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Female characters that would look good as men
>characters if they were good
I dont have it saved but the power one that this artist made is so cute I love it
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This one?
Hopefully someone has made gender swapped Bayo and Jeanne.
Here's one
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he seems like he wouldn't wash his dick
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probably would lick his dick with his own tongue like a cat
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id suck his dick
It's insane how much characters in improve when they're boys >>3775867
I love male powy!
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everything in the show is the same, but these two are manwhores now. what would their names be? jockstrap and thong? or still keep it to panty and stocking?
probably Boxers and Socks fits better but keeping it as Panty and Stocking.
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would people also chimp out when he kisses hiro-chan
in my experience husbandofags don't tend to be quite as rabid as waifufags so perhaps not
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nothing quite like fate and its many, many missed opportunities
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...and the one opportunity no one expected that they did actually take
for context picrel is the only actual female -> male genderbend in fate (the character's situation is complicated and the actual IRL person was male but when it's fgo we take what crumbs we can get)
my spirit is roused into a great fury whenever i view this thread.
>Dark Academia Stocking
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Is it because the wasted potential that some female characters would be better off as dudes?
Rage boner?
Does anyone have the better boy (formerly better girl)?
>People would want ichigo-kun and zero two (male) to make out instead
FTFY. When are we getting the next trigger fujobait show? Or is promare still getting fujobux.
I'm pretty sure scrotebux are worth more than fujo/yumebux especially considering what the franchise started out as.
male zero two does nothing for me but male ichigo seems like a cutie
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Personally I wish most girl characters were boys, they're all of a sudden hot to me when they lack breasts and have dicks.
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As long as they look like boys
Or is a lame "short hair = gender swap"
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This isn't really male Lain but it looked a bit male imo
I swear there was a character that looked like her that had a scar or bandage on his head.
so fucking hot
I'm starting to think that Lain is too androgynous for good rule 63
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Basically Rin
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Male Bridget!
Talking about wasted opportunities and potential. What they did with this character was criminal
Makima seems chubbier in this
Male Astolfo!

Ikr. This is character improvement.
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Male Chihiro!
reminds me of yosuke from persona 4
Girls in anime should all be boys
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Reading nothing but truths here
love from Kazakhstan
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Especially those in straggot pandering waifubait anime
Fate would be good if they didn't genderswap historical figures and frame it as if they had been women all along. Feels disrespectful at best. I wouldn't really have a problem if they were just anime boys, hell if you turned around and said "Winston Churchill was actually A Bishie with long hair" I'd probably be fine with it, so maybe I just have double standards.
>maybe I just have double standards
You do, I think the concept in general is fucky
Those are the worst. Scratch that, the worst thing is when it's a boy-to-girl deal, and all they do is add eyelashes and a rack.
Hair's the same length, face looks the same, clothes are the same, it's like they took the guy and put on some Maybelline Volume Express and prosthetic tits.
Inshallah, the straights will be punished.
So many.
But to be honest, on occasion, I've found the reverse to also be true: there are some canonically guy characters I like better as girls. Admittedly, they're usually the ones with pretty flat, boring designs
massive upgrades. I hate traps so much it’s unreal
this thread infuriates me beyond comprehension
>I love traps
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Fuck off straggot
Str8 male superiority keep seething homos
Straights and gays suck
gays suck
straights suck
idiotic little retarded dumbasses
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More male Bridget
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this artists entire gallery, i opened this thread just to post anything from them. they have a BUNCH of disney princesses and characters from those turned into guys.
>the one with the prince still thinking hes rescuing a princess and the kings like uuuuhhhhhhhhhh about that
Got a name? Thanks in advance
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whats up with slav chicks and twinks
Pussy eating
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Just finished a batch of genderbends of characters from idolmaster cinderella girls I'll post them here
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I'd imagine male Stocking would be into savoury junk food rather than sweets
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Lol, the artist didn't even bother with changing the face and just slapped her head on a male body
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Rau, Reu, and Victor
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Ayato should've probably looked more like this
In honour of new G-Witch season, here's Suletta
And his handsome bride, Miorine!
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Good thread
but why

