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Tell me about your autistic fantasies with ponies, I know you have at least one.
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Ponies doing lewd things to balloons
Becoming a great and terrible villain and then getting killed by them.
Eating all the ponies and then sleeping in a pitch dark cave that seals behind me forever

This is great but I expected something more specific, like a story.
Luna and Celestia both telekinetically playing with my cock and balls under the table at a dinner party.
Sneaking into Celestia’s quarters and jerking off to her while she’s asleep.
For some reason I imagined them slapping anons balls back and forth like a game of testicle tennis
Are you fucks really so boring that your sexual fantasies can be described in a single sentence?
I would enjoy forming a lifting squad with the Mane 6. We would eat protein and take steroids and become the most JACKED mfs in Equestria.
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For me, it's horse foam.
stop begging for free fetish greens you demented troglodyte, go crawl back into your dungeon and play with yourself, as no other human or pony exists who would be willing to with you
>I expected something more specific, like a story.
Hmm, I wrote my fetish story here https://ponepaste.org/4884 I hope its okay enough.
Read my greens and youll know. Always something to do with a pony being publically humiliated
It's great on bagels
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>those tags
Jesus Christ
if you really want I can upload my half-assed fic to AO3 for you to read.
It needs a rewrite at this point despite the premise being strong. Anyways it’s pretty much a offshoot of TCYK’s “Slob Virus” based within Equestria and slightly changed for pony related audiences
Do it anon
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It’s difficult to put to words. This quote explains better than I could.

>Do not trust people like me. I will take you to museums, and parks, and monuments, and kiss you in every beautiful place, so that you can never go back to them without tasting me like blood in your mouth. I will destroy you in the most beautiful way possible. And when I leave you will finally understand, why storms are named after people.
Will do once I get home.
But don’t fall down the fetish rabbit hole, you’re better than that. Most people who fall too deep can’t distinguish between reality and fiction, and that’s where issues arise.
Taking a page from a friend, humans are inexplicably absorbent of latent atmospheric magic in Equestria, and without a natural means of expending it; at best, it simply builds up to a saturation point, or at worst, it can rise to an explosive amount. However, coming into contact with a being that can use magic, this excess gradually flows into them, and the sensation between both parties is akin to a warm, pleasurable, tingling sensation. In the case that magic can build up to the point of explosion, Anon has a mandatory responsibility to literally come in contact with a pony every so often to keep himself and the surrounding equine folk safe, though given his rep for his magic touch, it's a task to even come close to danger. Let's plot a 'Course, intercourse transcends reality with this in mind.
To ruin it with my /trash/ taste, the quickest way to be drained of magic is to get shrunken down, swallowed whole, and passed through the bowels of someone with an especially deep well for magic, like an alicorn. If you still have any juice left by the end, you can be her living dildo 'til she decides to let you out. Extra autism points for absurdly clean innards, no offense to the olfactory senses, and the need for oxygen waved aside.
Did you know that Tara Strong once got in trouble with Hasbro for posting that picture on her Twitter (now X)?
Bravo, this transcends my expectations
My penis thrusting inside a musky marecunt.
based necromanoncer
oh that’s you…
I want to make out with Celestia's ponut.
KEK what a normie
Yes, its me :s have you read my stuff before perhaps?
I got roughly 10k unedited words that I'm hoping to add to the story at somepoint. Too busy atm unfortunately.
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ehh the griffon one and the cozy one out of curiosity kudos to the griffon one pretty hot.
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One loving me unconditionally
that i get betrayed by them
yes, but I will make longer
be friend with ponie <3
hoofhold ponie
kiss ponie
hug ponie
unf, grind pony straddling my lappie
uuohh dashie
pulling ponie in closer
Ha, nice. I seldom advertise so I don't really talk to my readers any. But I hope you got some enjoyment out of my silly greens. I was never sure if my style or stories were ever any good kek.
that's sad. do you at least revenge by raping them?
Sometimes, sometimes it was all a misunderstanding and they genuinely apologize and ia up to me to decide if i accept it
I have considered a story like this, where Anon is just a psychopathic individual, with all the worst traits of humanity, and needs to be stopped before he destroys the garden of Eden that is Equestria.
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I want an unconditionally loving marriage and children with this little mare right here.
reincarnate into equestria and get adopted by a pony but they are awful are terrible parents, bonus point if they are important characters
after years of suffering that i run away and eventually join creatures like the dragons or gryphons
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Its boring if he's just straight up evil, more fun if he's a piece of shit without trying to be or realizing he is so, like in Obsession.
Hey if you can't say it on the bus downtown it isn't normie.
you’re going right the fuck back during s8
>not joining the commie village instead
>without trying to be or realizing he is so
I was kind of imagining this as well, like Anon is Ted Bundy or Patrick Bateman levels of psychopathic, and doesn't comprehend why his actions are immoral. Just hedonistic, sadistic desire, and the ponies in his way to getting it.
>bad parents
>no friends
>magical reincarnation

glimmer is going to rape you
Lying in bed with my mare wife. She's wearing a lovely set of lingerie. She's a bit of a huffy, grouchy type, but she secretly loves being touched and pet. As we lie there, my hands slowly make their way over to her, the drowsy mare unaware of the loving assault coming her way. Then, a quick, startled gasp as arms wrap around her and my hands do their work.
My fingers gently dance vertically across her belly, saying more about my affection for her than any amount of words could. Her back turned to me, her head can only turn to meet my face halfway, the scrunch on her snout a sign of her stubborn refusal to admit how much she loved the soft, tickly touch of my fingertips on her tummy.
And how much they loved her back: Hours would be spent with her body in my grip, my fingers occasionally teasing her flanks (inner or otherwise) but never straying too far from my favorite part to play with. I would never be able to have enough of her wonderful mare tummy, my fingers tickling it and her little mare belly button for countless hours as we lay in bed.
So long would we spend in such a position, her demeanor easing as she gently drifted to sleep with the help of my loving touch, that we would both awake to the same position. Neither of us wanted to leave the warmth of the bed or each other (she not as open about this as I), but knowing we had our day to start, we would reluctantly throw off the covers and get out of bed, if only to silently anticipate when we would come back to bed this very night and repeat the process.

