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May 17-19, 2024

Are you going for the whole weekend?
What are you cosplaying?
Is your cosplay done or are you con crunching?
Are you hosting a panel or working a booth?
Going to the rave?
Favorite part of the con?
Any other activities you’re looking forward to?
I will be pooping at this con
Rasin will be here?
Yep. Also there's another thread on this
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>Are you going for the whole weekend?


>What are you cosplaying?

Spaceship Crewmember (enemies know who I am)

>Is your cosplay done or are you con crunching?

Pretty much done

>Are you hosting a panel or working a booth?


>Going to the rave?


>Favorite part of the con?

General alcoholism, being sober is suffering

>Any other activities you’re looking forward to?

Smokin the opps (I'm looking for you faggots at this con hope you're ready)
The raisin is indeed going to this con. He is going to continue his reign of terror by feeding people oatmeal raisin cookies to unsuspecting congoers who are expecting to bite into a delicious chocolate chip cookie… we must stop this monster
I can confidently say my cosplay for this shit is the best I've ever done, cost $600 and a ton of modification...

You could say it's "pretty good"
Not a chance. :^)
That's a record already innit
Nooo I love reading about them. Don't take that away from me

I am going the whole weekend and I was going to do 3 cosplays but I have not started on any of them, so I might start one and see if I'm able to get it done in time. I've heard mixed reviews on anime convention raves but I might try to stop by and see what it's like.
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- No, just Saturday
- Punk/Gothic (Lol)ita
- It's done! Did a test run the other day and loved it.
- No
- I'm planning on it, but we shall see.
- Smoking, drinking, people watching, vendor hall/artist alley
- It will be my friend's first anime con so I am looking forward to showing him the ropes :) Also can't wait to say hello to all the friends I have made over the years <3
Sir i was talking about a dehydrated grape. I don’t know anything about these gulls you speak of
And we'll be looking for you, you Whoopie lookin ahhh.

Love, one of your OPPS
lmao, i will shit myself laughing if he cosplays hermes
I would pay good money to see Warsie cosplay Hermes.
For a second there I thought you said "I would pay good money to see Warsie cosplay Hamas." lol Which to be fair, he would do that.
Funniest part of this all is that one of his "opps" is besties with his girlfriend. haha
You mean his boyfriend
Y'all just jealous cuz he got the femboy.

Bonus points if atjap cosplays Amy
miss me with femboy we looking for a guyboy at this con
Oh hi Burger, how's the aftermath of those SJW rape accusations against Rose going? And whatever the hell happened at ColossalCon North last year?

Also your boyfriend was too much of a bitch to even walk around AMKE even with his posse around, so you'll (collective) likely hide in your Gullwings room, assuming you even get one.

Such a change from his behavior in AMKE and ACEN, guess being sheared of a large portion of his social capital does that to a bitch made nigga. Amazing that I didn't break when I didn't have nearly the accumulated social capital he (supposedly) did. All his buddies and he still is a little bitch.

Oh speaking of that, where is that FIGHT CLUB your BF was planning on doing. Classic, no balls, no honor.
I didn't make it to North last year but if yall can wait till November for that I'd be really grateful. Fight club is always when a group of tismos reaches their peak lolcow status
Unfortunately, they have no balls :(
No cap frfr
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This is correct. Ironic considering they're mostly "men" with a handful of busted ass women and
"women". Does explain why half of them are prison gay though.
>Are you going for the whole weekend?

>What are you cosplaying?
T.M.Revolution during the day, spaceship crew member at night

>Is your cosplay done or are you con crunching?

>Are you hosting a panel or working a booth?
No I got turned down

>Going to the rave?

>Favorite part of the con?

>Any other activities you’re looking forward to?
Parties and being notorious

>Are you going for the whole weekend?
Yes! I'll also be there for day zero. I assume there's not usually anything to do, but I'm guessing some people will be cosplaying during badge pick up.

>What are you cosplaying?
I still haven't exactly finished my line up and what I want to do, so Im not sure yet.