Stocking in any iteration would be into gothic shit, and a bag of Cheetos is entirely the wrong aesthetic. Why would you think this, anon? Why would you want this?
Nta, but I can kind of understand where he’s coming from. Although you would have to swap the goth aspect with something more emo or punk adjacent. Arguably, a male stocking would be less of a frilly goth boy and more of a punk dude, which is where I can understand the junk food and possibly energy drink association comes from
That does make sense, especially with how gendered fashion can be sometimes. And gothic lolitas are gothic lolitas because it's fashionable to at least some groups. So a guy Stocking would likely be into what is fashionable for guys to be into.
I think Gothic could still work, though, anon, Malice Mizer was a thing, after all.
Half-traps are the cutest
Why is Kobeni so much better as a male?
I always thought her type of character was annoying as hell but male Kobeni's kinda cute
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Oh god, he's perfect
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can someone tell me what the fuck a straggot is
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Straggot means a heterosexual male who likes guys who are cute. Turns out that finding 2D guys attractive is actually extremely straight
Genderswapped girls of the Grassley dorms from Gundam Witch
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>Turns out that finding 2D guys attractive is actually extremely straight
This only applies to traps and femboys. Basically draw a girl call it a boy and you have straight men drool all over them.
My God, he's dashing
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It doesn't have to be even a femboy imo, twinks are fine too
punk genderswap stocking needs to be a thing NOW somebody please get on this
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A word invented by a mentally ill person that tries to derail every thread on either /cm/ or /y/ that doesn't fit into his views of what a man is, calling feminine men "boobless futa". Ignore him and report, or just reply so he'll post more shit so you can report him even more.
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Straight men that likes women and their feminine appearance and physique but doesn't mind about dicks. They're allergic to actual men even bishies. This very much applies to trap/femboyfags.
I absolute despise female tsundere but I'm a sucker for a cute tsundere guy.
I don't think this premise would work as well with two women
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It was an official genderswap.
Tiago Lockhart.
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i like traps when they look like boys with girl clothes, not like girls with girl clothes and fucking female fat distribution
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male stocking OOOOOOOOOO
I wonder, will male Panty be called Boxer?
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More like more masculine. Effeminate dudes are still dudes after all.
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>male eula
>flat ass
I'll kill you.
Traps aren't dudes
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When i was little and i watched the episode they show up i remember really liking them and wishing the cartoon was about them instead. Probably the earliest signs in my life of me being a fag.
Yes they are! And it is gay.
It's the worst type of gay and it mostly attracts annoying straightoids who think they know shit about being gay. It's just boring and played out at this point.
It's not gay to like flat chested moeblob girls with Schrodinger's dicks. If it was a handsome dude or looks like an actual dude you would be grossed out, therefore not gay. You'd be a tranny chaser or groomer pedophile but still straight.
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I'd call it a downgrade since their original designs look more unique, but then again, I'm not interested in lolis nor shotas
>their original designs look more unique
It's call anime moeblobs. Anime does this thousands of times to the point where it looks like it's generated by an AI. It's not unique.

>not interested in lolis nor shotas
Moeblobs it is then.
>b-but... we are both boys
I know this is a meme, but I never actualy saw it anywhere
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>if its not a 50 year old bara muscledaddy it's not gay
Meanwhile 90% of this board from the catalog alone is twinks, femboys, and shotas. No idea why Chihiro isn't 'male' enough just because he wears a skirt...
someone needs their throat clogged
Scratch femboys out. There's only like 3 of them here. Two of which are trans/gender specials. Replace that with bishies/ikemen instead. They've have always been going strong.
Bridget is the only tranny I saw.