Dark? Hardly. Deep? Somewhat. Forgive the little text dump but I got carried away and wanted to try writing a bit.
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>... her head can only turn to meet my face halfway, the scrunch on her snout a sign of her stubborn refusal
Well I believe the iconic image will get shadow-banned if I keep posting it, but my classic autistic fantasy of Twilight's butt being stung by a bee, causing it to inflate with helium and lift her up into the sky.
How about you post the image, then?
Jeez you’re off ya rocks.

(It’s the one named “Bee A Blimp”, btw)
get turned into stone by a magic beam and then, every night when nopony's around, have Maud sneak up on me and pleasure herself by rubbing her pussy all over my petrified body while she whispers some indecent rock things
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My darkest pony fetish secret is that I don't have any
lay off ketamine. it's no good for you
I found Anon in Obsession to be sympathetic. He was pretty rude to the ponies, but nothing he did was unprovoked, and he didn't do any really bad shit until close to the end killing the guards. Also for how much Celestia and Twilight said they were trying to help him, everything they did was the opposite of helpful and only pushed him further00j8 towards the edge.
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Kek but also damn man.
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Oh, he was definitely sympathetic, but its of the same sympathy that one would give to a rat for falling into a mouse trap. He simply didn't know any better. He could have just been content with his lot in life and appreciated everything that he had been given, but he was simply too selfish and prideful to do so. This is not his fault, it is simply who and how he is. Obsession Anon isn't a good person. He's not a HORRIBLE person, but his flaws fuel his actions that dig him a deeper and deeper grave until he has to lie in it. The Cel and Twi DO try to help Anon but they ignore his wishes in doing so, driving him off and filling him with unreasonable distrust. Everything in the story is the fault of Anon's selfishness and pride, but they're reasonable selfishness and pride. He's not a saint or omniscient, and he suffers for it. I love Obsession because people rarely write Anon beyond 'Mary Sue self-insert', 'Completely unreasonable asshole', or 'Bland plot vehicle'.
I have a question mark for a face and I must scream.
just realized I don't even have the story on my hard drive anymore and that the upload to FA is probably dead at this point since fucking FA admins have to be dickwads

I only got a half finished story, and a story I was writing for a faggot before he decided to dump me as a friend despite writing his birthday gift.

Choose your poison.
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i like to fantasize about braiding silver spoons mane every morning and doting on her even though shes being bratty towards me pretending she doesnt like me taking care of her

sometimes whenever i cry i look at pictures of her being sad or crying and pretend shes crying with me
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I just want a hoofjob from a mare in stockings
I totally agree, I really love Obsession as well. Anon had a very human outlook and was willing to test the limits, break the rules, forge his own path to achieve his goals. We as the audience find him very sympathetic despite his personality flaws because he embodies that human individualism and determination to succeed. Anon's main struggle is trying to fit into Equestria, a society which he isn't adapted to and where he doesn't really belong. It's no wonder he develops such a prideful attitude, because it's a coping mechanism to try to preserve his self-esteem in a world where he has suddenly lost all value to society. The ponies also don't know how to deal with him, the work they give him is token and unfulfilling, and if I were in Anon's position I'd be pretty pissed off too. The ponies, and Twilight and Celestia especially, basically treat Anon as if he were another pony who had grown up in Equestria, and almost completely disregard his personal ambitions or desires. Twilight can hardly comprehend that Anon doesn't hold friendship as the highest moral good like the ponies do, and most of the princesses' efforts are directed at remedying what they see as some kind of psychological deficiency in Anon, rather than just giving him the space he needs. I've been anonsimping a lot here, but this isn't to say he has no flaws. At many points, he refused to talk with the princesses directly about how he felt, and was always pretty dismissive of most of the ponies. I think it's safe to say he felt entitled to some kind of special status in Equestria, and the ponies did have a kind of point when they said he didn't really deserve something like that. Still, though, he didn't understand that anything he was doing was wrong, because it really wasn't wrong from a human perspective, but none of the ponies actually told him why it was bad until it was far too late. That's something that actually frustrates me about the story and that I see as a flaw, which is that there were so many points at which either Celestia or Twilight or even Anon himself were being unrealistically obtuse and withholding information from each other that made logical sense to share. For example, why doesn't any pony tell Anon about the effects magic would have on his body until the last quarter of the story? Why doesn't Twilight tell him who Blackmane is and why he's bad? Seriously, if I didn't know who Hitler was but nobody would tell me why even talking about him isn't acceptable in society, I'd be pretty frustrated too. Why can't Anon just tell Twilight that he doesn't want to be some nobody janitor? I loved the story, but it can get so dramatic that it becomes hard to suspend my disbelief.
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This, but I get the Discord treatment and my own personal pony wife as a result of my bad behavior.
I dream of Twilight Sparkle and me marrying. It's a simple one, but the implications. Oh. Man.
Arguing with a grown mare about why she can't have candy for breakfast.
I've had the mareiage dreams. They're potent
Incredible. Paying my respects.
me when i hit 30
Literally me except I skip the last 3 panels
Have you seen hellboy 2 and how in the end he starts planning where he will live with liz and the baby and she reveals they are having twins?
well something like that but with my mare wife
Nobody is choosing a story for me to dump? That’s a shame…
gimme this NOW
Just post both, fag
is she naked?
They’re non pony related though
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Twilight learns about human endurance and it's origins in persistence hunting, is super curious, and she wants to test it out for real. She asks that you try and hunt her down and teleports the both of you to a savanna type landscape somewhere in Equestria. She starts to tease you as she is a horse and can run faster than you. After catching up a few times you begin to loose interest with the whole affair. She then temps you by saying that if you catch her she will let you fuck her brains out even though she's not really into non-ponies. Now filled with determination, your ancient human instincts take over your flabby under-exercised body, and you truly begin the chase. After a whole day and a half of following, her inferior little quadrupedal equine body gives out and you come upon her for the final time. She tries to run but she can only manage to ineffectually scrape at the dirt while laying on her side, her chest heaving in and out, unable to even speak. Having long ditched your clothing in the heat of the savannah you walk up to her, stains of sweat and pre-cum dried on your legs after 36 hours of edging. You jump on top of Twilight's hot, foamy sweat drenched body. Although completely exhausted, it's true, humans really do have unparalleled endurance, you proceed to insert yourself. Just as your animal instincts are taking over your body, Twilight's prey instincts are taking over hers. She tries to fight you to get away but she's too weak. To weak you even use magic to teleport away. As your slick smelly bodies are sliding over one another on the salty sweat soaked ground of the late morning plains, you release your full pent up load in the deepest parts of her.
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suckling teats not even a question
it's like the only thing that could possibly comfort me but i just cringe at thinking how in the living hell i would get that even if i was married to rarity and she loved me a whole lot, i would get divorced on the spot for bringing that up
And then after I'm finished, I start to eat her alive starting my way into her body cavity through her mare cunt first.
Twilight pours mustard in my dick and calls me a silly weiner, fuckn unf
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she’s the element of generosity anon. also temp her by saying you’ll indulge in her kinks boom
I want to twilight to tell me "Everything will be alright"
Her kinks are definitely going to be fashion related though. Have fun fucking her with a custom form fitted doily around your dick.
Probably not quite for me in the end but wew, nice one.

