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Link: https://metro.co.uk/2024/05/08/putin-ready-launch-mini-invasion-nato-nations-test-west-20796333/

>Vladimir Putin may be planning a ‘mini-invasion’ of a NATO country in order to test the West’s resolve, according to Poland’s top spymaster.

>Jarosław Stróżyk, head of Poland’s counterintelligence service, claims the Kremlin is considering annexing parts of Estonia and Sweden, as part of a wider plan to take over the Baltic states should Ukraine fall.

>‘Putin is certainly already prepared for some mini-operation against one of the Baltic countries, for example, to enter the famous Narva [municipality in Estonia] or to land on one of the Swedish islands,’ he told Polish outlet Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.

>Yet despite his imperialist ambitions, he is currently being held back by the West’s continued support for Ukraine, which has been stronger than anticipated.
ucraneians dressed up as russians
Of course Putin will attack if Trump steals the presidency, he already said he'd betray NATO.

Niger: fuck off and take your ISIS with you..

>Reddit spacing
>Non sequitor
>Vladimir Putin may be planning a ‘mini-invasion’ of a NATO country

Putin ain't going to attack any NATO country, as he knows full well this would trigger all of NATO into attacking Russia and they'd steamroll right thru the country and overthrow him. Hell, Western globalists have got their fingers crossed hoping Putin will start some shit in the Baltics to give them the justification for directly attacking Russia.

>Of course Putin will attack if Trump steals the presidency,

If Trump is such a good buddy of Putin's, why didn't Russia invade Ukraine when Trump was in office, where he'd have let them have a free hand? I'm all for Ukraine joining the EU and NATO but the fact is that the globalists tried to pull an "Russian Spring" on Putin just as they did in the Arab world and they're using Ukraine to try and overthrow Putin.
Don't be sure certain.

Japan had overextended itself prior to WW2 and many thought it would never attack the USA since its forces were already spread thin across the region.

They attacked anyways.

The people calling the shots aren't always the most predictable. Russia gave up an enormous fortune in oil and gas sales to Europe because of this war, no one would have predicted Putin would make such a foolish choice 5 years ago.
Traitor to the republic
Why does that matter?
>Putin won't attack NATO
Same people said he wouldn't attack Ukraine

>Why didn't Putin invade Ukraine under Trump?
Because the criminal doesn't mug the old lady when he's got her on the verge of signing her entire estate over to him.
top brass probably know all of russia and china's war scenarios already, it would give away too much intel to actually admit that fact
based jew
Wait but Vivek, MTG, Hasan, Trump and Gaetz told me that Putin wouldn't attack other countries....
>Same people said he wouldn't attack Ukraine
So you want him to attack NATO?

>Because the criminal doesn't mug the old lady when he's got her on the verge of signing her entire estate over to him.
I like how you people resort to baseless analogies and idioms when you can't simply back up your argument with facts

You spent 6 years ,mindlessly chanting "where there's smoke there's fire" only for Mueller to go "sorry no fire and the smoke was from the Clinton campaign"
Good post
i hope they attack nato so we can get rid of 5th columnists who fall for your bullshit
No they didn't
>Putin ain't going to attack any NATO country, as he knows full well this would trigger all of NATO into attacking Russia
Mark my words: He will. And they won't.

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