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Spring edition!
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Go peep the cherry blossoms.
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Now that the evil wolfnug was chased away, Umaru can frolic among the flowers and tall grass blades.
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The evil wolfnug shouldn't be confused with the MONSTAH nug who despite it's ferocious looks is actually kind and cuddly
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Exactly, MONSTAH is a very kind creature.It also enjoys spring-time frolicking.
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Spring Break!
Isn't March too early for pool? What if we get cold?
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That's why you travel somewhere with warmer climes for spring break.
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Does Hyrule have a warm climate?
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I've heard southeast Hyrule has some nice tropical beaches
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For some reason this Umaru likes Sbrite.
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Oh, sounds nice. Will Onii-chan pay for the trip?
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I'd assume so and onii chan could use a vacation himself being a corporate slave and all
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Ah, so instead of corporate slave he can vacate as Umaru slave?
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I'd choose Umaru's slave desu
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I apologize, I wanted to post a pic too with my post, but I slacked off subconsciously
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Oh dear! It would seem that onii-chan fell for one of Umaru's devious April Fools Day pranks!

Be vigilant today! For you could end up being made an "April Fool", as it were. You could get bamboozled, or dare I say...HORNSWAGGLED.
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Well, that's not so bad, maybe onii-chan can
oh, he done. He done.
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What if it's actually aliens that cause the eclipse?
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Federal Agent Uma Johnson clearly denies such claims. And uses MiB technology on those who claim otherwise. After all, there clearly are no aliens. Don't look at this image. What image? No image.
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The truth is out there.
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That is one round nugget.
Roundness enables nuggets to have even more amazing performance at the Umaru_Dive(TM).
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Hallo nugget friends.
We watch an episode of Umaru every Sunday at 16:00 UTC. See picrel.
Apologies if this isn't the right place to post this, if so, please let me know!
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Ah, brave samanug. What news from the wilderness?
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There was obviously some sort of understanding here.
I see this nugget has learned the way of the leek fighting arts.
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I present this new artwork without any context whatsoever.
umaru...... are you a fish, or a nugget? you have to make up your mind...
Silly onii-chan, Umaru does as Umaru pleases.
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not in my house you don't.
no more COMFY, do your HOMEWORK!
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>engage emotional manipulation modo
EP 5 now!
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You can glean context by looking at the picture. The nug is telling Bomba how she was turned into a mermaid by a black magician nug
Guess you never heard of a fish nugget.
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Happy Earth Day!
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Nnrghhhhhhh... fine, you may play 30 minutes of geimu and have half a bag of chippsu...
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>Guess you never heard of a fish nugget.
You got me with that one.
Very well, onii-chan. If you insist.
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Omg new sankakuhead manga!
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tanoshime otome!
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Or maybe...

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