>Is your cosplay done or are you con crunching?
It seems crunching is the only way I can get anything done, so that's just what's gonna have to happen. I might start today if I can commit to one of my ideas 100%

>Are you hosting a panel or working a booth?

>Going to the rave?
Yes, but only for a little bit.

>Favorite part of the con?
It hasn't happened yet, so I can't say.

>Any other activities you’re looking forward to?
I'm looking forward to seeing Lotus Juice, but am worried about being able to get a good spot.
Schedule is out
It's missing the guest of honor stuff but I am glad they gave us this so I can at least start a basic plan of how I'm going to spend my time.
Does this change anything about anybody's cosplays or what days you'll be wearing them?
Hi Atjap13
Awww did your wittle shiwwy panel get rejected at acen? How adorable you actually submitted to host a panel at acen. Oooo you actually thought acen would let you host your shitty panel because CAD did.
Not in the slightest. Cosplaying, taking pictures, going to the dealer's room, concerts/raves, and room parties are my priorities at any con I go to. Guests, autographs, and panels are secondary. ofc there are panels I want to go to, and ofc I'll give it my best effort to try and get to them, but if I don't make the panels for any reason, it's no big deal for me.
Now c'mon you don't gotta disgrace Futurama like that.
>I assume there's not usually anything to do, but I'm guessing some people will be cosplaying during badge pick up.

acen is unofficially a 4-day con, so there is hella TONS of stuff to do on day zero. Cosplaying throughout that whole day is very common, not just for badge pickup. The basement of the Hyatt as well as that roundabout area under one of the pillars by the main entrance was bussin' last year. People drinking, playing music, playing cards, playing Warewolf, and just hanging out. There were a couple of parties going on as well on day zero last year. In terms of "official" events going on, last year there were some unlisted panels happening (which I assume were ran by staff or friends of them) and the video rooms were up and running too.
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I might need to switch around what cosplays I do each day, but they scheduled two meets an hour between eachother and I wouldn't have enough time to change and do both
Absolutely no one, and I mean absolutely no one in this universe or the next, is even remotely a bit jealous of this.

>Are you going for the whole weekend?

Just Saturday and Sunday! Working Friday.

>What are you cosplaying?

2B and the wife will be A2, our friend is coming to c2e2 as Kaine but not ACEN

>Is your cosplay done or are you con crunching?

All done! We trialed them at CAD and worked a bunch to improve them.

>Are you hosting a panel or working a booth?

No my panels were rejected again.

>Going to the rave?

No but I may bring my equipment and DJ somewhere else. We just hosted a cosplay DJ party this weekend at our place.

>Favorite part of the con?

We have started carrying a wagon around with a cooler and hand out waters/drinks later in the evening, and find a spot to hunker down usually in the hotel lobby. Much more fun and less degenerate than a room party.

>Any other activities you’re looking forward to?

I bought a weekend pass purely for the Final Fantasy concert on Sunday, we caught it last year and it was amazing.
Well until she decides to put even a bit of effort into looking like a boy, she will continue to be what she actually is which is a girl. And even then, she will always continue to be a girl, she will never be a real boy.
Ciel is afab.
Makoto is amab.
As this about AtJap, or Ciel?
I've hosted a panel at Midwest, Magic, and CAD so miss me with that. ACen is a huge con and logically many panels get rejected.
Hi Burger

Its common knowledge atjap13 is a guy, regardless of how he presents himself. Also I'm pretty sure warsie could answer that one lol.

