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There was a thread about this earlier, but for some reason the jannies deleted it.

Apparently, it has be discovered that one of the top stem education scholars in the world, Stanford professor Jo Boaler, has actually been manipulating and fabricating her research for years. This is a major problem because she is literally one of the top scholar in her field and she is literally at the forefront of neoliberal DEI initiatives and her work is currently being used to completely redesigned the entire grade school stem education system in the state of California. She advocates for standardizing education, eliminating advanced STEM courses and electives, eliminating magnet programs and forms of self-directed and personalized education, and standardizing all curriculum and course requirements. She wants ALL public school students (but NOT private schools) to be taught the same material, in the same classes, using the same textbooks, and she wants to discourage independent study or exploration of other topics until students reach the university level.

The rationale for this is that people like Jo Boaler want all children to be on the same page, and they don't want some children having an unfair advantage, and that also want to discourage the misconception that education is about intellectual exploration or "doing your own research". Instead, the goal of education should be to cultivate "informed citizens" who know to seek out and rely on authoritative sources.

Its funny, because 20 years ago standardizing education and eliminating electives and magnet schools and advanced STEM class was considered a conservative policy. At the time it was called No Child Left Behind and it was a policy of the Bush administration. Today it's the neoliberal left pushing for the standardization of education instead.

>>>complaint alleges
They might have deleted it because there's almost 200,000+ professors in the US, so there's probably going to be a few hundred or thousand bad ones and creating a post for each one that is caught might be a bit much. Maybe this one is notable though, i don't know
>and she wants to discourage independent study or exploration of other topics until students reach the university level.
fucking lunatic
>She wants ALL public school students
Wouldn't the scientific solution be to instead have all districts teach students their own way? If some district performs poorly, it can surely then look for inspiration from a district that does well and adjust accordingly. Standardisation might save shekels and lead to equality, but there's a danger that it also makes everyone stuck with a shitty system.
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>somebody promoting DEI is a liar
Who could've seen that coming...

>She wants ALL public school students (but NOT private schools) to be taught the same material, in the same classes, using the same textbooks, and she wants to discourage independent study or exploration of other topics until students reach the university level.
Seems like something you'd hear from the psychotic (often child-less) teachers who think parents have no right to know what's being taught to their kids. I'm sure some of the material she wants to show kids is like that LGBT filth which includes sodomite pornography in certain schools and kids' sections at certain libraries.

>also want to discourage the misconception that education is about intellectual exploration or "doing your own research". Instead, the goal of education should be to cultivate "informed citizens" who know to seek out and rely on authoritative sources.
So she's just a boot-licking psychopath who sees herself as the boot or the "expert", it would seem.

Godless reprobates and DEI psychos and feminists (inversion, it's never about actual equality or injustice) have no authority, and they will never be an authoritative source (at least to anyone who isn't a fool).

Government schools are trash and one district literally won a case after being sued because an illiterate child graduated, with their defense being that they have no legal obligation to teach your kids anything.

That's not even getting into the Marxist and adulterous/sodomite filth taught in them today. One of the most popular "history" textbooks was literally written by a card-carrying communist and liar, Howard Zinn. That's the filth they put in schools.
I bet she's Jewish
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Of those 200k, how many are leading experts in dei education?
even blacks are rebelling against the jewish saboteurs. they're awoke now.
what a fucking nightmare these people...

I assume that the "jewish sensibilities" in question are just the typical holocaust brainwashing, race mixing propaganda and white sterilization through trooning and other creative means
Every single time
yes, there have been a number of scandals like that at stanford recently
Almost like it could be systemic. I'm a first year grad student at a "top ranked" school (at least according to US News & Global Reports), and I heard a professor casually and openly advise another grad student not to cite a specific author who had a recent political controversy. This is a clear case of academic misconduct, since you should always credit your sources, regardless of their political standing. The professor in question didn't even seem to notice what he said (neither did the other grad student he was talking to). Like it didn't even register as something that would be a problem.
Of course intelligent blacks would resist this. It's not good for them either. The real question is why do white people put up with this nonsense.
What the fuck is this nonsense? Why would any person in STEM care about intellectual equality? STEM is determined by your genetic IQ ffs.
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>STEM is determined by your genetic IQ ffs.
no it isn't, its determined by how high you score on the victim status chart, thats how twum became so famous, cause she is a female immigrant groid obese homosexual, so she scores massively high on the chart. NDT even became trans to increase his rank
>since you should always credit your sources, regardless of their political standing.
basically why tenure was intruduced in the first place
>Its funny, because 20 years ago standardizing education and eliminating electives and magnet schools and advanced STEM class was considered a conservative policy. At the time it was called No Child Left Behind and it was a policy of the Bush administration. Today it's the neoliberal left pushing for the standardization of education instead.
It's almost like supposedly different controlled opposition parties/groups serving the establishment ultimately fight for the same goals
>To begin, there is something decidedly odd about the complaint against Boaler being anonymous, for which there seems no good argument.
Ah yes, a cheap attack on the source. As expected, really.
mixing dogma with science is always going to result in bad shit
>the Didn't Earn It meme
why do these kind of memes always turn out to be true?
>an illiterate child graduated
was that child a negro?
> Ochs included in her original list of sensibilities “Honor: Kavod,” “Dignity: Being in the Image of God: Tzelem Elohim,” “Saving a Life: Pikuach Nefesh,” and “Repairing the World: Tikkun Olam.”

