that she doesn't have control and more that the pleasure and occupancy in her mind associated with growing becomes all consuming, rather than any specific controlled plan.

I want her to seem like an unstoppable force that it is impossible to actually reach and get "on her side" - Both physically and mentally/emotionally. She might let people in for a bit, but she is completely and totally in it for herself and if you think you have a leg up on her, you're probably about to get eaten.
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Writefag here, apologies for the long wait on the next story. Just don't have as much free time to write it. It's coming along, just slowly.
how much time do you dedicate to writing?

do you work?
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It's no worries, take your time!

Really an instant "transformation" growth if you know the reference of the device/toy(?) before she became giant
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Here it is! The reverse unaware growth story. This one was a little harder than I expected, and I didn't play around with the unequal growth as much as I was hoping, but there was just a bit too much going on to really focus on it.
All the same, it's done.

This one is up next, now.
>woah, ass ahoy!
Heheheheh, freakin sweet
Dude this ruled, please do a follow-up with Kate, dorks who become power-mad perverts in these kinds of scenarios are my favorites
Oh hey I remember you. Really liked that centaur one. Thought I lost it in the pastebin purge before stumbling across your HF account.
This is a fucking diamond! Amazingly done, Writefag!

Kate better hope there are more than a few perverts like herself who are growing because if there aren't, there's going to be a lot of upset giantesses focusing on her spreading the growth to everyone once the panic inevitably dies down.
>"if it grows, it's gold"
>unless it's any of these exceptions
I came here to laugh at you
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Holy shit i forgot I even HAD a HF account.

I had considered adding in the part where Kate gets her shit rocked by the other people angry that they turned them into naked giants.
Kate would be getting off on it, obviously.
However, I felt like the story was a bit bloated, and it felt like a better ending to just leave it a bit open-ended.
>reverse unaware growth
>unequal growth
Oooooh, this sounds interesting! Thanks, I will definitely have to check this out as soon as I can. Keep being awesome!
>b-but why can't I look at cock in this thread?!
Sorry we're not gay, anon
See I was hoping for a follow up where Kate becomes the clear alpha since it seemed like her love of growth was keeping her the biggest
"bawww why can't i post my ai garbage?"
need more tall girls just walking thru walls or bumping into something thats tall (head, shin, tummy ect..)
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Love this too. Generally bumping into things because she’s not used to even a familiar space due to her new proportions I’m personally an absolute sucker for girls getting their hips and ass stuck in a door frame, be it crouching through if they’re in the 10ft or lower zone (and struggling to get through), or when they’re crawling and can’t fit.
Combos nicely when they grow while still wedged in there and now can’t reverse back out because their boobs are now stuck too, finally followed by either getting frustrated and just crashing through or outgrowing the wall and frame.
This might be in my top 3 growth stories of all time.
So much unwilling, especially Ann's first reaction. So hot
Yeah anon is a retard who uses growth and associate's OP and then added his autistic limitations to it
>and then added his autistic limitations to it
added? added what?
buddy not a single one of these threads has ever encouraged futa growth, muscles, AI, or male growth, and pretending like this is a "new" limitation just exposes how much of a newfriend you really are. maybe the generic /size/ thread is more your speed of mental illness?
>None of these have ever allowed muscles or male growth
Like I said, just a newfag using growth and associate's OP without knowing how his thread were like.
show me a single one of these threads, even ones started by g&a, that ever allowed solo male giant growth you fucking homunculus
anons HAVE posted muscle growth or muscular women in these threads in the past, yes, but they all got ran out a year or two ago because 99% of people here aren't into that
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Why no AI art?
Cause it’s still too samey and too spammy. Just go post your AI garbage in the AI Size thread.
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The look on her face on that last panel. It's what I live for.
wait I'm confused is the girl in boob
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does anyone who can read moonrunes know what the context of her growing is?
>uses Godot engine
>only publishing Windows release
dude, c'mon, at least publish browser version (though Linux would also nice)

The tsundere growth story is finished. A lot shorter than the other ones, it just took me a long time to actually get off my ass to get it done.

On to the were-giantess story now. If you have any preferences, now's the time to mention them. Some default elements:

>Pulsating growth that the victim can hold back
>Intense arousal
>Prim & Proper lady holding back so she can turn out in the forest
>Small tomboy country bumpkin failing to hold back because she doesn't know what's happening after getting contaminated

Anything else you'd like to see or adjust?
Can you share your stories in a collection? Paste.Io isn’t working for me.
>all fast growth
is there any decent growth animators who don't make the end result some musclebound chick? agfictions and leviathan are killing me
Do you have a link? Also he said he would do giantess growth without muscle at the end but he's going through commission's right now.
Share please?
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Here's all the stories I've done for the most recent threads.
Check out FaTerGD. His stuff's pretty good most of the time. He sometimes ventures into weight gain which is trash but otherwise he's fairly consistently good. Very occasionally has toning but definitely not that hypermuscle shit a lot of artists are into.
Someone share?

https://mega nz/file/oRR2GIpL#vWHd_uF7zq8k74v9f1wx0CAjBmM5PiK8Rcib5QdnX3o bruv it sucks
Yeah let's hope he returns to the giantess. He's also given up on doing AP since that's been getting him burned. But he alternates male/female, so the next month is male again.
That was thoroughly unsatisfying. Was this a commission or does he just plan on making muscle animations for the foreseeable future?
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Thoughts on breast expansion during growth? Also looks like from patreon, homerrier is back
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Me, I'm a fan but I also just like breast expansion in general.
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I hated it for many years and thought it ruined pictures but I eventually got stockholmed into liking it, even on its own.
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When it comes to giantess growth, breast and ass expansion frequently come along for the ride. I mean, why not? You'll never see me complaining about a woman getting more voluptuous as she grows.
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I think for a lot of people they might see breast expansion as "silly" or "too exaggerated." Oh well. I like boobs -> I like more boobs, same logic for why I like bigger ladies.
loool...And a woman suddenly growing several feet out of her clothes _isn't_?
>I think for a lot of people they might see breast expansion as "silly" or "too exaggerated."
As long as they keep a human silhouette, I'm fine. A woman goin from an A cup to a DD cup is fine. A woman going from DDs to being a small speck attached to twin blobs fails to be sexy.
>And a woman suddenly growing several feet out of her clothes _isn't_?
No, it isn't. It implies a growing (so to speak) power differential. It can be played for laughs or horror, but it's not silly in and of itself.
I like a lot of body-tweaking during growth. Breast expansion, hourglass expansion and also, despite it being hated here, some muscle growth. Fortunately for that latter one, there’s always amazon growth. It tickles a weird, autistic part of my brain that believes that a woman-turned-giant would need to counter square-cube law by her body becoming stronger.
Straight forward, proportional growth is great too, don’t get me wrong.
The bigger the better for me. I like nearly all kinds of additional changes when a woman is growing, including futa. The only things that turn me off are extreme weight gain/fattening during growth and clothes that grow with the girl.
Why do so many artists/animators always either not go nsfw or even when they, kind of, do the results are always mixed to even unsatisfactory:

>Outgrows clothes but only her underears is the only thing that grew with her

>ONLY her shoes & socks are the only thing that for whatever, lazy, reason don't grow while she is still fully clothed.

>Outgrows all of her clothing and ends up fully naked, but only her headwear/piercings/eyeglasses are the only thing(s) that SOMEHOW grew with her.

Am I nitpicking? Yeah.

It's just something that I always get a annoyed at any growth works.
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Probably because a) they might not want to drawn outright porn, and b) there was a lot of stuff in that style of "almost outgrows her clothes" in media that they are probably very familiar with/fond of.

As for glasses or hair, a lot of anime characters have pretty bad cases of same-face so the only thing that you can distinguish with them if their clothes are off, is their hair or facial accessories.
We've all got different tastes. I personally HATE the second one you've written, as I don't like foot-focused art, and this incoherence makes me hiss like a doused cat.

Yet at the same time, I am a big fan of the 50ft Mandy approach of clothes ripping to only a partial state, which makes just as little sense. Gotta like what you like.
There are NO good stories.
I'm working on one I just lost drive right as she was going to burst out of her house.

What do you like to see? Or do you just not like stories full stop.
>loool...And a woman suddenly growing several feet out of her clothes _isn't_ [silly]?
By silly I didn't mean unrealistic (because of course growth is unrealistic too), I meant like... okay, some people don't like foot growth because the proportions look exaggerated, right? I think some people see breast expansion the same way. Personally, I don't see it that way - because boobs can be multiple different sizes naturally, so why not super huge - but I think that's where people are coming from.

I think it's totally fine to think this way because let's face it - fetishes are extremely niche and often don't have much reason behind them and I think it's pointless trying to reason them one way or another. Just jerk it to whatever you find appeals to you.
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I like the one where the girl cosplays as Ahri from League of Legends and eats to grow
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Cammy looks really cute with her hair down. Oh, and giant, completely naked, and her snatch completely in view of everyone.
none?? prove it, post the best stories there are, which are nonetheless not good
Pretty good! Hadn't seen that, thanks for sharing. Pity there doesn't seem to be a good way to save the videos from that site.
https://files dot catbox dot moe/54jsdx dot mp4
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what I'd do to remove her skirt, so many time I'd wish to see her bum
What is the reasoning that goes into all the effort behind censoring this shit? Do they think that people will look at it and go "Oh phew, I thought this was porn for a moment but there's no nipples or labia, I'm safe"?
Ooooh, I love a pandemic scenario like that, especially with different reactions.

I recognize the art style but I don't remember the name of the artist.
Herretik. Guy was running a fairly successful patreon and then one day just decided "nope, I'm done." Shut it down and then fell off the face of the earth.
>>10954081 (You)
>>10936049 (You)
Finally finished the were-giantess story. It's a pretty chunky one.

Anyhow, it's been a hot minute, so I'm going to say that the next request is open. If nobody has any particular preference, I'll probably do the IQ gain leading to growth like this post proposes:
Thank you! Definitely excited to read this one.
>I'll probably do the IQ gain leading to growth like this post proposes
Not the anon that requested it but honestly curious what people would like out of a story like this. Should she become bratty and bossy now that she's becoming more powerful? I know some people absolutely hate personality changes that accompany growth, but that actually makes me think - it's that part of the "growth" interest? A person changing physically, so why not mentally too?

I'm not saying one is better than the other I'm just genuinely curious if people hate personality changes and why, or if they love it (and why).

IIRC from previous threads is how sudden a personality change happens. The example was of a kind girl who grew suddenly becoming so murderously cruel it breaks suspension of disbelief.

I think it's all about whether it makes sense for a giantess' personality to do a 180. Doesn't make sense to me when that happens. I actually see it a fair bit in artworks.

Wow... that's just annoying after trying to rediscover him on Deviantart & Twitter to then see his last postings and uploads were literally on the tail-end of 2020...