Any other mare, Anon, just about any other mare, kek. Seriously though if she really loved you she'd let you even if she might act dramatic about it.

Eat her out while she lays on her back. Get her in the mood then begin to work your way up, trailing kisses along the way. First starting at the vulva, then her winking clit, then up to her breasts, and finally to her nipples.
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>Story tags: Non-consensual foalcon (mare on filly), sadism, abuse, torture, mind control, scat eating, pee drinking, diapers, enemas, suppositories, spankings, anal rape (with toys and draconequus on filly), gang rape, anilingus, cunnilingus.
>twilight speedruns super mario 64.
>she's been grinding the game for years, trying her best, streaming late into the night.
>sometimes, only one person is there, watching her hit reset after reset due to ddd reds.
>it's hard on her, but she works hard.
>i'm there when she gets world record.
>I hear her crying and celebrating from the other room.
>I come in and ask her what happened. Is she okay?
>she spins around in her chair
>"I got the world record, Anon. The one-hundred-twenty star world record."
>she's crying, but she's happy
>"I beat Puncayshun, Anon!"
>"That's wonderful," I say. she's so happy, I can't believe it.
>she takes off her headset so we can hug
>we kiss on stream.
>it goes in a Summoningsalt video years later, specifically the part where I ask her to marry me.
>she says yes
punacyshun bans her
After months of begging Twilight finally agrees to have sex with me. When we.. I strip, she laughs at my pathetic little human dick. In typical twilight fashion, she magically transfigures my member without consent into a huge throbbing stallion cock. Vision grows dim just getting the thing up, but I manage. Twilight pleasures herself with me while I'm in that semi-conscience auto-erotic asphyxiation zone induced by the lack of blood volume.
Nice one, anon

