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Welcome to the Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading decentralized P2P privacy cryptocurrency!

Monero is secure, low-fee, and fungible, meaning users can send XMR around the globe despite corrupt governments or broken financial systems. Innovative privacy features such as Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses, and Ring CT ensure that Monero's blockchain is obfuscated -- In other words, the financial history of all Monero users is encrypted from the prying eyes of adversaries on a public blockchain, with transactions being visible only by a user willingly providing a view key.

Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of current popular cryptocurrencies. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of transactions increases. Further, the mining network algorithm RandomX establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier to entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward gradually approached 0.6 XMR in June 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network.

If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly.

XMR Redpill: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=wq6w03E2DS4

XMR Stats: moneroj.net

USE Monero: https://cryptwerk.com/pay-with/xmr/

OFFICIAL WEBSITE - getmonero.org



>Non KYC:
Crypto ATMs
see: kycnot.me



Official Gui/Cli

IOS: Cakewallet
Android: Monerujo
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>I think a (maybe cheaper) Pass paid with Monero over Tor would be the best way to prevent spamshilling in completely anonymous way.
Allowing that doesn't seem to be in their interest. If I understand correctly, you cannot even pay for a pass directly with BTC to a given address, it's all done through (((Coinbase))) integration. Seems like we will all be moving to a different chan soon because of these measures.
Yeah. Last time I tried with Tor Browser, the Cuckbase payment page gave an an error. However, with the Tor private browsing mode of the Brave Browser, it did work and I bought it with Monero converted though FixedFloat or whatever it was.
>different chan
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there's always been spam on this board. seems to be a different reason for the new verification. what would stop a dedicated spammer from opening a hundred email accounts?
teach them how to run an xmr payment gateway
did the monerochan plushie spammer get stopped at the email verification?
It's always special pleading with these troons. The worst abuses on the board from from the ones agitating for more verification.
>from the ones agitating
yes, because i don't think it's about spam, it's about gatekeeping at a minimum, but mot likely it's about tracking
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Could monero get 100 percent crypto dominance? This is only apple marketcap after all.
>btc mining global supply chain disaster
>POS coin foundation SEC global lawsuit arrest chain reaction
>other POW coin collapse
>exchange mass bankruptcy black swan

100k monero would be pretty crazy timeline. Craig wright 100k meme with monero instead btc.
Monero is completely clogged, transactions taking hours to confirm. I thought dynamic block size was enough to deal with these spam attacks.
works fine for me
use a better node
The wallet code is supposed to bid above to allow the miners to make the blocks bigger. Looks like there might need to be more tweaking to be done.
These "spam attacks" are 20% of Bitcoin's tx count. What happens if Monero ever actually gets adopted?
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Hard to say. Official wallets allow for bidding up past the algo, where feather is dependent on the algo. The oldest tx's are 3 hours old, so the algo is "working"?
Are you using the latest version of the GUI wallet? Are you using your own node or someone else's?

The blocks will scale to accommodate. But wallets need to ensure they have an algorithm to increase fees appropriately. Even the main GUI wallet had issues until a month ago, now they fixed it.
Wallet needs to be the latest github version, v0.18.3.3 to automagically increase tx fees. If you installed from a repo, it may not be there yet.
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presented without commentary
Someone has donated $300,000 worth of XMR to the general fund over the past week. The Monero Research Lab is going to be busy.
So LocalMonero has blocked russia as a region to search for. Is there some secret way (maybe some remote region as a placeholder instead) to still use it? In general, what's the best way to turn crypto into russian cash or bank balance? If someone knows in this thread, maybe wrong thread sorry.
Holy shit... I remember those cases of cartels fixing broken roads so that they can smuggle stuff better and I wonder if this is similar.
Cartels are CIA, but the US government likes to arm its enemies.
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Also because they need to keep importing voters via illegal immigration (anchor babies) and distributing drugs to purge less compliant populations or most of the government would get voted out of existence.
>checkout post email verification biz
>realize only the most mind broken deranged shitcoiner cultists have verified
>relatively higher traffic threads include XRP and GME
>realize one of them is XMR
fuck it's over. I can't recover from this self-awareness. goodbye forever.
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Monero the cartel dinero

Just dropping obligatory Shinji pics (still at 20k mcap).