As for ciel, if he's ftm then he's a boy regardless of how he presents as well.
All the thirsty shit I see posted in all those discords suggest otherwise (the orgy server, Reisen's server etc). And random posts in the past threads on here.
Damn, still almost a month to go. Have we already started the fire?
Can you all please shut the fuck up about your dumb faggotry discord off-site bitchfest karen.
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Given who made this thread (and the other one as a matter of fact), who posted the 2nd and 4th comments, who made the post directly below yours, and who has been making the flurry of (non-Con related) posts directly above, this thread is serving is serving its primary intended purpose duefully.
Completely irrelevant to anything else that has been discussed here thus far, but I saw a porno the other day where a girl did this dance naked.
>Given who made this thread (and the other one as a matter of fact)
Idk who made the first thread, but I made this second one and I am also sick of this discord bullshit. I put all those questions in the op in the hopes that people would actually talk about the con/cosplay/other nerd shit, but you discord losers can’t stop talking about yourselves and each other for 5 seconds. I am begging all of you to get a more interesting personality
>I put all those questions in the op in the hopes that people would actually talk about the con/cosplay/other nerd shit
Not even half the posters here bothered to read that, or they saw through it and don't care. Unfortunately, you're trying to reason with the most mentally ill scene in the country. And even barring that, scroll through any thread that does the same thing you did. They go out of their way to pussyfoot around the most basic questions and avoid saying anything of substance
The midwest cgl scene is actually closer to what you'd see pre-2016 cgl be in terms of cat fights, petty drama, rumor mills, and so on. However there are two big differences.

1) Instead of them spawning their own discords to get away from problems they all stuck around eachother for who can only assume is drama fuel.
2) Decided that 4chan cgl somehow hasn't changed ever in what people view it as and assume people still care about gossip like this

There is a reason almost every other community took their issues to the thunderdome of discord out of anons sights. I only assume they keep this up because they've cultivated such a community of weirdos that any fresh blood are scared away before they even look into any of the claims they have. The last few cons I've gone to it's been down right depressing unless they can talk about how 'dumb and gay' things are or get told a story about a member who would scare off anyone with 2 brain cells. Last years midwest was the final straw for me. They fail to realize that by constantly non stop talking about these things they only implicate themselves as hanging around these weirdos.
In response to your first point, you're actually wrong. Other discords have been made that are completely removed from gull drama, specifically to not have to deal with them. In short the only reason those of us from said discords are here is to keep a pulse on things and enjoy the spectacle of stupid drama. All our con planning happens completely outside this sphere now. For myself personally I primarily come here out of a sense of nostalgia and idle curiosity.

I too am sick about hearing about fucking warsie & reisen though, even if I am here for a sip of tea. They're just boring to hear about at this point. I already interacted with reisen especially enough in the past, I don't want to be continuously reminded that he has learned literally nothing.
>I only assume they keep this up because they've cultivated such a community of weirdos that any fresh blood are scared away before they even look into any of the claims they have.
Well they did a decent enough job of hiding it from me at first. Of course, exiling their "leader" and resetting the server during my first meeting with them should have been a decent tip off
Holy FUCK, you've been in jail all this time since you got arrested at CAD? What the fuck, but I thought they said you were like rich as fuuuck or something, why couldn't you just bail yourself out? Did you murder someone?

CAPTCHA: <+NS4= Again, you LITERALLY cannot make any of this up. The glowniggers are not even being subtle anymore
The official ACEN discord for meetups looking better and better every day.
Ayyy YO, holy SHIT. I was merely half joking about the glowies being in here but I've had this page on auto-refresh in another tab and there were like 3 or 2 posts made which are now straight up not here anymore, like those posts are just gone and no strike-through numbers or anything. Nah fuuuuuuck this, fuuuuuuuck all of you. I'm out. Absolutely NONE of you fuckers better even look at me at the con, I'll just straight up use my mace I always carry on you, absolutely no regrets. Ya'll ain't even going to hell anymore, you're just going straight to fed.

Sergio, is that you?
I recently got warned from the official discord :(
For being a chaser.
Good, trash like you has no place in society.
Chaser of what?
*meekly raises hand* Sss...s....ssSource?
It's on the Bang somewhere. That's where I saw it.
I allowed some strangers to share my hotel room. Let's see if, hopefully, they fuck me.
Aw sweet, more schizo gull roleplaying. Anyways-
>Are you going for the whole weekend?