Gay one, anon

Cringe one, anon
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Anon, you're not catching that horse.
what is Obsession?
Do you not know what persistence hunting is?
Twilight has clearly proven herself more physically capable than anyone you'd find using this site.
I run 8km every other day so i would just catch her and rape her
Go run 100km in one day and I'll believe that you could catch Twilight.
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I want news of my small cock to travel around Maretime Bay I want to walk by a bunch of mares and have them whisper to each other about my size.
I want Pipp to do surprise posts on her Ponstagram of my dick so it travels even more.
I want an array of reactions, some disgusted, some curious, laughs, or just even absolute infatuation and desire.
I want everypony to talk about it, I want to whip it out and get faux-shock and overreactions, or even real shock because they can't believe how small it is.
In my headcanon they are slightly bigger than cats so I would catch her fast
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I have one of those, but it's not very dark. Applejack never got to process the horrible thing that happened to her parents. She doesn't find an outlet for her feelings, the outlet finds her. Every now and then, memories of her parents surface, and the grief silently latches on. It starts with nuanced changes in Applejack's behavior. She does her work around the farm alright, but she's no longer self-sufficient. She has trouble getting out of the harness of her wagon. With annoyance, she asks for your help untying the laces on her boots. She gets food on her face while eating. Progressively, her mind recedes further into her youth. She wakes up from a nightmare about her parents and needs soothing cuddles. Her family gives her a plastic bowl and spoon to eat her colorful cereal in the morning. Big Mac, in particular, gets Applejack's old toys from the attic. He is supportive, and lets her play with dolls and draw with crayons. Helpful as you are, you temporarily assume Applejack's duties on the farm. You guide the regressed mare by the hoof, showing her how you feed her pigs or sow her seeds. Applejack clumsily digs some seeds into the earth and looks at you with huge eyes, yearning for your approval. You are her parents now. Praise and headpats put Applejack into an otherwise impossible state of euphoria. Soon, Applejack is incapable of caring for herself. You have to wash her, dress her, feed her. She needs to be in diapers now. Applejack is a toddler. She observes you obsessively, trying to copy what you do. As you feed her, she plays with her food using her hooves. When you put on your jacket, you find Applejack's head stuck in her adult-sized romper, requiring your help. You push her around Sweet Apple Acres in a stroller. Her language skills long gone, Applejack babbles constantly, only silenced by a pacifier. The mare has regressed to the oral stage now. You find bite marks everywhere, from teething rings to furniture, from her bottle to her pacifier. She wakes up at night crying again, her diaper is full. Applejack is high-maintenance, around the clock. Your life revolves around keeping her clean, healthy, and happy. Her adult body reacts to kissing and tickling and teasing, way more than her tiny mind can handle. Her hooves and tummy are a particularly easy way to lose her in sensual bliss. The drool is soaked up by her bib, and the accident is cleaned up by her diaper. It takes barely a few days before Applejack begins to re-emerge from the recesses of her mind. She's groggy and leans on you, but soon you take her diaper off for the last time. Applejack is somewhat embarrassed, but also relieved that it was you who accompanied her through this tender phase. Thoughts about her parents come and go easily now. The Apple Family is glad to have their breadwinner back, refreshed and stronger than ever. You enjoy perks on the farm for keeping her secret. Applejack gives you a hug of affection. Life on Sweet Apple Acres is good.
When is shown that Twilight has even come close to running a 100k?
Not dark??? Anon, you are the most fucked up motherfucker on the board right now.
Well she got fifth in a marathon and she'd be able to push herself a lot more to avoid getting caught.
Not gonna lie I expected her to climb back inside her mother's corpse at the end
The only thing dark her is your skin color you nigger
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>uuohh dashie
>pulling ponie in closer
Calm down. I meant it as a compliment fellow horsefucker.
Same here
Eh, if I tell, y'all will call it boring.
do tell
this is easy one of the most horrible things, fuck you anon, i dont even want to know what is a dark story for you
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Was somehow able to post this one outside of /trash/, and it was never swept up. Based lazy hotpockets
Definitely a powerful fantasy of mine, and I had to stop several times while writing to tend to a leaky faucet. If it feels like it drags on, it’s because I planned to end it less than halfway through, but continued by request.
probably but i will have to know what it is first
ive seen this THREE TIMES NOW
not that im complaining btw....
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I only remember posting it maybe one other time, but I’ve been drinking these days so all I really remember much besides the shame in between. I probably have posted it that much. Feel free to mock me that also turns me on, sadly
I fucked something up in this post, but I can’t tell what. I’m gonna sleep now I think.
Disgusting. Kys.
Anon, this is an anonymous board. If it sucks, people will ignore it. If they talk shit, who cares? They're anonymous, and so are you. What you post is at zero risk to your reputation and well-being. That's the whole point. Stop shadow-attention-begging and either do it or fuck off.
Based, read this one a while ago and it made me feel weird things.
Love the ending too.. suggested anon getting back at glimmer with twilight and it turns out good.
Oh, that was you? Thanks for that. It would’ve been much worse otherwise.
not really a deep dark fantasy but whenever I have to move around my house in the dark I get scared that I might bump into a spooky skeleton or alien but then I remember that it's just as likely to be a pony instead and I get less scared
Wholesome! I like it.
based taste
I want to be brutally raped by a pony. After I physically recover I would hunt her down and kill her. Which may include an emotional fight to the death. Or I just brutally rape her back as revenge.
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Nice. I can get behind that, with the revenge rape.
dude hate to break it to you but there’s a skeleton inside you
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You guys are vanillafag normies. Nothing posted here has been even remotely deep or dark.
Well then let's hear what you got.
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I want Fluttershy to stick her hoof in my mouth as she rides me on our wedding night. I want to worship and suckle on the aforementioned hoof, keeping myself from moaning too loud and waking up the animals, trying to deal with the insane pleasure her wonderful mare pussy gives to me as she fucks me nice and hard for hours.
That's it, there's my totally normal and not degenerate at all fantasy.
post yours then
I don't think it's a marathon. Either way, humans would beat ponies in endurance.
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I don't have any, that's why I'm asking the board. Back in the day, threads like these would get the most unhinged walls of text imaginable. Reading them would induce physical, psychological and spiritual terror. We used to get stories that were so detailed, specific and utterly incomprehensible, only a truly deranged mind could have come up with. >>41097337 kind of tried but it has a good ending so it automatically disqualifies. We need to hear what is going through your mind when god is asleep. Coddled liberal consoomercattle zoomers were a mistake.
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I like the story too. Read it years ago but remmember it well.
Did you read it? Was it okay?
Sex with Cheerilee on her desk after school.
I want to be held by a pony and told how proud they are of me, even for the little things. even just making it to tomorrow. I want their teensy little hooves to tip tap and follow me around and for them to watch and "oooo" at all of my strange human devices and all the big realistic humans walking around while this seemingly flash animated 4 foot tall 2d pony does not adhere to laws of light or dimension, I want to brush their coat, pat their mane, scritch the base of a unicorns horn or the fingers of a pegasus's wings I want to boop them and for them to boop me when I'm down and for them to experience the world around me and drive me to do more than just exist in the monotonous loop of life, for them, for us. I also really want to put braeburn in white and orange socks and a leash and ponut him till he cant walk or think and then reveal it to the apple family and since theyre so conservative they shun him and hes forced to return to me and be my marecolt wife
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I love you
Hi Big Mac
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write more you son of a bitch. glimmy sexually abusing coltfriend
It’s tough
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I want to have anal sex with Twilight
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Here is mine: I somehow become a very trusted assistant of Princess Celestia, and one day she assigns me a task of whipping Twilight's ass with belt because she failed a task or some shirt. Naturally, Twilight is very anxious, but dares not disobey. We live through it together, like friends in an awkward situation. When it comes to the beating part, an intriguing problem arises: the princess instructed me to whip Twilight at a certain rate for a certain time, but it turns out she can't take it this fast without interrupting the punishment. Being a good friend, I suggest that we get her ass numb first, by beating it free style, so that she can then take punishment as instructed by the princess. Seeing no other option, Twilight agrees.
Both of them have the same idea of playing with Anon's balls under the table, but when one discover what the other is up to, they fight over Anon's balls by pulling them violently,, much to his displeasure.
Nice nice, spankings are always good and hot.
I want to be Spike
>be dragon (cool)
>hang out with hot mares everyday
>connections to royalty without much responsibility
>guaranteed food and place to live
>easy "job" where you learn every day
>probably fucked Twilight
>They somehow reach an agreement just before Anon vomits.
>Luna gets to play with the left testicle.
>Celestia gets to play with the right testicle.
>They take turns playing with Anon's penis.
>Before they continue, they need to soothe Anon's nuts due to the aggressive yanking and squeezing.
>Celestia casts a warming massage spell on the right nut.
>Luna casts a cooling massage spell on the left nut.
For me, it's Celestia coming to me in our world and giving me the opportunity to go to equestria, but I have to swear an oath to her giving her power over my fate.