Ceterum censeo Shinji esse emerendam
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let's not fool anyone, you need privacy because you are a criminal. and monero is not even a coin at this point it's a way for criminals to move their money online. eventually all governments in the world will ban it, plus you are a nigger if you hold xmr bags because with it's infinite supply and no way of telling if someone is printing with some exploit you are asking for trouble, no sane whale will buy your bags, it doesn't have a narrative like even vc-scamshits, so in the end you are all holding a coin would definitely put your name in some list in 3-letter agency databases which will never make you rich. you can lie to yourself all you want like hurr durr xmr is resistant to censorship, as soon as it's banned, the price will got to -> $1. do whatever you want with this information.
>it's infinite supply
You suck at math retard.
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>you need privacy because you a criminal
false. Never committed a crime with Monero, I have a right to privacy, you just believe that you should have domination over others and that those others don't have a right to privacy despite wanting privacy yourself (psychological disorder / delusional)
yes you are
>put your name in some list in 3-letter agency databases
baby's first fear tactic, if you aren't already in a database you probably aren't a conscious human being (see:NPC)
I'd be butthurt too if I were you - people are waking up to the fact that they get nothing in return for being raped by using fiat currency and so they seek an alternative that doesn't involve slavery. Cope, seethe, and most importantly, get good.
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Another $110,000 of XMR donated to the general fund within the last 12 hours (and that's at current prices!)

Someone deeply loves Monerochan.
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>you are a criminal
Not yet, but will be magically declared one in the future, it always happens in my country. So I'm preparing because I studied history.
What makes you think you will not be one unless you are so much of a shabbos goy that you serve the system relentlessly? Even then you are not entirely without risk.
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Monero-chan is healing.
Unsung heroes. Where's the anon that made AI songs about Monero? Next one should be about the donors.
/bant/ thread dead?
you glowies are way too scared of xmr sometimes and it really shows
I hope the /bant/ thread stays up to contain the schizo OP and his (you) bots.
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it's over. plebchan is cute though.
MRL meeting AI summary:

> There was possible spam on the Monero network on April 12-13 and a large number of consolidation transactions on April 16-17. The log discusses potential measures to counter a "black marble attack" like this in the future.
> There is discussion of a proposal for implementing Full-Chain Membership Proofs (FCMP) on Ring Confidential Transactions (RCT) before the planned Seraphis transaction protocol. This proposal aims to provide full sender privacy in a shorter timeline than Seraphis.
> There are disagreements expressed about whether to implement both FCMP-RCT and Seraphis, or choose one. Doing both is seen as potentially adding unnecessary complexity, while FCMP-RCT alone could provide the same features as Seraphis.
> Work updates were provided, including analysis of node network latency data and progress on the Seraphis library integration.
> The discussion did not reach a clear consensus and further discussion is needed on the FCMP vs. Seraphis debate.

Why were there consolidation transactions?

> One hypothesis discussed in the log for the large number of consolidation transactions on April 16-17 after the possible spam on April 12-13 was that the spammer had a limited budget and each output from the spam transactions was worth less than the fees required to create a new transaction with only that single output. Therefore, the spammer consolidated the outputs from the spam transactions into fewer outputs to reduce transaction fees.

What countermeasures were proposed?

> Increasing the ring size for transactions and potentially changing transaction fees were mentioned as possible countermeasures that could be considered if Full-Chain Membership Proofs do not reach a deployable state in the expected timeline.

> Introducing Full-Chain Membership Proofs with the planned Seraphis transaction protocol was listed under "omitted measures" since FCMPs are not currently in a deployable state and Seraphis is estimated to be 5+ years away.
>coin that only exists because privacy
>had to use some shitty company email to access here, as there are no privacy options there
Delete this general, there is only sell outs here.
Not everything has to be super duper private and decentralized. No one cares what basket weaving forum you use.
What do you guys think about the ASICs supposed to come out in September? Could it result in a chain split or is it nothing since there are already monero ASICs and they aren't really game changing?
>there are already monero ASICs
There aren't though. The one that's sold as a miner is actually full of RISC-V CPUs, isn't it?

There's this: https://github.com/tevador/RandomX/commits/pr-randomx-v2/

I don't know how good it us at targeting commercial CPUs, but I really hope the devs don't give up on trying to make an algo that is ASIC and even custom CPU resistant.

> the ASICs supposed to come out in September
Link? I bet they are just CPUs.

> Could it result in a chain split
Why would it? Have people refused to move to a newer mining algo in the past?
>email verification, phone number verification, coinbase verification and kyc
Place officially dead…guess I will move to darkenet altchans after all.
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I like it here
It was good while it lasted.
I mine this shit in a pool with my below mid spec gaming PC for fun
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I used to mine on azure free trial servers, I wonder if you can still get away with it. Or maybe with the Oracle always free tier machines.
Just updated my public node to v0.18.3.3, remember to update guys.
There are some XMR groups in SimpleX if anyone wants to join or even make a new one.
>enable email verification to combat spam
>spam remains
>privacy coin general dies
The Monero generals were botted to hell weren't they?
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How's it going guys pretty sure everyone is excited about the halvening
Just as intended
No, what are you talking about? they had some copypastas with info, but where did you see bots? Have you calculated what ratio these copypastas were? There were tons of regular posts.
do I park in moneroo for the 4/20 pump or btc for the halve?
>the 4/20 pump
the what?
That giant W it's been printing for 2 months.
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What are they going to develop with that
ok drug dealer, I will not buy XRM, when there are equally safe alternatives such as SSNC.
Over $200,000 more donated to the general fund over the past two days.
ssnc isn't fungible and provides no anonymity
I have some Monero on Kraken and i´m from EU, what should i do if it´s delisted on my country. Can anyone help me?
maybe withdraw?
I haven't filed a tax return since 2012
I sold a bunch of bitcoin in 2013 before there was any kind of guidance and before strict aml reporting requirements. I never declared it even though it was like 6 figures, I moved it to another bank and closed the original receving bank just lived off that since 2013, being careful not to make large purchases or earn interest off it, i went full schizo; hiding my address and laying low, fortunately I was never audited