No announcement of "retireing" (for whatever reason if this was the case) or ANYTHING. Just- poof! Gone!
It's possible he died.
Well no, he didn't die, he did announce he was retiring (but only on Patreon it seems). >>10966962 However I forget what his reason was, but I think it was just pretty mundane, something like "I don't want to do this anymore" but I also remember the way it was written was pretty positive, a sort of "thanks, it's been fun, see ya!" kind of vibes. Looking through deviantart, someone left this comment on his account in 2023:
>He was recently active on his alt twitter account, although he don't seem to want the two linked so I won't share it here. He's alive and still doing art, just different art.
I'm guessing he's just drawing purely SFW art these days. Oh well.
Very nice work.
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Would you please upload the were-giantess story in your Mega folder? pastebin and its variations doesn't seem to work for me
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Would you do it? And if so, how much would you indulge her? If you were thinking as realistic as possible, taking into consideration the potential danger, how big would you make your gf?
>I'm an enormous coward, I'd probably only make her 10 feet tall.
Added it.
Realistically? Enough to still fit in most rooms. Pure fantasy? Indulge her to the point she questions if it should stop. Deviancy begets deviancy.
Nah, giga and beyond is shit and not boner inducing
I'd have her grow to 20ft. Yeah, she'll need to crawl through some of the spaces, but that's what makes it hotter. Watching her body taking up most of a room would just drive me crazy since I love that sort of presence with a giantess, and being able to use her as a bed/her being able to hug me like a toy.
Naturally I'd also try and have a portion of the house where she can stand and move more freely, both for her benefit and so I can bask in how much taller she is than me. Sort of a 50/50 house with stuff for her size beside a normal place.
As for indulgence? If it was a temporary growth, I'd totally let her just grow absolutely massive if she wanted to, especially if it aroused her. I could easily get off watching her grow colossal on the horizon, pleasuring herself, but I'd want to make sure she wasn't going to hurt anyone. As with above anon, over a certain size it just stops being hot for me. Size interaction is what I live for, and over a certain size, the lack of meaningful ability to do things together, or the fact even if I wanted to climb Mt. GF, she'd have to be so ultra still otherwise I guarantee I'd fall off and die.
Constant, exponential growth to giga and beyond sizes. Exponential Log by Keliadom is a prime example of this.
i say this and look like this
i grow like this
Chaos movie 4 is finished anyone have it?
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take the larps to discord
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I'd like to see someone whose breasts get smaller as she grows. Just because it would be a change of pace and nobody's ever done it before.
No age regression or anything, just smaller breasts.
I could see this sort of scenario playing out like this;
>absolute shortstack woman is all curves stuffed into a 4ft and a few inch frame
>boobs are twice as big as her head, and she’s plus sized all over
>enjoys the attention at first, but the man of her dreams seems to only have a thing for tall girls
>monkey-paw scenario plays out that she gets her wish
>with each vertical growth spurt, she slims down
>oddly, the spurts seem to be getting faster and more intense
>gets her perfect figure and even scores a date with the guy when she’s a lofty 6ft or 7ft range, yet still has solid curves
>during the date, she starts suffering more and more potent vertical growth, as her D-cups dwindle to c-cups
>date freaks out as she hits 9ft, and she’s not far behind in terms of panicking
>she soon gets one last spurt that sends her to a full 50ft woman scenario
>all with barely an A-cup, and as rail thin as a supermodel
good stuff
Your stories are so good, man. I'd love a follow-up to this one too, "the subordinate grows bigger than her boss" is a great dynamic
It's great. Imposing figure, power and size, but then here's two big growing reminders of the raw femininity she possesses
can you include tags at the start of your stories for sorting? something like "giantess growth, breast expansion, embarrassed nude female," etc.

Your stories are great though. Don't know if it is all handcrafted or helped along by AI but I don't really care if the results are on this level
Finally got around to reading it, loved this, I think it captured everything it should've. Would love to see either a sequel or an alternate ending where one of them (or both) give in to that voice. LOVED the idea of the voice in their heads trying to convince them to grow, would love to see them give in and make it happen.
Isn't this more AP than giantess growth?
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Not the questioner, but thanks for pointing that out, I didn't know we had that resource and that's awesome.
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growth pandemic scenarios are a challenge in creativity.

>majority of growth is unwilling obviously.
>incoming growth spurts can be spotted by telltale symptoms i.e, sweating, arousal, difficulty breathing, etc
>no known cause or contagions
>within days giantesses have to be isolated in makeshift quarantine zones.
>all food and supplies received via shitload of trucks or airdrops
>every giantess wants to go back into normal society, but they're all too big to fit in.
>minigiantesses can still reintegrate to a degree but feel like and are seen by others as timebombs waiting to go off.
>if they or anyone else displays symptoms or is caught growing they must either get to an giantess zone asap or quarantined on the spot.
It is 100% AP, but I think it looks decent for what it is.
Doesn't always work though. Especially if it's a very niche pic or even lost media.

>minigiantesses can still reintegrate to a degree but feel like and are seen by others as timebombs waiting to go off.

Wouldn't that be all women in general? Any interaction would be a rush to finish as you don't know whether or not if she is affected and could grow at any moment. Regardless even if she only ends up a couple of feet tall to mini-giantess.
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Not to mention: we're only human.

So what happens if a certain number decided to go all in the "domination" route or just got fed up of being quarantined/deported to specific zones?

And should that ultimately fail, what are the severe negative consequences for the remaining non-violent giantess's that did not partake in such "ideals" or even tried to help humanity to stop them?

Let alone how all women in the world would be treated/viewed with this pandemic still left unexplained?

Just some thoughts
That's pretty much its own problem. There's no way to write around that other than to avoid inciting chaos and possibly instigating potential growth spurts


This was something relating to a line I'd actually took out of the greentext.

A town mayor turned giantess would try and wrangle the other giantesses in her town/zone and promote the understanding that cruelfaggotry is a horrible idea that would only result in getting nuked to oblivion, and turning every other quarantine zone into prisons and consequently perpetuating the idea. This would at least, keep HER zone out of the fallout assuming all giantesses within remain non-violent and establish herself as the big friendly giantess.

Likeminded giantesses like her might keep things stable for a while. Or maybe there'll be a lot of infighting that will allow for some lenience to be had if/when shit hits the fan and the would-be 'dominators' are made into convenient scapegoats to avoid overkill

worldbuilding is hard man I just want to write women growing bigger
Can someone share it? Kemono is taking long to update
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this was such a great read. there's this great way you incorporate multiple people growing and therefore multiple reactions that i really like.

not even in a bad way, but the voice in the head slightly reminded me of Ever Growing Zoey. Do you or does anyone here ever get afraid of copying any ideas from other works? Partially stops me from writing even though I know that's impossible to avoid

>worldbuilding is hard man I just want to write women growing bigger

Initially it would be easy for the latter, as a short-shot thing.

But if there is a real effort to expand more "lore/world building" then the headaches start to form if the way you write the actual story of some sort.

At least that's how I feel.
I do struggle with that, but I ended up going for the "excited voice in the head" thing anyway because it's really the best way to put that idea of unwilling growth and a desire for destruction without it being some kind of deep insane psycho behavior.
Anyhow, I always do my best not to copy things, but sometimes, you just end up doing something that was kind of done before. It's just important to keep things different enough, really. Remix it, that kind of thing.

