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Improvisation Edition

More Communism: https://pastebin.com/VUcQpTZG

Character AIs: https://pastebin.com/LqbcMGgB

Previous Thread: >>8122496
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This one too, and it’s a funny coincidence a lot of these are Freidesuu art but I keep finding art from multiple artists deleted from the site so make sure to look out for them anons
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Stop dying
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It's wild, the thread reliably dies in just a few hours almost every Saturday morning
Maybe that's the time with the highest concentration of coomers and if this thread is not prepared it will get kicked off the board
the reason was because some idiot killed off at least 2 dozen threads by posting image replies as OPs yesterday.
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it should be thread #177.8 at least
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The guy has been doing wedgies for 10 years. He deserves a rest
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found this in the /ssg
the way the shorts are tearing just had me
it won’t be easy if at all possible, but maybe an edit can come of this? could be a fun little project if nothing else
the circle of life
The AI's paserbin is dead too, js
what happened to it? it was working just fine the last time that I checked it
the retarded catalog spammer is back
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Anyone got the Rwby piece done by TSO33? Can't seem to find it anywhere! ;-; Had rubes being wedgied by a drone I believe?
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Hey /wedg/ it’s my birthday. Show me your favorite wedgie pic!
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Happy birthday
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the previous thread came back to life, I have never seen that happen after a decade+ of 4chan, very strange.
happy birthday anon
Jannies must've done something because of the catalog spammer
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happy birthday!
post a picture of you getting a wedgie
Never ask me for anything ever again.
Don’t die!
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Guys... hear me out...
eeeehhhhhh, okay, I'll hear you out.
Someone pls make fetish art and tag stonetoss
This fetish getting too popular/recognized would only be a bad thing
I don’t want to
What's the origin on this one? It's always been one of my favorite IRL images.
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Kemono party's working again. Someone update the good ones like oddlysmutty.
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I always confuse them with that other artist that retired. I forgot their name!
Anyways, I think people should share a drive link with those new Senpai Wedgie videos!
So... are the mods simply not caring enough to link the next thread on the previous one anymore?
You have a misunderstanding as to how 4chan works
Yeah, sorry I dont dedicate a big enough portion of my existance to understand a cancerous website where people are the worst version of themselves
Lately the threads have been getting archived before the new one gets put up since. Since Conductor quit there's nobody to reliably make the new threads anymore, so they often don't get made in time.
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Arent you doing the same thing?
no I'm not bothered by your silliness
We're not on twitter though
Yes, he's coping.
We're here to coom people... get over yourselves
Actually I've always wondered, is there not a thread for irl wedgies anywhere on this site?
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>tries to criticize other anons for being whiny
>whines about a conversation that ended 20 hours ago
Does anyone know of any good recent wedgie stories?
Seems that we're in a dip as far as stories go right now. Vast majority are crappy fanfics with the characters way out of character. Written by people who slept through English class. And sure that's always been the case, but it feels more so recently. Haven't seen anything I'd rank among the top ones in a while.
So what's the best you've read recently?
The fact that you're replying says neither of you two are over it. So get over it
Secret :3
Just found out aisekai shut down and character ai seems to have recently updated its (((content filters))). Any alternatives?
anyone got that loli wedgie folder from a couple threads back?
pretty please with a cherry on top
Is it your art? It's pretty good
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Posted from Chana (only on Play Store)
Its up
not mine, they're comms I got. I'm planning on getting another soon and I'll ask if they're alright with me sharing
prices are stupidly cheap though panty physics need some work, still great overall
I really like this, would probably comm the artist if I knew their info
These are super cute!
They really do look good. Who's the artist?
still waiting on a reply

I'd win
thought it was live twin sunny for a sec
Yeah, you won by default, jannies deleted my post lol
I liked this guy's blue archive stories.
Mostly because its female sensei bullying

I get what you mean. Quality writers I follow almost stopped posting as frequently. And even when they do, I can't manage to get invested. Mostly the reason why I tried writing myself
no! I wasn't supposed to win, you were supposed to send more!
Fuck jannies
Okay, who updated *only* Yummynumber's kemono party and literally nothing else? Which one of you fuckers went "Yes, this is the quality content I'm going to pay for so I can share it with others!"
It's worse than Wazacaka's shit and the dialogue is literally just:
"F*CK!" "OMG!" "HAHAHA! I LOVE THIS!" every fucking time.
Lmao that's the most you deserve for using kemono.
I got the ok, they're Delpha Crisis on pixiv
Commissions only tend to cost $10 even with some complexity, though I'd recommend a tip
btw this one wasn't $10, but it still wasn't bad
Don't act like you *don't* like getting paid content for free you hypocrite.
I'll buy a subscription of your choice and upload the artist content. Only if you give your mom a wedgie.
What's with you and wanting mom's to get wedgies.
the offer still stands.
perpetual suffering
Sweet home Alabama
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Oh no! Oh no this literally who gets mad for my actions, definitely I’m not gonna do the total opposite you want anon. Nah definitely not
Get a room
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Does Coxxy have people that draw for them? I swear their art has gotten so much worse with time
Got on the gender bender and had the style devolve. Many such cases.
Anyone got the AI pastebin? One at the top leads to a 404
Stop being gay or I’ll kiss you okay?
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Crab wedgie
Bro can I get a pic of your mom at least.
I need you to kill yourself at the earliest opportunity
Fucker doesnt like moms lol
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>another thread gets polluted by a retarded spammer

