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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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You've probably noticed that /biz/ has a problem with spam. We've had to issue roughly 300 bans a week on /biz/ since January just for advertising and begging, and every day there are a dozen new pump & dump shitcoins being shilled. All this spam pushes actual discussion of business and finance off the board, and creates an atmosphere where users suspect each other of inauthentic behavior (i.e., being scammers or bots).

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New intro crypto. Rate my possible portfolio
Strategy is to DCA and hold long term. Thoughts?
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LINK and ICP need to go. I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel for those 2. Get into more AI tokens; since you already have RNDR, diversify into other areas like Data marketplace or launchpads for AI projects
>long term
Cycle top just passed. Wait until $30k bitcoin before accumulating any long term holds.

RNDR and ONDO are good plays this cycle, but make sure to unload them fast. BTC is good long term (obviously). LINK and ICP are scams, do not buy it
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You forgot to ponder on whether or not to buy some $ORBS
>diversify into other areas
Don't just chat shit. Name the goddamn tokens!

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The bull must run
checked. Im holding for a potential exit pump. I was tricked by the "insider" thread.
I could see it going to $1, maybe $2 in 2025.
Give one even remotely plausible reason why.

I'll do you one better and give you six.

>Partnership with Meta, BMW, Amazon and Google
>Multiple backers such as ElectricCapital, a16z and BinanceLabs
>235M ecosystem fund
>Binance accumulating Rose
>The largest university programme in #Web3
>Grayscale has a Privacy ETF and ROSE has been under consideration

Sold all my bags at $71K BTC. Waiting for it to dip to $40K to load up on BTC and altcoins. Be smart, anon.
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Then nuke to 40k
It's over bobo

node rewards to power publishers, more than enough for me
Crazy thing is people keep saying "next bull run" and it never comes
Low fees, fast transaction, benefiting from L1 funds etc
Smart Chad

Not everyone is smart enough to know that. The kinda gains I made from an alt launch about two weeks ago is another reason why I don't think I'll ever give memes more than a 100usd; I'll rather put in thousands into these sort of solid alts
When BTC went from 20k to 70k, what do you think that was?

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lol this is what your money goes to when you buy avax, Avalanche foundation is spending it on cheap thai ladyboys
i'm not holding bros
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Did you participated in the AVAX meme rush?
So far I’ve gotten a free 5 AVAX and at current prices $21 worth of COQ
Pretty comfy
No lies detected. Only smart Chads realise what they have going on here. Even though I own a decent amount of the token(bought at the peak L1 hype), I was still sleeping on the utilities of the ecosystem until one of the AI projects I'm really bullish for launched a beta version of their product on it.
What Avax meme rush?

>be me
>make fake hot girl account
>start mp'ing Sergey to fuck with him on linkedin
>ask him for a job
>start telling him how hot he is etc.
>he starts flirting back
>starts simping hard
>sends me a picture of the smallest penis I've ever seen on fucking linkedin
>his underwear is also blue with blue squares
>week old ketchup still stuck in his pubic hair
>keeps offering me a 300k a year job as an talent acquisition specialist at chainlink labs
>says job duty is mostly taking care of his genitals
I'd post the conversations but I don't want my linkies to dump, I'm just disgusted at him now, he's married and yet simping for roasties.
and he's fat!!!!
dick pics or it didn't happen.
warning: This next post may shock you
>>sends me a picture of the smallest penis I've ever seen on fucking linkedin
how many penises have you seen on linkedin you fag
guys I think this is a troll....

Are you boycotting Loblaws /biz/?
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I thought boycotting was something people do because they didn't agree with business decisions not because the price is too high
The prices are too high because of business decisions.
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No, I'm not an assmad poorfag.
Not a leaf but that was well put. Don’t think I ever realized that about Canada but that explains why phone service was so shitty when I was there.
Everything is terrible in Canada now. India is becoming a stronger nation by exporting all of their retards to Toronto and Vancouver so Justin Trudeau can go hug and kiss them.