Handcrafted. AI stories are uniformly terrible, and if somebody made something good, they put so much effort into it would have been easier to just write it themselves.

Also, just to confirm, I'm doing the IQ gain = growth story. I'm just not entirely sure on how the story should go. Current idea is that she has a little alien symbiote inside of her, and it desires to know more. So, as she studies, it replies by flooding her system with slow-release serotonin and other hormones, making her grow, and the symbiote starts to adapt her body just so she wouldn't collapse under her own weight as the growth keeps going. With the constant feedback loop of studying, learning, and being able to apply more brainpower for the creature's machinations, she starts growing faster and faster.
The creature's eventual goal ends up being something really stupid, like the most effective way to win the lottery, which doesn't really have a *real* answer to it, so it keeps going basically forever until the solution is found.
I'm just not sure about outline, and I wonder how much mental changes I should really play up. Intelligence is a nebulous concept as-is. Anybody that has ideas is free to bring them up.
Making it come from some mysterious third party is maybe not quite what people would like to see in an IQ gain story...
I like the concept of wishes being poorly worded and taken literally. In the Toka Ichinichi comic, the girl thinks "I wish I had bigger breasts." They grow, then she get AP for bigger breasts, then her entire body grows endlessly. She wished for "bigger" so it would never stop, as something can always be bigger
Kemono is a weird site. It'll stop updating globally for a while, even when people are uploading keys. Seems like it's in that state again.

Two things come to my mind with IQ gain. Flowers for Algernon and the backstory of Swan from Fallout 4. They were both made smarter, and in Swan's case bigger and stronger, thanks to experimental superscience.

I find the easiest way to write that is to do what those two did and either replace the tragic but inevitable downfall with another dilemma, or remove the tragedy altogether.

As far as IQ goes, self-awareness, reflection, critical thinking, savvy, are all signs of great intelligence. How often do we think back on things we did or didn't do and wonder:

>fuck if only I did this differently
>I wish I realised this sooner.
and wish we could be like
>I am very smart now and can solve all my problems.

does this help?

There are too many artists (usually those who have exclusive Pixiv fanbox to Raven Patreon works) there and even more frustrating if there are still new works being announced on Twitter or any other site but Kemono? Not so much or the artists simply stopped uploading and kept any exclusives being paywalls.
Do you have a link to this one?
Stumbled upon this on Youtube the other day. Fuckin' AWESOME. I really hope it gets dubbed.
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I'm surprised this hasn't been posted yet desu. The WIP was same day.
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Anyone got the other 2 pages of this? Got the first 4 from when I used to be subbed to the artist, but I seem to be missing the last 2 and do not wish to pay $50 just to get 2 pages, lmao. Checked on Kemono, and the last 2 aren't there either.
For clarification, this artist does that thing where the other pages were posted for like 20$ patrons individually, but then the last 2 pages are locked behind a "Full edition" that is for the $50 tier for whatever reason.
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he is probably(?) talking about this one. the first part of the story builds up too slowly for me personally but i guess it adds to the dehumanization later on
Let's just do this via Mega so quality isn't lost...

mega dot nz/folder/Hxp3HKLZ#ZhoYVGgK7FKP39EAhY5RaA
much appreciated, have some water

(wish there was more good size art of Aqua or the KH girls in general)
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based aqua enjoyer

I have an idea or two for fem size growth if you're interested/have an opening for one. What are your do's and don't's just so I stay within them?
As long as it isn't bodily fluids it's probably fine. I try to keep an open mind. Don't yuck somebody's yum and all that. If it ends up being outside of what I'm willing to do I'll just tell you
Random thought for short growth prompt:
>evil vampire villainess is tracked down to her castle lair by the hero's party
>about to be slain by the hero and their crew
>boasts in her penultimate moments how she's a genius who devised a surefire win
>chugs a growth potion to gigantify herself
>moans in pleasure as she expands through the walls of her massive castle
>chases the hero's party down as she crashes through floors and snatches them all up one by one
>throws all the heroes in her cavernous maw, intending to digest them and laughs in triumph
>grows through her tower as the sun rises and instantly crumbles to dust
>hero's party base jump to safety right as they slide down her crumbling throat
>happy ending amidst the chaos
Not sure if anyone wanted to try and pick up.

I can only fit a certain number of characters.
What I wrote out is kinda long and will take multiple posts.
"Little Alice", this is going to involve nudity, but not overt sexuality. 1/2
Single father and blonde 13-year-old daughter, named Alice, return to their 2-story home, when she finds a small cake and eats it. She tells her father that the cake tasted good and thanks him, as he returns to the living room where she found it. He’s confused. Father; Cake? What cake? Alice; The one that said EAT ME on it. Didn’t you make it or put it there? Father; No. Alice; That’s… strange. I… I feel kinda funny. He turns to look at her and quickly notices her face looks a bit flushed.

Alice has already started puberty and has developed some. Maybe a B-cup, thighs are a bit thicker, and the beginnings of a bubble butt. But the father is not attracted to her. This will not be overtly sexual. He's just observant, cares for his daughter, and does the best he can. Neither are expecting what is about to happen. Alice is wearing a pair of laced-sneakers with socks, blue jeans that aren't snug, white cotton panties, a long-sleeved shirt with 3 buttons down the front that's tucked into her jeans, a bra, and any reasonable accessories like a necklace and/or wristwatch.

Alice; Oww… They both look down at her shoes as stretching noises begin to emanate from around her body. She holds her arm out and glances with interest at her wrist as her watch noticeably pinches her. Her father notices her lower body beginning to fill out her jeans. Most notably around her thighs and crotch, creating a cameltoe, (and her butt, I'm a fan). Her belt starts to strain as the rest of her outfit slowly grows tighter as she gets taller and bigger.
"Little Alice", this is going to involve nudity, but not overt sexuality. 2/2
Alice; Daddy… What's happening to me…? should be included**.
For example, Alice's slowly shrinking panties give her swelling butt cheeks a wedgie. They ride up and cause pleasurable sensations, but she's conflicted and doesn't know what to do. So she doesn't act on them. This is just unprepared size growth with all the detail. Eventually her butt crack will be exposed. When she gets down to her underwear, her pubic hair starts peeking out from around the front of her tightening panties.