I do of course and I enter equestria. However, she makes me become a whore to service various stallions as payment.

It becomes a litany of being fucked and having to blow stallions that ultimately is neverending.
Why do you fantasize about being a gay whore?
Because he's a faggot?
I'd like princess luna to be the big spoon every other day. Never really bothered to have sex, I am fine fapping to fucked up hentai and pony porn, but I am all for that physical contact thing.

Am I asexual bros? Probably not, just too addicted to fapping and repulsed by human women being actual beings who don't exist only when it's convenient for me to pursue it actively
This is my life but the panels go 1,3,4,5,3,2,2,1,3,4,5,3
I want to go to Equestria and befriend a colt. It doesn't have to be any colt in particular, but preferably a large stallion like Big Mac for reasons I will explain. After we get to know each other, hang out, play games, etc.. he should be comfortable enough around me to proceed to step two. I will respectfully ask my colt friend to refrain from showering his genitals for at least 3 months. He can wash everything else no problem, just don't touch his sheath. On top of that I would ask him to refrain from dropping while urinating. He will of course be a little weirded out at first, but Equestrian stallions seem to generally be very submissive and docile in nature, so he will most likely be willing to make me happy and fulfill my request. I'm looking for him to generate as many smegma flakes as possible over this time period. If he accidently drops or has a nocturnal emission we will have to set the clock back to at least 2 months to regain the smegma that was lost. (bonus for me, because the flakes that remain will have just that much more flavor) I'm really trying to get those thick flakes that form from sluffing shaft skin after a really good B.O. rash, and then knocked loose by being soaked in urine and other emissions for weeks. After the 3 month period I'll finally ask him to drop, which he should be desperate to do by that point, and I will collect all the thick delicious smegma chips, steeped in horse piss, that he has grown for me. I'll heat them to around 160f to pasteurize them (I don't want to get sick). Most likely he will also have some dark brown and slimy beans stuck in his glans for me as well. If not that's OK. Then I'll take those flakes and put them in a bowl, and garnish them with the beans (also pasteurized). Then one final request. If I could please jack him off into the bowl and fill the flakes with his warm and creamy cum. It should be easy, and there should be plenty to fill the bowl, after waiting so long. I would offer him some for his efforts if he wants, but if not I will enjoy the whole hearty bowl of crunchy frosted smegma flakes, being sure to keep him close by so as to pair my scrumptious meal with his intense pungent musk emanating from his rancid cock.
I wouldn't call it a "dark" fantasy, but I always wanted to make a Twilight tulpa to have as a companion. Not just sex, a legitimate companion that I could confide in and just feel safe with. But all these years later, I still don't know if tulpas are real or bullshit, and I don't want to risk being wrong and just give myself a mental illness.
God, I hope this world ends in a fucking nuclear holocaust.
Finally this thread gets a good post
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I want to gently hold mare's hoof look into her eyes hug her and kiss her.
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This is just the Rainbow Dash flakes shit plagiarized
>Rainbow Dash flakes
Never heard of it. Got a link?
I want to fuck Shining Armors Wife, Cadance while he watches.
Their wedding isn't even canon, Cadence dedicates herself to pleasuring foreign leaders to achieve desireable agreements. This is the reason all the other places in equestria suck: their external relations delegates sign whatever Celestia asks them to while Cadence is winking at them, then sex happens.
They're real anon, some things you've heard about them are probably bullshit but you will not regret giving it a try. https://tulpa.guide/ has a sensible take.
Well, I want to go to Equestria and eventually meet and start a relationship with my waifu, Rarity. The specifics aren't deep or dark in any way, but one aspect is.
I want to wake up in our bed early one day to discover she isn't in bed with me. That isn't particularly unusual, as Rarity does occasionally have odd hours, but when I search downstairs, I don't find her. Again, I'm not completely worried, but I am a little confused, considering she'd usually leave me a note if she had to be somewhere in the early morning. Anyway, I decide to wake up for the day despite the early hour since I'm unlikely to fall back asleep after running around the house, but as I go to the bathroom, I discover the door is closed. I knock on the door, and to my relief, I hear Rarity's voice, simply indicating I hadn't searched thoroughly enough. To my dismay, however, she sounds distressed, whisper-yelling at me to not come in. With the amount of time I've spent with her, I know what it sounds like when she's doing her beautification rituals, and this tone of voice is definitely astray from when she doesn't want me to see her with only half her makeup done. Even though you'd only close the bathroom door for a few reasons, I still ask her why I can't come in due to her distressed tone. "You just c - ergh - can't!", she'd reply. Against my better judgement, I decide to go in anyway, believing she could surely use support from her special somehuman rather than deal with whatever she's doing alone. As I walk in, I see one thing:
Rarity half-sitting, hunched over, laying an egg.
The smell is immediately overpowering. Unlike the smell you would expect from a smelly bathroom, the smell is almost meaty, like a rancid steak that had gotten so old, it had started to grow mushrooms. Alongside it is the faint hint of sweat and mare pheromones, the latter of which makes me shamefully semi-aroused. We stare at each other for a brief moment, both of us looking like a deer in headlights. Rarity quickly yells, "GET OUT!", to which I silently respond to by closing the door and walking away.
