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Gentle Affection thread, part III. Warmth and comfort in winter-edition.

Post girls being pet, hugged, and cuddled, and shown love.

Previous thread: >>10887672
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lmao fucked up the edition. It was supposed to be heart-shaped pupils edition.
Maker of the original thread here
I'm equal parts surprised and happy it's still alive and active four threads strong
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Oh fuck I forgot to cut the last one-
Oh, just a slight matter of real world shit getting in the way, plus having to dump dozens of images as an opening deposit just to get the thread approved was kind of a hassle. And anyway, I need to replenish my stock of comfy images with new material, because I started to run kinda low in the last thread.
But, here's something for ya'll for muscle Monday.
Muscle girls wanting to get loved tenderly is something so precious. :3
Im 27 never had any sort of relationship, never even a kiss, looking at these threads brings tears to my eyes but at this point im afraid i will never be able to have these kind of experiences in real life
Dont worry anon, a lonely life is also good, be proud of it.
For what it's worth, loneliness isn't actually the worst thing that can happen to you. I've seen a lot of people utterly broken by bad relationships in ways that mere loneliness alone can't do. Stay strong, anon.
I appreciate the sympathy but I honestly feel its something i NEED to be able to carry on with my life, I think about it constantly, its becoming very hard to keep going.
Well, as I said in the last thread, I eventually got a doll and some weighted blankets, and that really does help. Not a complete solution, but you can kinda trick your brain into feeling like you're cuddling with someone at night, which is genuinely better than nothing AND better than being in a relationship with someone awful.
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That's true, I once had a bad relationship with an (actual) female and it fucked me up good for a few months. We never even kissed, she always kept me on the line.

I still miss her sometimes, though... I never was good with breakups
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No TL for this, unfortunately.
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I have a few Echidna pictures I can add to the thread.
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if you think being an incel is bad, try being in a long relationship with someone only for them to stab you in the back 8 years later over something you are completely powerless to change. You have it good, you don't know yet that sex is completely overrated in the face of true love, rejoice in the idea that all of your ideas of a relationship come from this thread, because this thread is purer than real life, you don't get to see the uncertain future that happens after the lovey dovey sex.
Her fucking spine
Now that's what I call /d/egeneracy.
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>need to go on /d/ for gentle/wholesome threads
Why are the average pink board so dead and useless?
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I wish girls were real
Hopefully, in the future, there could be robots.
I got a doll and a weighted blanket. Not really the same, but a vague simulacrum of cuddling with someone at night is better than noting.
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Bump indeed...
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Mostly ntr obsession and retarded screeching about what is or isn't their board.
I need to cuddle
But it's never enough
I had someone to cuddle for 8 months
I cuddled every day for hours, and still ended every day needing more. Even as I was cuddling, I felt it, a feeling of cuddle inadequacy, like the cuddling I was doing wasn't even keeping up with the cuddle needs I had, and wasn't even starting to pay off the cuddle deficit I have. I felt so, so bad about this, but couldn't stop cuddling, and didn't want to risk not cuddling by saying it.
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try getting your cuddle partner to call you a good boy/girl and stroke your hair
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I love these threads but am I wrong in wanting the girl to show the guy some love, too?
>am I wrong in wanting the girl to show the guy some love, too?

No. A healthy relationship is a quid pro quo-thing. Tit for that, something for something. You scratch my back, I scratch yours.
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ew gross
who would ever want that haha
the reason you've never had a kiss is either
1 - you refuse to practice talking to women and even if you do try, you fear failure or awkwardness after the first few attempts.

2 - you have "nice guy" syndrome where you think that just being decent somehow makes you a catch.

3 - being a kissless virgin is a part of your identity and it's a mold you fit in to so comfortably that you don't want to leave it

Motherfucker there's literally zero reason not to shoot your shot, fail, learn from the failure how to not be an awkward turbo virgin, and try again until you figure it out.

Source: married father who finally figured it out
Married life sounds boring and faggy
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Not that anon, but it really isn't so bad. Find a woman (or other person) with similar interests or an open-minded willingness to try things. In my experience, you can pass on a lot of knowledge, interests, and hobbies to those that truly love you. If you're doing it right, the person you're with will be one of your best friends and strongest allies.