That stuff all falls under "Tikkun Olam" i.e. "Healing the World".

There's also fantical in-group loyalty and racial supremacy, which fall under the other categories.
>That stuff all falls under "Tikkun Olam" i.e. "Healing the World".
If it was swayed by political winds which operate on very different rules, namely lying, which is anti-thetical the acinetific rigor, or "credit" which means "trustworthyness" in Latin.

Havnt started watching.


Others do it right, but he is Messianic, not sure if that matters.

But I rebuttle I would have for Dr.Tour would be something like this.


That Life *Ultimately* originated from Emergent properties of Physics, but is a whole future Prophethood like thing to solve, "The Crown Jewel", which isnt what mine was.

Mine was discovering the coordinates of Planet Earth in the full Universe (NOT the visible Universe) (and Ω-Rays, double major).
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Matter sets limitation/frequencies to the fields/charges.

Loose matter can reform these and mirror things projected from the core+atmoaphereic influences.

>and other creative means
When they get total political control they just go for outright mass murder like they did in the USSR or are doing currently in Ukraine & Israel
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It allows wealthy unintelligent trophy wives a lazy girl job. About 50% of leftism is this kind of behavior for socialites
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oh no the kike jannies are deleting evidence again. Oh well I guess I will just have to go to the archives to see what they dont want you to see
I tried to warn everyone here for years this is what always end up going to. Glad to see people are starting top get it. This isnt a game, it is for keeps. If they could wipe us all out in a single stroke, they would do it in a heartbeat with a vaccine, poison, nuke, w/e they dont care, they are genocidal maniacs, you are governed by a bronze age cult of psychotic serial killers
what is it with DEI beneficiaries and fraud? can science explain this comorbidity?
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>mother of dogs
That would make her a...
Why are there no threads on r/science about this? They usually always cover big retractions.
cool it with the antisemitism
How come all of these recent academic fraud and plagiarism scandals are all women and negroes?
Wow apparently she's a fucking racist too that hates black people.
I wouldn't trust this bitch to educate a turd
she tried to kill an innocent black mathematician who was simply out searching for the truth and she is just a fraud
she belongs in a prison
We're an extremely lazy and placid race.
Basically not my fucking problem mentality.
I mean black people are in a position where they actually care about their lives because they don't want to live in the ghetto around each other.
Meanwhile, white people just do whatever is presented in front of them sort of ad hoc.
Sure you got your try hards publicly masturbating, but I'd rather get some extra sleep than lose it over some nonsense.
>white women
white woman???? she's a Jewess.
>Wow apparently she's a fucking racist too that hates black people.
>Jews being racist against other ethnic groups.
Tale as old as time
>Jews in power actively sabotage other ethnic groups' future in the name of moral and compassionate causes.
Tale as old as time
>Jo Boaler,
>a white education professor at Stanford
>oy vey the evil whites are up to no good again!!!
>can science explain this comorbidity?
Probably, but it refuses to
close enough
semites are asian, israel is in asia, it doesn't even border or europe. no semitic nation shares a border with europe
Rupert Murdoch, owner of the NY Post, former business partner of Robert Maxwell (Ghislaine's father) current business partner of George Soros (they're co-owners of Vice.com)
Its hilarious how Black Soience Man is currently the world most famous astronomer despite having accomplished absolutely nothing in the field. Just goes to show you how completely unimportant even the most successful productive astronomers are. It is truly a science that nobody intelligent would bother devoting their lives to
astrocrap is both the most expensive and the least productive of the sciences
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>Anyone who doesn't toe the line is canceled via abuse of the peer review system, thats the peer review system's sole purpose
Curtis Yarvin had an interesting take.
It is not the funding that did it.
It started when the government began outsourcing decision-making regarding public policy to academics. It was the POWER to influence government decisions that corrupted the sciences. The fields whose results are mainly used to inform government policy are the most corrupt.