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Institutions and boomers are buying in thanks to ETFs. The strongest narrative should be legitimate crypto adoption and projects that enable it. So why did influencers and VCs decide to pump memes instead of utility coins? It made sense last cycle because of retail stimulus checks, but memes pumping the most this bullrun is just retarded and shortsighted.
btc isn't crypto, this is legitimizing btc

all other crypto is bullshit and that is going to become more and more obvious throughout this cycle.
>"legitimizing" cycle
NOBODY gives a fuck about what the bureaucrats and lawmakers think
Fink had to strongarm the SEC to get his shit legalized, devs are still on thin ice, specially privacy related projects
crypto does not bend over at all
if anything, we are seeing signs of people changing sides, as you're seeing with blackrock
not even that they give a single shit about what we're doing, but they don't want to be left holding the fiat bag of toxic waste

also, VCs are not really pumping anything right now
this year is mostly about celestia, monad, layer0, eigenlayer and some other "eth alignment meme shit"
when VC money actually pours in, these projects will be at the top10
It’s just a capital rotation game. Pump meme coins, wait until utility is relevant, then dump meme coins and buy whatever is real and looks good. People are desperate for money and the more desperate they are the less they care about utility. If they’re gonna buy anything it needs to go up NOW. Meme coins are the only product that can offer this.

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The future of finance
mom has a solid rack still

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I wish the LINK never came to me

I lost 7 fucking YEARS of my life. I got into LINK when I was 25, I am now 32 with almost nothing to show for it compared to other crypto
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What was the adoption of the internet like before Broadband?

Blockchain tech is going to accelerate considerably faster than the adoption of the internet but I bring this up to give some perspective.
Post the tweet so I can laugh at him.
dude why would u quit your job unless you had like 5MM+ wtf.
You still have the chance to buy FTM and AAST. Stop wanking around.
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Dude just divert half into NEW, can't miss coins like AERO and ONDO.

Key word is NEW.
1) Stop being an ideologue
2) Stop ego investment via LINK community (XRP too)
3) Stop living the past, and
4) get paid.

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Linkpool published that whole cope thread but 2 days into May we are trending towards about 90k total tx (vs.134k last month) and $60k-70 revenue (vs. $133k last month which was already 50% down from the previous month).

I look at the explorer every day and easily 70% of main net tx are Xswap points farming and since they're about to do their airdrop you can imagine that shit is going to fall off a cliff. The other 30% is some other wallet idk what it is. But I've only ever seen 2 wallets on main net basically 2 dapps using CCIP.

AAVE said they're not launching their CCIP thing for at least 2-3 years from now.

What the fuck.
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CCIP integration isn't a one and done type of thing my dude.
isn't it though? :}
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am I reading this right bros? did chainlink price feeds on optimism go from basically nothing to 400 million dollars in revenue in march and 100 million last month? that seems kind of insane. is this supposed to be FUD? lol
you dumped 300 million, stinkie
I think you are confused. this is monthly revenue, not a price chart

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Insider thread. Anyone remember this?


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the timing is interesting, like its crazy he basically shilled AVAX, LINK and ROSE close to the bottom from what I remember and if you had listened and DCA'd you would still be up by like 300% on that shit.
not the 100MM gains he promised tho but he also talked about a longer timeframe up to the 2040s so who knows maybe the big pumps are really still ahead of us? (hopefully)

also wasnt this the same guy who said that Ethereum is a trap and will be imploded to make people invested in it poor?
how come this didnt happen yet?
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I spend a lot of time working on my indoor gardening skills. No matter what happens on the surface, it's going to fuck up our ability to open the hatch. Maybe the environment will be fucked in some way - too hot for a while, too irradiated, too full of aayys... Perhaps a physical barrier will be formed, like a tsunami season washing sand over the door. Point being, MOST bunkers will fail to address the critical aspect of sustaining long-term high tempo work. MOST bunkers will be stocked with enough food and water to last some period of time, assuming everyone sits back and enjoys hobby-time. VERY few are being set up with the idea that everyone will be working their asses off as soon as possible to dig their way out of the grave.
Buy the tokens that will be actively used by the people emerging on the surface in that scenario. That's the investment advice given by *every* insider. For a reason.
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Basically Saturn was the solar systems original sun. At a point of time a long time again the Sun, Mars and earth were in perfect polar alignment. Earth was literally inside the 'suns' (saturns) magnetic field and was evenly warmed despite the sun only being aligned directly above the northern pole of the earth. Coincidently this is where the fabled 'hyperboreans' lived Right underneath the sun (saturn) The eye of saturn is a remnant of this bygone era.