In that time I was also trading my crypto, never declaring my trades, always without kyc.
So anyway I have a good amount of crypto that I can't really use outside of covering basic necesseities by selling f2f. I wish I could just pay the tax but I'm terrified Ill get fucked in the ass in prison.

I'm afraid of doing anything that might trigger an audit, they'll see my past 7-10 years of bank transactions and maybe the origin of my money if the old bank didn't delete my records after 7 years.
My plan is to move to thailand and cash out there I guess, fuck my life desu I do wonder if Thailand will share my info with my home country even after I lose tax residency, fuck
Good luck Anon. Taxation is worse than theft. Thieves don't imprison you if you manage to evade them for a while.
you can cover a lot if you use bitrefill. its no-kyc. the only thing you can't pay for is rent basically or taxes. and some places actually do take crypto for rent. Argentina for example with Milei, you can settle contracts there in anything, bitcoin , gold , silver, dollars, euros.
stealths and coincards have 5% fees on prepaid credit cards, at least bitrefill is a bit better but doesn't support Monero. What are the fees like on cakepay?
did the email verification kill the btc cope redditor that's ruined these generals for years now?
probably the most based thing chinkmoot has done so far.
How would you pay with XMR anyway when the payment seems to have to go through Cuckbase or a specific wallet like with the pass?
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Time is a flat circle.
What happened to the massive OP pasta?
The gay get out moonfags spam ruined these threads. Bitcoin is better by the way
>Bitcoin is better by the way
Lol sure. Get out moonboi.
based you mention this thread
soon brothers
working on something
are you NEET? you can cash out via kyc if you declare it as long-term capital gains with no cost basis and keep it close to or below the 0% tax bracket, which I think is around $44,000 for singles, you should be fine. As long as you don't give them a reason to believe they're missing out on money they're *entitled* to, they shouldn't audit you.
i'm no lawyer but i think this is where monero shines - as long as you don't sell more than your initial investment, the IRS wouldn't be able to tell that you swung any profits without seeing a wallet balance increase, for example, that they could if you kept bitcoin or didn't wash it.
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New banger:

> Monerochan - Midnight Garden Blooming
Voice is a lot clearer in this one. Sounds good!
lmao, monero...
I'll stick to Zcash, thank you very much
Good idea if you're a bootlicker.
Monero is helpful, is it not?
just make a board on plebchan
check the readme here: https://github.com/plebbit/plebbit-cli
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Does seem to be the case
Wondering the same. Hard to believe years of XMRG pasta posting could be stopped by an email
Helpful now, but someday indispensable
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Reporting in
IRC - https://pastebin.com/kP1gZ1Hk
Education - https://pastebin.com/V0SFR8qU
Mining - https://pastebin.com/Rd1V8P5L
Nodes - https://pastebin.com/j6Vv2Xn6

ok I caved and verified one of my lesser-used emails.
I can assure you it's exactly why the generals are dead now.

>After this email has been sent, your email address will be purged from our servers. We will not retain long-term records of your email address.

how long after?
>we will not retain long-term records
what *exactly* is long-term?
Does someone else retain long-term records?
COULD someone else capture or recover these records somehow? Are you sure?

Yes I'm being a stinky skeptic and I know things are more complicated than that and that this is all incredibly schizo and hypothetical, but for something like the community around Monero, it makes sense why everybody all up and vanished on the same day you actually needed an email to post on 4chan. We need an alternative place to post these generals.
You're absolutely right to be skeptical.
>can't post from VPN
>can't post from tor
>circumventing either of these bans requires the use of a 4chan pass which can only be paid for through coinbase
>now they require an email every single day
This seems less about spam prevention and more about de-anonymizing users. I don't know what is going on behind the scenes with 4chan communicating with the feds but it's definitely suspect that an ANONYMOUS IMAGEBOARD seems uninterested in providing any way to actually post anonymously.
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so how do we protect monero devs?
We don't. Monero works or they go to asspound prison.
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MRL meeting (24th April) AI summary:

> Researchers discussed KayabaNerve's proposal to implement forward-secret FCMP++ which adds an extra proof of discrete logarithm compared to the non-forward secret version. This was favored over the non-forward secret version.
> Rucknium presented a framework to evaluate tradeoffs between raising the ring size and increasing transaction fees to defend against black marble flooding attacks. Preliminary results found raising the ring size to be more cost effective.
> Tevador is working on a Jamtis version compatible with the FCMP++ key format and incorporating the 4-key variant with flexible view tags. Adapting the existing Seraphis codebase to the new key formats was also discussed.
> Having a unified anonymity set by not invalidating old addresses has benefits but risks technical debt, performance issues, and prohibits goals of the Seraphis upgrade like faster transaction times.
there should be an xmr general on /bant/ along with smg etc, you losers should go there
Why is XMR dumping? Because weed got legalized in Germany?
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Thought I would share my project over the weekend, I have like 10 old laptops sitting around and thought it would be a fun project to setup xmrig on all of them and then setup a central PC to monitor each laptops screen, I currently have 8 of them setup and am working through windows updates on the last two.
Using NoMachine as a the remote desktop viewer. I have no expectations of making any money off this setup, I work in IT and this is more of a hobby project to setup a bunch of remote desktop workstations, but I think it's neat. (I also setup an old wifi router with openwrt and set it up as a bridge so all the laptops are running off wired ethernet through the router, this allows me to rate limit them all through one device so they don't bog down my internet, I will clean up the cabling when I finish the last two laptops)
So I heard some bitcoin devs got arrested recently. Now there's a reddit thread talking about all the ways to hide your transaction. Isn't that literally what Monero is for? kek
This is a bit of a more general question, but I dunno if it's worth making a new thread over.
I'm talking to a JP indie creator about translating his work. He wants to protect our anonymity so that his real name doesn't get out during payment, but finding a payment method has given him a problem with other asian language translators before and caused delays to actual development.
Is there a crypto transfer service that's
a) simple to use and
b) supports Japanese?
The ones I find seem to be one or the other. I did explain that Paypal lets you set a business alias but since he'd have to trust that I'm right on that, I figured I might as well look into other more complete privacy options while I'm at it, and if I'm doing that then it needs to be something he could research on his own without having to trust me as a tour guide.
You pretty much need to have a shell company or a trusted friend who isn't afraid to fence payments. Crypto is either not anonymous or hard to use.
>Isn't that literally what Monero is for?
no monero is a shitcoin that will go to zero and swapping between bitcoin and monero leaks privacy which is moneros fault
monerujo is an android monero wallet that supports japanese.
in terms of difficulty it's just as any other crypto wallet really. no big deal if you have used crypto before.
onramp with trocador or localmonero
(also rip ur friends savings if he doesn't use crypto yet)
Did you actually just unironically link "Bitcoin University"?
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check out this 1 day percentage graph
Next week is probably gonna see some climactic moves.
wait for me to buy back in plox
verified xmr chads unite
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>Next week is probably gonna see some climactic moves
It's just crabs all the way down.
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Monkey logic. As if the amount of monetary units in circulation matters to how useful an infinitely divisible currency is.

So there burning monero reducing the circulating supply effectively increasing the wealth of Monero holders?
Yeah they just spread the value of the burned XMR over all XMR savings.
Based retards.
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who fucking cares that's on them for being stupid. btc users will never fucking learn that bitcoin will be private or anonymous.
No fucking way, they will just sell it and pretend they destroy it
THE MONERO M00N newsletter is back with ISSUE 65!

Check it out to find out everything that's been happening in the world of Monero as it continues to grow and offers unmatched financial privacy.

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BTC and alts are dumping, XMR is gaining sats.
Tell me, what is the real hedge, BTC maxi?
you can't burn monero, you can only send it to a wallet
You can create a wallet with an unknowable spend key, which is essentially a burn address.
lets just not delude ourselves into thinking they will just burn it... they are just gonna pretend they dont have any and then dump it meticulosly when the time comes
I've always said that kikes (western governments) and affiliated organizations need monero more than we do for international blackops funding

the way they did it with that russian theater shooting, supposedly the russians have tracked the crypto they used to pay them back to ukraine

real sloppy work
wait until we get back up to .05 to start casting stones for price action
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Its interesting how XMR has seemingly detached from BTC and is now its seems to be in its own gravitation pull immune from BTC.
Dumping a medium of exchange is no less stupid. You just enrich guys scalping the bounce instead of hodlers.
Can someone explain to me why i got a letter in the mail saying I have 40k worth of monero to my name? I've never touched the stuff
Glad to see someone here actually uses their monero to buy crack.
looking for an alternative to FixedFloat. that shit is barely operational.
I remember landing on a website that aggregates exchanges and gives you the ones with the best exchange rate. looking for this as well.
I believe you're thinking of Trocador
From who? The IRS? Afrikan royalty?

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