Any field that is "X-Education" solely exists to tell government the "best" way to run public education.
If you want to dig for frauds like OP's, look at any field that is informing government decisions and just find the most "prestigious" instance.
Useful science doesn't get funding, its discouraged. The Wright Brothers invented the airplane with their own money, the government then denied The Wright Brothers a patent for their invention.
Lol jannies really did a number on this one. There's a bunch of posts ITT that got deleted.
Chuds got a little too comfortable
Wasn't this thread at like 200+ posts? They nuked over 75%?
>There was a thread about this earlier, but for some reason the jannies deleted it.

The reason is 4chan's moderation is leftist and they don't like how in recent years leftist academia has been exposed over and over again as being nothing but thieves and frauds. Before this they used to brag about how most academia was leftist and how this proved leftists were more intelligent and now it turns out the reason why academia is leftist is because they entered it through lying and cheating. This also explains, in part, the competency crisis.
lol, the jannies nuked 25% of this thread.
they deleted truthbombs about 4chan mods being in bed with big lgbtqai++ anti-white democrat party
They used to super hate me but because I move so much banning me is meaningless, I regrow like a weed every couple weeks.

They, hah, just learned to accept it.
The jannies on sci have been getting more and more zealous over the years. This board is dead at this point, though, so it doesn't really matter. Power tripping jannies unironically think they're making a difference, and helping "the West" to fight conspiracy theorists/Russia/antisemitism/radical Islam/etc., but nobody even uses this board (largely as a result of their own faggotry), so all of their effort to combat Trump, Putin, the antivaxxers, and Hamas is for nought.

This board used to be filled with dozens of autistic chuds who spent their free time shitposting about graduate level mathematics and the arguements for and against race realism. Now sci is a bunch of transgender Ashkenazi undergrads constantly complaining about troglodyte polchuds supposedly ruining sci, and putting an end too all of the deep, profound, and impassioned discussions at the forefront of modern science, mathematics, and philosophy which they claim were taking place on this board before all the chuds showed up (of course, in reality the "chuds" have been on 4chan since day 1, and all the politically correct normies are the ones who are new to the party).
It's funny cause whenever I ask woke leftists or civnat neocons about antisemitism laws or anti-BDS laws they (1) have usually never heard of them, (2) will claim they don't exist or that I'm making things up because of course we have freedom of speech, right?, and (3) end up supporting them afterwards, once I demonstrate that they do in fact exist.

Im actually in my first year of a social science grad program, and I just started TAing in the fall. Every chance I get I always bring up anti-BDS laws. Most of the zoom zooms in my classes have not heard of them, but usually oppose them when I tell the class about them. However, there are always a few Jews, christcucks, or gigatrannies who support these laws but they're never able to explain why.
>the only purpose

Don't forget all the fees that journals like (((Elsevier))) charge. Controlling the narrative is part of the goal, but accumulating shekels is pretty important too.
Those fees come out of government research grants, the publication system is just an indirect way for the government to fund it's propaganda.
Education was never a thing.

The 6 purposes of schooling as per its creator:
1 - teach unquestioning compliance by forcing children to agree with things which are visibly false
2 - conform all children, smart with the stupid
3 - prohibit learning more than required
4 - ridicule and ostracize undesirables so their peers see them this way to keep them from breeding
5 - categorize everyone
6 - select custodians to take over this

While not one of the original stated purposes of schooling, a 7th was added post WW2 when depopulation via war was deemed too dangerous to our rulers and they moved to using propaganda for that purpose.

7 - keep women in schooling as long as possible so they are not having families
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Another cheater caught? SCIENCE WORKED ONCE AGAIN!
Here is my copypasta about The 3 Body Problem:
>write book as an allegory for your people destroying humanity to warn others
>destroying scientific progress, slowly invading over 400 years, even self insert character giving warning
>gets past censors
>people are too stupid to understand the message
>write third book spelling out that book is written with message intended to bypass censors
>still gets past censors
>people are still too stupid to understand the message
I think we need to start looking at how many chinks are involved in particle reactors.

Think about it. Why would someone publish useful research when they could sell it and publish fake results to prevent others from learning about it? Government actors have extreme incentive to fuck with this system while the west pretends it lives in this hippy utopia.
Wow so if a woman accuses a man of rape we shouldn't believe the accuser but in this case we should?
Lmaoing at chuddies
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>nothing in those journals is ever true, anyone who thinks they are is a gullible dumb chump
Nobody ever reads those things, academic publishing is just a wing of the pay for play vanity publishing industry.
90% anon
That was the target
and they complied
>the warnings were written to be released 75 years latter (spoilers)

People are not smart, even the smart ones.
Right, but soientists are too stingy and selfish to pay for their own vanity publications so they only pay using their welfare gibes government grant money to cover the costs instead
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it is astounding how enormous outright fraud in ""scientific"" publishing has become.
and nobody seems to complain about it, scyentists are completely content with more and more fraud every year

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