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Has anyone else heard of these guys?

The same media company that makes The Toys That Made Us for Netflix has bought up a bunch of obscure toylines from the 80's and is trying to pass them off as a new interconnected universe for future comics/shows/movies. They're using shitty forgotten franchises like Biker Mice from Mars or Robo-Force and have also been producing new figures for them. It all seems like a giant scheme to get in on an already dead trend but I kinda like the absurdity of it.
Here's some promotional material they made. Not sure why the one woman from Sectaurs is in a business suit and not fantasy armor.
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ah shit, forgot image
>Has anyone else heard of these guys?
Yes, what about it?
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Has anyone ever heard of the Great Garloo? Seems like a weird property to toss in the mix especially considering he's the central character of the comic book they made tying the universe together. It's just a 60's robot toy.
Are you excited for what they're doing? Got any thoughts on them and their plans?
Yeah, i have. Saw some robo force proto types. Idk if this is gonna work for them but im curious.
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The robo force stuff seems like the only thing that has the potential to be any good. I like the art direction they've taken them and I think if they're gonna reboot something it makes sense to pick something as generic as robo force where you can easily update it with comic artists redesigning giant robots with a little 80's aesthetic to them. Not too crazy about the toys though, a bit too junky for my taste. I think that's the only book I'll pick up once this line actually starts
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The company also has the rights to Madballs and have been doing these really sick full body figures of them. But strangely that's not apart of the Nacelleverse. Not sure if it's a rights thing or they just don't want something as goofy as Madballs in their interconnected universe plans, but hey so long as they keep making new sculpts I'm ok with it.
>Are you excited for what they're doing? Got any thoughts on them and their plans?
Ya, they have some properties I'm quite excited about, specifically Sectaurs and Power Lords. Their Power Lords concepts were for modern figures, and while I'm not a huge fan of all the design changes from the originals from Barlowe (I thought it would have been nice if they brought him on as a kind of 'executive producer') but I'm glad to see the characters get another shot.

For Sectaurs they released retro inspired ones, but I'd like to hope we see some modern renditions as well.
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And on the flipside, here's the online store equivalent to shelfwarmers! The figure itself looks well made but that design is really off putting and way too niche for most toy collectors.
Yeah! Those seem really cool. I wonder why they chose to update some of the designs for stuff like Power Lords but keep others like Sectaurs or Biker Mice the same.
If they're doing niche IPs I hope they grab the Stone Protectors and make MOTU Origins style figures of them.
Premium DNA are the ones doing Madballs. Nacelle is just a distributor.
The toys feel brittle in-hand
That has to be the most uncarred about multiverse ever.
I saw a review for them where standing/posing was also an issue.
Nacelle should focus on making good toys first. A lot of their figures are total garbage. Those comedian figures? Woof. Re-imagined Robo Force? Who the hell wanted that? Thankfully they changed the Biker Mice figures and gave them bicep swivels, but it literally wasn't until people commented that they wouldn't be able to hold the handle bars on the eventual bikes if they didn't have bicep swivels that they added them. Fucking joke.

