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/p/ - Photography

Displaying 11 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
4287253infojd.ru: This is from infojd.ru. Sergei Bolashenko took down the site after Russian zoomers mocked…[View]
4299702New camera. What to get first?: After moving and bringing out my old D3200 I got handed down back in…[View]
4298813give me the rawest most underground real nigga shit on photography composition or are you all gear a…[View]
4293380500px alternatives?: Just realized that people who don't have an account on 500px get to see th…[View]
4296950Is this the greatest photographic achievement in human history? I can't possibly imagine what i…[View]
4297727Recent Photos: Traveling through various cities in Mexico, I took these photos with my Canon EOS 100…[View]
4295542How would this soft frontal light on the model be achieved in a photo taken in the middle of a sunny…[View]
4246297Pictures from Japan - August 2023: Hey people, I've finally gone around to sort the pictures fr…[View]
429935235mm Volume Sellers: ITT: Cameras they sold too damn many of to ever truly be easily price gouged, t…[View]
4292264About my exhibition: It seems to me that connections are more important than the work, the context i…[View]
4289405Anyone here shoot autofocus 35mm Cameras? They're not fashionable yet, even the Maxxums with d…[View]

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