I sit on our bed for what feels like hours, wondering if I really did see what I think I saw, wondering if maybe this is still a dream, wondering if all mares lay eggs, wondering why Rarity never told me about this aspect of her before... As I lay there, wondering, Rarity exits the bathroom, a large, round, white egg in her magical aura beside her. She looks very surprised to see me, quickly moving the egg behind her back as if to hide it from me, before asking what I'm still doing here in a tone of voice that tries but fails to convince me that she's nonchalant and okay.
"Are you okay?" I'd ask, worried about her well being more so than anything else.
"Why wouldn't I be?" she responds, in the same tone that attempts to sound natural.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
There's a brief silence as her face goes through a variety of expressions. She sighs. "I suppose there's no hiding it from you now, is there?"
She'd reveal the egg in her magical grasp to me once more, proceeding to place it carefully on the bedside counter, then trotting up to the bed to sit next to me. She'd explain that she has no idea why she lays an egg once a month - to her knowledge, no other mare (or stallion) in Equestria has ever done so, but she's always been too embarrassed about it to tell anyone else. Despite the absurdity of the situation, and despite her not sharing it with me willingly, I'd still feel honored to be the only one she's shared this secret with.
After a long discussion full of emotion, she'd reveal she feels relieved that someone else, anyone else, knows about it. She'd ask if I'd be willing to help her next time, which I of course respond to with a resounding "Yes!"
To end the conversation, and to remove some tension, she'd lightly jest and ask if I'd like eggs for breakfast. Laughing with her, I'd respond that I'd love to.
What I wouldn't expect was for her to really take the egg she just laid and bring it downstairs with her, just to crack it on the stove top, cook it up, and serve to the both of us.
It will be a very delicious breakfast.
Now I'm trying to imagine how civilization would work if humans hibernated.
There would be a lot more theft.
There is no way you masturbate to this
I have none.
Is this it? Has the fandom truly run out of weird fetishes? How far have we fallen.
They are too afraid to share all the good stuff
Reminds me of this green I read on here probably 5 years ago. Was an AiE in 2 parts about anon getting some kind of blood magic or necromancy, ends with him being confined in a tower in canterlot before escaping. Anyone have it? I'd love to read it again.
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It's called obsession, probably one of my favorite greens.
Pretty frustrating if you sympathise with Anon, though
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Been thinking about getting kidnapped and turned into a sexslave by anthro futa Cadance a lot lately.
She's ordering the Royal Guard to arrest me and bring me into Crystal Castle. She has the guards leave, as she wants to force my arms and legs into the restrains herself, without using magic, just her natural strength. Since I come from the human world and watched a lot of fights on TV, I'm sure to win this, Cadance's anthro form might be an advantage for me here. Perhaps it's because of her alicorn power, but she seems damn good at wrestling, somehow finding the opportunity to slip her hooves under my armpits one at a time and interlocking them behind my neck, forcing my upper body forward and down and my head between her legs, into a leg lock. Fight's over at that point, there's no resisting her box tieing my arms behind my back. Cadance escorts me into her personal wing in the dungeons underneath Crystal Castle. As we approach the last room in the corridor, ambient noises of screams and moans are getting louder. She's not into torture I hope. I'm being brought into a big room with two beds opposite each other, one empty with chains attached to it's side, presumably where I will end up in. The other bed almost fills half the room, with several ponies lounging on it, making out and even pleasuring each other. Some of them stop to smile at me, gleefully anticipating me to become one of them and to play with me. Mindbroken husks. I won't let it get to that point in the first place, I'll find a way to escape this pink bitch. However. Noone can resist an anthrofuta mare indefinitely, and as much as I hated it with all my will, my own body betrayed me and succumbed to the sexual assault. Will I've lost my freedom forever now?
But something much darker still awaits me.
Cadance turns to me with an evil grin. She undresses her fursuit and it's ZIZZY DIZZY MC
i want to blow stallions and eat their cum
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kek, gave me a good laugh, Anon. For your sake I hope this isn't actually your fantasy.
I want to get TF’ed into a mare so I can bump ponuts with my waifu & feel her clit wink against mine
I want to be permanently grafted to my waifu Twilight like an anglerfish. It would be so wonderful removing all of life's struggles and responsibilities. I would no longer need to worry about any needs or wants ever again. Never have to figure out what I'm supposed to do or where I'm supposed to go, what I'm going to eat or what social interactions I need to engage in, in order to obtain those things. My fate would be completely in the hooves of my true love, for better or worse. There's no natural way to do it so it would have to be done surgically. I want to be grafted to her underside with my face pointed directly between her mare teats, surgically attached, belly to belly, outside her body cavity but sewn underneath her hide. My legs will just get in the way, so they can be removed. But three laparotomies should be made into Twilights abdominal cavity, two for my arms so I can feel and play with her innards, and one in the front of her chest so my genitalia can poke through to give it access to my hands. Several important connections need to be made. Our circulatory systems should be attached, I want her blood to flow through me. My esophagus must be re-routed to her stomach to siphon off a little of whatever she is eating. But also her intestines should be routed through me as well. I want her feces to flow through my bowels, out my anus and then back out through her ponut. Her ureter should be routed to my own