The guy who started the company is super rich from something, and this is just fun money to him, but money and being rich clearly doesn't mean you also have a good business or design sense
Wasn't Sectaurs that line with the mounts for the action figures that were hand puppets?
Yep. Nacelle has said they're working on mounts too.
I have the BMFM Modo figure. Good toy aside from his painted wrist joint on the robot arm that immediately scratched off, leaving the ball a color that doesn't match any of the rest of the cybernetic part.
Christ, I thought there couldn't be anything more pathetic than the Hasbro interconnected universe.
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Reminds me of Unit E. Except Nacelle made anything.
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I wish someone would do something with the Inhumanoids IP. I had Metlar, Tendril, and D'Compose, along with some of the smaller figures as a kid. I loved the cartoon too.
seems like a shitshow but I really can't complain about new IP getting getting a chance with how baren it's outside of wrastling, tmnt, marvel, dc, starwars.
Doesn't Hasbro still own the series?
>Biker Mice from Mars was a Ninja Turtles rip-off
>Bikers are known for riding motorcycles
>COW Boys of Moo Mesa was a Ninja Turtles rip-off (Kinda)
>Cowboys are known for riding horses
>This show was *kinda* a Ninja Turtles rip-off what with the animal team
>Space crews fly around on ships
They probably do, but as far as I know nothing has been done in terms of toys or cartoons since the 80s.
The same can be said about Dinosaucers, except its toys never got a US release, for some reason.
I'm glad Biker Mice from Mars is getting something, but they do look a bit shit.
The toys that time forgot is a book that explains what happened but I don't remember the reason
Nice AI
Not AI, did an image search and found it on some random forum.
They own parts of it, not enough to make something with it. Even when they did that comic con pack of all the old brands the Inhumanoids rep was some new thing
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They don't own the designs or the character names, just the concept
Which is why they should license Project Firestart so we can get at least one toy out
These are not "beloved" IPs, they are FAILED IPs. Nostalgia baiting sells tons of TMNT, MOTU, etc. But nobody cares enough to sell this crap in numbers sufficient enough to justify the investment or the cost. There was a line of Sectaurs figures not too long ago that seemed to barely break even.

Imagine wanting to be in the nostalgia market THIS bad that you invest good capital on garbage.
>The toys that time forgot is a book that explains what happened
I have all 3 volumes. Great books. The reason these toys never released in the States is [spoiler]because you touch yourself[/spoiler]
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I bet it had something to do with the good dinos being villains, while the heroes had the dumpy ones. Extreme Dinosaurs were at least indistinguishable between alignments
Modern TMNT does kinda suck though. Not to mention Mattel seems to have figured out that it’s impossible to get people to care about MOTU again and are now changing gears to Street Sharks as back-up.
>Not to mention Mattel seems to have figured out that it’s impossible to get people to care about MOTU again
I just hope for a masterverse 2002 line
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>while the heroes had the dumpy ones.

The weird thing about that. Allosaurs don't look that much different from T-rexes. Though, Bonehead could stand to look more like a Pachycephalosaurus.
I only really now about them cause of them acquiring robo force from toyfinity in the glyos sphere
oh man this just woke up some memories
I think I had that triceratops guy, must've been a hand me down cause it was definitely before my time
Would have defo bought Micronauts and ROM stuff
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Find it bizarre that a company would buy COW Boys Of Moo Mesa when they had just bought the superior TMNT rip-off that people are actually psyched is coming back.
Though then again CBOMM is connected to the real deal what with their creator Ryan Brown having major TMNT experience (Helped create many Fred Wolf and Playmates OCs and the Mutanimals) and even met the Mirage turtles a few times in the late 2000s.
Because they were too sexy
This doesn't seem like it will be profitable.
Eh I mean Dwayne Jonson and Ryan Reynolds are producing the RB and BMFM show.
Not to mention they do have the possibility to take advantage of how much of a rut TMNT is at the moment (And those not wanting to deal with a huge dysfunctional fanbase constantly arguing which continuity is better.).
some of the choices they made still make zero sense to me. you have the option of however many turtles clones and you went for biker mice and moo-mesa? it just seems a little redundant. then the addition of some really old toys like Garloo and Big Loo just leave me scratching my head, and thats without even getting into roboforce and power lords.
Im familiar with Garloo and Big Loo. They're legendary boomer era toys. Big chunky robotic figures that could crush things, pick things up, launch missles, etc. But like you noted they feel really out of place here. If they wanted to integrate them as godzilla styled bad guys I guess it could have worked. But just looking at that cartoon design for garloo leaves me to think they have something more comedic and uninteresting in mind. Like you pointed out already they also dont fit into the rest of the line's motiefs.
>bunch of failed 80s ips get a second chance at life
>throw in two obscure yet iconic 50s and 60s toys as antagonists(?)
-Street Sharks is owned by one of the world's biggest toy companies and is now being used as back-up due to the company constantly fucking up MOTU revivals (I expect a new show to be announced by SDCC).
-Mighty Ducks are in copyright hell to the point that they didn't appear on Ducktales 2017 or eventually get acknowledged like Gargoyles did. Dragonus didn't even appear in the "Evil as Can Be" video with other DTV villains.
-Mummies Alive are stuck with a rotting husk of an animation studio that's only worthwhile in-house IP is Inspector Gadget
-Road Rovers are owned by WB AND were annihilated by Freakazoid (The most likely they'll get is a random Teen Titans Go cameo).
-Toxic Crusaders is owned by Troma.
As said in >>10947808 I partially expect Nacelle to try and get them soon given how cheap the rights probably are.