>What are you cosplaying?
Dumpy Meshi

>Is your cosplay done or are you con crunching?
0_0 (haven't even started)

>Are you hosting a panel or working a booth?

>Going to the rave?

>Favorite part of the con?
Seeing cool shit people make and making fun of the lazy loser weebs who don't even bother to steam out the wrinkles in their cosplay or brush out their wig every now and then

>Any other activities you’re looking forward to?
I wanna check out some panels for once, haven't done that since acen 2016. They just get shittier every year. Also acen is the only con at the hyatt with even a remotely decent smokers pit scene at night. Hopefully the weather is nice.

It is almost sad (pitiful) how obsessed AtJap is with Warsie.
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>Are you going for the whole weekend?

I have the weekend pass but am undecided about Sunday

>Are you hosting a panel or working a booth?

Yes, see attached image, check it out if interested!

please hang out with me I have gone to cons alone for like the last 8 years, no one ever goes with me I need friends. I'm a awkward guy but not "unpleasant to be around awkward" just "not actively fun" awkward : (

Last year I got tangentially involved in some /cgl/ drama at a party despite never coming here which is what made me think of this place now lol
The real issue are the /cgl/ who never IP ban anyone who keeps bringing up this shit. Literally half the posts are people upset they didn't get to sleep with some ugly goblin girl while rasin did and the other half of the posts are rasin who will never learn that constantly antagonizing people isn't going to fix his image.
nothing wrong with a gf/bf with that kind of dedication honestly
It's easy to get past IP bans especially if you have a dynamic IP (most cell phones have a dynamic IP anyway)
Anyone can attend?
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Tried to cheap out on a chinese wig comission that didn't show up until this week, and the wig itself turned out absolute shit. Now scrambling to find a commissioner who can fit it in before I fly out on the 16th.
true i usually style my own wigs because the same thing happened to me its not that hard i think its more fun ngl
I am a vendor at C2E2 right now, my first real convention.
I looked at going to Anime Central and decided against it - I'm glad I did, this thread is embarrassing.
isn't minki a snitch
Thanks! Are they ok with people from 4chan?
For their sake I hope not.

It was less sleeping and more him deepthroating a landwhales hoof.
Yeah a rat, a rodent.
4chan now has a little blinking favicon (the little icon for the website on the tab or window) of an exclamation point in the middle of the four leafs. I've never seen this before, neat. Wonder if it also has a sound.
Lol there’s like 30k+ people at Acen vs. maybe a dozen loud discord drama mongers shitting up every Midwest thread on a dead board. You aren’t going to run into these people at the actual con unless you’re seeking them out
K, enjoy your boring gay corpo event (which at least a couple of these goobers are attending anyway)
MoistCr1TiKaL, you're at C2E2?
Plz come to our Charlie meetup at ColossalCon, sir. Last year's was a great success, sir.
What does this even mean?
They are at C2E2 and generating drama, you can't avoid them.
Be advised. Reisen has been spotted at C2E2 all day yesterday and today and has been independently confirmed to be attending ACEN next month.
>2hus breaking into the real world
Is this cause for concern?
That too is how I read it and my heart skipped a beat a lil. Why can't Patchy b real bros...
He fucked up his party Saturday night/Sunday morning apparently

If it was just a touhou fairy....
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How ironic; projection at its purest. You're one to to talk, considering you do the exact thing you mentioned here Lee McKinnis. We know.
Also at least get it fucking right.
>If it was just a touhou fairy....
Reisen is a bnnuy not a fairy you dumbfuck.
Lmao I didn't make that post bro. I would as you saw say it to your face bro.