The important thing is to recognize that the feminine (both women, and feminine men) are mentally wired differently. It runs contrary to the idea that the sexes (or masculine and feminine) are truly equal, but it's true. It's not even necessarily a bad thing, it's just something to consider when in a relationship. It's not about superiority, just that differences exist, regardless of whether we want them to or not. Even if at times illogical, you must consider the perspective of the feminine in your thoughts and actions, not doing so exacerbates issues. It's unironically as easy as making an effort to understand feminine mentality while assuming the role of traditional masculinity. Women like understanding men, so try to understand her. Women want to be protected and shown off, so protect her, show her off, and dote on her. If you do that with a half-decent woman even mildly in touch with her instincts, you will be fine. Instinct plays a large role in the sub consciousness of the feminine, understand that, perform your role reliably enough, and you will find success.

And most of all, don't complain about how unfair it all is. Life is unfair, and struggle is part of the human experience. Embrace it, strengthen your mind, heart, and body, and eventually, even if the road is stony, you will find what you are looking for.

Tl;dr understand feminine mentality, be a man, and embrace the struggle
Reao lonely take ya got there

Having someone you love and trust to come home to is one of the most comforting things you can experience. I get to live with my best friend, and we bang, smoke out, and play vidja most nights. The cuddles are also sublime

11/10 would literally kill for my wife if it came down to it
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I want you to be right but
>literally zero reason not to shoot your shot, fail
humiliation is a pretty unpleasant experience to most people
>learn from the failure
that's a meme, it doesn't happen in real life
yeah humiliation is unpleasant, but that's the price of admission. Learning from your failure takes effort, like literally just replay what went wrong and tell yourself not to make the same mistakes again. rinse repeat. we're not exactly splitting the fucking atom here
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>married father who finally figured it out

Different anon here. In my experience there are only two types of married people: Those who have divorced, and those who will in the future.

My observation is that it's always the same. Honeymoon ends, there's a massive fight over some bullshit, especially if she can't have her way, OR, the guy is just a giant douchebag. There's possibly also some cheating involved, and then it's over. Could happen in 2 months, two years, or two decades, but it has always eventually happened to everybody that I've observed. My late grandparents were traditional people, but after they passed, I started learning stories from my relatives about how even their life together wasn't that rosy and peachy in the end. It's just that their generation didn't divorce, it wasn't the custom yet.

I'm now hesitant to meet women, because at the end of it the same pitfalls, traps and dead ends always await. There's no victory condition, you can only lose. Your sanity, your money and possessions, maybe even your life. It's disillusioning. I wish it could be the soft, fluffy, cuddly stuff like in these here cartoons, but empirical evidence, to me, speaks of a completely different reality.
Diff anon, myself

Pretty much this.

I've no idea if things were always like that and the lack of divorce culture/benefit (predominantly for women) is the only reason the past centuries weren't the exact same mess...but these days, whenever I tune into how the dating, married or long-term relationship scene is like - it's the same thing over and over that you've also observed, yourself

Couple this with the very real fact that a woman can absolutely and completely destroy a man's life so far, far too petrifyingly easily even if she's just spouting nothing but pure bullshit...I don't really see much of a point either in interacting with the bulk of women out there beyond what is absolutely needed of me

And to really put the nail in the coffin, whenever I randomly ponder it - I genuinely can't really think of what today's woman would be able to provide that a good group of male friends and a dog can't provide far more easily and safely in all respects besides sex.

If that's all, then there is little point trying, if you ask me. A sex worker or something would be able to provide that last small bit well enough without all or most of the negatives to get it the normal way

Depressing as it may be, I've also been a lot more content and at peace with myself and where my life might head in general after I accepted that trying to interact with gals beyond the acquaintance/casual friend stage ain't worth it these days. Might have held some hope if there was some kinda genuine possibility of things getting better eventually, but it only seems to be getting worse and worse.