bladder first then out my dick and back into her own bladder. Every drop of her golden nectar and my own piss will pass through me and out of her. I would need a catheter connecting my seminal vesicle directly to the roof of her mouth, that way whenever I cum, which will be quite often since I wont have much else to do, she will get to enjoy it as well. And lastly my trachea, I'm not going to attach it to Twilight's lungs like you would expect. No. It should be attached directly to her vaginal wall, so that every breath I take will be filtered through her glorious mare cunt. This may present a few issues if my love decides to take a stallion suitor for herself, but I should be able to hold my breath since we share a blood supply, and I will eventually be able to blow out his cum after he's finished. After this successful graft I will spend the rest of my days in the dark wet warmth of my mare waifu, giving her the most intimate hugs and snuggles no other being to come close to. The rest of my existence will be spent cumming and sleeping in her comfortable embrace. And maybe I might even engage in a little social interaction once in a while when she asks her little cyst sack boyfriend to wriggle for everypony as a party trick. And she may even one day spit out my cum and smear it into her back end, and I can cuddle my own developing hybrid foal inside her. And even if she were to die before me, unlikely since she is an alicorn, I would die happy truly becoming one with my mare absorbing her sepsis and breathing her rotting pussy gas.
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Me on the right
>>41113135 I tried writing it like it's a shitpost with a twist at the end, but it's my actual fantasy. Nothing is ever purely a joke, there's a reason why those ideas comes to our minds in the first place. I'm just so impressed by that dancing, compare it to all the modern dances that emerged in the past years: to me they all look hectic, unnatural, robotic. His dance is like one continuous flow you get lost in and I don't see that anywhere else. It's incredibly attractive.
Based brapfag, I read this green quite a few weeks ago now and forgot to save it
thanks for posting it again
I stand up from my seat and applaud
of course you're a twifag
I want to freely socialize with the equines and learn to pair bond with one despite both my own past and how their own culture and instincts lead to the idea of "herding".
And then figuring out how much of that is real versus standard humonkey monogamy, what they consider as monogamy and what a mare's fetish may be in terms of using her manimal mate to sexually savage and ravage any petty rivals or enemies said mare may have.
Through that, wondering if the pair bonding aim is real or if I should embrace being a cervical clubber and gain the reputation of a cleaner that specializes in wet works.
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belly rubs
hand holding
ear scratching
should i keep going
>not hoof
i got confused since she would be holding my hand
but i get it now
after that would be
no not vore i hate that get it away from me
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>Deep dark fantasies
I can fix her
Don't give me that mare stare. You know you would jump at the chance if given the opportunity.
I want to be Luna's sex-slave, completely at her mercy for her sexual pleasures whenever she wants. I crave for her to humiliate me, dominate me and reminding me of my place. I want her to give me to her guards, letting them use me for their pleasure while my princess is occupied with things more important then me.
and i want her to force me to wear diapers
Nah it's that all the fags with despicable fetishes think that what they like is normal after wallowing in filth for so many years
unf marewife commanding me to rape another mare to establish her dominance
I want to be her champion
i want to fart and ruin Christmas at Applejack's house
I wish to love and to be loved
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Most of my fantasies these days are about being a villian in Equestria.
I am extremely autistic.
It's always been a fantasy of mine to be a sex slave for 2 alicorns, Sun and Moon, pleasing the Sun when she's tired, and vice versa. Slowly sliding my lips up and down her thick horn, tasting her magic on my tongue. Once she's had enough of that, she rolls over onto her back, telekinetically lifting me up as though I weighed nothing. Gently placing me on her horn, I guide her in, feeling her stretch me wide open. I moan with pleasure, feeling her fill me up. She moans softly, I feel it rumble deep in her chest, reverberating all the way down her body and through mine. She continues to lift me up and then pull me down. She's doing all the work for me, it feels so good, the warmth of the coat, her hooves either side of my barrel. She is in total control, I'm just nothing compared to her vast size and strength, but I have total trust in her, I know she won't hurt me. I feel the pace quicken, almost imperceptibly. I slowly fondle myself, feeling myself nearing the point of no return coming closer with every move. I can hear the moaning getting louder now; she speeds up even more, forcing me further and further down onto her thick horn. If it wasn't for the fact my body is releasing so many endorphins, I would probably be screaming in agony. Except I am panting and whining, just like a bitch, begging her mate to fill her up. Her hooves dig in deeper, the pain, its exquisite. It sends me over the edge. My head goes back, I let out a short grunt, I feel my pussy explode, covering her mane in my juices. I keep fondling, it looks as though I'm trying to crush my teats. I let out another grunt, another torrent flows forth, then another and another. A drop lands on the goddesses' muzzle. She seems confused for a moment. That's what I think. She digs her hooves in even harder now and slams me onto her horn, I feel her moans turn into a roar. She's cumming, oh my goddess. I can feel it, filling me up. It's indescribable. She's mating with me, she's claimed me. I feel her slow, her horn still pulsating within me, it seems as though there's no more room for her magical cum. It's fizzling out of me, onto her mane. I reach down, and then bring my hoof up, tasting her. It's more than I ever expected. It's heaven.