Keep it proportional. Keep it clean enough but descriptive. No age progression. She doesn't know what's going on. She doesn't want this. But she's powerless to stop her slow growth. The cake made sure of that. She's going to be big. Like a realistic Alice in Wonderland.

This should give a good idea of the methodical pace and level of detail for clothes tightening (I like the word tight, btw) followed by clothing outgrowth. We will see all of Alice's nudity in detail, regarding her age. But *no* overt sexuality like masturbation or interaction. This is a realistic version of Alice in the White Rabbit's house, by theme, but not lurid because of the age. She can be shown getting wet as a result of the stimuli or the aroma of her growing arousal in the air, but nothing sexual whatsoever**.

Alice keeps growing until she fills up the room, presses against the walls and ceiling, and begins busting through not to fill up the house but outgrow it. By the end, her head, legs, and arms will be poking out of the house as the story finishes. This is what the Rabbit's House scene would have looked like with clothing outgrowth and nudity. As much detail in the growth and nudity as possible but still innocent enough to be semi-appropriate. This is meant to be more What If than anything else. No ulterior motives.
"Night of the BiG Game"; Senior High cheer squad all unexpectedly grow 50 feet tall during football game. 1/2
Though not all are there at the field. One snuck into the school to have sex with her boyfriend. Another was in a car nearby making out with him when she grows. All are wearing their cheer uniforms, but one on the field isn’t wearing her bloomers or panties. As she grows, her dirty secret is revealed when her uniform shrinks and her bare butt cheeks are exposed. They’ll all eventually be naked, but her teammates take notice and act kinda scandalous about it.

Since these Senior High cheerleaders are 18, do eventually get lurid and sexual. Make it dirty. By the end, the air around the field and bleachers is thick with their scent. Openly masturbating because one just started her period and she's in heat, hand in bloomers getting fingered in the car, and most of them do not want the growth so they try to fight it somewhat panicky. No bitch attitudes or authoratitive. Just 18-year-old cheerleaders slowly growing big, busting out of their cheer uniforms, and unable to hide their predicament.

Make one get turned on and masturbate as her clothes get tighter. Like she's trying to hide this is her fantasy, getting bigger, and she is less able to hide the arousal the bigger she gets, until she just lets loose. Pussy juice dripping down her inner thighs. It starts with one cheerleader on the sidelines of the field. Then another. Then another. Then all are growing. Maybe one or two on the field are lesbians. This makes them come out more because they are too aroused to hide it.
"Night of the BiG Game"; Senior High cheer squad all unexpectedly grow 50 feet tall during football game. 2/2
Slow and meticulous cheer outfit tightening, uniform outgrowth, dirty and raunchy with details of being wet and super fucking horny. Some have big tits for their age. Some have bubble butts. Some have both. Redheads, blondes, brunettes. Shaved. Not shaved. Freckles. Glasses. A thick latina and black cheerleader. And some spectators who stick around. But no guys whipping out dicks. Once they get so big the focus is pretty much on them.

It is after all... the night of the BiG game. No one knows why this is happening. There's just gorgeous 18-year-old cheerleaders busting out of their uniforms left and right. One in the school eventually bursts out of it. One eventually bursts out of the car her boyfriend is lucky to escape from without being crushed. No violence. Fem size growth.

Same level of detail for both these stories as Writefag's Terms & Conditions story. Pour it on. Absolutely no ripping clothes or taking anything off**. They bust out of all that they are wearing from size growth. That's what I love and why I'm relieved finding this chan. The love of unwanted clothing outgrowth, filling up a room, and telling a story rich with descriptive adjectives like tighter, butt cheeks, fertile thighs, scent and heat, dripping with arousal, ripping, popping, and snapping.

That's what does it for me.

"Little Alice"
"Night of the BiG Game"
If the first story, "Little Alice", isn't preferred because of the character's age, that's why I crafted it without overt sexuality. The clothing outgrowth is all I really am interested in that scenario. That's why I offered two to start. Multiple choice.

Thank you. In advance.
Thanks for sharing! I'm honestly shocked the artist is charging $50 for... that...
Brother what is the sauce. I swear I've seen this artist before.
I would like this story desu, lewd or not. Alice in Wonderland was the first growth vid for plenty of us and it'd be neat to read this in a erotic tone
if you have disc id love to chat. such hot ideas
Dude where's my car was definitely my first. obviously i'm biased by the actress who played the super hot giant alien (Jodie Ann Paterson) is the sexiest woman ever.
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Anyone know what happened to this artist?


Their Pixiv account is empty and their "official" manga is never updated despite making 3 chapters so far and their works are never updated on this other site that they had


>Annoyingly, "chapter 2" is unable to load properly and the "third chapter" was never uploaded onto that site...
Me neither, I hate foot stuff.
It's good as ling as it isn't in hyper territory, though I get close due to my preferred targets being shortstacks. The growth is just so much more satisfying with them.
Honestly a pretty creative idea. I'd like to see this as a story.
This too.
Oh, this sounds kino.
Don't worry. I'm already cooking up more story outlines. I have a vivid imagination but not the full writing skills to write my own. So I describe everything in great detail.

"Startling Metamorphosis", mid-20s.
"Daddy, Your Growth Ray Works", 15.
"Daddy, It Happened Again", same.

There will be no interaction because all I'm after is the straight, non-FMG, size growth and busting out of clothes in awkward situations. These next two ideas will be very familiar to most potential readers.
"Startling Metamorphosis"; Experimental radiation treatment triggers unpredictable growth spurts in a young scientist.
In an attempt to cure her early-stage cancer, a rather short scientist in her mid-20s, named Veronica Walters, tests an experimental radiation treatment on herself. She strips naked for the test. However, a computer error exposes her to a dangerously high amount of the radiation. She has no idea it mutated the size attributes of her stem cells and her pituitary gland's growth hormone genetics.