I genuinely wish too that the reality could be more in line with the warm and nice pics in here...but it evidently ain't so. And it's too dangerous and risky for a man to try and delude himself about the reality of things
>married anons who actually made it
>broken anons ruined by horrible relationships
>actual KHHV wizards
I just want a fucking hug
> Look up what KHHV is

Lmao, the shit the net comes up with

Anyways, we all do anon, we all do
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Me too, brother. Me too. ;_;
Don't go yet, thread, few more minutes...
What about traumatized anons? The people like me who cannot be simply fixed by a warm hug and smile, and who will rapidly break down into sobbing or into automatic reflex denial?
I'm essentially a lifelong therapist to a handful of people I met at a autism support group. Alongside the girl who has a 4000 hour savegame of The Sims 2 she has been playing for over a decade you could find those weirdos who get off to being emotionally supportive to people. Maybe run around outside with a big net and scream that you're looking for autists, idk.
I meant to include traumatized anons somewhere after broken anons but before the wizards (e.g. me) in the post but was so horny trying to look through rule34 for a proper wholesome picture with a hug I forgot.
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>I've no idea if things were always like that and the lack of divorce culture/benefit (predominantly for women) is the only reason the past centuries weren't the exact same mess...but these days, whenever I tune into how the dating, married or long-term relationship scene is like - it's the same thing over and over that you've also observed, yourself

Not him but there are more things that just that
You really do not and i say DO NOT WANT dive into divorce law and how its basically often set to screw over a breadwinner just because some miss gave him succy fuccy and she "wants to keep living standarts the couple built"
Second factor is and at least in europe (and in communist block it held a bit before being repelled shortly later) it was mostly applied
There was no non discriminatory divorce, before you had to have an reason and evidence of either infertility, adultery, home violence, abuse to be legitimate for divorce. Other than that only death separated you in literall way in most cases
>Other than
...Anything other than...
that's normal
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I'm a haggered old sinner who's met a lot of people and observed a total of possibly a thousand marriages in a couple hundred people I've worked with and known from hobbies in the last quarter century, and in my experience that there are people for whom marriage works, and it's very nearly always their first, and then there are people who NEED to be married, and shit never ends well for them. And, out of those thousand marriages, I'd say that probably 700 belonged to the same 200-ish, while the rest were made up by an equal number of people .

If you look at the numbers, statistically, most first marriages last for life, while something like 90% of third goes end in divorce
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There's just something about a girl wrapping her legs around the guy that just works for me. I love it when she's so into him, she just doesn't wanna let him go.
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Pretty simple. It says "<name>-san, it's ok if you cum inside me so..."
"Cum deep inside me until you're completely empty <3"
Oh, I'm aware that divorce law and courts are very heavily stacked in women's favor

It's just that I've also read while digging into that mess that this was already the case for a good while way before the last few decades. Yet, divorcing has become as common as it is now only in the last, roughly, few decades. Which makes me wonder if it's specifically the development of a whole culture of it that's made divorcement as common as it is today
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>I genuinely can't really think of what today's woman would be able to provide that a good group of male friends and a dog can't provide far more easily and safely in all respects besides sex. If that's all, then there is little point trying, if you ask me. A sex worker or something would be able to provide that last small bit well enough without all or most of the negatives to get it the normal way
I felt less lonely when I bought a daki and started listening to asmr to help me sleep. I still feel a little sad when I see happy couples though. I'm not a chad in any way and some of my problems can't be fixed so I am stuck with having a few dealbreakers for women that would motivate them to cheat on me at best and ruin my life at worst.
I am not happy having to settle like this but starting a relationship when I am out of college feels like adopting a pit bull because you want a pet. The risk isn't worth it.
We need more gentle harem moments.
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Literally want nothing more than to have a harem of beautiful ladies who all love and accept me and do cute shit like snuggle up on either side to watch movies and shit.

Why I gotta be so fucked up like that?
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I feel you anon, I am a hardcore harem and vanilla enjoyer, and they are far too rare of a crossover. Add to that my taste for monstergirls or at least kemonomimi and the pickings are quite slim.
I just want to cuddle and praise my non-human wives as we hold each other in bed every night, is that too much to ask?
> if it's specifically the development of a whole culture of it that's made divorcement as common as it is today
Cultural bending of morals and various forms of "romanticizing" it (basically what you suspect) made by various forces (no im not going into early life secrions of orchestrators as im not here for that and are different places to discuss it or research it) combined with the fact that now like i said you dont need in present some reason to be legitimate for divorce like was in past
These 2 are mine betting horse from far as i had the nerve and time to dig into it if someone was willing from lawyers to divorced to give feedback
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This is the best thread on the board
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Yes, monstergirls are a must. Fluffy ears are proven to improve the headpat experience by at least 200%
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I support genetic engineering for the sole reason that it may one day bring us adorable monstergirl wives to dote upon and care for.
Oh hey, a thread I can get behind.