the nacelle sectaurs are their only revivals Ive liked thus far. that said Im surprised they didnt try to revive rambo's forces of freedom along with them. it seems like they have every 80s toy niche covered except for gi joe.
>swords and sandals scifi (sectaurs)
>mutant animals (biker mice and moo-mesa)
>robots (roboforce)
>space opera (power lords)
all they were missing was a millitary toyline desu
Post IPs you expect Nacelle to buy next
>2024 is this series 30th anniversary
>Rights are likely dirt-cheap
>As opposed to other MOTU clones like Sectaurs, this was actually created to be a mega-franchise (Show, toys, game that was actually Neversoft's first project, characters at Macy's Thanksgiving Parade).
>Four Horseman would probably love to work on a new line
>Baron Dark got a Glyos figure years ago like with Power Lords
There are issues like how short-lived the original was and their creator allegedly being a sex offender.
Captain Simian was a mattel property too. If the street sharks revival succeeds I doubt mattel will lease them out. Frankly I dont think mummies alive would have been that hard of a pull for them. DIC is barely alive as it is and they really dont value any of their series beyond Gadget and Sonic. Even so I'll argue there was still a trove of other copycats they could have pulled from. Swat Kats, The Adventures of T-Rex, Xen the Intergalactic ninja, and Tigersharks are just some of the few examples that sprung to mind.
Tigersharks. Im honestly surprised they didnt try to nab it already. Warner gives such little of a shit about the series that they never even released it or the other comic strip shows to DVD. Galoob's Golden Girl also comes to mind since, as of yet, they dont really have a girl's adventure heroine. I already pointed out the lack of a military license too, but now that Im thinking things over there isnt a straight up capeshitter in their line up either, so they could potentially buy the Bionic Six too. Also since they dont have a transforming robot of their own I'll toss in voltron aswell. Voltron's had a tough time as it is already between the underperformance of voltron force and the even worse performance of the netflix series.
its interesting to consider the crossover possibilities if the nacelleverse gains any traction. there's alot of "retro" IP out there thats just sitting idly. I wouldnt be surprised to see something really weird like the stone protectors or the snaliens make an appearance. Not to mention some bigger "lesser" IPs like Bucky O'hare or The Tick.
god what a disaster that was. its incredible how bad hasbro shit the bed despite having that many big name properties.
inhumanoids is locked in rights hell between marvel and hasbro (think crystar but worse). thats why they made pastiche inhumanoids for the UNIT E/hasbroverse.
Dinosaucers is permanently stuck in a strange limbo for no discernable reason. Sony Pictures owns the series outright and refuses to do anything of note with them. the last we saw of the dinosaucers was that awful 2000's comic book revival.
Candyland and Battleship weren't really suitable for this kind of thing.
The yellow one with with black and grey clothing has lots of appeal.
I agree but you're forgetting the fact that they revamped this line up a dozen times while they attempted to get it up and running. by the time hasbro forced IDW into getting everything into comic book form they had thrust the visionaries, MASK, Action man, ROM, and the Micronauts into center stage. Unit E was the prototype for the shortlived "Revolution" universe. Funny how every project that uses that name fails so disasterously.
God damn that CW Jetfire is tidy.
Can't believe I didn't grab one at the time.
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here are those knock off inhumanoids hasbro tried pushing back in Unit E. Even with Art Adams at the helm these guys just really underwhelm compared to D'compose, Tendril, and Metlar
I read somewhere that Hallmark and some company called Monkeyshine produced the original show, while Mattel just made the toys.
One thing I REALLY hope with the new Biker Mice and Moo Mesa shows is that they try to preserve the original shows' sense of fun and wit (Granted Biker Mice definitely got the better end but still) as much as possible instead of going the Transformers War for Cybertron/Masters of The Universe Revelations route where they try to be more "mature" and for older audiences only to fall flat on their faces due to having their heads up their asses.
With Ninja Turtles the only reason why stuff like the 2K3 show and Last Ronin worked was because of the franchise's long rich history.
>Power Lords