With no results, Veronica shuts down the lab and drives home. But she misses little clues to her first impending growth. Like her panties tugging at her crotch. Soon after arrival, she gets a message on her phone that the lab test results for her cancer screening were a false positive. Meaning there was no cancer. At about this time she begins to feel light-headed and needs to sit down. Her outfit includes Birkenstocks, slacks, fullback panties, a belt, a tucked-in long-sleeved button-up shirt, a C-cup bra, a wristwatch and necklace. Aside from thicker thighs and a nice butt, she's a brunette with freckles.

Her growth is not too slow or fast, but constant. A methodical pace of her clothes bulging, getting tighter, uncomfortably tight, ripping and busting of seams, and so on. She tries in vain to fight it but grows big enough to fill up the living room and has to wait an hour for it to wear off. Veronica shrinks back to her normal size, but is unaware that the treatment has altered her body chemistry. Now she experiences growth spurts, to at least mini-GTS size, in awkward public places forcing her to search for a cure.

She can't control when it is triggered. But she knows when her panties are getting tighter, she's running out of time. And she can grow to giantess size when under heightened stress. Like the She Hulk, a "Startling Metamorphosis" occurs. Where will she grow next? No anger or violence. Intended to be a series.
"Daddy, Your Growth Ray Works", teenage daughter of a scientist accidentally gets hit by his growth ray. 1/2
Emily is a precocious 15-year-old whose puberty was timed with her scientist father's breakthrough in creating a growth ray machine. This is inspired by Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, but only in theme. She's wearing loose soffe shorts, socks, a bra, cotton panties with MAN EATER printed on the butt, a tank top and friendship ring. Emily hears the noises of her father's machine and sneaks into the basement testing lab. But she has no idea what the equipment does.

Emily's father set it up for a remote test from his office in town to be safe. Just as the machine is about to activate, a power surge shuts off the cameras, dims the lights, and boosts the device's power setting to what will amount to giantess size. Emily is in the wrong place at the wrong time and gets blasted by the enhanced growth ray. Immediately, she yelps in surprise but is unable to move as she gets bathed in the expansive energy. When it finally shorts out, Emily's eyes flutter and she passes out falling to the floor.

A minute later, she regains consciousness, manages to stand up, still dizzy, and makes her way into the kitchen. Emily is still a bit on the short side. But she has started to develop. A tight teen butt, modest B-Cups, and pencil-eraser nipples, she knows the ropes of sexuality from discovering masturbation a year earlier. And as she approaches the refrigerator, she feels a tingling sensation wash over her pubescent body. Emily leans into and grabs hold of the countertop for support as goosebumps spread across her body. Her nipples get unusually hard and mash into her bra.

This makes Emily aroused as her body temperature increases, especially between her thighs. Her panties and soffe shorts soak up the heat of her crotch sweat and growing wetness of her pussy. A wet spot on the crotch appears as her body quivers from the imminent surge of size growth.
"Daddy, Your Growth Ray Works", teenage daughter of a scientist accidentally gets hit by his growth ray. 2/2
The air is thick with sweat and arousal as her raging hormones kick into overdrive. Emily says, "Daddy... what did you do to me...?" and moans as her growth begins in small spurts. These mess with her mind as she can't predict when they occur. Seams stretch and strain. The seat of her panties and shorts slowly gets swallowed by her swelling butt cheeks. The sensations are so overpowering that pussy juice drips down her swelling thighs without even touching herself.

This initial wave of arousal fades just enough that she is aware of her body's size growth. She reaches a hand down, intending to shove it inside her soffe shorts and panties but they've become too tight. So she rubs the plump cameltoe of her pussy through the shorts when she shudders from a near-instantaneous squirting orgasm. Her juices splatter noisely inside her shorts. Emily continues to grow uncontrollably, busting out of her entire outfit, fills up the kitchen, but is destined to grow 50 feet tall. She will bust out of the house.

In the process, one/both of her legs sunder the first floor itself. As a result, she inadvertently destroys the growth ray machine much like Szalinski trashed his in the first film. When the house is thoroughly outgrown, Emily is left so overwhelmed and horny that she's busted vigorously using some object as a dildo to fuck herself when her father returns to check on the experiment. She can't help it anyway because she's on her period.

Modesty be damned, she's too big to cover up. Although this one gets quite dirty, there's still no interaction with anyone to keep it clean in that regard. Somehow, Emily will be returned to normal size by her father. Believing that she's now 'cured', this will set the stage for the unexpected growth in the sequel... when she's in the middle of class at junior high and surrounded by her classmates.
This is as good a place as any to offer these fem growth story outlines. Some detailed. Some simple. With no seam left unripped... They are yours to cultivate.

I'll work on "Daddy, It Happened Again" and "Biggest Buy" over the coming days.
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I guess on that subject and maybe controversially does anyone give a fuck about age in growth?

Do you consider age progression a form of growth as well? Like those vids from an older thread
Whether to write out the stories is entirely up to the writers here. I'm following what Spinejuice stated, which honestly was very self-respectful. If it is outside of what they are willing to write, the decision is theirs. A compromise for "Little Alice", "Daddy, Your Growth Ray Works", and "Daddy, It Happened Again" is that *the writers can choose to raise the age of the main character to 18*. I will accept their decisions.

But I am intentionally crafting only semi-inappropriate scenarios which are based on the actual ages of the real characters in fiction. Teens. Although Alice is considered by some to be pre-teen, I made "Little Alice" older. As dirty as the two "Daddy" stories will be, with masturbation, they could be dirtier and more inappropriate.

I chose not to cross certain lines. Such sexual interaction, when underage, is wrong. Those kinds of sexual acts should stay excluded from the potential stories. My focus is solely on the quality of the story, the original characters above (the second being April from Shrunk the Kids), and clothing outgrowth.