Inb4 false flag fags
>May 17-19, 2024
>Are you going for the whole weekend?
Hopefully the whole weekend if at all
>What are you cosplaying?
>Is your cosplay done or are you con crunching?
>Are you hosting a panel or working a booth?
>Going to the rave?
>Favorite part of the con?
Rhythm games
>Any other activities you’re looking forward to?
More rhythm games (and listening to the drama after it happens but I'm not there since I'm too busy playing rhythm games)
what rhythm games does ACEN usually have
The impromptu gull/Discord meetup at C2E2 yesterday was totes fun! Reisen absolutely utterly SERVED everyone, in the traditional sense of the word, with his sick ass moves! Fucking hung over as shit, but I'll be around the con for a bit more today. Might do another meetup in the lobby area of the Hyatt later today if anybody is still around. Say hi if you see me, I'll be in the in blue Miku wig. Next is ACEN!
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Boy oh boy, this is already shaping up to be a "great" year!
If I intrepret this post correctly, the party self-immolated
written by reisen
bro bro bro
True. It's not just him, his girlfriend does it too haha
"Man, oh man, that was a 24/7 special on the cable channel. So Ray J went straight to the radio station the very next day
"Hey, Fag, I'mma kill you"
Lyrics coming at you at supersonic speed, (JJ Fad)"
Any memorable cosplays y’all saw at c2?
ye >>10912094
He left poop in the toilet.
You people are actually mentally insane, you know lolcow farm exists right?
Is AC actually a top 3 anime con in America? They got a good guest showing and solid attendance numbers. Obviously AX is #1 but the other spots are in the air.
I'm eagerly waiting for a Midwest /cgl/ scene thread to appear on the Farms, to be entirely desu with you
AtJap13 already has an Encyclopedia Dramatica entry
All aboard! Ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaa!

Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay...

Crazy, but that's how it goes
Millions of people living as foes
Maybe it's not too late
To learn how to love and forget how to hate
Mental wounds not healing
Life's a bitter shame
I'm going off the rails on a crazy train
I'm going off the rails on a crazy train
Let's go!
That she created, tried to delete, and regularly updates herself.
>Mentally ill
Nah his typing style is different

Again, he's a biological male. He didn't make the article, he has a lot of opps not related to Lee drama.
Plot twist: Warsie wrote it
Boyfriend. Makoto is a confirmed faggot, nawt a troon.
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>Oh yeah, teacher stop that screamin
>Teacher don't you see? Don't wanna be no uptown fool
>Maybe I should go to hell but I am doin well
>Teacher needs to see me after school
>I think of all the education that I've missed
>But then my homework was never quite like this
>Ow! Got it bad got it bad got it bad
>I'm hot for teacher
>I've got it bad, so bad
>I'm hot for teacher
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Biological female, you retard
Biological male. Ciel is the biological female.
I mean you can ask Warsie. Atjap is biologically male/assigned male at birth/former mtf/circum trans misogynistic femboy elitist.
“femboy elitist”?? Is that like those Nazi femboys???
Check their Twitter, delusional retard.

They literally say they’re male at birth on their Twitter.
Again just ask Warsie or any of the other folks who know him irl.

All y'all are wrong. I was “assigned male at birth” but have chimerism (a intersex chromosome condition), which means I'm technically, “biologically”, both.

And anyone who dates me is a faggot because I am both.
You losers already have a discord to shitpost in. Why do you all insist on shitting up all these threads with your private drama that no one else cares about?
:AINTNOWAY: Imagine not knowing how wiki pages work and that the creation date, attempted deletion date, edit dates, are all visible and show it is literally only her updating her own article.
No one knows what it means, but it's provocative
No, it's not, it's gross.
Gets the people going