Sign me up I was so fucking mad when Four Horsemen started the line then cancelled it extremely quickly. I forget thr full story.
The preorder for something like 4 or 5 entirely new molds that went up on their site (yet they made a KS for Mythic Legions series 2). Basically it really felt like they didn't give it a fair shot. I was also really looking forward to it but they lost the license shortly after. It probably wasn't that profitable, so they probably didn't mind. Reminds me of Sectaurs and Zica, where they tried their wave 2 KS and when that didn't go through they lost the license. Amusingly Nacelle now owns both of those IPs.
I would kill for them to get ReBoot. I have no fucking idea what's going on with Mainframe I just remember them scamming people about a revival for years then a CEO used it to get his old unrelated scripts of a live acton show about self insert for his son buying facebook like bots and having a whole episode shitting on the fans, and then a ceo got so mad he was being bought out by the chinese and threw all the shows masters in a trashbin that fans found and are trying to remaster.....

Someone save ReBoot holy shit it doesn't deserve this. Someone needs to same it even if just in a weird toy crossover. Someone could at least get toy licenses from whatever bullshit is going on over there right? I loved this show and the toys. Imagine a season 3 Hexadecimal, Mouse etc...
it really is rare to see a series get fucked over as hard as reboot was. it always happens to the least deserving shows too. for the sake of you and reboot fans every where I do hope nacelle saves the series. i still cant get over what a disaster the netflix "sequel" was.
If thats the case I wonder whats kept the series from making a return after all this time. I mean hell even CYBOARS got a reboot!
Garloo is a sort of meme for older folks, especially with Howard Stern talking about it on the radio
More of a boss happening, dig it?
Great Garloo looks like some random monster that decided to retire from getting beaten up by the heroes and became a stand-up comedian
>literally toyetic designs
>never got any figures
Did I have a stroke
Same thing with most of the other shit Nacelle bought: Nobody gives a shit about them.
The thing is that now that they're buying whatever Ninja Turtles rip-offs they can, CSATSM looks super-easy to buy along with spacefarers being similar-enough to bikers and COW Boys (And that the series more cartoony style could mesh well with Biker Mice and COW Boys).
Shut the fuck up it's bad enough being a ReBoot fan but you don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about.
Eh even if the new Biker Mice and COW Boys show suck, at least there's a higher chance of them getting a Shredder's Revenge-esque game.
Nah Nacelle is woke. Enjoy your shitty cartoons. He's gonna do the same thing Seth Rogen did with tmnt.
apparently there were some small unarticulated figures but they're very hard to find nowadays. it does suck that this show didnt take off. those designs really would have made for some fun toys. I partially blame the name of the show for its failure, "the adventures of t-rex", it just doesnt stand out. they should have gone for something more on the nose and bombastic like "rex patrol"