I like those.
The other tranny is the one from that zombie idol anime
go up
Good thing it's dead from that basedjak raid
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Is this tohru also a bottom?
What happens when male ilulu hits male kobayashi with the genderbent beam?
How much sex are kanna and elma are going to be?
You woudnt bully the reaper right?
One copy of "Don't bully (the Reaper)" by Blue Oyster Cult, please.
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Quick question and kinda stupid in this board
Did you liked [spoiler]as in you find them cute/hot or actually like the character[/spoiler] the characters before or only liked them now cause they are boys?
only when they're boys

case in point
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Eat the dorito
mikuo and miku are such a cute couple
maybe i could have liked the show if this. probably not. but. anyway,
Pray for madoka
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blue archive it it was awesome
This is good r63
Imagine the muscles...
[spoiler]Imagine the dick...[/spoiler]
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Now have him in a bunny suit and a maid/butler outfit
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Same. Tsundere girls are annoying and punchable but tsundere guys are cute especially when he has a soft side or is constantly blushing
Mostly I like them as guys because I find guys cute/hot. From what I've seen, most female characters are usually made to be attractive, desirable, waifu material and sometimes fanservicey so genderswapping them to boys would be the absolute perfection. I don't like or cared for female characters that are sexualized and pander to straight men but if they were guys, I would really love that though I do have some female characters that I like and genderswapping them seemed kinda fun.
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Male Ruka!
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There is something wrong with the second to the right
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what is y'allls take on mushroom prince(s)?
first time seeing this. i freaking love it.
Socks and Boxers
i remember seeing art of astolfo wearing a suit but i cant find it anymore
ok, elephant in the room is astolfo, does he count as a gender swap?
I really like male Raiden Shogun and Kafka from Genshin/Star Rail. I would never pull for their original female counterparts, though. I only pull for men and boys
Fate's Jack the Ripper is absolutely disgusting
No, because Astolfo is a fictional male irl.

Hans-Christian Andersen is an adorable shota, we need more historical cute boys in fate.
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Raiden Shogun, like I promised (well, I never *promised*, but)
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>he/him pronouns
>born male
What am I missing? Pic unrelated
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He is literally already male
So zased
Hate how prison gay retards have infested everything.
Ungirls your panzer
Traps are dudes like tomatoes are fruit
Twunk Bridget

This entire board is full of man lover woman haters, what kind of answers do you think you're gonna get

But for me, very much depends!
Some characters work whether they're boy or girl, others specifically only work as one or the other, and not just for story or theme reasons, but just ... the vibe, if that makes sense?
Like, their personality or design may have appeal as a girl, but not as a boy, and vice-versa.
I can even say I sometimes find designs more sexually attractive and likable as girls than as boys.
Although, I'm never entirely sure if I actually think this about a certain character, or if I just haven't seen the right genderbent design and lore.
I think the main appeal genderbending charas has for me is how it's a good test of how well you know characters, both in terms of personality and design, so if I see good genderbends, then it's a reliable sign of a good fanartist
I'll never stop thinking about malesmeralda
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Christ, I want to live in that universe.
Made me thing of Aladdin
Have a Prince Jas-man instead
>>3857948 oh my
this would've been one of those things i kept replaying so my parents would take the VHS away :(
Was that a trend for you?
it's a good day to be bisexual
Lanky ass bitch on the left
I think if you kept astolfo's feminine design and put him in a suit or a tuxedo it would be hot as fuck but i haven't seen it
That isn't what it was but God damn that's hot
I may agree to the other two,
But the first one is such an improvement. As a trap he just looks like a generic anime girl.
As a boy, he looks rather unique to other boys...

I'd still change all their hairs though.
>Doesn't know boxing
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>make Shinobu a guy
>he's just as hot as female Shinobu
It's not like Brief is very brief either. In fact, he's rather long-winded.
i never realized she'd make such a hot guy
It wouldn’t be the husbandofags freaking out, it would’ve been the male!02 x fem!hiro shippers losing their minds. This happened in the Noragami fandom when Yato’s dad kissed Hiyori.
Would male Hancock’s Mero Mero no Mi powers be as effective as female Hancock’s?
why do the male designs have to be more modest/covered? why can't I have my boysluts
Husbandofags go rabid over ships.
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I wanna hug this big dog
This hairstyle is doing me stuff
Also naruko in shorts is very cute
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Trap gaming
when did my thread turn a year old
If I ever saw you in real life I would gently kiss your hands and pledge my life to your name.
God bless
Why is he so hot
And male Mitsuri too
slow board probably
...my cock.
Beloved Tomgirlish Boy
these two would have alucard as a kid
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Why are genderswapped characters so much hotter than their original counterparts?
man that's double standard as hell
and i would be lying if i said i do not agree

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