Hope this fits.
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KS dev, please go.

(Just kidding, you're allright.)
I'm not totally hopeless but I feel so sad. I looked for personals for even femdom generally in Sydney and it's almost all men my age (early 30s), with the women being rare, and mostly only wanting younger dudes.
My hope (and experience) is that enough women are around who I can have mutual attraction with RL that they'll be there if I can just get out enough.
Please don't give up. I had a woman who was this way inclined before I was able to accept that I was, and I fucked it up. I've met women like this when I wasn't in a good place. I'm not bragging - I'm saying that they're there. And they even met me when I was at my most unattractive. (Reeked, mentally ill.)
I don't know you or your situation, but that might make it likelier than you think that it's possible.
Not them, but a heavy blanket helps me sleep.
I just want to be able to worship a woman. Make her day better. Help her in all kinds of ways. I don't want to be a drain on anyone. I just want to love and be loved.
I wish I knew these people in real life so we could just be friends. I was so arrogant in my youth, but I just want a human connection.
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What are the tags to look up for this kind of content?
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Use 1girl 1boy as a base, then add whatever you wish to see. kiss hug sex bed nipples...

If you find a good artists, check what's been uploaded under his/hers name.
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In a world of universal deceit, true love is a degenerate act.
This post glows
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affectionate, hand_on_another's_face (or head or etc), happy_sex, couple
honorable mentions: cuddling, hug
you can also just search for specific artists
Somehow this thread feels taboo when it shouldn't be.
Technically still no, but nevertheless by what rationale have you assumed that it is universal?
>by what rationale have you assumed that it is universal?
The percentage of women who use only fans and tinder
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Not yet, bump.
Most /u/ threads are tender by default.
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you sick fuck
>kinky M maid that loves getting beaten
>mysterious rich, powerful mistress
>half-wild monkey girl
>stuck up bitch news reporter
>a ghost girl
>a girl that gets raped by monsters every night
>a mermaid
>little red riding hood
man that game had fucking everything.
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Also, great atmosphere and location. One of the better visual novel experiences for sure.
Have I ever mentioned how fucking beautiful the Bible Black-girls are?
They've been through a lot, and deserve some gentleness
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size difference is such an awesome feature in this kind of art.
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I can't fap to this kinda stuff anymore without a crushing feeling of loneliness. Futa/traps leave my heart alone, they only touch my dick
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why must I like cutsy fluffy wholesome stuff so much?
I just want a cute girl to cuddle with bros I can't put into words how agonizing this feeling is
I feel that anon
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Real wisdom right there. Do you write about this stuff somewhere I could read? Or some books you could recommend? You have an insightful perspective I'd like to know more about.
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Pic related is probably my favorite ever.
Summer is approaching. It's time to take those stupid shoes and socks off, and go enjoy a barefoot beach walk with your one true love.

(I wish I could've experienced this.)
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Tons of kissless virgins don't find a GF until after 30, just be a cool dude and someone will find you aite
>until after 30

Different Anon here, but dude, I'm already 44. It's not happening.
i hear nursing homes are hotbeds of lewdness sometimes, maybe if we live long enough to make it to one of them we will have some luck
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Or, the young, sexy nurses just honey trap us long enough to steal our savings. Then we'll mysteriously die of insulin overdose.

Ugh, I need a bath for having such unclean thoughts...
Not alone anon, 27 as well. My own personal thing is that I just can't bring myself to feel exposed or vulnerable to anyone and the though of "opening up" even on the most mundane or random things leaves me incapable of speech and anxiety ridden, combine that with elements of >>10926669 and >>10938829, and I honestly don't know where to go especially as you get older and relationships seemingly devolve more into just obligations than actual friendships. And not to "boast" but I'll safely assume people actually think I'm an interesting person (which is funny because I feel like I've done fuck all over the past decade) and look good (gym + skin/hair care) as I've had girls flirt with me and even give me their number, yet I literally don't know how to proceed from there and I feel my already small social circles getting ever smaller and smaller. Sorry for the dump, but I have no one to vent to
worse is when you had lots of relationships in your 20s and none of them lasted, then you turn 30s and women completely lose interest in you.
feels bad man
Very cute
I need to fucking kill myself.
Do it

No balls

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