Not until I get mom pics
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AI right? not bad for it
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prompting it for frontals tends to give better results
This is sweet. Using any LORAs for this?
I really like how firm yet bouncy her ass looks <3
What underwear would be the most durable and resistant so I could exert the most force on my wedgie without tearing?
And what underwear would be the most capable of stretching over my head for an atomic? (ideally over my chin)
If I can find the right gear, I'd be up for being the thread's wedgie bitch. I can set up a Chaster lock (with vote times of minutes, not days lol) and everyone could vote on it to decide how long I have to sit there in my wedgie. I could also add in bonus tasks to make it less monotonous for me.
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a quick edit I made because I like bigger panties on Zelda
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From what i heard Rhonda Shear womens seamless lightweight briefs 3X size are stretchy enough for atomics. They're also very cheap.
How the fuck do you just “hear” about something so specific
Thanks anon. Not sure what character to go with yet but I'll hit them up.
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Shot in the dark: anyone ever see and download something on pixiv that had a title like "loli cop"? can't find it anymore, but there were wedgies in it
forgot to mention it was a comic
Ok. I looked it up.
Yea, but when stretched, how much resistance do they offer? Getting an atomic just because the underwear easily stretches with no tension feels like cheating. I want it to be a painful experience for me (masochist), like if you had the resistance of regular underwear grinding into the crack and genitals. But of course, regular underwear tears under those kinds of forces.
The ideal wedgie material is as stretchy as nylon, and tough as cotton.
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Wear the stretchy pair over top of a regular pair. The atomic will jam the regular pair in. Also you can pull those up manually while the stretchy pair is over your head.
Now that sounds like a good plan.
Alternatively, would it be possible to just use several pairs of stretchy ones and give myself multiple atomics? If one stretchy atomic exerts x amount of force against my body, then having 10 pairs all in atomics should exert 10x the force, and hopefully yield a proportional increase in pain.
No, because of "overcrowding". If you're wearing too many pairs of underwear at once they'll get in the way of each other and have difficulty entering your crack.
Good point, thank you for catching me on that. What would you say is roughly the maximum reasonable number of pairs to wear before the diminishing returns makes it not worth it?

Also I have some other questions:

1. What is the best way to grip my underwear to ensure the "proper" distribution of pull force and prevent damage to the underwear?
Judging by my experience with my normal underwear, if I grip one exact spot, it's likely to snap there. If I try for an even distributed grip using both hands, it holds up better, but I don't get as much strength because I'm literally trying to 2 hand lift an object straight up my back.
Gripping the leg holes allows for a bit more force, but they have almost no elasticity and will begin tearing almost immediately.
These panties the thread has recommended may behave differently.

Maybe an in-between "underhand" grip would allow for more force but also more distributed pulling. >>8195827 is a (poor) example of an underhand grip, where the fabric comes over the back of the hand for more contact.

2. When I pull with regular underwear, only a little bit of it enters my crack, feeling rather lame. I often resort to bunching up the fabric into the crack in preparation, making it a "thong" of sorts, then pulling. Is this the right way to do it? Should I just try pulling harder/longer/at different parts of the waistband for it to hike up there naturally? And will these stretchy panties help in entering my crack automatically?
Also, what other bonus tasks do you think I should put on the table for anons to torment me more with? Part of the fun with wedgies is the bullying, after all.
write words on yourself. i personally enjoy seeing art where there are degrading phrasws written on the victim like slut and slave, so having us vote on what to write would be hot
Never tried that before, but sounds cool as long as I can find something that cleans off easily.
I was also thinking about chemical play, wherein hot sauce or icyhot could be rubbed underneath the underwear to make it burn.
It’s getting gay in here again
It’s okay to be gay. It’s okay to be bi and it’s okay to be a white straight man
Don't make me come over there and kiss you
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It’s also ok for you to kill yourself desu desu
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I'd also love to experience a hanging too. What kind of materials would I need to suspend myself, have it carry my weight, and not have the underwear snap?
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With the Visa/Mastercard block do I have to use a VPN?
I just pay through paypal
Some rope, preferably tied in a loop that automatically tightens when weight is put in it?
No clue, only ever did 1 stretchy and 1 normal. Worked out fine, but they also weren't self wedgies, so I can't really give any tips about grip or stuff. I will say the stretchy pair was *very* forgiving compared to normal undies, so accidentally ripping those shouldn't be a problem.