I know who wrote his article. They are an ex of one of his exes.
I'm a dude, bro. And I can't even access Encyclopedia Dramatica I was banned years ago. You can't create new accounts anymore. My number one stalker wrote that shit but they can suck my asshole as can all of you :)
Considering who they're dating, I wouldn't be surprised is he's not one of those as well.
>Josie's on a vacation far away
>Come around and talk it over
>So many things that I wanna say
>You know I like my girls a little bit older
>I just wanna use your love tonight
>And I don't wanna lose your love tonight
Captcha: D0D0S
If you're gonna be using fucking Discord emotes outside of Discord, you might as WELL STAY ON FUCKING DISCORD AND SAY SHIT DIRECTLY YOUPUSSY ASS BITCH. I know who you are.
[This thread has been locked by the moderators of /cgl/]
New comments cannot be posted.
You don't tell me what to do
What discord do we have to shit in and can we get a link here?
>Are you going for the whole weekend?
Friday and Saturday.
>What are you cosplaying?
>Is your cosplay done or are you con crunching?
It's done, not much to it besides the helmet and the shirt. I'm considering getting a prop of Bondrewd's White Whistle at some point this year.
>Are you hosting a panel or working a booth?
No badge this year, just lobby-conning.
>Favorite part of the con?
Making new friends, and introducing existing friends to each other (from outside their circles). Also just finding people to talk about shared interests with, between anime, weeb music, and vidya.
>Any other activities you’re looking forward to?
Hitting up room parties at night, mild alcoholism hopefully ensues.
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>Are you going for the whole weekend?
>What are you cosplaying?
Pic related.
>Is your cosplay done or are you con crunching?
It looks pretty good.
>Are you hosting a panel or working a booth?
>Going to the rave?
>Favorite part of the con?
>Any other activities you’re looking forward to?
The other ones.
I saw a bubbly (and cute) Zhongli crossplayer on Friday. I hope I see her again at ACEN. She was very funny and high-energy.
It's so they can get around the awkward issue of when they try to drag new anons into their discord they can go "Oh nonono, you see the shitty people are in (other discord) we are the actual cool discord". Then proceed to talk shit about everyone and list every weird drama-y thing during their room parties or meetups. I learned the hard way after colossal because they would not shut up for 10 minutes about if (persons) were here.
>I learned the hard way after colossal because they would not shut up for 10 minutes about if (persons) were here.
Last year I made it a point to ignore them. I caught a few of them in passing but didn't engage at all and it was drama-free start to finish. Meanwhile they were throwing hissy fits on here? Coincidence?
Not even slightly. Remember kids, if a strange man invites you to a server called "Midwest Congoers" immediately find an adult & contact the police.
>Fiona and Shrek pushing a baby stroller...full of drinks
>a really great Han and Chewie pair
>a Bo-katan with highly realistic armor and soft goods
>a Joker and Harley couple who clearly practiced their laughs
>two different very tall, very high-quality Deadpools
>a guy carrying a box of AstroTurf who allowed me to touch grass
I mean that strange man already got an unstable young woman sucking up his money I don't think he needs anymore drama in his life
There's more than one.
Literally false.
Go back to your discord server and stay there
>fourth year in a row I couldn't do my panel, this time due to baby
>another child on the way soon so even less likely I can do my panel next year
By the time I can finally do Hentarmageddon X, nobody's going to remember what the fuck Hentarmageddon is ;_;

>Are you going for the whole weekend
I haven't gone all three days since aught-nine
>Is your cosplay done or are you con crunching?
I'mma see what I can dig out of storage at 10AM Friday
>Are you hosting a panel?
See above ;_;
>Going to the rave?
I felt weird doing so fifteen years ago and I'd feel outright creepy doing it now.
>Favorite part of the con?
Used to be hosting my panel, now it's people-watching and chanting along with the crowd at Anime Hell.

Wife's watching the kid all night Friday, so I'mma get high as fuck and giggle through events until 2 AM, then wheel the baby around in the DH in a UA onesie Saturday morning, then skip Sunday because I always skip Sunday.
Ooooh shit, I wasn't gonna show up until later on Friday but an entire panel about dubbed anime openings sounds fun as hell! Whatcha got? Key the Metal Idol? DoCo USA?
Key was THE underrated anime of the 90's.
Damn right, even if it went off course a bit in the second-to-last "episode" (wasn't it 90 minutes of one character explaining the entire plot to another on a bench?). First DVDs I ever bought...and it was at the last ACEN in Arlington Heights, come to think of it. It was such a weird show, you don't see things like it anymore.

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