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Just completed this gem and thoroughly enjoyed it. Unfortunately I can't see much replay value in it though beyond what restrictions I self-impose. I like the fact that unlocks are random and the game scales with your progress which makes playing at high and low levels feel noticeably different. I'll definitely give Ironman + Uber Damage a try if I get around to a replay.

Infiltrator with maxed stealth, Mk2 S.Gen, Mk2.E.Gen and a double battery feels abusive as hell until something goes wrong.

Definitely recommend it if you haven't already. RTWP feels like it would cheapen the game, I never tried it, never enabled it and never unlocked the slowdown skill but if you need easy mode this will be your go to.
i didnt even like the original syndicate
I really hated this game.
With a game like this you really want variety, progression and a sense that your guys are always on the backfoot.
The first was shot to shit the second every sector had the same selection of banks and very similar looking bases that you could raid over and over again with almost zero consequence.
The second no longer existed the second you upgraded weapons once or twice, and got the cyber enhancements that let everyone access vents, valves, immune to gas and high jumps.
The third never really existed and it goes even more downhill the second you get to posses more powerful enemies(which is a method for clearing out enemies faster rather than you really needing them)
Had one of the sickest combat tracks though.
It looks like I got this in a humble bundle or something. I might give it a try on my steam deck, although protondb and google suggests that may be a bad choice.
So it is RTWP or it's not designed that way but is optional?
It's rtwp
Never played this but syndicate wars was fun as hell back in the day. A lot better than the original syndicate.
>So it is RTWP or it's not designed that way but is optional?
>it's not designed that way but it is optional
By Default:
One of the agents abilities slows down the game so you can can assess and issue orders faster. Higher levels of the skill slow the game down more and for longer, practically to a pause. It has restrictions so you can't constantly spam it constantly.

There's a difficulty option that enables RTWP. This wasn't planned in the original release but was requested so they added it as a starting option. It's basically a reskin of the agents skill but with no restrictions.

And there's a secret Big-Head mode if you like the land of the bobble-heads.
Cyber Knights: Flashpoint and Invisible Inc. are somewhat similar.
It is one of my favorite games of all time. I've heard people have had performance issues but I've never had this problem.
I'm excited for the companies new game Cozy Caravan as well even though it is a completely different game. It would be cool if it got popular enough for them to make a Satellite Reign 2.

My only complaint was the ending was fucking garbage but I wasn't playing it for the story anyway.
Agreed on the lack of replayability, but thems the breaks. I found the game far more fun to just go loud everytime, splitting the party for stealth was always a bad idea.
>I found the game far more fun to just go loud everytime
Personally I liked hacking enemy mechs and turrets and turning them on their own men.

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