During the era of the proto-saturn sun there was no day nor light, only a eternal twilight bathed in a gentle purple glow. This caused massive 'greening' of the earth as with constant energy being bathed on the earth this allowed constant growth and the prehistoric mega fauna.
wawawaowzers!!! I gotta hide this post... there's ummm... anime in it!!!!

Retard edition
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waiting for a dip. Yes I missed the powell dip with the FOMC meeting.

I'm currently eyeing ETH, SOL, FTM, and ARB in that order. I will go all in on one of them
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this is the kamikaze folio, i have been diamond handing it for months and i want to see what happens if it becomes years
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You can't retire with 170k, dumbass

I'm also balls deep in FTM (both in crypto and IRL), what's your sell target ? How high do you think the tranny coins will go ?

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Alright boys, no memes, serious replies only.

Do we expect $12 $13 to be the new accumulation support line or do we expect another run down?

I am tempted to place a major buy order or dca the way down.

Fundamentals, technicals, and Sergey looking wellfed and strong.

Remember, this coins value is tied to its value generation not it's hype. The singularity is approaching. With each new product release, we are going to see the god candle soon. Link is capturing more and more biz. The pop won't be expected. But I just wanna be as deep into link as possible before it.

At the end of the day buying link at $5 or $13 is irrelevant when it hits $81k.

Please share serious thoughts
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Yeh baby and Chainlink built them all and the pool is closed
PoOl iS cLoSeD
Watch it with the anti-swimatism, buddy
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>no no, link won’t pump because it won’t pump, but because it won’t pump
this but unironically

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the venn diagram of "people i hate" and "chainlink holders" is a circle
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Pools closed faggot
chainlink fudders are all miserable losers or mentally ill addicts of different varieties
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I told all of you niggers to get BIAO at presale and none of you bought, now I have a 5x on my wallet and you not
bump for endless linkie hate :}

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is he sad that meme coins stole the limelight away from the VC coins? and VCs didn't make any money this cycle?
When did the man with the largest penis in the world meet Jonah Falcon?

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im currently #1 holder with 5% of supply on a 20m mcap coin. all done legitly, never scammed anyone. no cabal connection

been grinding for 7 years for this moment

pic related is proof
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Macrotrends shows that the American GDP last outgrew the Eurozone during the Trump administration.
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have you seen the jobs reports? I can't find the articles but basically they keep reporting good numbers and then revising the numbers up or down... also, some fag realized 3 consecutive reports had the same fucking number. how believable can that be? I'm not even american but seems obvious that it's all fucking bullshit
also check this: https://schiffgold.com/peters-podcast/peter-schiff-another-bs-jobs-report/
just found one of the articles I was talking about:

Stock market fare edition - have you learnt the moves?:


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

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I don't think anybody knows whats going to happen this election, I say both administrations have their own strategy to develop our economy and they both work in their own ways. There will be winners and losers on both sides, and ultimately it's a collective personal decision.
Butttt.... I will support wholeheartedly whoever is elected as the president of the united states, and I think we've lost respect for the office as a nation. Once the election is over, that's our leader, and we need to work as best as we can within the law to support our nation together. As team USA, not team Dem or Repub. We've been a divided nation for too long. We ask our leaders to put aside their differences but when we meet someone who didn't vote for our current leader we hurl insults. I have no clue how we got here but it's dysfunctional. For optimal gains we have to be all in on whoever is elected, and pass effective legislation as a nation. Work out our problems locally. And love our neighbors.
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you gonna have to stop being so passive and understand that consequences of actions are irreversible and we are in bad times because
>ultimately it is a collective personal decision
oxymoron. you cannot have a collective decision made by a person. that isn't compromise; it is fascism.
This is definitely a political discussion. I don't intend on getting banned.
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that is quite a pussy answer, you should invest in LFAP

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