I do that makeshift "thong" thing that you mentioned too with my tighty-whities some times. It feels good, no idea if it's optimal or if it works with multiple pairs at once.
I thought the artist wanted to be messaged through Pixiv's messaging service
ok, I never understood this when its mentioned. Where do you tie the rope to the underwear? Do I need to cut a hole under the waistband? Do I thread it through the legholes?
Let me guess, I'm supposed to tie the rope around my neck?
true fans remember this OC
Hot take, GoopySoupy is the worst 3d artist in the community. He constantly acts like hot shit and then he posts this kind of thing. Bro can't even draw panties right, but wants to act like he's king shit on turd mountain.
Bro if I made that, I would pay someone else to post that shit just so that it doesn't end up with my name on it lmao. Dude's never beating the dogshit allegations
>hot take
Lukewarm at best
He used to be pretty obnoxious in these threads too. Though those voice acted pokegirl things he made a long while back were great, and I think nobody has the videos anymore.
when did valve update the tf2 playermodels?
>wedgie lost media is a thing
Remeber to save everything you like
Idk where you got this villain ass depiction of me lol, genuinely don't think highly of myself or my art (i make it for fun lol) and i know my arts bad BUT if you are who i think you are, I'm glad you're still thinking of me after that conversation on discord <3
Yeah shit sucks, that was a big project but if anyone has that saved, pretty please send it to me so i can share it again. pretty please <3
Glad you liked my Maka comm <3
Brother you have GOT to kill yourself, it’s not even funny anymore
Even at my lowest, i can smile knowing you still genuinely think of me <3
What did you do to this man???? Sounds like you fucked his wife and took his lunch money
If it is who i think it is, i called Radicool a doorknob on discord and he got massively butthurt over it, but if it isn't them, i literally don't know, i haven't used 4chan in years.
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Lmao, nice attempt at coping. You'll always be a worthless retard. You have to pretend like you get some value out of somebody thinking about you because you know you suck too badly to be able to hope for any better.

Anon just validly hates him for being an arrogant, dogshit creator. Nothing special about it.
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Lol not really, it's less I pretend and more I'm just calling it like I see it, I wouldn't have shown up if my man didn't sperg out suddenly
Also selling a unusual on TF2 for about 10 keys, if anyone's interested, hit me up
>Used to be
seems to still be attention whorish if their posts in this thread and oh so conveniently on DA.
Me seeking out a post made to shit on me on a thread I haven't touched in years so it caught me by surprise is attention whorish?
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>"calling it like I see it"
>is actually just lying through his teeth because he's salty at getting called out
L loser

Lmao, look at how hard he's coping. Bro really though coming here to cry because people were criticizing him really was the way.
Idk how I'm lying when I'm literally just pointing out what happened, someone made a post unprompted, someone on discord told me and I showed up cause I was genuinely surprised, just a though, then again being on 4chan already means you probably lack sufficient IQ to think rationally
Does anyone know what's the most popular wedgie pic on devianart?, the closet I could find is this comic with 1,595 reactions
Just browsing through the people I watch and found this one at 1.7k favs. Don't know how to see exact numbers on mobile


You reminded me of the huge pet peeve I have with the site. Fuck man why did they remove sorting by# of favs/popular, I used to do that all the time.
You were so insecure that you rushed to defend your dogshit Gmod "art" when somebody pointed out your behavior. Your ego is more fragile than wet toilet paper. You should have stayed gone the first time you got banned.
radicool and goopy bitching at each other? holy shit retard battle
I'm not Radicool, I guess I have the same gripes about this loser as he does. Goopy loves to talk so much shit in a server and then calls in his little friends to ban people when they actually call out his shitstain behavior.
Remember a lot of content was deleted
Wedgie workout that BTC animation made by DigitalWedgieArt was 2200 favs
I’m radicool and I don’t give a shit. I’m just here for the art when anyone bothers posting any
It's common knowledge that wedg has to have a spergout over some dumb shit, or else wedgies stop existing altogether
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Looking at the bright side it’s not your usual Semi or BTC or Jessie or Danger or Bag or Waza or Discord shit. That’s improvement
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Virgin goopy vs CHADicool
Nice art
Lol lmao even
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reminder to imagine the two anons arguing as dorky girls giving eachother wedgies when reading their replies, so that the thread becomes bearable
This reads like somebody who is trying to smile through the tears
Ai pastebin is dead, anyone got it?
>truly legendary cope