I do not and would not support age progression. I know that by introducing potential characters of younger age, I crossed that threshold first. Out of respect for the denizens here, this is why I am clarifying my outline content. To respect any veterans who frequent this chan. I wrote my outlines accordingly for them as well. They don't have to write anything. The decisions are up to the writers.
"Daddy, It Happened Again", sequel to Your Growth Ray Works; takes place at junior high school. 1/2
Only a couple days after the exposure to her father's growth ray machine, Emily finds herself seemingly back to normal. However, unknown to them, her father's attempt to cure her size growth failed. It was only temporary. Emily goes about her life without anyone knowing about her massive size growth at home. This time she's wearing laced shoes, socks, loose jeans, a belt, a light pink shirt with a few buttons down the front, an unbuttoned long-sleeved shirt over top, a bra, and a leather wristwatch. No panties.

Its her first/second period and Emily is sitting at the back center of the classroom. As she's taking notes, she starts to feel a bit dizzy. Her eyelids flutter as she looks down at herself out of curiosity and concern. At first, she doesn't suspect size growth because her father supposedly cured her. But all that is thrown out the window when her nipples suddenly get painfully hard. Almost as if they've... grown bigger. Still in denial, Emily then notices her thighs slowly swelling and filling out her jeans. Her eyes go wide. Oh no... Not again. Not here!

Emily's thoughts are reeling. This can't be true, she thinks. All doubt dissipates when she feels her feet being squeezed by her shoes. Furthermore, her legs begin to lengthen pushing her feet further forward and her knees rising towards the underside of the desk's top surface. Her butt cheeks slowly fill out the seat of her pants. Her decision not to wear panties becomes visible as her butt crack rises above the jeans' waistband.

The friction, of her crotch on the denim, soon renders the crotch of her jeans visibly wet. But as Emily is focused on outgrowing her desk, all hell breaks loose. A male student blurts out, "Holy shit!" Everyone turns around and looks. The attention seems to intensify the speed of her growth as her legs stretch out past the desk in front of her.
"Daddy, It Happened Again", sequel to Your Growth Ray Works; takes place at junior high school. 2/2
Once again, slow and methodical size growth and eventual clothing outgrowth without taking anything off prematurely. Emily is floored with embarassment and being self-conscious. Not just about her arousal or nudity, but the growth and being perceived as a freak. She outgrows the desk, but may be too big to stand up. So, this can be more of a lateral growth like AiW's rabbit house. Writer's discretion.

Again, no sexual interaction and no spectators masturbating. Just an unsuspecting female character experiencing unwanted giantess size growth and busting out of her clothes, followed by a portion of the school. At the end, include a scene where her father arrives at the school and Emily gives the story's namesake phrase: "Daddy... It happened again..." This is loosely inspired by Honey, I Blew Up the Kid.

Just make this a precocious teenage girl outgrowing her clothes in the middle of a class. Much to her discomfort and steadily growing arousal.
"Biggest Buy", female Best Buy employee(s) bust out of their tight outfit and the building during work hours.
Have you ever been to a Best Buy store and wondered why some of their female employees are dressed in skin-tight khaki pants? Have you found yourself unable to not sneak a peek or two because their butt is tantalizingly stretching the seams of those pants? This is for you.

One day, the store is set upon some turn of events whereby at least one employee, clad in their signature attire, unexpectedly grows in size and becomes so large that they break out of the store itself. An open-ended start-up for this one. If it is more than one female employee that grows, I would suggest at least one could either hide or already be inside the employee bathroom when their growth takes hold. This is to provide a more confined space than the store's larger interior.

If a second growing female employee, have a customer be nearby to witness, shockingly, the onset of their size growth. Play off the dynamic of her being self-conscious and awkward to build that scene. The growing character(s) should be in their 20s and age-appropriate. I will say that I am a rather big fan of full moon giantess growth, such as with Writefag's Terms & Conditions. The trigger and setup is up to the writer's discretion. I've put way too much detail in these outlines anyway for them to not be intimidating...

I would also like to offer my vote that Terms & Conditions gets a sequel. There were other female co-workers at that office. Craft circumstances whereby the full moon curse is passed to them as well. With one preferably being in the building when she grows and ends up bringing it all down.

The stories are yours.

"Little Alice"

"Night of the BiG Game"

"Startling Metamorphosis"

"Daddy, Your Growth Ray Works"

"Daddy, It Happened Again"

"Biggest Buy"
what in the everloving fuck is this thread anymore
I want a sequel to the reverse unaware growth story, but I think I should just write one myself instead.
Maybe I'll write the niche gentle growth shit that gentlefags complained about not seeing in the old threads. Being the change I seek and all that.
>"Daddy, Your Growth Ray Works", 15.
>"Daddy, It Happened Again", same.
>Emily is a precocious 15-year-old whose puberty was timed with her scientist father's breakthrough in creating a growth ray machine.
>She's wearing loose soffe shorts, socks, a bra, cotton panties with MAN EATER printed on the butt, a tank top and friendship ring
(why is this important btw???)
can you not spam the thread with schizo/pedo nonsense please
So I didn't even realize I accidentally forgot to put Writefag instead of my usual name but whatever. Anyhow, I'm going to finish that IQ growth=>actual growth story first, then I'm going to be looking into the many requests. I to do these in a combination of order and interest, so no guarantees.
That said, if you're going to be writing a lot of text, I think it's just courteous to include an image. Maybe not for every single post (though it would still be nice), but at least one. Now, to go over it.

I haven't done a lot of vore before, and having it switch over into snuff most certainly not, but as I said before in this thread, I don't intend to yuck anybody's yum.
Expect it to be comedic in nature.

Your great insistence on this being non-sexual despite the fact that it is very much something you would jerk off to makes this a bit schizophrenic to read.
You can't have "non-sexual" and also have her get wet and hotbox the room she's in.
IF I do it, it'll be short and to-the-point. An alt universe version of the Alice in Wonderland scene

A more classic story. Probably something in the water. I like it.

This is age progression content, straight up. Just because nobody's touching a cock doesn't make it non-erotic. Either way, it's more basic than you realize, and should just be combined into one story.

You got lost on what you were saying and just moved on to asking for a sequel to Terms & Conditions. Which I'm fine with.