i wonder how many of these lesser IPs have received independent revivals. I know sectaurs had a brief stint with Zica toys before Nacelle, Roboforce and Skeleton Warriors with glyos (who also handled manglors and yordles), and Power Lords with four horsemen. But outside of those examples I cant think of many other. Captain Action i guess?
The new BMFM toys have their original characterizations like Vinnie simping for Charley (Worried about Carbine, though making her gay would ruin her dynamic with Throttle). Not to mention they’re so far using classic designs which means no need to worry about Charley being fat and black like April O’ Fatass from Mutant Mayhem.
New Moo Mesa figures revealed.
Sucks they're doing the "release the team over the course of several waves bullshit" especially after releasing all three mice in their BMFM series but at least they're using the cartoon-accurate designs instead of those Hasbro uggos.
How many comprise the main team? I assume the big guy is a villain? Makes sense to have heroes and a villain, I'd think, especially in a wave of 3.
Also the female cow never got a figure in the original line and was only a supporting character who sometimes appeared.
Eh, everybody knows BMFM was the better TMNT rip-off and it's obviously their revival is going to mog the COW Boys'. Even a crossover would likely be biased towards the mice.
Just like Stellara getting a Sectaurs figure, I'd guess that that was a bit of a executive decision to get her made. I wouldn't be surprised if these 2 get made in the next wave. I think it's safe to say there will at least be 2 waves made.

I wonder why all these IPs are getting these modern revivals when Sectaurs got those vintage figures. Maybe just a direction shift mid-design. Would definitely support a modern Sectaurs line.
Sectaurs has that famous unreleased second wave of figures, I imagine they wanted to capitalize on that aspect of things. I imagine the Moomesa equivalent is offering that cow waifu upfront.
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I used to own (I guess still do) this little dude as a kid and had many fun times, so if they ever replica it, I could see myself buying it.

Not much enthusiasm for the rest though.
imo they get too much completely wrong.
Their Sectaurs are too retro, Power Lords is too stylised. Roboforce with legs.
its like they cant decide how much they want to redesign and how much they want to leave untouched
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can you name a worse fate?
>Battlesaurs are real toys
>joints are part of the sculpt and only just for show and accuracy
What sucks is that the figures themselves look good but the sculpted joints ruin them.
tell me about it. i dont even nacelle could save these sorry bastards. our best hope is ramen toys intervening with some 3rd party offerings.
God, I would KILL for some modern figures of Small Soldiers. I still regret getting a Yak Bak instead of one of those big Chip Hazzard or Archer dolls
would you guys rather see the muscle mutts in the new street sharks line or be folded into a nacelle styled revival?
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Yes. They are a retro, Memberberries company.
They produced several fandom documantaties like
>Inside StarWars
>Inside Simpsons
>The toys that made us
Probably the cheapest toy IPs they could get.
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back on the big lou/garloo subject matter were there any other big monster toys nacelle could have picked up instead? Inhumanoids was off the table from the beginning and Im certain Mattel would rather die than license out any of their classic monster toys like Gre-Gory or Suckerman.
Sounds like some real soys faggotry.
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They found their niche.
Toys are all about nostalgia tbqh
I definitely see Mattel buying the rights like what they did with Sun-Man and MOTU.
It would be cool to see them do Tech Deck Dudes.
i hope so. the mutts are such an interesting part of the sharks' legacy. you never see many people talking about them either.
Tech deck is owned by spin master and still going.
i cant think of the last time I saw tech deck dudes in stores
Haven't seen them for years, but I also haven't left the house in years.
even looking around amazon Im just not seeing them. granted i dont go out often but I feel like I would have noticed tech deck dudes while in the toy aisle regardless. these days the diecast car section is the only portion of most toy aisles that still surprises me.
Tech deck is continuing, just not the dudes subbrand, because it failed.
>we lost glyos roboforce for this
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damn shrinkflation
>we lost overpriced 5poa shit for this
good riddance
Absolute retard
What? They ARE 5poa. They're also shorter than the nacelle toys, which is another bad thing about them
they arent 5poa. they're more like 8 to 10 poa. each robot had that hugging/grasping gimmick aswell as articulated heads and waists.
the manglors were worth it
Why are you ban evading?
They're up for PO now for anyone interested. https://nacellestore.com/collections/c-o-w-boys-of-moo-mesa
If I'm one of the 12 people left who still cares about the Cowboys of Moo Mesa, why would I want to see them meet Robo Force? Dumb.

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