Top fucking kek

Wallahi he's finished
I just miss the good old days of Happily, Yuff and Zen
In the future someone will be saying the same thing about radicool and ben.
Probably not
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>be happily
>watch anons talk shit of my partner every thread
It’s understandable why he’s not active anymore
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Skill issue
I think your mom will look really hot with her underwear pulled over her face. :3
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I'm imagining them as the dorky guys that they are
Idk how to break this to you but you’re gay
I want more stuff like this but I can't think of good character pairings
Wow, this is shocking news to me. I'm going to have to imagine you telling me this with with an atomic in order to cope.
>posts sexy woman
Pick a side
Don't wanna.
Yum I LOOOOVE crust!
I also love to harass women on the streets with wedgies!
Prove it, show me the police report. Or did you get away with it?
Sorry friend, despite how good it is that image has always just been like that. Enjoy your harassment campaign, I guess.
What's going on here? Why does she only have one stocking? What a silly design choice
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Idk, you better ask your mom! Awooga!
anyone here ever comm picknpull? I have one that I got a sketch for over a month ago and she hasn't responded at all
Flakiest artist in history, do NOT commission from him.
Yeah, that seems to be par the course for her. Rip
i don’t suspend myself anymore cuz I have insecurities with my body weight, plus my spine might be eff’d up forever from hanging constantly when I was younger, but it’s rare for a pair to last if it is hooked traditionally around the waistband in the back. for a long duration, I’d have to loop a belt or something through the leg holes, that’s the only time I’ve been held up long enough without significant tears through the underwear before the structure is compromised and then you drop to your knees suddenly if it’s a common pair like by Hanes or fruit of the loom. I know there’s underwear made with bamboo fibers which are supposed to be elastic and durable but I’ve never tried them so can’t speak on that front.
probably just adhd
Ok I’ll commission her
I've been waiting for her to get back to me on a commission since October 2022, I hadn't paid yet so I can't complain too much, but radio silence for over a year and a half is pretty frustrating
>plus my spine might be eff’d up forever from hanging constantly when I was younger
Wow... that's insane, and I wonder if you'd be the only person to have ever selfharmed themselves in such a way.
Tbh you should have said something at some point but you probably did.
Well, they just disappeared for all of 2023, I thought they might not even be coming back and I didn't even realize they did come back until just now because I stopped bothering to check a long time ago. But yeah, I've been trying to get back in touch for a while.
Artist secret anon. Don’t expect nothing if you haven’t paid yet, unless is your latin slave worker that’s happy with 5$ and is desperate for commissions, artists just forget it and keep going
Retarded artists, maybe. Some people actually take their job seriously. It sounds like she hadn't asked anon for payment yet, rather than he just chose to never pay her, so your condescending bullshit is out of line.
Yeah mostly artists are retarded. Did you think a normal person would draw anime girls getting wedgies?
Yes. The only retard here is you for trying to be funny and failing.
anyone got a bunch of blacklust onlyfans/clips4sale stuff?
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Don't listen to this guy, I need the Senpai milf wedgies
please listen to this guy >>8223903 he has a good question
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Guys…hear me out
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I hate his original character designs. They all suck and are all fugly
Anyone have that atomic wedgie pic of juvia sassionstrife did?
I don't hate them but I hate they're almost all he does now
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What do you guy think of this new artist "Fuckxy0"? I think they have potential in the future
Damn thats so hot.. like get wedgied with your huge undies fat fuck
Fuck, this is great. If only their names were on those tags.
What's the best way to share videos with other people? I use to use 4shared but can't do that anymore
Personally I just use 4shared.
Hot, can’t wait for it to be taken down
Wedgie fetishist One Piece https://www.deviantart.com/yummy12341/art/Page-684-1052967151
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I always just zoom in and jack off to Claire's wedgie
Fair honestly, I always just zoomed in on Faith Connors in this pic which is ironic considering her and Claire have the same panties
Anybody got that video of power wedging kobeni the one that starts with her getting spooked by a cat
I swear there's a Gold Digger page everyone is missing, it was black and white like the Lara Croft page and had both Gina and Penny in it. Gina is telling Penny that she's won some sort of bet and can do whatever she pleases, followed by a zoom in on Penny's smug face. Next panel Gina is addressing a room full of students from a pedestal and apologizing, the final panel shows that Penny's rigged her up to some magnet or forcefield that's constantly forcing Gina's panties upwards throughout the lecture.
I know I saw this comic, if it was fanart or an edit then it was scarily accurate to Fred Perry's style.
Yes, it’s real, and it’s pretty ubiquitous. I don’t have it on hand but everyone knows it exists.
I'm an idiot who only relied on deviantart archives and never bothered just looking it up on google. It is strange how no one on DA wants to post this one but whatever. Issue resolved.
>everyone knows it exists.
love how well-researched this community is
I naively assumed the Jaysherman888 collection was complete and that any google search would give me results from that collection. As much as I'd like to blame my lack of faith in modern search engines it really was my fault, my bad.
It used to have alot of content but it got deleted

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