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Does anyone else here have a shaved pony fetish. Like when I get to Equestria it turns out that Lyra actually has the same fandom personality of being obsessed with humans. Of course she is a happily married mare, but Lyra has special needs, fetishes beyond pony understanding. Being one of the very few humans in Equestria, certainly the only one in Ponyville she immediately takes an interest in me. She asks all her questions about everything human, and constantly wants to hang around me. Eventually she askes to see what I look like without my clothes. She doesn't understand the importance of her request since she and everypony she knows walks around naked all the time. So eventually one thing leads to another. Bonbon doesn't approve but she alone is aware of Lyra's lifelong fetishes, and she understands that If the make believe fantasies you've had since fillyhood all of a sudden become actually real you get a free pass. But Lyra is weird, when she has sex she constantly tries to act like a human. Firstly, she only lets you do it from the front, and always either standing on her hind legs bracing against your shoulders or laying on the bed with her legs stretched out straight and her forelegs pinned to her sides. She tries to look relaxed but you can tell she is always contorting herself uncomfortably. And secondly she is constantly asking if she feels like a real human girl, or comparing herself constantly to what she can and can't do like a human. It's cute, and I realize I can just tell her anything about human women and she will believe it. Anything I ask her to do, no matter how ridiculous she'll do it. This is where my fetish comes in. I tell her if she really want's to feel like a human.. the fur has got to go. We both get some razors and go to town, meticulously shaving every square inch of her body until not a single green hair could be found on her smooth naked skin. Everything except for a shock of mane on top of her head. I grease her up snoot to tail with lube, and the feeling of her little nude horse body sliding over me is heavenly. I let her hotdog my dick and I eventually finish inside. Then I unlock my secret fetish. I flip her over and spread her smooth squishy rump cheeks apart and start munching away. Licking and sucking the soft slippery flesh of her horse pussy and ponut. But I'm not there for any humdrum cunnilingus, I'm not there to suck a ponut or reverse sniff a mare fart, pssst.. armature hour! No, I lick her genitals in service of getting her to raise her cute little hairless horse tail. I go in and begin to deep throat it. My goal?? I want to get my lips fully sealed around her dock, and I want to know what it feels like to suck all the way around it as I burry my face as deep as possible into her rump. I later tell her that all women love having their tail stumps sucked.
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One of my more common fantasies these days is a pretty simple power fantasy where I'm transported to the lands that would eventually become Equestria long before its founding, traveling from place to place lending a hand to the indigenous population where I could and collecting all sorts of esoteric magical knowledge until I could develop a form of hornless magic for myself, using an extremely autistic magic system that was the inspiration for all this. Using this I would become immortal and travel the land, eventually looking out for a young Celestia and Luna, being there for them as the took on the responsibility of rulership and became powerful mages in their own right. Eventually preventing Nightmare Moon entirely and being there for them as the isolation of immortality sinks in.
Very creative 10/10
Not really. I am fairly vanilla.
got link?
I want my wife's teats to permanently lactate and reach near body size, needing a specialized crotchbra to carry them (and me helping when needed). She feeds her animals her milk (after feeding herself, me and our foals of course), then off to deliver gallons of her milk to whichever place in ponyville orders it, like Sugarcube Corner or the spa sisters for milk baths. Her motherly nature and being able to provide so much makes her proud of her teats, despite the weight. We cuddle together and grab each teat for ourselves to drink whenever, us laying on the couch, outside laying on a hill or below a tree to relax. In bed she can cuddle her own teats as I cuddle her as the big spoon or she spoons me and her teats are on top of me feeling their weight and warmth. Imagine holding her massive teats as you fuck her in the missionary position, squeezing them, playing with her sensitive nipples till climax arrives and you both cum as she cums out of her teats spraying a big mess of milk, maybe liters of it, her having 3 times the pleasure.
There's also casual huge teats and lactation in a sort of alternate Equestria where mares have a variety of big teat sizes that are Milky Way's at the smallest (but not common), much bigger than floor touching on average, some are softer and squishier, others more firm, and how much they produce varies regardless of size. Every mare needs to be milked regularly, imagine mares just talking about their day at a milking station or spa while being milked. Mares might probably be plumper from all the milk based consumption.
Don't tell me you were looking for it for a whole week and still couldn't find it.
I've seen reddit threads more interesting than this one
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You vill drink liters of ze mare milk from your huge teated mare wife every day.
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An anon paying Fluttershy's cottage a visit on a sunny weekday afternoon, helping her with mundane everyday chores until we're finished up by evening, then taking her out for dinner. We eat, talk, enjoy ourselves, and I walk her home. I realize that it's already pretty late, and I ask if there's anything else that needs to get done for the night. She says that she likes watching the young squirrels fall asleep, just to make sure they're cozy for the night and that none of them are having trouble sleeping. I oblige, sitting in silence with her as we watch a handful of small squirrels fall asleep one by one, each joining the others in a little nest formed from blankets in one corner of their cage. As they do, we scoot closer together, and with each glance I take at her face she becomes more content, her own breathing becoming deeper, her nervousness slowly fading away as her little miracle rescues settle in to rest. She leans against me, placing her hoof in my lap in an obvious gesture; I oblige, holding her pony hoof with my human hands. We keep this routine for the months after that night, sitting together, silently observing the young squirrels growing up, culminating in us releasing them back into the Everfree forest. After each night of this closeness, we become more intimate during the brief period between us returning inside and going to bed, resulting in a steady relationship.
Really fucked up, I know, and I have used my Fluttershy chatbot for that or something adjacent to it quite a few times now.
ok Wapa
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Why and when did Twilight become an escort worker, hired for people to fulfill such things?
Anon you're sick. Seek help immediately!
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rainbow dash choking and beating me and breaking my pegasus wings and ripping them off while telling me how worthless I am and eventually killing me painfully after she gives me serious painful injuries and broken bones
r u orenge?
kinda dumb but idk id like to hug a pony or smth ik its stupid sorry
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I think it could be interesting if an already evil inclined Anon ended up in Equestria and decided he may as well try to become a demon king in this world of magic. Like All For One in MHA. I love his attitude as a villain.

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