These are mostly quite basic stories with somewhat more specific details here and there. The age doesn't even need to be specified, and the insistence on them saying "daddy, i'm X" gives a clear indication on what you're into.
I'll see what I can do, but I don't guarantee anything, especially with how slowly I write, anyhow.
Consider setting up a doc somewhere instead of spamming the thread, your ESL DeviantArt comment styled requests are very wordy.
Whenever the author specifies the character is a minor I get pretty taken out of it. Not my thing at all.
I didn't read most of his prompts originally, because they were so long, but now that I've actually read them, holy shit wow, this is clearly a) low-functioning autism given his obsession with completely irrelevant details, and b) blatant pedophilia, as he insists all characters be underage AND have their age be a focal point of the story.

Honestly, if I were you, I'd just ignore all of his prompts. That said, I'd love a sequel to Terms and Conditions someday, or an alternate ending where she gives into the voice in her head.

Maybe even a little unintended growth competition where her boss discovers her and has to give into the voice and grow to keep up with her (either to try and convince her to stop or just to avoid getting squished)
Aaaaaah, I love this kind of scene. Big lady being offered help to cover up, rather than having the military torpedo her.
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Whenever you get a good writefag doing free stories from thread prompts, it's almost inevitable some autist tries their hand with the more deranged scenarios.

Yeah, age up the characters if you want to use them, these are pedophilia prompts. You're doing this for free so just use them as inspiration for your own interpretation. You said it best, ""Non-sexual"" yet we're all here to jerk it out to growing women.
>Yeah, age up the characters if you want to use them, these are pedophilia prompts.
kill yourself, my guy. /r9k/ has a lot of threads on how to do it. at the very least stop talking about pedo shit so shamelessly outside of /b/
Make sure the giant women also follow all laws, rules, and regulations when depicting them. No eating people, no trespassing, no jaywalking, no theft, no destruction of property, etc. We only allow safe stories that consist entirely of depictions of lawful behavior here. If your fantasies involve anything whatsoever that isn't kosher, you better fix your fantasies.

In fact, while you're at it, make sure that the depicted behavior is not only legal, but also compliant with Mastercard's ToS. So no unwilling participation. Make sure everyone specifically indicates that they consent to be involved in whatever happens and don't depict any behavior which makes that assertion questionable.

Actually, just don't depict anything fetishistic at all. We need to maintain a family friendly internet for everyone. Make sense?
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>"the fictional text-only character is 17 you sick fuck"
why are lolifags so obnoxious? what is it about jacking off to little girls that makes one so insecure they have to lash out at everyone else that isn't interested? nigga wants fetish stories about 13 year olds hopefully you're sapient enough to realize why that isn't everyone's cup of tea
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>tries to destroy someone else's content
>"why are you so upset???"
Censorfags are the obnoxious ones. They never stop. They start with loli because it's easiest to censor, then before you know it, anything a censorfag considers "fetishistic" or "non-con" or "problematic" is banned. Lolifags are just the canary in the coal mine. Give censorfags an inch and they'll take a mile.
seek help

Hardly any new Ace Attorney growth works these days.
>Give censorfags an inch and they'll take a mile.
>muh slippery slope fallacy
>"We should either censor everything, or censor nothing, we as intelligent creatures can't possibly draw the line somewhere" <-braindead take
Look man you can make a lot of arguments in favor of lolishit, really good arguments like:
>"if someone has a fetish for rape, that doesn't mean they'll actually go out and do it"
>"plus, you can't Minority Report someone and arrest them for something they MIGHT do"
>"They're not real! Nobody suffers!"
and those are really, really good arguments. I just don't care. being sexually attracted to creatures not capable of having or understanding sex yet makes you a fucking mutant, just like the aberrations who are attracted to blood-relatives. you're not supposed to be into kids for the same reason you're not supposed to be into dogs

there is no justification for being a fucking mutant and it really doesn't matter what you think, lolishit is banned outside of /b/. cry to the jannies, not to me
anyone got the Athena growth one?
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>thinks it's a fallacy
>hasn't been paying attention to the censorship that has actually been happening in the past year or so
Just one example: Pic related is a violation of patreon's ToS because it's considered non-consensual sexual content, because censorfags don't make exceptions for pure fiction or drawings.

>"We should either censor everything, or censor nothing, we as intelligent creatures can't possibly draw the line somewhere" <-braindead take
We should draw the line where real people are involved, not make some arbitrary (and often inconsistent) line through the middle of fiction.
Do you draw a distinction between reality and fiction? Do you always double-check the big-tittied anime girl's age in a wiki before engaging with her content?

>just like the aberrations who are attracted to blood-relatives
Would you ban sis-con/bro-con content as well?
>muh slope isn't slippery

>banned outside of /b/
I know, that's why I don't post it.
Cry harder schitzo pedos.
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This isn't even a loli issue, this is one fucking guy refusing to write a free fetish story for a fetish that squicks him out. Fucking insane that people went so insane over it
It wasn't even a squick thing about me, though I do indeed not like writing about loli, personally. Like I said, I don't really care what people get off on, that's their business. The main thing I noticed is that the requests were kind of schizophrenic ramblings that probably could have been summed up in considerably less words. I'll probably still do at least one of them, and at this point I think a sequel to Terms & Conditions is pretty much mandatory (and I'll do it with glee)
Either way, less rage more pictures.
God, I love reality sliders
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I agree with the opinion that everyone is free to enjoy whatever fetish they want privately, at least as long as it's not against the law. But they also have to accept that they are not immune to criticism when they decide to go onto the internet and publicly talk about said fetishes.
I don't think you should feel obligated to write a story based on any of those prompts, especially because if you don't enjoy writing about the subject, your heart's not really going to be in it.
I wonder about it too. But it looks like the artist is moving the works from Pixiv to the website because a few weeks ago, the Pixiv still has some works but the website is empty.
This is something younger me always wanted the Disney Alice to do. Bite on another cookie, and outgrow the house.
That damn animated movie was easily my awakening to this fetish as a kid. The house one is great, but something about the way Alice gasped/went "oh!" during each rapid growth spurt on her first growth stuck with me. The house entrapment came later as I thought about limbs traversing corridors and stuff, imagining how such huge parts of a girls body would look like in all sorts of buildings.

>Pixiv still has some works

What "works"? The pixiv account is empty. Other than their only bookmarked illustration and novels.

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